Western Australia

Splendid Fairywren Malurus splendens ©Andy Walker Website

Western Australia (WA) is a state occupying the entire western third of Australia. It is bounded by the Indian Ocean to the north and west, the Great Australian Bight and Southern Ocean to the south, the Northern Territory to the northeast and South Australia to the southeast. Western Australia is Australia’s largest state with a total land area of just under a million square miles and is the second-largest country subdivision in the world, surpassed only by Russia’s Sakha Republic – however, a significant part of it is very sparsely populated. The state has about 2.76 million inhabitants, around 10% of the national total. Around 2.2 million of them live in or around Perth in the south-west corner of the state. The central two-thirds of the state is arid and sparsely inhabited. The only significant economic activities are is mining & resources, tourism, agriculture and fisheries.

Most of the state is a low plateau with an average elevation of about 1200 feet and much of the land is covered in soil with low fertility. The southwest coastal area has a Mediterranean climate. It was originally heavily forested. This agricultural region is one of the nine most bio-diverse terrestrial habitats, with a higher proportion of endemic species than most other equivalent regions. Thanks to the offshore Leeuwin Current, the area is one of the top six regions for marine biodiversity and contains the most southerly coral reefs in the world. Average annual rainfall varies from 12 inches at the edge of the Wheatbelt region to 55 inches in the wettest areas near Northcliffe, but from November to March, evaporation exceeds rainfall, and it is generally very dry. Plants are adapted to this as well as the extreme poverty of all soils. Annual rainfall averages less than 10 inches, most of which occurs in sporadic torrential falls related to cyclone events in summer.

An exception to this is the northern tropical regions. The Kimberley has an extremely hot monsoonal climate with average annual rainfall ranging from 20 to 60 inches, but there is a very long almost rainless season from April to November. Eighty-five percent of the state’s runoff occurs in the Kimberley, but because it occurs in violent floods and because of the insurmountable poverty of the generally shallow soils, the only development has taken place along the Ord River. The highest observed maximum temperature in the state was 50.5 °C and the lowest minimum temperature recorded was −7.2 °C, at Eyre Bird Observatory.

The Flora of Western Australia comprises over 11,000 native vascular plant species. They occur within around 1,500 genera from over 200 families; there are also over 1,250 naturalised alien or invasive plant species (weeds). In the southwest region are some of the largest numbers of plant species for its area in the world. Specific ecoregions of Western Australia include: the sandstone gorges of The Kimberley on the northern coast and below that areas of dry grassland (Ord Victoria Plain) or semi-desert (Western Australian Mulga shrublands), with Tanami Desert inland from there. Following the coast south there is the Southwest Australia savanna and the Swan Coastal Plain around Perth, and then farther south the Warren on the southwest corner of the coast around the wine-growing area of Margaret River. Going east along the Southern Ocean coast is the Goldfields-Esperance region, including the Esperance grasslands and the Coolgardie grasslands inland around town of Coolgardie. 

Birding Western Australia

Western Australia covers an area larger than Western Europe. More than 550 bird species have been recorded including 18 endemics and three endemic sub species that may be recognised as full species. There are many other near endemics, migratory species and other highly sought-after species.

Most birders enter Western Australia by flying to Perth. Perth has a surprising number of good birding sites within the metropolitan area or within a two-hour drive. There are a large number of wetlands on the Swan Coastal Plain including Lake Monger, Herdsman Lake, Bayswater (Eric Singleton) Bird Sanctuary, Bibra Lake and Alfred Cove. Most of the southwest endemics can be found at Wungong Gorge and Bungendore State Forest in the Darling Range. Rottnest Island is worth a day trip, and Penguin Island is also worth a visit if you are in the Rockingham area. The best areas for birds are the southwestern corner of the state and the area around Broome and the Kimberley.

Broome is outstanding for the waders, summer migrants and mangrove species and Kununurra is outstanding for the finches, parrots, honeyeaters and water birds. Derby is well worth a day visit from Broome, and Wyndham from Kununurra. The Kimberley coast is spectacular with up to an 11-metre tidal range and some isolated rainforest patches. The Kimberley Coastal Camp is an unforgettable place to visit.

Most of the Western Australian endemics occur in the southwest. A common itinerary is Perth to Dryandra State Forest, to Stirling Range National Park, to Fitzgerald River National Park, to Cheyne Beach and Waychinicup Nature Reserve near Albany, to Cape Leeuwin at Augusta via Mt Barker, Rocky Gully and Manjimup, to Cape Naturaliste and back to Perth. The Stirling Ranges National Park is another excellent area. The Mandurah and Pinjarra areas are very good especially in summer.

Further to the south east there are excellent birding opportunities from Hyden to Norseman, Esperance and the Eyre Bird Observatory. Another common itinerary north of Perth is Perth to Kalbarri National Park, to Monkey Mia at Shark Bay, to Carnarvon, back to Geraldton and across to Cue via Yalgoo and Mt Magnet, and back to Perth via Payne’s Find and Wubin. There are also very good birding areas in the Pilbara such as Port Hedland, Millstream Chichester National Park, Karajini National Park and Cape Range near Exmouth.

Top Sites
  • Broome Bird Observatory

    WebsiteSatellite View
    The Broome Bird Observatory is an excellent place to base yourself to look for the birds in the west Kimberley. The observatory has several half days tours, a longer tour to the lakes and week long "courses" which include the birds of the wider area. Any time of the year is very interesting, but the peak period is probably early October when most of the migrants have arrived, and access to the plains is possible and the lakes should still have water. The observatory has a list of more than 300 species for the Broome area. The shorebirds are the highlights with large flocks even over wintering. Great Knot, Red Knot, Bar-tailed Godwit, Black-tailed Godwit, Asian Dowitcher, Eastern Curlew, Whimbrel, Little Curlew (summer), Common Greenshank, Common Redshank, Marsh Sandpiper, Common Sandpiper, Terek Sandpiper, Grey-tailed Tattler, Ruddy Turnstone, Red-necked Stint, Long-toed Stint (summer), Sharp-tailed Sandpiper (summer), Curlew Sandpiper, Broad-billed Sandpiper, Swinhoe's / Pin-tailed Snipe (summer), Greater Sand Plover, Lesser Sand Plover, Grey Plover, Pacific Golden Plover, Oriental Plover (summer) and Oriental Pratincole (wet season) are regular, plus there are many vagrants such as Semipalmated Plover, Little Ringer Plover, Ruff, Little Stint. The mangroves have Dusky Gerygone, Mangrove Fantail, Mangrove Golden Whistler, White-breasted Whistler, Broad-billed Flycatcher, Lemon-bellied (Kimberley) Flycatcher, Red-headed Honeyeater. 16 species of raptors regularly occur in the area. Access to Roebuck Plains is restricted to authorised people (which includes the observatory) and you can find Yellow Chat, Horsfield's Bushlark, White-winged Triller, Red-backed Fairywren, Brolga, Australian Bustard, buttonquails, Flock Bronzewing, Eastern Grass Owl. The observatory grounds have Great Bowerbird, Grey-crowned Babbler, White-throated Gerygone, Olive-backed Oriole, Rufous-throated Honeyeater, Paperbark Flycatcher, Brush Cuckoo, Little Bronze Cuckoo, Double-barred Finch, Long-tailed Finch, Purple-backed Fairywren. In Broome you can visit Streeters Jetty (mangroves), town ovals, sewage ponds and the port. Further out you can visit Coconut Wells, Barred Creek, Roebuck Plains (from the highway) and further along the highway towards Willare Bridge. Wet season migrants include Barn Swallow, Eastern Yellow Wagtail, Dollarbird, Channel-billed Cuckoo, Pacific Swift. At most times of the year you should be able to get a bird list of 120 to 160 species in less than a week.
  • Cheyne Beach / Waychinicup

    InformationSatellite View
    Based at the Cheynes Beach Caravan Park you can see many of the south west endemics. Noisy Scrub-bird, Western Bristlebird, Western Spinebill, Western Wattlebird, Gilbert's Honeyeater, White-breasted Robin, Red-eared Firetail, Red-winged Fairywren, Red-capped Parrot, Western Rosella, Carnaby's Black Cockatoo and Baudin's Black Cockatoo although some are not present throughout the year. You can also see Western Whipbird (nominate nigrogularis), Tawny-crowned Honeyeater, White-cheeked Honeyeater, Western Whistler, Brown Quail, Brush Bronzewing, Pacific Gull, Eastern Osprey, Tawny Frogmouth, Southern Boobook, Spotted Nightjar, Fan-tailed Cuckoo, Shining Bronze Cuckoo, Splendid Fairywren, Southern Emuwren, White-browed Scrubwren and Rock Parrot. There are also good chances for some mammals and reptiles, and some wonderful flora.
  • Dryandra State Forest

    InformationSatellite View
    You can stay in the Lions Dryandra Forest Village, or thirty minutes away in Narrogin. This is worth a full day. Not so many of the south west endemics but many of the near endemics. Try the north end of Marri Road, the Ochre Trail, Koomal Road, Congelin Campground and generally anywhere along the roads wherever you locate birds. You can get five species of robins. Scarlet, Red-capped, Hooded, Western Yellow and Jacky Winter. Crested Shriketit is hard to locate but is reasonably common. Rufous Treecreeper is common. With patience and a little luck you can find four species of thornbills. Western, Inland, Yellow-rumped and Chestnut-rumped plus Weebill. Honeyeaters are spread around but you can find Yellow-plumed, Brown, Singing, New Holland, White-cheeked, Brown-headed, White-eared, Gilbert's, Tawny-crowned. Parrots include Australian Ringneck, Red-capped, Elegant, Regent plus Western Rosella and Purple-crowned Lorikeet. Other species include Blue-breasted Fairywren, Wedge-tailed Eagle, Brown Goshawk, Bush Stone-curlew, White-browed Babbler, Restless Flycatcher, Painted Buttonquail.
  • Kununurra / Wyndham

    InformationSatellite View
    This area has a lot in common with the northern parts of the Northern Territory. In less than a week you should get a bird list of well over 100 species. Highlights are Yellow-rumped Mannikin, Pictorella Mannikin, Gouldian Finch, Star Finch, Australian Bustard, Brolga, White-quilled Rock Pigeon, Sandstone Shrikethrush, Northern Fantail, White-bellied Cuckooshrike, Blue-faced Honeyeater, Black-chinned (Golden-backed) Honeyeater, Banded Honeyeater, White-gaped Honeyeater, Green Oriole, Buff-sided Robin, Shining Flycatcher, Black Bittern, Black-backed Bittern, White-browed Crake, Green Pygmy Goose, Magpie Goose, Radjah Shelduck, Barking Owl, Red-winged Parrot, Northern Rosella, Varied Lorikeet, mangrove species at Wyndham, Red-browed Pardalote.
  • Mt Magnet

    InformationSatellite View
    Mt Magnet is a base from where you can explore from Payne's Find, Sandstone, Yalgoo and Cue. Most of this area is mulga, but there are patches of other vegetation. The highlights through this area include Chestnut-rumped Thornbill, Slaty-backed Thornbill, Southern Whiteface, Banded Whiteface, Redthroat, Black-eared Cuckoo, Western Bowerbird, White-browed Treecreeper, Crested Bellbird, White-browed Babbler, Grey-crowned Babbler, Chiming Wedgebill, White-winged Fairywren, Striated (Sandhill) Grasswren, Mulga Parrot, Bourke's Parrot, Little Buttonquail, Black-tailed Nativehen, Spiny-cheeked Honeyeater, White-fronted Honeyeater, Grey Honeyeater, Orange Chat, Crimson Chat, Rufous Fieldwren, Gilbert's Whistler, Western Quailthrush, Red-backed Kingfisher, Little Woodswallow. Nomadic species in good seasons include Black Honeyeater, Pied Honeyeater, Masked Woodswallow, White-backed Swallow, Budgerigar, Cockatiel. You need three or four days to cover this area.
Number of Species
  • Number of bird species: 646

    (As at April 2024)

    State Bird - Black Swan Cygnus atratus
  • Number of endemics: 22

    Baudin's Black-Cockatoo Calyptorhynchus baudinii
    Carnaby's Black-Cockatoo Calyptorhynchus latirostris
    Western Corella Cacatua pastinator
    Western Rosella Platycercus icterotis
    Red-capped Parrot Purpureicephalus spurius
    Western Ground Parrot Pezoporus flaviventris
    Noisy Scrubbird Atrichornis clamosus
    Black Grasswren Amytornis housei
    Red-winged Fairywren Malurus elegans
    Western Spinebill Acanthorhynchus superciliosus
    Kimberley Honeyeater Meliphaga fordiana
    Western Wattlebird Anthochaera lunulata
    Gilbert's Honeyeater Melithreptus chloropsis
    Western Bristlebird Dasyornis longirostris
    Western Fieldwren Calamanthus montanellus
    Western Thornbill Acanthiza inornata
    Dusky Gerygone Gerygone tenebrosa
    Western Whipbird Psophodes nigrogularis
    Western Shriketit Falcunculus leucogaster Western Whistler Pachycephala fuliginosa
    White-breasted Robin Eopsaltria georgiana
    Red-eared Firetail Stagonopleura oculata
  • Avibase - The World Bird Database

    PDF Checklist
    This checklist includes all bird species found in Western Australia , based on the best information available at this time. It is based on a wide variety of sources that I collated over many years. I am pleased to offer these checklists as a service to birdwatchers.
  • Western Australian Museum

    Annotated PDF Checklist
    Checklist of the Birds of Western Australia - R.E. Johnstone and J.C. Darnell
  • Wikipedia

    Annotated List
    This is a list of the wild birds found in Western Australia. The list includes introduced species, common vagrants, recently extinct species, extirpated species, some very rare vagrants (seen once) and species only present in captivity. 629 species are listed.
Useful Reading

  • Birding Sites Around Perth

    | By R Van Delft | University of Western Australia Press | 1997 | Paperback | 155 pages, Col photos, maps | Out of Print | ISBN: 9781876268039 Buy this book from NHBS.com
  • Birds of Western Australia: Field Guide

    | By Simon J Nevill | Woodslane Pty Ltd | 2023 | Edition 2 | Flexibound | 431 pages, colour photos, colour distribution maps | ISBN: 9781922800596 Buy this book from NHBS.com
  • Common Birds of the Kimberley

    | By Carolyn Thomson-Dans & Gordon Graham | Western Australia Department of Conservation and Land Management | 1995 | Paperback | 64 pages, colour photos | ISBN: 9780730970378 Buy this book from NHBS.com
  • Handbook to the Birds of Western Australia, Volume 1: Non-Passerines: Emu to Dollarbird

    | By Ron Johnstone and G M Storr | Western Australian Museum | 1998 | Hardback | 436 pages, colour plates, illustrations, tables | ISBN: 9780730712084 Buy this book from NHBS.com
  • Handbook to the Birds of Western Australia, Volume 2: Passerines (Blue-Winged Pitta to Goldfinch)

    | By R E Johnstone & G M Storr | Western Australian Museum | 2015 | 529 pages, Colour plates, b/w line illustrations | Out of Print | ISBN: 9781925040203 Buy this book from NHBS.com
  • Pocket Field Guide to Birdlife of Western Australia

    | By Michael Morcombe | Steve Parish Publishing | 2017 | Paperback | colour photos, colour illustrations, colour distribution maps, colour maps | Out of Print | ISBN: 9781925243314 Buy this book from NHBS.com
Useful Information
  • Motto

    Western Australia's state motto is Cygnis Insignis, which translates as distinguished by its swans
  • Western Australian Bird Notes

    Downloadable Copy
  • Broome Bird Observatory

    Observatory WebsiteSatellite View
    Established in 1988 by the RAOU (Royal Australasian Ornithologists Union), now BirdLife Australia, as a research and education facility, our principle aim is to work for the conservation of the migratory shorebirds which visit Roebuck Bay. The observatory is located on the north-west coast of Australia on the shores of Roebuck Bay: Just 25 kilometres east of the town of Broome and some 2,400 road kilometres north of Perth. We are currently open for accommodation, camping and tours.
  • Eyre Bird Observatory

    Observatory WebsiteSatellite View
    Established in 1977 by BirdLife Australia, the Eyre Bird Observatory is Australia’s first bird observatory, providing a base for the study and enjoyment of the birds of the area. Nestled between the arid Nullarbor Plain to the north and the coastal waters of the Great Australian Bight to the south, the Observatory is in one of the least populated places on the continent but home to over 240 species of birds – many of them rare and endangered.
  • Eyre Bird Observatory

    Facebook PageSatellite View
    Also see the Facebook Page In 1977 BirdLife Australia established the Eyre Bird Observatory, a remote research station, to collect information about birds and wildlife. The Observatory gets its name from explorer John Eyre, who passed through the area on his east-west journey of 1841, and it is the most isolated research facility in Australia. Cocklebiddy Roadhouse, 50 km northwest on the Eyre Highway, is our nearest neighbour. As well as being open to guests and visitors, Eyre is a functioning bird observatory and weather station. The observatory hosts courses year round on a variety of topics.
Museums & Universities
  • Macquarie University

    Macquarie is at the forefront of Earth and environmental science study, both in Australia and internationally. Our degrees give you the skills to make practical, positive change in areas like conservation, resource management, sustainability, development and planning.…
  • Nature Conservation

    Nature Conservation was established in 2002 and is one of six natural resource management groups operating in the south west of Western Australia. Originally known as the Cape to Cape Catchments Group, its activities evolved over time from a specific focus on the health of rivers and creeks to encompass the protection of all biodiversity values in the Margaret River region.
  • BirdLife Western Australia

    BirdLife Western Australia covers the entire state of Western Australia, as well as Cocos (Keeling) Island, Christmas Island and Ashmore Reef. There are nine country branches in Western Australia. The branches report to the main BirdLife Western Australia branch.
  • BirdLife Western Australia

    Facebook Page
    With several local branches across the state, we’re an active and diverse group, driven by a flock of very passionate volunteers. We take an active, science-based approach to conservation issues facing our native birds. We welcome everyone, regardless of background and experience. If you like birds, we like you.
  • Denmark Bird Group

    The Denmark Bird Group is a community group based in Denmark on the beautiful South Coast of Western Australia. It is an advocate for birds in the region: proposing a bird sanctuary at the mouth of the Wilson Inlet; organising bird surveys; hosting educational and social events, and leading bird outings.
  • Western Australian Naturalists’ Club

    One of the oldest conservation groups in Australia, the ‘WA Nats’ is a lively organisation designed to cater for all the environmentally conscious members of the community. If you’re interested in nature, natural history, and conservation, and if you’d like to meet up with like-minded people for bush-walking, talks and events, why not join us today...

Abbreviations Key

  • *Western Aiustralia National Parks

    WebsiteSatellite View
    But how do you decide where to go first in a State that covers a third of Australia? Most of WA`s spectacular natural features are managed by the Department of Conservation and Land Management (CALM); and we`ve used our local knowledge to put together information on national parks, marine parks, reserves and State forests to help you plan your trip.
  • *Western Australia Nature Reserves

    InformationSatellite View
    1,233 nature reserves exist in Western Australia, covering 10,074,297 hectares (24,894,130 acres) or 3.99 percent of Western Australia's land mass, and accounting for 13.23 percent of all protected areas in the state.
  • NP Dryandra Woodland

    WebpageSatellite View
    Less than two hours from Perth, Dryandra Woodland is one of the prime places in the South-West for viewing native wildlife.
  • NP Fitzgerald River

    WebpageSatellite View
    Fitzgerald River National Park is one the largest and most botanically significant national parks in Australia. Within the park are found nearly 20 per cent of Western Australia’s flora species, many of which occur only within its boundaries.
  • NP Kalbarri

    WebpageSatellite View
    Kalbarri National Park surrounds the lower reaches of the Murchison River, which has cut a magnificent 80 kilometre gorge through the red and white banded sandstone to create formations such as Nature’s Window and The Loop, Z-Bend and Hawks Head, with scenic gorge views at the Ross Graham Lookout and views of the town and river mouth at Meanarra Hill.
  • NP Millstream Chichester

    InformationSatellite View
    The permanent source of water brings all kinds of birds such as rainbow bee-eater, sacred kingfisher and blue-winged kookaburra, spinifex pigeons and the impressive bustard. Twelve species of raptor live in the park and can be seen flying high over the plains.
  • NP Stirling Range

    WebpageSatellite View
    The brooding beauty of the mountain landscape, its stunning and diverse wildflowers and the challenge of climbing Bluff Knoll have long drawn bushwalkers and climbers to the Stirling Range National Park.
  • NP Waychinicup Nature Reserve

    WebpageSatellite View
    Waychinicup National Park extends from Normans Beach and the Waychinicup River mouth to Cheynes Beach, not far from Albany. It has a scenic inlet, unusual granite rock formations and views both inland and along the coast.
  • NR Eric Singleton Bird Sanctuary

    InformationSatellite View
    The wetlands were named after Eric Singleton, who was a local advocate for the wetlands. He was a bird enthusiast and helped save the wetlands from development in the 1970s. 104 bird species have been recorded there.
  • NR Lake McLarty

    WebsiteSatellite View
    Lake McLarty lies to the east of Harvey Estuary and is the most important migratory shorebird site in the southern half of Western Australia. The lake is the principal freshwater lake of the Peel Yalgorup Wetland complex which is listed under the International Ramsar Convention, and it regularly attracts over 30,000 waterbirds each summer. Key Species include Freckled Duck (small chance), Northern Shoveler (long shot), Chestnut Teal (good chance), Australasian Bittern (long shot), Glossy Ibis (good chance), White-bellied Sea-Eagle, Spotless Crake (chance), Black-tailed Godwit (good chance), Wood Sandpiper (good chance), Asian Dowitcher (long shot), Little Stint (chance), Long-toed Stint (good chance), Pectoral Sandpiper (good chance), Sharp-tailed Sandpiper, Ruff (good chance), Banded Stilt (good chance), Red-necked Avocet, Little Ringed Plover (long shot), Red-kneed Dotterel, Whiskered Tern (good chance), White-winged Black Tern (chance), Sulphur-crested Cockatoo (introduced - good chance), Regent Parrot (good chance), Elegant Parrot (chance), Yellow-throated Miner, White-fronted Chat, White-winged Triller (good chance), Yellow Wagtail (long shot), Rufous Songlark (chance), Brown Songlark…
  • NR Wadjemup / Rottnest Island

    InformationSatellite View
    A protected sanctuary, Wadjemup / Rottnest Island is home to a biodiverse environment, abundant with plant, animal, bird and sea life. Boasting six unique ecosystems, each with its own character, it can feel like you are crossing continents when you traverse the island landscape.
Sightings, News & Forums
  • Birdline Western Australia

    Sightings & News
    Birdline Western Australia is a site for the reporting of rare or unusual birds outside their normal range, unusually high or low numbers, early or late arrivals or departures for migrant species and interesting behaviour or unusual habitat usage. Birdline Western Australia is supported by Birdlife Australia.
  • Birding In Western Australia

    This group has been set up as a forum to discuss birding with a Western Australia flavour.
  • eBird Australia

    Sightings & News
    Sightings & reports
Guides & Tour Operators
  • Australia-Naturally Travel

    Tour Operator
    Full Day Perth & Environs Birdwatching & Wildlife Tour - This full day private tour is designed to see a range of habitats in the Perth area, including urban wetlands, jarrah forest and woodlands, the coast and the Swan River. We expect to see 80-110 species depending on the season and the weather.
  • Australian Geographic

    Tour Operator
    ...Experience Cape Range National Park, home to an abundance of wildlife including the rare black-footed wock-wallaby, dingoes, western bowerbirds and many species of birds of prey...
  • Bellbird Birding Tours

    Tour Operator
    Perth Area Guided Birding - In the far south-west of Australia lies one of the world’s most isolated cities: Perth. To its north are inhospitable outback deserts. To its south is one of Australia’s best birding locations, where a great number of species occur that cannot be found elsewhere in the country, including 15 endemics.
  • BirdQuest

    Tour Operator
    The Ultimate tour to the Southwest, Broome, the Kimberley and Christmas Island
  • Birding Ecorours

    Tour Operator
    Due to geographic isolation and diverse habitats, the southwest of the state of Western Australia boasts several endemic species and subspecies. This nine-day small-group well-paced Australian birding tour will focus on finding as many of these Western Australian endemic birds as possible, while also enjoying a wide range of other interesting flora and fauna along the way.
  • Coates Wildlife Tours

    Tour Operator
    Since 1980, when naturalist, Kevin Coate founded Coates Wildlife Tours and pioneered the inception of nature -based tours in Western Australia, Coates Wildlife Tours have offered tours that let you experience nature in small groups and allow plenty of time and flexibility to pursue individual interests. Our relaxed itineraries offer in depth interpretation of the natural world with minimal negative impact on the environment.
  • Lake Argyle Cruises

    Boat Trips
    In the vast Kimberley region of Western Australia, there is a lake 21 times bigger than Sydney Harbour … we know every shore...
  • Naturalist Journeys

    Tour Operator
    Moving to Perth and Australia’s southeast coast, we explore the woodlands, bush and grasslands of the 1000-acre Kings Park and Botanic Garden for the birds that call this area’s unique vegetation home. We then ferry to Rottnest Island, where we have our best chance to see and photograph Quokka, adorable and inquisitive marsupials that seem to smile! We also watch for Humpback whales, Bottle-nosed Dolphins, long-nosed fur seals and Australian Sea Lions among other marine mammals and many amphibians.
  • Perth Birds and Bush

    Tour Operator
    Perth Birds and Bush specialize in 4 to 8 hour private tours from the Perth metropolitan area. Tours provided include bird watching tours, wildflower tours and nature tours. All tours combine some time in the vehicle going from place to place and some time being guided in the bush, a wetland or other sites. Tours are conducted in an air conditioned four wheel drive vehicle.
  • Rockjumper Birding

    Tour Operator
    The south-west corner of Western Australia is an ecological hotspot, hosting a remarkably high diversity of endemic plant, animal and bird species. Our short extension concentrates on the region’s endemic species and commences in the state’s capital of Perth, situated alongside the Swan River.
  • Sicklebill Safaris

    Tour Operator
    Sicklebill Safaris offers a number of birding and wildlife watching itineraries which visit Western Australia. They include the Southwest corner from Perth to Albany, the Stirling Ranges and Cheynes Beach plus the areas around both Broome and Kununurra. We offer both scheduled departures and the opportunity for you to customise your own itineraries with our experienced guides. Alternatively let us help you develop self – drive itineraries which incorporate the best birding locations.
Trip Reports
  • 2015 [11 November] - Chris Lotz

    PDF Report
    ...Bill then started scouting King’s Park & Botanic Garden, finding Red Wattlebird to be one of the most common and conspicuous species, especially around theflowering Banksia. Chris arrived at the airport around lunch time, picked up the rental car anddrove through the rather smart-looking city of Perth, and eventually arrived at the hotel, veryquickly checked in, and immediately dragged Bill back out birding...
  • 2019 [12 December] - Andy Walker - Southwest

    PDF Report
    A total of 164 bird species were seen (plus one species heard only), including many Australian endemics and numerous very localized southwest Australian endemics.
  • 2022 [09 September] - Glen Valentine - Southwest Extension

    PDF Report
    ...The immediate area around Cheyne Beach produced the much-desired, ultra-skulky trio of Noisy Scrubbird, Western Bristlebird and Black-throated Whipbird, while other memorable targets included superb views of Redeared Firetail, Red-winged and Splendid Fairywrens, White-breasted Robin, the handsome Brush Bronzewing, Western Spinebill, Southern Emu-wren and Spotted Scrubwren. Fan-tailed and Shining Bronze Cuckoos and White-cheeked and Tawny-crowned Honeyeaters were also enjoyed and a night drive produced a fly-by Spotted Nightjar, as well as an Eastern Barn Owl...
  • 2023 [09 September] - Birding the Wild West

    ...Ross had found a point via eBird and sure enough, we had our target in the bag! Next up, we were on the hunt for some skulky birds, namely Western Fieldwren, Western Whipbird, Western Bristlebird, and Noisy Scrub-bird, the latter three having earned the nickname “WA’s The Big Three”. And so we headed to the inspiring, yet uninspiring Cheynes Beach, the best place to find these difficult-to-see birds. Western Whipbird perched up and sang as if it weren’t one of the shy birds we were searching for...
  • 2023 [10 October - Andrew Walker

    PDF Report
    We recorded 154 bird species on this Western Australia birdwatching tour, (two of these were heard only). Some of the highlights seen included Noisy Scrubbird, Western Bristlebird, Blackthroated Whipbird, Carnaby’s Black Cockatoo, Baudin’s Black Cockatoo, Western Corella, Western Rosella, Red-capped Parrot, Regent Parrot, Rock Parrot, Elegant Parrot, Purplecrowned Lorikeet, Wedge-tailed Eagle, Square-tailed Kite, Australian Hobby, Red-winged Fairywren, Blue-breasted Fairywren, Splendid Fairywren, Southern Emu-wren, Spotted Scrubwren, Western Thornbill, Western Gerygone, Western Fieldwren, Western Spinebill, Gilbert’s Honeyeater, Western Shriketit, White-breasted Robin, Western Yellow Robin, Scarlet Robin, Rufous Treecreeper, Western Whistler, Hooded Dotterel, and Banded Lapwing. In addition to the incredible birds seen, we also found a great selection of other animals, such as Numbat, Short-beaked Echidna, Western Grey Kangaroo, Southern Right Whale, Dugite, (Southwestern) Carpet Python, and several other reptiles. Bird and animal lists for this Western Australia birding tour follow the report.
Places to Stay
  • Red Moon Sanctuary

    Red Moon Sanctuary produces small-scale organic beef, honey and heirloom vegetables for sale, and has a 50 hectare on-farm fauna and flora conservation reserve bursting with wildflowers, including the Hammer Orchid made famous on Attenborough. Biodiversity is further encouraged by an ongoing programme of planting shelter belts and fodder hedges that function as wildlife habitat, as well as benefiting livestock. Over 4,000 native tree and understorey seedlings have so far been planted, with wonderful results
Other Links
  • Beacon Birding Sites

    Beacon is about 350 kms from Perth via the Great Eastern Highway to Northam and Kellerberrin and then north via Bencubbin. There are a number of excellent birding sites including the many granite outcrops and remnant bushland areas in the shire.
  • Hamelin a hotspot for birders

    Given its location adjacent to the Shark Bay World Heritage Area it’s not surprising that Hamelin Station Reserve in Outback Western Australia is fast building a reputation as a 'go-to hotspot' for bird-watchers.
  • Movements and Genetics of Grey Falcons

    A project by Jonny Schoenjahn - Perth, Western Australia. The Grey Falcon is one of Australia's rarest, and no doubt its least studied, birds of prey. One of the reasons for that deficiency is the remoteness of the Grey Falcon's preferred habitat together with the species' scarcity, making data collection slow and tedious
  • Perth's Birds and Where To Find Them

    Perth's birdlife is truly amazing, with an astonishing 550 species of bird spotted across Western Australia.
  • Urban birdwatching guide to Perth

    From the ephemeral lakes to the woodlands and eastern hills, Perth abounds with birds – some 190 species in total.
  • Leeuwin Current Birding

    A Western Australian birding blog
Photographers & Artists
  • Photographer - Marcel de Jong

    Ospreys of Cottesloe, Western Australia

Fatbirder - linking birders worldwide...

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