Ornithological Journals

Keeping Us Updated On Matters Ornithological
The ornithology community have a number of magazines to serve their needs and there are also magazines that address problems in ornithology. However, most ornithological work will be published in the form of scientific papers in recognised journals.
Descriptions of new species and reclassification of existing ones usually appear first in such journals as do studies of behaviour, habitat needs, conservation and much more. In fact a species is not recognised as such until an article has been published in a recognised peer reviewed journal. Listed on these pages are some of the most important journals and some portals for access to the huge amount of archived material for study by ornithologists and others.These ‘Portals’ include a number of archives that house vast numbers of scientific magazine titles and access to the individual journal or article within them… sometimes free, sometimes with a payment per article and some, like JSTOR where affiliate institutions or individuals can apply for a pass for an annual fee so as to be able to access their archives on line. As a regular researcher I find these very useful sources.
While scientific many of these journals try not to be ‘high-brow’ but accessible to everyday birders, not just ornithologists used to esoteric language. However, expect to know the basics of scientific nomenclature and scientific species names.
Acta Ornithologica
WebpagePublishes scientific papers (original research reports, reviews, short notes, etc.) and announcements from all fields of ornithology. All manuscripts are peer-reviewed. Established in 1933 as Acta Ornithologica Musei Zoologici Polonici, since 1953 continued under the present title… -
WebpageNo longer being published but available through the Biodiversity Heritage Library -
WebpageArdea is the scientific journal of the Netherlands Ornithologists' Union, and is published since 1912. The journal welcomes manuscripts reporting significant new findings in ornithology, in particular those covering the ecology, life history, and evolution of birds, and including sound descriptive work. Ardea publishes Original research papers, Short notes and Book reviews. In addition to the regular three issues per year, Ardea publishes specials that contain conference or workshop proceedings (produced on request). -
Audubon Magazine
WebpageDistributed to members -
Australian Field Ornithology
WebpageAustralian Field Ornithology is a peer-reviewed journal publishing original papers on a broad spectrum of topics relating to Australasian ornithology, including ecology, behaviour and history of individual species and groups. -
Avian Biology Research
WebpageAvian Biology Research provides a forum for the publication of research in every field of ornithology. It covers all aspects of pure and applied ornithology for wild or captive species as well as research that does not readily fit within the publication objectives of other ornithological journals -
Avian Conservation and Ecology (ACE)
WebpageAvian Conservation and Ecology is an open-access, fully electronic scientific journal, sponsored by the Society of Canadian Ornithologists and Bird Studies Canada. -
Avian Research
WebpageAvian Research is an open access, peer-reviewed journal publishing high quality research and review articles on all aspects of ornithology from all over the world. It aims to report the latest and most significant progress in ornithology and to encourage exchange of ideas among international ornithologists. As an open access journal, Avian Research provides a unique opportunity to publish high quality contents that will be internationally accessible to any reader at no cost. -
Bird Conservation International
WebpageBird Conservation International is a quarterly peer-reviewed journal that seeks to promote worldwide research and action for the conservation of birds and the habitats upon which they depend. -
Birder's Guide
WebpageABA Publication -
WebpageMagazine of the American Birding Association -
Birds New Zealand Magazine
WebpageThe Society’s quarterly news magazine Birds New Zealand provides updates on society schemes, projects and events, highlights interesting bird sightings, and offers a forum for members to report on trips. -
WebpageBirdsCaribbean (formerly Society for the Conservation and Study of Caribbean Birds) publishes The Journal of Caribbean Ornithology, a peer-reviewed journal covering all aspects of ornithology within the Caribbean region. We welcome manuscripts covering the biology, ecology, behavior, life history, and conservation of Caribbean birds. Submission types include full length manuscripts presenting original research, notes on field observations, review and synthesis papers, and book reviews. -
British Birds
WebsiteBritish Birds is a monthly journal for all keen birdwatchers, founded in 1907. We publish articles on a wide variety of topics relating to birds, including behaviour, conservation, distribution, identification, status and taxonomy. -
WebsiteCaluta is a free birdwatching and ornithological journal distributed on the web. There is no fixed publishing schedule. -
WebpageThe journal of the DVOC. It has been published periodically beginning in 1901 and is comprised of papers relating to ornithology of eastern Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and Delaware. -
WebpageCorella is a fully-refereed journal of Australasian ornithological research. Online published volumes of Corella are available to members only for a period of two years. -
WebpageThe Neotropical Bird Club’s annual journal Cotinga provides a forum for news, notices, recent publications, expedition results, reviews and publication of studies on Neotropical birds by contributors from all parts of the world. An online version of the journal is published in the spring and a print version in the autumn. -
Dutch Birding
WebsiteThe magazine of Dutch Birding Association -
El Hornero
WebpageThe Journal of Argentina's ornithology… -
WebpageThe Elepaio is a bimonthly publication of the Hawaii Audubon Society that contains peer-reviewed scientific articles, updates on local environmental issues, and HAS activities listings. Published since 1939, the 'Elepaio serves as a historical record of conservation research, activities, news, and notes in Hawaii and throughout the Pacific. Click on the links below to access PDF documents of our latest issues -
Emu - Austral Ornithology
WebpageEmu – Austral Ornithology is the premier journal for ornithological research and reviews related to the Southern Hemisphere and adjacent tropics. The journal has a long and proud tradition of publishing articles on many aspects of the biology of birds, particularly their conservation and management. -
WebpageForktail is the Journal of Asian Ornithology published by Oriental Bird Club once a year. OBC members receive Forktail as a membership benefit. -
WebpageHirundo, the journal of the Estonian Ornithological Society, is issued twice a year. It publishes ornithological papers, comments and instructions, as well as EOS news. The journal is focused on original studies and discussion about Estonian birds, their numbers, biology and conservation. -
WebsiteWe’ve published our international journal of ornithology continuously since 1859. That’s over 160 years of research articles available online now! -
Irish Birds
WebpageThe scientific journal of BirdWatch Ireland, Irish Birds, comes as part of a key membership. -
Journal of Avian Biology
WebsiteEmpirical and theoretical research in ornithology PUBLISHED BY THE NORDIC SOCIETY OIKOS -
Journal of Field Ornithology
WebpagePublished on behalf of the Association of Field Ornithologists, Journal of Field Ornithology publishes original articles that emphasize the descriptive or experimental study of birds in their natural habitats. Articles depicting general techniques, emphasizing conservation, describing life history, or assessing published studies or existing ideas are appropriate. The Journal is especially interested in field studies conducted in the Neotropics and those involving participation by nonprofessional ornithologists. -
Journal of Ornithology
WebpageThe Journal of Ornithology (formerly Journal für Ornithologie) is the official journal of the German Ornithologists' Society (http://www.do-g.de/ ) and has been the Society´s periodical since 1853, making it the oldest still existing ornithological journal worldwide. -
Living Bird
WebpageLiving Bird is a quarterly magazine published by the Cornell Lab of Ornithology. Although not a peer-reviewed scientific journal, the editor, Tim Gallagher describes the purpose of the magazine as "bridging the divide between the scientist and the bird enthusiast" -
North American Birds
WebpagePreviously published as part of Bird Lore, Audubon Field Notes, and later American Birds, American Birding Association now produces North American Birds (formerly as Field Notes), the ‘journal of record’ for birders. The mission of the journal is to provide a complete overview of the changing panorama of North America’s birdlife, including outstanding records, range extensions and contractions, population dynamics, and changes in migration patterns or seasonal occurrence. -
WebpageThe Society’s quarterly, peer-reviewed scientific journal has been publishing ornithological research relevant to New Zealand and the South Pacific since 1943. -
Ornis Hungarica
WebsiteScientific Journal of the BirdLife Hungary -
Ostrich: Journal of African Ornithology
WebpageJournal of African Ornithology - Accredited by the Department of Higher Education and Training (South Africa) -
WebpageBulletin of the Society of Canadian Ornithologists - Bulletin de la Société de Ornithologistes du Canada -
WebpageSandgrouse is published by OSME contains papers and short notes on the ornithology of the OSME region, provides bird and conservation news from the region and a comprehensive round up of bird sightings in the Middle East, the Caucasus and Central Asia…. -
WebpageScopus: Journal of East African Ornithology has been published since 1977 by the Bird Committee of the East Africa Natural History Society. Originally titled Scopus, the addition of Journal of East African Ornithology began with our January 2018 issue. -
The Auk
WebpageThe Auk: Ornithological Advances publishes original research from all parts of the globe that tests fundamental, scientific hypotheses through ornithological studies and advances our understanding of living or extinct bird species. -
The Canadian Field-Naturalist
WebsiteA peer-reviewed scientific journal publishing ecology, behaviour, taxonomy, conservation, and other topics relevant to Canadian natural history. -
The Condor
WebpageThe Condor: Ornithological Applications aims to address the application of scientific theory and methods to the conservation, management, and ecology of birds. -
The Open Ornithology Journal
Webpage -
The Stilt
InformationThe Stilt is the journal of the Australasian Wader Studies Group (AWSG), a special interest group of the Royal Australasian Ornithologists Union, also known as Birds Australia. It was first issued in 1981… -
The Wilson Journal of Ornithology
WebpageFor more than a century, WOS has published a scholarly journal with form and content accessible to both professional and amateur ornithologists. -
WebpageThe International Journal of Waterbird Biology