Republic of Ghana

Yellow-headed (White-necked) Picathartes Picathartes gymnocephalus ©Charles J Sharp (CC BY-SA 4.0) Website

Ghana (which means ‘Warrior King’ in the Soninke language), is located along the Gulf of Guinea and Atlantic Ocean, in the sub-region of West Africa. Spanning a land mass of just under 240,000 km² with a population approaching 35 million people. It is bordered by the Ivory Coast in the west, Burkina Faso in the north, Togo in the east and the Gulf of Guinea and Atlantic Ocean in the south with a 350-mile coastline. The largest city is also the capital – Accra (with nearly three million inhabitants), other significant cities include Kumasi, Tamale, and Sekondi-Takoradi.

The country encompasses plains, waterfalls, low hills, rivers, Lake Volta (the world’s largest artificial lake) Dodi Island and Bobowasi Island on the south Atlantic Ocean coast of Ghana. It also has a vast river system with an array of tributaries. The White Volta River and its tributary Black Volta, flow south through Ghana to Lake Volta, the world’s third-largest reservoir by volume and largest by surface area. The climate of Ghana is tropical and there are two main seasons: the wet season and the dry season.

Lake Volta – ©Sandister Tei via Wikimedia Commons

Ghana is home to 5 terrestrial eco-regions: Eastern Guinean forests, Guinean forest–savanna mosaic, West Sudanian savanna, Central African mangroves, and Guinean mangroves. Grasslands mixed with south coastal shrub-lands and forests dominate Ghana, with forest extending northward from the coast 320 kilometres (200 miles) and eastward for a maximum of about 270 kilometres (170 miles).

Birding Ghana

With over 760 species of birds, Ghana is an ideal West African birdwatching destination as one can cover all of the West African core habitats that include coastal lagoons and salt-pans, moving inland you find excellent Upper Guinea Rainforest protected areas and also the broad leaved guinea woodland and Savannah plains in Northern Ghana. Ghana has 12 of the 15 Upper Guinea Endemic bird species recorded, is politically stable and has well developed infrastructure that is possibly the finest in West Africa.

Kakum National Park – ©Chiappinik CC BY 2.5 IT via Wikimedia Commons

The star attractions are the Yellow-headed Picathartes, Egyptian Plover and World famous Kakum National Park rainforest canopy walkway. The Wildlife Division of the Forestry Commission is the Government Agency mandated to protect and manage Ghana’s wildlife resources. Currently the Division manages, 7 National Parks, 6 Resource Reserves, 2 Wildlife Sanctuaries, 1 strict nature reserve and 5 coastal Ramsar sites. The national parks are Kyabobo, Mole, Kakum, Digya, Bia, Bui & Nini Suhien National Parks. The Resource Reserves are Shai Hills, Ankasa, Gbele, Kalakpa, Bia & Assin Attandanso. The wildlife sanctuaries are Bomfobiri and Owabi. Kogyae is the only strict nature reserve. The Ramsar sites are Keta Lagoon Complex, Densu Delta, Songor, Muni Pomadzi, & Sakumo.

Some of the much sought after species found here include Pel’s Fishing, Akun and Fraser’s Eagle Owl, Brown and Standard-winged Nightjars, Black, Rosy, Northern Carmine and Blue-headed Bee-eaters, Red-cheeked Wattle-eye, Forbe’s Plover, Brown, Rufous-winged and Puvel’s Illadopsis, Long-tailed Hawk, Congo Serpent Eagle, Violet-backed Hyliota, Black Dwarf, Red-billed Dwarf, Yellow-casqued, Brown-cheeked and White-crested Hornbills and over 20 species of Greenbul just to mention a few of the gems in store for visitors to this exceptional birding destination.

This page is sponsored by Ashanti African Tours

Top Sites
  • Ankasa Reserve

    InformationSatellite View
    One of the Ghana’s most exciting birdwatching destinations, the Ankasa protected area comprises the continuous Nini-sahien National Park and Ankasa Resource Reserve, which together form a highly accessible and well preserved 509km2 chunk of wet evergreen Upper Guinea Rainforest. Ankasa is one of the most biologically rich habitats in Africa and believed to protect Ghana’s only remaining population of Chimpanzee. Forest Elephant, Bongo and many other mammal species can be found here. Star birds are definitely the Upper Guinea Endemic’s White Breasted Guineafowl, Yellow Bearded Greenbul, Green Tailed Bristlebil and Rufous Winged Illadopsis in addition to more gem’s like Africa’s rarest Kingfisher the White Bellied and Shining Blue, Yellow Casqued Hornbill, Great Blue Turaco, Hartlaubs Duck, African Finfoot, White Crested Tiger Heron and Dwarf Bittern are there to wet the appetite. Ankasa Reserve can be found 21km east of the border town with the Ivory Coast along the main Takoradi-Elubo road.
  • Bia National Park

    InformationSatellite View
    Bia National Park is a Park in the Western Region of Ghana. It’s also a biosphere reserve with a 563 square kilometer resource reserve. It has some of the Ghana’s last remnants of relatively untouched forest with its full diversity of wildlife some of the tallest trees left in the West Africa are found in this National Park. There are 62 species of mammals, including 10 primate species known to live in the Park, and over 189 species of birds have been recorded, including the endangered White breasted Guinea fowl, Black Collared love bird, cassin’s hawk Eagle, Honey Guide Greenbul, Black headed Oriole, Brown and Puvel’s illadopsis finch’s flycatcher thrush. Grey Crown Negrofinch, Western-Nicator, spotted Greenbul, Grey headed bristled Bill, Fire bellied wood pecker, melancholy wood pecker and many others can be found here
  • Bobiri Forest Reserve

    InformationSatellite View
    This small forest sanctuary protects almost 500 species of butterfly but is also a treasure trove of birds and one of the best locations to see the awesome Long Tailed Hawk much sought after by world birders. Additional species include Lathams Francolin, Black Throated Coucal, Tit Hylia, Brown Illadopsis, Red-billed Helmet-shrike, Velvet-mantled Drongo, Red-bellied Paradise Flycatcher, Black and Red-chested Cuckoos, Western Nicator, Swamp Palm Greenbul, Black-and-White Flycatcher, Grey and Red-fronted Parrots, Finch's Flycatcher-thrush Blue-throated Roller. Olive-bellied and Green-headed Sunbirds, white crested and red billed dwarf hornbills in addition to Africa’s rarest the Black Dwarf Hornbill. Bobiri is one of the only remaining Upper Guinea Rainforest’s close to the bustling city of Kumasi in the Ashanti Region of Ghana. There is basic accommodation here with no electricity and Bobiri is found 30km South of Kumasi on the main Accra-Kumasi road.
  • Bui National Park

    InformationSatellite View
    The park stretches an area of 1821 square kilometers and protects Ghana’s largest population of hippopotamus. A hydro electric dam is currently being built at Bui and will eventually cover more than 50% of this exceptional wildlife habitat of guinea woodland and savannah. An abundance of mammal and bird species have been recorded that are now under threat due to the dam project.
  • Kakum National Park

    InformationSatellite View
    Located 30km north of the seaside town of Cape Coast in Ghana's Central Region, Kakum National Park and the adjacent Assin Attandaso Resource Reserve cover approximately 365 square kilometres of semi deciduous secondary Upper Guinea Rainforest with its main attraction being the world famous Canopy Walkway. The canopy walkway offers birders an excellent opportunity to see the more difficult canopy dwelling species at close quarters. Upper Guinea Endemics like Brown Cheeked Hornbill, Sharpe’s Apalis and Copper Tailed Glossy Starlings are common here in addition to Black and Yellow Casqued Hornbills, Yellow Billed Turaco, Yellow Throated Cuckoo, tiny sunbird, White-breasted Negrofinch, little green woodpecker, red headed malimbe’s, yellow mantled weaver, blue cuckoo-shrike and the legendary Congo Serpent Eagle. Kakums forest trails offer more difficult to see understory species like White Throated, Western Bearded and Red Tailed Greenbuls, Fire-crested Alethe, Finch's Flycatcher-thrush, West African Forest Robin, Rufous Sided Broadbill, Red Billed Helmit-shrike, Red Tailed Bristlebill, Chocolate Backed Kingfisher and the Upper Guinea Endemic Green Tailed Bristlebil. Owl’s and Nightjars are also common with Frasers Eagle and African Wood Owl’s in good numbers and much sought after Brown Nightjar. Kakum also protects over 60 mammal, reptile and amphibian species that include Forest Elephants, Long Tailed Pangolin and the legendary Bongo.
  • Mole National Park

    InformationSatellite View
    Ghana’s premier wildlife viewing protected area covering 4847 square kilometres and protecting over 90 mammal and 330 bird species. The accommodation here is situated on an idyllic escarpment overlooking 2 watering holes where African Elephants, Kob, Waterbuck and Bushbuck regularly come to drink. Mole’s habitat consists of broad leaved guinea woodland and savannah plains, excellent birdwatching can be enjoyed around the hotel with species such as Red-throated Bee-eater, Grey Woodpecker, Beautiful and Pygmy Sunbirds, Orange-cheeked, Lavender and Black-rumped Waxbills, Pin-tailed Whydah, Northern Puffback, Northern Crombec, Tawny-flanked Prinia, Bush Petronia and Senegal Batis. Walking Safari’s offer the chance of seeing quality species like Pel’s Fishing Owl, Sandard Winged Nightjar, Spotted Creeper, White Fronted Black Chat, Forbes Plover, Abyssinian Ground Hornbill, Blue Bellied Roller, Helmeted Guineafowl, Hadada Ibis, Woolly-necked AND Saddled Billed Storks, Grey and Black-headed Herons, Senegal Thick-knee and Greater-painted Snipe. Passing to an area of riverine forest, one should locate Red-winged Pytilia, Rufous Cisticola, Giant Kingfisher, African Blue Flycatcher, Common Gonolek, Snowy-crowned Robin Chat, African Paradise Flycatcher, Pale, Swamp and Lead-coloured Flycatchers, Oriole Warbler & African Dwarf Kingfisher. Mole is approximately a 6 hour drive from Kumasi without stops with the final 86km being rough dirt road.
  • Shai Hills Reserve

    InformationSatellite View
    Shai Hills reserve is the closest wildlife protected area to Accra with a savannah grassland habitat, large rock formations and caves. The rock formations harbour good numbers of White Crowned Cliff Chat and Rock Martins in addition to Rock Loving Cisticolas. Green and Violet Turaco’s are common as are Puvels Illadopsis, Blue Bellied, Broad billed and Rufous Crowned Rollers, Senegal Parrot, Red Headed Lovebirds, Black Cap and Brown Babblers, Stone Partridge, Grey Hornbill, Fork-tailed Drongo, White-crowned Robin Chat, Croaking Cisticola, Grey Kestrel, Rosy and Swallow-tailed Bee-eaters and Rose-ringed Parakeets. African Hobby is regularly seen and large numbers of Olive Baboons greet you on your entrance to the main gates.
  • Mark Williams


Number of Species
  • Number of bird species: 776

    (As at June 2024)
  • Number of endemics: 6 Endemic Subspecies

    There are no endemic species, however, there are six endemic sub-species:

    Sandy Scops-Owl Otus icterorhynchus icterorhynchus
    Yellow Penduline-Tit  Anthoscopus parvulus aureus
    Black-necked Cisticola Cisticola eximius winneba
    Blackcap Illadopsis Illadopsis cleaveri cleaveri
    Forest Scrub-Robin Cercotrichas leucosticta leucosticta
    Orange-breasted Forest-Robin Stiphrornis erythrothorax inexpectatus

  • Avibase

    PDF Checklist
    This checklist includes all bird species found in Ghana , based on the best information available at this time. It is based on a wide variety of sources that I collated over many years. I am pleased to offer these checklists as a service to birdwatchers. If you find any error, please do not hesitate to report them.
  • Wikipedia

    Annotated List
    This is a list of the bird species recorded in Ghana. The avifauna of Ghana included a total of 772 confirmed species as of August 2021. Of them, one has been introduced by humans. None are endemic.
  • eBird

    PDF Checklist
    584 species (+42 other taxa) - Year-round, Current year
Useful Reading

  • Birds of Ghana

    | By Nik Borrow & Ron Demey | Helm | Edition 2 | 2022 | Paperback | 368 pages, 151 colour plates, colour distribution maps, 2 colour maps | ISBN: 9781472987723 Buy this book from
  • Birds of Western Africa

    | By Nik Borrow & Ron Demey | Helm | 2014 | Edition 2 | Paperback | 592 pages, 266 plates with colour illustrations; colour distribution maps | ISBN: 9781472905680 Buy this book from
  • The Birds of Ghana: An Atlas and Handbook

    | By Françoise Dowsett-Lemaire & Robert J Dowsett | Tauraco Press | 2014 | Paperback | 713 pages, 21 plates with colour photos; b/w photos, b/w illustrations, colour distribution maps | ISBN: 9782872250073 Buy this book from
  • African Bird Club

    Ghana deserves to be a popular birding destination now that tourism is being actively encouraged, even though most of the more eastern species can be seen in Cameroon or Gabon. While all the Upper Guinea endemics can be seen in neighbouring Côte d’Ivoire, that country is currently in some turmoil, and Ghana is a sensible alternative. Ghanaians are among the most friendly people in West Africa and the national language is English…
  • Ghana Wildlife Society (BirdLife Partner)

    GWS was first formed in the early 1970s but functioned for few years and became dormant. Not until 1991, when it was revived by the 'Save the Seashore Birds Project - Ghana (SSBP-G), a project that aimed at protecting the sea, shore birds and their coastal wetland habitats in Ghana. When the SSBP-G ended in June 1994, the Society took over and continued the conservation activities initiated by the project. For further enquiry on how to support our conservation activities and programs, send us en email to: or call the office line on (+233) 0302 665197 and we will get in touch with you shortly.
  • West African Ornithological Society

    The Ornithology Exchange (OE) is an online community of individuals and organizations interested in ornithology, the scientific study of birds, maintained and managed by the Ornithological Council. Our mission is to advance the field of ornithology by facilitating the timely sharing and discussion of information about basic and applied research, teaching, conservation, and the workings of the professional societies devoted to these activities.

Abbreviations Key

  • CA Ankasa Resource Reserve

    InformationSatellite View
    The Ankasa Conversation Area is an area in southwestern Ghana, in Ghana's Western Region, about 365 kilometers west of Accra near the border with Côte d'Ivoire. It incorporates the Nini Suhien National Park in the North, and the Ankasa Forest Reserve in the South. The park is approximately 500 square kilometers, and consists largely of tropical evergreen rainforest. The Ankasa Conservation Area is the only wildlife protected area in Ghana that is located in the wet evergreen tropical high rainforest belt.
  • CFCP Afadjato

    InformationSatellite View
    The biodiversity importance of the area is considered exceptional, especially in terms of butterfly and bird species…
  • FR Asubima

    InformationSatellite View
    The Asubima Forest Reserve is a 7,870-hectare (19,400-acre) protected area near Akumadan, Ghana and was established in 1945. FORM Ghana, a plantation development company, manages 1,729.9 hectares (4,275 acres) of the southern part of the reserve to reforest land in the reserve that has been highly degraded due to logging, wildfires, and illegal farming.
  • FR Boin Tano

    InformationSatellite View
    The Boin Tano Forest Reserve is a nature reserve located in the Western Region of Ghana. It was established in 1968. This site, which is 129 square kilometres (12,900 ha; 50 sq mi), is rich both in faunal and floral species.[
  • NP Bia

    InformationSatellite View
    Bia National Park is unique in Ghana because it crosses a 305-square-kilometre (117-square-mile) zone of humid evergreen and semi-deciduous forest types. 62 different species of mammals have been spotted in the park including several types of rare colobus monkey, chimpanzee, forest elephant and threatened bongo.
  • NP Bui

    InformationSatellite View
    Bui National Park is Ghana's 3rd largest national park and is located in the Brong-Ahafo Region of Ghana, about 3 hours northwest of Kumasi. Bui is well know for its hippos, but it is also an excellent birding location. Hoofed species include Roan antelope, bushbuck, waterbuck, Kob and warthog. Baboons, monkeys and crocodiles may also be seen.
  • NP Digya

    InformationSatellite View
    Digya National Park is the second largest national park and the oldest protected area in Ghana. It is located in the Brong-Ahafo Region. It was created in 1900 and given national park status in 1971. The park is the only wildlife territory in Ghana to have Lake Volta at its borders.
  • NP Kakum

    WebsiteSatellite View
    The long-tailed Verreaux's Touraco floats down from the sky. From your vantage point on the canopy walkway, you see a brilliant flash of red on the wings of this magnificent bird as it lands a few feet away to settle on a Kuntan tree, one of the tallest trees in the forest canopy. This is something you'd never see from the forest floor…
  • NP Kakum (Canopy Walkway)

    InformationSatellite View
    Have you ever seen the rainforests from a hundred feet off the ground? The Kakum Canopy Walkway, the only one of its kind in Africa, will lead you through the tree-tops of Ghana's Kakum National Park, offering a unique and spectacular view of the rainforest ecosystem.
  • NP Kyabobo

    InformationSatellite View
    Kyabobo National Park (pronounced CHAY-a-bobo) is a 360-square-kilometre (140 sq mi) national park in Ghana. The reserve was established in 1997. Ghana's second highest mountain, Mount Dzebobo is contained within the park and offers visitors an impressive view of the Lake Volta.
  • NP Mole

    InformationSatellite View
    Mole National Park is Ghana's largest wildlife refuge. The park is located in northwest Ghana on grassland savanna and riparian ecosystems at an elevation of 150 m, with sharp escarpment forming the southern boundary of the park. The park's entrance is reached through the nearby town of Larabanga. The Lovi and Mole Rivers are ephemeral rivers flowing through the park, leaving behind only drinking holes during the long dry season.
  • NP Nini Suhien

    InformationSatellite View
    The Nini-Suhien National Park is found in Ghana. It was established in 1976. This site is 160 square kilometres (62 sq mi) in size.
  • NR Kogyae Strict National Reserve

    InformationSatellite View
    The Kogyae Strict Nature Reserve was established in 1971 and has an area of 386 km2. Animals present on the reserve include African buffalos, African civets, civet cats, and monkeys, as well as 85 species of birds.
  • WR Shai Hills

    InformationSatellite View
    The lovely Shai Hills Wildlife Reserve is only 30 kilometres (18 miles) from Accra. Although it is largely savannah plains, there is lots of forest among the 48-square-kilometre (18-square-mile) reserve which protects 31 mammals and 175 bird species. It was established in 1962 with area of 47 square kilometres (4,700 ha; 18 sq mi) which was later extended to 47 square kilometres (4,700 ha; 18 sq mi) in 1973.
  • WS Agumatsa

    InformationSatellite View
    The area boasts of the most spectacular geographical feature in the district. An hour's walk through cool shades of trees will lead you to Ghana's highest waterfalls. The beauty of the falls is enhanced not only by the towering face of the gorge but most impressively by the several thousands of fruit bats clinging to its sides. This waterfalls which consist of a series of four falls and two cascades descending an amazing 600m height is one of the perennial falls in Ghana open to visitors through out the year.
  • WS Bomfobiri Wildlife Sanctuary

    InformationSatellite View
    The Bomfobiri Wildlife Sanctuary was established to protect the varied ecosystem and ecological values of the area. The sanctuary was originally situated within the 16.8 km2 Boumfum Forest Reserve
  • WS Owabi Wildlife Sanctuary

    WebpageSatellite View
    The avifauna is relatively rich with indigenous birds and some migrants. 161 birds consisting of 29 families have been recorded, 13 of which are listed in Appendix II of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES). The Sanctuary is also the only inland Ramsar Site in Ghana.
Guides & Tour Operators
  • Adventure Birding Tours

    Tour Operator
    Birding and Wildlife Tour in Ghana.
  • Ashanti African Ghana Birding Tours

    Tour Operator
    The Ghana birding and wildlife specialist with a commitment to conservation, join us for an enjoyable, professional, quality, affordable and highly productive birding tour of Ghana. We have a 100% record where all our clients have enjoyed walk away views of the prehistoric looking Yellow Headed Picathartes and beautiful Egyptian Plover
  • BirdFinders

    Tour Operator
    This Upper Guinea rainforest and savannah special tour will take us to the rarely visited and unspoilt Ankasa rainforest, the only site in Ghana for White-breasted Guineafowl. We will also visit the world-famous Kakum National Park with its canopy walkway, Mole National Park with its Savannah Elephants, the Atewa Range for Blue-headed Bee-eater and, a highlight of the tour, a White-necked Rockfowl (Yellow-headed Picathartes) nesting site.
  • Birding Africa

    Tour Operator
    This all-embracing 18-day tour to Ghana affords participants the opportunity to see the spectacular Yellow-headed Picathartes, one of Africa’s most unusual and desirable birds.
  • Birding Ecotours

    Tour Operator
    Ghana must be the easiest West African country to travel in and thus gives relatively easy access to a very large number of West African endemics, as well as good access to some star North African birds. Ghana has 180 of the Guinea-Congo Forests biome birds, including 12 out of the 15 Upper Guinea Forest endemics, 11 of which are of global conservation concern.
  • Birdquest

    Tour Operator
    The ultimate itinerary for Upper Guinea specialities, including White-necked Rockfowl or Yellow-headed Picathartes...
  • Easy Track Ghana

    Tour Operator
    Ghana has various ecological zones which host over 770 recorded species.
  • Field Guides

    Tour Operator
    With more than 755 species of birds, Ghana is an exciting birding destination, featuring excellent opportunities for a number of West African endemics and other highly prized avian species.
  • Heatherlea

    Tour Operator
    Ghana is a must visit destination for any birding and nature enthusiast, with over 760 bird species. From coastal lagoons, grassland savannah and upper guinea rainforest, moving northwards through broad-leaved guinea woodland and finally touching the Sahel savannah plains in the far north. Ghana offers all the core west African habitats and key locations we visit include Kakum National Park, the Shai Hills and Ankasa Reserve, the Abrafo Forest and the superb Mole National Park where over 300 bird and 100 mammal species have been recorded!
  • Malimbe Tours

    Tour Operator
    There is no destination in West Africa and In fact Africa as a whole that is like Ghana . Birding in Ghana presents you with the opportunity to see the Yellow headed Picathertes or the White Necked Rock Fowl which is the most sought after bird in Africa...
  • Naturalist Journeys

    Tour Operator
    More than 750 species of birds can be seen in the biodiverse and bite-size West African country of Ghana, which offers myriad habitat types for birding, including open savannahs and productive and endangered upland tropical rainforest where we focus much of our effort.
  • Nature Travel Birding

    Tour Operator
    Ghana has 180 of the Guinea-Congo Forests biome birds, including 12 out of the 15 Upper Guinea Forest endemics, 11 of which are of global conservation concern. Undoubtedly one of the highlights will be seeing the White-necked Rockfowl (Yellow-headed Picathartes), a bird high up on many world listers’ wish list. With a bird list of about 760 species, 221 species of amphibians and reptiles, 225 mammalian species and over 1000 species of butterflies, Ghana is a must-visit for any birding and nature enthusiast.
  • NatureTrek

    Tour Operator
    This small tropical country – known in the past as the ‘Gold Coast’ – is now widely considered West Africa’s top wildlife and birding destination, with legendary species such as Yellow-headed Picathartes and Long-tailed Pangolin perhaps easier to see here than anywhere else on Earth.
  • Rockjumper

    Tour Operator
    …bird waves filled with greenbuls, sunbirds, flycatchers and warblers. Ground-dwelling species that we aim to see include the elusive Nkulengu Rail, White-spotted Flufftail, no less than five Illadopses and several specialized ant-attending species…
  • Travelling Naturalist

    Tour Operator
    Ghana is a birdwatchers' paradise, and consists of three distinct habitats: coastal plain, forest and dry savannah. The country boasts a diversity of colourful birdlife, including the sought-after white-necked picathartes, more than 1000 butterfly species, and a fascinating array of flora and mammals.
  • Tropical Birding

    Tour Operator
    Ghana is situated in Western Africa, which is markedly different from the more popular Eastern and Southern African destinations. Many birds are confined to West Africa, especially a variety of lowland rainforest birds, making Ghana an appealing birding destination.

    Tour Operator
    Lying on the Gulf of Guinea along Africa’s tropical western coast, Ghana is rich in both ancient tradition and in the history of Europe’s early colonial expansion into West Africa.
Trip Reports
  • 2016 [04 April] - Julian Thomas

    I had lived in Ghana for the first eight years of my life, before four bouts of malaria meant I was banished to the UK, and it was always a place I wanted to revisit, so we arranged a trip with Ashanti African Tours The cost for each of us was £1495 for the 12 day tour, which is definitely cheaper than booking a tour through a UK based wildlife tour company, except that as we by necessity had to travel over Easter (Jane being a teacher) there was a hike in air fares. The price was less because we were joined by Alex Anderson from Zimbabwe.
  • 2016 [04 April] - Phil Gregory

    This was the seventh Field Guides Ghana tour (my eighth overall); this time, we had quite hot, humid weather for much of the trip, with unseasonal rain at a couple of sites. Ghana seems to be undergoing a building boom, with half-finished buildings all over the country. It was truly strange, but the place is clearly thriving and makes an ideal portal to West African birding. The trip worked well, with everyone arriving on time (and bags catching up later for Bob). This year, we went to Sakumono on arrival day, which proved good for Senegal Thick-knee and assorted herons, and freed us up for the long drive to Kakum later, whilst Hans and Ann-Margret made a trip to Atewa for Blue-moustached Bee-eater -- a wise precaution as it turned out!
  • 2016 [05 May] - Steve Braine

    PDF Report
    All in all a very productive tour was had by all with a total of 313 species of birds being seen and a further 16 heard in the two weeks trip, a few others were seen only by the guide and thus not included...
  • 2016 [11 November] - Nick Bray

    PDF Report
    Our extensive three week tour to fabulous Ghana visited a multitude of sites in search of some truly amazing birds, notching up a commendable trip total of 442 species
  • 2017 [02 February] - Wise Birding

    PDF Report
    ...Yellow-headed Picathartes: This “must see” species did not disappoint as we were treated to at least four different birds coming in to roost near the village of Bonkro...
  • 2017 [04 April] - Phil Gregory

    Field Guides Tour Report Ghana: Window Into West African Birding 2017 Mar 30, 2017 to Apr 18, 2017Phil Gregory & James NtakorFor our tour description, itinerary, past triplists, dates, fees, and more, please VISIT OUR TOUR PAGE.See this triplist in printable PDF format with media only on page 1.White-necked Rockfowl, or Picathartes, is always the hoped-for highlight of this tour...and we had great looks again this year! Photo by guide Phil Gregory. The favorite birds among our Ghana group this year were varied as might be expected, but Picathartes (Rockfowl) and Egyptian Plover came out on top as always, with Northern Carmine Bee-eater, Standard-winged Nightjar, White-crested Hornbill, Violet Turaco, Yellow Penduline-Tit, and Cassin's Honeyguide also scoring highly -- there were some difficult choices amongst so many great birds!
  • 2017 [08 August] - Bob MeinkeRob Gordijn

    PDF Report
    Canopy walkway: We started here the first morning, spending most time on the furthest platform of the canopy walk where you have a great overview of the surrounding forest. The morning was very productive with the highlight being a pair of Red-fronted Antpeckers in a flock below us. We left the walkway at 10.30 as tourists started coming and because after a few hours you have to pay an extra fee. We birded some more on the trails below the canopy (African Piculet). After lunch we returned and first birded some more of the trails (Rufous-sided Broadbill, HO White-spotted Flufftail), the last hours until dusk were spent up on the canopy walk where a Brown Nightjar started to call. We searched for owls some more around the HQ but without luck.
  • 2017 [11 November] - David Hoddinott

    PDF Report
    ...The following day, we enjoyed more time at Kalakpa, where we saw Spotted Honeyguide, Buff-spotted Woodpecker, Grey Kestrel, African Hobby, White-crested Helmetshrike, elusive Baumann’s Olive Greenbul, Red-winged Warbler, Yellow-bellied Hyliota and Western Violet-backed Sunbird....
  • 2017 [11 November] - János Oláh

    PDF Report
    Ghana has a wide range of habitats and special birds as well as being a safe place to visit, where tourism is much encouraged. The combination of these factors makes it the ideal West African birding destination at the moment with a good number of available Upper Guinea specialities. T
  • 2017 [12 December] - János Oláh

    PDF Report
    ...we had excellent looks at this superb and enigmatic bird, hence it was voted bird of the trip. However, the other birds that made it into the top five were just as exciting, such as the shy Latham’s Forest Francolin in second place then Nkulengu Rail and Redbilled Helmetshrike third and fourth and finally the superb Egyptian Plover also made it into the top five! Our tour was exciting and highly successful, with a wide range of special and range restricted birds.
  • 2018 [03 March] - Nik Borrow

    PDF Report
    Ghana, once known as the ‘Gold Coast’ is situated in the very heart of West Africa and the country’s growing tourist industry has much to offer visitors through the country’s colourful and vibrant culture, turbulent history and a coast lined with beautiful beaches and numerous slave forts that are still left standing to remind visitors of a grim past.
  • 2018 [11 November] - Wise Birding

    PDF Report
    Yellow-headed Picathartes: A key bird of the tour with prolonged views of at least 5 birds watched coming in to roost near the village of Bonkro.
  • 2019 [03 March] - Nik Borrow

    PDF Report
    Ghana, once known as the ‘Gold Coast’ is situated in the very heart of West Africa and the country’s growing tourist industry has much to offer visitors through the country’s colourful and vibrant culture, turbulent history and a coast lined with beautiful beaches and numerous slave forts that are still left standing to remind visitors of a grim past.
  • 2019 [06 June] - Jim McConnell

    As a birder from North America, I understood, and happily anticipated, that a trip to Africa would result in a trip bird list composed almost entirely of lifers (birds that I had never seen before).
  • 2020 [01 January] - Nature Travel Birding

    PDF Report
    The tour covered most of the southern parts of Ghana, as well as some of the central and north-central habitats. During the tour the temperature ranged from 09ºC to 37ºC. We recorded 24 mammal species, almost 400 species of birds and 9 species of reptiles. The species mentioned in the daily summaries are only some of those seen.
  • 2021 [03 March] - Sjoerd Radstaak

    PDF Report
    This trip report is the result of a 23 full day-trip to Ghana recording a total of 458 species (11 heardonly), together with Julien Mazenauer.
  • 2021 [12 December] - André Bernon

    PDF Report
    The birds and mammals certainly did not disappoint and we enjoyed phenomenal sightings and experiences including White-necked Rockfowl at a colony, Nkulengu Rail, Half-collared Kingfisher, Rufous-winged Illadopsis, Forest Robin – all on the roost! The north had us meters away from the monotypic Egyptian Plover! A group of elephants a mere 5 meters from us, on foot, certainly tops the memory books!
  • 2023 [01 January] - Marc Cronje

    During the tour the temperature ranged from 11ºC to 35ºC. We recorded 19 mammal species, over 400 species of birds and 12 species of reptiles. The species mentioned in the daily summaries are only some of those seen.
  • 2023 [02 February] - Dylan Vasapolli

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    ... Here we found such desirable birds as Rufous-sided Broadbill, Black and Blue-moustached Bee-eaters, White-bellied Kingfisher, Tit Hylia, Sharpe’s Apalis, and the mega Nkulengu Rail. We also visited the Bonkro forest, where we would stake out one of the country’s premier birds – White-necked Rockfowl...
  • 2023 [04 April] - Greg Roberts

    he report of a 21-day birding tour of Ghana that included the key sites of the Kakum National Park area, Ankasa Conservation Area, Nyamebe Bepo Forest Reserve, the Atewa Range and Mole National Park. Top birds included White-necked Picathartes, Long-tailed Hawk, Forbes’s Plover, Fraser’s Eagle-Owl (above), Nkulengu Rail, Standard-winged Nightjar and Rufous-rumped Lark. A trip highlight was seeing a White-bellied Pangolin. A total of 460 bird species were recorded.
  • 2023 [10 October] - Peg Abbott

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    ...As we were all in early, we added a morning trip to Shai Hills to the published itinerary as we were eager to get right into birding. This more arid reserve (by Ghana standards) is also a good place for mammals, and we found almost 70 species of birds in our two visits there today, plus lovely butterflies, a Water Terrapin, a Forest Toad, and an Orange-headed Agama Lizard...
  • 2024 [03 March] - Dylan Vasapolli

    PDF Report
    While some of the well-known high priority specials like White-necked Rockfowl and Egyptian Plover were well seen, many other lessknown species were also found. The many forested sites held the likes of Nkulengu Rail, Rufoussided Broadbill, Congo Serpent Eagle, Western Dwarf Hornbill, Brown Nightjar, Violetbacked Hyliota, Blue-moustached Bee-eater, Chocolate-backed Kingfisher, Forest Wood Hoopoe and Preuss’s Weaver....
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  • Birding in Ghana

    With over 755 species of birds, Ghana is an ideal bird watching destination. For any birder aiming to maximize birds seen in Africa, West Africa is a top three destination. These birding trips are cost effective, productive and fun.
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