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Trip Report Repositories

©Fatbirder Website
To read before you go…

Each Fatbirder country or state page carries links to trip reports on that country rather than having them in this section – that’s the place to first look for the most up to date reports. See too our sister website WAND Wildlife And Nature Destinations for a growing resource of trip reports.

However, there are some wonderful repositories for trip reports and the best are set out below in the Trip Reports Section. Fatbirder offers many additional links to reports on personal sites which may not be on the larger trip report websites. There are a few hosted by fatbirder too but I think it best if you offer yours to a site that specialises in Trip Reports rather than Fatbirder hosting the reports themselves. Below are some guidelines on writing up your trip.

In ‘other links’ you will find many birding tour companies that travel to many destinations, companies that report from just one or two destinations will appear on the appropriate geographical page.

If you want your report to appear in one of the repositories they may ask you to follow a few simple guidelines, you may also find these of use if you wish your reports to be used by others.

1. A list of birds you saw is not a report; nor is a list of rarities without commoner species. That is a list for your own pleasure (or possibly to impress your friends) but is not in itself a lot of help to other birders. Your list of birds should either have sites against each bird, or each site should have a list of birds against it.

2. In the interests of space it is better to give map references rather than maps; descriptions rather than pictures. Too many maps or pictures will make the report take too long to open on the site and that will frustrate potential users. If quoting map references or place names include a note in the report of the maps or books you used with publishers and prices at time of writing. Of course you should include maps of very specific sites if they are not, to your knowledge, published elsewhere.

3. Background is useful, and not just for infrequently visited locations. Not all of us have been to Tenerife or Disneyworld and will find tips about people, bargains, transport, local customs etc. useful, so long as you do not write a whole book about it.

4. Costs help… if you got a cheap flight or package tell us how much and where. If you booked through the internet give us URLs (website addresses).

5. You might have kept your notes in the form of a diary but, apart from the time of year, we do not need to know which day you were where… include a trip itinerary instead if you want to show us the logistics of a complicated travel plan.

6. Finally sum up. Its nice to know what you thought of the places you went to and whether it was value for money and what problems you had.

These are, of course, guidelines. Please get in touch if you want us to host your trip reports – there is no charge to you or to the report readers. This section is nowhere near as full as it could and should be. Many birders will not only have produced their own reports but will also have them on their own web-sites. Come on you shrinking violets… let us know your website address and what you have recorded so we can all share it.

The Fat Birder has a report or two of its own so if you want to read about my trips to Kenya, Goa, or Trinidad & Tobago etc. and my mate`s trips to Costa Rica and Lesbos see my Wildlife And Nature Destinations website


  • Avibase

    These checklists are based on the best information available at this time. They are based on a wide variety of sources that I collated over many years, and are constantly revised. I am pleased to offer these checklists as a service to birdwatchers, but they are subject to some level of inaccuracy. If you find any error, please do not hesitate to report them.
Trip Reports
  • *Fatbirder

    Fatbirder carries many links to birding trip reports you will not find anywhere else... go to the page for the area you want trip reports for and see the Trip Reports section on that page for any report in the last decade
  • Bird Tours

    A collation from many tour companies
  • Cloundbirders

    ...the world's bird trip report portal
  • Surfbirds

    Browse trip reports and sightings by region
  • WAND

    You can search for trip reports by using up to three different criteria, and you can use them in any combination. If you enter no search criteria, all trip reports will be returned.
Other Links
  • Anytime Tours

    Trip reports listed by continent
  • Bavarian Birds

    Archived reports on birding there
  • Birding Africa

    Browse by destination
  • Birding Ecotours

    Browse by destination
  • Budget Birders

    Browse by year and destination
  • Fraser's Birding Website

    The following trip reports are detailed accounts documenting birds and other wildlife observed during independent trips to various regions, and illustrated with photographs, maps and checklists.
  • HeatherLea

    Browse by destination
  • Honeyguide Trips

    Some reports of Honeyguide trips in Europe - all in PDF format.
  • John van der Woude’s Birding Trip Reports

    Birds, birding sites, logistics, private birdwatching, mainly Neotropics (Central and South America); with photos of sites and with bird sounds.
  • Maudoc Birding

    A few reports from Italy and also from around the world.
  • OSME

    Reports from the Middle East
  • Real Birder

    Worldwide birding trip reports and bird photos plus help and guidance with research and independent travel arrangements for birdwatching holidays
  • Red Gannet - A photographic diary of a birdwatcher

    This appears to be the website of a birder in the travel industry who is visiting many world cities on a regular basis and so getting out to birding spots close by whenever he can
  • Rockjumper

    Browse by destination
  • SakerTour

    Browse by destination
  • Setphen Burch's Birding & Dragonfly Website

    Browse by destination
  • Tropical Birding

    Welcome to the Tropical Birding trip report and newsletter archive. For many of our tours, the guide writes a wonderfully detailed trip report, chock full of photos, and rich in memories of birds seen and places visited. If you are looking for a report from a particular destination, the reports can also be found on the tour page. Remember, if you see a tour report that is particularly appealing and want to do it as a custom tour, just contact us and we’ll get you a quote.
  • WAND - Wildlife And Nature Destinations

    This is where you can find the Fat Birder`s trip reports. At the moment there are three of my own to Goa, to Trinidad & Tobago and to Canada, and two reports from my oldest friend to Lesbos and to Costa Rica.
  • WorldTwitch

    This site is not easy to find your way around but worth the effort with reports from less visited areas etc.

Fatbirder - linking birders worldwide...