
Wood Pigeon Columba palumbus ©Gerd Rossen Website
Birding Île-de-France

The region consists of the Departments of: Paris, Hauts-de-Seine, Seine-Saint-Denis, Val-de-Marne, Seine-et-Marne, Yvelines, Essonne & Val-d’Oise. The traditional Provinces of: Ile-de-France, Orleanais & Champagne.

Île-de-France is one of the twenty-two administrative regions of France, composed mostly of the Paris metropolitan area. Created as the “District of the Paris Region” in 1961, it was renamed as the “Île-de-France” région in 1976 when its administrative status was aligned with the other French administrative regions created in 1972. Despite the name change, Île-de-France is still popularly referred to by French people as the Région Parisienne (“Paris Region”) or RP. Ninety percent of its territory is covered by the Paris aire urbaine (or “metropolitan area”) which extends beyond its borders in places. With 11.6 million inhabitants Île-de-France is the most populated region of France. It

Île-de-France is composed of eight departments centered around its innermost department and capital, Paris. Around the department of Paris, urbanization fills a first concentric ring of three departments commonly known as the petite couronne ‘small ring’, and extends into a second outer ring of four departments known as the grande couronne ‘large ring’. Most of Île-de-France is covered by the Paris aire urbaine (or “metropolitan area”), a statistical area encompassing the Paris pôle urbain (or urban area) and its couronne périurbaine commuter belt. At the last census in 1999, 88% of the Île-de-France’s population lived in the Paris urban area and 99% of the same regional population lived in the Paris aire urbaine (respectively 9,644,507 people and 10,842,037 people)

Useful Reading

  • Oiseaux d'Ile de France

    By P Le Maréchal & G Lesaffre | Delachaux et Niestle | 2000| Paperback | 343 pages, Colour photos, tabs | French | ISBN: 9782603011775 Buy this book from NHBS.com
  • CORIF Centre Ornithologique Ile de France

    L'ornithologie associative en Ile-de-France est affaire récente. Ce furent d'abord des pionniers isolés dont les travaux - précieux car rares - nous permettent de disposer de quelques références historiques.
  • Ligue Pour la Protection des Oiseaux Antenne Ille-de-France

    136 rue Falgui

Abbreviations Key

  • Parc naturel régional de la Haute Vallée de Chevreuse

    InformationSatelite View
    Haute Vallée de Chevreuse Regional Natural Park is a protected area in the Île-de-France region of northern France. It is a verdant rural area outside Paris, designated as a regional natural park because it contains a wide variety of unique historical sites.
  • Parc naturel régional du Gâtinais français

    InformationSatelite View
    Since 2008, the biosphere reserve of the Pays de Fontainebleau and Gâtinais Français has been extended to include all the communes of the Regional Natural Park of Gâtinais Français.
  • Parc naturel régional du Vexin français

    InformationSatelite View
    The park area is essentially devoted to agriculture. Maintaining and developing this traditional activity, orienting it towards diversification and respect for the environment, is one of the main orientations of the regional park's policy.
Sightings, News & Forums
  • Liste de discussion interne au Centre Ornithologique Ile de France

    Mailing List
    Liste de discussion interne au Centre ornithologique Ile de France. Elle est exclusivement rListe de discussion interne au CORIF. Elle est exclusivement réservée aux adhérents de l'association.
  • Obs Ile-de-France

    Mailing List
    ObsIdF : La liste de discussion "ObsIdF" est le rendez-vous de tous les naturalistes, principalement ornithologues, réalisant des observations en Ile-de-France, qu'ils soient franciliens ou de passage dans notre région. C'est un lieu d'échanges sur tout ce qui a trait à l'oiseau mais aussi à la découverte, la connaissance et la préservation de la nature.
Other Links
  • Peregrine Falcons of Ivry (Paris)

    Depuis début 2010, la ville d'Ivry-sur-Seine en Ile de France compte 2 habitants de plus et pas des moindres puisqu'il s'agit de faucons pèlerins ! Ce blog est dédié au suivi de ces faucons urbains et de ceux de la région.
Photographers & Artists
  • Photographer - Marc Lamey - Wild Passion

    Some excellent bird photos from all aroundn the world
  • Photographer - Marie-France Grenouillet

    An excellent French Wildlife Photographer - macro shots are stunning!

Fatbirder - linking birders worldwide...

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