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Books for Birders

Bo Beolens
Reading is for the birds!

I’ve rarely met a birder that doesn’t love birding books… even in a world of kindles and apps there is something special about holding the printed words and drawn or painted illustrations in your hand.

Every geographical page on fatbirder carries a ‘useful reading’ section that lists birding books for that area. Each bird family page does the same… but there are many books that do not fit easily into those brackets.

There are on-line books and books that are on line. Dip into some of these and decide whether that is a new art form or just a clever advertising gimmick.

There are too lots of extracts of books and reviews… I have not included these as they are mostly part of studies, reviews or advertising puffs.

Useful Information
  • Avian Review

    This website is for birders and has two key purposes, which come from two questions that have always driven me in my search of bird books. One: What other bird books exist in the different categories of countries, family groups, or species? Two: What's in these books and should I buy them?
  • The Birdbooker Report

Guides & Tour Operators
Other Links
  • Handbook of World Birds

    This is the Handbook on line. The Handbook of the Birds of the World (HBW) is the first work ever to illustrate and deal in detail with all the species of birds in the world. Volumes 1 to 7 have already been published and Volume 8 is due out in March 2003.
  • The Eponym Dictionaries

    Bo Beolens, Michael Watkins and Michael Grayson | Bloomsbury | August 2014 | ISBN: 9781472905734

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