Songs About Birds By Ronnie Haar | +16 pages, colour & b/w illustrations | Audio CD

Description: Ronnie Haar is a singer songwriter with a passion for birdwatching and the rich tapestry of nature. ‘Songs about Birds’ is an album of 12 original songs inspired by birds and birdwatching, available in physical format with a 16 page booklet featuring artwork and lyrics from It is also available in digital format from iTunes and Amazon.

His collection of songs is an album of original songs inspired by birds and birdwatching. Twelve songs about twelve different birds, in a folky, singer-songwriter style, nice and easy on the ear.

 Songs About Birds captures the beauty, landscapes and emotions associated with the birds, based on Ronnie’s many years spend out in the field. All of the songs except one relate to birds regularly seen or breeding in Britain. At a time when many of our species are in decline, this album celebrates the wonder of birds and reminds us of the beauty that’s all around us and which we should surely strive to preserve. You don’t have to be a bird lover to enjoy these songs but they might just inspire you to look more closely at the blackbird on the lawn or to listen more closely to its song.

 The Songwriter:

Ronnie Haar says of himself: I’ve been birdwatching for over 25 years now, and have been a member of the RSPB for most of that period. Some of my birding highlights came while working as a volunteer warden at RSPB Dungeness. It was a particularly cold winter, and all of the pools were frozen, allowing fantastic views of bitterns and water rail which were forced to venture out onto the ice in search of food.

Most of my birding has been centred on south-east England, along the coasts of Kent and Sussex, awash with waders in the winter, or among the wonderful heaths of Surrey, watching hobbies hawking for dragonflies. My European birding has taken me to the wilderness areas of Spain, watching bustards on the steppe of Extremadura, and wallcreepers in the Boca del Infierno in the Spanish Pyrenees. However, the main highlight of my birding life came at the ripe old age of 48 when I ventured beyond Europe for the first time. Realising a childhood dream inspired by a David Attenborough documentary I’d seen as a member of the XYZ Club at London Zoo, I ventured into the Costa Rican rainforest and saw my first hummingbirds, on a tour lead by the brilliant and aptly named Steve Bird, now with Zoothera Birding. I was like a child in a sweetshop! A few years later, drawn back to see more, I gazed in amazement at the iridescent wonder of the violet-tailed sylph hummingbird in Ecuador…

Review Round-up: ‘Will make you take a closer look at the wildlife around you’
(Birdwatching Magazine Dec. 2012).

Songs about Birds by Ronnie Haar is an album you will find yourself reaching for when you want your spirits refreshed. Light, haunting melodies with uplifting folky rhythms and lyrics that take you with them to snowy forests and reedy marshes! This man really loves his birds.
(4.0 out of 5 stars Mad about Birds 17 Dec 2012)

Fatbirder November 2013

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