Anhui Province

Birding Anhui
Anhui, located in the lower reaches of Yangtze River and middle reaches of Huai River, is an important habitat for birds. The numerous lakes and wetlands generated by the two rivers have become home for winter migrants and summer breeders. The diversified topography of the province has made it a home for large number of different bird species.
With a population of over 59 million, the province covers an area of 130,000 square kilometers consisting of three parts, Huaibei Plain, Jianghuai Hilly Area and South Mountainous Area. It is estimated that there are between 166 & 242 bird species in the forest areas in eastern part of the province, between 76 & 166 bird species in the plains along the river, hilly areas and mountainous areas in the southern part and only between 63 & 76 bird species in the northern plain and south province. The climate is semi-humid, monsoon type with a warm, temperate and subtropical humid monsoon. The capital city of Anhui is Heifei City, which has a history of about 2000 years.
Anqing Wetlands
Satellite ViewEstablished in 1995, Anqing Wetlands lie in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River. The wetlands occupy an area of 133,000 hectares. As important habitat for migrants in the middle and lower reaches of Yangtze River; a large number of rare and endangered water birds come here to spend the winter each year. According to the investigation of 2004, the birds in Anqing Wetlands number over 250,000. About 152 bird species have been recorded on this reserve, of which 86 are water birds. -
Mt. Huangshan
Satellite ViewLocated in the South Anhui at 27,066 ft., Huangshan is the highest Mountain in East China as well as a very important tourist attraction. It was included in the UNESCO 'world nature and culture heritage sites' in 1990. Huangshan has abundant birds. According to statistics, there are 210 bird species in Huangshan including a number of endangered ones such as Greater Spotted Eagle Aquila clanga, Elliot -
Shengjinhu Nature Reserve
InformationSatellite ViewEstablished in 1986 with an area of 33,400 hectares, Shengjinhu Nature Reserve is situated in Southwestern Anhui, on the Southern Bank of the Yangtze River. The vast lake surface provides an abundant food resource to attract birds to breed there and a large number of migrant birds to drop in to feed. So this lake is also known as 'Lake of Cranes' in China. Of the 170 bird species recorded here, 84 are water birds and 80 are overwintering migrants.
Philip He
Sichuan Province
Number of bird species: 439
(As at April 2020)
- However there are two 'breeding endemics, that is birds that breed nowhere else but disperse after breeding: Alström's Leaf Warbler Seicercus soror,
Sulphur-breasted Leaf Warbler Seicercus ricketti
Chinese Alligator Nature Reserve
WebsiteSatellite ViewChinese Alligator Nature Reserve covers an area of 44,300 hectares. Its main protection targets are Chinese alligator, special Chinese reptile and its habitat… -
NR Chengxi Hu
InformationSatellite ViewShengjinhu (Chengxi ) is good for White and Hooded Cranes as well as passerines - A provincial nature reserve was established at Shengjin Lake in 1986, which was upgraded to a national nature reserve in 1997. Despite its protected status, there have been large-scale land-use changes within the reserve, and human activities have major impacts on the wintering waterbirds… -
NR Guniujiang
InformationSatellite ViewLocated in the boundaries of Qimen and Shitai counties in Anhui Province, and west of Huangshan Mountains, Guniujiang Nature Reserve covers an area of 14,821 hectares… -
NR Shengjinhu
InformationSatellite ViewThe national Nature Reserve of Shengjin Lake on the southern bank of the Yangtze River in the Anhui Province of China is designated as a Ramsar Site and is on the East Asian-Australasian Flyway Site Network due to its international importance for waterbirds...
Alpine Birding
Tour OperatorAs a local based company, AlpineBirding provides a variety of services to facilitate your travel and create good birding memories for you with our expertise, passion and knowledge. We provide different services to people with different needs. Our services range from avid birding for serous birders to half cultural exploration and half birding for amateur birders, to top photographers. Following are the kind of services we are providing now.