Other Birding Equipment & Accessories

Looking for a bird hide for your local reserve or just a way to scare away those neighbourhood moggies? Then take a look at the suppliers below.
I review accessories and am happy to do this but please do not assume that sending me a freebie guarantees a good review… if I publish a review it will reflect my true feelings and experience. However, I’m not out to hurt anyone’s sales so if you are unhappy with the review I won’t run it, but I will not alter anything I say (unless its an error of fact).
There are Fatbirder separate pages for some essential birding equipment; optics (both retail and manufacturers for repairs etc., bird food, outdoor clothing and so on.
Like any other hobbyists we all like to buy kit that might prove useful… but I have heard it said of fishing that more anglers are caught by equipment than are fish, so we probably all have something tucked away in a drawer that we thought, at the time, was a great idea.. but turned out to be impressive to us, but useless for birding.
Alwych Note Books
WebsiteThe crisp sharp lines, uniquely distinctive construction and robust all-weather cover have been a lasting signature of the Alwych book for around 100 years. -
Birdnet Accessories
WebsiteBirdnet offers a comprehensive range of telescopes, binoculars, tripods and associated accessories. Simply click on one of the below links to browse to the section you require. -
Eversure Insurance - Insurance for Birders
WebsiteBased in Guildford, Surrey, our friendly, trained staff are on hand during normal working hours to help you with any queries or policy amendments by telephone or email. Our registered office address is: MyFinance.com Ltd, Bury House, 1-3 Bury Street, Guildford, GU2 4AW, United Kingdom - 01483 347333 - Eversure Insurance is a trading name of MyFinance.com Limited, authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Our register number is 501311. You can check this on the Financial Services Register by visiting the FCA's website or by contacting the FCA on 0800 111 6768. -
Feeder & CameraSolar-Powered, Smart Bird Feeder with AI Recognition. Photos & Videos Sent Directly to Your Phone! -
FieldOptics - Eyeshields etc
WebsiteFor a decade, Field Optics has set new standards of excellence in providing new innovative accessories for sport optics and out door enthusiasts. We design products specifically for birding, hunting, shooting, Precision Rifle Shooting (PRS), Lone Range Shooting (LR), camping, wild life & outdoor photography, and outdoor exploration. We really do "make cool stuff". -
Fieldfare Fieldguide Covers
WebsiteBook covers that let you carry and protect your Birding and Nature guides in the field Birders and Naturalists rely on their field guides to be close at hand and not a burden to carry. -
Focalpoint Optics & Accessories
WebsiteFocalpoint Optics is a family run business dedicated to its customers. We pride ourselves on our friendly, unbiased advice and on our wide range of specialist equipment — telescopes, binoculars, tripods, outdoor clothing, and accessories. -
For the Birds - Identiflyer
WebsiteInventor of the Lyric and Classic IdentiFlyers, Birds iView Window Clings and WingTips 3D Greeting Cards. Welcome to our online store! -
Gilleard Bird Hides
WebsiteGilleard Bros Ltd are the leading manufacturer and installer of bird hides in the UK and Europe, and have manufactured and installed bird hides as far away as the UAE. -
Lansdale - Waterproof Notebooks
WebsiteWaterproof notebooks and clothing, and many other products for outdoor activities -
Lowepro - Optics Cases
WebsiteCases for digital cameras etc -
Nature Sign Design
WebsiteNature sign maker and photographer -
Orbitor - Bird Watching Electronic Listening Device
WebsiteBird Watching Electronic Listening Device can capture distant sounds (and voices) that would otherwise not be heard with the help of our sophisticated Bird Watching Electronic Listening Device. Imagine standing in the end zone of a football field and being able to hear what someone is saying at the other end -
Pajaro Field Bags
WebsitePajaro is a family-owned business dedicated to creating high quality products that help people enjoy and understand our natural world. Everything we offer has been born out of our own love of nature and our desire to bring the pleasure of the outdoors to others -
Photoguard - Insurance for Birders
WebsiteInsurance for photographic equipment etc. We guarantee the best cover and the lowest prices. If you find the same, or better, level of cover at a cheaper price, we will refund the difference AND give you an additional 3 months cover on the end of your 12 month policy - totally FREE OF CHARGE! -
Quelle est Belle Co. - Bird Callers
WebsiteBased on the use of bird-calls our educative toys are unique worldwide and allow one to learn to recognise birds by their song, to communicate with them, discover and observe them... For a quarter of a century we have been inventing, producing and diffusing educative games for pleasure and because we feel that one must "know nature better so as better to protect it". -
Skua - Stay-On Cases
WebsiteInternet Offer. Skua offers the most comprehensive range of telescope cases in the world. Prices range from -
Spot 'n jot
WebsiteLooking for an innovative way to record field notes? Spot -
The Otter Side - Local Bird ID Cards
WebsiteThe Otter Side manufactures Local Bird ID Cards, Educational Flip Cards, Bookmarks, Magnets, Hand-mirrors, Notecards, and Other Fine Gifts featuring birds, made with recycled paper, soy and water-based inks, and superb photographic images. -
Wildlife Watching Supplies
WebsiteThe right gear is essential for wildlife watching and photography. I spend many hours waiting still in all weathers, usually at night and if I`m lucky may take one or two pictures. Wildlife Watching Supplies was started because I had difficulty getting the right equipment and materials for my photography. I knew there must be many other people, photographers, naturalists and birdwatchers in the same position