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Bird Writers

A serious writer type looks like this…


There are websites by birders who write and writers who bird that deserve a greater audience than their county or state… below some of my favourites will appear over time.

Al Batt who writes for several US magazines and his own blog as well as being a frequent guest speaker is someone who transcends any genre… he is just a superb writer and particularly economic with words… adjectives are as rare as hen’s teeth.

Dominic Couzens is not only a great birder and thoroughly nice bloke… he is also an incredibly prolific author of bird books. His magazine articles are always incredible informative.

If your favourite write on birds and birding has a website mail me!

Useful Reading
  • A-Z of Birds: A Birder's Tales from Around the World

    by Bo Beolens | 236 pages | 26 Cartoons | Paperback | Aug 2013 | Brambleby Books ISBN: 9781908241238 Buy this book from
  • The Eponym Dictionary of Birds

    Bo Beolens, Michael Watkins & Michael Grayson | Christopher Helm | August 2014 | Hardback | 624 pages with 4000 entries covering 10,000 genera, species and subspecies ISBN: 9781472905734 Buy this book from
  • Whose Bird?

    Men and Women Commemorated in the Common Names of Birds by Bo Beolens and Michael Watkins | Paperback | Dec 2003 | ISBN: 0713666471 Buy this book from
Other Links
  • Al Batt

    Al Batt of rural Hartland, Minnesota is a writer, speaker, storyteller and humorist. Al writes four weekly humor and nature columns for many newspapers, and does a show three times per week about nature on a number of radio stations. He writes a number of popular cartoon strips that are syndicated nationally. He has written for a number of magazines and books, including the Chicken Soup For the Soul series. He is a columnist for Bird Watcher's Digest and is a trustee of the American Bald Eagle Foundation in Haines, Alaska
  • Birdchick - Sharon Stiteler

    I wrote the books Disapproving Rabbits, City Birds/Country Birds and 1001 Secrets Every Birder Should Know, I'm #32 in the Geek A Week Trading Card set and work as a National Park Ranger for the Mississippi National River and Recreation Area. I appear regularly on tv and radio including Outdoor News Radio, All Things Considered and have been on NBC Nightly News answering bird questions. When I'm not digiscoping or performing improv, I'm a blue ribbon beekeeper.
  • Dominic Couzens - Bird Words

    Hello, my name is Dominic Couzens and I am a writer, with nearly 30 book titles to my name. I have also been a regular birdwatching field trip leader since 1988 and organise and lead birding trips in the UK. I love meeting people and sharing with them the things that excite me about nature, especially my main area of expertise, which is bird behaviour. I believe passionately in communicating greater understanding about the natural world and am fortunate that the opportunities offered to me through my Books, Magazine Articles and occasional Television work enables me to share an understanding of birds and other wildlife.
  • Grumpy Old Birder

    Welcome to the Grumpy Old Birder BLOG and magazine article repository
  • Julie Zickefoose

    I'm an artist and writer who lives in the Appalachian foothills of Ohio. With this blog, I hope to show what happens when you make room in your life, every day, for the things that bring you joy...

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