Birdfeeders, Birdhouses etc

Feed Me!
Some of you have huge ‘backyards’ with trees and grass, ponds and streams, others (like me), just have a few square feet of paving or an urban balcony; but we can all do something to help birds out by feeding them and providing nest-boxes and habitat. Even my 30feet-by-30feet urban ‘postage stamp’ has room for pots with native plants bearing berries and an old shed I can nail a bird box to. I have half a dozen feeders with food for many different species. In the UK at least, our gardens are an increasingly important resource to birds in the days of chemical farming and over urbanisation.
Ambitious birding gardeners might also want to share their good luck or good planning by installing a webcam pointed at their busy bird table or even inside a nestbox. There are times for all of us when we can’t get out into the field to indulge in our hobby, but if we can see out of a window on to a patch of our own we need never suffer withdrawal symptoms! I recently received a letter from a disabled birder living in a flat in a town in Scotland. Despite her disability confining her sh will manages to watch birds although having no garden she attracts birds with a window feeder.
[I cannot endorse products but am always happy to give an honest review anything to inform fatbirder surfers.]
DIY Bird Feeders
Android| Cool App Zone | Needs Android 2.1 or above |
This app gives you the latest bird feeder news, DIY tips, plans, videos and more from your favourite handcrafting publications.
99 Birdhouses
WebsiteHi, my name is Marcus and I thought I would share my birdhouse building and bird watching adventures with you. I enjoy building birdhouses, bird feeders, and bird watching in my spare time. -
Bird Feeder Hygiene
Article (RSPB)Taking care of your feeders, bird table and birdbath will reduce the chances of spreading diseases. Read more at -
BirdFeeder Tips
WebsiteHummingbirds always seem to hold a special fascination. There aren't many people who wouldn't love to observe Hummingbirds as they flit between the various flowers in their garden. -
Garden Bird Feeder
WebsiteA website dedicated to helping people feed and attract birds to their garden. -
Home Made Bird Feeders
ArticleWinter is a tough season for wild birds. Natural food sources such as insects and berries are scarce, and they need lots of energy-rich food to maintain their fat reserves, which are called-upon most when temperatures drop. Providing a winter food source for birds is not only a great way to help your local wildlife; encouraging birds to visit your garden will supply you with plenty of interest during the winter months.
A Birds Home
Bird SuppliesOur Commitment: We are a family-owned and operated business that developed out of a love of wildlife and our natural environment. With habitat encroachment as a cruel reality of our ever-changing world, providing nesting sites and feeders for a variety of birds and other flying animals can contribute to the security and protection of many species -
Backyard Chirper
Bird SuppliesBackyard Chirper is an online retailer offering one of the largest selections of bird feeder and bird house products on the web. Whether you -
Bird Barn
Bird SuppliesWe specialise in the sale of high quality wooden bird houses and bird nest boxes, with a few extra items available for the wild birds in your garden. Taking strongly into consideration bird health and wellfair, we provide you an impressive range of bird houses, bird tables, nest boxes, and bird feeders, baths and bird sets with bird safety in mind -
Bird Feeder Hub
FeedersOur website is about backyard birding, feeding wild birds, and guides and info about birds. -
Bird Quest
Bird SuppliesBird Quest patented Spiral Bird Feeders have been setting a standard of excellence and performance in tube feeders for nearly 20 years. -
Birding Depot
Bird SuppliesWhether you're watching birds in your yard or planning a bird watching vacation, Birding Depot has everything you need to attract and view wild birds. We carry a large variety of bird feeders, houses, and baths for backyard birders. In addition, we have an extensive line of optics, binoculars, and field guides for bird identification. Biriding Depot is family run business located in California -
Bird TablesWhether you buy one of our bird tables or not, please don't forget to put food out for birds around your home. Because we feed our garden birds in this country, the populations have increased, so if we stop feeding them for whatever reason, they may go hungry and not thrive. -
Birdwatcher Supply Co
Bird SuppliesBird Watcher Supply Company is a unique wild bird and gift store that has everything! We stock a wide variety of seed, feeders, and bird houses, as well as decor for the garden and home, fantastic gifts, and even jewelry and fashion! With so much to choose from, we believe you'll see our store as a one stop shop. -
Cat ScarersHand-held ultrasonic aid to dog deterrence. Easy and quick to operate. Compact, lightweight plastic unit. Handy clip for belt. Works up to 5 metres (15ft). Helps protect your own dog. Completely harmless to animals. -
Dr. JB's Hummingbird Products
Hummingbird FeedersThe Dr. JB's 16 oz. Clean Feeder is the problem-solver of hummingbird feeders. -
FeederEtnobird is a nicely designed wild bird feeder that takes photos of birds, counts and feeds them. All feeder activity is instantly viewable in Android and iOS mobile apps, where You can share photos with friends and identify bird species visiting the feeder. -
Feeder & CameraSolar-Powered, Smart Bird Feeder with AI Recognition. Photos & Videos Sent Directly to Your Phone! -
Garden Bird
Bird SuppliesFood, feeders etc -
Garden Bird Feeders (UK)
Bird SuppliesEstablished in 2009, we are a family run business which has previously been supplying our local community with high quality wildlife products for the past 14 years. With a loyal customer base and excellent praise for quality of service we decided that for our 10th anniversary we would expand our reaches and supply nationally. -
Garden Nature
Bird SuppliesGardenature is Europes No 1 manufacturer and supplier of high quality products designed specifically for watching all forms of wildlife, whether it is in the domestic garden, out in the wild, or any other natural habitat. .. -
Pest TrapsSafe Release Cage Traps - Is something digging in your garden? Are you hearing animal noises in your attic? If you have a problem with nuisance critters but don’t know where to start, we’ve got you covered! Tell us about your animal problems and we will help you identify the culprits and provide the perfect trap and repellent solution to get rid of your pest! -
FeedersAspects proudly manufactures products in the USA. We appreciate the loyalty our customers have shown to us over the years and we in turn strive to continue to offer quality, -
Hummingbird House
Bird GiftsYour loved ones will enjoy watching mama hummers build nests, have babies and return year after year, bringing with them their young who are now adults. -
Owl Barn
Birders GiftsWelcome to The Owl Barn Catalogue, a treasure trove of gifts and collectibles for those who love nature in general -
Bird SuppliesBird feeders attract colorful songbirds, orioles and hummingbirds from all around to your backyard. By offering a variety of feeder types with seed and nectar, you are sure to bring in beauties of all kinds! Perky-Pet® offers a large selection of high-quality tube bird feeders, squirrel resistant bird feeders, decorative bird feeders, and so much more. With so many to choose from, you’re sure to find the best bird feeder for you! -
Riverside Woodcraft
Bird SuppliesManufacturer of Bird Table Products and Wildlife supplies. Riverside Woodcraft is a family run Garden, Bird, and Wildlife company operating from our premises in Tamworth, Staffordshire. We manufacture quality wooden garden products from our own workshop and to our own designs. We distribute our exclusive range of Bird Tables, Nest Boxes, Hedgehog Houses and other similar items to trade and public. -
Roller Feeder
FeedersLiterally, a squirrel proof bird feeder revolution since 1998. -
Songbird Garden
Bird is a premier internet source for quality wild bird care, home and garden accents, and unique gifts inspired by nature. We specialize in delivering an excellent selection of products for the backyard birdwatcher -
The Bird Shed
Bird SuppliesEverything from optics and fieldguides to bird feeders and birdhouses. -
The Birdhouse Chick
Bird SuppliesUnique bird houses, wild bird feeders, hummingbird feeders at, awaits a fabulous array of hand made, unique bird houses and wild bird feeders you won't find on other sites! -
Wholesale Bird Feeders
Bird Supplieswholesale prices for bird feeders, seeds, food and supplies. -
Wild Bird Habitat Store
Bird SuppliesThe Wild Bird Habitat Store opened its doors on October 1st, 1993 in Lincoln, Nebraska by Dave Titterington -
Wild Bird Habitat Stores
Bird SuppliesWild Bird Habitat Stores Alamo Center / 56th & Hwy 2 Lincoln, NE 68516 (402) 420-2553 -
Wild Bird Store on Line
Bird SuppliesStore for feeders, birdhouses, feed and everything associated with birding… -
Window Bird Feeder
Vide0Charming video -
Yard Envy
Bird SuppliesBird feeders permit birding enthusiasts and gardeners to fully indulge themselves in their love of bird watching. A bird feeder allows birds to eat necessary nutrients, while staying within view. While the number of bird feeders available can be overwhelming, Yard Envy is here to help guide you through the decision process
Brinvale Bird Foods
BLOGFinding the Right Bird Feeder For You -
Garden Bird Feeders BLOG
BLOGFeeding birds in winter. What, and how, to feed garden birds during the cold winter months... -
Ivel Valley Wild Bird Food
BLOGUse a low level feeder, preferably with plenty of drainage. Only scatter bird food straight on the ground if you’re confident that it will be eaten quickly or if you are prepared to pick it back up if it doesn’t get eaten in a day or... -
Vine House Farm
BLOGOur help and advice pages cover every possible subject related to feeding garden birds, from what foods to use, how to feed them, how to attract different species, risks from predators and what you can do to minimise these risks, how to keep squirrels off your feeders, and, very importantly, how you can ensure you keep feeders and feeding areas clean and hygienic and therefore help ensure the health of your garden birds. We think we've covered every subject, but if there's a question you have then please don't hesitate to contact us -
Wild Bird Scoop
BLOGWild Bird Scoop Blog takes you away to the intriguing world of bird watching through bird feeders, bird houses, bird baths and so much more, in your backyard habitat. You will find lots of interesting info about this great hobby. -
Wild Birds Unlimited
BLOGBirdTracks BLOG -
Woodland Trust