State of Colorado

Colorado is a state in the Western United States. It is one of the Mountain states, sharing the Four Corners region with Arizona, New Mexico, and Utah. It is also bordered by Wyoming to the north, Nebraska to the northeast, Kansas to the east, and Oklahoma to the southeast. As one of the Mountain States it is often considered to be part of the southwestern United States. The high plains of Colorado may be considered a part of the midwestern United States. It encompasses most of the Southern Rocky Mountains, as well as the northeastern portion of the Colorado Plateau and the western edge of the Great Plains. Colorado is the eighth most extensive as it covers nearly 269,000 km2 (c.104,000 square miles) but is only the 21st most populous US state with well under six million people. Denver is the capital, the most populous city, and the centre of the Front Range Urban Corridor where half the population of the state live. Colorado Springs is the second most populous city of the state.
Colorado is notable for its diverse geography, which includes alpine mountains, high plains, deserts with mesas, huge sand dunes and deep canyons. Approximately half of Colorado is flat and rolling land. East of the Rocky Mountains is the Colorado Eastern Plains of the High Plains, the section of the Great Plains within Colorado at elevations ranging from roughly 3,350 to 7,500 feet. The plains are mostly prairies but also include deciduous forests, buttes, and canyons. Precipitation averages 15 to 25 inches annually. Eastern Colorado is presently mainly farmland and rangeland, along with small farming villages and towns. Corn, wheat, hay, soybeans, and oats are all typical crops. Most villages and towns in this region boast both a water tower and a grain elevator. Irrigation water is available from both surface and subterranean sources. Surface water sources include the South Platte, the Arkansas River, and a few other streams. Subterranean water is generally accessed through artesian wells. Heavy usage of these wells for irrigation purposes caused underground water reserves to decline in the region. Eastern Colorado also hosts a considerable amount and range of livestock, such as cattle ranches and hog farms.
Arkansas River Headwaters – ©Roy Luck CC BY 2.0 via Wikimedia Commons
To the west of the Great Plains of Colorado rises the eastern slope of the Rocky Mountains. Notable peaks of the Rocky Mountains include Longs Peak, Mount Blue Sky, Pikes Peak, and the Spanish Peaks near Walsenburg, in southern Colorado. This area drains to the east and the southeast, ultimately either via the Mississippi River or the Rio Grande into the Gulf of Mexico.
The Rocky Mountains within Colorado contain 53 true peaks with a total of 58 that are 14,000 feet or higher in elevation above sea level, known as fourteeners. These mountains are largely covered with trees such as conifers and aspens up to the tree line, at an elevation of about 12,000 feet in southern Colorado to about 10,500 feet in northern Colorado. Above this tree line, only alpine vegetation grows. Only small parts of the Colorado Rockies are snow-covered year-round. Much of the alpine snow melts by mid-August except for a few snow-capped peaks and a few small glaciers.
Within the interior of the Rocky Mountains are several large parks which are high broad basins. In the north, on the east side of the Continental Divide is the North Park of Colorado. The North Park is drained by the North Platte River, which flows north into Wyoming and Nebraska. Just to the south of North Park, but on the western side of the Continental Divide, is the Middle Park of Colorado, which is drained by the Colorado River. The South Park of Colorado is the region of the headwaters of the South Platte River.
Rocky Mountain National Park – ©Daniel Mayer CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons
In south-central Colorado is the large San Luis Valley, where the headwaters of the Rio Grande are located. The northern part of the valley is the San Luis Closed Basin, an endorheic basin that helped created the Great Sand Dunes. The valley sits between the Sangre De Cristo Mountains and San Juan Mountains. The Rio Grande drains due south into New Mexico, Texas, and Mexico. Across the Sangre de Cristo Range to the east of the San Luis Valley lies the Wet Mountain Valley.
The Western Slope of Colorado includes the western face of the Rocky Mountains and all of the area to the western border. This area includes several terrains and climates from alpine mountains to arid deserts. The Western Slope includes many ski resort towns in the Rocky Mountains and towns west to Utah. It is less populous than the Front Range but includes a large number of national parks and monuments.
The northwestern corner of Colorado is a sparsely populated region, and it contains part of the noted Dinosaur National Monument, which not only is a paleontological area, but is also a scenic area of rocky hills, canyons, arid desert, and stream beds. Here, the Green River briefly crosses over into Colorado.
The Western Slope of Colorado is drained by the Colorado River and its tributaries (primarily the Gunnison River, Green River, and the San Juan River). The Colorado River flows through Glenwood Canyon, and then through an arid valley made up of desert from Rifle to Parachute, through the desert canyon of De Beque Canyon, and into the arid desert of Grand Valley, where the city of Grand Junction is located.
Also prominent is the Grand Mesa, which lies to the southeast of Grand Junction; the high San Juan Mountains, a rugged mountain range; and to the north and west of the San Juan Mountains, the Colorado Plateau.
The climate of Colorado is more complex than states outside of the Mountain States region. Unlike most other states, southern Colorado is not always warmer than northern Colorado. Most of Colorado is made up of mountains, foothills, high plains, and desert lands. Mountains and surrounding valleys greatly affect the local climate. Northeast, east, and southeast Colorado are mostly the high plains, while Northern Colorado is a mix of high plains, foothills, and mountains. Northwest and west Colorado are predominantly mountainous, with some desert lands mixed in. Southwest and southern Colorado are a complex mixture of desert and mountain areas.
Picketwire Canyon, Comanche National Grassland – ©cm195902 CC BY 2.0 via Wikimedia Commons
Common wildlife found in the mountains of Colorado include mule deer, southwestern red squirrel, golden-mantled ground squirrel, yellow-bellied marmot, moose, American pika, and red fox, all at exceptionally high numbers, though moose are not native to the state. The foothills include deer, fox squirrel, desert cottontail, mountain cottontail, and coyote. The prairies are home to black-tailed prairie dog, the endangered swift fox, American badger, and white-tailed jackrabbit.
Birding Colorado
Many first-time visitors to Colorado anticipate seeing a state consisting mostly of mountains. This impression is understandable. However, one of its most striking features of the state is its vast complex of plains and prairies. In fact, the eastern plains of Colorado comprise 42% of the state’s area. Because of its wide variety of habitats, and its unique location in the centre of the continent with respect to migration routes, Colorado is a premier birding destination. Those intending to bird throughout the state should plan on doing a lot of driving; it is about 276 miles from Wyoming to the north to New Mexico to the south, and 387 miles from Kansas and Nebraska to the east to Utah to the west. In recent years, Colorado’s birds and other wildlife have come under increasing pressure as the population has increased by more than 50% in the past thirty years. Colorado is best visualised as consisting of three distinct geographic subdivisions. Within these three general areas there are literally hundreds of good birding localities. Consequently, it is highly recommended that birders unfamiliar with Colorado utilize A Birder’s Guide to Colorado, to clarify the details of particular localities.
The Eastern Prairies – The eastern part of the state is made up of c.43,000 square miles of rolling prairies.
Wolf Creek, Moffat County – ©Wikimedia Commons
Most of this area was once short-grass prairie habitat, but agricultural use now dominates the landscape. This part of the state features two major drainage systems. The South Platte River emerges from the Front Range of the Rocky Mountains at Waterton Canyon, south of Denver, and flows northeast to Nebraska. The Arkansas River leaves the mountains at the Royal Gorge, at Canon City, and flows east into Kansas. Along the courses of both rivers are many large lakes and reservoirs; some of the best birding destinations in this part of the state. Denver is situated on the western edge of the plains, adjacent to the Front Range of the Rocky Mountains. There is plenty of good birding in the Denver area, including Chatfield Reservoir, Cherry Creek Reservoir and Castlewood Canyon State Parks. Exiting Denver to the northeast, Interstate 76 follows the South Platte River across the plains. North of the South Platte River lies the vast (193,000 acres) expanse of the Pawnee National Grasslands, a popular destination for viewing prairie bird species such as Mountain Plover and Chestnut-sided and McCown’s Longspurs. Crow Valley Campground on the Pawnee Grasslands is one of many migrant traps found on the plains where lakes and moist drainages enable stands of trees to survive on the otherwise treeless prairie. Other prime birding locations along the I-76 corridor include Barr Lake and Jackson Lake (known for its extensive mudflats and large shorebird populations in the fall) State Parks, Canfield Park in Fort Morgan, and Brush, Prewitt Reservoir, Tamarack Ranch, Red Lion and Jumbo Reservoir State Wildlife Areas.
To the south and east, along the Kansas state line, are the town of Wray, known for its Greater Prairie-chicken leks, and Bonny Reservoir State Park, another excellent migrant trap. There is equally good birding along the Lower Arkansas Valley between Pueblo and Lamar. Popular birding spots include Lakes Henry, Meredith, Cheraw and Holbrook, Rocky Ford State Wildlife Area, and the Comanche National Grasslands, south of La Junta. Found adjacent to these grasslands are the Picket Wire Canyon-lands and the Purgotoire River. In addition to the specialty birds of the area, such as Curve-billed Thrasher, Cassin’s Kingbird, Black-throated and Rufous-crowned Sparrows, Golden Eagle and Canyon Wren, here one can see the most extensive exposed set of dinosaur tracks in North America. Near the New Mexico/Oklahoma border is Cottonwood Canyon, where such south-western species as Greater Roadrunner, Painted Bunting and Ladder-backed Woodpecker may be found. East of Cottonwood is Campo, one of the few dependable Colorado locations for Lesser Prairie-chicken. Further downstream along the Arkansas River are additional excellent birding localities: John Martin Reservoir, the Fort Lyon Wildlife Easement, the Indian reservoirs of Nee So Pah, Nee Noshe, Nee Gronde and Nee Skah, and the Lamar Community College woodlands.
The West-central Mountains – The west-central part of Colorado is its most mountainous area.
Arapaho National Forest – ©US Department of Agriculture CC BY 2.0 via Wikimedia Commons
The Continental Divide passes along the crests of several of the many mountain ranges that make up this part of the state, and divides the state into the eastern slope and western slope. On the eastern slope is Rocky Mountain National Park, famous for its variety of mountain species including Gray Jay, Clark’s Nutcracker, Three-toed Woodpecker and White-tailed Ptarmigan. Guanella Pass, near the old silver mining town of Georgetown, is another well-known locality for the ptarmigan. Enclosed within the numerous mountain ranges that make up the backbone of the Rocky Mountains are four high valleys, or parks. The northernmost of these, North Park, includes Arapahoe National Wildlife Refuge, and much of the best habitat for several of Colorado’s much-sought-after grouse species, including Sage and Dusky Grouse. To the south are Middle Park, South Park, and the San Luis Valley. Hard against the east side of this valley, at the foot of the majestic Sangre de Cristo Mountains is found the spectacular Great Sand Dunes National Park. Just east of the Dunes are the Alamosa and Monte Vista National Wildlife Refuges, where the Gray’s Lake Sandhill Cranes congregate to rest and feed on their northward migration every March. Farther west in this mountainous central region is the Black Canyon of the Gunnison National Park, a good area to see Dusky and Gunnison Sage-grouse.
Western Plateaus, Mesas and Canyons – The western third of Colorado is made up of plateaus, mesas and canyons. Geologically, it lies partially on the Colorado Plateau, and closely resembles the canyon country of Utah.
Black Canyon, Gunnison National Park – James ©St. John CC BY 2.0 via Wikimedia Commons
The incursion of arid habitat and desert topography into the west and northwest parts of the state results in the presence of many desert bird species not found at corresponding latitudes in the eastern part of the state. In the northwest corner of Colorado is the fantastic canyon complex of Dinosaur National Monument, along the Yampa River, a great place to see Ferruginous Hawk, Golden Eagle, Prairie and Peregrine Falcons, and other raptors. A few miles to the east, near Craig and Hayden, are leks where Sharp-tailed and Sage Grouse may be seen. In west-central Colorado, the Colorado River joins the Gunnison River at Grand Junction, and forms the mighty river system, which carved the Grand Canyon of Arizona and eventually finds its way to the Gulf of Mexico. Southwest of Grand Junction is Colorado National Monument, a maze of chasms home to desert specialties such as Gambel’s Quail, Black-chinned Hummingbird, Scott’s Oriole, Gray Vireo, Gray Flycatcher and Pinyon Jay. Nearby is Grand Mesa, known for its variety of owls. Moving to the southwest corner of the state, adjacent to the magnificent and historic San Juan Mountains, we find Mesa Verde National Park. In this park and other nearby areas are found Black-throated Gray and Grace’s Warblers, and Black Swift. Birding in Colorado – Birding in Colorado is excellent year-round. The variety of terrains and habitats is virtually unlimited, from the arid canyons of the west to the lush wetlands of the mountain parks, and from the short-grass prairies of the east to the rocky tors high above the timberline. The birds are as varied as the landscapes, and almost anything is possible. Come prepared for the extremes of weather at all seasons, and you will have a truly memorable experience!
Jumbo and Red Lion Reservoirs
InformationSatellite View(far northeast) -
NG Pawnee National Grasslands & Crow Valley Campground
InformationSatellite ViewPawnee National Grassland is located in northeastern Colorado, near the town of Briggsdale in northeast Colorado. This is one of the main breeding grounds in the world for Mountain Plovers. The Chalk Bluffs area is habitat for many raptor species… -
NM Colorado National Monument
WebpageSatellite ViewClose to the western boundary of the state. For millions of years, erosion has cut into the edge of the Uncompahgre Plateau, creating corridor-like canyons. These canyons are lined by sheer cliffs and towering monoliths and separated by pinyon-juniper mesas. This rugged terrain, along with the arid, semi-desert climate, provides a highly varied habitat for birdlife found in the Monument… -
NP Rocky Mountain National Park (north central)
WebsiteSatellite ViewPlan your visit and come experience this priceless jewel, Rocky Mountain National Park in northern, central Colorado. Catch the glint of Rocky's many facets: the brief morning alpenglow on a peak, a glimpse of a wary wild creature in the brush, the sun sparkling in a stream, the glory of a mountain sunset, the solitude of a trail less traveled, the splendor of the starscape free of man-made light, the exhilaration of looking over the clouds, the uplift of birdsong from the branches, the haunting night music of howling coyotes and bugling elk… -
NP San Luis Valley & Great Sand Dunes National Park
WebpageSatellite ViewOn the eastern side of the remote, high-mountain San Luis Valley, between the Blanca Massif and Crestone Needle, are the Great Sand Dunes, the tallest sand dunes in North America. The dunes cover approximately 39 square miles and rise to almost 750' above the valley floor… -
NWR Arapaho National Wildlife Refuge
WebpageSatellite ViewArapaho National Wildlife Refuge (NWR), situated at an elevation of 8,200 feet, is located in an intermountain glacial basin in north-central Colorado. The Refuge offers several ways to enjoy the area, including activities such as fishing, hunting, wildlife observation, and photography… -
SP Chatfield State Park
WebpageSatellite ViewThree hundred and five bird species frequent Chatfield either as permanent residents or migrators: the Chatfield Bird List is available for birdwatchers. From south of the Denver metro area Santa Fe (Highway 85) to Titan Parkway (approximately 14.6 miles north of Castle Rock). West on Titan to Roxborough Park Road. Take a right on Roxborough Park Road which leads directly into Chatfield State Park… -
SP Cherry Creek State Park
WebpageSatellite ViewMention Arapahoe County to almost any birder in Colorado, and this is the site that comes to mind. It has a well-deserved place among the triumvirate of metro area reservoirs (along with Barr Lake and Chatfield). Cherry Creek's main strength seems to be gulls. Just about every species reported in the state has been seen here, many of them more than once. Large flocks of waterbirds often grace the lake, and uncommon and rare species such as Long-tailed Duck, all three scoters, Red-throated Loon and Red-necked Grebe occur with some frequency. Super rarities that Cherry Creek has to its name include Arctic Loon, Iceland, Little, Glaucous-winged, and Great Black-backed Gulls, and Golden-crowned Sparrow… -
SP John Martin Reservoir & Lake Hasty
WebpageSatellite ViewA prime birdwatching location (Bent County, southeast Colorado has been documented to have over 400 different species of birds… -
SWA Prewitt Reservoir State Wildlife Area (northeast)
WebpageSatellite ViewIn the northeast corner of the state - this is one of the very few State Wildlife Areas that charge an entrance fee. The SWA is comprised of two basic habitats: the extensive riparian habitat below the dam, and the reservoir with its associated mudflats. -
SWA Tamarack Ranch State Wildlife Area (northeast)
WebpageSatellite ViewThis enormous and varied SWA is probably among the top ten SWAs in Colorado, and certainly not a spot to be missed during the summertime. Tamarack can be frustrating to bird thoroughly, especially the eastern portion where there are multiple large hedgerows that take a lot of time to check, and any of which could be hopping or dead. Northern Cardinal has been seen here, and White-throated and Harris's Sparrows are possible during the winter. Ring-necked Pheasant, Bell's Vireo, Yellow-breasted Chat, Blue Grosbeak, Field Sparrow (especially in the surrounding grassland) and Baltimore Oriole are possible during the breeding season…
Number of bird species: 540
(As at October 2024)State Bird: Lark Bunting Calamospiza melanocorys
PDF ChecklistThis checklist includes all bird species found in Colorado , based on the best information available at this time. It is based on a wide variety of sources that I collated over many years. I am pleased to offer these checklists as a service to birdwatchers. If you find any error, please do not hesitate to report them. -
Colorado Bird Records Committee
Annotated ListOfficial Colorado state list -
PDF ChecklistThis checklist is generated with data from eBird (, a global database of bird sightings from birders like you. If you enjoy this checklist, please consider contributing your sightings to eBird. It is 100% free to take part, and your observations will help support birders, researchers, and conservationists worldwide.
A Birder's Guide to Colorado
| By Harold R Holt | ABA | 1997 | Edition 4 | Spiralbound | 392 pages, B/w illus, maps | Out of Print | ISBN: 9781878788054 Buy this book from -
ABA Field Guide to the Birds of Colorado
| By Ted Floyd & Brian E Small | Scott & Nix, Inc | 2014 | Paperback | 281 pages, colour photos | ISBN: 9781935622437 Buy this book from -
Birding Colorado
| By Hugh Kingery | Falcon Guides | 2023 | Edition 2 | Paperback | 312 pages, colour photos & maps | ISBN: 9781493067367 Buy this book from -
Birds of Colorado
| By Todd Telander | Falcon Guides | 2012 | Paperback | 94 pages, colour illustrations | ISBN: 9780762774180 Buy this book from -
Birds of Colorado Field Guide
| By Stan Tekiela | Adventure Publications | 2021 | Edition 2 | Paperback | 352 pages, colour photos, colour distribution maps | ISBN: 9781647550820 Buy this book from -
Colorado Birds: A Folding Pocket Guide to Familiar Species
| By James R Kavanagh & Raymond Leung | Waterford Press | 2014 | Unbound | colour illustrations | ISBN: 9781583550687 Buy this book from -
Compact Guide to Colorado Birds
| By Michael Roedel & Gregory Kennedy | Lone Pine Publishing | 2007 | Paperback | ISBN: 9789768200228 Buy this book from -
National Geographic Field Guide to Birds: Colorado
| Edited by Jonathan Alderfer | National Geographic Society | 2006 | Paperback | 272 pages, maps, photos, drawings | ISBN: 9780792255611 Buy this book from -
The Guide to Colorado Birds
| By Mary Taylor Young | Westcliffe Publishers | 1998 | Paperback | 256 pages, colour photos | ISBN: 9781565792838 Buy this book from
Fall Birding Festival at Barr Lake State Park
Festival...Educational booths will include live birds on the glove, a chance to dress up like your favorite bird, 7 Simple Actions you can take to help birds and so much more! You don’t want to miss out on this festive community event... -
Monte Vista Crane Festival
FestivalThe 42nd annual Monte Vista Crane Festival will take place March 7-9, 2025. Stay tuned for additional details this fall! -
Mountain Plover Festival
FestivalThe Karval Mountain Plover Festival began when Karval community members were looking at economic opportunities for this small community. We decided to “bring the bird lovers to the bird”. This is a weekend full of bird watching, Wildlife viewing tours, entertainment, history, arts and crafts, antiques, and LOTS OF GOOD FOOD! Along with bird watching, here are some of the other things you will enjoy: -
Pikes Peak Birding and Nature Festival
FestivalAs the Pikes Peak Birding and Nature Festival heads into 2025, birders can look forward to another amazing array of bird species. The festival motto is “prairie to peak” and it lives up to that billing. -
Ute Mountain Mesa Verde Birding Festival
FestivalProceeds from the Ute Mountain Mesa Verde Birding Festival will be donated to the Cortez Cultural Center, a non-profit community organization whose mission is to provide a forum for the community’s educational, cultural, artistic and scientific interests. We are a catalyst for cultural respect, continuity and innovation.Cortez Cultural Center…
Barr Lake Banding Station
WebpageSatellite ViewOur mission is to conserve birds and their habitats through an integrated approach of science, education and land stewardship. We envision a future where birds are forever abundant, contributing to healthy landscapes and inspiring human curiosity and love of nature. Our work radiates from the Rockies to the Great Plains...
Aiken Audubon Society
WebsiteAiken Audubon Society, named for naturalist Charles Aiken (1850-1936), began in April 1950 as the Aiken Ornithological Society. This Society mainly studied birds and their habitats, wrote papers which are now housed in the Denver Museum of Nature and Science, and had a series of Wildlife Film-Lectures as a community activity. Aiken Ornithological Society became a chapter of the National Audubon Society in May 1971. -
Arkansas Valley Audubon Society
WebsiteDue to its unusually large geographic expanse which encompasses several altitudinal life zones and a great variety of habitats, the AVAS chapter area offers outstanding birding opportunities. An example would be the grouse species which range from the high altitued White-tailed Ptarmigan to the Lesser Prairie Chicken of the southeastern plains. Our checklist for the Pueblo area alone contains over 400 species, over a fourth of which may be seen at any time during the year. -
Audubon Colorado Council (ACC)
WebsiteAudubon Colorado Council (ACC), a coordinated effort of all Colorado Audubon chapters, acts as an independent entity to accomplish new and already-established National Audubon Society (NAS) goals in the state of Colorado through collaboration with Audubon Rockies. -
Audubon Rockies
WebsiteThe regional office of the National Audubon Society for Wyoming and Colorado. -
Audubon Rockies - Southwest Colorado Community Naturalist
WebsitePeople of all ages are more willing to conserve what they care about and feel connected to. Through the many programs offered by our Southwest Colorado Community Naturalists, we see every day the benefits of introducing children to environmental education and community science. Both in and out of the classroom, our Southwest Colorado Community Naturalist program allows children to get hands-on with nature, discover their local environment, fall in love with the natural world, and learn how they can conserve it. -
Audubon Society in Colorado
WebpageOffices & Chapters; Centers & Sanctuaries etc. -
Birds-of-Prey Foundation
WebsiteThe Birds of Prey Foundation’s humble beginnings took place in 1979, when Sigrid Ueblacker, the founder of the Birds of Prey Foundation, was brought an orphaned starling by her daughter, Elke. After raising it, Elke presented her mother with two newly hatched Poorwills that Sigrid raised to adulthood and released at their place of recovery. Later that summer, neighbor children arrived with three nestling Barn Swallows, which were also raised and released. In 1981, Sigrid began to take classes and continued to receive injured and orphaned birds. She was one of the first individuals in the Denver region to be granted a rehabilitation permit by the Colorado Division of Wildlife. On Halloween day of 1981, the first owl arrived. -
Black Canyon Audubon Society
WebsiteBlack Canyon Audubon Society was formed in 1990 and is one of 11 National Audubon Society chapters in Colorado. The BCAS is committed to the conservation of natural resources through our birding, conservation, and educational activities. The region covered by the Black Canyon Audubon society encompasses nearly 8,300 square miles and includes Delta, Gunnison, Hinsdale, Montrose, San Miguel and Ouray counties. Within this region, elevations vary from 4,695 to 14,309 feet above sea level. Rainfall ranges from less than 8 inches per year in the lower valleys to more than 50 on the higher peaks. Vegetation varies from desert scrub to boreal forest and alpine tundra. -
Boulder County Audubon Society
WebsiteThe Boulder County Audubon Society is a voice for birds and wildlife conservation through habitat protection, advocacy, and nature education. Through a wide variety of activities, Boulder County Audubon Society provides a platform for local action, education to generations young and old, and camaraderie for members interested in birds and wildlife conservation and observation. The Boulder County Audubon Society is an all-volunteer, nonprofit 501(c)3 corporation. -
Colorado Bird Records Committee
WebsiteBirding anecdotes are great fun, but like any oral history, they disappear over time. By providing details of rare bird sightings in an archival documentation, birders contribute to a collective body of knowledge that spans generations. The intent of the Colorado Bird Records Committee's peer review process is NOT to validate an individual's sighting or personal list, rather it is to establish a standard for which rare bird reports can be used as scientific-quality data. -
Colorado Field Ornithologists
WebsiteColorado Field Ornithologists exists to: promote the field study, conservation and enjoyment of Colorado birds; review sightings of rare birds through the Colorado Bird Records Committee; maintain the authoritative list of Colorado birds; publish the Journal of the Colorado Field Ornithologists; conduct field trips and workshops, and hold annual conventions. -
Denver Audubon
WebsiteDenver Audubon strives to create an inclusive and informed organizational culture that reflects the diversity of our community and removes barriers to nature for all. -
Denver Field Ornithologists
WebsiteBringing Birders Together in the Denver Metro Area through outstanding field trips and programs - Mission - to promote interest in the study and preservation of birds and their habitats. Members are encouraged (through meeting presentations and field trips) to learn about birds in the field, noting species and numbers, while familiarizing themselves with their songs and calls, as well as habits and habitats. -
Evergreen Naturalists Audubon Society
WebsiteEvergreen Audubon is the local chapter of the National Audubon Society with the mission to conserve wildlife and natural ecosystems, provide citizen science experiences, and inspire and educate our community to benefit people and diversity. -
Foothills Audubon
WebsiteThe purpose of the Foothills Audubon Club shall be to extend hospitality to wild birds, to acquire greater knowledge of the bird life in this area and throughout the world, to create a greater public sentiment in favor of bird study, and to increase bird habitat and reasonable bird protection. Foothills Audubon club meets on the first Monday (or second Monday in September) of each month (Sept.-May) at the Berthoud Community Center, 248 Welch Avenue, Berthoud, Colorado for a program featuring either a guest speaker or film on subjects relating to bird behavior, conservation, habitats and, of course, bird watching. -
Fort Collins Audubon Society
WebsiteThe Fort Collins Audubon Society is a non-profit organization dedicated to nature appreciation, environmental education, and conservation activities. Our mission is to promote the appreciation, conservation, and restoration of ecosystems, focusing on birds and other wildlife, through education, participation, stewardship, and advocacy. -
Grand Valley Audubon Society
WebsiteWhether you're an experienced birder, or just want to learn more about the amazing wildlife and important habitats in the Grand Valley and Mesa County, we're glad you stopped by! Grand Valley Audubon strives to provide information, education, and activities to help everyone get outside and connect with the spectacular natural area we call home. -
Nature Conservancy in Colorado
WebpageColorado’s challenges require far-sighted solutions that combine science and creativity. By working together, we can chart Colorado’s future and inspire people to take action. -
Roaring Fork Audubon Society
WebsiteOur mission is to promote the enjoyment, conservation and understanding of birds, other wildlife, and their habitats, through birding, education, advocacy and fellowship. Roaring Fork Audubon encourages all birders to read and follow the ABA's Birding Code of Ethics. -
Weminuche Audubon Society
WebsiteThe Weminuche Audubon Society (WAS) was formed in 2007 as a non-profit organization. It is affiliated with the National Audubon Society and headquartered in Pagosa Springs, Colorado. WAS promotes conservation of bird and wildlife habitat. Educational presentations, field trips and activities are scheduled throughout the year in southwest Colorado. All events are open to the public. Also see our Facebook page.
IBA Comanche National Grassland
WebpageSatellite ViewThis site contains more than 25% of the Lesser Prairie-Chicken population in Colorado, and possibly greater than 5% of the total population of Lesser Prairie-Chickens. This species is considered Threatened in Colorado. The site also provides important breeding habitat for grassland bird species. -
IBA Gunnison Basin
WebpageSatellite ViewThe site provides breeding, nesting, brood, and winter habitat for approximately 2,500 Gunnison Sage-Grouse, out of a total worldwide population of 4,000. It is the site of the only known secure population of the species. The American Ornithological Union recognized the Gunnison Sage-Grouse as a new species in their 2000 checklist. -
IBA Pawnee National Grasslands
InformationSatellite ViewThe Pawnee National Grassland lies 35 miles east of Fort Collins and 25 miles northeast of Greeley in Weld County. Contained within the 30-by-60 mile area are 193,060 acres managed by the Pawnee National Grassland. The rest of the land is a checkerboard of private land, State of Colorado ownership and the Central Plains Experimental Range. -
NP Colorado National Monument
WebpageSatellite ViewColorado National Monument preserves one of the grand landscapes of the American West. But this treasure is much more than a monument. Towering monoliths exist within a vast plateau and canyon panorama. You can experience sheer-walled, red rock canyons along the twists and turns of Rim Rock Drive, where you may spy bighorn sheep and soaring eagles. -
NP Great Sand Dunes
InformationSatellite ViewThe park contains the tallest sand dunes in North America. The dunes cover an area of about 30 sq mi (78 km2) and are estimated to contain over 5 billion cubic meters of sand.ver 200 species of birds are found throughout the park. From higher to lower elevations and dependent on season, some of the bird species include the brown-capped rosy finch, white-tailed ptarmigan, red-breasted nuthatch, peregrine falcon, mountain bluebird, northern pygmy owl, dusky grouse, hummingbird (four species), western tanager, burrowing owl, bald eagle, golden eagle, sandhill crane, American avocet, and great blue heron. -
NP Rocky Mountain
WebsiteSatellite ViewWith majestic mountains, tundra wildflowers, abundant wildlife, Trail Ridge Road (the highest paved road in the US), and over 350 miles of trails, Rocky Mountain National Park is spectacular! From flat easy hikes around a mountain lake to challenging multiday backpack trips and climbs, Rocky Mountain National Park offers trails for hikers of every level. Find the best ways to take in the majesty and serenity of the park. -
NWR Alamosa
WebpageSatellite ViewThe Alamosa National Wildlife Refuge is located four miles past Alamosa on Hwy. 160, then two miles south on El Rancho Lane, approximately 50 miles from the town of South Fork. When visiting the refuge remember to bring your binoculars, since it encompasses 11,168 acres bordered by the Rio Grande. The refuge provides a habitat for a diverse group of species. Careful watchers will spot high flying hawks, eagles, geese, ducks and the occasional whooping crane… -
NWR Arapaho
WebpageSatellite ViewArapaho National Wildlife Refuge supports diverse wildlife habitats, including sagebrush steppe uplands, grassland meadows, willow riparian areas, and wetlands. This 23,464-acre Refuge was established in 1967 primarily to provide suitable nesting and rearing habitat for migratory birds. -
NWR Baca
InformationSatellite ViewThe Baca National Wildlife Refuge is a 78,697-acre (31,848 ha) United States National Wildlife Refuge located in southern Colorado. It is within the Sangre de Cristo National Heritage Area. Many bird species such as the kestrel, great horned owl, northern flicker, robin, yellow warbler, and Bullock's oriole roam in the riparian areas of this refuge. Waterfowl that inhabit here include mallard, pintail, teal, Canada goose, avocet, killdeer, white-faced ibis, egret, and heron. -
NWR Browns Park
InformationSatellite ViewThe primary purpose of the refuge is to provide high quality nesting and migration habitat for the Great Basin Canada goose, ducks and other migratory birds. Before the construction of Flaming Gorge Dam in 1962, the Green River flooded annually, creating excellent waterfowl nesting, feeding and resting marshes in the backwater sloughs and old stream meanders. The dam stopped the flooding, eliminating much of this waterfowl habitat. -
NWR Monte Vista
WebpageSatellite ViewSome once believed that migrating cranes carried the souls of the dead on their backs to faraway heavens. One thing is for sure - to prepare for such a journey, one would need plenty of food and rest along the way. The Rocky Mountain sandhill cranes probably think they've found a bit of those heavens when they settle onto the 14,189 acre wetlands of Monte Vista National Wildlife Refuge, in south-central Colorado. As they fly in from the southern refuge of Bosque del Apache, New Mexico in the spring, or the northern Grays Lake NWR, Idaho in the fall, they see a valley 50 miles wide and 100 miles long cupped between two snow-capped mountain ranges: the San Juan range to the west, and the Sangre de Cristo mountains to the east. -
NWR Rocky Mountain Arsenal
WebpageSatellite ViewLocated just northeast of Denver, the Rocky Mountain Arsenal National Wildlife Refuge is a 15,000-acre expanse of prairie, wetland and woodland habitat. The land has a unique story - it has survived the test of time and transitioned from farmland, to war-time manufacturing site, to wildlife sanctuary. It may be one of the finest conservation success stories in history and a place where wildlife thrives. It is a sanctuary for more than 330 species of animals, including bison, black-footed ferrets, deer, coyotes, bald eagles and burrowing owls. -
NWR Two Ponds
InformationSatellite ViewTwo Ponds National Wildlife Refuge is the smallest urban unit of the National Wildlife Refuge System. The refuge is located in the City of Arvada, Jefferson County, Colorado, United States. The refuge consists of 72.2 acres (29.2 ha) of land, including 63.2 acres (25.6 ha) of uplands, 9.0 acres (3.6 ha) of wetlands, and three small ponds. -
SP Chatfield
WebpageSatellite ViewTwo hundred twelve bird species frequent Chatfield, either as permanent residents or migrators: the Chatfield Bird List is available for birdwatchers and can also be picked up at the park headquarters. The Bald Eagle, White Pelican and elusive Burrowing Owl may be observed either as migrants, winter, or summer residents. -
SP Cherry Creek
WebpageSatellite ViewA scenic oasis in the Denver area offering a wide variety of water and land activities for outdoor enthusiasts. The 4,000-acre park and modern campground are open year-round. View birds and wildlife, recreate or relax with the majestic Rocky Mountains as a backdrop. -
SP John Martin Reservoir
WebpageSatellite ViewThe park offers fishing, wildlife viewing, hiking, bike riding and boating. Features 109 electrical campsites and 104 non-electric sites, which can accommodate RVs, trailers and tents. Wildlife properties also surround the reservoir. -
SWA Prewitt Reservoir
WebpageSatellite ViewPrewitt Reservoir is nestled in a vibrant ecosystem in Northeast Colorado. The lake is around 2,400 acres when full and offers year round recreation. The parks sits on about 3,047 acres, a mix of grasslands, wetlands and lake. Amenities include a boat ramp, picnic areas, primitive restrooms, and hiking trails. -
SWA San Luis
InformationSatellite ViewA variety of wildlife makes its home in the area, including coyotes, kangaroo rats, rabbits, elk, various kinds of songbirds, raptors, reptiles and amphibians. -
SWA Tamarack Ranch
WebpageSatellite ViewWhile you won’t see many tamarack trees here, this large SWA is the best spot in northeastern Colorado to search for the full suite of northeastern specialties. Search particularly in the denser riparian habitat to the north of the road and south of the river for Northern Cardinal; Baltimore Oriole (as well as hybrids of all sorts); Eastern, Spotted, and everything-in-between Towhees; Red-bellied Woodpecker; and Bell’s Vireo. The more open country to the east of CO 63 could have Field Sparrow, Red-headed Woodpecker, and Upland Sandpiper. In the winter months, flocks of sparrows might include Harris’s Sparrow, and Rough-legged Hawks are sometimes found hanging out in the area. Hunting occurs on this property, so be sure to check for seasonal restrictions before heading out. -
WS Lucy Ferril Ela Wildlife Sanctuary
InformationSatellite ViewThe Lucy Ferril Ela Wildlife Sanctuary is a small parcel of nature situated along the Colorado River, just east of the Connected Lakes Area of the Colorado River State Park. This small wildlife sanctuary is beautiful and peaceful, especially in the late afternoon/early evening.
ForumDiscussion forum of birds in Colorado -
Colorado Birds Records Committee
SightingsLatest Unusual Sightings from Colorado eBird -
Colorado Rare Bird Alert
SightingsThe purpose of Colorado Rare Bird Alert is to serve the birding community in Colorado by creating a real-time reporting outlet for rare birds -
eBird Colorado Rare Bird Alert
SightingsThe report below shows observations of rare birds in Colorado.
Aerie Adventures
Local Tour OperatorWe are a small family-owned birding tour outfit based out of Lakewood, Colorado Aerie does not presume to compete with the many large and better-known tour companies. Instead, our mission is to occupy a small but important niche, where serious birding meets serious fun… -
Bird Conservancy of the Rockies
Local Tour OperatorConservation birding tours with Bird Conservancy of the Rockies combine world-class bird-watching with science-based education to showcase the biodiversity of locally and continentally important bird areas, increase awareness and support our conservation programs. -
Tour OperatorCOLORADO – The Ultimate ‘Grousequest’ -
Birding Ecotours
Tour OperatorBirding Ecotours, a leader in small group and custom-made birding adventures worldwide, offers an amazing tour to the Rocky Mountains in Colorado for lekking grouse, including Sage, Sharp-tailed, and Dusky Grouse! -
Birding Man Adventures
Local Tour OperatorLooking for a unique outdoor adventure from Denver or Boulder? We provide personalized naturalist-guided tours that maximize opportunity for viewing Colorado wildlife year-round. Our tours are designed to offer memorable encounters with nature while supporting wildlife conservation efforts across the globe. -
Colorado Birding Adventures
Tour OperatorWe offer custom individual and small-group birding tours in Colorado with a focus on the Northern Front Range and other key birding hot spots around the state. -
Eagle-Eye Tours
Tour Operatoroin us on our Colorado Grouse tour to experience an amazing wildlife spectacle – the foot-stomping, cooing and cackling of lekking grouse! -
Tour OperatorA tour to seek out the state's spectacular prairie-chicken and grouse species. -
Kaiyote Tours
Local Tour OperatorColorado Birding and Wildlife Viewing Tours -
Kolibri Expeditions
Tour OperatorBirding Colorado! Prairie Chicken and Sage Grouse displays. -
Naturalist Journeys
Tour OperatorJoin us for an exciting Colorado nature tour. We offer fun Colorado birding tours to key destinations. Click on one of the Colorado wildlife tours below to find out more. -
Tour OperatorPrairie Chickens and more... -
Rocky Mountain Birding
Tour OperatorColorado Mountains and Prairies -
She Flew Birding Tours
Local Tour OperatorI am the owner and guide of She Flew Birding Tours, a Colorado based bird watching tour company. -
Tropical Birding Tours
Tour OperatorColorado: Chasing Chickens - Birding Tour -
Tour OperatorColorado: Lekking Grouse
2015 [04 April] - Chris Benesh & Tom Johnson - Colorado Grouse I
Report...We were out early the next morning to settle in to the state-run Gunnison Sage-Grouse blind at Wuanita Hot Springs; though the grouse were fairly far away from the blind, we had good scope views, and also enjoyed warming up with the rising sun here. Later in the morning, we found Gray Jay, Clark's Nutcracker, and four different American Three-toed Woodpeckers at Monarch Pass. In the afternoon, we took a leisurely expedition up to Crested Butte, finding American Dippers en route. -
2015 [04 April] - Eric Hynes & Jesse Fagan - Colorado Grouse II
Report...Our first lek experience was with the scarce and declining Lesser Prairie-Chicken at dawn on Day Three. We had a particularly cozy viewing situation thanks to a double-booking snafu made by the local operator, but it worked out fine in the end. Colorado Division of Wildlife biologists were on hand trying to trap chickens, but it didn't seem to disturb the birds in any way. Our journey north to Wray was marked by countless Horned Larks and Western Meadowlarks, an odd concentration of Swainson's Hawks standing in a field, and an intentional detour through Simmons State Wildlife Area where we scoped a nesting Great Horned Owl. -
2016 [04 April] - Chris Benesh & Tom Johnson
ReportApril marks one of the most interesting birding months of the year in Colorado, and we were there to see a LOT of it. On this giant figure eight of the state (plus the two unexpected, bonus states of Kansas and Nebraska), we became acquainted with five species of lekking grouse and found plenty of the region's specialty resident and migrant species along the way. -
2016 [04 April] - Eric Hynes & Pepe Rojas
ReportThanks so much for choosing Field Guides for your Colorado Grouse adventure. Pepe and I had a blast showing you so much of the state and a little bit of Kansas too. We pulled off the clean sweep of targeted grouse, vanquished a number of your nemesis birds, and encountered over two dozen mammal species along the way. -
2017 [04 April] - Chris Benesh
ReportApril weather in Colorado is always a bit of a gamble every year, and we drew a couple of less-than-stellar hands on this trip with occasional rain, fog, snow, and icy roads interspersed with long bouts of excellent weather and road conditions across this gorgeous state. Regardless of the weather, what a wonderful trip we had together after all 2400 miles were driven! -
2018 [04 April] - Eric Hynes
ReportOur adventure together this spring was memorable in so many ways: tremendous wind, stunning landscapes, abundant large mammals, long days in the van...oh yeah, some awesome birds too! Thanks so much for choosing Field Guides for your Colorado Grouse expedition. Doug and I really enjoyed birding with all of you. -
2018 [04 April] - Tom Johnson
ReportThe courtship of North America's open-land grouse puts some of the most spectacular bird behavior in the world on full display. Our 2018 Colorado Grouse tour sought to take in the dances of five species of lekking grouse (Lesser and Greater Prairie-Chickens, Sharp-tailed Grouse, and Gunnison and Greater Sage-Grouse) while sampling the extraordinary diversity of BOTCs (birds-other-than-chickens) and the varied landscapes that the Great Plains and Rocky Mountains have to offer. -
2019 [04 April] - Craig Robson
PDF ReportOur 2019 ‘grousequest’ marked our eighth clean sweep in a row of the ‘magnificent seven’: White-tailed Ptarmigan, Greater and Lesser Prairie Chickens, and Dusky, Sharp-tailed, Gunnison and Greater Sage Grouse. Despite fears of treacherous conditions, following a heavy late snowfall in parts of the Rockies, the weather caused us relatively few problems... -
2021 [06 June] - Ted Floyd
Annotated Species ListOur group spent the week at the Nature Conservatory’s Zapata Ranch in the beautiful San Luis Valley outside of Alamosa, Colorado. We visited local wildlife refuges, state parks, and the Medano and Zapata Ranches enjoying the birds, mammals, insects, and scenery of this breathtaking part of the country. Delicious food, horseback riding, and comradeship contributed to making this week an unforgettable experience! -
2022 [04 April] - Pritram Baruah
PDF ReportColorado holds 7 highly sought after North American chickens and all of them are usually covered by traveling birders in a single trip. But due to travel duration constraints I decided to break up the 7 into two groups – 5 that are found in Western CO (White-tailed Ptarmigan, Dusky Grouse, Greater Sage-Grouse, Gunnison SageGrouse, Sharp-tailed Grouse) and 2 that are found in Eastern CO (Lesser Prairie Chicken, Great Prairie Chicken). Last year in April I visited the Rockies in Eastern Colorado and found all 5 targets, among a host of other goodies. -
2023 [05 May] Peter Burke
PDF ReportOur tour visited the Pawnee National Grassland, one of the largest remaining tracts of shortgrass prairie in America, where we experienced firsthand how birds and other wildlife survives in coexistence with cattle pastures, wind turbines, large-scale agriculture and other human encroachments. Next we visited several reservoirs and riparian corridors along the South Platte and Republican rivers where a few shorebirds and migrant songbirds were found among multitudes of arriving breeding birds. Following is a detailed recap of the birds, mammals, reptiles and amphibians we found on our wonderful adventures in northeast Colorado! -
2023 [05 May] - Anders Bacher Nielsen
PDF Report...There were birds I could have priorities, but I was never in the right habitat at the right time (e.g Dusky Grouse, Mountain Pygmy-Owl and Common Poorwill). Also another 12 species were added to my US list, but they had been seen before in Central America. So overall I was very satisfied that the ambitious trip paid off... -
2023 [05 May] - Richard Thomas
PDF ReportWe also had a number of other target species, including the three forms of Rosy-finch, Mountain Plover, plus four woodpecker species. Overall we were very successful, seeing the majority of our target species. It followed our previous US birding trips to Cape May, Texas and California where we had seen a good selection of the country’s avifauna. -
2024 [04 April] - Craig Robson
PDF ReportOur 2024 whirlwind birding road-trip around the Centennial State was another wonderful birding experience. Facing the usual complicated logistical challenges, late snowfall, and high winds, as well as Easter weekend, our hard work and perseverance paid-off. This year’s top birds included Wood Duck, Barrow’s Goldeneye, White-tailed Ptarmigan, Greater and Lesser Prairie Chickens, Sharp-tailed, Gunnison and Sage Grouse, Wild Turkey, Gambel’s, Scaled and Northern Bobwhite Quails, Cackling Goose, Barrow’s Goldeneye, Hooded Merganser, Sandhill Crane, Western and Clark’s Grebes, Mountain Plover, Baird’s Sandpiper, Long-billed Curlew, Franklin’s and California Gulls, Ferruginous Hawk, Rough-legged Buzzard, Northern Pygmy, Western Screech, Great Horned and Burrowing Owls, Lewis’s and American Three-toed Woodpeckers, Woodhouse’s Scrub and Pinyon Jays, Clark’s Nutcracker, Juniper Titmouse, Mountain Chickadee, American Bushtit, Goldencrowned Kinglet, Rock, Canyon, Marsh, and Bewick’s Wrens, Pygmy Nuthatch, Sage and Curve-billed Thrashers, all three Bluebirds, Townsend’s Solitaire, American Dipper, Evening and Pine Grosbeaks, Grey-crowned (including Hepburn’s), Black and Brown-capped Rosy Finches, Cassin’s Finch, Thick-billed (or McCown’s) and Chestnut-collared Longspurs, Blackthroated, Sagebrush and Rufous-crowned Sparrows, Canyon and Spotted Towhees, and Myrtle Warbler. Colorado is great for mammals too, and this year we found Coyote, Pronghorn, Wapiti (or American Elk), Bighorn Sheep, Wyoming Ground Squirrels, and three species of prairie dog.
Best Colorado Bird Watching Sites
InformationExplore the most popular birding trails in Colorado with hand-curated trail maps and driving directions as well as detailed reviews and photos from hikers, campers and nature lovers like you. -
Birding Opportunities
WebsiteDue to its unusually large geographic expanse which encompasses several altitudinal life zones and a great variety of habitats, the AVAS chapter area offers outstanding birding opportunities. An example would be the grouse species, which range from the high altitude White-tailed Ptarmigan to the Lesser Prairie Chicken of the southeastern plains. Our checklist for the Pueblo area alone contains over 400 species, over a fourth of which may be seen at any time during the year -
Birding Spots by County
WebsiteAn interactive birding map of Colorado's counties -
Colorado County Birding
WebsiteWelcome to Colorado County Birding -- a website by the birders of Colorado, for the birders of Colorado --as well as for birders visiting from elsewhere. Here you'll find site descriptions and checklists for every county, plus information on habitats, hazards, access to sites and specialty species. Whether you are a native or a visitor, we hope this site will help you plan trips to find the birds you are looking for. More importantly, we hope it will encourage you to explore new corners of this marvelous state, to add to our existing knowledge of Colorado birds and their distributions, and to support rural economies. -
Wild Store on LIne
WebsiteStore for feeders, birdhouses, feed and everything associated with birding…
Chuck Bell - Images of Nature From Around the World
BLOGExploring the world with binoculars and camera from this birder in Livermore, CO -
Daniel McAdams - Bird Spy
BLOGLast update 2012 - I am 20 years old and have been birding since I was 14. My dad got me into this wonderful pursuit when we were in Simi Valley, CA and a magnificent Say's Phoebe flew into the yard. He challenged me to identify it and upon failing, I was determined to never fail an identification challenge again. -
Nathan Pieplow & Andrew Spencer - Earbirding
BLOGRecording, Identifying, And Interpreting Bird Sounds -
SeEtta Moss - Birds and Nature
BLOGDedicated to the enjoyment and conservation of birds and nature from Canon City.
Photographer - Carol Blackard
GalleryI am a passionate nature photographer living in Colorado with a special interest in birds. If you have questions, special requests, or just want to hang out, please drop me a line! Follow Carol for email notification of new posts. -
Photographer - Robb Hinds - Colorado Bird Photography
GalleryExcellent bird images -
Webcam - Elkstreet Webcam
GalleryPictures are updated every 30 minutes during daylight hours. Weather data is updated hourly throughout the day.