
Birding Japan
Japan is located in the northwest Pacific Ocean. Being latitudinally long, the island chain covers a wide climatic range; from the boreal to the sub-tropical climate zone. There are also two ecological lines which divide the countries flora and fauna. These are Blakiston’s Line (between Hokkaido and Honshu) and the Watase’s Line (southern Japan). Because of this unusual ecological background, Japan’s avifauna is incredibly rich. More than 600 species have been recorded to date. Most of them are migratory (more than 60%) whilst approximately 60 species are either endemic or sub-regional endemic, including the internationally famous Okinawa Rail, Blakiston’s Fish-owl, Japanese Murrelet, Red-crowned Crane, Pryer’s Woodpecker and Lidth’s Jay.
Birding in Japan is increasingly popular. The largest nature conservation NGO, the Wild Bird Society of Japan, has more than 53,000 members and there are more birders who do not belong to the WBS-J. Twitching is becoming more and more common. People can get to rare birds within a few hours of their discovery because of the development of the internet and mobile telephones.
Some top birding spots are set out below.
Amami Island
Satellite ViewBest place for Lidth's Jay and Amami Woodcock -
Eastern Hokkaido
Satellite ViewFor Blakiston's Fish-Owl, Red-crowned Crane and Steller's Sea-Eagle. -
Ferry between Hokkaido and Honshu
Satellite ViewFor seabirds. -
Hakata Bay
Satellite ViewFor Black-faced Spoonbill and Saunder's Gull. -
Satellite ViewFor White-naped, Hooded, Sandhill, Common and Siberian Cranes. -
Satellite ViewFor summer migrants -
Miyake Island
Satellite ViewFor Seven Island Thrush, Styan's Grasshopper Warbler and Ijima's Warbler. -
Satellite ViewFor Okinawa Rail, Pryer's Woodpecker and Ryukyu Robin.
| Bluebonnet0712@aol.com
Number of bird species: 712
(Extant as at April 2020)National Bird - Green Pheasant Phasianus versicolor
Number of endemics: 15
Copper Pheasant Phasianus soemmerringi, Green Pheasant Phasianus versicolor, Okinawa Rail Rallus okinawae, Amami Woodcock Scolopax mira, Amami Woodpecker Dendrocopos owstoni, Okinawa Woodpecker Dendrocopos noguchii, Japanese Green Woodpecker Picus awokera, Ryūkyū Minivet Pericrocotus tegimae, Lidth’s Jay Garrulus lidthi, Iriomote Tit Sittiparus olivaceus, Owston’s Tit Sittiparus owstoni, Bonin White-eye Apalopteron familiare, Amami Thrush Zoothera major, Izu Thrush Turdus celaenops, Ryūkyū Robin Erithacus komadori6 Breeding Endemics (These species overwinter in other countries, but only breed in Japan):
Matsudaira's Storm Petrel Oceanodroma matsudairae, Japanese Snipe Gallinago hardwickii, Crested Murrelet Synthliboramphus wumizusume, Ijima's Willow Warbler Phylloscopus ijimae, Japanese Leaf Warbler Phylloscopus xanthodryas, Yellow Bunting Emberiza sulphurata
iGoTerra Checklist
iGoTerra ChecklistFatbirder Associate iGoTerra offers the most comprehensive and up to date birds lists on the web
A Birdwatcher's Guide to Japan
| By Mark Brazil | Kodansha America | 1987 | Paperback | 220 pages, Maps | ISBN: 9780870118494 Buy this book from NHBS.com -
Birds of Japan
| By Mark Brazil | Christopher Helm | 2018 | Paperback | 416 Pages | 189 plates with colour illustrations; colour photos, colour distribution maps | ISBN: 9781472913869 Buy this book from NHBS.com -
Birds of Japan
| By Otani Chikara | Lynx Edicions | 2019 | Flexibound | 392 Pages | 1800+ colour illustrations, 540+ colour distribution maps | ISBN: 9788416728121 Buy this book from NHBS.com -
Birds of Japan and North-East Asia
| (A Photographic Guide) | by Tadao Shimba | Christopher Helm | 2007 | Paperback | 656 pages | 1750 colour photos | ISBN: 9781472947246 Buy this book from NHBS.com -
Common and Iconic Birds of Japan
| By Mark Brazil | Japan Nature Guides | 2015 | Unbound | 12 pages, colour illustrations | ISBN: 9784990722821 Buy this book from NHBS.com -
Field Guide to the Birds of South-East Asia
| By Norman Arlott | William Collins | 2017 | Hardback | 432 pages, 178 plates with colour illustrations; colour distribution maps | ISBN: 9780007429547 Buy this book from NHBS.com -
Japan Birds
| (A Folding Pocket Guide to Familiar Species) | by James R Kavanagh | Waterford Press | 2027 | Unbound | 12 pages, colour illustrations, 1 colour map | ISBN: 9781620052761 Buy this book from NHBS.com
Japanese Birds
Apple iOS | Android| Enwit Inc | 280.4 MB | Requires iOS 9.3 or later | Requires Android 5.0 and up |
This app provides information on 250 species of birds in Japan, complete with photographs, descriptions, and sounds. There are 364 sounds—including songs, calls, and drumming. Beautiful birdsong, passionate canzone, the melancholy melody of a love song, intense drumming, birdcall as daily communication—enjoy the diverse world of wild birds.
Japan Nature Guides
http://www.japannatureguides.com/Japan Nature Guides was founded in 2011 with the aim of providing accessible information on the natural history of Japan, to provide information on when and where to go to watch birds, mammals and other wildlife in Japan, and to facilitate guided or un-guided visits throughout the archipelago.
Yatsu Higata Nature Observation Center
Observatory WebsiteSatellite ViewYatsu Higata is playing an important role as a stopover point for the migrating birds flying between the land of the North (Siberia) and the countries of the South (Australia and Southeast Asia). Yatsu Higata presents the people so many happy encounters with the summer-birds who come to nurse their babies, the winter-birds who fly in to winter and the traveler birds perching in spring and fall. (Damag due to the 2011 earthquake has now been repaired and the obs re-opened in April)
Abiko City Museum of Birds
WebpageHarmony among Birds and People
Hawk Migration Network of Japan
WebsiteSite in Japanese -
Japan Alcid Society
WebsiteIncludes a photogallery -
Wild Bird Society of Japan
WebsiteWild Bird Society of Japan is a private organization founded in 1934 which has over 45,000 members and 90 chapters throughout Japan. Its purpose is to protect birds and their habitat, to encourage more people to enjoy bird watching, and to carry on research concerning the status and habitat of birds.
BS Karuizawa Wild Bird Sanctuary
WebpageSatellite ViewThe Karuizawa Wild Bird Sanctuary (Karuizawa Yacho no Mori) is about 100 hectares of forestland a little north-east of the resort town of Karuizawa in Nagano prefecture. The Sanctuary is forestland which contains among other trees Japanese chestnut and larch. There are about 3km of paths which visitors can freely wander through, observing the variegated flora and fauna. Over eighty species of birds, many of them quite rare and sporting beautiful plumage, can be viewed here throughout the year. -
BS Osaka-Nankou Sanctuary
WebsiteSatellite ViewOsaka Nankou Bird Sanctuary is in the northwest corner of Sakishima landfill with about 1,000 ha area in Osaka Bay. West side of the sanctuary faces the Osaka Bay through the sea bank. Now Osaka Nankou Bird Sanctuary plays a role as an important stopover site, and is nominated as one of Japan's important wetlands by the Ministry of the Environment. -
BS Syunkunitai Wild Bird Sanctuary
InformationSatellite ViewSyunkunitai is known as a important habitat for birds and a quite famous bird-watching area throughout Japan. Syunkunitai is a long and narow sandbank where has 8km in length and 1.3km in width. It is surrounded by the water and has various natural habitats as the stream, marsh, grassland and deciduous forest etc., therefore various species of birds, animals, insects and plants can live in here. About 250 species of birds have been recorded and endangered species as Red-crowned Cranes, White-tailed Eagles and Black Woodpeckers breed in Syunkunitai. -
BS Tateyama Wild Bird Sanctuary
InformationSatellite ViewDue to its location in the center of the Japanese Archipelago, this area has long been used by migratory birds as a place to rest and gather food and water, for which reason it has been designated as a protected bird sanctuary… -
BS Tokyo Port Wild Birds Park
WebsiteSatellite ViewThis is a small bird sanctuary (27 hectares) of the Wild Bird Society of Japan in the highly developed harbour area between central Tokyo and Haneda airport. It consists actually of two small parks, separated by a road. The entrance is in the west park. This park contains two small freshwater ponds closely surrounded by small trees and shrubs. Via a footbridge over the road one reaches the eastern park: a small open complex of freshwater ponds and mud flats and a larger tidal basin. In the middle there is a nicely designed building for bird observation with lots of telescopes, a tiny library and friendly japanese guides. In March 97 reconstruction of the eastern park has begun. -
BS Tsurui Ito Tancho Crane Sanctuary
WebpageSatellite ViewThis time we would like to introduce HARADA, Osamu, Chief Ranger of the Tsurui-Ito Red-Crowned Crane Sanctuary. Tsurui Village, Hokkaido, where Harada works, is well known as a feeding ground for Red-crowned cranes in winter. The red-crowned crane has been designated a special natural treasure of Japan. Harada is one of the leading activists striving to protect these precious birds. However, he does not focus on only the cranes. In order to protect the cranes, we must think about the whole environment in which they live. We had an interesting interview with HARADA about how he has been facing the present situation of the cranes and about the abundant nature of Hokkaido. -
BS Utonai-ko Sanctuary
InformationSatellite ViewIn May, 1981, the Wild Bird Society of Japan designated Lake Utonai and its surrounding marshland covering 511 hectares as a Bird Sanctuary, the nation's first of its kind, for the purpose of preserving nature and the wildlife as well as propagating the drive. In the sanctuary, a Nature Center, an observation hut and Bird-watching paths are provided. Aiming at protecting Lake Utonai, including its surrounding marshland and waterfowl, the city and nature protection organizations are lobbing the sanctuary to be designated as a location registered with the Lamsar Treaty through the Environmental Agency and other Authorities concerned. -
BS Yonago Waterbird Sanctuary
InformationSatellite ViewYonago Waterbirds Sanctuary Companion Circle is a citizens organization which supports the activities of the Yonago Waterbirds Sanctuary… [Japanese only] -
NP Kushiro Marshland
WebpageSatellite ViewThe Kushiro Marshland in Hokkaido was designated as a national park in 1987 in order to preserve the country's largest wetland and marsh habitat which supports the only known population of endangered Japanese Cranes in Japan. -
NR Koyaike Park
InformationSatellite ViewA pond occupies about half of the park, and viewing is possible during all four season. In addition to such sights as ducks, egrets, and whistler swans, in the winter visitors can also see tufted ducks. -
WII IBA Katano-kamoike Lake
WebsiteSatellite ViewKatano-kamoike is a permanent freshwater lake in Kaga City, in the western part of Ishikawa Prefecture, central Honshu (main island), Japan. The Lake is surrounded by forested hills and rice fields. The Sea of Japan lies beyond the hill in the northwest of the Lake. The Lake is a wintering sites of the largest numbers of White-fronted Goose and Middendorf's Bean Goose in the western Japan. -
WII Kushiro International Wetland Center
WebsiteSatellite ViewThe Kushiro International Wetland Centre (KIWC) is committed to promoting the wise use of wetlands concept and specific approaches to this end. Such use is intended to enable the utilization of gifts provided by wetlands in daily life while protecting the ecological integrity of these areas. KIWC is based in the Kushiro region of Hokkaido in northern Japan... -
WII Lake Akkeshi - Bekanbeushi Marsh
InformationSatellite ViewLake Akkeshi is a shallow and brackish lake adjoining Akkeshi bay with a perimeter of 26 km. It is famed for its oyster and short-necked clam farming. At low tide several tidelands become exposed which provide good feeding grounds for waterfowl. For this reason, Japanese Crane breed here from spring to autumn whilst Whooper Swan Cygnus cygnus; over ten species of wild geese, ducks, White-tailed Sea Eagle Haliaeetus albicilla and Steller's Sea Eagle H. pelagicus are to be found here from autumn to spring. -
WebpageSatellite ViewJapan currently has 50 sites designated as Wetlands of International Importance (Ramsar Sites), with a surface area of 148,002 hectares. -
Wildlife Protection Areas in Japan
InformationSatellite ViewAs of 1 November 2011, seventy-nine Wildlife Protection Areas had been established at a national level, covering an area of 5,772 km2, including 1,561 km2 of Special Protection Areas.[6] A further three Wildlife Protection Areas totalling 52.3 km2 were established in June 2012, prior to the eleventh Ramsar wetland conference which takes place from 6 to 13 July 2012
Birding Ecotours
Tour OperatorJapan’s avifauna is incredibly rich, with more than 600 species having been recorded here. More than 60% are migratory, therefore winter is the preferred birding season in Japan. This is the time for watching wintering Hooded and White-naped Cranes in addition to the native Red-crowned Crane. and many other resident and migrant species in addition to the approximately 60 endemic or regionally endemic species. -
Japan Birding
Tour Operator
*Migration Report - Chinese Goshawk - Autumn 2008
ReportObservations -
2015 [01 January] - Phil Gregory - Cranes & Sea Eagles
Report...We began as usual at Narita, where Brown-headed Thrush was near the Tobu Narita Hotel again, once more the only ones we saw; Falcated Duck there was unusual too, and the striking Japanese Wagtail made its first appearance. Karuizawa was as ever very snowy, and we did not have any luck with Long-tailed Rosefinch or Japanese Grosbeak here, but Japanese Green Woodpecker and Asian Azure-winged Magpie showed well, plus we had a flock of 5 Rustic Buntings at the shrine, and a bonus Eurasian Woodcock feeding and resting in a snowy streambed. -
2015 [03 March] - Peter Schmidt - Tokyo
PDF Report...Bird-wise it istransition to spring migration and although there is some movement, most wintering speciesincluding ducks appeared to be still lingering in good numbers and it is not until later in March earlylong-distance migrating passerines such as Barn Swallows etc. start to arrive. -
2015 [06 June] - Gerry Hinchon
PDF Report -
2015 [07 July] - Robert Tuveson
PDF ReportAll in all 130 species were recorded. Among the many high quality species thehighlights were Falcated Duck, Red-crowned Crane, Latham’s Snipe, SpectacledGuillemot, Tufted Puffin, Japanese Wood-Pigeon, Blakiston’s Fish-Owl, JapaneseWoodpecker, Varied Tit, Middendorff’s-, Pleske’s- and Gray’s Grasshopper-Warbler,Japanese-, Sakhalin- and Ijima’s Leaf Warbler, Japanese-, Brown-headed- and IzuThrush, Japanese Robin, Siberian Rubythroat, Japanese Accentor, JapaneseGrosbeak and Chestnut-eared-, Yellow- and Gray Bunting. Almost all of theimportant target species were seen, the exceptions being Copper Pheasant,Japanese Murrelet, Ashy Minivet and Japanese Paradise-Flycatcher. -
2016 [02 February] - David Blair – Honshu, Kyushu and Hokkaido
PDF ReportAnyway birding was good with Dusky Thrusheseverywhere, plenty of Brown eared Bulbuls, thefirst male Daurian Redstart in the fields before on atrack down to the river we found Japanese BushWarbler, Eye-browed Thrush, Grey Bunting andEastern Great Tit before arriving at the river, therewere not many waders about but we did see 5Black-faced Spoonbills, a Saunders Gull andsingle Falcated Duck amongst dozens of Shoveler,Teal, Shelduck and just a couple of CommonSandpipers, Greenshank and Lapwing... -
2016 [02 February] - Mans Grundsten
PDF Report... During the day it was a bit windy early in the morning, then very calm for an hour (we had hundreds of auks (mostly Rhinoceros Auklets (Fig 52)) on the water then). At late afternoon the northwesternly wind picked upagain and we also sailed through a few blizzards. Crested Auklets only started to appear during the last hours aswe reached and passed northern Honshu... -
2016 [02 February] - Phil Gregory
ReportThis was my twelfth winter Japan trip, and this year was blessed with reasonable to good weather (other than one wet day on Kyushu), whilst Hokkaido was gorgeous, with little snow, very little ice, and relatively mild temperatures. It seemed to be an odd year though, with quite a few species being scarce or absent; there were no Gray-headed Lapwings around, and we didn't see Daurian Jackdaw either. Jun Matsui was once more my co-leader and our driver, and we benefited greatly from his patience, local knowledge, and interpretive skills... -
2016 [02 February] - T Devaram - Hokkaido
ReportI picked up a single “Steller’s Sea Eagle” perched on a electricity pylon en route to the airport. After exchanging greetings, we set our GPS to Tsurui Ito Tancho Sanctuary. The 25km ride took more than 30 mins with the speed limit in Hokkaido is 50km... -
2016 [06 June] - Jeffrey H Skevington - Amami-Oshima & Okinawa
PDF ReportAfter three weeks working in Taiwan (JHS, ADY) and Japan (SB) we decided to takea birding holiday in Amami and Okinawa.... -
2016 [12 December] - Anders B Nielsen
PDF Report...Beside the endemics of Miyakejima, the most remarkably sightings were Japanese Green Pheasantjust outside Tokyo and Japanese Wagtail and Japanese Grosbeak at the Kyoto Imperial Palace park.On Miyakejima, Izu Thrush, Japanese Robin and Winter Wren (dark form) were all seen around theinformation centre at Lake Tairo, while Japanese Woodpigeon was seen flying (never perched) overthe paths leading down to the lake and flying over road 212 before and after the lake. Here Owston'sTit was also seen twice perched on the wires. 3-4 Ijima's Warblers were still to be found, whilePleske's Warblers seem to have left.... -
2017 [01 January] - Phil Gregory
Report...Japanese Woodpecker showed very well and was calling and drumming at Sendae, where we also found some distant Chinese Penduline Tits and Chestnut-eared Bunting for most. Crested Kingfisher and Long-billed Plover showed nicely on the Sendae River as we drove to Miike. Lake Miike was fog-shrouded and with dull showery conditions, but still gave us views of Yellow-throated Buntings and Ryukyu Minivet, whilst Japanese Woodpecker also showed very well and White-backed Woodpecker all too briefly, despite drumming loudly but out of sight for ages... -
2017 [02 February] - Garry Armstrong - Hokkaido & Honshu
PDF Report... There was no public feeding of the Cranes this year due to bird flu, howeverthere were still circa 200 Red-crowned Cranes present. Also present were two adultSteller’s Eagles, an adult White-tailed Eagle and 3 Black-eared Kites. There was also a RedFox, the first of many that we saw on Hokkaido. In and around the car park we hadJapanese Tit, Marsh Tits, a Nuthatch, Hawfinch, Siskin and Brown-eared Bulbul. We thenwent to the Tsurui area. About a mile north of the village we explored fields / fodder areasaround a farm. Tree Sparrows and a family of Red-crowned Cranes were the best we couldfind. South of the village on the way towards Kushiro, we had more Cranes and a flock ofWhooper Swans.... -
2017 [02 February] - Glen Valentine - Ryukyu Islands
PDF Report...we were soon enjoying our first views of some of Japan’s fairly common and widespread species,like Brown-eared Bulbul, Grey-cappedGreenfinch, Bull-headed Shrike, Carrion andLarge-billed Crows, Japanese Tit, WhitecheekedStarling, White Wagtail and DuskyThrush. The river harboured familiarwaterfowl, such as Gadwall, Eurasian Wigeon,Eastern Spot-billed Duck, Northern Pintail,Eurasian Teal, Common Pochard, Tufted Duckand Greater Scaup, as well as Great CrestedGrebe, the cosmopolitan Black-crowned NightHeron, Great Cormorant in various stages ofplumage, Grey Heron, Black-headed, Mew andVega Gulls and Black-winged Stilt. Our first ofmany Western Osprey and Black Kite lingerednearby, while a fleeting Japanese Bush Warblerwas seen in the adjacent reedbeds.... -
2017 [03 March] - Glen Valentine
PDF Report...Our first full day on Hokkaido beganwith the most beautiful day imaginable.It was bright, sunny, still, crisp and clear.Absolutely stellar! Before departing ourhotel for the Red-crowned Cranegrounds a little further north, we decidedto have a quick look at the nearby riverand here we found several common andwidespread, but still enjoyable, new tripspecies such as Red-breasted andCommon Mergansers, Slaty-backed Gulland Common Golden-eye... -
2017 [07 July] - Lasse Olsson
PDF ReportThis was my first trip to Japan and together with my wife I spent 18 days away fromhome. Not entirely a birding holiday, we also had some sightseeing in Tokyo and Kyotoand visited a couple of magnificent gardens along the way. Initially we concentrated onthe northern parts of the country, with our first six days on Hokkaido (Kushiro – LakeFuren – Rausu – Tofutsu-ko – Lake Kussharo – Tomakomai), then a full day at theTomakomai – Oarai ferry and the rest of the trip we spent on the route Tokyo – Mt. Fuji –Kyoto – Karuizawa - Tokyo. -
2018 [02 February] - Andres Vasquez - Birding On Ice
PDF ReportJapan in Winter is a magical place and a tour that every birder MUST do at some point in life. With three of the birding world’s Super Stars like the hulking Steller’s Sea-Eagle, the elegant and iconic Red-crowned Cranes (once as little as 16 pairs was all there was for this species), the largest owl in the World Blakiston’s Fish-Owl posing for pictures, Hokkaido alone among the three islands visited, is a birder’s paradise. If you add to this heavyweight trio other localized targets like Japanese Accentor, Japanese Murrelet, Saunders’s Gull, Long-tailed Rosefinch, Baikal Teal, Asian Rosy-Finch, Black-faced Spoonbill, Falcated Duck, Japanese Waxwing, and Japanese Wood-Pigeon, then this tour is already a birder’s, and a lister’s dream. -
2018 [02 February] - Nick Bonomo
PDF Report...We decided to hit what seem to be the top 3 Japanese birding islandsat this time of year, which are, from south to north: Kyushu, Honshu(Tokyo), and Hokkaido. Okinawa is also quite popular, but we didnot have time for that. As most international flights from the US gothrough Tokyo, we began and ended our trip on Honshu. In short,we went from Honshu to Kyushu to Hokkaido and back to Honshu. ... -
2018 [02 February] - Phil Gregory
Report...and a bird feeder that yielded Great Spotted Woodpecker, the strikingly pale amurensis race of Eurasian Nuthatch, Marsh Tit, and the distinctive brandtii race of Eurasian Jay. A Solitary Snipe also showed in the stream not long after we arrived, a much wanted bird. Some folks saw Blakiston's Fish-Owl at the fishing area outside, with great looks from the comfort of the lounge around 1800! -
2018 [03 Mar] - Matthew Kwan - Hokkaido, Japan
ReportHokkaido is likely considered one of the top sites anywhere in Asia for winter birding, the number of species that you can find during the harsh winter months are surprising, with impressive species such as Steller’s Sea Eagles, Red-crowned Cranes and Blakiston’s Fish Owls... -
2018 [03 March] - Colin Reed
Report...Most of the way back was the same until we hit a minor bird wave of Eastern Great Tits, Marsh & Coal Tits, our one and only Japanese Green Woodpecker and our first Japanese Pygmy Woodpecker... -
2018 [03 March] - Colin Reid & Stuart Warren
PDF Report...We drove around getting our bearings, eventually arriving in the area described in all the trip reports, up the roadfrom Naka-Karuizawa. We found the ‘Bird sanctuary’ and went for a walk in the ice and snow up the trail past the,currently frozen, pond where kids were skating... -
2018 [03 March] - Erik Forsyth
PDF Report...while we searched various waterways, reedbeds and rice-fields included a confiding RuddybreastedCrake, Chinese Penduline Tit, Bull-headed Shrike, Common Reed, Chestnut-eared, Rustic andMeadow Buntings, Japanese and WhiteWagtails, White-cheeked and EurasianStarlings, and smart Russet Sparrows... -
2018 [03 March] - Julian Thomas
Report... I was surprised to see an adult Hooded Crane feed a snail to its offspring – one might have expected them to forage entirely independently by now. Searching through the two most numerous species revealed 4 Sandhill Cranes, which gave really close views, and a Common Crane, although it seemed slightly perverse to search for this species amongst vulnerable range restricted East Asian species I had never previously seen! -
2018 [03 March] - Oystein Storkersen
PDF ReportThis is a report from a private trip with myself and my wife to Honshu and Hokkaido, withbirdwatching and photography as primary objectives. A huge thank you to those whoassisted us before and during this trip, notably Haruko Okusu, the Wild Bird Society of Japanand the Toki Forest Park center. -
2018 [06 June] - Okinawa
ReportMostly photos.... -
2019 [06 June] - Dave Farrow
PDF ReportThis year’s tour of Japan was once again a real delight, a wonderful island-hopping extravaganza around the Japanese archipelago. In the mountain forests on the island of Honshu we saw Japanese Green Woodpecker, Japanese Accentor, Brown-headed and Japanese Thrushes, Siberian Blue Robin, Narcissus and Blue-and-white Flycatchers, Eastern Crowned and Japanese Leaf Warblers, Japanese Grosbeak, Chestnut-eared and Japanese Yellow Bunting, and two different daytime Ural Owls, while in lowlands and wetland areas we saw Japanese Reed Bunting, Marsh Grassbird, Japanese Green Pheasant, Japanese Wagtail and Chestnut-cheeked Starlings -
2020 [03 March] - Dušan Brinkhuizen
PDF ReportWe had to take three different trains but everything went smooth and we even did some birding from the train platform from where we watched our first Bull-headed Shrike! -
2023 [01 January] - Bryan Shirley & Peg Abbott
PDF ReportWe wanted to explore a bit this morning from the hotel before our flight to Kyushu. Bryan led us through the narrow streets over to the Tama River where we saw a surprising number of species. The light was good and we could pick out Tufted Duck, Great Crested Grebe, Eurasian Wigeon and Common Pochard. Black-headed and Vega (Herring) Gulls flew about, along with Great Cormorants. We walked on a sea wall with views of a modern bridge and behind it, a clear view of Mt. Fuji in all its snowy glory. How lucky we were for this sun-bright day! Blue Rock Thrushes were surprisingly confiding, along with White-cheeked Starlings and Brown-eared Bulbuls. Off to a great start! -
2024 [03 March] - Andrew Walker
PDF ReportWe recorded 140 bird species on this Japanese birdwatching tour (one of these was heard only) which included six crane species; Siberian Crane, Red-crowned Crane, White-naped Crane, Hooded Crane, Common Crane, and Sandhill Crane.
ARRCN Asian Raptor Migration Webpage
WebsiteThis web site is consisted by information of Asian raptor migration. Therfore, if you have some information on Asian raptor migration, please send me the data.We ask that the following raptor migration data be provided, at least. -
Bird Songs in Japan
WebsiteClickable links to birdsong -
Birds of Japan
WebsiteWhat's so great about a list of bird names? After all, the names that men give are just a pale reflection of the birds themselves. Well, bird-lovers may rejoice in biodiversity, but in matters linguistic they tend to use common or garden English as a lowest common denominator. So, in the interest of 'lingua-diversity', here it is: a list of bird species of Japan, with names in Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Russian, German, and French -
Chinese Goshhawk Migration
Webpage -
Seabirding Japan
WebsitePhotos of Jap[anese sea birds... -
Stint Fan
WebsiteCracking pictures… text largely in Japanese. -
Teuri Island Seabird Information Centre
WebsiteWhere to see Japanese seabirds
Masa Miyamoto
BLOGBirding BLOG with some superb photos from Hikkaido -
Nobuhiro Hashimoto - Shore Birds in Japan
BLOGBlog and many of photos shorebirds in japan -
Stuart Price - Hakodate Birding
BLOGMy name is Stuart Price and I'm an amateur bird photographer based in Hakodate in the south of Hokkaido, Japan. I've been doing this blog since 2007 and have accumulated a fair amount of bird photos over the years. I've been using Canon gear for almost all the time although when I started I was struggling with a cheap compact camera and telecope, I got about 2 decent photos from 18 months digiscoping. -
Tokyo Birder
BLOGBirdwatching in Japan… a one year (2006) diary of a birder in Tokyo
Artist - Rakusan Tsuchiya
GalleryRakusan Tsuchiya - Japanese Painter, Woodblock Print Artist, and Printer 1896 - 1976 -
GalleryWeblog of Japanese bird photograph using DIGISCO photo system -
Photographer - Dave Farrow
GalleryImages from a 2004 visit -
Photographer - Monte M & Christopher H Taylor
GalleryThere are two galleries of Japanese birds -
Photographer - Russell Jenkins Stoop Files
GalleryPhotography of birds and nature in Japan and Australia -
Photographer - Setsuko & Shimpei Watanabe
GalleryMany images - some excellent