
…take all the trees and put them in a tree museum…
This section has links to websites concerned with the conservation of birds. Some sites are resources to conservationists, others are of conservation movements and organisations or reports on conservation work but the majority are to specific conservation projects around the world.
Many of these websites are worth a visit if you are looking to see how you can help. It is not all about rare antpittas in the depths of the rain forest… each of us can help the birds in our own back yards and, by the way we live directly effect the environment in a more positive way. At the very least we can join a society that helps to conserve the object of all our admiration; our own country’s birds themselves.
Light Pollution
For websites pertaining to light pollution and its effects on birds see the Fatbirder Migration pages.
Barn Owl Conservation Handbook
| (A Comprehensive Guide for Ecologists, Surveyors, Land Managers and Ornithologists) | Pelagic Publishing | 2012 | Paperback | 400 pages, Photographs & illustrations | ISBN: 9781907807145 Buy this book from -
Bird Populations
| By Ian Newton | Harper Collins | 2013 | Paperback | 496 pages | 200 colour photos and colour illustrations | ISBN: 9780007527984 Buy this book from -
Birds of Prey
| (Biology and Conservation in the XXI Century) | Eited by José Hernán Sarasola, Juan Manuel Grande & Juan José Negro | Springer-Verlag | 2018 | Hardback | 522 pages, 90 colour photos and colour illustrations, 17 b/w illustrations, tables | ISBN: 9783319737447 Buy this book from -
Bombs Away
| (Militarization, Conservation, and Ecological Restoration) | By David G Havlick | University of Chicago Press | 2018 | Hardback | 208 pages, 36 b/w illustrations | ISBN: 9780226547541 Buy this book from -
Conservation and the Genetics of Populations
| By Fred W Allendorf, Gordon H Luikart & Sally N Aitken | Wiley-Blackwell | 2012 | Edition 2 | Paperback | 602 pages, 8 plates with colour photos and illustrations; b/w photos, b/w illustrations, tables | ISBN: 9780470671450 Buy this book from -
Corridor Ecology
| (Linking Landscapes for Biodiversity Conservation and Climate Adaptation) | Jodi A Hilty, Annika TH Keeley, William Z Lidicker, Jr. & Adina M Merenlender | Island Press | 2019 | Edition 2 | Paperback | 350 pages, b/w photos, b/w illustrations, b/w maps | ISBN: 9781610919517 Buy this book from -
Ecology and Conservation of Forest Birds
| Edited by: Grzegorz Mikusiński, Jean-Michel Roberge & Robert J Fuller | Cambridge University Press | 2018 | Paperback | 552 pages, 111 b/w photos and b/w illustrations, 25 tables | ISBN: 9781107420724 Buy this book from -
Effective Conservation Science
| (Data not Dogma) | Edited by Peter M Kareiva, Michelle Marvier & Brian R Silliman | OUP | 2017 | Paperback | 190 pages, 45 b/w photos and b/w illustrations, tables | ISBN: 9780198808985 Buy this book from -
Extinct and Endangered Birds in the collections of The Natural History Museum
| By A G Knox & M.P. Walters | BOC | 1994 | Paperback | 292 pages | ISBN: 9780952288602 Buy this book from -
Extreme Conservation
| (Life at the edges of the world) | By Joel Berger | University of Chicago Press | 2018 | Hardback | 392 pages, 4 plates with 8 colour photos, 12 plates with 24 b/w photos; b/w maps | ISBN: 9780226366265 Buy this book from -
Fighting for Birds
| (25 years in nature conservation) | by Mark Avery | Pelagic | 2012 | Paperback | 324 pages, no illustrations | ISBN: 9781907807299 Buy this book from -
Habitat Suitability and Distribution Models
| Antoine Guisan, Wilfried Thuiller & Niklaus E Zimmermann et al | Cambridge University Press | 2017 | Paperback | 494 pages, 32 plates with colour photos and colour illustrations; 133 b/w illustrations, 8 tables | ISBN: 9780521758369 Buy this book from -
Human-Wildlife Interactions
| (Turning Conflict into Coexistence) | Edited by Beatrice Frank, Jenny A Glikman, Silvio Marchini & Rosie Woodroffe | Cambridge University Press | 2019 | Paperback | 464 pages, 8 plates with colour photos and colour illustrations; 48 b/w photos and b/w illustrations | ISBN: 9781108402583 Buy this book from -
| (Conflict in the Uplands) | By Mark Avery | Bloomsbury Publishing | 2019 | Paperback | 304 Pages | ISBN: 9781472973290 Buy this book from -
Limnology and Waterfowl: Monitoring, Modelling and Management
| (Proceedings of a Symposium on Limnology and Waterfowl held in Sopron) | Edited by Sandor Farago & Joseph J Kerekes | Wetlands International | 1997 | Paperback | 362 pages, Figs, tabs, maps | ISBN: 9789630474207 Buy this book from -
Monitoring for Conservation and Ecology
| Edited by F Barrie Goldsmith | Chapman & Hall | 1990 | Hardback | 292 pages, B/w photos, figs | ISBN: 9780412355905 Buy this book from -
Naturalised Birds of the World
| by Sir Christopher Lever | T & AD Poyser Ltd (A & C Black) | 2005 | Edition 2 | Hardback | 352 pages, 8pp colour photos | ISBN: 9780713670066 Buy this book from -
Remote Sensing for Ecology and Conservation
| (A Handbook of Techniques) | By Ned Horning, Julie A Robinson, Eleanor J Sterling, Woody Turner & Sacha Spector | OUP | 2010 | Paperback | 467 pages, colour & b/w illustrations | ISBN: 9780199219957 Buy this book from -
Species Conservation
| (Lessons from Islands) | Edited by Jamieson A Copsey, Simon A Black, Jim J Groombridge & Carl G Jones | Cambridge University Press | 2018 | Paperback | 385 pages, 8 plates with colour photos and colour illustrations; 82 b/w photos and b/w illustrations, 20 tables | ISBN: 9780521728195 Buy this book from -
The Ecology and Conservation of Charadrius Plovers
| Edited by Mark A Colwell & Susan M Haig | Productivity Press | 2019 | Hardback | 330 pages, b/w photos, b/w illustrations, tables | ISBN: 9781498755825 Buy this book from -
Urban Wildlife Conservation
| (Theory and Practice) | Edited by Robert A McCleery, Christopher E Moorman & M Nils Peterson | Springer-Verlag | 2014 | Hardback | 406 pages, 29 colour photos & 16 b/w photos and illustrations, 10 tables | ISBN: 9781489974990 Buy this book from -
Wildlife Conservation in a Changing Climate
| By Jedediah F Brodie, Eric S Post & Daniel F Doak | University of Chicago Press | 2012 | Paperback | 401 pages, 35 b/w photos, 37 B/W illustrations, 16 tables | ISBN: 9780226074634 Buy this book from -
Wildlife and Wind Farms, Conflicts and Solutions
| (Volume 2 Onshore: Monitoring and Mitigation) | Edited by Martin R Perrow | Pelagic Publishing | 2017 | Paperback | 217 pages, colour photos, colour & b/w illustrations, tables | ISBN: 9781784271237 Buy this book from
Ray Mears' Woodlore
WebsiteFounded in 1983 by Ray Mears, Woodlore was Britain’s first School of Wilderness Bushcraft. Born from humble beginnings, Woodlore pioneered the bushcraft revolution and continues to lead the way today. Ray’s vision was to provide others with the opportunity to step beyond survival training and really master the skills of traditional wilderness travel. This vision remains as strong as it ever was; at Woodlore our mission is to enable others to drink at the well of bushcraft, by providing the very best Education, Experience and Equipment.
Allerton Project
WebsiteThe Allerton Project is a practical demonstration of the integration of game and wildlife conservation with profitable farming. Its aims are: To develop a system of profitable farming and land use which is compatible with the conservation of wild game and other wildlife, incorporating the principles of wise use. -
Animal Demography Unit
WebsiteAnimal Demography Unit, Deparment of Zoology, University of Cape Town - From 1 January 2008, the Avian Demography Unit (or the ADU for short) will become the Animal Demography Unit (still the ADU). What prompted this? Ever since the ADU initiated the frog atlas project a decade ago in 1998, there have been issues with the name Avian Demography Unit -
Avicultural Society
WebsiteThe Avicultural Society (based in the UK) covers the keeping and breeding of all types of birds other than domesticated varieties, and has a world-wide membership. It publishes four 48-page issues of the AVICULTURAL MAGAZINE annually, which are sent to all fully paid-up members and other subscribers. These include most top aviculturalists, as well as leading zoos, bird gardens, conservation organisations and research institutes around the world -
Bird Atlas 2007 - 2011
WebsiteSign-up for the British Bird Atlas -
Bird Conservation International
InformationBird Conservation International is a quarterly peer-reviewed journal focusing on the major conservation issues affecting birds and their habitats. The official journal of BirdLife International -
BirdLife International
WebsiteBirdLife International is a global Partnership of non-governmental conservation organisations with a focus on birds that works together on shared priorities, exchanging skills, achievements and information, and so growing in ability, authority and influence. BirdLife International is present in 103 countries and territories worldwide… -
WebsiteAvian mortality due to collisions with manmade structures is staggering. It is estimated more than 1 billion migrating birds are killed annually in building collisions—residential and commercial—in North America alone... -
Birders Against Wildlife Crime (BAWC)
Twitter FeedBirders Against Wildlife Crime (BAWC) is an independent, volunteer-led, campaign group set up in 2014 by a group of experienced birders and conservationists who just like you are sick of the number of crimes being committed against wildlife. Our aim is to fight back, by 1) making the processes of Recognising, Recording, and Reporting wildlife crime as easy as possible (an initiative we term ‘the Three Rs’), 2) putting ‘eyes in the field’, and 3) highlighting how much wildlife crime takes place and what ‘the public’ really think about it -
Canadian Peregrine Foundation
WebsitePeregrine falcons made history in Ontario in 1995 when two pairs successfully nested and raised young, in Toronto and in Hamilton. Since then, more urban sites have been established throughout Ontario and the rest of Canada. Now more questions are being raised about the long-term survival of the peregrine falcon (anatum subspecies). The Canadian Peregrine Foundation is dedicated to providing whatever means are necessary to continue studying, documenting and protecting this species, not just in Ontario but throughout Canada. -
Canal & River Trust
WebsiteCanals and rivers are a world away from every day. They’re free, open spaces we can all enjoy - and it’s our job at the Trust to keep them that way. -
Conservation Jobs
Conservation JobsConservation Jobs is a careers website dedicated to recruitment across all areas of the conservation sector in the United Kingdom... -
Countryside Restoration Trust
WebsiteThe Countryside Restoration Trust is a charity dedicated to the protection and restoration of countryside where quality food is produced using farming methods that encourage wildlife and enable more people to make a living from the land… -
EDGE - Evolutionarily Distinct and Globally Endangered
WebsiteThe EDGE of Existence programme highlights and conserves one-of–a-kind species that are on the verge of extinction... -
WebsiteThe Centre for Field Research (CFR) was established in 1973 to develop research program for Earthwatch Institute by encouraging and evaluating proposals from scholars and scientists. -
Endangered Species International
WebsiteEndangered Species International (ESI) is strongly committed to reversing the trend of human-induced species extinction, save endangered species, and preserving their vital ecosystems. We have projects worldwide to protect endangered species, and save biodiversity. We also support the use of solar energy in our projects -
Environmental Change Institute
WebsiteThe Environmental Change Institute was established in 1991 'to organize and promote interdisciplinary research on the nature, causes and impact of environmental change and to contribute to the development of management strategies for coping with future environmental change'. -
Ethical Consumer
WebsiteEthical Consumer: The UK`s only alternative consumer organisation looking at the social and environmental records of the companies behind the brand names -
Goose Specialist Group
WebsiteThe Goose Specialist Group of Wetlands International seeks to strengthen contacts between all researchers on migratory goose populations in the northern hemisphere. -
Harrison Institute
WebsiteThe Harrison Institute seeks to promote wildlife conservation. It specialises in the study of mammals (recent and fossil) and birds and works alongside in-country scientists. It is currently running a series of projects in the Old World tropics, particularly in Southeast Asia. It welcomes participation in its field studies and expeditions. Volunteers have the opportunity to support and take part in a variety of projects and in doing so visit beautiful and often remote areas of the world. -
International Osprey Foundation
WebsiteThe International Osprey Foundation, Inc., a non-profit corporation, is dedicated to the continuing recovery and preservation of the osprey, others in the raptor family, wildlife and the environment as a whole. The Foundation conducts monitoring activities, and accumulates data specific to the breeding activities of the osprey population. The data is made available through the Foundations newsletter publication and can be obtained by interested parties/organizations upon request. The Foundation issues grants for researchers whose studies involve environmental concerns. The Foundation directs and participates in all areas of wildlife and habitat maintenance and restoration. -
Island Conservation & Ecology Group
WebsiteWe eradicate introduced cats and pigs from islands to save seabird populations and endemic island birds from extinction. Among the birds we have protected are: black-vented shearwater, Xantus` murrelet, black & least storm-petrels. We are now working on the Revillagigedo Islands to save Mexico`s two most endangered birds (Townsend`s Shearwater & Socorro Mockingbird) from extinction. This organisation needs financial support - see the website and GIVE GENEROUSLY! -
Loroparque Fundacion
WebsiteThe LPF collaborates in many projects, each with one or more threatened species of parrots which benefit from the strategic conservation actions of our field-based (i.e. in-situ) programmes. Take a trip to any of these projects simply by clicking on the map or the names. -
National Wildlife Federation
WebsiteNWF focuses its efforts on five core issue areas (Endangered Habitat, Water Quality, Land Stewardship, Wetlands, and Sustainable Communities); and pursues a range of educational projects, and activist, advocacy, and litigation initiatives, within these core areas. -
Nature Conservancy
WebsiteThe general site for this very much improved web contribution. -
WebsiteWelcome to NatureServe, a source for authoritative conservation information on more than 50,000 plants, animals, and ecological communities of the United States and Canada. NatureServe provides in-depth information on rare and endangered species, but includes common plants and animals too. NatureServe is a product of the Association for Biodiversity Information in collaboration with the Natural Heritage Network. -
Oceanic Society
WebsiteEstablished in 1969 as a non-profit conservation organization, the Oceanic Society's primary mission is to protect marine wildlife worldwide through an integrated program of scientific research, environmental education and volunteerism. Our environmental approach is to collaborate with local communities in conservation initiatives, and to promote sustainable economies as an alternative to those that are destructive to wildlife and natural habitats. -
Operation Turtle Dove
WebsiteOperation Turtle Dove is a project designed to reverse the decline of one of our best-loved farmland birds. Help us save them -
Partners In Flight - U.S. Home Page
WebsitePartners In Flight / Compa -
Peregrine Fund
WebsiteEstablished in 1970, The Peregrine Fund works nationally and internationally, focusing on birds to conserve nature. We conserve nature by achieving results - results restoring species in jeopardy, conserving habitat, educating students, training conservationists, providing factual information to the public, and by accomplishing good science. -
Project Puffin
WebsiteThe National Audubon Society started Project Puffin in 1973 in an effort to learn how to restore puffins to historic nesting islands in the Gulf of Maine. At that time, literally all the puffin eggs in Maine were in two baskets - Matinicus Rock and Machias Seal Island. Although puffins are not an endangered species (they are abundant in Newfoundland, Iceland, and Britain); they are rare in Maine. The two surviving colonies were very vulnerable to a disaster such as an oil spill, or accidental establishment of predators such as rats or mink. -
Rainforest Concern
WebsiteThe world's tropical rainforests are the richest and most diverse habitats on earth. They represent a vast reservoir of knowledge and contain a wealth of ecosystems and wildlife, with many species yet to be discovered -
Raptor Politics
WebsiteSpeaking out for raptor conservation everywhere. -
Raptor Rescue
WebsiteAn organisation dedicated to ensuring that all sick or injured birds of prey are cared for by qualified persons and that whenever possible they are released back into the wild. -
Sand Martin Trust
WebsiteIf you are interested in birds but don`t know much about Sand Martins and so think you will not be able to help them, we are pleased to tell you that indeed you will. -
Seabird Bycatch Project
WebsiteA Joint Project of the Institute for Fisheries Resources and the National Fisheries Conservation Center -
Society for the Conservation and Study of Caribbean Birds
WebsiteThe Society for the Conservation and Study of Caribbean Birds (SCSCB) is the largest single regional organization committed to the conservation of wild birds and their habitats in the Greater Caribbean region, including Bermuda, the Bahamas and all islands within the Caribbean basin. The overarching objective of the SCSCB is to increase the ability of Caribbean ornithologists, resource managers, conservation organizations, institutions, and local citizens to conserve the birds of the Caribbean and their habitats -
Sustainable Ecosystems Institute
WebsiteEnvironmental problems are the number one issue facing society, and SEI is out on the front lines, dealing with these crises and conflicts on a daily basis. We are the scientists and ecologists who have spent our time in labs and in the field, building knowledge and techniques, but unless we assume a new role in society and put our expertise to use, we cannot hope to sustain vital ecosystems or the human communities which depend upon them. SEI is ready to meet this challenge, and I invite you to join me in leaving an environmental legacy that rests on a strong scientific foundation. -
The Institute for Bird Populations
WebsiteThe Institute for Bird Populations studies the abundance, vital rates, and ecology of bird populations to enable scientifically sound conservation of birds and their habitats... -
WebsiteTRAFFIC`s mission is to ensure that trade in wild plants and animals is not a threat to the conservation of nature. TRAFFIC`s work is neither easier nor closer to completion than it was in the mid-1970s when TRAFFIC was founded largely to assist in the implementation of CITES. CITES now covers some 30 000 plant and animal species and has more than 150 member countries. These member countries face ever-more complex issues in determining how best to ensure that trade does not threaten the survival of species. -
Tropical Rainforest Coalition
WebsiteTropical Rainforest Coalition (TRC) believes that individuals can make a difference. Looking back, we can say we have. Established in 1991 during World Rainforest Week, TRC is an all-volunteer, non-profit organization that has made a significant impact on the preservation of rainforests and indigenous people. TRC builds coalitions between individuals, corporations, businesses, learning institutions and non-governmental organizations seeking to reverse the unsustainable use of the rainforests -
UK Overseas Territories Conservation Forum (UKOTCF)
WebsiteThe UK Overseas Territories Conservation Forum (UKOTCF) exists to promote the coordinated conservation of the diverse and increasingly threatened plant and animal species and natural habitats of the UK Territories Overseas. It aims to do this by providing assistance in the form of expertise, information and liaison between non-governmental organisations and governments, both in the UK and in the Territories themselves. -
Vital Rates of North American Landbirds
WebsiteThis website provides results of temporal and spatial analyses of capture-mark-recapture and constant-effort capture-rate data on 158 landbird species collected as part of the Monitoring Avian Productivity and Survivorship (MAPS) program between 1992 and 2006. The objectives of these analyses are to provide estimates of, and explore relationships among, the vital rates and demographic parameters of each of these species in order to provide hypotheses regarding the demographic drivers of temporal and spatial variation in their population dynamics, especially as these results may help inform research, management, and conservation efforts for them. -
VulPro - African Vulture Conservation
WebsiteVulPro approaches vulture conservation in an integrated, multidisciplinary fashion, with the benefits from the programme accruing to both vultures and society at large. VulPro combines education and good science, with networking, capacity building and knowledge generation. The veterinary disciplines of toxicology, pharmacology, clinical pathology and medicine are combined with the science of GSM/GPS telemetry and the banking of genetic and DNA resources, with the goal being to positively influence the well-being of our natural resources to ultimately benefit society. In this regard, VulPro engages in a number of interrelated activities, and uses a variety of resources, in endeavouring to meet its objectives. -
Wader Quest
WebsiteWader Quest is a charity that aims to get more people directly involved in wader conservation through Community Wader Conservation projects, or indirectly as a Friend or Sponsor of Wader Quest. Raising funds for, and awareness about, wader conservation. -
Woodland Trust
WebsiteFind your nearest woodland [in the UK] that is managed for conservation. -
Working Group on International Waderbird and Wetland Research
WebsiteThe Working Group on International Waderbird and Wetland Research (WIWO) was established in 1983, in order to create a well-defined and accessible intermediary between financing organisations and governmental bodies on the one hand, and volunteer ornithologists interested in studying waterbirds in countries with little own potential for such studies on the other -
World Barn Owl Trust
WebsiteBarn Owls are now so rare that they have special protection under Schedule 1 of the Wildlife and Countryside Act (1981) - under which it is an offence to intentionally disturb these birds while they are preparing to nest or during the actual process of breeding -
World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Twitter PageWCMC is internationally recognised as a centre of excellence in the location and management of information on the conservation and sustainable use of the world`s living resources. These pages will guide you to global data on bio-diversity and information relating to WCMC`s activities in this field. -
World Land Trust
WebsiteThe World Land Trust is a UK based conservation charity, concerned with the protection of the world`s most biologically important and threatened habitats. Our mission is to: Protect and sustainably manage natural ecosystems of the world, to conserve their biological diversity, with emphasis on threatened habitats and endangered species. To develop partnerships with local individuals, communities and organisations to engage support and commitment among the people living in the project areas. To raise awareness in the UK and elsewhere, of the need for conservation, to improve understanding and generate support through education, information and fund raising -
Young People's Trust for the Environment
WebsiteThe Young People's Trust for the Environment is a charity which aims to encourage young people's understanding of the environment and the need for sustainability
Biosphere Expeditions
WebsiteOur planet is in crisis, with nature under attack like never before. We believe everyone has the power to change this. We are mindful of nature and empower people through citizen science and hands-on wildlife conservation.
5000 Mile Project
WebsiteCouple are first to run the length of South America unsupported! -
Audubon Society Priority Bird Species
WebsiteAudubon’s priority bird species are birds of significant conservation need, for which our actions, over time, can lead to measurable improvements in status. Eighteen are Red WatchList species, 23 are Yellow WatchList species, and eight are Vulnerable Common Birds. The breadth of this list reflects the dramatic loss of habitat and the pervasive threats that confront birds and wildlife. -
WebsiteBirding140 is intended as a scientific information platform dedicated to the world of birds. Its objective, as well as contributing to an increased knowledge of birds by the public in general, is to promote economic activities compatible with the conservation of the natural environment such as birdwatching tourism and all activities which aimed at sustainability -
Birds on the IUCN Red List
WebsiteThe IUCN Red List of threatened species is widely considered to be the most objective and authoritative system for classifying species in terms of the risk of extinction. Information on a taxon's population size, population trends and range size are applied to standard quantitative criteria to determine its IUCN Red List Category (Extinct, Extinct in the Wild, Critically Endangered, Endangered, Vulnerable, Near Threatened or Least Concern) -
Breeding Bird Survey population trends
WebsiteThe BBS is a line-transect survey based on randomly-located 1-km squares. Squares are chosen through stratified random sampling, with more squares in areas with more potential volunteers. The difference in sampling effort is taken into account when calculating trends -
WebsiteThe international wildlife trade, worth billions of dollars annually, has caused massive declines in the numbers of many species of animals and plants. The scale of over-exploitation for trade aroused such concern for the survival of species that an international treaty was drawn up in 1973 to protect wildlife against such over-exploitation and to prevent international trade from threatening species with extinction. Known as CITES, the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora, entered into force on 1 July 1975 and now has a membership of 145 countries. These countries act by banning commercial international trade in an agreed list of endangered species and by regulating and monitoring trade in others that might become endangered. -
Cats - Bird Advocates
InformationAmericans are going to have to wake up and become more vocal and dedicated at protecting our wild life than the feral cat enablers are at allowing cats to kill them. Cats are cute, yes, but a feral cat munching on a clutch of a threatened bird species is not. Trap, neuter, release programs produce a healthier, more efficient killing machine. All they are doing is enabling the cats in their destruction. TNR enthusiasts claim if you remove one cat another moves in. Okay, no problem, I remove that one, too. Euthanasia of the millions of feral cats now killing billions of native animals each year is the only effective answer. -
Cats - Feral Cat Control in the UK
InformationAs well as over 7 million pet cats, Britain has around 1 million feral cats. Strayed or abandoned pets, including pedigree cats, swell the feral cat population, presenting British animal welfare societies (humane societies, SPCAs) with a massive ongoing problem -
Colour Ringed Birds - ID help needed
WebsiteDuring the recent years the amount a different colour-ring projects has boomed. To try to order these CR projects, the European colour-ring Birding © website has been created. Despite an obligation (for the -future- project leaders) to contact the different CR co-ordinators and despite the continuous up-date of this web-page, some CR birds are impossible to trace. Therefor this page has been created. Do please keep in mind that, in order to avoid overlapping of CR schemes, you are strongly requested - well before starting a CR scheme - to contact the colour-ring co-ordinator (see list) for the different CR-projects. Only with his agreement you can start a CR project and will be mentioned in this page. -
DIY Nesting Boxes, Feeders etc.
WebsiteThe Web community for resolving conflict by linking ecologists and developers in the UK and Ireland -
Environmental Data Services Ltd
WebsiteENDS publishes an in-depth monthly professional journal and a daily internet-based news briefing on European environmental affairs. -
FLAP - Fatal Light Awareness Program
WebsiteWould you give up a few hours of sleep a week to save this red-headed woodpecker? This is just one of dozeens of endagered birds that collide with human-buit structures. His life and the future of his species could depend on you -
Farmland Birds
BlogOne small pastoral farm, one blog -
Fly Free
WebsiteFlyFree is a programme designed to rescue, rehabilitate and release the parrots caught in the wild-bird trade. -
WebsiteWildlife news from the British Isles -
Implementation of the RAMSAR Convention
WebsiteRamsar convention and notes from the Rio conference including Agenda 21. -
WebsiteWelcome to InfoNatura, a source for conservation information on the birds and mammals of Latin America and the Caribbean -
Modern Farming and wild birds
WebsiteAn extract from the late Chris Mead`s excellent book about declining birds in the UK: In 1997 I walked 600 metres down a tramline - where the wheels of the tractor go through the crop - in a field of wheat. The only plants I encountered were wheat except for four individual plants of goose grass. There were no visible insects and the birds were all around the field margin. -
National Wetlands Inventory
WebsiteProfiles of the leading organisations and people in wetland conservation in the US. -
New Zealand Translocation Projects
WebsiteList -
The Bald Ibis
VideoConservation site… -
The State of the Nations Birds - by Chris Mead
InformationAs a special service to Bird On! readers, the [late] author and publisher have granted permission for us to display the entire text of each individual species description (without their illustrations, and without the extensive chapters on habitats and other aspects of our birds lives). You may start your search for information here. -
Wildlife Gardening
WebsiteWebbs Barn Cottage in Oxfordshire is where Jenny Steel's garden is based -
World List of Threatened Birds
WebsiteThe list is now carried by the worldtwitch website