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Bird Fairs & Festivals

©Global Bird Fair Website

This page carries links to various celebrations of our pastime and opportunities to join others of a similar bent, or to learn more about the order of animals we all love. There are many festivals and bird fairs listed below… scroll down the list for details. Please also look at your country or state page for local events – this page may not have the most up to date details of the festival.

I welcome contributions and updates for this page. When I know dates and venues of forthcoming events I will try to include those details in the link. I have included links on all the appropriate country and state pages and these are likely to be updated more frequently… let me know if any links no longer work.

Most fairs and festivals not only celebrate birds but also raise considerable sums toward their conservation; my experience is that they are very enjoyable events that are a fun way of raising cash and a good way to meet other birders or promote your club, cause or product.

The biggest of them all, the British Bird Fair, disappeared but was soon reborn as the Global Birdfair and many local fairs and birding festivals can be found in a special section on each geographical page and this is where you should look for them, PLEASE let me know about any forthcoming events and I’ll list them.

There are a wealth of Festivals and Fairs in the USA such as the Red Cliffs Bird Fest in Utah.

…or the Festival of Cranes in New Mexico

Festivals & Bird Fairs
  • ABA Directory of Birding Festivals

    Details of upcoming events…
  • Canada - Ontario - Festival of Birds

    Festival of Birds
  • Canada - Ontario - Huron Fringe Birding Festival

    Welcome to the Huron Fringe Birding Festival where we celebrate birds, birding and nature. The Festival is based out of beautiful MacGregor Point Provincial Park, where events explore the rich niches of the Park, and also venture throughout the ‘Huron Fringe’ of land along Lake Huron’s shore, up the bountiful Bruce Peninsula, and to many significant natural areas of Bruce and Grey Counties.
  • Colombia - Festival de las Aves de Medellín

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    En el País con mayor diversidad de especies de aves en el mundo la SAO se une a la celebración del Gran Día Mundial de la Observación de Aves...
  • Georgia (Europe) - Batumi Birding Festival

    During this 7-day happening, you will get a unique chance to go birding during the massive migration of raptors and other birds on the East Black Sea shore. This year, we have chosen to organize the Batumi Birding Festival during the peak migration of Steppe Buzzards (over 100,000 on some days) and Eagles (flocks of 100+ including many Lesser Spotted eagles). But there is more than raptors: massive falls of waders and passerines are frequent in the coastal wetlands, and any eastern species can turn up.
  • India - Indian Bird Fair

    Its on-field organ is known as Indian Birding Fair Group. It is responsible for field level conservation initiatives. Its founder President was Jaipur’s princess, Gayatri Devi. The previous President is Mr. Samar Singh. The present President is Mr. Anand Mishra. Mr. Harsh Vardhan is its Honorary Secretary.
  • Israel - Eilat Birds Festival

    EILAT BIRDS FESTIVAL 2023 Dear friends, we are delighted to announce that the Eilat Birds Festival will be back in 2023, offering an amazing program of tours and events. hosted by Birdlife Israel, the Eilat Birds Festival brings together birders from the world over for an unforgettable week of birds, migration and nature during the peak of spring migration.
  • Mexico - Jalisco - Vallarta Bird Festival

    Feb 25th 2024
  • South Africa - Gauteng - Sasol Bird Fair

    The 2019 African Bird Fair will take place over the weekend of 14 & 15 September at the Walter Sisulu National Botanical Garden, Roodepoort.
  • Spain - Extremadura - Extremadura Birdwatching Fair

    The XVIII Extremadura Birdwatching Fair - International Ornithological Tourism Fair (FIO) will be held from February 24 to 26 in the Monfragüe National Park. It will be the great meeting point in Spain for tourism related to nature and birdwatching, an activity in which Extremadura is a leader because of its natural resources and specialized tourism.
  • UK - Rutland Showground, Oakham - Global Bird Fair

    Global Birdfair will take place at Rutland Showground, Oakham, Rutland UK. LE15 7TW
  • UK - Spurn Migration Festival

    Join us on September 8th, 9th and 10th for one of the highlights of the birding calendar, as we pull together walks, talks and all things migration based!
  • UK - WWT Martin Mere - North West Bird Watching Festival

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    North West Bird Watching Festival 2023 Saturday 14 and Sunday 15 October
  • USA - Alabama - Alabama Coastal BirdFest

    Birders and nature lovers from across the United States and Canada flock to south Alabama every year to experience one of the prime birdwatching opportunities on the Gulf Coast during fall migration. More than 370 bird species have been spotted at various locations along the Alabama coast, and BirdFest guides expertly lead attendees on boat and walking trips to some of the best birding spots in the area, including locations along the Alabama Coastal Birding Trail.
  • USA - Alaska - Tanana Valley Sandhill Crane Festival

    Celebrate the fall migration as thousands of Sandhill Cranes begin their journey south for the winter. The Tanana Valley Sandhill Crane Festival is held the 3rd weekend of August, and features internationally renowned speakers, artists, and guides. Activities and workshops are offered for all ages, which include guided walks, birdwatching, photography, falconry, crane calling, and many other related activities with ample opportunities for observing cranes and other fall migrants.
  • USA - Alaska - Yakutat Tern Festival

    The Yakutat Tern Festival is a celebration of the natural and cultural resources of Yakutat, Alaska. Come by and experience local foods, children's field trips and activities, adult workshops, guest speakers, educational programs, and more!​​ ​ Facebook Instagram. The 13th Annual Yakutat Tern Festival will be June 6-9, 2024
  • USA - Arizona - Santa Cruz Nature & Heritage Festival

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    The Santa Cruz Nature & Heritage Festival is an annual event held in Santa Cruz County, Arizona to celebrate and enjoy the rich history, culture and natural beauty of Santa Cruz County and the adjoining state of Sonora, Mexico....
  • USA - Arizona - Sedona Hummingbird Festival

    3 days of presentations by hummingbird experts from around the world in the modern, air-conditioned Sedona Performing Arts Center (SPAC).
  • USA - Arizona - Southwest Wings Summer

    ​ The 32nd Southwest Wings Summer Birding and Nature Festival will be held August 2-5, 2023. Registration opens on Saturday April 1 and closes on Saturday July 15, 2023. This family friendly event is our main one with expertly guided field trips, pre-festival Jamboree, free programs, including some new ones just for kids, exhibitors, vendors, live animals and Keynote Buffet Dinner.
  • USA - Arizona - Tucson Bird and Wildlife Festival

  • USA - California - Berkley Bird Festival

    The Berkeley Bird Festival, is a free “All Day All Berkeley” public event to honor and celebrate our local birdlife through bird-themed activities; including birding field trips, family-friendly art and craft activities, chalk art and a lecture/performance series “Winged Wonderment”.
  • USA - California - Galt Winter Bird Festival

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    2023 Winter Bird Festival in Galt – P
  • USA - California - Godwit Days

    Come celebrate the Marbled Godwit and explore the lush Redwood Coast. Observe many bird species and wildlife through our selection of field trips, lectures, workshops, and boat excursions led by experienced local guides during our annual week-long festival each April. Tour the expansive mudflats, the wild river valleys and the rocky ocean coast of this sector of the Klamath bioregion in northwest California.
  • USA - California - Mono Basin Bird Chautauqua

    June 16-18, 2023 in Lee Vining, CA - The Mono Basin Bird Chautauqua brings birders together to enhance appreciation and understanding of the Mono Basin's diverse and abundant bird life and to educate the public about this area's value to birds and people.
  • USA - California - Monterey Bay Birding Festival

    October 13, 2023 – October 15, 2023 Join us during fall migration at one of the most beautiful places on the planet for the Monterey Bay Festival of Birds featuring field trips, workshops, family-fun activities, and keynote speakers. Activities are planned throughout the Monterey Bay area in the cities of Santa Cruz, Watsonville, Salinas, and Monterey.
  • USA - California - San Diego Bird Festival

    Join us next year Feb 21-25, 2024
  • USA - California - San Francisco Bay Flyway Festival

    Birds and people will flock to Mare Island in Vallejo, California, to celebrate what has become a special annual ritual each winter: the San Francisco Bay Flyway Festival. The three-day event celebrates the return of over one million shorebirds and hundreds of thousands of ducks, geese, hawks, and songbirds that migrate through or winter in the San Francisco Bay Area.
  • USA - California - Snow Goose Festival of the Pacific Flyway

    The 2023 Snow Goose Festival of the Pacific Flyway Spread its Wings and Flew to Success with the Sights, Sounds, and Wonders of Birds!
  • USA - Colorado - Ute Mountain Mesa Verde Birding Festival

    Thank you for attending our 2023 Birding Festival! We hope to see you again next year.
  • USA - Florida - Everglades Birding Festival

    14th Annual Everglades Birding Festival Jan. 12-16, 2023
  • USA - Hawaii - Hawai'i Island Festival of Birds

  • USA - Kansas - Kansas Lek Treks Prairie-Chicken Festival

    The third annual Prairie-Chicken Festival hosted by Audubon of Kansas will be held April 11-14, 2024 in Hays, KS. The main attraction will be viewing Greater and Lesser Prairie-Chickens. These two species have a unique breeding displays where males gather in a small area to attract mates. They are declining throughout most of their range, but populations are stable or increasing in western Kansas. Their populations overlap in only a few counties in western Kansas, so this is a unique opportunity to see both species.
  • USA - Kansas - Wings & Wetlands Festival

    Due to the drought conditions at our wetlands we have postponed the 2023 Wings & Wetlands Festival!
  • USA - Louisiana - Great Louisiana BirdFest

    The Great Louisiana BirdFest is an annual event of the Northlake Nature Center. It is held each year in the spring when many species are migrating north through Louisiana from Mexico and South America. (See for a birding checklist.) Our location in southern Louisiana makes this an excellent time of year for birding. The weather is typically warm but not yet hot and the trees are usually leafing out, but still thin enough for improved visibility.
  • USA - Maine - Acadia Birding Festival

    Keynote Speakers 2023: Dotty Holcomb Doherty, Bridget Butler, & Kevin Loughlin / John Kricher
  • USA - Maine - Cape Cod Bird Festival

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    Seemingly last held in 2015
  • USA - Maryland - Eagle Festival

    On March 11, 2023, the Eagle Festival returns to its traditional in-person format, with live birds-of-prey programs, Refuge tours and eagle prowls, children's activities and more! See the schedule of events to plan your day. The Wildlife Drive and events are free on March 11. The eagle population at Blackwater NWR this winter has been very healthy, and in March, adults will be actively nesting at the Refuge, so it's a great time to visit!
  • USA - Michigan - Kiwanis Club CraneFest

    The Kiwanis Club of Battle Creek invites you to come with us and enjoy a day outdoors. The festival coincides with the annual fall migration of thousands of Sandhill Cranes. Each evening in October, just before dusk, these majestic cranes leave their favorite feeding fields and head to Big Marsh Lake. Visitors come from all over Michigan and beyond to witness this breathtaking migration.
  • USA - Michigan - Leelanau Peninsula Birdfest

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    The 2023 Leelanau BirdFest will begin on Thursday, May 18, and will end on Sunday morning, May 21. Online registration can be made any time until 12 PM on Tuesday, May 16. In Person registration will be from 2 PM – 6 PM on Thursday, May 18, and from 8:00 AM – 12 PM on Friday, May 19, at the Habitat Discovery Center, 5020 N. Putnam Road, and field trips start at 8 AM on Friday, May 19.
  • USA - Michigan - Tawas Point Birding Festival

    AuSable Valley Audubon to Take Over Festival Fourteen years ago, Michigan Audubon and one of its chapters, AuSable Valley Audubon (then called Iosco Audubon), decided to collaborate in creating an event for birders to help put Tawas and Iosco County on the map for birding, particularly during spring migration in Michigan.
  • USA - Minnesota - MRVAC Events

    Birding Bonanza Weekend, June 7-9: Audubon Center of the North Woods
  • USA - Mississippi - Mississippi River Nature Weekend

    Tara Mississippi River Nature Weekend Registration Form Register for a night or the weekend package or purchase day passes using this form. When submitting the form, you will be directed to PayPal to complete your purchase. You do not have to have a PayPal account to make payment. You will get email confirmation of your purchase.
  • USA - New Mexico - Festival of the Cranes

    Celebrate the Return of the Cranes with us! December 6 – 9, 2023
  • USA - New York - Great Adirondack Boreal Birding Festival

    June 8 - 11, 2023! This four day Adirondack Birding Festival features birding hikes, walks, safaris, outings, and seminars throughout Hamilton County. All field trips are free and registration is required for each outdoor event.
  • USA - North Dakota - Potholes & Prairie Birding Festival

    Four days on a prairie wild with wetlands and wavy, open meadows. Here is your chance to visit some of the world's most remote birding hotspots. Join your peers, bring your lists and be ready for four full days of guided tours, hands-on workshops, wonderful people, distinctive culture and wild country.
  • USA - Oregon - Dean Hale Woodpecker Festival

    Dean Hale Woodpecker Festival 2023
  • USA - Oregon - The Biggest Week in American Birding

    Thank you to everyone who joined us for the 2023 Biggest Week in American Birding! It was absolutely aMAYzing! We hope you'll save the dates for 2024 (May 3-12) and come back to go birding with us again!
  • USA - Oregon - Tualatin River Bird Festival

    The Tualatin River Bird Festival is a free event open to the public on Saturday, May 20, 2023, at the Tualatin River National Wildlife Refuge in Tualatin, Oregon. Located near Portland, Oregon, Tualatin River NWR is one of only a few urban national wildlife refuges in the U.S. Situated within the floodplain of the Tualatin River, the refuge supports some of the most abundant and varied wildlife in the watershed. Enjoy the bright colors and singing chorus of migratory songbirds. Many species of songbirds arrive in the spring and use the refuge as a place to breed and nest. As seasonal wetlands dry out, mudflats are left behind; these provide a rich source of invertebrates for migrating shorebirds that are on their journey to their breeding grounds further north.
  • USA - Oregon - Winter Wings Festival

    Thanks to Everyone Who Came to the 2023 Winter Wings Festival!
  • USA - Pennsylvania - Festival of the Birds at Presque Isle

    For their very generous contributions to our Festival of the Birds 2023, Presque Isle Audubon sends warm thanks and appreciation to the following sponsors:
  • USA - Tennessee - Tipton County BirdFest

    Facebook Page
    May 3-5, 2024 in Covington, Tennessee in Tipton County. It will be held at the Tipton County Museum Veteran's Memorial and Nature Center. We will have birding hikes, walks, speakers, an educational snake show, birds of prey show, door prizes, museum exhibits and much more!
  • USA - Texas - Balcones Songbird Festival

    Facebook Page
    April 26, 2024 – April 28, 2024 The Texas Hill Country is a rest stop for migrating birds—a way station where they can relax, catch a good meal, and gather strength for the rest of their journey. Nestled in the Hill Country is the 24,000-acre Balcones Canyonlands National Wildlife Refuge that provides critical habitat for two endangered songbird migrants—the Black-capped Vireo and the Golden-cheeked Warbler. They not only stop to rest, they stop to nest.
  • USA - Texas - Galveston FeatherFest & Nature PhotoFest

  • USA - Texas - Whooping Crane Festival

    The 2023 Festival The 26th anniversary Whooping Crane Festival is coming to Port Aransas on February 23–26, 2023! Get your tickets today!
  • USA - Utah - Delta Snow Goose Festival

    The Snow Geese are wild! We never know what they are going to do or where they are going to be. They go off the day's weather and sunlight. They *usually* come on the water about 10 AM or later.
  • USA - Utah - Great Salt Lake Bird Festival

    The Great Salt Lake Bird Festival turns 25 this year, and we want to celebrate with you! Discover Davis, Utah’s Amusement Capital, is pleased to once again welcome you to the Great Salt Lake Bird Festival in beautiful northern Utah. Davis County is home to the Great Salt Lake, a major North/South migration route for more than 250 bird species, making it one of the top places for birders to catch unique glimpses of our many feathered friends. Not only is Davis County a great place to find a variety of majestic birds, it is the ideal location for festival goers to relax after a long day of birding. From hotels to dining and shopping to grabbing a quick breakfast before your adventure-filled day, you are in good hands as you go and Discover Davis!
  • USA - Utah - Red Cliffs Bird Fest

    Join us April 24-26 as we spend 3 days exploring the varied birding habitats throughout incredible Southwest Utah!
  • USA - Virginia - Eastern Shore of Virginia Birding and Wildlife Festival

    Facebook Page
    Birding on the Deck - SPRING 2023 APRIL 11, APRIL 18, APRIL 25, MAY 2, MAY 9, MAY 16. MAY 23 IS CANCELED. - 5:00 PM TO 7:00 PM Island House Restaurant and Marina 17 Atlantic Avenue, Wachapreague, VA 23480
  • USA - Washington - Grays Harbor Shorebird and Nature Festival

    Start planning to attend the next festival: May 3 - 5, 2024
  • USA - Washington - Leavenworth Spring Bird Fest

    Facebook Page
    The Leavenworth Spring Bird Fest, put on by the Wenatchee River Institute and North Central Washington Audubon Society, occurs every 3rd weekend in May. The dates for the 21st annual Leavenworth Spring Bird Fest are: May 18-21, 2023
  • USA - Washington - Olympic Peninsula BirdFest

    April 13-16, 2023 Come bird with us!The North Olympic Peninsula, a strip of prairie and forest between million-acre Olympic National Park and the Strait of Juan de Fuca, is widely known as a great place for bird watching.
  • USA - Washington - Puget Sound Bird Fest

    SEPTEMBER 9-10TH, 2023 The Puget Sound Bird Fest Planning Committee is hard at work planning the 2023 festival. Please check back in July for the 2023 event schedule.
  • USA - Washington - Wings Over Water NW

    Wings Over Water Northwest Birding Festival: March 15 - 17, 2024
  • USA - Wisconsin - Door County Festival of Nature

    May 24, 2024 @ 7:00 am - May 26, 2024 @ 8:00 pm
  • USA - Wisconsin - Northwoods Birding Festival

    May 12-13, 2023 Join us in celebrating International Migratory Bird Day! Explore the wildlife and natural beauty of the Wisconsin Northwoods with a variety of guided hikes and tours, bird watching expeditions, live bird of prey presentations, bird banding demonstrations, and interactive workshops during the 18th Annual Northwoods Bird and Wildlife Festival. Learn about migration, gardening for butterflies, and turtle conservation from knowledgeable experts while immersing yourself in the natural wonders of the area.

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