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Abbreviations Key
- AR = Avifaunal Reserve
- BR = Biosphere Reserve
- BiR = Bird Reserve
- BS = Bird Sanctuary
- BG = Botanical Garden
- CA = Conservation Area
- CP = County Park
- CvP = Conservation Park
- EBA = Endemic Bird Area
- ER = Ecological Reserve
- FP = Forest Park
- FR = Forest Reserve
- GR = Game Reserve
- IBA = Important Bird Area
- IPP = Interprovincial Park
- IR = Island Reserve
- LNR = Local Nature Reserve
- MBS = Migratory Bird Sanctuary
- MFP = Mountain Forest Park
- MIR = Mainland Island Reserve
- MNM = Marine National Monument
- MP = Marine Park
- MWR = Migratory Waterfowl Refuge
- NA = Natural Area
- NAR = Natural Area Reserve
- NBCA = National Biodiversity Conservation Area
- NBS = National Bird Sanctuary
- NC = Nature Center
- NCA = National Conservation Area
- NERR = National Esturine Research Reserve
- NF = National Forest
- NFP = National Forest Park
- NMS = National Marine Sanctuary
- NNR = National Nature Reserve
- NP = National Park
- NPa = Nature Park
- NPR = National Park Preserve
- NPr = Nature Preserve
- NR = Nature Reserve
- NRA = National Recreation Area
- NRCA = Natural Resources Conservation Area
- NS = Nature Sanctuary
- NTGP = National Tallgrass Prairie
- NWA = National Wildlife Area
- NWR = National Wildlife Refuge
- PA = Protected Area
- PNR = Parc Naturel Régional (Regional Natural Park)
- PP = Provincial Park
- RCS = RAMSAR Convention Site
- RNP = Regional Nature Park
- RPPN = Private Natural Heritage Reserve
- RSPB = Royal Society for the Protection of Birds Reserve
- SF = State Forest
- SNR = Strict Nature Reserve
- SeNR = State Nature Reserve
- SP = State Park
- SPA = Special Protection Area
- SeR = Seabird Reserve
- SR = State Reserve
- SSS = State Seabird Sanctuary
- SWA = State Wildlife Area
- SWMA = State Wildlife Management Area
- SWR = State Wildlife Refuge
- SWS = State Wildlife Sanctuary
- TP = Transfrontier Park
- TR = Tiger Reserve
- WA = Wildlife Area
- WBR = World Biosphere Reserve
- WII = Wetland of International Importance
- WMA = Wildlife Management Area
- WRw = Wildfowl Reserve
- WRf = Wildlife Refuge
- WRs = Wildlife Reserve
- WP = Waterfowl Park
- WiP = Wilderness Park
- WiRv = Wilderness Reserve
- WeRv = Wetland Reserve
- WS = Wildlife Sanctuary
- WeS = Wetland Sanctuary
- WoS = Woodland Sanctuary
- WWT = Wildfowl & Wetlands Reserve
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