State of New Hampshire

New Hampshire is a state in the New England region of the Northeastern United States. It borders Massachusetts to the south, Vermont to the west, Maine and the Gulf of Maine to the east, and the Canadian province of Quebec to the north. It is the eighth-smallest US state by land area covering just over 24,000 km2 (9,350 square miles) and the tenth-least populous, with a population of less than 1.5 million residents. Concord is the state capital and Manchester is the most populous city with c.115,000 people. New Hampshire’s motto, ‘Live Free or Die’, reflects its role in the American Revolutionary War; its nickname, ‘The Granite State’, refers to its extensive granite formations and quarries. It is well known nationwide for holding the first primary (after the Iowa caucus) in the US presidential election cycle, and for its resulting influence on American electoral politics.
New Hampshire’s major regions are the Great North Woods, the White Mountains, the Lakes Region, the Seacoast, the Merrimack Valley, the Monadnock Region, and the Dartmouth-Lake Sunapee area. New Hampshire has the shortest ocean coastline of any US coastal state, with a length of less than 30 km by any measure.
The White Mountains range spans the north-central portion of the state. The range includes Mount Washington, the tallest in the northeastern US, site of the second-highest wind speed ever recorded, as well as Mount Adams and Mount Jefferson. With hurricane-force winds every third day on average, more than a hundred recorded deaths among visitors, and conspicuous krumholtz (dwarf, matted trees much like a carpet of bonsai trees), the climate on the upper reaches of Mount Washington has inspired the weather observatory on the peak to claim that the area has the “World’s Worst Weather”/ In southwestern New Hampshire, the landmark Mount Monadnock has given its name to a class of earth-forms for any isolated resistant peak rising from a less resistant eroded plain.
Mount Washington – ©Harvey Barrison CC BY-SA 2.0 via Wikimedia Commons
The state has more than 800 lakes and ponds, and approximately 31,000 kilometres of rivers and streams. Major rivers include the 177 km Merrimack River, which bisects the lower half of the state north–south before passing into Massachusetts and reaching the sea in Newburyport. Its tributaries include the Contoocook River, Pemigewasset River, and Winnipesaukee River. The 660 km Connecticut River, which starts at New Hampshire’s Connecticut Lakes and flows south to Connecticut, defines the western border with Vermont. The state border is not in the center of that river, as is usually the case, but at the low-water mark on the Vermont side; meaning the entire river along the Vermont border (save for areas where the water level has been raised by a dam) lies within New Hampshire. The ‘northwesternmost headwaters’ of the Connecticut also define part of the Canada-US border. The Piscataqua River and its several tributaries form the state’s only significant ocean port where they flow into the Atlantic at Portsmouth. The Salmon Falls River and the Piscataqua define the southern portion of the border with Maine. The largest of New Hampshire’s lakes is Lake Winnipesaukee, which covers 184 km2 in the east-central part of New Hampshire. Umbagog Lake along the Maine border is a distant second. Squam Lake is the second largest lake entirely in New Hampshire. About 11 km offshore are the Isles of Shoals, nine small islands (four of which are in New Hampshire); the alleged location of one of the buried treasures of the pirate Blackbeard.
New Hampshire Forest in Autumn – ©Someone35 CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons
New Hampshire has the highest percentage of timberland area in the country. Being in the temperate broadleaf and mixed forests biome. Much of the state, in particular the White Mountains, is covered by the conifers and northern hardwoods of the New England-Acadian forests. The southeast corner of the state and parts of the Connecticut River along the Vermont border are covered by the mixed oaks of the Northeastern coastal forests. The state’s numerous forests are popular among autumnal leaf peepers seeking the brilliant foliage of the numerous deciduous trees. The northern third of the state contains less than 5% of the state’s population, suffers relatively high poverty, and is steadily losing population as the logging and paper industries decline.
New Hampshire has a humid continental climate in some southern areas, but subarctic in some northern highland areas, with warm, humid summers, and long, cold, and snowy winters. Precipitation is fairly evenly distributed all year. The climate of the southeastern portion is moderated by the Atlantic Ocean and averages relatively milder winters (for New Hampshire), while the northern and interior portions experience colder temperatures and lower humidity. Winters are cold and snowy throughout the state, and especially severe in the northern and mountainous areas.
Black bears, white-tailed deer, and moose can be found all over New Hampshire. There are also less-common animals such as the marten and the Canadian lynx.
Birding New Hampshire
New Hampshire, in the northeastern corner of the US is heavily forested, with rolling hills and rugged mountains. From the Atlantic seacoast to the White Mountain National Forest to the northern boreal forests, New Hampshire has many easily-accessible birding areas and a wealth of public lands. This diversity of habitat also provides for a great diversity of bird species. Over 400 species of birds have been recorded in the state. The following sections highlight the most productive birding areas in the state:
Connecticut Lakes Region – The Connecticut Lakes Region in extreme northern New Hampshire, along the Canadian border provides year-round birding opportunities, but is most hospitable during summer. Numerous logging roads provide access to the prime boreal birding areas. Species to expect include year-round Spruce Grouse, Black-backed Woodpecker, Grey Jay and Boreal Chickadee; plus summer-time Olive-sided, Yellow-bellied and Alder Flycatchers, Bay-breasted, Blackpoll and Mourning Warblers, Lincoln’s Sparrow, and Rusty Blackbird. This is another area to expect winter finches. Moose are numerous, and the sharp-eyed observer should see Snowshoe Hare.
First Connecticut Lake – ©Dmoore5556 CC BY-SA 4.0 via Wikimedia Commons
Seacoast Region – The seacoast region provides excellent birding opportunities year-round. In spring and fall be sure to visit Odiorne Point State Park in Rye for migrant warblers and other songbirds. In fall plan to arrive at Seabrook Harbour at low tide for the shorebird show. During winter scope the offshore waters for sea ducks and alcids and check open grassy areas for Snowy Owls, Horned (Shore) Larks, Lapland Longspurs, and Snow Buntings. Fall storms with east winds provide an excellent opportunity to see pelagic birds from the shore at Ragged Neck or Pulpit Rock. Offshore trips depart from Seabrook, Hampton, and Rye during the summer and fall.
White Mountain National Forest – The White Mountain National Forest is well worth a visit from spring through fall; or even in winter if you seek to find winter finches (Pine Grosbeak, both crossbills, Pine Siskins and Evening Grosbeaks). Bicknell’s Thrush is a highly sought-after target bird. The most accessible locations for this species include the following. Take the aerial tramway to the top of Mount Cannon from Franconia Notch State Park. Hike up the Caps Ridge Trail from Jefferson Notch which starts out at an elevation of 3,000 feet. Drive your car up Mount Washington from US Route 16 in Pinkham Notch. You should also find a diverse selection of boreal birds in these areas. Peregrine Falcons nest on cliffs in Franconia and Crawford Notches.
Pawtuckaway State Park – Pawtuckaway State Park affords good birding during spring, summer and fall. This large, and relatively undeveloped park, in southeastern New Hampshire attracts a curious blend of both northern and southern species. Access the undeveloped part of the park from Reservation Road off State Route 107 in Deerfield and follow signs towards the lookout tower. Specialties to look for include Common Raven, Winter Wren, Blackburnian Warbler, Purple Finch and Evening Grosbeaks; plus Yellow-throated Vireo, Blue-grey Gnatcatcher, Cerulean Warbler and Louisiana Waterthrush.
New Hampshire is easily accessible by air from Boston’s Logan International airport or Manchester municipal airport. Whether you have just a few days or more than a week there are ample birding opportunities.
Connecticut Lakes Region
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Pawtuckaway State Park
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Seacoast Region
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White Mountain National Forest
WebpageSatellite View
Number of bird species: 432
(As at November 2024)State Bird: Purple Finch Carpodacus purpureus
PDF ChecklistThis checklist includes all bird species found in New Hampshire , based on the best information available at this time. It is based on a wide variety of sources that I collated over many years. I am pleased to offer these checklists as a service to birdwatchers. If you find any error, please do not hesitate to report them. -
New Hampshire Rare Birds Committee (NHRBC)
PDF Checklist AnnotatedThe New Hampshire Rare Birds Committee reviews sightings of rarities to maintain accuracy and scientific integrity of the state’s historic records. It is independent of New Hampshire Audubon and New Hampshire Bird Records. -
Annotated ListThis list of birds of New Hampshire includes species documented in the U.S. state of New Hampshire and accepted by New Hampshire Rare Bird Committee (NHRBC) and New Hampshire Audubon (NHA).[1] As of February 2021, the list contained 425 species -
PDF ChecklistThis checklist is generated with data from eBird (, a global database of bird sightings from birders like you. If you enjoy this checklist, please consider contributing your sightings to eBird. It is 100% free to take part, and your observations will help support birders, researchers, and conservationists worldwide.
Birder's Guide to New Hampshire
| Edited by Alan Delorey | ABA | 1996 | Spiralbound | 222 pages, B/w photos, maps | Out of Print | ISBN: 9781878788115 Buy this book from -
Birds of New Hampshire & Vermont Field Guide
| By Stan Tekiela | Adventure Publications | 2016 | Paperback | 340 pages, colour photos, colour distribution maps | ISBN: 9781591936404 Buy this book from -
Birdwatching in New Hampshire
| By Eric A Masterson | University Press of New England | 2013 | Paperback | 217 pages, colour photos, colour maps | ISBN: 9781584659860 Buy this book from -
The Birds of New Hampshire
| By Allan R Keith & Robert P Fox | Nuttall Ornithological Club | 2013 | Hardback | 473 pages, b/w illustrations, 1 b/w map | ISBN: 9781877973475 Buy this book from
Harris Center
Observatory WebsiteSatellite ViewFor many, birds serve as an entry point into the natural world, yet much remains unknown about their lives and conservation needs. Harris Center biologists are tracking raptor migrations, banding owls, building nest boxes, and more — all in an effort to better understand and protect our feathered friends. -
Pack Monadnock Raptor Observatory
Observatory WebsiteSatellite ViewThe fall hawk migration is one of the great wonders of the natural world, and we are fortunate to have one of New England’s best spots for watching the migration right here in our backyard: the Pack Monadnock Raptor Observatory, which has been collecting hawk migration data from the summit of Pack Monadnock in Miller State Park in Peterborough since 2005.
Southern New Hampshire University
WebsiteUse this Library Research Guide to find resources in Ornithology - scholarly articles and books, websites, and more. Topics include bird watching and identification, bird conservation, avian diseases and pathology, research and writing tips -
University of New Hampshire
WebsiteZOOL 542 (02) - Ornithology
Ammonoosuc Chapter of New Hampshire Audubon
Facebook PageMeetings are held the third Wednesday of September, October, November, January, February, March and April at 7 PM at the Rocks Estate in Bethlehem, NH. Meetings are free and open to the public. The Chapter maintains the Scotland Brook Sanctuary in Landaff and assists at the Pondicherry NWR in Jefferson and Whitefield… -
Capital Area Chapter of NH Audubon
InformationThe Capital Area Chapter (CAC); established in 1982, is the Society's largest chapter (about 1400 members); its area in the south-central portion of the State includes Concord and 22 surrounding towns, including at least one town in each of five of the State's ten counties. -
Lakes Region Chapter of New Hampshire Audubon
WebsiteWelcome to the Lakes Region Chapter of New Hampshire Audubon. We are a group of committed volunteers who help bring the Audubon mission into Carroll County, Belknap County and beyond. All of our activities are open to members and nonmembers alike. We offer free monthly programs held at The Loon Center in Moultonborough, NH. In a comfortable, informal setting local experts share stories and information about birds, animals, weather, the environment, and all things nature. For more information on our programs held on the third Thursday evening of the month, follow this blog. The upcoming program will be at the top of the page. -
Loon Preservation Society
WebsiteLPC’s mission is to restore and maintain a healthy population of loons throughout New Hampshire; to monitor the health and productivity of loon populations as sentinels of environmental quality; and to promote a greater understanding of loons and the larger natural world. -
Mascoma Chapter of New Hampshire Audubon
WebsiteWe're the Upper (Connecticut River) Valley chapter of the New Hampshire Audubon Society (ASNH). In our chapter's case, the New Hampshire is a bit deceptive, since many of our members are from Vermont! Just to clear up possible confusion, ASNH is not affiliated with the National Audubon Society, or for that matter the State of New Hampshire, but is a separate group that is local to New Hampshire… -
Nashaway Chapter of New Hampshire Audubon
WebsiteNashaway is one of the chapters of New Hampshire Audubon . We provide free-of-charge informative programs on birds, birding, and nature for residents of Nashua and surrounding communities. -
Nature Conservancy in New Hampshire
WebpageThe mission of The Nature Conservancy is to conserve the lands and waters on which all life depends. Since 1961, we've been working in New Hampshire to do just that. Together with partners, local landowners and the support of members like you, we have helped to protect more than 294,000 acres in the Granite State. -
New Hampshire Audubon
WebsiteNew Hampshire Audubon, a nonprofit statewide membership organization, is dedicated to the conservation of wildlife and habitat throughout the state. Independent of the National Audubon Society, NHA has offered programs in wildlife conservation, land protection, environmental policy, and environmental education since 1914… -
Seacoast Chapter of New Hampshire Audubon
WebsiteThe Seacoast Chapter of New Hampshire Audubon sponsors field trips, monthly programs, and runs special projects in the seacoast region of New Hampshire. We invite you to join in our activities and our programs. All of our activities are family-friendly and open to the general public and most are free!
*Protected areas of New Hampshire
InformationSatellite ViewInteractive list of arboreta, National Forests, Nature reserves etc, -
Audubon Society of New Hampshire Sanctuaries
InformationSatellite ViewNH Audubon owns and manages 38 wildlife sanctuaries throughout all 10 counties of New Hampshire. In addition, there are several other properties on which NH Audubon has a management agreement with another entity. These lands, covering over 8,000 acres of important wildlife habitat, provide opportunities for recreation, education, and aesthetic experiences. Three of our sanctuaries have associated nature centers, and many have interpretive trail guides and well-developed trail systems. A variety of wildlife management techniques are ongoing at our sanctuaries, and others are left to natural processes. Through habitat management, research, education, and continued land protection we are working to ensure that New Hampshire’s wildlife and natural heritage is protected for us all… -
BS Minot J Ross Memorial Bird Sanctuary
InformationSatellite ViewThe Minot J. Ross Bird Sanctuary is located close to the center of the Amherst village. This sanctuary consists of 12 acres given by Eleanor Ross in memory of her husband and an abutting 9 acres given to the residents of Amherst by Karl Norwood. It is a natural wetland with access at Thorton's Ferry I Road. The wetland continues to Route 101. Birdhouses and a viewing platform have been erected there… -
BS Silk Farm Sanctuary
WebpageSatellite ViewThe Silk Farm Audubon Center is Audubon's longest established center. In addition to being a program center, the building is also home to the statewide operations of Audubon. The Silk Farm Audubon Center offers year-round environmental education programs for people of all ages through school and youth group programs, vacation camps during all school vacations, Saturday family programs, pre-school programs, programs for homeschool families, teacher workshops, and adult education workshops. The center also has exhibits, live animals, hiking trails, and a wonderful Nature Store with bird feeders, optics, bird seed, books, clothing, jewelry, gifts, and much more… -
NC Massabesic Audubon Center
Facebook PageSatellite ViewThe 5,000 square foot Massabesic Audubon Center is located on a historic farm site. The Center is just minutes from downtown Manchester and is bordered by 130 acres of rolling fields and mature deciduous forest with woodland wetlands, a pond, streams, and marshes. The site has been preserved as a wildlife sanctuary that encompasses a diverse array of upland habitats. There are more than five miles of trails that lead to scenic Lake Massabesic, and the property is adjacent to thousands of undeveloped acres of Manchester Water Works land… -
NC Newfound
InformationSatellite ViewLocated on the beautiful northern shore of Newfound Lake, the Newfound Audubon Center is comprised of three wildlife sanctuaries, the Paradise Point Nature Center, Ash Cottage at Hebron Marsh Sanctuary and the Bear Mountain Sanctuary. During the summer months, the Nature Center offers many programs for all ages, several interactive exhibits, live animal displays, and canoe and kayak rentals. With sanctuary trails open all year, there is always something to do… -
NC Prescott Farm Conservancy Center
WebsiteSatellite ViewPrescott Farm Audubon Center, ASNH's newest environmental education center, began offering programs in July of 1998. Through a partnership with a private family trust, Prescott Conservancy, Inc., Audubon manages this scenic and historic 160-acre family farmstead. Audubon operates Prescott Farm Audubon Center for the purposes of providing environmental education programming centered around land stewardship, using Prescott Farm as a demonstration area. -
NF White Mountain
WebpageSatellite ViewThe Forest's diversity of habitat provides a home for wildlife ranging from spotted salamanders to black bear and moose, with no fewer than 184 species of birds to boot… -
NR Pond Parish Town Forest
Facebook PageSatellite ViewOn the pond geese and ducks are frequent visitors, swimming around the beaver lodge. The transition buffer between the pond and upland is an active zone for small birds, residents and migrants. The observation deck is placed in this buffer… -
NWR Great Bay
InformationSatellite ViewA variety of rich wildlife habitats from uplands to open waters can be found throughout the refuge. -
NWR Umbagog
InformationSatellite ViewLocated in Coos County, New Hampshire and Oxford County, Maine, Umbagog National Wildlife Refuge is a northern treasure in the National Wildlife Refuge System. The diversity of exceptional habitats provides excellent breeding and foraging areas for migratory birds, endangered species, resident wildlife, and rare plants. The refuge protects over 25,650 acres (103.8 km2) of wetland and forested upland habitat along Umbagog Lake. About 70% of its area is in New Hampshire and 30% in Maine. -
NWR Wapack
InformationSatellite ViewWapack National Wildlife Refuge is a National Wildlife Refuge of the United States located in southern New Hampshire. It was the state's first refuge and was established through a donation in 1972. The 1,672-acre (677 ha) refuge is located about 20 miles (32 km) west of Nashua, New Hampshire and encompasses the 2,278-foot (694 m) North Pack Monadnock Mountain. -
SP Pawtuckaway
InformationSatellite ViewOpportunities are endless for experiencing the natural wonders NH State Parks have to offer.
Naturalist Journeys
Tour OperatorNaturalist Journeys is excited to offer New Hampshire birding and nature tours. Explore the White Mountains and look for elusive birds like the rare Bicknell's Thrush. Click one of our New Hampshire birding tours below to get started. -
New England Bird Tours
Local Tour OperatorAt the heart of spring migration, this weekend of birding is set at Blueberry Hill Inn, a quaint and secluded inn surrounded by the beautiful Green Mountain National Forest. -
Outdoor ESCAPES New Hampshire
Local Tour OperatorBird Watching Tours in New Hampshire We offer guided interpretive and photo tours statewide all year. The activity and location depends on the season and interest in species. -
Ventures Tours
Tour OperatorMaine & New Hampshire - Puffins, Thrushes & Boreal Specialties -
Tour OperatorMaine and New Hampshire From Bicknell's Thrush to Atlantic Puffin
2016 [10 October] - James P Smith - New England
PDF Report -
2021 [06 June] - Steve Shunk
PDF ReportDespite this being a New Hampshire tour, we started in Portland, Maine, which provided the best access to our tour route. Joined by Gina Nichol, we gathered at the Hampton Inn near the Portland airport and ventured out to the Portland waterfront for our amazing dinner at Scales Restaurant. The waterfront was more active with humans than birds, but we still enjoyed the excellent looks of ‘common’ species, such as Common Eider, Common Tern, and Great Black-backed Gull—the largest gull in the word. Did I mention the mouthwatering seafood at Scales Restaurant? Onward... -
2022 [06 June] - Steve Shunk
Annotated Species ListrBicknell’s Thrushes galore; 15 breeding warbler species; copulating Black-billed Cuckoos; displaying Bobolink; nesting Piping Plovers; beaver at close range; pink lady’s slipper orchids; stunning White Mountain panoramas; and a Peregrine Falcon taking a Rock Pigeon in mid-air at eye level! Our second annual trip to New Hampshire and southern Maine left our whole group with a passel of fantastic memories. We went to seen Bicknell’s Thrush on the iconic Mt. Washington, along with a host of northeastern warblers, and we finished with so much more. The list below will take you through our wildlife encounters. And hopefully it will inspire you to join us next year! -
2023 [06 June] - Jon Atwood
PDF Report: It’s hard to pick specific high points among all the great birds and experiences on this trip. Close looks at nesting Piping Plovers and Least Terns, displaying Bobolinks, a very responsive Saltmarsh Sparrow, 16 species of wood-warblers and six species of thrush (including this trip’s target species, Bicknell’s Thrush). Lots of Red-eyed Vireos – and many birds that we heard and worked hard to see.
Inn at Crystal Lake
AccommodationInn at Crystal Lake New Hampshire Bed and Breakfast - exceptional lodging in New Hampshire Nestled between the White Mountains and the Lakes Region - the best of both! Every season offers unique ways to experience the White Mountains and Lakes Region, and the Inn at Crystal Lake bed and breakfast and restaurant keeps you close to everything, but still tucked away in a quiet little village. No area in New England can match the number of vacation opportunities here in the Mt. Washington Valley and the Lakes Region. So make the Inn at Crystal Lake your number one choice for lodging in NH's White Mountains -
Inn of the Tartan Fox B&B
AccommodationTen and one half acres of woods, ponds, and beautiful grounds beckon you to experience nature in New Hampshire. Take in the hundreds of flowers or perhaps spot one of the many migratory birds that frequent the property.
Lilian & Don Stokes - Stokes Birding Blog
BLOGWelcome to Stokes Birding Blog where we will bring you great information about birds and birding, bird photography, feature Lillian's beautiful bird photos, update you on what's happening with birds and keep you in touch with what's going on with the Stokes.