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The following sites are only here because I cannot think of anywhere else to put them… they are the miscellany or pot pouri of birding websites.

Some are spoof sites which are deliberately humourous, others just odd.

I have also read a number of novels on a bird or birding theme that are well worth a look but not appropriate for other pages… have fun with them too.

Just to demonstrate that birders will twitch anything! Here is a list of UK beers with birding connections from a  thread on a now defunct forum:

Kardy & Hanson-Crazy Crow, Crowing Cock, Guzzling Goose, Swallows Rest, Harvey-Knots in May, Harviestoun-Ptarmigan, Hopback-Turkeys Downfall, Kelham Island-Golden Eagle Pale Ale, Lichfield-Black Swan, Loddon-Red Kite, Mallards Brewery, Marisco Tavern-John O’s Puffin Purge, Marstons-Goose’s Revenge, Mauldons-Cuckoo, Morland-Old Speckled Hen, Oakham-Cold Turkey, Old Cottage-Pheasant Plucker, Orkney-Raven Ale, Paradise-Speckled Parrot, Roosters Brewery, Scattor Rock-Kingfisher, Skinners-Penguin Stout, Swan Inn-Black Swan, Trumpeter, Whooper, Triple fff-Little-Red Rooster, Turkey Brewey, Vale-Black Swan, Watkins-Merlin Stout, Weltons-Old Cocky, West Yorkshire-Out for a Duck, White Hart-Tits Up Tits Down, Winfields-Raven Best Bitter, Woodbury-Green Goose, Woodfords-Spread Eagle Bitter, Woodhampton-Dipper, Jack Snipe, Ravenshead, Worldham-Harlequin – Contributed by Dave Parker

Useful Reading
  • A Bird in the Bush: A Social History of Birdwatching

    | By Stephen Moss | Aurum Press | 2013 | Paperback | 375 pages | ISBN: 9781781311493 Buy this book from
  • A Tiger in the Sand

    | (Selected Writings on Nature) | by Mark Cocker | Jonathan Cape | 2006 | Hardback | ISBN: 9780224078825 Buy this book from
  • A-Z of Birds

    | (A Birder's Tales from Around the World) | by Bo Beolens | Bramblebey Books | 2013 | Paperback | 236 pages | 26 Cartoons | ISBN: 9781908241238 Buy this book from
  • Beguiled by Birds

    | By Ian Wallace | Christopher Helm | 2004 | Hardback | 304 pages | ISBN: 9780713665352 Buy this book from
  • Bird of Life, Bird of Death

    | By Jonthan Evan Maslow | Laurel | 1987 | Paperback | 249 pages | ISBN: 9780253340344 Buy this book from
  • Birders

    | (Tales of a Tribe | by Mark Cocker | Vintage | 2002 | Paperback | 230 pages | ISBN: 9780099289548 Buy this book from
  • Blokes and Birds

    | Edited By Stephen Moss | Robin Chittenden [Photographs] | New Holland | 2003 | Hardback | 96 pages | ISBN: 9781843304845 Buy this book from
  • How to Be a Bad Birdwatcher

    | By Simon Barnes | Pantheon | 2004 | Paperback | 240 Pages | ISBN: 9781904977056 Buy this book from
  • Rebirding

    | (Rewilding Britain and its Birds Monograph New) | By Benedict Macdonald | Pelagic Publishing | 2019 | Hardback | 291 pages, 16 plates with 26 colour & 1 b/w photos and 3 colour maps | ISBN: 9781784271879 Buy this book from
  • The Lost World of the Moa: Prehistoric Life of New Zealand (Life of the Past S.)

    | By Trevor Worthy, Richard Holdaway Rod Morris | Indiana University Press | 2002 | Hardback | 718 Pages | ISBN: 9780253340344 Buy this book from
Other Links
  • Birding tattoos

    This is where I present a collection of cool birding tattoos. Send me a mail if there's one you'd like to add
  • Collective names for birds

    Collective terms
  • From the Canyons to the Stars

    Tom McKinney's latest blog featuring music about birds. 52 posts in 2015. And then it's all over!
  • Kid Wings

    Lots of fun stuff for young birders…
  • Making Bird Houses With Unused Material At Home

    Here Are some creative ideas on converting unused or waste material into bird houses…
  • Maria's Duck Tales

    Facebook Page
    Duck Tales is meant to be a happy, whimsical sight - one in which I am able to share my observations which are based upon years of watching my little wildfriends interact with each other and with me. Although, I tend to romanticize them in my stories, there is a very serious side to helping nature take care of them and, at times, a very sad side, which I would rather not write about.
  • Reality Birding League

    This is the website of the Reality Birding League run for members of Lancaster and District Birdwatching Society.
  • The Amazing World of Birds

    ?Welcome to the beautiful, the wonderful, the truly amazing world of birds. Birds are truly beautiful creatures, they are also fascinating and all around us, roosting and nesting on our buildings and feeding in our gardens and refuse dumps, they are easy to find and fun to observe
  • Two-Fisted Bird Watcher

    A man holds a pair of binoculars, one hand wrapped around each side. His fingers are curled like fists, and they come together making a strong symbolic statement. You
  • World Series Birding

    We would be delighted to welcome you into the special ranks of World Series Birders. There are several levels - Level I (Competitive Teams); Level II (Individuals or Non-Competitive Teams); Level III (School/Youth Teams); Level IV (Seniors). Levels vary in terms of intensity, skill and focus, but all have one thing in common. All draw upon your skills and your enthusiasm to raise money and public awareness levels for bird protection

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