| By Dorj Ganbold & Chris Smith | John Beaufoy Books | 2019 | Paperback | 352 Pages | 154 colour plates| ISBN: 9781912081042 |
The Publisher’s View: A fully comprehensive field guide to the 521 officially recorded bird species of Mongolia. The species are clearly illustrated in over 154 plates, showing plumage variation between sexes, seasons and age classes, as well as the upper side and underside of birds in flight. Common, scientific and Mongolian names are given for each species. The main identifying features of each species are described and key facts cover habitat, identifying features and voice. Distribution maps provide an at-a-glance view of where and when the birds can be found. The book also includes information on the geography and major habitats of Mongolia.
The Author: Dorj Ganbold has been an avian researcher in Mongolia for four years, working for many international bird projects. Chris Smith has a Masters’ degree in Wildlife Conservation and Management from Humboldt State University, and has led over 25 bird-related research projects all over the world. Currently, as a professor, he leads natural history and ornithology classes.
Fatbirder View: An excellent field guide with concise accounts giving hints of habitat and behaviour just as they should. The maps are small and I suspect that insufficient surveying has been done to ensure their total accuracy but good enough to tell which of the main habitats are likely to hold target species. I also like the illustrations. My preference has always been well-drawn to well-photographed and they do not disappoint but there is also a softness to them that is very redolent of feathers giving the ideal between the impressionistic line drawings and superrealism.