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Bird Book Publishers

Niche Publishers

This cannot be an exhaustive list of publishers in general or even specialist bird book publishers. However, below is a series of links to those bird book publishers that Fatbirder is aware of that have established an internet presence.

So, I have chosen some of the leading names for the use of any of you budding authors or illustrators looking for a suitable publisher.

I’ve also tried to track down the small, niche publishers who concentrate on bird or wildlife books.

When you look at the ‘useful reading’ sections on geographical or bird family pages you will note that a lot of bird book authors are self-publishers. For the most part, this is not vanity publishing but a recognition that sales may well be low and getting information out there in the form of a book is worth doing even if sales are focussed on covering costs rather than making a profit.

Useful Information
  • Avian Review

    This website is for birders and has two key purposes, which come from two questions that have always driven me in my search of bird books. One: What other bird books exist in the different categories of countries, family groups, or species? Two: What's in these books and should I buy them?
Other Links
  • Allen & Unwin

    Allen & Unwin are now the distributors of a range of ornithological books including Christopher Helm and Pica Press in Australia and New Zealand.
  • Arlequin Press

    Arlequin Press began publishing Natural History Books in 1992. The founder an active ornithologist and natural history book collector combined his professional expertise as publisher with his life long interests to create a company that produces books for those who enjoy birdwatching, the natural world and those who appreciate wildlife art. Careful selection of material has ensured that Arlequin Press now has a fine reputation for publishing excellent natural history titles. All of our books are available to purchase from us, from bookshops, from specialist retailers such as the RSPB and Wildlife Trust Shops throughout the UK and online from various sites.
  • Balogh Scientific Books

    In addition to offering you many books in our catalogues, we also do special orders. If you don't see a book you want in our catalogues, just email us and we will order it for you…
  • Bertebrate Publishing

    At Vertebrate Publishing we publish books to inspire adventure. It’s our rule that the only books we publish are those that we’d want to read or use ourselves. We endeavour to bring you beautiful books that stand the test of time and that you’ll be proud to have on your bookshelf for years to come.
  • Bloomsbury Publishing plc

    We have already started developing and exploiting A&C Black's huge library of content. One of our objectives is to increase significantly sales in export markets
  • Brambleby Books

    Brambleby Books specialises in natural history, with an emphasis on biodiversity, conservation and the environment. Our aim is to bring alive the variety and splendour of the natural world in the form of narrative descriptions, often interfaced with poetry and/or the visual arts. We also wish to promote natural history as a leisure pursuit.
  • British Wildlife Publishing

    British Wildlife Publishing was established in 1989 by Andrew and Anne Branson, and over the intervening decades has established an enviable reputation as a highly respected small publishing house specialising in natural history magazines and books.
  • Calluna Books

    Now publishers the Birdwatchers Handbook each year
  • Christopher Helm

    Now Part of Bloomsbury
  • Crossbill Guides foundation

    The Crossbill Guides foundation aims to increase the public support for and understanding of nature conservation in Europe. This aim is realised by communicating to the general public, mainly via our guidebooks, the wealth of ecological treasures in Europe. In this we focus not only on interested lay people and ecotourists, but also the wider constituency of European travellers
  • Grosvenor House Publishing

    Self-publishing help - Have you ever thought about Self Publishing your own book? Well, Self Publishing is now more affordable and accessible than ever. Publishing your own book does not have to cost the earth and is available to everyone.
  • Hancock Wildlife Foundation

    The mission of the Hancock Wildlife Foundation is to promote the conservation and appreciation of wildlife and their habitats through science, education, and stewardship. The production and publication of wildlife books and educational materials on ecological and natural history topics.
  • Harper Collins - Books

    Reviews and an on line sales service from this publisher
  • Indiana University Press

    Indiana University Press has published to date five highly acclaimed books on the birds of Indiana and surrounding states. The individual selections below offer sample text and selected images from these books
  • John Beaufoy Publishing

    John Beaufoy Publishing is an independent non-fiction book publisher based in Oxford, England, specialising in the fields of natural history, history and travel. Within these categories, we have a strong subsidiary focus on publishing books about the Indo-Pacific region, including South Asia, Southeast Asia and Australasia. Our books are available from good booksellers around the world.
  • Johns Hopkins University Press

    Mericas oldest university press - A leader and innovator in scholarly publishing since 1878, the Johns Hopkins University Press publishes and distributes books, journals, and online collections for a worldwide audience of students, professionals, and general readers
  • Lynx Edicions

    Details of all the Lynx Edicions publications including their super Handbook of the Birds of the World.
  • Oxford University Press

    Lots of information about the publishing house as well as a facility to buy direct.
  • Oxford University Press (USA)

    As above
  • Pelagic Publishing

    We publish books for scientists, conservationists, ecologists, wildlife enthusiasts – anyone with a passion for understanding and exploring the natural world. Working closely with authors and organisations we are publishing books which:
  • Princeton University Press

  • Random House

    Publishing many imprints including Jonathon Cape etc.
  • Sanders Books

    Internet Guide to Birds and Birding - The book is aimed at everyone interested in birds -- from the casual backyard birdwatcher to the serious, list-keeping birder.
  • Saraband

    We are a creative independent publisher offering readers books that are imaginative, challenging, original – above all, well written. Our non-fiction authors celebrate extraordinary human achievement, explore cultural traditions and champion our planet and its diverse species.
  • Simon & Schuster

    Simon & Schuster UK is one of the leading general book publishing companies in the UK. The group is based in London with sister companies in the United States, Canada, Australia and India. Within the UK division, there are three imprints: Simon & Schuster; Scribner and Simon & Schuster Children's Books, which publish a wide and eclectic mix of authors ranging across commercial fiction, literary fiction, general non-fiction and children's publications.
  • Stackpole Books (US)

    A US Publisher you can buy direct from. Publishing Quality Books on Nature, Outdoor Sports, Fly Fishing, Civil War, History, Crafts & Hobbies, and Military Reference since 1927
  • Texas University Press

    UT Library Online is designed to introduce you to many of those improvements as well as to provide detailed information on our ongoing services and expanding resources.
  • Whittet Books

    The British Natural History Collection is a new series on the mammals and birds of Britain from Whittet Books, renowned for its books on Britain’s wildlife.
  • Whittles Publishing

    An independent Scottish publisher which includes a number of nature books among its titles
  • WildGuides

    WildGuides is a not-for-profit publisher of natural history ID Guides and Travel Guides, raising funds for conservation through the proceeds of sales. Our titles fall into 3 main groups; British fauna and fauna photographic ID guides, walks and drives through Europe
  • Wildeye

    Wildlife and Conservation Film-making Books
  • merlin Unwin Books

    Welcome to the Merlin Unwin Books Ltd website and online bookshop for UK deliveries. We are a dynamic company dedicated to publishing high quality countryside, wildlife, herbalist, fieldsports, foraging and fishing books, written by leaders in their fields.

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