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Henan Province

Tree Sparrow Passer Montanus ©Alister Benn Website
Birding Henan

Henan Province is located in the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River, which is known as the cradle of Chinese civilisation. Covering 167,000 square kilometers, this central-China province is the most populous province in China with 100million people. Geographically Henan Province serves as the transitional area between north China and south China with animal species typical to both northern and southern China.Situated in the transitional area between the Palaearctic and Oriental zones, Henan has bird species from both realms. 445 bird species from 54 families have so far been recorded in Henan province. Among them are 213 Palaearctic species with 99 Oriental species. The bird habitats are quite diverse in this province, ranging from farmlands and wetlands, to forests and scrub. Henan has an abundant botanical resource with nearly 4,000 plant species ranging from sub-tropical evergreen, deciduous broadleaf and temperate deciduous broadleaf forest going from north to south because of climate and geology. There are 1500 rivers of different sizes which have contributed to large number of reservoirs in this province. And along the Yellow River, there are vast wetlands. All these have endowed this province with the abundance of bird species, especially water birds including wintering birds and migrants. Located in the subtropical and warm temperate zone, Henan has a temperate continental climate featuring dry and cold winters but hot wet summers.The capital of Henan Province is Zhenzhou, which has a 3,600 year history.

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Top Sites
  • Dongzhai Nature Reserve

    Satellite View
    Situated in the south Luoshan County, Dongzhai Nature Reserve was established in 1982 mainly to protect Reeve’s Pheasant Syrmaticus reevesii under guidance of the late World-famous Chinese ornithologist Zheng Zuoxin. In 2001, the reserve was upgraded to national level nature reserve. With a population of around 1500 Reeve’s pheasants, the reserve has 245 recorded bird species, accounting for 80% of total bird species in Henan Province or 20% of the total in China. Located in the transitional area between the Palaeartic and Oriental faunal zones, the reserve has birds from both realms.
  • Mengjin Wetland Nature Reserve

    Satellite View
    Mengjin Yellow River Nature Reserve is situated in the northeast of Mengjin County. The reserve was set up in 1995 and was incorporated into Henan Yellow River Wetland National Nature Reserve in 2003. Totally covering 15,000 hectares, the reserve consists of three parts, namely the core area (4500 hectare), buffer area (3500 hectare) and experimental area (7000 hectares). The reserve has recorded 166 bird species, of which 95 are water birds.
  • Zhengzhou Wetlands Reserve

    InformationSatellite View
    Established in 2004, Zhengzhou Yellow River Wetlands Reserve is located between the middle and lower reaches of Yellow River. Covering 38,007 hectares, the reserve is 158.5km long and 23km wide. Based on records from past surveys, the reserve has extremely abundant fauna and flora including 21 mammals and 169 bird species. Endangered bird species include: White Stork Ciconia ciconia, Red-crowned Crane Grus japonensisOriental White Stork Ciconia boycianaGreat Bustard Otis tardaImperial Eagle & Pallas’s Fish Eagle Haliaeetus leucoryphus, Hooded Crane Grus monachaDalmatian Pelican Pelecanus crispus and Greater Spotted Eagle Aquila clanga.
Number of Species
  • Number of bird species: 445

    (As at August 2018)
Useful Information
  • Capital

    The provincial capital of Henan is Zhenzhou.
  • Henan Wild Bird Society

    Contact person: Ms. Ma Chaohong

Abbreviations Key

  • NNR Dongzhai Bay

    InformationSatellite View
    Dongzhai Harbor Mangrove Natural Reserve Area, is located within Dongzhai Harbor, in the area of Yanfeng Town, Meilan District, Haikou, Hainan, China. It has an area of 2,500 hectares (6,200 acres) and includes six rivers. The coastline is very irregular and includes a number of bays and tidewater gullies. The mangrove forest on the south coast provides a habitat for birds and other wildlife
  • NR Zhengzhou Huanghe Wetland

    InformationSatellite View
    The IBA includes 2,055 ha of forest, 7,352 ha of agricultural land, 19,000 ha of beaches, 9,500 ha of open water, and about 100 ha of ponds. There is human activity throughout most of the nature reserve, which causes considerable disturbance.

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