Birds on Stamps

Pigeon Post?
Many stamp collectors have thematic collections, some birders collect stamps; there are, therefore, a number of websites devoted to Bird Stamps.
Not all of the sites below are exclusively about bird stamps… some are commercial sites selling stamps, but all have something on them for Bird stamp Collectors.
I guess, if you are going to be a complete anorak, you should combine two really sad hobbies such as birding and stamp collecting. The Fatbirder admits to still having a bid thematic stamp collection accumulated in his youth.
Bird Stamp Society
WebsiteWelcome, and thank you for visiting the Bird Stamp Society website Founded in 1986, we are an international, non profit Society affiliated to the British Thematic Association.
Other Links
WebsiteThe Biology Unit was organized in May 1951 and is the largest group - to our knowledge - dedicated to the international cooperative study of biological postage stamps and related material. -
Bird Stamp
InformationA bird stamp is a postage stamp that illustrates one or more birds. It is a popular theme in topical stamp collecting. -
Bird Stamp Society
WebsiteThe Bird Stamp Society was formed in 1986 to cater for the large number of collectors who specialise in bird stamps and relevant material. The Society`s focal point is the quarterly house journal Flight, which runs to some 50-60 A4 pages. It carries a variety of features, some regular and some special to the issue. An important regular feature is listing - and attempting identification - of all birds on stamps discovered in the previous quarter. -
Birds Of Prey
Webpageen striking stamps show each of these indigenous birds in a quite remarkable way and are yours to enjoy in all their glory -
Israeli Birds on Stamps
Website -
National Birds of the World
WebsiteIllustrated list -
The Philately
WebpageBirds are one of the most popular areas for topical stamp collectors. -
Theme Birds on Stamps
WebsiteThe complete listing of whole world bird stamps
Photographers & Artists
Artist - Jeremy Paul
WebpageThe Isle of Man produces it