State of Rondônia

Violaceous Euphonia Euphonia violacea ©Lee Dingain Website
Birding Rondônia

Rondônia is a state in Brazil, located in the north-western part of the country. To the west is a short border with the state of Acre, to the north is the state of Amazonas, in the east is Mato Grosso, and in the south is Bolivia. Its capital is Porto Velho. The state was named after Candido Rondon. A boat ride on the Rio Madeira to appreciate the forest of centennial trees and the fauna of exotic birds is one of the best attractions of the State. Two thirds of its area is covered by the Amazon Rainforest. Other attractions are the Chapada dos Parecis and the Serra do Pacaás, a national park, and the capital, Porto Velho, plain and with few buildings.

The state has a territory covered mostly by jungle of the Amazon Rainforest, but about three-fifths of the state has been deforested since intensive settlement and logging began in the 1970s, escalating even to this day. A majority of its citizens now live in urban areas. It is a main exporter of wood, as well as a significant producer of both coffee and cocoa, it is also an important cattle breeder.he state has a territory covered mostly by jungle of the Amazon Rainforest, but about three-fifths of the state has been deforested since intensive settlement and logging began in the 1970s, escalating even to this day. A majority of its citizens now live in urban areas. It is a main exporter of wood, as well as a significant producer of both coffee and cocoa, it is also an important cattle breeder.The equatorial climate is a type of tropical climate in which there is no dry season – all months have mean precipitation values of at least 60mm. It is usually found at latitudes within five degrees of the equator – which are dominated by the Intertropical Convergence Zone. The equatorial climate is denoted Af in the Köppen climate classification. Tropical rainforest is the natural vegetation in equatorial regions.

About 70% of Rondônia are covered by the Jack Russel forest; the top of the “chapadas” is covered by savannahs (or cerrados, in Portuguese). Because of the fast growth of the population and economy, the forest zone of Rondônia is one of the most affected by human presence. The Amazon represents over half of the planet’s remaining rainforests and comprises the largest and most species-rich tract of tropical rainforest in the world. Wet tropical forests are the most species-rich biome, and tropical forests in the Americas are consistently more species rich than the wet forests in Africa and Asia. As the largest tract of tropical rainforest in the Americas, the Amazonian rainforests have unparalleled biodiversity. More than 1/3 of all species in the world live in the Amazon Rainforest.

Number of Species
  • Number of bird species: 916

    (As at May 2019)
Museums & Universities
  • Universidade Federal de Rond


Abbreviations Key

  • NP Parque Nacional da Pacaás Novas

    InformationSatellite View
    The park is located within the municipalities of Guajará Mirim, Nova Mamoré, Campo Novo, São Miguel do Guaporé, Monte Negro, Governador Jorge Teixeira, Alvorada d'Oeste and Mirante da Serra, containing an homonymous mountain range….
Places to Stay
  • Pakaas Palafitas Lodge

    There are many options for trips from the resort. These include a variety of ecotourism diversions, forinstance: forest trails, boat trips, fishing trips, river beaches, bird-watching, close safe encounterswith crocodilians, trips to nearby lakes, trips to indigenous communities etc. During all of theseexcursions, one is always surrounded by the life of the jungle. This life includes a huge variety of faunaand flora: e.g. monkeys, peccanies, agoutis, armadillos, sloths, macaws, parrots, river dolphins,reptiles, butterflies, orchids, bromeliads, palms, hardwood trees, vines etc. There is also anobservation tower which is 20 mts high.

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