State of Acre

Green Honeycreeper Chlorophanes spiza ©Lee Dingain Website
Birding Acre

Acre is a state located in the northern region of Brazil. Located in the westernmost part of the country with a two hours time difference from Brasília, Acre is bordered clockwise by Amazonas to the north and northeast, Rondônia to the east, the Bolivian department of Pando to the southeast, and the Peruvian regions of Madre de Dios, Ucayali and Loreto to the south and west. It occupies an area of over 150,000 km2, being slightly smaller than Tunisia.Practically all of the terrain of the state of Acre is part of the low sandstone plateau, which dominates most of the Brazilian Amazon. In the extreme west is found the Serra da Contamana or Serra do Divisor, along the western border, with the highest altitudes in the state just under 2000 feet. The climate is hot and very humid with monthly average temperatures between 24 °C and 27 °C. The rainfall reaches an annual total of 2,100 mm (83 in), with a clear dry season in the months of June, July, and August. The Amazon Rainforest covers all of the state territory. It is very rich in rubber trees of the most valuable species Hevea brasiliensis and Brazil nut trees Bertholletia excelsa. Acre’s principal rivers, mostly navigable during the wet season are the Juruá, Tarauacá, Envira, Purús, Iaco, and Acre, which cross the state with almost parallel courses which will only converge outside of its territory.Below are some of its top attractions and websites to the reserves and many places to stay where birding is an option. We welcome a proper introduction to this page from someone who knows the area well.

Top Sites
  • Reserva Extrativista do Alto Juruá

    WebpageSatellite View
    The Extractive Reserve of Alto Juruá is a conservation unit Federal Brazil categorized as extractive reserves and created by Presidential Decree on 23 of January of 1990 in an area of 506,186 hectares in the state of Acre...
  • Jeremy Minns

    São Paulo |

Number of Species
  • Number of bird species: 733

    As at July 2016

Abbreviations Key

  • NR Reserva Extrativista do Alto Juruá

    InformationSatellite View
    The Extractive Reserve of the Upper Juruá is located in the extreme west of the State of Acre and Brazil, covering the municipalities of Jordão, Marechal Thaumaturgo, Porto Walter and Tarauac.

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