Birding Blogs

Wonderful Web Logs
Birding Blogs – Blogs, from the words ‘web log’, are simply personal online birding diaries. Strictly speaking – so the purists will tell you – they should follow a definite formula: latest entries should be always be at the top of the homepage with older entries (or ‘posts’) below them; they should include ‘permalinks’ and readers should be able to add ‘comments’; they should be written on ‘blogging software’ and hosted – often for free – by blog companies like Blogger or Blogspot; and they should never be referred to as ‘websites’.
Like anything else though, blogs are evolving and these strictures are being broken down. Arranging posts chronologically will always be with us, but whilst using blog software certainly takes all the difficulties out of learning the coding ‘languages’ that websites are written in, some birders, especially photographers, find the narrow columns a little restrictive and prefer to build their own (or more likely use one of WordPress’s thousands of templates). In many cases what differentiates a birding ‘website’ from a birding ‘blog’ is difficult to see – but as long as it’s interesting and it’s a good read, does it really matter?
Why do ‘bloggers’ keep blogs? The world-wide blog community (the ‘blogosphere’) is generally friendly and welcoming: it’s a fun place to hang around in. Keeping a blog is really no more difficult than keeping a notebook – but it’s a great deal easier to share your thoughts and your sightings with your mates when they can read what you have to say in the comfort of their own home. Does that make them worth reading? Sure, some blogs lead to dead ends or are infrequently updated, but some of them are funny, irreverent, well-informed, well-written, or lavishly illustrated. Try a few out from the list below – you never know what you might find…
Birding BLOGS are no different from other web logs – some people are inveterate diary keepers and others start the year with great enthusiasm and then fade away… some are kept up year on year, others are still live but not updated for years!
[I recently revised this page removing BLOG links that are best seen on the appropriate country, state or county page. So I now have listed below BLOGs that did not neatly fit a geographical or other Fatbirder page – see all of them for many, many more blogs… please let me know of any others that deserve a place here… Fatbirder]
Charlie Moores
WebsiteGoogle Map of the locations of BLOGs
A Little Birdie Told Me...
BLOGAll your birding questions answered -
A life at the shoreline - J L Copner
BLOGA decade of life as a Birdtracker Wildlife phototaker & Surfer roaming the Atlantic coast Burren & lands of County Clare Ireland and sometimes beyond... -
BaldMonkeySeenBird - Paul Miller
BLOGAlright? my name is Paul i am part of the succesful band Personality Horse. I like seening birds. this is just a log really of what i seen -
Bird Calls & Songs
BLOGA blog about bird sounds using original recordings and sonagrams -
Bird Watching HQ
BLOGDo you enjoy attracting wildlife to your backyard? You've come to the right place! -
BLOGBirdBonica is the ultimate resource for all things birds. We provide valuable information for pet bird owners, birdwatchers, backyard birders, and bird enthusiasts. Our comprehensive resources cater to every aspect of your bird-related interests and needs. -
BLOGEstablished 2006 and still going stron in 1019. Explore and Conserve the Wilderness Together -
Birding Blogs
BLOGMulti birder BLOG -
Birding Dude
BLOGBeginning Naturalist Seriously Obsessed with Shorebirds -
Boatbirder Nature Journal
BLOGI've lived aboard my traditional narrowboat for the past 15 years & enjoy every minute. Being on water means I'm surrounded each day by natures sights & sounds. I'm out most days birding & enjoying wildlife & quite often have the opportunity to travel further afield. -
Bourbon, Bastards and Birds
BLOGThe strange and terrible saga of being a birdwatcher -
Dawns Bloggy Blog
BLOGI started this blog a few years back so that my family could see what we are doing and seeing as we travel around the USA. Jeff and I have been Full time Motorhoming for over nine years now and still loving it. When and where we will settle down is still a mystery to us. But for now the nomadic lifestye is great. We love hiking, birding, mushrooming, shelling, rocking, and hanging out in the great outdoors and spending time with family and friends -
Don Reid - Mostly Birding
BLOGPhotography has been a hobby since my youth and bird photography has become a serious passion in the last couple of years, with a few thousand photos taken of over 700 species in locations ranging from Pofadder, South Africa to Ketchikan in Alaska and lots in between. -
BLOGAlan Whitehead - North Duffield, North Yorkshire, United Kingdom - I guess the main reason for starting this Blog was that I finally worked out how to do it! It will consist of my ramblings regarding sightings, birding issues and my travels plus -
Duncan Butchart - Never A Gull Moment
BLOGthis blog is a collection of watercolour sketches (and occasionally photographs) that capture recent observations or recreate some of my past encounters with birds. I have watched birds on six continents, but have yet to have a memorable moment with a gull of any kind -
Gaviotas y anillas
BLOGAntomnio Gutierrez - Gull observation and Cr-rings -
Hipster Birders
BLOGWe are Nick and Maureen, two people who enjoy being hipstery and who love to bird. A hipster seems to be a term for any young person these days who likes indie music, fedoras, local beers, and enjoy eating artisanal food. We are that, but so much more. Our true passion is birding, and amongst the birding crowd, we are definitely the odd young'ins. -
I Used to Hate Birds
BLOGMy bird obsession has been growing steadily for the last year or so -
Ivory-Bills Live???!
BLOGTHE blog devoted to news and commentary on the most iconic bird in American ornithology, the Ivory-billed Woodpecker (IBWO) -
Joe Pender Wildlife Photography
BLOGI am a born and bred Scillonian and have been running a passenger boat in Scilly since 1992 when I took over from my Dad who had the Lily Of Laguna. I now have the Sapphire, which I had built in 2000, which is a 15.5m Kingfisher. Most of my Photos are taken on the pelagic trips I have been running for over 15 years I have become a proficient sea birder and photographer -
John Riutta – The Well-read Naturalist
BLOGSharing the joys, discoveries, quandries, and other psychological phenomena arising from encountering anew as an amateur something I have done professionally for years…. -
Kenneth Cox - Northern Wings
BLOGReading, Vermont, United States - My fascination with birds and other wildlife formed during early childhood and became firmly rooted in my life during the early 1970s while attending the University of New Hampshire. Since then I have birded extensively throughout the Northeast, Southeast and Southwest. -
BLOGAll things GULL -
BLOGLoadabullfinch is a leading online source of birding misinformation. It is to birdwatching what trombones are to cross country running. Its online database of searchable matrix solutions bring computing into a foreseeable future. -
Michael Hawk - Nature's Archive
BLOGA Look At Birds, Butterflies, Insects, Lizards, and Mammals of the American West -
Pat Ulrich Wildlife Photography Blog
BLOGThanks for visiting Pat Ulrich Wildlife & Nature Photography. I hope you enjoy looking through my galleries. I'm a full time graduate student and spare time nature photographer enjoying life in Northern California. I'm passionately dedicated to the conservation of our environment, and I think my love of all things natural comes through in my images. In addition to conservation actions we can all take, I believe that a conservation message spreads through education and inspiration -- and I hope to connect my viewers with the subjects I photograph and inspire them to get out and enjoy nature and to protect our beautiful planet -
Penny's Hot Birding & Life!
BLOGPenny Clarke - Birder & amateur photographer who loves to escape into the wilds of Norfolk or anywhere else the fancy takes me! I have been birding since I was born -
Petals & Wings
BLOGI am a misanthropic nature lover, an amateur (with capital letters) gardener. The editor in chief and my partner in crime is also a misanthrope who, with allergies, loves to stick his nose in any flower I offered him to smell. We prefer to be in the garden with our avian orchestra and pollen a-plenty than in a party with loud music and synthetic perfume. -
Sam Woods - Lost in Birding
BLOGI now work as a full-time professional tour leader for Tropical Birding Tours, and now reside in the Andes of Ecuador. -
Talking Naturally
BLOGTalking Naturally is a fortnightly podcast discussing birds, wildlife, conservation and whatever else interests us and we think will interest you. Presented by Charlie Moores, a long-term birder with a passion for conservation and animal welfare and produced jointly by Rare Bird Alert and WildSounds & Books. -
The Early Birder
BLOGInterested in the natural world from an early age, I got the birding bug during holidays to Norfolk in late 1980's and unknowingly twitched a Sardinian Warbler at Holkham Dunes -
The Science of Birds
BLOGA lighthearted, guided exploration of bird biology. -
Three Amigos Birding
BLOGWe are Tony, Mark and Steve, three birders who met up whilst serving in the Royal Navy. This Blog will be a record of our collective birding and wildlife watching exploits. Mainly in and around the county of Hampshire, but occasionally farther afield. -
Trevor's Birding
BLOGAn Aussie viewpoint -
Viewing nature with Eileen
BLOGI am married and have one son in his 20's. I live in Maryland, USA. Retired since Dec 2014 My hobbies are traveling, hiking, birding, taking photos and anything nature related. -
BLOGGot wood-warbler questions? If so, I have answers for you. I'm Daniel Edelstein — biologist, birding guide, birding instructor -
Wild Side of Mathew
BLOGBlog featuring weekly posts on wildlife related travel, especially for bird photography, in India and other parts of the world. -
Wildbirds Broadcasting
BLOGHistory and Legacy of Wild Birds Including Historic Ornithology and Other Topics of Interest