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Webcams & Nestcams

Blue Tit (Nestbox) Cyanistes caeruleus ©fs-phil (Commons) Website
Watch the birdie…

All around the world (but especially in the US & Europe) there are cameras pointing at nests or feeders or other strategic locations designed to capture live images of birds. Some are part of on-going studies, many more just for fun, education or viewing pleasure. They range from very poor to excellent visual quality and from the super professional to the rank amateur. Small dedicated video cameras are coming down in price and this is an increasingly popular use for them.

In Europe the favourite is definitely stork nests and in USA many for Hummingbirds and Eagles at either end of the nest size scale. In the UK the most favoured are nest box cameras for tits or owls.

Generally speaking nestcams are listed on the appropriate geographical page… a few are selected with no theme below. Of the sites listed below many will only operate during nesting season… but, as the whole world is covered one should be able to find some live footage somewhere. In most cases images are taken every few minutes and the latest displayed. There is usually a facility to see the last few tens of pictures and many sites also archive their best shots. If you can’t get out in the field… try these sites for virtual birding!

Feedercams are also popular so when it’s not nesting time you can see live bird action even in the middle of winter. Most cameras are seasonal and, as some may only be occupied for one year. Let us know if you find that the site has gone away or if you find others. 

By their very nature many webcams are ephemeral… help me keep this page up to date by telling me if any no longer exist or tell me about new webcams… on the other hand some nest sites have been occupied every year for decades or even centuries in some cases such as those favoured by storks.

Birding Aps
  • NestWatch by Cornell Lab

    Apple iOS | Android
    | Cornell Lab of Ornithology | Varies with device Requires Android 4.1 and up | 77 MB | Requires iOS 9.0 or later. |

    NestWatch is the Cornell Lab of Ornithology’s citizen-science project that tracks nesting birds in North America. Found a bird’s nest? You can report it for science.
Useful Information
  • Nest

    Meet the Nest Cam family. Security camera. Pet cam. For everything you need, there's a Nest Cam.
  • Web Broadcasting Corporation

    The Web Broadcasting Corporation/WildlifeTV offers a variety of Live Web Camera feeds in conjunction with other organisations including the BBC, The British Broadcasting Corporation Webcams, BBC Somerset Webcam, BBC Spring Watch, BBC Spring Watch, Denbury Farm, Rye Harbour Nature Reserve, The Wildlife Park At Cricket St Thomas, The Butterfly Farm, The Butterfly Farm At Stratford-Upon-Avon, WWT, Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust, Slimbridge and offer other webcam viewing at The Perry Institute For Marine Science.
Other Links
  • Birdboxview

    The Cornish home of Affordable Colour Camera Nestboxes Watch garden birds nesting on TV or PC
  • Blue Tit - UK

    For the last few years, Elizabeth has been suffering from Alzheimer's disease. She finally died in August 2018. I shall try to carry on with this diary in 2019, but although I now have more time to give to it, I find it increasingly difficult to do, so wish me luck.
  • Blue Tit - UK - Hampshire

    Last updated 2017
  • Box Watch Ltd

    Days in the life of a Blue Tit family -- see and hear every second 'live' from your own back garden using a standard BoxWatch Pack
  • Cardinal Cam - Palm Bay Florida USA

    We have 7 or more feeders and two birdbaths. You may see a number of species; Two Cardinal families and a red-headed Woodpecker and baby are also regular visitors, especially to the suet. We also have doves who usually ground feed, as well as a bunny family who does the same. A great crested flycatcher has been about but not recently. Also there is a Jay who likes to stir things up.
  • Chimney Swift - Texas, USA

    Our Chimney Swift Web Cam is a unique opportunity to observe Chimney Swifts during the nesting season (May 1 through September 1)
  • Elkstreet - Colorado USA

    Image updated every 30 minutes, weather every hour throughout the day (except during technical glitches and other events beyond the control of the webmaster!). Feeders in Colorado.
  • Karmnik Birdfeeder Cam

    Bird Feeding Webcam
  • Kestrel - Devon, UK

    Kestrel`s Nest - The four kestrel chicks successfully flew the nest during the week beginning 15th July. Here are some of the highlights since they hatched on June 11th..
  • LiveCams - Wild Birds Unlimited

    This site (page) contains links to other Internet sites. These links are provided for informational purposes only, and are not endorsements of any products or services contained therein. No information in sites linked to or from this site has been endorsed or approved by this site.
  • Maine Eastern Bluebird Nest Box Monitoring Program

    Thank you for your interest in Maine's Eastern Bluebird Nest Box Monitoring Program...
  • Nest Cams

  • New York Wild - USA

    This webcam image alternates on a 3 minute rotation between views of the Osprey Nest and a small bay of the North Spring Pool of the Montezuma National Wildlife Refuge
  • Ornithos - Brazil

    Live webcam in South Brazil
  • Osprey - Blackwater Refuge - Cambridge, Maryland, USA

    Blackwater National Wildlife Refuge in Maryland
  • Osprey - Loch Arkaig osprey cam

    Our live nest camera, supported by players of People's Postcode Lottery, has been streaming footage of breeding ospreys from Loch Arkaig Pine Forest since 2017.
  • Outersight

    Outersight specialises in designing and installing remote video observation systems for the heritage and wildlife tourism sector
  • Peregrine - Canada

    There are a whole series of different WebCams across Canada
  • Peregrine - Ontario, Canada

    Nest box in Guelph - Ontario - Peregrine Foundation
  • Seabird Webcam

    In our five star Discovery Centre you can zoom in on lots of wildlife action with our solar powered interactive live cameras.
  • Seattle Birdcam - California USA

    The Seattle BirdCam operates every day during US Pacific timezone daylight hours (GMT - 8 hours).
  • Traj and Joan's Birds - Woonsocket, Rhode Island, USA

    Streaming video of birdfeeders and interior of birdhouse in Woonsocket, RI
  • UK Wildlife Cameras

    High Quality Bird Box Cameras and other Nature Watching Supplies can be purchased from us. Directly from the manufacturers and built in mind for great images suitable for beginners and professionals
  • White Stork - Dinkelsb

    Live vom Altrathausdach
  • White Storks - Storchennest - Germany

    At these pages you can watch the upbringing of young storks in the town of Vetschau (Germany); situated in a region called Spree forest, this year again, as it was already possible last year. Take a look at the picture archiv with time lapse snapshots from every storck-day in the Lausitz.

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