State of New York

Eastern Bluebird Sialia sialis ©Cal Vornberger Website
Birding New York

New York State is uniquely situated between the Atlantic Ocean and the eastern Great Lakes and St. Lawrence River on North America’s east coast. It thus enjoys the benefits of the north-south migrations of birds along the Atlantic flyway, a wide variety of habitats which attract an equally wide variety of breeding birds, and the state’s proximity to areas from which birds irrupt into the state at certain times (i.e., finches and owls from the boreal woods of Canada occasionally visit New York in numbers during irruption years).

New York State’s habitats range from the littoral areas of Long Island, (at some 100 miles long and extending from New York City to Montauk Point, the island attracts a wealth of shorebirds during migration, and tens of thousands of wintering waterfowl along its shores (eiders, Harlequin Ducks, all three scoter species, Razorbills); especially at such places as Montauk Point, Shinnecock Bay, Point Lookout, and Jamaica Bay); the Niagara frontier, Gull Capital of the U.S.A. (it is not unusual to find up to 12 species of gull at once here in late fall); the Adirondack region, including the vast state park of the same name, with its spruce, balsam fir and northern hardwood forests, (such boreal species as Gray Jay, Boreal Chickadee, Spruce Grouse, and Black-backed Woodpecker nest here); the Finger Lakes region and the Champlain and Hudson valleys where agriculture is still very important and open farmland attracts the Eastern Bluebird (state bird of New York); Upland Sandpipers, Bobolinks, etc.; the Tug Hill plateau, a snowy winter wonderland where introduced Gray Partridge live and birders go to find Rough-legged Hawks, wintering owls, longspurs, and finches; to the Catskill Mountains, Delaware river valley, and many other beautiful areas. There are many National Wildlife Refuges, State and local Parks, and private preserves and refuges in the state.

At the time of writing, 472 species of birds have been officially recorded in New York State, of which 243 have bred there. (See Bull’s Birds of New York State, ed. by Emanuel Levine, pub. by Comstock)

Top Sites
  • Bashakill WMA

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    Bashakill Marsh is the largest fresh-water marsh in New York State. It is located on Route 17 in Sullivan County (exit Route 17 at Wurtsboro and take Route 209 south for 1.5 miles) about 72 miles from the George Washington Bridge in New York City. The best time to visit is during the Spring migration, May in particular. Breeding birds include hundreds of Wood Ducks, Wild Turkey, Pied-billed Grebe, Great Blue and Green Herons, American and Least Bitterns (the latter is uncommon) Osprey, Bald Eagle (there are nests of both visible with a scope from the boat launch on the east side of the marsh), Virginia Rail, Sora (not common), American Coot, Yellow-billed and Black-billed Cuckoos, Belted Kingfisher, Pileated Woodpecker, Willow, Alder, Least (and probably Acadian) Flycatchers, Eastern Phoebe, Great-crested Flycatcher, Eastern Kingbird, White-eyed, Red-eyed, Yellow-throated and Warbling Vireos, Northern Rough-winged, Tree and Barn Swallows, Blue-gray Gnatcatcher, Eastern Bluebird, Veery, Wood Thrush, Blue-winged, Golden-winged, Yellow, Chestnut-sided, Pine, Cerulean, Black-and-White, Worm-eating and Hooded Warblers, Northern Parula, American Redstart, Ovenbird, Northern Waterthrush, Common Yellowthroat, Eastern Towhee, Chipping, Field, Song and Swamp Sparrows, Scarlet Tanager, Rose-breasted Grosbeak, Indigo Bunting, Red-winged Blackbird, Orchard and Baltimore Orioles, etc. There is access from Route 209 via Haven Road which crosses the marsh. On the east side of the marsh turn left (north) on a dirt road to a parking area and bird the former railroad right-of-way north and south of the parking area.
  • Central Park

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    Located in the center of Manhattan, this is the premiere birding site in the New York City area. Designed by Calvert Vaux and Frederick Law Olmsted in the 19th century, the park is the jewel in the crown of New York City’s park system. During Spring migration (peaking in mid-May), it is possible to see over 25 species of warblers in one day. The most famous inhabitant of Central Park these days is Pale Male, the Red-tailed Hawk featured in Marie Winn’s Red-tails in Love. The hawk nested on a posh apartment house across Fifth Avenue which could be seen from the Conservatory Water at East 74th Street. Nesting species include all the more common species in the New York City area (Downy and Red-bellied Woodpecker, American Robin, Gray Catbird, Tufted Titmouse, Song Sparrow, Northern Cardinal, Baltimore Oriole, Red-winged Blackbird, House Finch, etc.). The areas most frequented by birders in Central Park most of the year will be: the Ramble (the area of woodland just north of The Lake and accessed from entrances off of Central Park West opposite the American Museum of Natural History) which features bird feeders near Azalea Pond that attract birds year round; the areas around The Lake, such as Bow Bridge which connects the Ramble with Cherry Hill; Turtle Pond, situated just east of the Delacorte Theatre and north of the Belvedere; and the Shakespeare Garden, just west of the Belvedere. See the Central Park Conservancy’s web site for information about Central Park and for park maps. While there do see the rest of the southern half of the park with its Zoo, Bethseda Fountain, The Mall, and the Pond at the south-east corner. Note: I don’t recommend one enter the Ramble alone. It is best to travel in pairs or in a group. The New York City Audubon Society conducts guided birding tours of the park on a regular basis. See their web site for further information.
  • Doodletown Road

    InformationSatellite View
    This former town site was absorbed into Bear Mountain State Park and is located west of the Hudson River in Rockland County off of Route 9W. Personally, this is my favorite place to bird in New York State. Nesting species include Ruffed Grouse, Wild Turkey, Black and Turkey Vultures, Red-shouldered, Broad-winged and Red-tailed Hawks, Pileated Woodpecker, Yellow-billed and Black-billed Cuckoo, Ruby-throated Hummingbird, Eastern Wood-Pewee, Eastern Phoebe, Great Crested Flycatcher, Eastern Kingbird, Black-capped Chickadee, Tufted Titmouse, White-breasted Nuthatch, Carolina, House, and Marsh Wrens, Blue-gray Gnatcatcher, Veery, Wood Thrush, American Robin, Gray Catbird, Northern Mockingbird, Brown Thrasher, Cedar Waxwing, Yellow-throated, Warbling and Red-eyed Vireos, Blue-winged, Yellow, Chestnut-sided, Cerulean, and Black-and-White Warblers, Northern Parula, American Redstart, Ovenbird, Worm-eating Warbler, Louisiana Waterthrush, Kentucky Warbler, Common Yellowthroat, Hooded Warbler, Eastern Towhee, Chipping and Song Sparrows, Scarlet Tanager, Northern Cardinal, Rose-breasted Grosbeak, Indigo Bunting, Orchard and Baltimore Orioles. (Kentucky [rare], Cerulean and Hooded Warblers are highlights of this location.) If one also drives out to Iona Island (just opposite the Doodletown entrance on the other side of Route 9W, one could also add Virginia Rail, Fish Crow, Willow Flycatcher, White-eyed Vireo, Tree and Barn Swallows, Red-winged Blackbird, Field and Swamp Sparrows to the day’s list. Just across the river on the Bear Mountain Bridge, Northern Ravens nest on Anthony’s Nose and Peregrine Falcons nest on the bridge itself. Hikers should be aware that Doodletown is one of the best locations for Timber Rattlesnake in New York (I see them there about once in every three trips – sunny days are best). Although poisonous, these are not aggressive snakes and I have never had a problem with them nor have I ever heard of anyone who has had a problem with them Just be aware of where you are stepping and you’ll be fine.
  • Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge

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    Located in southern Queens, this man-made refuge is situated on Cross Bay Boulevard and is part of Gateway National Recreation Area. It is one of the best birding sites in the New York City area (I personally have seen 236 species of birds there in my years of visiting the refuge) and can be visited all year round (Spring, late Summer and early Fall are best but Winter can be rewarding too). The habitat consists of salt marsh, brackish ponds, and wooded areas. The East Pond is normally accessible in the late Summer as the water is normally drawn down to create mud flats to encourage shorebirds to feed there. Boots are mandatory in order to access the East Pond at that time. The visitor’s center is located on Cross Bay Boulevard in Broad Channel, Queens and can be reached by taking the A train subway to Broad Channel station (walk north from the station to the entrance) or by the Q53 or Q21 busses.
  • Shawangunk Grasslands NWR

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    Located in the Wallkill Valley in Ulster County, in the shadow of the beautiful Catskill Mountains, this refuge is a work in progress. A former top-secret CIA airfield, the property was given to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service in 1999. It is currently (Sept 2011) closed to the public for habitat restoration (see website for announcements), however, one can still visit the area which is rich in birds. The refuge consists of grassland which is breeding habitat for Grasshopper, Savannah, Field and Song Sparrows, Indigo Bunting, Bobolink, and Eastern Meadowlarks and other species. It is hoped that following restoration, Henslow’s Sparrow will return to the area (it formerly bred there). The refuge is also critical Winter habitat for Short-eared Owls (I once saw 12 of them there on a January day). The entrance to the refuge is located off Hoagerburgh Road (County Road 18) at Google coordinates 41.636727,-74.218998. Even though the refuge is closed at present, one can still view it from the north side from Galeville Park on Long Lane (take Hoagerburgh north from the refuge entrance to the next intersection and turn right (east) on Long Lane – Google coordinates 41.64331,-74.200037). A few hundred yards down Long Lane is an entrance to the park on the right. Scan the fields for Bobolinks (you can’t miss their calls – they sound like R2D2 from Star Wars) and Eastern Meadowlarks. One should visit nearby Blue Chip Farm just south of this location also on Hoagerburgh Road. Park on the east side of the road overlooking the fields (this is a thoroughbred horse breeding farm) (Google coordinates 41.629029,-74.226658) and scan the fields for Eastern Meadowlarks, Bobolinks and Upland Sandpiper, all of which breed here. If you can’t find the Upland Sandpipers from this location, go north on Hoagerburgh Road to the next intersection and turn right onto Bates Lane. Scan the fields on both sides for the Upland Sandpipers. Eastern Bluebirds and Savannah Sparrows also breed here. May is the ideal time for all the aforementioned birds but Winter is great too for owls and hawks (in irruption years many Rough-legged Hawks can be found hunting above the fields at Blue Chip Farm).
  • John J. Collins

    Raritan, NJ |

Number of Species
  • Number of bird species: 493

    (As at December 2018)

    State Bird - Eastern Bluebird Sialia sialis

  • iGoTerra Checklist

    iGoTerra Checklist
    Fatbirder Associate iGoTerra offers the most comprehensive and up to date birds lists on the web
Useful Reading

  • ABA Field Guide to Birds of New York

    | By Corey Finger & Brian E Small | Scott & Nix, Inc | 2016 | Paperback | 346 pages, colour photos | ISBN: 9781935622512 Buy this book from
  • Backyard Birdwatching in New York City

    | (An Introduction to Birding and Common Backyard Birds of the New York Metro Area) | by Cornell Lab of Ornithology | Waterford Press | 2019 | Unbound | 12 pages, colour illustrations | ISBN: 9781620053577 Buy this book from
  • Birds of New York

    | By Louis Agassiz Fuertes | Dover Publications | 2019 | Paperback | 112 pages, 106 plates with colour illustrations | ISBN: 9780486837406 Buy this book from
  • Birds of New York

    | By Marc Parnell | Naturalist & Traveler Press | 2021 | Paperback | 316 pages, colour photos | ISBN: 9781954228146 Buy this book from
  • Birds of New York City

    | (Western Long Island & Northeastern New Jersey) | by Chris C Fisher & Andy Bezener | Lone Pine Publishing | 1998 | Paperback | 160 pages, Colour illustrations | ISBN: 9781551051741 Buy this book from
  • Birds of New York Field Guide

    | By Stan Tekiela | dventure Publications | 2021 | Edition 3 | Paperback | 336 pages, colour photos, colour distribution maps | ISBN: 9781647550912 Buy this book from
  • Birds of New York State

    | By Bob Bulliger & Gregory Kennedy | Lone Pine Publishing | 2005 |Paperback | 384 pages, colour illustrations, map | ISBN: 9781551053264 Buy this book from
  • Birdwatching in New York City and on Long Island

    | (A detailed insider’s guide to the best places to find birds in all seasons) | by Deborah Rivel & Kellye Rosenheim | University Press of New England | 2016 | Paperback | 313 pages, 50+ colour photos, 39 colour maps | ISBN: 9781611686784 Buy this book from
  • Bull's Birds of New York State

    | (The Federation of New York state Bird Clubs and the American Museum of Natural History) | Edited by Emanuel Levine | Cornell University Press | 1998 | Hardback | 622 pages, 31 illustrations, 6 figs, 5 tabs, 7 maps | ISBN: 9780801434044 Buy this book from
  • Field Guide to the Neighborhood Birds of New York City

    | By Leslie Day, Trudy Smoke & Beth Bergman | Johns Hopkins University Press | 2015 | Paperback | 384 pages, 61 plates with colour photos; 354 colour illustrations | ISBN: 9781421416182 Buy this book from
  • National Geographic Field Guide to Birds: New York

    | Editrd by Jonathan Alderfer | National Geographic Society | 2007 | Paperback | 272 pages, colour illustrations, maps | ISBN: 9780792255642 Buy this book from
  • New York State Birds: A Folding Pocket Guide to Familiar Species

    | By James R Kavanagh & Raymond Leung | Waterford Press | 2000 | Unbound | 12 pages, colour illustrations | ISBN: 9781583551592 Buy this book from
  • The New York City Audubon Society Guide to Finding Birds in the Metropolitan Area

    | By Marcia T Fowle & Paul Kerlinger | Cornell University Press | 2001 | Paperback | 230 pages, b/w illustrations, b/w maps, tables | ISBN: 9780801485657 Buy this book from
  • The Second Atlas of Breeding Birds in New York State

    | Edited By Kevin J McGowan & Kimberley Corwin | Comstock Publishing Associates | 2008 | Hardback | 696 pages, b&w illustrations, maps | ISBN: 9780801447167 Buy this book from
  • Urban Ornithology

    | (150 Years of Birds in New York City) | by PA Buckley, Walter Sedwitz, William J Norse & John Kieran | Comstock Publishing Associates | 2018 | Hardback | 514 pages, 6 b/w photos, 44 b/w illustrations, 13 b/w maps, tables | ISBN: 9781501719615 Buy this book from
Useful Information
  • ABA Guides

    See American Birding Association's website for a list of fieldguides for the state
  • Rare bird alerts (RBAs) for New York State

    The rare bird alerts (RBAs) for New York State are as follows: Buffalo (716) 896-1271 Chautauqua County (716) 595-8250) Finger Lakes (607) 254-2429 Hudson/Mohawk (518) 439-8080 New York City (212) 979-3070 Rochester (716) 425-4630 Syracuse (315) 637-0318
  • Braddock Bay Bird Observatory

    Observatory WebsiteSatellite View
    Braddock Bay Bird Observatory (BBBO) is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to the study of avian migration and stopover ecology through research and education. A majority of the research is currently conducted at the Kaiser-Manitou Beach Banding Station which is on the southern shore of Lake Ontario in the Braddock Bay area, just west of Rochester, New York. This area is a focal point of bird activity, especially during spring and fall migrations when it is possible to see over 130 species of songbirds.
  • Derby Hill Bird Observatory

    Observatory WebsiteSatellite View
    Located on the southeastern shore of Lake Ontario in Oswego County New York, Derby Hill Bird Observatory is internationally recognized for spring hawk migration. More than 40,000 hawks are counted annually on average… +Daily Count Summaries…
Museums & Universities
  • American Museum of Natural History

    The Hall of Birds of the World showcases distinct environments around the world and the birds unique to those locations. Each of the hall’s 12 dioramas depicts a major biome—a region with a particular community of living things, such as a desert or tropical rain forest—along with representative species.
  • Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology (Ithaca, NY)

    The Cornell Lab of Ornithology is a world leader in the study, appreciation, and conservation of birds. Our hallmarks are scientific excellence and technological innovation to advance the understanding of nature and to engage people of all ages in learning about birds and protecting the planet.
  • Roger Tory Peterson Institute of Natural History

    Facebook Page
    The Roger Tory Peterson Institute of Natural History can trace its roots to 1975 when M. Lorimer Moe, a longtime friend of Peterson's, formed a committee along with John D. Hamilton (President of the Gebbie Foundation of Jamestown, New York) and several other community members to plan an organization to honor Jamestown's most famous son. In 1984 the Institute was granted 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status by the I.R.S. and received a Provisional Charter as an educational institution from the University of the State New York…
  • Audubon New York

    Welcome to the website of Audubon New York, the state program of the National Audubon Society and formerly National Audubon Society of New York State. We are currently updating our look and new pages will be added over the next year as our home page continues to evolve.
  • Audubon Society of the Capital Region

    Welcome to the Audubon Society of the Capital Region. We are the local chapter of the National Audubon Society, dedicated to the protection, conservation and enjoyment of birds, wildlife and the environment in the Capital Region of New York State. Our mission is to conserve and restore natural ecosystems, focusing on birds, other wildlife, and their habitats for the benefit of humanity and the earth's biological diversity.
  • Audubon in New York

    Local chapter addresses, etc.
  • Bedford Audubon Society

    Cultivating a love of nature in northern Westchester and eastern Putnam counties and beyond. Deepen your understanding of our environment. Our lectures, nature walks, and field trips are open to all, from novices to experts—we’re all learning.
  • Bronx River - Sound Shore Audubon Society

    Founded in 1947, we are a local chapter of the National Audubon Society. We serve over 700 members in the lower Westchester County, NY, in the communities of Bronxville, Eastchester, Edgemont, Hartsdale, Larchmont, Mamaroneck, Mount Vernon, New Rochelle, Pelham, Scarsdale and Tuckahoe.
  • Brooklyn Bird Club

    Founded in 1909 by Dr. Edward Vietor, the Brooklyn Bird Club has been active in Kings County for over 100 years. Our mission is to encourage and promote birdwatching and conservation in Brooklyn and beyond.
  • Buffalo Audubon Society

    Buffalo Audubon Society promotes the appreciation and enjoyment of the natural world through education and stewardship. We focus on Western New York and the Great Lakes region.
  • Buffalo Ornithological Society

    The Buffalo Ornithological Society, Inc. was established in 1929 to promote the study of the birds of the Niagara Frontier Region. Annual grants are awarded by the BOS to fund member-sponsored avian research projects. We are proud of our extensive scientific research databases, our continuing involvement in environmental and conservation activities that impact birds, and our promotion of the enjoyment of ornithology.
  • Central Westchester Audubon Society

    The Central Westchester Audubon Society is about birds, as its name suggests, but it is also about education: education for our neighbors and community about what birds, animals, rivers and streams, trees and plants mean to the Earth and our own lives and to the future of the Earth we all live on. We Serve Elmsford, Greenburgh, Harrison, Rye, Rye Brook, Port Chester, Purchase and White Plains
  • Chemung Valley Audubon Society

    We have a passion for education, conservation, policy, advocacy, and scientific investigation. Since 1950, Chemung Valley Audubon Society has offered many opportunities and programs for people of all ages to experience, enjoy, and learn about birding in our local area. Our monthly member meetings offer bird identification workshops to help all birders learn how to better identify birds in the field. We also continue to invite a wide variety of speakers that educate the public on the many issues concerning birds and other wildlife.
  • Delaware-Otsego Audubon Society

    The Delaware-Otsego Audubon Society Inc. (DOAS) has been a Chapter of the National Audubon Society since 1977. Our mission is to educate, improve environmental quality, protect and maintain ecological systems and wisely utilize and conserve natural resources.
  • Eastern Long Island Audubon Society

    A New York Chapter of National Audubon Society serving communities from Patchogue to Montauk including Southampton, East Hampton, Western Riverhead and Brookhaven. The first Monday of the month, ELIAS offers programs/lectures at Quogue Wildlife Refuge. Programs start at 7:15 pm. The topics are announced in The Osprey and on the web site. Snacks are available before the meeting. All programs are free and open to all.
  • Eaton Birding Society

    Facebook Page
    The Eaton Birding Society, Inc. was organised in 1932 in the name of Elon Howard Eaton, professor of biology and ornithology at Hobart & William Smith Colleges. The mission of the organisation is to promote the appreciation of birds and nature through educational programs, monthly meetings, field trips, and financial support of projects relating to ecological enhancement.
  • Four Harbors Audubon Society

    The mission of Four Harbors Audubon Society is to advocate education and conservation efforts for the enjoyment, preservation and restoration of birds, wildlife and habitat in our Long Island communities. Please join us on our monthly Second Saturday bird walks held at Avalon Park and Preserve in Stony Brook and Frank Melville Park in Setauket. These walks are free for all; no registration is required. Binoculars are recommended.
  • Genesee Valley Audubon Society

    Genesee Valley Audubon Society is a 501(c)(3) Not-for-Profit organization serving the communities of Western New York State in Monroe County and parts of Genesee, Livingston and Ontario Counties. The Vision of Genesee Valley Audubon Society (GVAS) is to promote environmental conservation. Our Mission is to educate and advocate for protection of the environment, focusing on birds, wildlife and habitat.
  • Great South Bay Audubon Society

    The primary mission of the Great South Bay Audubon Society is to advocate for the conservation of habitats for native birds and other native wildlife on Long Island.
  • Hudson River Audubon Society of Westchester

    A New York Chapter of the National Audubon Society serving the communities of Ardsley, Dobbs Ferry, Hastings-on-Hudson, Irvington and Yonkers. See their Facebook page.
  • Hudson-Mohawk Bird Club

    Our club is devoted to field birding and the appreciation of wild birds. We have more than 300 members and cover the greater capital region of New York State. This includes the 11-county area surrounding Albany, which is Region 8 of the New York State Ornithological Association (NYSOA). The Hudson-Mohawk Bird Club is a charter member of NYSOA. We actively support the work of conservation organizations and other birding groups.
  • Huntington-Oyster Bay Audubon Society

    Huntington-Oyster Bay Audubon Society is a chapter of the National Audubon Society, serving Huntington and Northern Oyster Bay Townships. Membership is approximately 1,000. Huntington-Oyster Bay Audubon works to protect birds and other wildlife, and the habitats upon which they depend through education, public advocacy and conservation action.
  • Kirkland Bird Club

    Facebook Page
    A birding and nature club serving Communities in and around Oneida County. We meet on the third Sunday of October, November, February and March at 2:30. Meetings include a program presentation, reports of bird sightings and refreshments. All are welcome at the meetings. Affiliated with the New York State Ornithological Association (NYSAO)
  • Linnaean Society of New York

    The Linnaean Society of New York (LSNY), with members mostly in the New York City area, is devoted to all aspects of natural history. We are strongly bird oriented, providing birding field trips to various destinations in the greater New York City area, conducting occasional weekend or out-of-state birding tours, co-sponsoring the NYC Rare Bird Alert, and offering a variety of birding resources on our website, including an exclusive birdwatching guide to lesser known Manhattan hotspots. We also take a leadership role in addressing local conservation issues of concern to birders and natural history enthusiasts. In practice we are a New York City bird club with a broader purview on nature and conservation.
  • Nature Conservatory in New York

    The Nature Conservancy was born with the purchase of Mianus River Gorge Preserve in 1955 right here in New York. Since then, we have conserved more than 815,000 acres across the state. We continue to be a conservation leader and are proud to have been the first state program to establish programs to make our water cleaner, our oceans healthier and our cities thriving.
  • New York City Audubon Society

    New York City Audubon champions nature in the City’s five boroughs through a combination of engaging and entertaining programs and innovative conservation campaigns. NYC Audubon is an independent non-profit organization affiliated with the National Audubon Society. Through its efforts, NYC Audubon protects many species of birds living in the 30,000 acres of wetlands, forests, and grasslands of New York City.
  • New York Fish & Wildlife Service

    Local offices, refuges, etc.
  • New York State Avian Records Committee

    The New York State Avian Records Committee (NYSARC) evaluates all reports of unusual species or unexpected dates or locations. Each report is carefully reviewed before acceptance to the ornithological record. For reporting instructions and forms (or online submission), see our NYSARC section.
  • New York State Blue Bird Society

    Facebook Page
    The New York State Bluebird Society is a non-profit organisation dedicated to the conservation of the Eastern Bluebird (Sialia sialis); our state bird. It is our mission to: monitor and increase production of Eastern Bluebirds and certain other cavity nesting birds through a state-wide nest-box program; educate or inform people of New York on the ecology and management of Eastern Bluebirds; conduct research on bluebirds and bluebird habitat selection, including nest box preference studies; co-operate and co-ordinate with other organisations with purposes similar to those set forth above…
  • New York State Department of Environmental Conservation

    New York State has many wonderful opportunities to get outside and enjoy activities year-round, including birdwatching and wildlife viewing...
  • New York State Ornithological Association

    For the birders and birds of the Empire State...
  • North Fork Audubon

    Society connects people with nature. We promote the preservation of birds and wildlife by protecting and restoring critical habitats of Long Island's North Fork. Our hands-on environmental and natural science programs encourage individuals of all ages to participate. We aim to grow a strong community of active members and supporters who value nature.
  • North Shore Audubon Society

    Established in 1952, the North Shore Audubon Society area comprises most of Northern Nassau County. All our meetings and walks are open to the public and all levels of birders are welcome. North Shore Audubon Society is one of seven Audubon Societies on Long Island and also belongs to AudubonNY. National Audubon Society assigns those who live in our area to NSAS. You can also join NSAS separately.
  • Northern Catskills Audubon Society

    NCAS is home to the RamsHorn-Livingston Sanctuary. This wonderful sanctuary includes a tidal swamp, the RamsHorn Creek connecting with the Hudson River, a marsh, and hardwood forest. A 3 mile, self-guiding trail leads the visitor through representative habitats. Also, the Northern Catskills are home to the newly-split species, Bicknell's Thrush. This neotropical migrant nests above 3000 feet and we have 2 of the highest Catskill peaks within our chapter's area.
  • Northern New York Audubon

    Northern New York Audubon is dedicated to conserving and restoring natural ecosystems in the Adirondacks, focusing on habitats of particular importance to birds, other wildlife, humanity and the Earth’s biological diversity as a whole. As one of National Audubon’s 27 local chapters in New York, NNYA endeavors to “promote the protection and proper management of birds, other wildlife and their habitats through advocacy and education.”
  • Onondaga Audubon Society

    The mission of the Onondaga Audubon Society is to engender in Central and Northern New Yorkers a greater appreciation for their land, water, and other natural resources, and to increase respect for the wildlife that inhabits these places, especially birds. Onondaga Audubon believes this focus will lead to wiser use of these resources, and we encourage such use through program meetings, field trips, sanctuary management, and environmental education.
  • Orange County Audubon Society

    OCAS is a bird and wildlife conservation organization. We steward 5 bird and wildlife sanctuaries in Orange County, NY. Most are open to the public with walking paths and/or a viewing stand accessible to visit for the quiet enjoyment and study of nature. We curate monthly programs/presentations throughout the county and birding field trips each season. We have developed presentations about bird identification and gardening with native plants for birds that organizations or schools can book for for their members. In the summer of 2018 we began an internship program, and this year, for the first time.
  • Putnam Highlands Audubon Society

    Protecting our Precious Environment through Education, Conservation and Preservation. As a chapter of the National Audubon Society, we dedicate ourselves to preserve and maintain those lands and waters that have been entrusted to our stewardship, and to inform and educate the public on issues involving birds, wildlife, and the environment. PHAS provides a schedule of programs, including bird walks, educational programs, field trips, and guest lectures. These programs are intended to appeal to a wide range of interests and ability levels.
  • Queens County Bird Club

    The Queens County Bird Club was founded in 1932, with the requirement that “… a person must have a profound interest in bird life and must be at least 12 years of age.” While our focus is still on birding, we do and offer a whole lot more – just ask anyone who has been on our field trips! From butterflies and dragonflies to wildflowers and other flora, and mammals and herps and… well, you get the idea. Come on a field trip, and we defy you to not learn something new! We have leaders and members of such diverse interests and expertise that we offer much more than just a morning’s bird walk.
  • Rochester Birding Association

    The Rochester Birding Association (RBA) is for all people interested in birdwatching in the Rochester area. We bring together people at all levels of knowledge and experience. We were established as a 501 (c)(3) nonprofit in 1987 with a focus on education and birdwatching in the birds’ natural environment. The RBA provides opportunities for birders to expand their skills, meet others who share their interest in birds, and see more species throughout the upstate New York area.
  • Rockland Audubon Society

    Rockland Audubon Society is a chapter of the National Audubon Society. We are a non-profit organization dedicated to the appreciation of nature and the preservation of a healthy environment.
  • Roger Tory Peterson Institute of Natural History

    Facebook Page
    The mission of RTPI is to honor and continue the work of Roger Tory Peterson to foster understanding, appreciation and protection of the natural world.
  • Saw Mill River Audubon Society

    We are a friendly community of people who enjoy exploring the outdoors. Our 1,100+ members are drawn from northwestern Westchester County, New York and beyond. All share a common desire to learn more about birds and other wildlife, and a common belief in the importance of preserving and protecting wildlife habitats. We hope you’ll browse through our upcoming events and join us for a field trip, workshop or community program.
  • South Shore Audubon Society

    Serving the southern half of Long Island's Nassau County. South Shore Audubon would love to hear from you! If you have any questions about our organization, events, volunteering, joining or more, please contact us via the on-line form.
  • Southern Adirondack Audubon

    Southern Adirondack Audubon Society (SAAS) is a certified local chapter of the National Audubon Society. Our primary goal is to protect the environment by preserving natural habitats and promoting environmental education. Over 500 strong, our membership is drawn from Warren, Washington, northern Saratoga and southern Hamilton counties in New York State. To advance our goal of "Conservation through Education," we sponsor monthly public programs on natural history topics, provide Audubon Adventures nature lessons to homeschooling families in our chapter area and lead natural history field trips.
  • Sullivan County Audubon Society

    Sullivan County is one of New York State's birdiest counties, home to the famous Bashakill Wildlife Management Area and the Mongaup Valley Bald Eagle area, two sites designated by New York State as Bird Conservation Areas. It is possible for a person to find over 100 different species of birds in one May day at the Bashakill. One can also find over 200 species of birds in Sullivan County in a year; both of these feats were accomplished in 2002. A total of over 280 species of birds have been recorded in the county.

Abbreviations Key

  • BS Berkshire Bird Paradise

    WebsiteSatellite View
    The Berkshiire Bird Paradise is a bird sanctuary for disabled and injured birds. We strive to give them a safe haven to live thrive and rehabilitate as best they can. We are dedicated to educating people to recognize the beauty of Nature's world which surrounds our busy lives. We are all part of the web of life and all life is precious.
  • BS NC Constitution Marsh Sanctuary & Audubon Center

    WebsiteSatellite View
    Constitution Marsh Audubon Center and Sanctuary is a unique and beautiful tidal marsh located in Putnam County, New York, and serves as vital natural habitat in the Hudson River Estuary. It is located in Putnam County, New York on the east shore of the Hudson River, just south of the village of Cold Spring. The marsh is an Audubon New York Important Bird Area, a New York State Bird Conservation Area, and is designated as a Significant Coastal Fish and Wildlife Habitat.
  • BS NC Rheinstrom Hill Sanctuary & Center

    Facebook PageSatellite View
    Two of the sanctuaries of the National Audubon Society of New York State are Buttercup Farm Sanctuary, a 500 acre parcel in Duchess County, and Rheinstrom Hill Sanctuary, a 1,037 acre sanctuary in Columbia County.
  • BS Theodore Roosevelt Sanctuary

    Facebook PageSatellite View
    The Theodore Roosevelt Sanctuary, the first National Audubon Society sanctuary, provides creative environmental and natural science education, practices effective stewardship of the Sanctuary's birds, wildlife, and natural habitats; conducts wildlife research - focusing on birds; and fosters appreciation and enjoyment of the natural world as a part of people's daily lives.
  • Gooseneck Hill Waterfowl Farm

    WebsiteSatellite View
    Gooseneck Hill Waterfowl Farm was started in 1983 by Rosemary and Milt Miner with two call ducks. It is a family owned, not-for-profit bird sanctuary and is the largest waterfowl park in the northeastern United States with over 300 birds. The natural habitat has the two largest covered aviaries in the world and is located in northeastern Cattaraugus County in New York State, southeast of Buffalo, NewYork.
  • IBA Adirondack Forest Tract

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    This site is the largest relatively intact tract of forest habitat in the state. It also contains the largest legally designated Wilderness Area in the state. It is a mountainous region with a maximum elevation of 5,344 feet and at least 24 peaks over 3,500 feet, with sub-alpine and alpine habitats. The peaks over 2,800 feet provide habitat for a distinctive sub-alpine bird community that includes the Bicknell?s Thrush, Swainson?s Thrush, and Blackpoll Warbler. Within the Wilderness Area is a vast amount of forest habitat that supports a characteristic forest breeding bird community, including the Ruffed Grouse, American Woodcock, Yellow-bellied Sapsucker, Eastern Wood-Pewee, Least Flycatcher, Great Crested Flycatcher, Blue-headed Vireo, Veery, Wood Thrush, Northern Parula, Chestnut-sided Warbler, Black-throated Blue Warbler, Black-throated Green Warbler, Blackburnian Warbler, Blackpoll Warbler, Black-and-white Warbler, American Redstart, Ovenbird, Canada Warbler, Scarlet Tanager, Rose-breasted Grosbeak, and Purple Finch. The boreal habitat supports the Spruce Grouse, Three-toed Woodpecker, Black-backed Woodpecker, Gray Jay, Boreal Chickadee, Red Crossbill, and White-winged Crossbill. The area also supports breeding at-risk species, including the Common Loon and Peregrine Falcon.
  • IBA Great Gull Island

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    This site includes a seventeen-acre rocky island covered with grassy and herbaceous vegetation (owned by the American Museum of Natural History), and the surrounding marine waters, including a deepwater channel known as 'The Race'. This is one of the most important tern nesting sites in the world, with the largest breeding colony of Roseate Terns in North America (1,500 pairs in 1996; 45% of the northeast North American population) and one of the largest colonies of Common Terns as well (8,000 pairs in 1995, 7,750 in 1996; 40-45% of the state population). The numbers of terns during the years 2000-2004 continued to be about 10,000 Common Tern nests and roughly 1,600 Roseate Tern nests annually.
  • Lake Champlain Birding Trail

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    This trail is nearly 300 miles long and covers the Lake Champlain basin in both New York and Vermont. There are some truly beautiful places along the trail (the Adirondack Mountains of New York are the backdrop when the lake is viewed from Vermont and the Green Mountains of Vermont are the backdrop when viewed from the New York side).
  • NC Audubon Community Nature Center

    WebsiteSatellite View
    Audubon Community Nature Center is a 600-acre wetland preserve that includes over five miles of trails, a native tree arboretum, picnic areas, a natural play space, and educational gardens for you to explore daily from dawn until dusk. You can visit Liberty, a non-releasable Bald Eagle, in her enclosure near the building. Public programs, animal ambassadors, and docents may also be available to enrich your experience.
  • NR NC Beaver Meadow Audubon Center

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    Beaver Meadow is a 324-acre nature preserve in North Java, NY. The preserve features its namesake beaver meadow with its associated ponds, glacial kettle ponds, wetlands with a boardwalk trail, wooded uplands, meadows, a hawk watch, an arboretum, and eight miles of marked and groomed trails.
  • NRA Gateway

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    (home of Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge) At the entrance to the New York/New Jersey estuary, two arms of land stretch across the water forming a natural gateway to the US's greatest port. It is from this gate that the Gateway National Recreation Area takes its name. Established on October 27, 1972 as America's first urban national park, Gateway provides recreational opportunities for residents and visitors in the Eastern United States' most densely populated area.
  • NWR Iroquois & WMA Tonawanda

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    this complex encompasses nearly 20,000 acres of protected wildlife habitat; approximately 70% of the site is wetland habitat. There are also grassland and forest habitats. Approximately 1,400 acres are managed as grasslands. The surrounding area is mainly agricultural. Iroquois National Wildlife Refuge (10,800 acres) is owned and managed by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, while Oak Orchard (2,500 acres) and Tonawanda (5,600 acres) Wildlife Management Areas are administered by the NYS DEC. This important site for breeding and migratory waterfowl hosts an estimated 100,000 waterfowl every spring. The area also supports many at-risk species.
  • NWR Montezuma Wetlands

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    Montezuma National Wildlife refuge provides resting, feeding, and nesting habitat for waterfowl and other migratory birds. Montezuma is situated in the middle of one of the most active flight lanes in the Atlantic Flyway. The refuge is located at the north end of Cayuga Lake in the Finger Lakes Region of New York State. The refuge contains 9,809 acres and is situated in Seneca, Wayne, and Cayuga Counties. The refuge is 35 miles (56 km) west of Syracuse, 40 miles (64 km) north of Ithaca, and 45 miles (72 km) east of Rochester.
  • NWR Shawangunk Grasslands

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    Shawangunk Grasslands National Wildlife Refuge, which protects 597 acres in Ulster County, NY, was established in July 1999 to support grassland-dependent migratory birds and wintering raptors. With views of the majestic Shawangunk Ridge, the refuge is among a dwindling number of sites in New York State (one of only two sites in the Hudson Valley) large enough to support the entire assemblage of northeastern grassland birds. The refuge has been identified as a Biodiversity Focus Area and an Important Bird Area (Audubon New York), a designation given only to places that support significant abundance and diversity of birds. Many of the birds found on the refuge are included on lists of endangered, threatened, special concern or priority species, including the Short-eared Owl, Northern Harrier, Upland Sandpiper, Henslow’s Sparrow, Grasshopper Sparrow, Vesper Sparrow, Horned Lark, and Bobolink.
  • WMA Bashakill

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    The primary purposes of Bashakill Wildlife Management Area (WMA) Wildlife Management Area (WMA) are for wildlife management, wildlife habitat management, and wildlife-dependent recreation. This 3,107-acre WMA contains the largest freshwater wetland in southeastern New York, and is a state designated Bird Conservation Area. Its 1,920-acre wetland is a birdwatcher's dream, drawing birders during the spring warbler migration and spring and fall waterfowl migrations due to the influx of interesting birds. Both bald eagles and osprey are commonly seen from the many easy access points. The forested uplands that surround the wetland provide a peaceful setting where one can enjoy a quiet walk in the woods. There is a substantial chestnut oak forest as well as ponds, fields, marshes, and swamps.
  • WRf Jamaica Bay

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    Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge is a wildlife refuge in New York City managed by the National Park Service as part of Gateway National Recreation Area. It is composed of the open water and intertidal salt marshes of Jamaica Bay. It lies entirely within the boundaries of New York City.
Sightings, News & Forums
  • ABA Bird News NY

    Sightings & News
    New Yorks birds by date...
  • Birding Bob

    Sightings & News
    Please have a look at Bob's weekly narrative report on what was seen on his Central Park walks in recent days and weeks. A good way to predict what birds you might possibly see on this week's walks.
Guides & Tour Operators
  • Bird Treks

    Tour Operator
    Bird Treks has been providing small group and custom birding tours for over 20 years. Visit their website to see the incredible tours available, including Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge in New York!
Trip Reports
  • 2016 [04 April] - Jaap Westra

    PDF Report
    I had birded the USA three times before (Washington State, Florida and Arizona), but this time I decided to take my wife and two sons (13 and 10) with me.
  • 2018 [05 May] - Peter Dunn - New York City

    PDF Report
    A short walk from our Manhattan hotel and we could enter an oasis of trees, bushes, grass lawns, lakes and streams which make it so attractive to migrants over-flying the concrete jungle...
  • 2019 [05 May] - Peter Dunn - New York City

    PDF Report
    On a nice warm sunny morning four of the group arrived at JFK Airport, New York ahead of schedule to meet Peter and two other guests, who were already in the States, in the Arrivals hall. Taxis were soon arranged and we started to recognise some of the iconic skyline buildings as we approached Manhattan. However the once proud Empire State and Chrysler Buildings were being dwarfed by new builds.
  • 2019 [06 June] - Jonathan Lethbridge - Long Island

    PDF Report
    I was just fine and went to sleep with the sound of the large Common Tern and Skimmer colony in my ears.
Places to Stay
  • Doctor's Inn B&B - Adirondack

    Ideally located in the Adirondack Mountains, close to Lake Placid, the High Peaks and the Saranac chain of lakes, we offer a welcoming retreat to meet every need.
Other Links
  • A Birds Home

    Our Commitment: We are a family-owned and operated business that developed out of a love of wildlife and our natural environment. With habitat encroachment as a cruel reality of our ever-changing world, providing nesting sites and feeders for a variety of birds and other flying animals can contribute to the security and protection of many species
  • Birding in the Adirondacks

    Wild and civilized by turns, the Adirondacks are an immense blue and green space in which to relax, play and plot an adventure. This region in Northern New York contains 3,000 ponds and lakes, 2,000 miles of hiking trails, more four-star resorts than any other destination in the state, nearly 100 campgrounds and, of course, the Adirondack Mountains.
  • Birds of Western New York

    The Canisius Ambassadors for Conservation are directed by Dr Michael Noonan, Professor of Biology at Canisius College in Buffalo, New York (USA). As an scholar, his research focuses on the welfare and behavior of animals held in zoological institutions. Most recently, his projects have investigated social-cognition in captive killer whales. His teaching responsibilities are centered in the Canisius College Animal Behavior, Ecology, and Conservation Program
  • Braddock Bay Raptor Research

    Braddock Bay is a bird migration “hot spot” located on the southern shore of Lake Ontario just northwest of Rochester, New York. Millions of birds migrate through the area every spring as they head north to their breeding grounds.
  • Breeding Birds Of Otselic

  • Carson Optical

    Carson maintains an expert customer support and sales staff for your convenience. We are available Monday through Friday, 8:30am – 5:00pm (EST). Please call or email if you have any questions concerning our products.
  • Fire Island Raptor Enumerators

    Welcome to the Fire Island Hawk Watch! Our 35th year of everyday coverage is set to begin on Sep 10! Some of our watchers will likely be jumping the gun, and covering a few days before then, when winds are promising. If you stop down any time be sure to send me the date, hawks seen, and time spent.
  • Long Island Birding

    Facebook Page
    A place for local or visiting birders to exchange information about birds (and other interesting wildlife) of Long Island.
  • New York City Birds

    Everything related to NYC birding
  • New York State Birds & Birding

    New York State is home to a variety of bird species. Besides information on specific birds and endangered species of birds, the following information and tools are also available...
  • Songs and calls of some New York State birds

    "Speak, cry, warble, call, speak each one according to your variety, each, according to your kind."
  • Andrew Baksh - Birding Dude

    Aspiring Field Ornithologist with an IT Background. My interest in birds took on a whole new level after building a backyard habitat for birds and butterflies--a project that is still ongoing. Additionally, I am interested in Entomology, Herpetology and Botany
  • Angry Beaver - Naturefied

    An amateur birder, nature-enthused, regular guy making his way through life trying to learn as much as possible about himself and the planet.
  • Benjamin Van Doren - Warblings

    Last updated 2011 - Chronicles of high school bird watching….
  • Derrick Eidam - Local Exploration

    Hello everyone, my name is Derrick and I’m an outdoor enthusiast. From an early age, I’ve been exposed to the outdoors in the form of camping and hiking. I’ve always had an interest in wildlife, and was always looking through guidebooks whenever I had a chance to.
  • Jack Rothman - City Island Birds 

    Welcome to City Island Birds. I created this website because this area of New York City is little known and underutilized by birdwatchers and other nature lovers. Pelham Bay Park, with its woods and wetlands is a critical stopover and nesting area to many migratory species.
  • Phil Jeffrey's Birding Page

    Birding, bird photography and trip reports from the NYC area and beyond.
  • Rob Jett - The City Birder

    Rob J - Computer troubleshooting is my job, birds and nature are my passion. A blog with excellent photographs…
Photographers & Artists
  • Artist - James Coe

    James Coe is best known as author and illustrator of the Golden field guide, Eastern Birds.
  • Photographer - Phil Jeffrey

    Most photographs taken in NYC

Fatbirder - linking birders worldwide...

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