Democratic Republic of São Tomé and Príncipe

Sao Tome Scops Owl Otus hartlaubi ©Pete Morris Website

São Tomé and Príncipe is an island country in the Gulf of Guinea, the western equatorial coast of Central Africa. It consists of two archipelagos around the two main islands of São Tomé and Príncipe, about 150 km (93.21 mi) apart and about 250 and 225 km (155 and 140 mi) off the northwestern coast of Gabon. With a population of c. 235,000, and a land area of 964 km2 São Tomé and Príncipe is the second-smallest and second-least populous African sovereign state after Seychelles.

The islands are part of the Cameroon volcanic mountain line, which also includes the islands of Annobón to the southwest, Bioko to the northeast (both part of Equatorial Guinea), and Mount Cameroon on the coast of Gulf of Guinea. São Tomé is 50km long and 30km wide and the more mountainous of the two islands. Its peaks reach 6,640 feet at Pico de São Tomé. Príncipe is about 30km long and 6km wide. Its peaks reach 3,110 feet at Pico de Príncipe. Swift streams radiating down the mountains through lush forest and cropland to the sea cross both islands. The Equator lies immediately south of São Tomé Island, passing through the islet Ilhéu das Rolas.

The climate of São Tomé and Príncipe is essentially conditioned by its geographic location, subject to the seasonal translation of low equatorial pressures, the monsoon winds from the south and the warm Guinea Current. At sea level, the climate is tropical – hot and humid with average yearly temperatures of about 26 °C and little daily variation. The temperature rarely rises beyond 32 °C. At the interior’s higher elevations, the average yearly temperature is 20 °C and nights are generally cool. Annual rainfall varies from 7,000 mm in the highland cloud forests to 800 mm in the northern lowlands. The rainy season is from October to May.

Sāo Tomé Forest – ©SadAttorney613, CC BY-SA 4.0 via Wikimedia Commons

The country’s territory is part of the São Tomé, Príncipe, and Annobón moist lowland forests ecoregion. It does not have a large number of native mammals (although the São Tomé shrew and several bat species are endemic). However, the islands are home to a larger number of endemic birds and plants, including the world’s smallest ibis and the world’s largest sunbird. The islands are also an important marine turtle-nesting site, including the Hawksbill Turtles Eretmochelys imbricata.

Birding Sāo Tomé & Principe

The Gulf of Guinea islands: Nestling in the armpit of Africa the four islands of Bioko, Príncipe, São Tomé and Annobón have been virtually ignored by birders and until very recently, have been the preserve of expeditions and the more ambitious bird-tour companies. This is surprising given that the islands offer some of Africa’s most spectacular scenery and, although you will not see hundreds of species, the number of endemics is truly impressive – 28 on São Tomé and Príncipe alone. These range from the incredible Giant Sunbird through to the São Tomé Short-tail, a bird unlike any other with its own genus. Several species, including the Dwarf Olive Ibis, São Tomé Fiscal Shrike and São Tomé Grosbeak have been seen by very few living birders! However, with a bit of adventure these species may be seen in the remote southwestern forests of São Tomé. Coupled with the birds the people are amongst the friendliest in Africa, the scenery is spectacular and the many beaches are wonderful. It is an ideal place to spend some time.

Geography and Biodiversity: These volcanic islands form a line of extinct volcanoes, starting with Annobón in the southwest and reaching up northeastwards to Mount Cameroon and beyond. The two middle islands in the chain, São Tomé and Príncipe, form the Democratic Republic of São Tomé and Príncipe. Bioko, the biggest island and the closest to mainland, and Annobón, the smallest and more inaccessible, are part of Equatorial Guinea.

Bioko is part of the continental shelf and was only isolated from the mainland 11,000 years ago. It has, therefore, a rich fauna and flora of continental origin, but low levels of bird endemism although for it size it has one of the highest diversity of primates in the world. Príncipe, São Tomé and Annobón are oceanic islands and have never been connected to mainland or to each other. Their fauna and flora having evolved independently is characterised by high levels of endemism. Even the extremely small Annobón (9×3 km) has two endemic land birds, the Annobón White-eye and the Annobón Paradise Flycatcher, shares the endemic Bronze-naped Pigeon with São Tomé and Príncipe, and hosts a sub-species of the African Scops Owl. São Tomé and Príncipe are undoubtedly the stars of the pack, with more than twice the number of endemic birds that could be predicted by area alone.

Access: All the islands can be visited, although access to Annobón is really only possible from mainland Equatorial Guinea or by private yacht charter from São Tomé. Access to São Tomé is via TAP Air Portugal flights, which depart from Lisbon, or with Air Gabon, which departs from Libreville. Libreville is connected to most African cities and to Europe, via Paris. Access to Príncipe is by air via São Tomé. Apart from two main local languages, Portuguese is widely spoken and French is the most spoken second language. English is spoken at hotels and by some guides.

A closer look at São Tomé and Príncipe

Príncipe Biosphere Reserve – ©Antoniodabreu, CC BY-SA 4.0 via Wikimedia Commons

Birding Sites: Most of the endemics on São Tomé and Príncipe are easy to see and can be seen around the main towns. (See Top Sites below for details of other sites).

When to visit: All the endemics in São Tomé and Príncipe can be seen at any time of year. However, access to the southwestern forests in São Tomé will be difficult in the rainy season. The periods June to August and December-January are the best as they are the two drier periods.

Accommodation:  Accommodation in São Tomé is varied but not necessarily cheap. It ranges from the up-market Marlin Beach Hotel and the Hotel Miramar to small pensions. In between there are several small, well-equipped establishments that cost half as much as the upmarket hotels including breakfast. For long stays, renting a place can be more economic. Accommodation in Príncipe is limited to the up-market Bom Bom Island Resort and a couple of pensions in town. Pensão Romar is recommended. It has a very special atmosphere, and friendly service. Its balcony bewitches most of those that have passed by. To top it all, Zôzô is an excellent cook (ask her for local dishes which she excels at).

Hazards: Malaria is the main health concern in the islands. Follow the prophylaxis regime recommended by your doctor and take care to avoid mosquito bites especially at dusk. The use of repellent and a mosquito net at night is strongly recommended. The golden rule is to consider any difference in your physical well-being as a possible symptom of malaria, and go and get it checked it in a clinic or hospital. The only other major hazard in the forest is black cobras. Initially introduced to reduce rat populations in the plantations, these snakes have spread into the forest. They generally get out of your way and there have been no reported cases of birders having problems. However, take care crossing fallen logs and dry streambeds where they like to bask in the early morning. Contact your doctor if you require advice on snakebites. As in any tropical area care should be taken with water consumption. When in towns drink bottled water or use sterilising tablets or drops of iodine to be safe. Water direct from rivers in the southwest is probably safe.

Príncipe Biosphere Reserve – ©César J. Pollo, CC BY-SA 4.0 via Wikimedia Commons

Birding and which field guides to use: Despite being virtually unknown by birders, RDSTP and Bioko have their own field guides. The Christy & Clarke guide is the most up to date and the Sargeant bird-finding guide, although fairly old, still holds good. Abbé René de Naurois volumes cover both islands and are a summary of his 20+ years research on the island’s birds.

Further information, NGOs & Links: By far and away the best resource for those interested in the different groups of plants and animals is the Gulf of Guinea Conservation Group. Here you can find information about the different islands, species lists and a whole host of information about living and working in the Gulf of Guinea. This web site is maintained from São Tomé and there is also an informal e-mail discussion list that can be joined. The travel agency Mistral Voyages with an office in São Tomé, can help you organise your trip.

This page is sponsored by Ashanti African Tours

Top Sites
  • Lagoa Amélia

    Satellite View
    In São Tomé, however, it is necessary to visit the high-altitude cloud forest at Lagoa Amélia to see species such as the Maroon Pigeon and Giant Sunbird as well as some truly spectacular forest.
  • Príncipe Ilhas Tinhosas

    Satellite View
    The seabird islets 20 km south of Príncipe, the Ilhas Tinhosas, are well worth a visit and boats can be hired through the Bom Bom Island resort. Sooty Terns, Black and Brown Noddies and Brown Boobies breed in many thousands in these tiny rocks. Do not land on the islets: besides being extremely dangerous it causes great disturbance to the birds.
  • Príncipe Southern Forests

    Satellite View
    On Príncipe, all the endemics (6 in all) can be seen on roads around the town, although a visit to the southern forests is recommended to see the Príncipe Thrush - a sub-species of the São Tomé Thrush that may be split in the future. The southern forests are also the strongholds of the African Grey Parrot breeding population, and its shores are the best place to see the Príncipe Seed-eater. Most of Príncipe can be explored on day-walks, but spending one night in the southern coast, bordering the rainforest is recommended: a small owl described by local people has still to be found by outsiders, and it is a good bet to try to spot the seldom seen Príncipe Olive Ibis…
  • São Tomé peak

    Satellite View
    For the pure scenery pleasure a two-day walk to the São Tomé peak (2,024 m); crossing different forest types, is a must. For the more intrepid, a visit to the southwestern forests is essential to see species such as the Dwarf Olive Ibis, the fiscal shrike, the short-tail and the grosbeak. Here, where it rains almost everyday even in the dry season, it will probably be necessary to spend 1-2 nights camping in the forest to ensure that all the endemics are seen.
  • Martim Melo


  • Phil Atkinson


Number of Species
  • Number of bird species: 180

    (As at August 2024)
  • Number of endemics: 28

    Sao Tome Spinetail Zoonavena thomensis
    Sao Tome Scops-Owl Otus hartlaubi
    Maroon Pigeon Columba thomensis
    Sao Tome Green-Pigeon Treron sanctithomae
    Sao Tome Ibis Bostrychia bocagei
    Newton's Fiscal Lanius newtoni
    Sao Tome Oriole Oriolus crassirostris
    Sao Tome Paradise-Flycatcher Terpsiphone atrochalybeia
    Principe Starling Lamprotornis ornatus
    Sao Tome Prinia Prinia molleri
    Principe Speirops Speirops leucophoeus
    Sao Tome White-eye Zosterops feae
    Principe White-eye Zosterops ficedulinus
    Black-capped Speirops Zosterops lugubris
    Principe Thrush Turdus xanthorrhychus
    Sao Tome Thrush Turdus olivaceofuscus
    Sao Tome Sunbird Dreptes thomensis
    Principe Sunbird Nectarinia hartlaubii
    Newton`s Sunbird Nectarinia newtonii
    Principe Golden-Weaver Ploceus princeps
    Giant Weaver Ploceus grandis
    Sao Tome Weaver Ploceus sanctithomae
    Sao Tome Short-tail Motacilla bocagii
    Principe Seedeater Serinus rufobrunneus
    Sao Tome Grosbeak Crithagra concolor
    Sao Tome Kingfisher Corythornis thomensis 
    Principe Kingfisher Corythornis nais
    Dohrn's Warbler Sylvia dohrni  
  • Number of endemics: 11 Endemic Sub-species

    Harlequin Quail Coturnix delegorguei histrionica
    Little Swift Apus affinis bannermani
    African Emerald Cuckoo Chrysococcyx cupreus insularum
    Lemon Dove Columba larvata principalis
    African Green Pigeon Treron calvus viricens
    Western Barn Owl Tyto alba thomensis
    Blue-breasted Kingfisher Halcyon malimbica dryas
    Timneh Parrot Psittacus timneh princeps
    Splendid Starling Lamprotornis splendidus splledidus
    Olive Sunbird Cyanomitra olivacea obscura
    Chestnut-breasted Nigita Nigrita bicolor brunnescens
  • Avibase

    PDF Checklist
    This checklist includes all bird species found in Sao Tome and Principe , based on the best information available at this time. It is based on a wide variety of sources that I collated over many years. I am pleased to offer these checklists as a service to birdwatchers. If you find any error, please do not hesitate to report them.
  • Wikipedia

    Annotated List
    This is a list of the bird species recorded in São Tomé and Príncipe. As São Tomé and Príncipe is a series of islands, its avifauna grows whenever a "new" species arrives or is recorded for the first time; the list comprises 176 species, of which 25 are endemic, 4 have been introduced by humans, and several are rare or accidental (often termed "vagrants").
  • eBird

    PDF Checklist
    This checklist is generated with data from eBird (, a global database of bird sightings from birders like you. If you enjoy this checklist, please consider contributing your sightings to eBird. It is 100% free to take part, and your observations will help support birders, researchers, and conservationists worldwide.
Useful Reading

  • Birds of Western and Central Africa

    | By Ber van Perlo | Princeton University Press | 2003 | Paperback | 384 pages, 109 plates with colour illustrations; colour & b/w illustrations, 1500+ b/w distribution maps, colour maps | Out of Print | ISBN: 9780691007144 Buy this book from
  • The Birds of Sao Tomé and Príncipe

    | By AP Leventis & Fábio Olmos | Editora Aves e Fotos (C) | 2009 | Paperback | 142 pages, Colour photos | Text in English & Portuguese | ISBN: 9788598153063 Buy this book from
  • The Birds of São Tomé and Príncipe with Annobón

    | By Peter Jones & Alan Tye | BOU | 2006 | Hardback | 172 pages, 16 pp col photos, b/w maps, figs | Out of Print | ISBN: 9780907446279 Buy this book from
  • African Bird Club

    These islands straddling the equator in the Gulf of Guinea are home to an impressive list of endemic species which should satisfy the requirements of most birdwatchers. These range from the incredible Giant Sunbird Dreptes thomensis, S
  • Gulf of Guinea Biodiversity Centre

    Off the coast of West-Central Africa in the Gulf of Guinea, the oceanic islands of São Tomé, Príncipe, and Annobón host exceptional diversity of plants and animals that exist nowhere else on the planet.
  • West African Ornithological Society

    The West African Ornithological Society grew out of the Nigerian Ornithologists
  • Wildlife Conservation Society

    The region is facing a set of unique and expanding conservation challenges and threats, along its coastline and within its forested interior.

Abbreviations Key

  • Important Bird Areas

    InformationSatellite View
    Of the total 144 recorded species, 72 are breeding residents and 25 are endemic to the islands. Of the endemic species, 12 are of global conservation concern of which 8 are restricted to S
  • NP Obo

    InformationSatellite View
    The natural park was established in 2006 and is the country's only protected area at the national level. The park is known internationally amongst conservationists for its biologically rich dense virgin rainforests. It is also characterized by a wide range of biotopes, from lowland and mountain forests, to mangroves and savanna area, which contribute to its unique ecosystem. The park includes virgin Atlantic high altitude rainforest and secondary rainforest (known to locals as capoeira) which contains abandoned plantations. In 1988, scientists classified the forests of São Tomé and Príncipe as the second most important in terms of biological interest out of 75 forests of Africa; most of the species found in the islands are found in the national park. Birds include the São Toméan grosbeak (Crithagra concolor), São Toméan ibis (Bostrychia bocagei), São Toméan shorttail (Amaurocichlia bocagei), the Giant sunbird (Dreptes thomensis), São Tomé fiscal (Lanius newtoni), São Tomé oriole (Oriolus crassirostris) and São Tomé thrush (Turdus olivaceofuscus).
  • Protected areas of São Tomé and Príncipe

    InformationSatellite View
    2 RAMSAR sites, 2 National Parks and 1 other Park
Sightings, News & Forums
Guides & Tour Operators
  • Ashanti African Tours

    Tour Operator
    Our tours of Sao Tome and Principe operate year-round, however the main dry season here is from June to September which is the most popular time for visitors. Travelling during the rainy season is fine and should not affect your trip unless you are on a birding tour that visits the National Parks.
  • BirdQuest

    Tour Operator
    SÃO TOMÉ & PRÍNCIPE – a feast of little-known endemic birds on two beautiful Atlantic islands
  • Birding Africa

    Tour Operator
    Our seven-night eight-day tour of the volcanic islands of São Tomé and Príncipe off er birders the chance to see all of the islands' more-than-25 endemic bird species.
  • Birding Ecotours

    Tour Operator
    With 75% of its area covered by rainforest, São Tomé and Príncipe (STP) is characterized by unspoiled, palm-fringed beaches, towering volcanic peaks, and a fascinating colonial heritage. Now with the recent discovery of large oil deposits in the Gulf of Guinea, STP is on the cusp of change. This is Africa’s second-smallest country, and it exhibits an enticing blend of African, Portuguese and Caribbean culture...
  • NatureTrek

    Tour Operator
    A 12-day holiday to the West African nation of São Tomé and Príncipe in search of its endemic birds and other natural history.
  • Ornis Birding Expeditions

    Tour Operator
    Most of the endemic species and subspecies on Príncipe are easily seen. Príncipe Glossy Starling, Príncipe Sunbird, Príncipe Speirops, Príncipe Weaver, Príncipe Kingfisher, Príncipe Drongo, and the strange Dohrn’s Warbler (now thought to be an aberrant Sylvia!) are our key targets near the hotel. Offshore, White-tailed Tropicbirds and Brown Boobies are quite common.
  • Rockjumper

    Tour Operator
    The seldom-visited islands of São Tomé & Príncipe are tucked away in the Gulf of Guinea, 180 miles off the African coastline...
  • Zoothera Birding

    Tour Operator
    SÃO TOMÉ & PRÍNCIPE BIRDING TOUR ITINERARY In search of Atlantic Island African Endemics
Trip Reports
  • 2016 [09 September] - Michiel de Boer - Gabon, Sao Tomé & Principe

    ...My personal targets for this trip were the Picathartes, Rosy and Black-headed Bee-eaters, White-bellied Kingfisher (one of the last of the African Kingfishers I needed) and Bare Cheeked Trogon. Priorities were a little different with my companion George Wagner. He had not been to Cameroon but had been to Ghana and had seen the Rosy Bee-eater...
  • 2018 [01 January] - Mark Van Biers

    PDF Report
    The tiny and little-known archipelago of São Tomé and Principe is Africa’s second smallest country and is positioned almost exactly on the equator in the armpit of Africa.
  • 2021 [11 November] - BudgetBirders

    ...We hiked up, set up camp, and quickly had a pair of Principé Scops-Owls above our heads. If we had known it would have been that easy we could have just came up for a quick night walk! We managed excellent photos, but sharing them will have to wait until the paper describing the species is out! Sorry!
  • 2022 [03 March] - DANI LOPEZ-VELASCO

    PDF Report
    On this highly successful tour we managed to observe 27 out of the 28 endemics which live on these islands. The highlight of this short trip was without a doubt the cracking observation of the only recently discovered and as yet undescribed ‘Principe’ Scops Owl, only a couple of hours after seeing the critically endangered Principe Thrush and the rare Principe White-eye! Our night of camping on São Tomé gave us excellent views of the rare Sao Tome Ibis as well as two very rarely seen endemics...
  • 2023 [09 September] - André Bernon

    PDF Report
    ...We camped at the top and had some superb birding, finding the previously thought extinct Giant Grosbeak, Sao Tome Fiscal (described by the Portuguese and then only a handful of sightings until 1994), Sao Tome Ibis, Giant Sunbird, Sao Tome and Giant Weavers, Sao Tome Oriole, Sao Tome Paradise Flycatcher, Sao Tome Thrush, Newton’s Sunbird, displaying Sao Tome Prinia and Principe Seedeater...
  • 2024 [01 January] – Andy Smith, Naturetrek

    PDF Report
    São Tomé Ibis, São Tomé Olive Pigeon, Island Bronze-naped Pigeon, São Tomé Green Pigeon, São Tomé Oriole, São Tomé and Príncipe Scops Owls and many more special birds seen on this 12-day tour, plus São Tomé Cobra, Green Turtle, Mona Monkey and many others.
  • 2024 [02 February] - Pete Morris

    PDF Report
    Well, this seemed like a bit of a whirlwind trip that flashed by in a moment! It was pretty hard work at times, but we were well looked after, had great local support and surprisingly good cuisine. And thankfully we had a very friendly and determined group that were prepared to put in the hard yards which were at times required! Ultimately, we were pretty successful, seeing all the endemics well, bar one...
Places to Stay
  • Bom Bom Island Resort

    Bom Bom Island Resort is such an attractive destination for fishermen, nature-lovers, escapists and honeymooners because it combines excellent facilities and luxury in an exotic location…
  • Pestana Hotel Miramar Sao Tome

    The Pestana ​Miramar São Tomé is a 4-star hotel in São Tomé e Príncipe
Other Links
  • Birds of São Tomé e Príncipe

    These islands straddling the equator in the Gulf of Guinea are home to a similar number of endemic species as the Galapagos Islands which should satisfy the requirements of the most discerning birdwatchers. These range from the incredible Giant Sunbird Dreptes thomensis, São Tomé Short-tail Amaurocichla bocagei, a bird unlike any other with its own genus, as well as the rare and little seen São Tomé Grosbeak Neospiza concolor and São Tomé Fiscal Lanius newtoni.

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