Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela

Venezuela is a country on the northern coast of South America, consisting of a continental landmass and many islands and islets in the Caribbean Sea. It comprises an area of over 916,000 km2 (nearly 354,000 square miles), and its population was estimated at 29 million in 2024. The capital and largest urban agglomeration is the city of Caracas with a population of about 3 million people, followed by Maracaibo (2 million), Valencia (1.5 million) and Barquisimeto (1 million). The continental territory is bordered on the north by the Caribbean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean, on the west by Colombia, on the south by Brazil, to the northeast by Trinidad and Tobago and on the east by Guyana. Venezuela is a presidential republic consisting of 23 states, the Capital District and federal dependencies covering Venezuela’s offshore islands. Venezuela is among the most urbanized countries in Latin America; the vast majority of Venezuelans live in the cities of the north and in the capital.
Shaped roughly like a triangle, the country has a 2,800 km (1,700 miles) coastline in the north, which includes numerous islands in the Caribbean and the northeast borders the northern Atlantic Ocean. Most observers describe Venezuela in terms of four fairly well-defined topographical regions: the Maracaibo lowlands in the northwest, the northern mountains extending in a broad east-west arc from the Colombian border along the northern Caribbean coast, the wide plains in central Venezuela, and the Guiana Highlands in the southeast.
Playa Grande in Choroni, Coastal Mountains – ©Tucanrecords CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons
The northern mountains are the extreme northeastern extensions of South America’s Andes mountain range. Pico Bolívar, the nation’s highest point at 16,335 feet, lies in this region. To the south, the dissected Guiana Highlands contain the northern fringes of the Amazon Basin and Angel Falls, the world’s highest waterfall, as well as tepuis, large table-like mountains. The country’s centre is characterised by the llanos, which are extensive plains that stretch from the Colombian border in the far west to the Orinoco River delta in the east. The Orinoco, with its rich alluvial soils, binds the largest and most important river system of the country; it originates in one of the largest watersheds in Latin America. The Caroní and the Apure are other major rivers. The country is made up of three river basins: the Caribbean Sea, the Atlantic Ocean and Lake Valencia, which forms an endorheic basin.
La Laguna Victoria – ©Milagros Bartolome CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons
Venezuela is entirely located in the tropics over the Equator to around 12° N. Its climate varies from humid low-elevation plains, where average annual temperatures range as high as 35 °C, to glaciers and highlands (the páramos) with an average yearly temperature of just 8 °C. Annual rainfall varies from 17 inches in the semiarid portions of the northwest to over 40 inches in the Orinoco Delta of the far east and the Amazonian Jungle in the south. The precipitation level is lower in the period from August through April. These periods are referred to as hot-humid and cold-dry seasons. Another characteristic of the climate is this variation throughout the country by the existence of a mountain range called ‘Cordillera de la Costa’, which crosses the country from east to west. The majority of the population lives in these mountains.
Among plants of Venezuela, over 25,000 species of orchids are found in the country’s cloud forest and lowland rainforest ecosystems. These include the flor de mayo orchid Cattleya mossiae, the national flower. Venezuela’s national tree is the araguaney. The tops of the tepuis are also home to several carnivorous plants including the marsh pitcher plant, Heliamphora, and the insectivorous bromeliad, Brocchinia reducta.
Cerro Wichuj Amazon Rainforest – ©Fernando Flores CC BY-SA 2.0 via Wikimedia Commons
Venezuela is among the top 20 countries in terms of endemism. Among its animals, 23% of reptilian and 50% of amphibian species, including the Trinidad poison frog, are endemic. Although the available information is still limited, a first effort has been made to estimate the number of fungal species endemic to Venezuela: 1334 species of fungi have been tentatively identified as possibly endemic.[ Some 38% of the over 21,000 plant species known from Venezuela are unique to the country.
Between 1990 and 2005, Venezuela officially lost 8.3% of its forest cover, which is about 4.3 million ha. In response, federal protections for critical habitat were implemented; for example, 20% to 33% of forested land is protected. The country’s biosphere reserve is part of the World Network of Biosphere Reserves; five wetlands are registered under the Ramsar Convention. 70% of the nation’s land was under conservation management in over 200 protected areas, including Venezuela’s 43 national parks such as Canaima National Park, Morrocoy National Park and Mochima National Park. In the far south is a reserve for the country’s Yanomami tribes. Covering 32,000 square miles (82,880 square kilometres), the area is off-limits to farmers, miners, and all non-Yanomami settlers.
Birding Venezuela
Venezuela lies within the Neotropical realm; large portions of the country were originally covered by moist broadleaf forests. One of 10 most mega-diverse countries, Venezuela’s habitats range from the Andes Mountains in the west to the Amazon Basin rainforest in the south, via extensive llanos plains and Caribbean coast in the centre and the Orinoco River Delta in the east. They include xeric scrublands in the extreme northwest and coastal mangrove forests in the northeast. Its cloud forests and lowland rainforests are particularly rich.
Llanos plain Apure State – ©Arnaldo Noguera Sifontes CC BY-SA 4.0 via Wikimedia Commons
Animals of Venezuela are diverse and include mammals such as manatees, three-toed sloth, two-toed sloth, Amazon river dolphins, giant anteater, jaguar and capybara, the world’s largest rodent and reptiles like the Orinoco Crocodiles, which have been reported to reach up to 6.6 m in length. Venezuela hosts a total of 1,451 bird species, 57 of which are endemic. More than half of Venezuelan avian and mammalian species are found in the Amazonian forests south of the Orinoco.
Venezuela serves as an excellent introduction to South America. It has a decent bird fieldguide; a quite good road system, many accessible national parks and quite good general infrastructure. It used to be very safe, but today is on a par with other destinations in South America. Care is needed out of sight of your car, nor is it wise to bird alone near big cities. Hiring a car with a driver is a good idea (not only in Venezuela).
If you have never birded South America before I would start a three-week trip in Los Llanos – the Orinoco basin which has overwhelming numbers of large birds such as storks, ibises and herons as well as many raptors. This is probably one of the most seductive types of birding one can do to get non-birding spouses into birding. There are many luxurious lodges that provide good services for birders. People on tight budgets may want to check out the areas near Mantecal, but if you can afford it the lodges are very good.
Your first trip should also include the Andes of Merida. Birding is quite easy there. There are many good birding sites from Barinas to Merida via Santo Domingo, and an excellent mountain trail through cloud forest from Tabai just outside Merida. The trail is quite strenuous to do all in one day, so one may want to spend a couple of days here and even camp in the top area where some of the best Merida birds occur such as Rusty-faced Parrot and Slaty-backed Hemispingus.
Laguna en los Medanos de Coro – ©Wilmer Arias CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons
Other areas to include in west Venezuela are the endemic-rich Coro dessert and the coastal range of Henri Pittier National Park – also with many endemics. Henri Pittier NP has two bisecting roads that are both very good for birding. One of them takes you to the biological station of Rancho Grande. The birding from the veranda in mid-morning is exceptional and here you can get somewhat familiarised with the overwhelming diversity of neotropical birds and get to know many examples that represent typical South American families.
Now after three weeks you are set for some advanced neo-tropical birding and you should turn your attention to the South East; here there are two principal areas. The first, Campamento Rio Grande, has become renowned for its stake-out of Harpy Eagle nests. There are some three-four nests in the area and there has been at least one active every year since this became widely known at the beginning of the nineties. Birding in general is very good, but it can be quite frustrating sometimes, with birds in mixed species flocks that you don’t get good looks at, as well as many unfamiliar calls. If you really want to see all the birds here it is a very good idea to employ a guide.
Similarly, the base of the Guyanan shield, at the bottom of the Escalera road, has rain-forest and some good trails which are also very species rich but difficult to work if you have little experience with calls in the Amazon. The escalera itself is quite straightforward and the number of accessible endemic birds is very high.
Finally, some mention of the areas in the North East which could be included after say 12 days in the South east. The oilbird cave at Caripe is impressive and one of the most accessible sites in South America for this species. The Paria peninsula and especially the Cerro Humo trail holds a handful of endemics all threatened by habitat-loss.
NB Over the last few years Venezuela has gone through economic meltdown with a very high crime rate and migration as people flee poverty and political turmoil. In many places, plantations ceased production and the country’s international debt has been crippling. Birders should check news services for latest conditions before planning a trip. UK Government Foreign Office alerts give sound advice to potential travellers and similar services are available from most western governments.
Amazonas - Gavilán Road
Satellite ViewDue in part to lack of access, Venezuelan Amazonas is relatively little birded in comparison with the neighbouring countries of Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and Brazil. The best-known lodge, Junglaven, is rather remote and costly to access, so it comes as a welcome surprise to find excellent Amazonian birding just a few kilometres south of the sleepy town of Puerto Ayacucho. I first accompanied Mary Lou Goodwin along this road several years ago and am certain that continued exploration will produce a very respectable bird list. Although the road has been heavily deforested and initially looks rather fruitless, perseverance pays off. The road gives access to a variety of Amazonian habitats including savannah, white sand scrub, moriche palm swamps and tall humid forests and it is a good idea to bird all habitats to ensure a good representative overview. Typical Amazonian groups are the bread-and-butter of this road: about 15 species of parrot, six toucans, four Celeus woodpeckers, plenty of woodcreepers, Furnariids and antbirds and a host of flycatchers and tanagers. The remaining chunks of primary forest are good places to listen for Rufous-winged Ground-Cuckoo; White-plumed and Rufous-throated Antbirds will be found at the same antswarms. Treetops should be scanned for Paradise Jacamar, Spangled and Pompadour Cotingas and White-browed Purpletuft. Moriche swamps hold the specialist Point-tailed Palmcreeper and Sulphury Flycatcher. Forested creeks have Long-billed Woodcreeper, Black-chinned Antbird and, with luck, Amazonian Black-Tyrant. Guianan Cock-of-the-Rocks are not uncommon and add a touch of colour. Good accommodation exists on the outskirts of Puerto Ayacucho and many more Amazonian species can be picked up at a variety of sites nearby. -
Andes - La Mucuy and the Humboldt Trail
Satellite ViewThe Humboldt Trail is another of those must bird sites. This Andean trail is a wide, old Spanish pack-horse track which winds up from the ranger station at La Mucuy to the Pico Humboldt. Fortunately, the only users are hikers and birders with the occasional curious day-visitor, so that it is not uncommon to enjoy these marvellous cloud forests and their avian denizens in complete solitude. The trail begins at 2100m and can comfortably be birded to about 2700m in a morning – above that one can camp in order to access the high-altitude bamboo breaks and páramo. Often, the first species one encounters is Rufous-banded Owl in the La Mucuy car park itself. The recreation area provides excellent birding with Mérida Sunangel, Gorgeted Woodstar and Moustached Brush-Finch being typical. During the northern winter migrant warblers fill out the colourful subtropical mixed feeding flocks. Further up the trail Rose-headed Parakeet, Golden-headed Quetzal, Golden Starfrontlet, Mérida Tapaculo, Golden-breasted Fruiteater and White-fronted Whitestart are usually easy. Rusty-faced Parrots are a question of luck whilst the four species of Antpitta, including the endemic Grey-naped, require patience. Of the four Hemispingus, Grey-capped is common, whereas Slaty-backed is unreliable at the higher elevations. Excellent accommodation is available just a short drive from the trailhead. -
Coastal Cordillera - Henri Pittier National Park
Satellite ViewCreated in 1937 in honour of a Swiss botanist, Henri Pittier National Park has acquired legendary status amongst Neotropical birders and today figures as an obligatory stop on any visitor`s itinerary. Although the park comprises just over 1000 square kilometres – half the size of the United Kingdom`s Snowdonia National Park – the list of species recorded tops 550 and includes several Venezuelan first records. Besides quantity, the park also provides quality in the form of a large number of rare and endemic species. The chief attraction is its lush cloud forest which harbours avian delights such as Venezuelan Wood-Quail, Band-tailed Guan, Helmeted Curassow, Groove-billed Toucanet, Guttulated Foliage-gleaner, White-streaked Antvireo, Scallop-breasted Antpitta, Scalloped Antthrush, Caracas Tapaculo, Venezuelan Bristle-Tyrant, Handsome Fruiteater and Rufous-cheeked Tanager. Raptors are particularly conspicuous and Black Hawk-Eagle, Ornate Hawk-Eagle, Black-and-white Hawk-Eagle and Solitary Eagle are all considerably easier to encounter here than elsewhere within their wide range. The deciduous forests of the lower slopes are home to Black-backed Antshrike, Venezuelan Flycatcher and Golden-winged Sparrow while the coast holds Buffy Hummingbird, Bicoloured Conebill and Glaucous Tanager. In addition to its resident avifauna, the park is famous for the Portachuelo Pass, which is one of the most studied migratory routes in the Neotropics. Excellent accommodation at several strategic sites on the park borders makes this area a real pleasure to bird. -
Llanos - Hato Piñero
Satellite ViewThe Venezuelan llanos, or 'flatlands', provide a wildlife spectacle on a par with anything else America has to offer and, indeed, have sometimes been referred to as America's East Africa. The llanos flood during the wet season and some regions become a vast lake. With the onset of the dry season, the waters drop and isolated creeks and pools begin to dry up, creating a feeding bonanza for caiman, anacondas, mammals and birds alike. Hato Piñero is a private cattle ranch nestling in the northern llanos and offering birding packages in comfortable accommodation. The draft list of birds found at the 800 square kilometre ranch currently stands at 300 and when you take your first ride in one of the open-top trucks, it's easy to believe that the total will eventually be much higher. Seven species of ibis can be found on a single excursion, herons and egrets abound, Yellow-knobbed Curassows are a traffic hazard and Sunbitterns are easier to view here than almost anywhere else. Besides its extensive wetlands, Hato Piñero also boasts one of the largest areas of intact deciduous forest in the entire llanos, a habitat which is home to White-fringed Antwren, White-throated Spadebill, Fuscous Flycatcher, Pale-tipped Inezia, Pale-eyed Pygmy-Tyrant and Trinidad Euphonia. Gallery forests hold Pale-headed Jacamar, Rusty-backed Spinetail and Orinocan Saltator while forest patches are good for Dwarf Cuckoo, Scarlet Macaw, Russet-throated Puffbird and White-bearded Flycatcher. Night excursions are a major attraction and typically produce Common and Great Potoos, Lesser Nighthawk, Pauraque and White-tailed Nightjar, though Nacunda Nighthawk and Striped Owl, Spectacled Owl and large cats are regular: Hato Piñero is one of the best places anywhere within its wide range to encounter a Jaguar. -
Tepuis - La Escalera
Satellite ViewYet another, legendary birding name, La Escalera literally means the staircase and refers to a road which winds up from the Guayanan lowland forests onto the grassy plateau known as the Gran Sabana. The escarpment up which the road climbs is covered in a dense cloud forest which is home to most of the Pantepui endemics which are more typical of the foothill slopes of the table mountains (tepuis) proper; thus it gives easy access to real Pantepui birding. There are some at least 38 Pantepui endemics (more study is certain to reveal further endemics); many of which are only found in Venezuela and most of which are far more easily seen here than anywhere else. Easily found along the forested roadside are Fiery-shouldered Parakeet, Rufous-breasted Sabrewing, Peacock Coquette, Velvet-browed Brilliant, Scarlet-horned Manakin, Scarlet-horned Manakin, Orange-bellied Manakin, Tepui Brush-Finch, Tepui Whitestart and Tepui Mountain-Grackle. An eye overhead will usually be rewarded with Tepui Swifts and the rather less reliable Tepui Parrotlet. More challenging still are skulkers like Tepui Tinamou, Tepui Antpitta and Flutist Wren. The beginning of the Gran Sabana is the place to look for Tepui Goldenthroat as well as Russet-crowned Crake and Tawny-headed Swallow and rarities like Giant Snipe and Bearded Tachuri. In the dry season the forested slopes and sandstone cliffs echo to the ethereal songs of White and Bearded Bellbirds. In addition, more world-class birding is to be had in the lowlands at the foot of La Escalera. Excellent accommodation is available five minutes from the base of La Escalera.
Chris Sharpe
Contributor of Top Sites | sharpebirder AT
Gunnar Engblom
Number of bird species: 1451
(As at January 2025)National Bird: Venezuelan Troupial Icterus icterus
Number of endemics: 57
Tepui Tinamou Crypturellus ptaritepui
Venezuelan Wood-quail Odontophorus columbianus
Tepui Nightjar Systellura roraimae
Merida Sunangel Heliangelus spencei
Venezuelan Sylph Aglaiocercus berlepschi
White-bearded Helmetcrest Oxypogon lindenii
Merida (Golden-tailed) Starfrontlet Coeligena eos
Scissor-tailed Hummingbird Hylonympha macrocerca
Green-tailed Emerald Chlorostilbon alice
Rusty-flanked Crake Laterallus levraudi
Plain-flanked Rail Rallus wetmorei
Groove-billed Toucanet Aulacorhynchus sulcatus
Black-spotted Piculet Picumnus nigropunctatus
Venezuelan Parakeet Pyrrhura emma
Red-eared Parakeet Pyrrhura hoematotis
Rose-headed Parakeet Pyrrhura rhodocephalaAndre's (Ashy-tailed) Swift Chaetura andrei
Great Antpitta Grallaria excelsa
Tachira Antpitta Grallaria chthonia
Grey-naped Antpitta Grallaria griseonucha
Scallop-breasted Antpitta Grallaricula loricata
Sucre Antpitta Grallaricula cumanensis
Merida Tapaculo Scytalopus meridanus
Caracas Tapaculo Scytalopus caracae
Guttulate Foliage-gleaner Syndactyla guttulata
White-throated Barbtail Premnoplex tatei
Paria Barbtail Premnoplex pariae
Ochre-browed Thistletail Asthenes coryi
Orinoco Softtail Thripophaga cherriei
Delta Amacuro Softtail Thripophaga amacurensis
Black-throated Spinetail Synallaxis castanea
Handsome Fruiteater Pipreola formosa
Rufous-lored Tyrannulet Phylloscartes flaviventris
Venezuelan Bristle-tyrant Pogonotriccus venezuelanus
Maracaibo Tody-flycatcher Todirostrum viridanum
Venezuelan Tyrannulet Zimmerius petersi
Urich's Tyrannulet Phyllomyias urichi
Blackish Chat-tyrant Ochthoeca nigrita
Rufous-browed Chat-tyrant Ochthoeca superciliosa
Merida Wren Cistothorus meridae
Caracas Brush-finch Arremon phaeopleurus
Paria Brush-finch Arremon phygas
Merida Brush-finch Atlapetes meridae
Green-billed Oropendola Psarocolius oleagineus
Grey-headed Warbler Basileuterus griseiceps
White-fronted Whitestart Myioborus albifrons
Paria Whitestart Myioborus pariae
White-faced Whitestart Myioborus albifacies
Guaiquinima Whitestart Myioborus cardonai
Duida Grass-finch Emberizoides duidae
Slaty-backed Hemispingus Poospiza goeringi
Grey-capped Hemispingus Kleinothraupis reyi
Venezuelan Flowerpiercer Diglossa venezuelensis
Merida Flowerpiercer Diglossa gloriosa
Rufous-cheeked Tanager Tangara rufigenis
Chestnut-breasted Tanager Tangara arthus
Carrizal Seedeater Amaurosoiza carrizalensis
PDF ChecklistThis checklist includes all bird species found in Venezuela , based on the best information available at this time. It is based on a wide variety of sources that I collated over many years. I am pleased to offer these checklists as a service to birdwatchers. If you find any error, please do not hesitate to report them. -
Annotated ListThis is a list of the bird species recorded in Venezuela. The avifauna of Venezuela has 1412 confirmed species, of which 45 are endemic, six have been introduced by humans, 48 are rare or vagrants, and one has been extirpated. An additional 20 species are hypothetical (see below). -
PDF ChecklistThis checklist is generated with data from eBird (, a global database of bird sightings from birders like you. If you enjoy this checklist, please consider contributing your sightings to eBird. It is 100% free to take part, and your observations will help support birders, researchers, and conservationists worldwide.
Birding in Venezuela
| By Mary Lou Goodwin | Sociedad Conservacionista Audubon de Venezuela | 2003 | Edition 5 | Paperback | 332 pages, B/w illustrations | ISBN: 9788487334481 Buy this book from -
Birds of Northern South America
| Volume 1: Species Accounts An Identification Guide | By Robin Restall, Clemencia Rodner & Miguel Lentino | Christopher Helm | 2006 | Paperback | ISBN: 9780713672428 Buy this book from -
Birds of Venezuela
| By David Ascanio, Gustavo A Rodriguez & Robin L Restall | Helm | 2021 | Hardback | 592 pages, 248 plates with colour illustrations; colour photos, colour illustrations, colour distribution maps | ISBN: 9781399400435 Buy this book from -
Birds of Venezuela
| By Steven L Hilty, John Gwynne & Guy Tudor | Christopher Helm | 2002 | Paperback | 878 pages, 67 colour and b/w plates, 44 colour photos, 20 line illustrations, 1378 maps | Out of Print | ISBN: 9780713664188 Buy this book from -
Site Guides: Venezuela
| A Guide to the Best Birding Locations Dennis W Rogers48 pages, maps.Cinclus 1993 | out of Print | ISBN: 9780963776501 Buy this book from
All Birds Venezuela
Apple iOS || (a complete field guide to identify all the bird species recorded in Venezuela) | Mullen & Pohland GbR | 2 GB | Requires iOS 8.0 or later | This app is an electronic field guide and contains all 1412 species ever recorded in Venezuela. This app fills a gap in the region and is the only bird app available for Venezuela! It is based on the renowned reference work of the Helm Guide Series "Birds of Northern South America" by Robin Restall, Clemencia Rodner, and Miguel Lentino. The creation of apps from the book is a co-production between Bloomsbury Plc and Sunbird Images. The app contains 4,620 illustrations and more than 3,000 bird songs and calls in total!Bird Data - Venezuela
AndroidBird Data - Venezuela is a field guide for the birds of Venezuela. It has taxonomic, range, subspecies, and other information for almost 1400 species of birds. Included are Venezuela-centered range maps for all species. Directly downloadable into the application are around 1400 photos of over 1250 species, and around 2000 bird songs and bird calls.Observatories-
La Mucuy Bird Observatory
Observatory WebsiteSatellite ViewLocated in the Mérida Mountains, Sierra Nevada National Park, Venezuela - Although Venezuela is not widely recognized as an important place for Neotropical migrant birds, its importance appears to be underestimated…
Bird Venezuela
WebsiteConservation in Venezuela -
Sociedad Venezolana de Ciencias Naturales
Facebook PageEdif. Sociedad Venezolana de Ciencias Naturales, piso 2, Calle Arichuna, Urb. El Marques Caracas, Call (0212) 2728708 Twitter: @Audubon_VZLA
*National Parks - by State
WebsiteSatellite Viewa page for each -
*Protected areas of Venezuela
InformationSatellite ViewBiospheres, National Parks, RAMSAR sites etc. -
BR Orinococ Delta
InformationSatellite ViewThe Orinoco Delta is one of the eight natural regions of Venezuela. It covers the whole of Delta Amacuro State and a few square kilometers of Monagas State and Sucre State, comprising all the mouths of the Orinoco. -
Los Llanos Grasslands
InformationSatellite ViewMore than 400 species of birds speckle the grasslands with white, crimson, yellow, blue, orange and black. Scarlet Ibis, chestnut-fronted Macaws, Jabiru Storks, black-collared Hawks, as well as the prehistoric-looking Hoatzin, call it their home. The Llanos also shelter a wide array of other animals such as giant anteaters, wild horses, armadillos, iguanas, tortoises, red howler and capuchin monkeys… -
NP Canaima
InformationSatellite ViewIt is located in Bolívar State, reaching the borders with Brazil and Guyana. Home to harpy Eagle, Dusky Parrot, Red-shouldered Macaw and many other birds. -
NP Cerro El Copey
InformationSatellite ViewIt iIs a protected area with the status of a national park located to the east of the Caribbean island of Margarita, in the highest mountainous region of Nueva EspartaState. It is surrounded by desert plains and this is why, despite its scarce 960 m elevation, it has green forests and montane grasslands that feed on the humidity provided by the trade winds. -
NP Cerro Saroche
InformationSatellite ViewThe park is located in the state of Lara, between Barquisimeto and Carora. -
NP Henri Pittier
InformationSatellite ViewIts 107,800 hectares, located in the north of Aragua state, comprise most of the Araguan coast and mountainous area of Carabobo state. It also borders San Esteban National Park. Henri Pittier National Park is the largest among the national parks of the Venezuelan Coastal Range. There are more than 500 bird species and 22 endemic species. -
NP Tirgua
InformationSatellite ViewIt consists of deciduous and semi-deciduous forests, with many palm trees in the understory. Mammals include araguato capuchin monkeys, cunaguaros, lapas, and tapirs. -
NP Yacambú
InformationSatellite ViewYacambú National Park is in the state of Lara, on the southern slope of the Portuguesa Cordillera, which is part of the northern Andes range. The park was created in 1962 to protect the watershed of the Yacambú River, whose waters will feed the José María Ochoa Pilé reservoir once dam construction is complete… -
NR Estacion Biologica El Frio
Facebook PageSatellite ViewThe biological station and visitor facilities are located in the heart of El Frío ranch, about 90 miles west of San Fernando de Apure, in Apure state, Venezuela. Located on both sides of the San Fernando-Mantecal road, El Frío encompasses about 200,000 acres. The site is a functioning cattle ranch, which supports 45,000 head of cattle and 1,000 horses. Combining its cattle raising activity with research and ecotourism, Hato El Frío represents one of the best examples of the ecosystems of the flooded llanos. Beyond the ubiquitous spectacled caimans and capybaras, the ranch is home to large flocks of herons, ibises, and storks that congregate around watering holes. El Frío is actively involved in conservation issues, serving as a breeding station for rare Orinoco crocodiles. -
WR Hato Pinero
Facebook PageSatellite ViewHato Piñero has for almost 50 years, been a unique example of agricultural development, through the use of the most advanced techniques and practices in agricultural and livestock husbandry, yet conserving nature in its natural state...
Sightings, News & Forums-
SightingseBirding This Month
Guides & Tour Operators-
Tour Operatorwhether you are an individual traveler or you like to join fellow birders, we can arrange a wide variety of birding tours to the famed Rancho Grande, the vast plains (Llanos), the Andes, the mountains of Paria, the Lake Maracaibo basin and the Tepuis. Over the years, we have found locations to look for the Roraiman Nightjar (our first record is back to 1984!), Scallop-breasted Antpitta, Recurve-billed Bushbird, Tepui Wren, Orinoco Softtail, Gray-headed Warbler, Great Antpitta and 3 yet undescribed birds among others -
Angel Eco-Tours
Facebook PageThe sound of hundreds of parrots awakening breaks the silence. You and your travel companions climb out of your beds to see the sunrise and experience the wonder that is Venezuela -
Tour OperatorEASTERN VENEZUELA – Specialities of the Tepuis, Orinoco Delta and Northeast -
Tour OperatorYou might choose to tour Venezuela staying in comfortable hotels and lodges with opportunities to explore each region. You might like to have an active holiday, going on an adventurous trek or a river journey deep in the more remote regions of Venezuela. You might be keen to see something of Venezuela`s huge diversity of birds and wildlife. Even if you prefer just to relax on a beautiful beach, Venezuela offers you a choice from lively beach-life to quiet Robinson Crusoe beaches fringed with palm trees. (There is also the tourist island of Margarita, which is best avoided if you would prefer to see the real Venezuela.) -
Tour OperatorA 9-day birding holiday to the Henri Pittier National Park, home to nearly half the bird species recorded in Venezuela and the northern Llanos, one of the most extensive wetlands in the world. -
Ornis Birding Expeditions
Tour OperatorVisiting the lost world of the Tepuis has always been every birder’s dream, and now we are making it possible! Venezuela has been slowly recovering from years of not being open to tourism, and while some areas remain unsuitable for birding groups, our sites are open and safe.
Trip Reports-
2016 [05 May] - Eustace Barnes
PDF ReportA spectacularly diverse biological haven; Venezuela is one of the most exciting destinations for birders although not one without its problems. Extending the tour to explore remote sites including the other-worldly summit of Mount Roraima makes for what is, the most adventurous and rewarding tour to this fascinating region. -
2023 [11 November] - Fábio Olmos & Rita Souza
PDF ReportDedicated to the memory of Francisco Diniz, who first showed us the Lost World of Mount Roraima and was to be with us in this new adventure.
Places to Stay-
Orinoco Delta Lodge
AccommodationIs a family run operation specialized in nature and adventure travel in The Orinoco Delta Region in Venezuela with offices in Tucupita and Playa el Agua in Margarita Island -
Ucaima Camp
AccommodationThis is the oldest of the camps in the area. Well known Rudy "Jungle Rudy" Truffino built his camp in Ucaima, a few minutes by jeep upriver from Canaima on the banks of the Carrao River in the 1950's. It is now operated by his daughters who provide warm, friendly service to the guests and are always available for chatting with guests about the beauty of the Lost World region. Encounters there included half a dozen resident black-capped parrots, a baby giant anteater, a tapir, a resident macaw, and a friendly boa constrictor
Other Links-
Aves de Venezuela
WebsiteAqui encontrar -
Birds of Venezuela
Website AppThe aim of this work is to cover as many vocalizations of as many bird species as possible, occurring in Venezuela. -
Venezuelan Birds
WebsiteVenezuela! A birders paradise
Siempre Verde Venezuela
BLOG...connecting people to nature
Fatbirder - linking birders worldwide...
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