
Support Independent Bookshops
There are specialist bookstores for birders and specialist Internet bookstores – even some combining both. If there is one thing guaranteed it is that these internet sites are a way of finding the cheapest supplier without wearing out your shoe leather, but none offer the sort of service that a specialist bookseller can.
You will note that Fatbirder has also linked up to offer you books via the Natural History Bookshop, simply click where it says ‘Buy this book from Natural History Bookshop’ and it will take you to that book and give you a price and further details. If you are like me, and most other birders I know, you will have a growing collection of bird books, collecting them seems to become almost as great an obsession as birding itself.
I noted that there were a large number of pre-loved bird book sellers represented at the British Bird Fair, and this is a great place to continue your search for out of print books… if you can’t find it on line why not ask around at the fair. I was surprised that so few second hand bookshops have a web presence.
ABA Reviews
WebpageReviews -
Avian Review
WebsiteThis website is for birders and has two key purposes, which come from two questions that have always Avian Review displays over 4,200 bird books to help you discover what books are available to add to your own library. These books will be new and old; familiar and obscure; common and hard-to-find. Titles are arranged into different geographic regions, countries, family groups, and species. -
BTO Reviews
WebpageReviews -
The Birdbooker Report
WebsiteIan "Birdbooker" Paulsen is a freelance author, editor and book reviewer.I have interests in natural history especially birds, fossils and insects. I'm located in the Seattle, WA area. -
The Birder's Library
WebsiteI have read many, many bird books and I am constantly getting more. But I’ve noticed that in some cases it is very hard to find any information on a book that I am interested in. There are some very good resources available online (see the links page), but they don’t always have what I’m looking for. -
Well Read Naturalist
ABA [American Birding Association] Sales
BooksellerABA Sales is the mail-order company that is wholly owned and operated for the benefit of the American Birding Association, and so benefits birders and birding. We carry a wide selection of books for birders, specializing in field guides, ID guides, and bird finding guides, plus other birding titles and checklists. We also carry a wide selection of optics including selected top-notch birding binoculars and spotting scopes by Kowa, Bushnell, Zeiss, Leica, Swarovski, Meade, Swift, and Nikon, plus the best selection of Gitzo and Bogen birding tripods and parts, and other birding gear and accessories. -
BooksellerWhere We Are Today. Today, is the place to find and discover anything you want to buy online. We`re very proud that 10 million people in more than 160 countries have made us the leading online shopping site. We have Earth`s Biggest Selection of products, including free electronic greeting cards, online auctions, and millions of books, CDs, videos, DVDs, toys and games, and electronics. -
Architectura & Natura
Bookseller & PublisherArchitectura & Natura has grown in its 75 years of existence to become one of the best-known bookshops in Europe specializing in Architecture, Landscape Architecture and Natural History. We supply to both private people and the institutional and professional world. -
Bird Book Shop
BooksellerUS Bookshop for bird books -
Bird Guides Store
BooksellerWelcome to the online version of the BirdGuides catalogue. Here you will find detailed descriptions of all our products including plenty of images grabbed from our best-selling videos and CD-ROMs. -
Buteo Books
BookshopButeo Books offers thousands of in-print and out-of-print books, in birdwatching and ornithology, as well as multimedia and other products. We have a knowledgeable staff of birders, amateur ornithologists, and nature lovers who are pleased to offer advice and recommendations. Sales support the ABA. 434-263-8671 -
Calluna Books
BookshopCalluna Books are based in Wareham, in the heart of Dorset's Thomas Hardy country, where we have been trading since 1997. We specialise in buying & selling out of print natural history books through mail order catalogues, online & by attending selected events -
BookshopCalls itself The World`s Greatest Bookshop -
Hawkridge Books
BookshopHawkridge Books is a privately-owned second-hand and antiquarian bookshop situated in the delightful Peak District village of Castleton. The shop is a general second-hand and antiquarian bookshop with two large rooms holding about 20,000 volumes. We buy and sell books on all subjects, but one of the rooms is dedicated to natural history, particularly ornithology. Our policy is to provide interesting books in good condition at very competitive prices - there is a bargain for everyone! -
BooksellerThe leading mailorder bookstore for ornithology in Germany -
Natural History Bookstore
BookshopWelcome to a world of diversity at the NHBS Mail-order Bookstore - thousands of titles describing and explaining the amazing diversity of the natural world - field guides, textbooks, monographs, reports, CDs, videos, and cassettes on every environmental subject - from aardvarks and amphibians through to zebras, from biogeochemistry, botany and ecology to environmental assessment, species and habitat conservation and zoology and much more. -
BookshopWelcome to Stanfords; the world`s finest map and travel book shops. We are the leading specialist retailer of maps, travel books and travel merchandise in the UK. Search our catalogue by destination for world maps, travel guides and travel literature, or by special interest, from globes to Ordnance Survey maps, from climbing books to cycling guides, from historical maps to travel accessories. Stanfords online map and travel book store is your ideal destination and travel guide. -
W.H. Smith's
BookshopMuch like the Amazon and BOL sites -
BookshopWaterstones began in 1982 under the aegis of its founder, Tim Waterstone. Over the decades that have followed, we have grown to become an icon of the British cultural landscape, employing over 3000 superb booksellers across over 280 bookshops.