Northern Territory

Rainbow Pitta Pitta iris ©Ian Montgomery Website

The Northern Territory (abbreviated as NT) is a federal Australian territory in the central and central northern regions of Australia. It shares borders with Western Australia to the west, South Australia to the south and Queensland to the east. To the north, the territory is bordered by the Timor Sea, the Arafura Sea and the Gulf of Carpentaria. Despite its large area, more than half a million square miles making it the third largest Australian federal division, it is sparsely populated. The Northern Territory’s population of around a quarter of a million people makes it the least populous of Australia’s eight states and territories, having fewer than half as many people as Tasmania. The capital and largest city is Darwin.

Generally, the population is concentrated in coastal regions and along the Stuart Highway. There are many very small settlements scattered across the territory, but the larger population centres are located on the single paved road that links Darwin to southern Australia, via Alice Springs, the Stuart Highway, known to locals simply as ‘the track’. In the northern part of the Territory lies Kakadu National Park, which features breathtaking wetlands and native wildlife. To the north of that lies the Arafura Sea, and to the east lies Arnhem Land, whose regional centre is Maningrida on the Liverpool River delta. There is an extensive series of river systems in the Northern Territory. These rivers include: the Alligator Rivers, Daly River, Finke River, McArthur River, Roper River, Todd River and Victoria River. The Northern Territory is also home to two spectacular natural rock formations, Uluru (Ayers Rock) and Kata Tjuta (The Olgas), which are sacred to the local Aboriginal peoples and which have become major tourist attractions.

Birding The Northern Territory

Darwin, the capital of the Northern Territory situated on the coast of mid-northern Australia, has much to offer the visiting birdwatcher. To give an example my yard list is 140 species, and the sewage pond twice that. The best time to come is May to October/November. May to September is the dry season; sunny and cool with low humidity in the Top End (excellent birding conditions) and can drop below freezing at night in the Red Centre. October & November are the  hottest, most humid times of the year so be prepared! Northwest Australia is renowned for mangrove birds (and reputed to have the highest diversity of specialised mangrove birds in the world). Among them are Chestnut Rail, a chicken-sized, very shy bird, the engaging but often hard-to-spot Mangrove Grey Fantail, and the tiny Mangrove Gerygone, a member of an ancient Australian family. Chestnut Rail can be a very difficult bird to see. However, it can be found within three kilometres of the CBD, at the Stuart Park mangroves. Remember that mangroves, and all water bodies around Darwin and northern Australia pose real risks of Saltwatwer crocodile (100,000 in NT) as well as biting insects. So cover up and stay away from the water’s edge and seek local knowledge first.

Then there are monsoon forest birds e.g. Orange-footed Scrubfowl, Rose-crowned Fruit-dove, Emerald Dove, Rainbow Pitta, Little Shrike-thrush, Green-backed and Large-billed Gerygone. Many of these species are also found in mangroves. However, in the wet season, October-April (with rains setting in around December to March) some disperse into open forest. Most songbirds breed at the beginning and end of the wet season. Others like Rainbow Pitta (the only suboscine in the Top End) mostly breed in the first half. This species begins calling about September (again depending on weather) and have mostly ceased by February. Wetlands are also found around Darwin. This habitat changes amazingly with the seasons. Grasslands during the dry they become densely-vegetated floodplains during the wet season with grasses up to three metres high. In the dry season these areas are inhabitated by few birds, namely Magpie-lark, Brown Quail, and Singing Bushlark (and perhaps one of our two cisticola species depending on the dryness of the area).

At the beginning of the wet season at Holmes Jungle, just twelve or so kilometres from the CBD, Brolga gather in their hundreds, along with Magpie Geese, strange pied birds that are probably most closely related to the Southern Screamer of South America, and around mid-September, Little Curlew gather to feed in the mud and still-short grass. As the wet season progresses and the vegetation continues to grow the careful viewer may see White-browed Crakes feeding among the sedges, and Tawny Grassbird or Red-backed Button-quail among the rank grass on the water’s edge. Another reason for spending time in Darwin is that many birds hard to see out of town are easily spotted in parks and gardens here, among them Yellow Oriole and Figbird and Brown, Dusky, White-gaped, Red-headed and Rufous-banded honeyeaters.

This page is sponsored by NT Birding Specialists

Top Sites
  • Botanic Gardens

    InformationSatellite View
    The Botanic gardens in the Darwin municipality are a great place for roosting owls and common passerines.
  • Fogg Dam

    WebsiteSatellite View
    Fogg Dam seventy kilometres from Darwin is great spot for birds. Here the juxtaposition of monsoon, paperbark and open forest and floodplains makes for a great mix of species. Waterbirds abound but so do raptors and many passerines… Black-necked Stork, Pied Heron, Royal Spoonbill, egrets, Comb-crested Jacana et al…
  • Howard Springs Nature Park

    InformationSatellite View
    Howard Springs Nature Park is 35 kilometres south of Darwin and brilliant for butterflies and birds. It is the haunt of Rainbow Pitta at the right time of year and is great for Shining Flycatchers, White-winged Triller, Black Butcherbird and Northern Fantails etc. but is also greatly favoured by some of the most predatory mossies I've ever encountered! [Fatbirder]
  • Judbarra/Gregory National Park

    InformationSatellite View
    Gregory National Park and the surrounding area, 500 kms southwest of Darwin, is possible site for nomadic Grey Falcons, and the Victoria River (in the same area) the most accessible site for Purple-crowned Fairy-wren…
  • Marrakai Track

    InformationSatellite View
    Marraki Track which is a dirt road going many kilometres into the bush and eventually fording [in the dry season] the Adelaide River. It is great for finches, gerygones, Rufous-banded Honeyeater, Grey-crowned Babbler, White-bellied Cuckooshrike, Partidge Pigeon, Varied Lorikeet and Northern Rosellas. Of particular interest is Red-backed Kingfisher.
  • Palmerston Sewage Works

    InformationSatellite View
    This can be a great place for water birds but it is spasmodic even in very dry times. The surrounding scrub can be alive with finches, wrens, cuckoos etc. and the sky is often filled with hirundines. However, it is no longer accessible. It is possible to walk around the outside of the ponds, but take care as you will be walking along uneven ground and through high grass.
  • Pine Creek

    InformationSatellite View
    The Pine Creek area (200 kms south of Darwin) is a great area in which to see a mix of birds, including Partridge Pigeon, Hooded Parrot and Gouldian Finch. The Fountainhead-Pine Creek area is also good for diurnal birds of prey in the dry season - including Black-breasted Buzzard & Square-tailed Kite…
  • Denise Goodfellow (Lawungkurr Maralngurra)


Number of Species
  • Number of bird species: 448

    State Bird - Wedge-tailed Eagle Aquila audax
  • Number of endemics: 5

    Hooded Parrot Psephotus dissimilis
    Chestnut-quilled Rock-Pigeon Petrophassa rufipennis
    Banded Fruit-Dove Ptilinopus cinctus
    White-throated Grasswren Amytornis woodwardi
    White-lined Honeteater Meliphaga abilineata

    Helmeted Friarbird Philemon buseroides ammitophila
    Helmeted Friarbird Philemon buseroides gordoni (Some authorities regard these endemic races as a a different species)
Useful Reading

  • Birds & Animals of Australia's Top End:

    | (Darwin, Kakadu, Katherine, and Kununurra) | by Nick Leseberg & Iain Campbell | Wildguides | 2015 | Paperback | 272 Pages | 400 Colour Photographs | 2 Colour Maps | ISBN: 9780691161464 Buy this book from
  • Birds of Australia's Top End

    | By Denise Goodfellow | New Holland Publishers | 2005 | Paperback | 159 pages, Colour illustrations, b/w illustrations, maps | Out of Print | ISBN: 9781877069192 Buy this book from
  • Birds of Australia's Top End

    | By Denise Lawungkur Goodfellow | Scrubfowl Press | 2001 | Paperback | 159 pages, colour plates, b/w photos, illustrations, distribution maps | Out of Print | ISBN: 9780957884908 Buy this book from
  • Birds of Palmerston in Australia's Top End

    | By Denise Lawungkurr Goodfellow | Scrubfowl Press | 2012 | Paperback | 52 pages, 80 colour & 27 b/w illustrations | ISBN: 9780957884922 Buy this book from
  • Birds of the Darwin Area

    | By Niven McCrie And Richard Noske | CSIRO Publishing | 464 pages | 2015 | Paperback | 454 pages, colour photos, colour illustrations, colour distribution maps | Out of Print | ISBN: 9781486300341 Buy this book from
  • Finding Birds in Australia's Northern Territory

    | By D Donato, P Wilkins, G Smith & L Alford | CSIRO | 1997 | Paperback | 192 pages, Colour Phots, Tables, maps | Out of Print | ISBN: 9780643062580 Buy this book from
  • Finding Birds in Darwin, Kakadu and the Top End:

    | (Northern Territory Australia) | By Niven McCrie & James Watson | NT Birding (Niven McCrie) | 2006 | Spiralbound | 160 pages, tabs, maps | Out of Print | ISBN: 9780646460413 Buy this book from
  • The Birds of Groote Eylandt

    | By Richard A Noske & Graham P. Brennan | Northern Territory University Press | 2002 | Paperback | 187 pages, Colour & b/w photos, maps | Out of Print | ISBN: 9781876248680 Buy this book from
Birding Aps
  • Field Guide to Northern Territory Fauna

    Apple iOS |
    Explore the Northern Territory's unique and diverse wildlife at home or in the great outdoors with the Museum & Art Gallery of the Northern Territory's Field Guide app. The app combines detailed animal descriptions with stunning imagery and sounds to provide a valuable reference that can be used in urban, bush and coastal environments. It holds descriptions of nearly 600 species, from animals found in tropical rivers and reefs, the outback desert, and your backyard; covering colourful birds, iconic fish and mammals, crocodiles and dangerous snakes, through to tiny termites. We’ve put in a lot of species, but it’s still a fraction of the complete fauna of the Northern Territory. Our scientists will continue to add additional species and refine descriptions over time.

Museums & Universities
  • Charles Darwin University

    Charles Darwin University, based in Darwin Northern Territory of Australia.
  • Alice Springs Field Naturalists Club

    The object of the club is to promote interest in all aspects of natural history
  • BirdLife Central Australia

    Central Australian regional branch based in Alice Springs but includes members from a very broad geographic catchment in the inland regions of South Australia and Northern Territory - from our most southerly members in Roxby Downs all the way to our most northerly in Tennant Creek. We are just commencing as a Branch and will have our inaugural AGM on April 30th, 2014.
  • The Environment Centre Northern Territory

    The Environment Centre Northern Territory was established in 1983 and has played a crucial role in achieving environmental protection and management throughout the Territory

Abbreviations Key

  • CR Connells Lagoon

    Information PDFSatellite View
    Connells Lagoon Conservation Reserve is situated in the heart of the Barkly Tableland. It is the only Reserve in Australia established primarily for the conservation of Mitchell grassland communities. The Reserve is dominated by perennial Mitchell Grass. Trees are found only in the watercourse and floodout areas with Bluebush dominating the wettest areas. The Parks and Wildlife Commission of the Northern Territory carried out the onlymajor biological survey in the region in 1982. Even though the Reserve looks flat and uninteresting, the PWCNT found 189 species of plants which is surprisingly rich. At the time 9 mammal, 53 bird and 19 reptile species were also recorded in and near the Reserve. Several birds considered endangered, including the Flock Bronzewing Pigeon, Pictorella Mannikin Finch, Red-chested Button-quail and the Australian Bustard were recorded in higher then expected numbers…
  • CR Fogg Dam

    InformationSatellite View
    Fogg Dam is a remnant of early attempts to produce rice on the Adelaide River flood plains. Today it provides an important refuge for wildlife…
  • NGPA Newhaven Sanctuary

    WebsiteSatellite View
    Covering 262,000 hectares, and located near the intersection of three central Australian bioregions, Newhaven Wildlife Sanctuary is one of Australia’s largest non-government protected areas managed by the Australian Wildlife Conservancy.
  • NP Barranyi (North Island)

    InformationSatellite View
    Barranyi (North Island) National Park is in the Gulf of Carpentaria in the Northern Territory of Australia, 737 km southeast of Darwin.
  • NP Djukbinj

    InformationSatellite View
    Djukbinj is a national park in the Northern Territory (Australia), 59 km east-north-east of Darwin. The park protects a major breeding ground for magpie geese, herons and egrets. The wetland has cultural and ecological values so is classified as having national importance. The park is part of the Adelaide River catchment, which is one of several connected catchments that make up the Top End coastal wetland regions. This area is a traditional hunting ground for Limilngan people, who also manage the park in partnership with Parks and Wildlife.
  • NP Elsey

    InformationSatellite View
    This 13,800 hectare park was made famous in Jeannie Gunn's popular novel 'We of the Never Never'. You could easily stay a few days and find it hard to leave the natural beauty of Bitter Springs, which is in the northern end of the park.
  • NP Finke Gorge

    InformationSatellite View
    Spectacular Finke Gorge National Park covers an area of 46,000 hectares and includes the impressive Palm Valley. Palm Valley is home to a diverse range of plant species, many that are rare and unique to the area, including the red cabbage palm (Livistona mariae), which gives the area its name. There are around 3,000 adult palms and thousands of juveniles, which are extremely sensitive to visitor impact.
  • NP Garig Gunak Barlu

    InformationSatellite View
    Garig Gunak Barlu is a national park around the Cobourg Peninsula in the Northern Territory, Australia, 216 km northeast of Darwin. It was established by joining the former Gurig National Park and the Cobourg Marine Park. The park consists of all land of the Cobourg Peninsula, of Burford Island, the Sir George Hope Islands (from west to east Greenhill, Wangoindjung, Warldagawaji, Morse, Wunmiyi), Mogogout Island and Endyalgout Island (117.4 km²) to the south of the peninsula, and of adjacent waters. Croker Island, although close east of the peninsula, is not part of the park. The jointly-managed national park is perfect for bushwalking, birdwatching, fishing, boating and photography. You may see saltwater crocodiles and the endangered dugong swimming in the clear blue ocean. You must apply to the Northern Land Council for a permit to visits or join a scheduled fishing of safari tour.
  • NP Iytwelepenty / Davenport Range

    InformationSatellite View
    Separated from other river systems, the park also provides an important refuge for waterbirds found in desert country and seven species of fish.
  • NP Judbarra (was Gregory National Park)

    InformationSatellite View
    Judbarra National Park, formerly Gregory National Park, is a national park in the Northern Territory (Australia), 359 km south of Darwin. The park is the second largest national park in the Northern Territory, after Kakadu National Park, with an area of 13,000 km2 (1.3 million ha). The park has been identified by BirdLife International as an Important Bird Area (IBA) because it supports much of the eastern subspecies of the white-quilled rock-pigeon and small numbers of the vulnerable Gouldian finch, as well as populations of the chestnut-backed buttonquail, yellow-rumped mannikin and several other near-threatened or savanna-biome-restricted species. You’ll need to plan ahead and either be self-sufficient or take a tour to visit these remote areas with limited services.
  • NP Kakadu

    InformationSatellite View
    Internationally recognised, the World Heritage listed Kakadu National Park is one of the nation's most prized cultural and ecological treasures and home to over one third of Australia’s bird species, including all Northern Territory endemics. Kakadu Bird Week is held annually in September/October and is a great way to see birds in various habitats.
  • NP Keep River

    InformationSatellite View
    Keep River National Park is in the Northern Territory of Australia, 418 km southwest of Darwin and 468 km west of Katherine. The nearest town is Kununurra in Western Australia. Most of the land in the park also lies within the Keep River Important Bird Area, identified as such because of its importance for the conservation of the vulnerable Gouldian finch.
  • NP Litchfield

    InformationSatellite View
    Litchfield National Park, covering approximately 1500 km2, is near the township of Batchelor, 100 km south-west of Darwin, in the Northern Territory of Australia. Each year the park attracts over 260,000 visitors. Proclaimed a national park in 1986, it is named after Frederick Henry Litchfield, a Territory pioneer, who explored areas of the Northern Territory from Escape Cliffs on the Timor Sea to the Daly River in 1864.
  • NP Mary River

    InformationSatellite View
    Mary River Wilderness Retreat and Caravan Park is located halfway between Darwin and Kakadu National Park. This eco-tourism property offers budget to deluxe accommodation, caravan & camping sites, restaurant, campers kitchen & amenities, bush walks, river cruises and many other great facilities and experiences.
  • NP Nitmiluk

    InformationSatellite View
    Nitmiluk National Park is in the Northern Territory of Australia, 244 km southeast of Darwin, around a series of gorges on the Katherine River and Edith Falls. Previously named Katherine Gorge National Park, its northern edge borders Kakadu National Park. Birds that can be seen include ospreys, red-tailed black cockatoos, great bowerbirds, white-gaped honeyeaters and red-winged parrots. Part of the Yinberrie Hills Important Bird Area, identified as such by BirdLife International because of its importance for vulnerable Gouldian finches, is near the park (not accessible to the public unless roadside)
  • NP Uluṟu-Kata Tjuṯa

    InformationSatellite View
    Uluṟu-Kata Tjuṯa National Park is a protected area located in Northern Territory of Australia. The park is home to both Uluru and Kata Tjuta. It is located 1,943 kilometres (1,207 mi) south of Darwin by road and 440 kilometres (270 mi) south-west of Alice Springs along the Stuart and Lasseter Highways. The park covers 1,326 square kilometres (512 sq mi) and includes the features it is named after: Uluru and, 40 kilometres (25 mi) to its west, Kata Tjuta. The location is listed with UNESCO World Heritage sites. Iconic birds of Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park include the pied butcherbird, black breasted buzzard, black-faced woodswallow and crimson chat.
  • NP Watarrka

    InformationSatellite View
    Watarrka is a national park in the Northern Territory (Australia), 1316 km south of Darwin and 323 km southwest of Alice Springs. It contains the much visited Kings Canyon at the western end of the George Gill Range and Kathleen Springs (22 km to the southeast of Kings Canyon).
  • NP West MacDonnell

    InformationSatellite View
    West MacDonnell is a national park in the Northern Territory (Australia) due west of Alice Springs and 1234 km south of Darwin.[2] It extends along the MacDonnell Ranges west of Alice Springs.
  • NrP Berry Springs

    InformationSatellite View
    Berry Springs is one of the most beautiful parks to cool off and relax in close to Darwin. Native flowers in the park bloom from March to April. Walkers and bird watchers should take the monsoon forest and woodlands walk, through the Top End habitats. Good site for Rainbow Pitta and next to the Territory Wildlife Park which has many wild birds come into the grounds.
  • NrP Daly River

    InformationSatellite View
  • NrP Giwining / Flora River

    InformationSatellite View
    The Flora River is stunning with crystal-clear emerald springs and tufa dams. There are saltwater crocodiles in the river so do not swim.
  • NrP Holmes Jungle

    InformationSatellite View
    Holmes Jungle Nature Park is a protected area in the Northern Territory of Australia consisting of a small, relatively isolated area of monsoon forest at the edge of northern suburbs of the territorial capital of Darwin. It provided a habitat for a large variety of native birds, mammals and reptiles which are able to breed and find refuge in the thick vegetation. The area of the park is approximately 250 hectares and Pine Creek winds its way through the park to its centre.
  • NrP Howard Springs

    InformationSatellite View
    Howard Springs Nature Park protects 283 ha of diverse habitats including monsoon forest, extensive swamps and riverine areas. These areas provide valuable wildlife habitats, especially for Magpie Geese, Whistling Ducks, Radjah Shelducks and Pygmy Geese…
  • NrP Katherine Low Level

    InformationSatellite View
    Being only 6 feet above the ‘Dry Season’ water Level, it is impassable during the majority of the wet season (Dec- April) when the water level is 40 feet above it. As all the trees you can see in this photo go under water...
  • The Territory Wildlife Park

    WebsiteSatellite View
    Many captive native species etc… a chance to get up close to species albeit in captivity…
  • WPA Ilparpa Swamp

    eBird PageSatellite View
Sightings, News & Forums
  • Birdline Northern Territory

    Public group with 2,000 members
  • Northern Territory Birders

    Facebook Group
    Photos, chat etc
Guides & Tour Operators
  • Arnhemland Barramundi Nature Lodge Tours

    Tour Operator
    Srarting in 2006, the Arnhemland Barramundi Nature Lodge has four exclusive bird tours. In September 2005, renowned Australian bird-watching authority, Dick Eussen, was engaged to conduct a survey of the bird species within a 50 km radius of the Arnhemland Barramundi Nature Lodge
  • Experience the Wild

    Tour Operator
    Birdwatching and Nature Tours in Darwin and the Top End
  • Northern Territory Bird Specialists

    Tour Operator
    NT Bird Specialists is an award-winning birding and photography tour operation, owned and operated by Luke Paterson and Sarah Burgess in Darwin. Their tours explore Darwin, Kakadu, Katherine, Timber Creek (Northern Territory), Mount Isa (Queensland), Kununurra, Kimberley (Western Australia) and international ecotours in Sri Lanka and Borneo. Highlight tours include Finch Frenzies (7-10 days), Kimberley expeditions and outback birding for Grey Falcons and Grasswrens.
  • Tim Dolby's Trip Reports & Birding Tours

    Tour Operator
    This report covers a recent trip to the southern part of the Top End. A superb birding area - it is a Mecca for finches for instance - these are the places ~300 to ~500 km south of Darwin
Trip Reports
  • 2020 [08 August] - Ian Reed

    Report PDF
    Northern Territory, Top End
  • 2020 [08 August] - Laurie Ross

    Report PDF
    This customized tour was put together for people who were interested finding, and photographing some of the specialty birds of Australia’s Top End, the northern section of the Northern Territory. This weeklong tour started and ended in the northern city of Darwin, a great birding and photo locale in its own right. After photographing one of the Top End’s star birds – Rainbow Pitta – we headed south...
  • 2023 [10 October] - Andrew Walker

    Report PDF
    Birding around the Top End of the Northern Territory resulted in many excellent birds, in fact we recorded 186 species during the tour (three of these were heard only). Some of the highlight birds seen on this Top End bird tour included regional specials such as Rainbow Pitta (voted “bird of the trip”), Chestnut Rail, Radjah Shelduck, Orange-footed Scrubfowl, Rufous Owl, Black-banded Fruit Dove, Chestnut-quilled Rock Pigeon, Partridge Pigeon, Chestnut-backed Buttonquail, Brolga, Black-necked Stork, Pied Heron, Hooded Parrot, Northern Rosella, Red-collared Lorikeet, Varied Lorikeet, Cockatiel, Blue-winged Kingfisher, Red-backed Kingfisher, Black-tailed Treecreeper, Great Bowerbird, Barbreasted Honeyeater, White-lined Honeyeater, Red-headed Myzomela, Arafura Fantail, Arafura Shrikethrush, Sandstone Shrikethrush, Silver-backed Butcherbird, Northern Shriketit, Mangrove Golden Whistler, Paperbark Flycatcher, Broad-billed Flycatcher, Buffsided Robin, Canary White-eye, Green-backed Gerygone, Mangrove Gerygone, Crimson Finch, Masked Finch, Long-tailed Finch, and Gouldian Finch.
  • 2023 [10 October] - Andrew Walker - Alice Springs

    Report PDF
    We recorded 90 bird species on this Alice Springs bird tour, and all species were seen. Plenty of specials of the "red center" were found, including Spinifex Pigeon, Diamond Dove, Spinifexbird, Rufous Grasswren, Dusky Grasswren, Banded Whiteface, Southern Whiteface, Crested Bellbird, Western Bowerbird, Black-breasted Buzzard, Wedge-tailed Eagle, Red-backed Kingfisher, Rainbow Bee-eater, Grey-headed Honeyeater, Pied Honeyeater, Crimson Chat, White-backed Swallow, Chiming Wedgebill, Cinnamon Quail-thrush, Hooded Robin, Little Crow, Australian Raven, Purple-backed Fairywren, Splendid Fairywren, White-winged Fairywren, Red-browed Pardalote, and Australian Zebra Finch.
Places to Stay
  • Arnhemland Barramundi Nature Lodge

    The comfortable lodge is situated on an escarpment fringe overlooking the Liverpool and Tomkinson River Valleys. You can choose between safari tent accommodation and purpose-designed, large, comfortable and breezy deluxe cabins. The deluxe cabins have spacious en suite bathrooms and a small bar fridge offer a taste of luxury in an otherwise remote and unspoiled environment. The main lodge includes a large, kitchen/dining area, a bar and tasteful dining decor overlooking the river valley
  • Gagudju Lodge Cooinda

    Kakadu is home to about one third of Australia's bird species and this spectacular natural aviary is well represented at Yellow Water, from the comb-crested Jacana to hawks, eagles and the magnificent Brolga and Black-necked Stork…
  • Mary River Retreat

    We offer accommodation, camping, river cruises, 4WD tours, and woodland, grassland or wetland bushwalks that are perfect for birdwatching or simply being close to nature. Meals are country hospitality at its best - homestyle meals are served in our tropical design dining room overlooking the woodlands. Meal times are flexible, and are adjusted to suit guests leaving or returning on tours away from Mary River Park…
  • Seven Spirit Bay Wilderness Lodge

    Seven Spirit Bay Wilderness Lodge has recently been purchased by Outback Spirit.... Located in Garig Gunak Barlu National Park on the Cobourg Peninsula at the Top End of the Northern Territory in Aboriginal Arnhem Land Australia, where entry is by permit only and extremely limited. The Cobourg Peninsula became the first reserve for the protection of flora and fauna in northern Australia when it was proclaimed in 1924. Seven Spirit Bay Wilderness Resort is perfect for the adventurous or those who just want to relax. Adventure into the great diversity of the landscape and learn about the fascinating environments from our experienced guides. Every morning, every afternoon, a different experience is yours to enjoy if you want it…
Other Links
  • Birds of the Northern Territory

    Finding Birds in Kakadu, Darwin & the Top End A NEW 19 page book with maps, notes and directions to good birdwatching sites along 1000km of the Kakadu, Stuart and Victoria Highways for the most sought after Top End Birds
  • NT Birds

    Whether you're coming from overseas to do some birdwatching in Australia's 'Top End' or from Australia, I hope this website will be of assistance while planning your trip....
  • Northern Territory Bird Watching Tours

    Over the years I've seen numerous people come to the Top End with great expectations of African style national parks jam-packed with roaming animals around every bend. The reality is… it's true. There are animals around every bend, however in contrast to many expectations you really have to look for them and know how to look for them. It’s a matter of getting out of the car, standing still, listening, watching and feeling the country around you.
  • Tracks Birding & Photography Tours

    Tour Operator
Photographers & Artists
  • NT Bird Specialists Videos

    YouTube Channel
    Join renowned Australian bird guide Luke Paterson (owner of NT Bird Specialists) on a guided birdwatching tour of Kakadu National Park, Northern Territory Australia. Luke Paterson explores the Northern Territory's Top End regions to find endemic birds of Kakadu and other iconic and rare Australian birds. Key birds of Kakadu and the northern Territory include Gouldian Finch, Hooded Parrot, White-throated Grasswren, White-lined Honeyeater, Chestnut-quilled Rock Pigeon, Red Goshawk, Rainbow Pitta …
  • Photographer - Laurie Ross Bird Photography

  • Through the Lens: Birds of Australia's Northern Territory

    Join wildlife photographer Marie Read as she documents the bird life in Kakadu National Park in Australia's Northern Territory…

Fatbirder - linking birders worldwide... Wildlife Travellers see our sister site: WAND

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