State of Illinois

Illinois is a state in the Midwestern region of the United States. It borders Lake Michigan to its northeast, the Mississippi River to its west, and the Wabash and Ohio rivers to its south. Bordering states are Indiana to the east, Kentucky to the south, Iowa and Missouri t the west and Wisconsin to the north. Illinois has the fifth-largest gross domestic product (GDP), the sixth-largest population at c.13 million inhabitants, and the 25th-most land area of the US. Its largest urban areas include Chicago with around 2.5 million people with a further 6.5 million in the metropolitan area, and the Metro East of Greater St. Louis, as well as Peoria, Rockford, Champaign–Urbana, and Springfield, the state’s capital. Chicago is the US’s third largest city by population.
Though Illinois lies entirely in the Interior Plains, it does have some minor variation in its elevation. In extreme northwestern Illinois, the Driftless Area, a region that is not glaciated and therefore higher and more rugged topography, occupies a small part of the state. Southern Illinois includes the hilly areas around the Shawnee National Forest. Charles Mound, located in the Driftless region, has the state’s highest natural elevation above sea level at 1,235 ft (376 m). Other highlands include the Shawnee Hills in the south, and there is varying topography along its rivers; the Illinois River bisects the state northeast to southwest.
Shawnee National Forest – ©Daniel Schwen, CC BY-SA 4.0 via Wikimedia Commons
Illinois has a climate that varies widely throughout the year. Because of its nearly 400-mile distance between its northernmost and southernmost extremes, as well as its mid-continental situation, most of Illinois has a humid continental climate with hot, humid summers and cold winters. The southern part of the state, from about Carbondale southward, has a humid subtropical climate with more moderate winters. Average yearly precipitation for Illinois varies from just over 48 inches at the southern tip to around 35 inches in the northern portion of the state. Normal annual snowfall exceeds 38 inches in the Chicago area, while the southern portion of the state normally receives less than 14 inches.
The Illinois state parks system began in 1908 with what is now Fort Massac State Park, becoming the first park in a system encompassing more than 60 parks and about the same number of recreational and wildlife areas. Areas under the protection of the National Park Service include: the Illinois and Michigan Canal National Heritage Corridor near Lockport, the Lewis and Clark National Historic Trail, the Lincoln Home National Historic Site in Springfield, the Mormon Pioneer National Historic Trail, the Trail of Tears National Historic Trail, the American Discovery Trail, the Pullman National Monument, and New Philadelphia Town Site. The federal government also manages the Shawnee National Forest and the Midewin National Tallgrass Prairie.
Midewin National Tallgrass Prairie – ©Alanscottwalker, CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons
Birding Illinois
Illinois’ unique geographic location combined with its geologic past creates conditions ripe for a rich and diverse landscape, and thus, a rich and diverse bird life. The state spans 378 miles, and as a result, bird life varies greatly from the top to the bottom of the state. Northern Illinois attracts irruptive winter species such as Northern Shrikes and Snowy Owls, while southern Illinois, with its cypress swamps and hilly terrain, is reminiscent of a Louisiana bayou.
A natural boundary between the moist forests in the eastern United States and the drier prairies of the West passes through Illinois. Situated along one of the nation’s major flyways, the Mississippi, Illinois is bounded on the west by the Mississippi River, the east by Lake Michigan and the Wabash River, and the south by the Ohio River, perfect entry and exit points for migratory and breeding birds. Illinois attracts massive numbers of migrating waterfowl, shorebirds (waders); loons (divers); raptors, and passerines including an astounding passage of warblers in spring and fall. The state also hosts one of the largest wintering populations of Bald Eagles in the United States. These American icons winter along the state’s rivers, and their breeding numbers are rising.
Illinois once harboured expansive grasslands. Today, less than one percent of Illinois’ native prairies exist. But people are working to preserve them and protect breeding grassland species including Bobolinks, Grasshopper and Henslow’s Sparrows, Dickcissels, Upland Sandpipers, and Eastern and Western Meadowlarks Scattered among the prairies are wetlands in the north and prairie potholes in the central part of Illinois. The state-endangered Black-crowned Night-Heron, Pied-billed Grebe, and other birds confined to marshes still find places to nest in Illinois. Growing among the prairies, too, are woodlands, where Wood Thrushes and Scarlet Tanagers breed. The patchwork nature of Illinois’s woods today, due to development, has created a major problem for breeding forest birds, which are being parasitised by Brown-headed Cowbirds, which lay their eggs in other birds’ nests.
Illinois River – ©Joseph Norton & Ronald Frazier, CC BY 2.0 via Wikimedia Commons
West-central Illinois once contained a collage of sloughs, wetlands, and woods where millions of migratory waterfowl and other birds fed or rested. Restoration has returned some of the natural floodplains within the Mississippi Flyway along the Illinois River. Lake Chautauqua National Wildlife Refuge is designated as an internationally important shorebird migratory stopover. This region attracts thousands of shorebirds annually including dowitchers, phalaropes, yellowlegs, sandpipers & plovers, as well as many duck species.
The southernmost part of the state remained ice-free during Illinois’ last ice age. Instead, geological action beneath the earth uplifted the ancient seabed to create the Shawnee highlands, what is now the Shawnee National Forest. Here, bald cypress swamps attract herons, egrets and Pileated Woodpeckers. Prothontoary Warblers nest in cavity holes overlooking the rivers. High in the trees, are breeding Northern Parula, Yellow-throated and Cerulean Warblers. River bottomlands provide habitat for breeding Louisiana Waterthrushes and Acadian Flycatchers. Some places in the southern part of the state have attracted 19 species of breeding warblers.
Because of its variety in climate, ecosystem, and geological landscape, Illinois is growing in importance as a birding state, one where rare birds can be protected if humans will help.
Sheryl De Vore
Number of bird species: 458
(As at June 2024)State Bird:
Northern Cardinal Cardinalis cardinalis
PDF ChecklistThis checklist includes all bird species found in Illinois , based on the best information available at this time. It is based on a wide variety of sources that I collated over many years. I am pleased to offer these checklists as a service to birdwatchers. If you find any error, please do not hesitate to report them. -
Illinois Department of Natural Resources
Annotated ListThe scientific name for each wild bird species found in Illinois can be obtained from this list. Bird species that are extinct or extirpated from Illinois are not included. Other species of birds referenced in the text will have their scientific name listed following their common name. -
Illinois Ornithological Society
Annotated ListThis is this official Illinois State List of Birds. The list is based on the deliberations of the seven-member Illinois Ornithological Records Committee (IORC). -
ChecklistChecklist of the Birds of Illinois AOS 64th supplement Updated: November 14, 2023 -
Annotated ListThis list of birds of Illinois includes species documented in the U.S. state of Illinois and accepted by the Illinois Ornithological Records Committee (IORC). As of March 2024, there are 455 species and two species pairs included in the official list -
PDF ChecklistThis checklist is generated with data from eBird (, a global database of bird sightings from birders like you. If you enjoy this checklist, please consider contributing your sightings to eBird. It is 100% free to take part, and your observations will help support birders, researchers, and conservationists worldwide.
A Birders Guide to the Chicago Region
| By Lynne Carpenter & Joel Greenberg | Northern Illinois University Press | 1999 | Paperback | 242 pages, Maps | Out of Print | ISBN: 9780875805825 Buy this book from -
ABA Field Guide to Birds of Illinois
| By Brian E Small | Scott & Nix, Inc | 2017 | Paperback | 384 pages, 500+ colour photos | ISBN: 9781935622628 Buy this book from -
Birding Illinois
| By Sheryl De Vore | Falcon Press | 2000 | Paperback | 368 pages | Out of Print | ISBN: 9781560446897 Buy this book from -
Birds of Illinois
| By Marc Parnell | Naturalist & Traveler Press | 2021 | paperback | 304 pages, colour photos | ISBN: 9781954228078 Buy this book from -
Birds of Illinois
| Sheryl de Vore, Steven D Bailey & Gregory Kennedy | Lone Pine Publishing | 2004 | Paperback | 376 pages, Colour illustrations, distribution maps | ISBN: 9781551053790 Buy this book from -
Finding Birds in Jackson County, Illinois
| By Henry D Detwiler | Henry D Detwiler | 2017 | Paperback | ISBN: 9781365973680 Buy this book from -
Illinois Birds
| (A Folding Pocket Guide to Familiar Species) | by James R Kavanagh & Raymond Leung | Waterford Press | 2000 | Unbound | 12 pages, colour illustrations | ISBN: 9781583551448 Buy this book from -
Illinois Birds : A Century of Change
| By Jeffery W Walk, Michael P Ward, Thomas J Benson, Jill L Deppe, Stacy A Lischka, Steven D Bailey & Jeffery D Brawn | Illinois Natural History Survey | 2010 | Paperback | 230 pages, colour & b/w photos, illustrations, and tables; colour distribution maps | ISBN: 9781882932269 Buy this book from -
Southern Illinois Birds
| (An Annotated List and Site Guide) | By Douglas W Robinson | Southern Illinois University Press | 2016 | Paperback |488 pages, 39 Illustrations | ISBN: 9780809335176 Buy this book from
Hummingbird Fest
WebpageJoin us for activities, viewing, and demos of how the birds are banded for tracking and research purposes. -
Urban Birding Festival
WebsiteIt’s a celebration of birds in and around Chicago, highlighting the extraordinary bird diversity in our region! Join us for this inaugural birding festival featuring keynote speakers, presentations, workshops, outings and get-togethers with other birders.
Illinois Raptor Center
Observatory WebsiteSatellite ViewThe Illinois Raptor Center is a non-profit wildlife and environmental education center located near Decatur in central Illinois.
Draper Museum of Natural History
WebsiteOrnithology - One of the best known of the Academy collections, consisting of 12,000 skins and over 1,000 mounted specimens. An important addition in 1965 was the donation of 3,600 specimens from S S Gregory, which includes ivory-billed woodpeckers and Carolina parakeets. In all, 583 species of North American birds are represented. Fully 30% of the birds were collected before 1900, including important Illinois specimens from Robert Kennicott and Benjamin T. Gault. There is also a valuable collection of nearly 1,000 Alaskan skins. -
Field Museum (Chicago)
WebsiteThe Field Museum was founded to house the biological and anthropological collections assembled for the World's Columbian Exposition of 1893. These objects form the core of the Museum's collections which have grown through world-wide expeditions, exchange, purchase, and gifts to more than twenty million specimens. The collections form the foundation of the Museum's exhibition, research and education programs, which are further informed by a world-class natural history library of more than 250,000 volumes. There are interesting collections of books relating to the history of Ornithology in Columbia. -
Peggy Notebaert Nature Museum
WebsiteNature. It's closer than you think. In fact, it's just steps away from Lake Shore Drive in Chicago's chic Lincoln Park. Here, you'll find a natural oasis, conveniently located right here in the city. Discover the mysteries of nature – up close…
Audubon Great Lakes
WebsiteA regional office of the National Audubon Society, Audubon Great Lakes manages conservation work throughout the region to protect and improve habitat critical for birds during their migration and nesting cycles, we build networks of volunteers and advocates for the natural environment. Within the National Audubon Society’s network, Audubon Great Lakes is viewed as a leader in building communities of citizen scientists and conservationists that take the lead in advocating for and managing the ecosystems that birds need to thrive -
Audubon Society in Illinois
WebsiteInteractive lists of societies etc -
Champaign County Audubon Society
WebsiteNational Audubon is carrying out several campaigns, with regular newsletters coming to each chapter of the Audubon Society. The most recent newsletter for the Wildlife Refuge campaign reminds us how important our national wildlife refuges are for conserving our wildlife heritage, yet despite this importance they continue to be vulnerable to numerous threats. The closest National Wildlife Refuge (NWR) is at Chautauqua on the Illinois River, with 6 more being on the Mississippi River and one at Crab Orchard Lake -
Chicago Bird Alliance
WebsiteFounded in 1971, the Chicago Audubon Society’s mission is to promote the understanding and appreciation of nature, and to aid in the conservation and restoration of our natural ecosystems for the benefit of humanity and the earth’s biodiversity. Chicago Audubon carries out its mission through a combination of education, stewardship and research programs, supported by fundraising efforts designed to further involve Chicago Audubon Society members in their favorite pastime, observing and studying birds and other wildlife. -
Chicago Ornithological Society
WebsiteThe Chicago Ornithological Society, or COS, is a modern birding club that promotes the scientific and educational aspects of ornithology in the greater Chicago, Illinois area. Many COS members are serious birders, but the club's programs, field trips and birding classes and workshops appeal to and educate a broad spectrum of bird lovers, from the casual backyard feeder watcher to the fanatical lister. Birders of all levels participate in and enjoy COS's activities… -
Decatur Audubon Society
WebsiteDecatur (Illinois) Audubon Society is a chapter of the National Audubon Society. We are located in Macon County, in the heart of Illinois farmland. Decatur is known as the soybean capital of the world, but in spite of being surrounded by cornfields and soybean fields, this region does have natural areas in which to bird. The Sangamon River flows through the center of Macon County, creating havens for birds and other wildlife along its tree-lined corridor. Within Macon County and adjoining counties there are many parks, several conservation areas and even a few nature preserves. Trails and greenways are being expanded and will connect many of these natural areas. -
DuPage Birding Club
WebsiteFounded in 1985, the DuPage Birding Club is nationally known as one of the largest and most active birding groups in Illinois. Our mission is to promote birding among our 250+ members and the general public through education and field experiences that take advantage of the various habitats in DuPage County, the greater Chicago area, and other regional hotspots. -
Evanston North Shore Bird Club
WebsiteAn organisation devoted to wild birds and their habitats. It is committed to sharing this devotion with anyone interested in the natural world. -
Grand Prairie Bird Alliance
WebsiteThe mission of Grand Prairie Bird Alliance is to engage and promote activities that foster an understanding and appreciation of our natural world and that encourages others to join in this cause. -
Illinois Audubon Society
WebsiteThe Illinois Audubon Society was organized as an independent, state-wide, educational and scientific organization, incorporated April 10, 1897, by the State of Illinois. The Society has no connection with the National Audubon Society, which was formed several years later… -
Illinois Ornithological Records Committee
WebsiteThe Illinois Ornithological Records Committee (IORC); founded in 1985, evaluates the evidence for records of birds that are rare or unusual in Illinois. As a standing committee of the Illinois Ornithological Society, IORC strives to improve the quality of submitted ornithological field data in Illinois both through example and dissemination of pertinent information and techniques. -
Illinois Ornithological Society
WebsiteIOS is dedicated to promoting an increased awareness of birds in Illinois. IOS is for everyone! Founded in 1992, the organization has grown to number more than 700 amateurs and professionals interested in birds and birding in Illinois. -
Lake County Audubon Society
WebsiteThe Mission of the Lake County Audubon Society is Education, Conservation and Restoration of natural ecosystems, focusing on birds, and other wildlife and their habitats for the benefit of humanity and the earth's biological diversity -
Middlefork Audubon Society
WebsiteAnyone interested in birds or nature is welcome to join no matter their birding experience. A division of the Illinois Audubon Society. -
Nature Conservancy in Illinois
WebsiteAnother excellent NC site this one with a changing photo and a map to click to take you to very good info on different (p)reserves -
Northwest Illinois Audubon Society
WebsiteThe Northwest Illinois Audubon Society is dedicated to the cause of good stewardship of planet Earth. The society's strongest commitments are in the areas of environmental education, habitat preservation, pollution control, wildlife protection and resource conservation -
Peoria Audubon
WebsiteFounded in 1930, Peoria Audubon is a chapter of the National Audubon Society with memberships in the Audubon Council of Illinois and the Peoria Academy of Sciences. It is also an affiliate of the Illinois Audubon Society. All National Audubon Society members are automatically members of the Peoria Audubon Society. Peoria Audubon Society serves the Central Illinois River Valley as a source for environmental education, bird and butterfly monitoring and conservation advocacy and action. -
Prairie Woods Audubon Society
Twitter FeedThe mission of the Prairie Woods Audubon Society, as a chapter of the National Audubon Society, is to conserve the environment, to preserve wildlife... -
Rockford Birders
Facebook PageThe Rockford Bird Club [aka North Central Illinois Ornithological Society] website was created to help connect area birders with each other to increase the enjoyment of birding in Northern Illinois. Here you will find information about area birding events, recent bird sightings… -
Sinnissippi Audubon Society
WebsiteThe Sinnissippi Chapter of the Audubon Society was founded in the 1970’s and is committed to wildlife preservation in the Rockford region. -
Thorn Creek Audubon Society
WebsiteThe mission of the Thorn Creek Audubon Society is to promote the enjoyment and appreciation of birds, to educate adults and children concerning our natural environment, topreserve, protect, and restore wildlife habitat, and to create awareness of local conservation issues -
Vermilion County Conservation District-Headquarters
WebsiteThe VCCD maintains a vast system of wetlands called the “Kennekuk Marshes”. -
Western Prairie Audubon Society
WebpageIn 1998 several Macomb IL birdwatchers and nature enthusiasts began the Western Prairie Audubon Society. We are a grassroots conservation organization centered in Macomb and a chapter of the Illinois Audubon Society. -
Whimbrel Birders Club
Facebook PageWhimbrel Birders Club was established in September 2016 and is a birding club for all ages. Oliver Burrus, Isoo O’Brian, Benjamin Sebastian, and Eddie Kasper run the bird walks. We are all young birders from northern Illinois.
* List of protected areas of Illinois
InformationSatellite ViewInteractive List - Illinois has a variety of protected areas, including over 123 state-protected areas, dozens of federally protected areas, hundreds of county-level and municipal park areas. Illinois also contains sites designated as internationally important protected areas. These multiple levels of protection contribute to a statewide network of numerous recreation opportunities and conservation schemes, sometimes in a small area. -
BS Montrose Point
Facebook PageSatellite ViewA small finger curling out into the lake, Montrose Point Bird Sanctuary can boast in having over 300 species recorded, including some of the rarest birds ever recorded in the state. A small stretch of low-lying bushes and small trees on the west side of the sanctuary in particular have been a magnet for migrating songbirds and rarities. Some would say that the hedge seems to bring birds in like magic. The nickname for this spot is fitting: “The Magic Hedge.” -
IBA Lake Calumet
InformationSatellite ViewThe Calumet region, covering southeast Chicago, some south suburbs, and northwest Indiana, is a place to experience nature like nowhere else in Chicago. Despite past environmental abuse and neglect, a variety of wildlife, including rare birds and flowers, has not given up on the Calumet Wetlands… -
IBAs Illinois Important Bird Areas Program
InformationSatellite ViewThe Important Bird Areas (IBA) program is an international effort to identify, conserve, and monitor a network of sites that provide essential habitat for bird populations. The Illinois IBA program began in December 2002. The goals of the Illinois program are to quickly identify the state's most important bird areas and the threats to them, and to form conservation teams that can implement needed actions. -
NA Cache River State Natural Area
InformationSatellite ViewCache River State Natural Area is an Illinois state park centered on the Cache River (Illinois) of 14,314 acres (5,793 ha) in Johnson County, Illinois, United States. -
NPr Lake Renwick Preserve - Copley Nature Park
InformationSatellite ViewLocated on U.S. Route 30, Copley Nature Park is a small, 3-acre preserve that provides year-round viewing into Lake Renwick Heron Rookery Nature Preserve. Fixed viewing scopes allow for up-close bird watching from a completely different vantage point than is seen from the Lake Renwick Heron Rookery viewing area… -
NTGP Midewin
WebpageSatellite ViewThe tall-grass prairie supported abundant wildlife including bison, elk, wolves, black bears, and hundreds of species of birds…
Illinois Birding Network
Discussion GroupA place for Illinois birders to share sightings, pictures, videos, good birding locations, etc. This group is open to birders and birdwatchers of all skill levels, so please be polite and helpful -
Illinois Rare Bird Alert
SightingsThe report below shows observations of rare birds in Illinois. Includes both unreviewed and reviewed/approved observations.
2018 [05 May] - Geoff Upton - Canada & US
PDF ReportArkansas (US), Florida (US), Illinois (US), Louisiana (US), Ontario (CA), Tennessee (US)
Birds of Fermilab
WebsiteThese pages present the results of an ongoing survey of the bird life found on the 6,800 acre site of the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory which is located just west of Chicago, Illinois, USA. The diverse habitat to be found on Fermilab`s 6800 acres and the relative lack of disturbance combine to make Fermilab one of the best bird-watching locations in the entire Chicago area. The list of birds seen at Fermilab boasts 252 species including 83 confirmed breeding species and a further 7 which have probably bred there but for which actual confirmation has not yet been obtained. A variety of habitats are found on Fermilab grounds and include upland forest, flood plain woods, oak savannah, restored prairie, grasslands, pasture, croplands, fence rows, scrub, and a variety of lakes, streams and wetlands. -
Chicago Bird Collision Monitors Site
WebsiteHelping Migratory Birds Safely Navigate the Loop
Jeff Reiter - Words on Birds
BLOGI've been birding seriously since 1994. That year I saw a bird at KiawahIsland, S.C., that really caught my eye. My naked eye, too, but it was only about 15 feet away. Later I was able to easily i.d. the bird as a Hooded Warbler. So that was the spark.