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Oreoicidae – Australasian Bellbirds

Crested Bellbird Oreoica gutturalis ©Ian Montgomery Website

Oreoicidae is a newly recognised family of small insectivorous passerines, formerly placed in the Old World warbler incerta sedis family. They are confined to Australasia; two in New Guinea and the third in Australia. It contains just three species, all in different genera.

Species List

It contains just three species, all in different genera:

Crested Bellbird Oreoica gutturalis

Crested Pitohui Ornorectes cristatus

Rufous-naped Whistler Aleadryas rufinucha

Species Links
  • Crested Bellbird Oreoica gutturalis

    Species Account
    The Crested Bellbird is a medium-sized bird. Adult males have grey heads with a raised black crest, a white forehead and throat, and a prominent black breast. The rest of the body is grey or brown and they have orange-red eyes. Females and immature birds are less prominently coloured than the males, lacking the black breast and having a smaller, unraised black crest. This species is also known as the Crested Thrush, as well as having names such as 'Dick-Dick-the Devil'.
  • Crested Bellbird Oreoica gutturalis

    Species Account
    Sound archive and distribution map
  • Crested Bellbird Oreoica gutturalis

    Species Account
    he crested bellbird (Oreoica gutturalis) is a medium-sized passerine bird in the family Oreoicidae. It is native to drier parts of Australia where its typical habitats are acacia scrublands, eucalypt woodlands, spinifex and saltbush plains and, dunes. The male is about 20 cm (8 in) long and has a grey head, a black crest and breast, and a grey or olive brown body. The female and juvenile are similar but the colours are more muted and the black breast is lacking. The distinctive call is a high pitched bell-like sound, audible at some distance. Sometimes a pair of birds duet.
  • Crested Pitohui Oreoica gutturalis

    Species Account
    Sound archive and distribution map
  • Crested Pitohui Oreoica gutturalis

    Species Account
    The crested pitohui (Ornorectes cristatus) is a species of bird previously placed in the Pachycephalidae family. It is now placed in the family Oreoicidae.
  • Rufous-naped Whistler Aleadryas rufinucha

    Species Account
  • Rufous-naped Whistler Aleadryas rufinucha

    Species Account
    Sound archive and distribution map
  • Rufous-naped Whistler Aleadryas rufinucha

    Species Account
    The rufous-naped whistler (Aleadryas rufinucha) is a species of bird in the Oreoicidae family. It is assigned to the monotypic genus Aleadryas.
Number of Species
  • Number of bird species: 3

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