British Columbia

British Columbia (abbreviation BC) is the westernmost province of Canada. Situated between the Pacific Ocean and the Rocky Mountains, the province has a diverse geography, with rugged landscapes that include rocky coastlines, sandy beaches, forests, lakes, mountains, inland deserts and grassy plains. British Columbia borders the province of Alberta to the east; the territories of Yukon and Northwest Territories to the north; the US states of Washington, Idaho and Montana to the south, and Alaska to the northwest. With an estimated population of over 5.6 million as of 2024, it is Canada’s third-most populous province. The capital of British Columbia is Victoria, while the province’s largest city is Vancouver. Vancouver and its suburbs together make up the third-largest metropolitan area in Canada, with the 2021 census recording 2.6 million people in Metro Vancouver. It has a land area is over 944,000 square kilometres (365,000 square miles). British Columbia’s rugged coastline stretches for more than 27,000 kilometres (17,000 miles), and includes deep, mountainous fjords and about 6,000 islands, most of which are uninhabited. It is the only province in Canada that borders the Pacific Ocean.
Because of the many mountain ranges and rugged coastline, British Columbia’s climate varies dramatically across the province. Coastal southern British Columbia has a mild and rainy climate influenced by the North Pacific Current. Most of the region is classified as oceanic, though pockets of warm-summer Mediterranean climate also exist in the far-southern parts of the coast. Precipitation averages above 1,000 mm (39 in) in almost all of the coastal region. Winters are generally severe in the Northern Interior which is generally in the subarctic climate zone, but even there, milder air can penetrate far inland. Southern Interior valleys are hot in summer. The extended summer dryness often creates conditions that spark forest fires, from dry-lightning or man-made causes. Many areas of the province are often covered by a blanket of heavy cloud and low fog during the winter months, in contrast to abundant summer sunshine.
Birding British Columbia
To fully appreciate the birding experience its valuable to have understand the geography of the province, and the general regions in which bird species are found. It will help with planning your trip and compiling a list of which species can be seen where. British Columbia has ten separate eco-regions. But just four will produce all the birds that can be found in the province – the Georgia Depression, the Okanagan Valley, the Peace River Parklands and Taiga Plains. A brief description of each and a hint of the bird species found there are set out below.
Scenery at New Denver – ©Adam Jones
Northeast Pacific ocean or Pelagic Waters – Two currents run in the area; the cool Alaskan current reaches Queen Charlotte Islands in summer and the warmer California current reaches northern Vancouver Island at the same time. Organized pelagics usually take place in fall off Vancouver Island. A drive into Washington State may give more pelagic opportunities. Serious pelagic birders might find Laysan Albatross, Short-tailed Albatross, Mottled Petrel and Parakeet Auklet.
Humid Maritime Highlands – Coast & Mountains – Along the Pacific coast, the Coast Mountains, Nass Mountains, Nass Basin and Nass Ranges hold huge, irregular strips of wet coniferous forest dominated by Douglas fir, red-cedar, yellow-cedar, western hemlock, Sitka spruce and amabilis fir. The region includes the windward side of these mountains, the western coast of Vancouver Islands and all of the Charlotte Islands. Along water courses the deciduous trees hold warbling vireo. The coniferous woodland is not particularly rich in bird life but holds Band-tailed Pigeon, Spotted Owl, Western Screech-owl, Red-breasted Sapsucker, Pacific-slope Flycatcher, Steller’s Jay, Northwestern Crow, Chestnut-backed Chickadee, Winter Wren, Varied Thrush, and Townsend’s Warbler.
The littoral waters of the coastal inlets, islands, straits, shores and adjacent lowlands are species rich and the coastline is a major flyway for a plenitude of species from shorebirds and waterbirds to a mixture of passerines. The habitat is similar to that of the Georgia Depression so see that paragraph for typical birds. The temperatures along the coast rarely drop to zero in winter and the snowfall is light but as one ascends temperatures drop accordingly. Summer is rarely above 20C to 30C and it is cool at night and cloud cover and precipitation is abundant all year with the driest period being July through September.
Southern Interior – Okanagan Valley – The dry interior of British Columbia is the northernmost extension of the great semi-arid steppe plateaus of the western United States; known collectively as The Great Basin. The Okanagan Valley is one of the only desert-like habitats in Canada and is a must for any birder’s itinerary as it provides an excellent illustration of the attitudinal zonal vegetation and consequent segregation of bird species. The diversity of habitat makes it species rich and there have been some 308 species recorded, 193 species breeding and 107 resident. Where the original steppe remains typical species includes Long-billed Curlew, Mountain Bluebird, Grasshopper Sparrow, Vesper Sparrow, Lark Sparrow and Western Meadowlark. Where sagebrush dominates expect Sage Thrasher and Brewer’s Sparrows. In arid valley bottoms watercourses attract migrants and resident breeders alike. Grouse, Owls, and passerines can be found. Rocky bluffs may hold chukar, swift and swallows, Canyon and Rock Wren etc. Scattered Ponderosa pines attract woodpeckers, etc. The zonal divisions abound and anyone visiting the area would do well to invest in a local guidebook to appreciate what can be found where.
Central Interior – Cariboo Plateau – To the east of the coat mountains lies the region between the Fraser Basin and the Thompson Plateau containing the Chilcotin, Cariboo and Nechako plateaus. Patchwork areas of lodge-pole pine and Douglas fir punctuate the major grasslands and gentle hills. Great Grey Owl skulk in the forest edge, and the grasslands hold Swainson’s hawk, Savannah Sparrow and Sharp-tailed grouse; a mix of southwestern and northwestern species. Meandering streams and low depressions have created numerous small lakes and marshes that dot the area. The wetlands have concentrations of breeding waterfowl including the only colony in the province of pelican. Breeding Sandhill Crane, Greater Yellowlegs and yellow-headed Blackbird are typical. The region has a typical continental climate of cold winters and warm summers.
Sub-Boreal Interior – The sub-boreal interior is the northernmost extension of the humid uplands. The towns of Quesnal, Prince George and Mackenzie lie within its borders. A gently rolling countryside that abounds with lakes, rivers and wetlands. Boreal owl and Yellow-bellied Flycatcher are typical. Precipitation is all year round with very cold winters and warm summers.
Boreal & Taiga Plains – Peace River Parklands – The northeast corner of British Columbia consists of semi-open country of deep river valleys, moist shrub-lands and groves of trembling aspen, and, in the higher elevations are spruce and lodge-pole pine. Typical of the area are Black-and-white, Cape May, Bay-breasted, and Canada warblers, Le Conte’s and Swamp Sparrow and Rose-breasted Grosbeak. The Peace River Parklands are described in the top spots below.
Northern Boreal Mountains – Sub-Arctic Highlands – The north of the Province consists of high plateaus and mountains with intermontane lowlands influences by Arctic air. Gyrfalcon, Short-eared Owls, Ptarmigan and waders are typical. Say’s Phoebe breed as do Gray-cheeked Thrush, Golden-crowned Sparrow and Smith’s Longspur etc. Redpoll, Rusty Blackbird and Gray-crowned Rosy Finch are among the specialities along the Haines Road. Winters are long and cold, summers short and cool and precipitation hardly varies throughout the year.
Alpine – Alpine is widespread in British Columbia in the high inaccessible peaks. The only accessible areas are ski developments and logging roads from which the characteristic birds can be seen such as Gray Jay, Golden Eagle, Willow Ptarmigan etc.
Georgia Depression – The Georgia Depression is a large basin containing the east coast of Vancouver island (with the Southeast Coastal Lowlands); and the Lower Mainland, the coastal lowlands surrounding the city of Vancouver, north to include the Sunshine Coast and eastwards along the Fraser valley. Although it lies within the Humid Maritime Highlands Eco-division it is distinguished from the wet coastal woodland and high mountains by an expanse of fertile, marshy alluvial plain – the Fraser Delta (and other lowlands). It holds a juxtaposition of varied habitats including drier deciduous forests, mixed forest, urban parks, urban development, agricultural areas, open sandy shore, rocky coastline lagoons, intertidal mudflats and both freshwater and saltwater marshes.
The population of over two million people does not over impact on the avifauna and dedicated watchers spot many accidentals in this area. Many bird species are best looked for here as opposed to any other part of the province. They are too numerous to list but include herons, geese, swans, ducks, shorebirds, gulls, alcids, owls, and many passrines. Saught after species include Crested Myna, (Vancouver) Pacific-slope Flycatcher, Tropical Kingbird, Tufted Puffin, Little Gull, Anna’s Hummingbird, Ash-throated Flycatcher, Spotted Towee, Western Tanager and many more. The Georgia Depression is also a major flyway for migrants and of international importance for wintering loons, grebes, and ducks. The Fraser delta is particularly good for raptors. The whole area has the best climate in Canada with dry warm springs, sunny summers, and mild autumns.
(The text above is a précis of some opening pages of Keith Taylor’s The Birder’s Guide: British Columbia – Fatbirder )
NB For ABA listers BC is noted for its population of Sky Lark, which was introduced to southern Vancouver Islands late nineteenth century… the only resident population in the ABA area.
Boundary Bay
InformationSatellite ViewThere are amazing tidal flats situated south of Vancouver. It has been declared an IBA for shorebirds on migration -
Clover Point - Victoria
Satellite ViewThe most productive site in Western Canada for littoral species of the Pacific ocean and those that favour rocky coastlines. Sit in your car and scan offshore for various loons, grebes, cormorants, waterfowl, gulls, terns, skuas and alcids. The rocky shoreline produces such shorebirds as black oystercatcher, black turnstone, surfbird and, rarely, rock sandpiper. -
Haida Gwaii
InformationSatellite ViewThis site is noted for the Eurasian vagrants that have show up there, like Rustic Bunting, Common Crane, Curlew Sandpiper, Brambling, Red-throated Pipit, Red-legged Kittiwake -
Iona Sewage Treatment Plant (Lagoons) - Vancouver
Satellite ViewThe sewage works act as a roosting site for thousands of migrating shorebirds and are famous for its vagrants with such records as spoon-billed and curlew sandpipers, red-necked and little stints and ruff. -
MBS George C Reifel
WebsiteSatellite ViewA great Vancouver area of coastal wetland birding that has had some great birds turn up over the years and always has something of interest. -
McKinney Road - Okanagan
See Vaseaux Cliffs -
Peace Island Parklands
Satellite ViewMuch of the avifauna that resides in eastern Canada terminate their ranges at the boundary formed by the Rocky Mountains. These mountains form the border between Alberta and British Columbia. The exception is an isolated area in northeastern British Columbia that lies to the east of this barrier; the Peace River Parklands. Here birders come to add these eastern birds to their provincial lists. Many sites in the area have their own specialities, but Peace Island Park Road has the best selection. Eastern phoebe, blue-headed and Philadelphia vireos, various eastern warblers, Rose-breasted grosbeak, Baltimore oriole and Nelson's sharp-tailed sparrow are amongst the species found. -
Vaseaux Cliffs
Satellite ViewBoth the McKinney Road and the Vaseaux Cliffs are the sites to observe Canada's desert specialities. White-throated Swift, White-headed Woodpecker, Gray Flycatcher, Canyon Wren and Sage Thrasher are found at the nothern extremities of their range here. -
WA Creston Valley
WebsiteSatellite ViewLocated in the southeast corner of British Columbia. This is an amazing wetland and the only place in BC with nesting Forster's Terns
Number of bird species: 563
As of May 2024Provincial Bird - Steller's Jay Cyanocitta stefferi
PDF ChecklistThis checklist includes all bird species found in British Columbia , based on the best information available at this time. It is based on a wide variety of sources that I collated over many years. I am pleased to offer these checklists as a service to birdwatchers. If you find any error, please do not hesitate to report them. -
University of British Columbia
PDF ChecklistThis checklist covers the 506 bird species and all recognized subspecies that have been observed in British Columbia and its coastal waters (to a distance of 200 miles), including all exotic species that have had established, self-sustaining breeding populations in the province for at least 20 years and are still extant within the province. -
Annotated ListFatbirder Associate iGoTerra offers the most comprehensive and up to date birds lists on the web -
PDF ChecklistChecklist of the Birds of British Columbia Compiled by Mike Boyd
A Birder's Guide to British Columbia
| (A Walking Guide to Bird Watching Sites) | by Keith Taylor | Steller Press Limited | 1998 | Paperback | 307 pages, Line illustrations, maps | Out of Print | ISBN: 9781894143004 Buy this book from -
Best Places to Bird in British Columbia
| By Russell Cannings & Richard Cannings | Greystone Books | 2017 | Paperback | 211 pages, 30+ colour photos, 28 b/w maps | ISBN: 9781771641661 Buy this book from -
Birdfinding in British Columbia
| By Russell Cannings & Richard Cannings | Greystone Books | 2013 | Paperback | 466 pages, b/w illustrations, b/w maps | Out of Print | ISBN: 9781771000031 Buy this book from -
Birds of British Columbia
| By R Wayne Campbell & Gregory Kennedy | Lone Pine Publishing | Edition 2 | 2020 | Paperback | 384 pages, 343 colour illustrations, 334 distribution maps | ISBN: 9780986786259 Buy this book from -
Birds of Coastal British Columbia
| By Nancy Baron & John Acorn | Lone Pine Publishing | 1997 | Paperback | 220 pages, Colour Illustrations | ISBN: 9781551050980 Buy this book from -
Birds of Southwestern British Columbia
| By Richard Cannings, Tom Aversa & Hal Opperman | Heritage House Publishing Co. Ltd. | 2022 | Paperback | 432 pages, 400 colour photos | ISBN: 9781894384964 Buy this book from -
Quick Reference to British Columbia Birds
| By Gary Ross, Ted Nordhagen & Eva Pluciennik | Lone Pine Publishing | 2022 | Unbound | 12 pages, colour illustrations | ISBN: 9781551058962 Buy this book from
Brant Wildlife Festival
WebsiteWe are excited to announce that organization and facilitation of the long-standing Brant Wildlife Festival has been transferred to the Mount Arrowsmith Biosphere Region (MABR). The Nature Trust of BC has been organizing the festival since 2007. -
Creston Valley Bird Festival
WebpageOur Mission: The Creston Valley Bird Festival exists to foster awareness of birds and their habitats in the Creston Valley. -
Meadowlark Nature Festival
WebsiteMeadowlark Nature Festival Online Program Guide -
The Osprey Festival
WebpageThe Osprey Festival is a platform for the general public to learn about reconciliation-in-action with the Tsleil-Waututh community. -
Tofino Shorebird Festival
WebpageThe Tofino Shorebird Festival celebrates the spring migration of shorebirds with educational birding opportunities throughout the area. -
Vancouver Bird Celebration
Facebook PageFrom bird nerd to bird curious, from wise old owl to adventurous tot, there is an event for everyone during Vancouver Bird Celebration: May 8-16, 2021. The Bird Celebration is a week-long series of events to celebrate Greater Vancouver’s birds. It was inspired by World Migratory Bird Day, a United Nations-sponsored initiative that recognizes the importance of birds as key indicators of our environment’s health. During the Bird Celebration, there will be bird-related workshops, walks, talks, exhibitions, and lectures across the Lower Mainland. Most events are free. -
Wings Over the Rockies Bird Festival
WebsiteEvery year, the Wings Over the Rockies Festival is celebrated in the Upper Columbia Valley in early May. Wings Over the Rockies is a festival that contributes to a long-term vision of sustainability for our communities - balancing the needs of human and natural systems.
Rocky Point Bird Observatory
Observatory WebsiteSatellite ViewRocky Point Bird Observatory (RPBO) is one of 21 member stations of the Canadian Migration Monitoring Network (CMMN) and one of two in B.C. It seeks to influence and inform conservation and ecological management practises of migratory birds in western North America through monitoring, scientific research and public education.
Royal British Columbia Museum
WebpageThe Royal British Columbia Museum is pleased to bring its collection of bird calls, images and top scientific information to the public through the creation of the Grace Bell Collection Web site. This website is part of a series of Virtual Exhibits on Canadian birds being created by museums across Canada, through partnership with the Canadian Heritage Information Network (or CHIN). -
University of Victoria
WebpageThe University of Victoria is one of Canada’s leading research-intensive universities. We are located in Victoria, on the BC coast.
Abbotsford Mission Nature Club
WebsiteCome and join us in the continual learning and appreciation of our natural world! -
Bowen Nature Club
WebsiteClub interests: Nature walks, birding, ecology and geology of the Howe Sound area -
British Columbia Field Ornithologists
WebsiteThe BCFO was formed in 1991. The purposes of the society are: To promote the study and enjoyment of wild birds in British Columbia To disseminate knowledge and appreciation of birds to our members and to the general public through the regular publication of a journal and newsletter. To foster cooperation between amateur and professional ornithologists, and to support the research programs of the Royal British Columbia Museum, federal and provincial wildlife agencies, and the universities, by promoting cooperative research programs, bird migration and population surveys, Christmas Bird Counts, and bird atlas programs. To support natural history and conservation organizations in their efforts to preserve birds and their habitats. -
British Columbia Waterfowl Society
Webpage5191 Robertson Rd, Delta, BC, V4K 3N2, Canada - Phone: (604) 946-6980 - The British Columbia Waterfowl Society is a private non-profit conservation organization that was formed in 1961 to conserve and promote waterfowl and wetlands in British Columbia. For the past 40 years, the Society's focus has been the stewardship of the George C. Reifel Migratory Bird Sanctuary which is located on Westham Island, just outside of the City of Vancouver, British Columbia… -
Bulkley Valley Naturalists (Smithers)
WebsiteWe are based in Smithers, BC. Our club is open to people who are interested in the flora, fauna, natural history, and ecosystems in and around the Bulkley Valley. For upcoming trips and presentations follow the links -
Burke Mountain Naturalists
WebsitePromoting nature awareness and appreciation in Port Moody, Coquitlam, Port Coquitlam, BC and beyond. -
Burns Bog Conservation Society
WebsiteBurns Bog is an excellent example of living organisms and the physical environment acting together to produce a self-sustaining ecosystem, a super-organism. We cannot preserve small patches of bog and expect them to survive. -
Central Okanagan Naturalists' Club
WebsiteMeetings are held on the second Tuesday of each month, September to May, at 7:00 p.m., at Evangel Church, 3261 Gordon Drive, just south of KLO Road, Kelowna, BC. Meetings begin with a business meeting, including the introduction of guests and new members, and reports of recent sightings. This is followed by a presentation from an invited speaker. -
Delta Naturalists' Society
WebsiteA group of nature enthusiasts, birdwatchers, wildlife photographers, and conservationists, located in Delta, British Columbia -
Federation of BC Naturalists
WebsiteThis is an exciting year for the Federation of BC Naturalists. We celebrate our 30th Anniversary and look back with pride on our many activities and accomplishments. In the year 2000 well be putting more emphasis on education, and biodiversity and ecosystem protection. -
Fernie Nature Club
WebsiteClub interests: All nature with a focus on birding and geology -
Fraser Valley Birding
Facebook PageWelcome to Fraser Valley Birding, British Columbia, Canada! Our checklist area has recorded over 349 species of birds. Typically, over 230 different species are recorded annually. This site offers birders of all levels and interest a complete source for birding information what kinds of birds can be seen and where. -
Friends of Semiahmoo Bay Society
WebsiteFraser River Delta Interactive Bird Guide Explore important birding areas and destination locations -
Kamloops Naturalist Club
WebsiteThe Kamloops Naturalist Club, founded in 1981, is one of over 50 local nature clubs in BC. We are affiliated with the provincial parent organization, BC Nature, the Federation of British Columbia Naturalists. The mission of the club is, “Knowing Nature and Keep It Worth Knowing. Our purpose is to foster an awareness, appreciation, and understanding of our natural environment. We promote the wise and sustainable use of the environment in ways that will maintain it for future generations. -
Langley Field Naturalists
WebsiteThe Langley Field Naturalists Society is a non-profit organization that aims to promote enjoyment, understanding and conservation of the natural environment. Most of our members live in Langley City or Langley Township, British Columbia, but residents in other areas are also welcome to join. -
Lillooet Naturalist Society (LNS)
WebsiteThe Lillooet Naturalist Society (LNS) is based within the unceded territory of the St’at’imc Nation. We are grateful to the St’át’imc People, who have cared for the land while living here for countless generations and who hold Title, rights and ownership to their territorial lands and resources. -
Mackenzie Nature Observatory
WebsiteMackenzie Nature Observatory is an incorporated society and a registered charity. -
Nature Chilliwack
WebsiteKnow Nature and Keep It Worth Knowing -
Nature Vancouver
WebsiteFounded in 1918, as Vancouver Natural History Society, Nature Vancouver offers a variety of activities with a focus on nature education, and enjoyment and conservation of natural environment. We organize EVENING PROGRAMS (from September to April), FIELD TRIPS (throughout the year), an annual SUMMER CAMP and occasional workshops, and more. -
Nature Vancouver
WebsiteThe Vancouver Natural History Society (VNHS) was founded in 1918 by Professor John Davidson with the following objectives: To promote the enjoyment of nature. To foster public interest and education in the appreciation and study of nature. To encourage the wise use and conservation of natural resources. To work for the complete protection of endangered species and ecosystems. To promote access to, and maintenance of, natural areas in the vicinity of Vancouver… -
North Island Wildlife Recovery Association
WebsiteWelcome to the North Island Wildlife Recovery Associations place on the World Wide Web. This is where N.I.W.R.A will keep you up to date on what is happening with our wildlife on Vancouver Island, B.C… -
North Okanagan Naturalists’ Club
WebsiteThe North Okanagan Naturalists’ Club is a member of BC Nature, the Federation of British Columbia Naturalists. Founded in 1951, our club remains active locally and provincially, enjoying experiences in nature, sharing our knowledge and passion with others, and protecting our natural environment. -
Oliver-Osoyoos Naturalists
WebsiteThe objectives for which the club was formed are: To foster an awareness, appreciation and understanding of our natural environment that it may be wisely used and maintained for future generations. -
Pender Harbour & District Wildlife Society
WebsiteThe Pender Harbour Wildlife Society is situated on the Pacific West Coast of British Columbia, Canada. Pender Harbour is in a temperate rainforest climatic zone that supports an abundance of terrestrial and marine life. It lies below the heights of the beautiful Caren Range - a 1000m mountain range that is home to Canada's oldest trees and an array of endangered wildlife and flora. -
Prince George Naturalists Club
WebsitePromoting enjoyment of the natural world -
Rocky Mountain Naturalists (Cranbook)
WebsiteThe Rocky Mountain Naturalists (RMN) is based in the southeastern area of British Columbia (Cranbrook, Kimberley, Fernie). We are under the umbrella of BC Nature, which represents over 52 nature clubs throughout British Columbia. -
Shuswap Naturalist Club
WebsiteThe Shuswap Naturalist Club, with members in Salmon Arm and surrounding areas, is dedicated to the study, appreciation and conservation of our natural world. -
South Okanagan Naturalist Club (Penticton)
Website"To provide a dynamic local focus for experiencing the natural world of B.C. and for promoting its conservation" -
South Okanagan Similikameen Conservation Program
WebsiteThe South Okanagan Similkameen Conservation Program is a partnership of fifty organizations that work together to conserve the unique biodiversity and environment of this region. The membership is a diverse array of government, non-government, First Nations and academic institutions. SOSCP has been working collaboratively in the South Okanagan Similkameen community, coordinating and facilitating partner activities and improving the effectiveness of conservation efforts for over 17 years. -
Squamish Environment Society Squamish Environment Society
WebsiteThe Squamish Birders organize monthly estuary bird counts, the annual Christmas Bird Count (CBC), and other birding activities. -
Sunshine Coast Conservation Association
WebsiteThe SCCA organizes All Candidates Meetings on regional environmental issues during municipal, provincial and federal election campaigns. -
The Nature Trust of British Columbia
WebsiteThe Nature Trust of British Columbia is the oldest and largest provincial land trust in BC. We acquire ecologically significant land usually through purchase or donation. Then we care for this land in order to protect nature with its diversity of wildlife and plants, and their critical habitats. -
Timberline Trail & Nature Club (Dawson Creek)
WebpageClub interests: Birding, botany, conservation -
Trumpeter Swan Society
WebsiteThe Trumpeter Swan is North America's largest bird and one of its rarest. It embodies grace, beauty, and unspoiled wildness. It is the crown jewel of healthy wetlands. -
UBC Birding Club
WebsiteFounded in 2011 and housed in the beautiful UBC Vancouver campus, the UBC Birding Club is the only club at UBC dedicated to all those with a love for birds. -
Vancouver Avian Research Centre
WebsiteThe Vancouver Avian Research Centre conducts bird monitoring and banding programs at 4 locations in Vancouver’s Lower Mainland… -
Vermillion Forks Field Naturalists (Princeton)
WebsiteWe meet in Princeton on the second Tuesday of the month at 7:00 pm Princeton & District Museum and Archives, 167 Vermilion Avenue. There is always a guest speaker on a topic regarding the natural world. Meetings and Presentations are open to the public. -
West Kootenay Naturalists' Association
WebsiteThe West Kootenay Naturalists Association encourages insights into nature through group outings, educational presentations, conservation efforts and scholarship sponsorship. -
Whistler Naturalists Society
WebsiteWelcome to the Whistler Naturalists Society, a non-profit organization whose mission is to increase local knowledge of and appreciation for the natural world in the Whistler area. -
White Rock & Surrey Naturalists Society
Facebook PageOUR MISSION: to enjoy nature and seek to protect it through education and conservation. -
Whitebark Pine Ecosystem Foundation
WebsiteThe Whitebark Pine Ecosystem Foundation of Canada (WPEFC) is devoted to the conservation and stewardship of whitebark and limber pine ecosystems. WPEFC is registered under the Society Act in BC and was listed extra-provincially in AB in 2020. -
Wild Bird Trust of British Columbia
WebsiteWild Bird Trust is dedicated to the protection of birds and their habitats, on the principle that all wildlife must benefit. Wildlife sanctuaries will be established throughout British Columbia. Each sanctuary will be restored and enhanced to optimize habitat for wildlife. -
Williams Lake Field Naturalists Society
WebsiteWe are an active group of people who observe, learn about, and share the joy of nature, especially in the Cariboo-Chilcotin region of British Columbia.
CA Maplewood Flats
InformationSatellite ViewIn addition to birds, many mammal, amphibian, reptile and insect species may be observed. Harbour Seals are commonly sighted. Mule Deer, Coyote, Raccoon, Douglas Squirrel and the introduced Gray Squirrel may be found. Rarely observed are River Otter, Black Bear and Northern Sea Lion. -
Friends of Mt. Revelstoke & Glacier Field Naturalists (Revelstoke)
Observatory WebsiteSatellite View -
MBS Esquimalt Lagoon
WebsiteSatellite ViewA saltwater lagoon located at the base of the Royal Roads property, next to the Fort Rodd Hill / Fisgard Lighthouse National Historic Sites and a view across Esquimalt Harbour at Dockyard… -
NP Glacier
WebpageSatellite ViewGlacier National Park contains three distinct life zones created by elevation. The higher the elevation, the more often precipitation occurs as snow rather than rain. Deep, lingering snow and colder temperatures at high elevations shorten the growing season, until an elevation is reached beyond which no trees can grow… -
NP Kootenay
InformationSatellite ViewEstablished in 1920, Kootenay National Park is one of 39 national parks in Canada. Together, they celebrate and protect the diversity of the nation`s great landscapes. Kootenay National Park represents the south-western region of the Canadian Rocky Mountains. From glacier-clad peaks along the Continental Divide to semi-arid grasslands of the Rocky Mountain Trench, where cactus grows, this is a park rich in diversity of landscapes and ecology… -
NP Yoho
InformationSatellite ViewEstablished in 1885, Yoho National Park is one of 39 national parks in Canada. Our nation's parks celebrate and help protect the diversity of Canada's landscapes and the life within. Yoho represents the western slopes of the Rocky Mountains region, and is also a Cree expression of awe and wonder for this place of rock walls, spectacular waterfalls and soaring peaks… -
NS Morrell
WebsiteSatellite ViewLocated in South Nanaimo (near downtown); Morrell Nature Sanctuary is 278 acres of second growth forest with 11 km of trail systems and is free to the public year round from dawn till dusk. William Morrell donated these lands in 1973 for public use and conservation. Last logged in the 1920s, the Sanctuary is an example of a preserved 2nd growth forest. -
NS Swan Lake Christmas Hill
WebsiteSatellite ViewThe Swan Lake Christmas Hill Nature Sanctuary was created by the Municipality of Saanich in 1975, and is developed and managed by a registered non-profit society. The Societys mission is to manage the Swan Lake Christmas Hill Sanctuary as a focus for fostering an understanding and appreciation of nature through direct experiences that will develop personal responsibility for the care and protection of the natural environment. -
PP Brackendale Eagle
WebpageSatellite ViewThe Society was founded by a group of concerned local residents, some of whom have been involved with eagle conservation for many years, and others who are relative newcomers to the cause. Respect for this unique natural wonder crosses demographic lines… -
RNP Burnaby Lake
WebpageSatellite ViewBurnaby Lake Burnaby Lake is situated in Burnaby, British Columbia, which lies in the Coastal Douglas Fir (CDF) Biogeoclimatic Zone of British Columbia. It is a 750 acre wildlife conservation area owned by the Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks and is managed by the Greater Vancouver Regional District (GVRD) in cooperation with the City of Burnaby… -
RP Colony Farm
InformationSatellite ViewColony Farm Regional Park was established in 1996 following the Land Use Plan which identifies areas to be set aside for agriculture, wildlife and recreation. Greater Vancouver Regional District Parks (GVRD) is committed to implementing the plan and has initiated many projects that support it including extensive wildlife habitat enhancement projects including tree and hedgerow planting and wetland creation… -
Vancouver Parks
WebsiteSatellite ViewThese parks have features devoted to birding, including a viewing tower and providing packages of grain to feed the birds. Burnaby Lake (Burnaby); Crippen (Bowen Island); (Richmond); (Coquitlam). Detailed information on bird watching facilities at these sites will be made accessible as more information is added. -
WMA Creston Valley
WebsiteSatellite ViewHours Of Operation: The area is open 24 hours, 7 days per week. The Interpretation Centre is open from May 11th (Mother's Day) 2003 to October 12th, 2003. From May 11th to August 31st we are open 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., seven days a week. Fall hours for September and October are 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Wednesday to Sunday. -
WS Starratt
Bird NewsSatellite ViewThe wildlife sanctuary is managed by the B.C. Wildlife Branch and Ducks Unlimited…
BC Interior Birding
Sightings+For access, try asking to join the group or contacting the group's owners and managers -
Birding in British Columbia
ForumA starting place for birding information for British Columbia, Canada. This web site features a birders discussion forum -
Fraser Valley Birding
Sightings+ -
Sunshine Coast (BC) Birding
Sightings+For discussions and notifications posted by the birdwatching community on and visiting the Sunshine Coast of BC from Langdale to Earls Cove, i.e. the footprint of the Sunshine Coast Regional District. All posts may contain photos, videos or text alone. -
Sightings+For sharing bird sightings in the Metro Vancouver area and the sharing and respectful discussion of birding-related topics, including upcoming bird walks. -
West Kootenay Birds
Sightings+This group is dedicated to all things bird-related, with a particular focus on the birds within the Kootenay region of British Columbia.
Bird Treks
Tour OperatorBird Treks has been providing small group and custom birding tours for over 20 years. Visit their website to see the incredible tours available, including Vancouver Island for Eurasian Skylark! -
Eagle-Eye Tours
Tour Operator -
Mountain Bluebird Tours
Tour OperatorWhether you’re an avid bird watcher, photographer or a beginner, guided birding and photography trips with Mountain Bluebird Tours are fully customizable to fit your goals. -
Vancouver Island Birds
Tour OperatorVancouver Island Birds is an online magazine featuring photographs to celebrate and enjoy the birds of Vancouver Island. The purpose of this website is to share the many birds that I have been fortunate enough to encounter, enjoy, and photograph
2017 [06 June] - Jean Hugé
PDF ReportThis report outlines ornithological and other wildlife observations done during and after a professional trip to British Columbia, Canada in June 2017. -
2017 [08 August] - Anna Wittmer - Vancouver Island
PDF ReportThis was a fantastic Vancouver Island birding tour with a wonderful pair of participants. We found our number one target, Eurasian Skylark, and a nice variety of sea- and shorebirds. Several of the avian highlights were Surfbird, Black-throated Grey Warbler, and American Dipper. We were also treated with marine mammals such as orca, gray whale, Black Sea harbor porpoise, and harbor seal. -
2019 [08 August] - Bernd de Bruijn - S Ontario & British Columbia
PDF ReportMost trip reports are from dedicated birding trips, and not from family holidays, which do generally not allow for 24/7 birding schedules. Also, most reports are usually from favourable times of the year. So when going on a summer family holiday and planning some birding on the side, how do you prepare with realistic expectations? I do not know who invented the school holiday timings, but it was definitely not a birder. Summer holidays are – at least at temperate latitudes – in the worst possible season for birds: breeding is finished so no more song and other territorial behaviour; some birds already leave their territories, but migration proper has not yet started (with the possible exception of waders). -
2022 [06 June] - Eric Newton
Report...As showers subsided we took in a grand view of the mighty Peace River, spotting Olive-sided Flycatcher and finished the day at a large wetland getting great views of a Sora and completing our list of interior swallows...
Dawn Chorus B&B - Kispiox Valley
AccommodationCentrally located in northwest B.C. just off Highway 16, the Kispiox Valley is a day`s drive, or less, from Prince Rupert, the Queen Charlotte Islands, Alaska, the Yukon, Prince George, and a half an hour historic Hazelton and the re-created village of Ksan. While we are not a birding tour company, we are certainly avid birders and have a good knowledge of the local bird scene here, guided birding is available -
Twin Peaks Resource - Valemount
AccommodationValemount is the home of Starratt Wildlife Sanctuary. Surrounded by beautiful nature and the awesome peaks of the Rocky Mountains, the Cariboo Mountains and the Monashee Mountains, Twin Peaks Resort is the perfect place to relax and enjoy the silence. In the summer, salmon that come all the way from the Pacific swim in the river McLennan which flows through the resort.
Birding British Columbia
WebsiteAn Online Birding Information & Naturalist Guide for British Columbia, Canada. -
Brandon Optics
WebsiteOlivon Optics, established in 2003, has developed a line of Spotting Scopes, Rifle Scopes, Tripods and Accessories that we believe offer the best value in the industry today. Olivon Optics provides a direct line of optical products from the manufacturers to the end users, bypassing the hefty levels of distributors and retailers. By avoiding the numerous “middle-men” in between the manufacturers and end users, we are able to bring you the best prices possible. Our products carry the lowest prices, offered exclusively by the manufacturers themselves… -
British Columbia Beached Bird Survey
WebsiteBird Studies Canada in partnership with the Canadian Wildlife Service invites birders to participate in a new regional program to survey beached birds in British Columbia! -
British Columbia Rare Bird Alert
WebsiteThis blog was created to inform the public of notable bird reports around the province of British Columbia. I hope that both visiting and resident birders will find this site useful for keeping up-to-date in a region as large and diverse as BC… -
Jon Carter - A British Columbia Bird-finding Guide
Google MapInteractive map of ALL the BC birding sites! -
Vancouver Birdfinding sites
Google MapInteractive map of the biding sites around Vancouver…
BC Rare Bird Alert BLOG
BLOG…broken down by region and managed by several individuals… -
Graham Ford - Sardisbirder
BLOGI'm retired from wildlife management as a animal care specialist, having worked in Zoological Parks and Fauna Reserves in the UK, Australia, New Zealand and here in Canada. -
John Gordon - Listening to Birds
BLOGJohn Gordon listening to birds… Birding stories and photographs from Canada…
Photographer - Adam Jackson
GalleryNature and wildlife images from Vancouver Island… -
Photographer - Glenn Bartley
GalleryI have been enchanted by nature and wildlife for as long as I can remember. Growing up in Toronto, Ontario I can recall countless hours spent glued to national geographic magazines, natural history books or watching David Suzuki's "The Nature of Things" on TV. Those days I took any opportunity I had to study and learn about animals of all kinds -
Photographer - Liron Gertsman
GalleryLiron Gertsman is a 17 year old nature photographer based in British Columbia, Canada. His photographic adventures have taken him across North, Central America and South America.