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Golden Bowerbird Amblyornis newtoniana ©Andy Walker Website

Queensland is the second-largest and third-most-populous state in the Commonwealth of Australia. Situated in the north-east of the country, it is bordered by the Northern Territory to the west, South Australia to the southwest and New South Wales to the south. To the east, Queensland is bordered by the Coral Sea and Pacific Ocean, to the north the Torres Strait separates it from new Guinea. The state is the world’s sixth largest sub-national entity, with an area of about 1,850,000 km² and a population of about 5.5 million people, concentrated along the coast and particularly in the state’s South East. The largest city and capital is Brisbane, the third most populous city in Australia at over 3.6 million people in the greater metropolitan area. The next biggest is old Coast with less than three quarters of a million. Ten of Australia’s thirty largest cities are located in Queensland, the largest outside Brisbane being the Gold Coast, the Sunshine Coast, Townsville, Cairns, Ipswich, and Toowoomba.

Like much of eastern Australia, the Great Dividing Range runs roughly parallel with, and inland from, the coast, and areas west of the range are more arid than the humid coastal regions. The Great Barrier Reef runs parallel to the state’s Coral Sea coast between the Torres Strait and K’gari (Fraser Island). Queensland’s coastline includes the world’s three largest sand islands: K’gari (Fraser Island), Moreton, and North Stradbroke. Geographical features and climates are diverse, including tropical rainforests, rivers, coral reefs, mountain ranges and sandy beaches in its tropical and sub-tropical coastal regions, as well as deserts and savanna in the semi-arid and desert climatic regions of its interior.

Because of its size, there is significant variation in climate across the state. There is ample rainfall along the coastline, with a monsoonal wet season in the tropical north, and humid sub-tropical conditions along the southern coastline. Low rainfall and hot humid summers are typical for the inland and west. Elevated areas in the south-eastern inland can experience temperatures well below freezing in mid-winter providing frost and, rarely, snowfall. The climate of the coastal regions is influenced by warm ocean waters, keeping the region free from extremes of temperature and providing moisture for rainfall.

There are six predominant climatic zones in Queensland, based on temperature and humidity. Hot humid summer, warm humid winter (far north and coastal) such as at Cairns & Innisfail. Hot humid summer, warm dry winter (north and coastal) like Townsville & Mackay/ Hot humid summer, mild dry winter (coastal elevated areas and coastal southeast) such as Brisbane, Bundaberg & Rockhampton. Hot dry summer, mild dry winter (central inland and northwest) like at Mt Isa, Emerald & Longreach. Hot dry summer, cool dry winter (southern inland) including Roma, Charleville & Goondiwindi and lastly, warm humid summer, cold dry winter (elevated southeastern areas of the likes of Toowoomba, Warwick & Stanthorpe.

Aside from the major ‘industry’ of tourism, primary industries are agriculture and mining. Agriculture includes commercially growing bananas, pineapples, peanuts, a wide variety of other tropical and temperate fruit and vegetables, grain crops, wineries, cattle raising, cotton, sugarcane, and wool. The mining industry includes bauxite, coal, silver, lead, zinc, gold and copper. Brisbane is an important financial centre.

Queensland has many areas of natural beauty, including the Sunshine Coast and the Gold Coast, home to some of the state’s most popular beaches; the Bunya Mountains and the Great Dividing Range, with numerous lookouts, waterfalls and picnic areas; Carnarvon Gorge; Whitsunday Islands; and Hinchinbrook Island.

Lamington National Park ©Andy Walker

The state has six World Heritage-listed preservation areas: Australian Fossil Mammal Sites at Riversleigh in the Gulf Country, Gondwana Rainforests of Australia, Fraser Island, Great Barrier Reef, Lamington National Park and the Wet Tropics of Queensland.

Birding Queensland

Nobody, local or foreigner, can really say they’ve birded Australia until they’ve spent some quality time in Queensland. As the second largest state and the one with the largest bird list (well over 650 species) it should be an essential part of any Australian itinerary. The state boasts some twenty-six endemic species plus many more specialties including Australian endemics and some exotic northern species shared only with New Guinea. Riflebirds, Bowerbirds, Cassowary, Chowchillas, Pittas, Manucodes, Monarchs, Fruit-doves, Parrots and Kingfishers are just some of the birds that can be enjoyed. Add to this classic mammals like echidnas, platypus, kangaroos and koalas and Queensland becomes the perfect destination for any naturalist.

The state is so huge it is difficult to know where to start to describe the birding possibilities. So, first a brief overview of the regions and their geography may be useful. The state can be divided into five key regions each with their particular habitats and attendant species; southeast, northeast, southwest, northwest and the Cape York Region. The eastern regions are separated from the west by the inaptly named Great Dividing Range. The eastern regions are separated by the Tropic of Capricorn. The Cape York Region dominates the extreme north of the state and its bird fauna has strong affinities with New Guinea. Most visitors will arrive in one of the easterly cities, either Brisbane in the south or Cairns in the far north. Both eastern regions boast a World Heritage area, many National Parks, a great diversity of habitats and a correspondingly rich avifauna. Each area, too, has its own endemics.

West of the Divide birders experience the scale of this vast country and see some of the arid vegetation that defines so much of the continent. The scrublands and desert grasslands of the outback should not be ignored as many nomadic wide-ranging species, such as honeyeaters and raptors, may be found there. Care needs to be taken in the outback, as the distance between towns and amenities is great. Travellers should be prepared to be independent and their vehicles need to be reliable. The Cape York Region is still very much a great wilderness that cannot be explored without serious preparation and planning. Access is determined by the seasons; in the Wet roads are virtually impassable. For the adventurous though there are great rewards – a birding trip to the Cape will never be forgotten.

Birding in Queensland is generally quite easy and comfortable. There is a wide range of accommodation and amenities to suit a range of travellers’ tastes and budgets. Australia has no shortage of quality fieldguides having four; each identified by their respective authors; Morcombe, Slater, Simpson & Day and Pizzey and Knight. There are quite a few reputable birding guides and tour operators in Queensland and their local knowledge and experience is worth considering especially when time is limited.

This page is sponsored by Eyes On Wildlife

Top Sites
  • Atherton Tablelands

    InformationSatellite View
    The Atherton Tablelands are justly famous for terrific birding - the area is a mix of farmland, bush, scrub, remnant forest etc. with a number of reserves and lakes brilliant for wetland species. It is a very diverse area with consequently diverse avifauna.
  • Bowra

    WebpageSatellite View
    Great arid land birding
  • CP Townsville Town Common

    WebpageSatellite View
    This is an area of bush and wetland that, even when it is dry is a marvelous place for wetland species, arboreal birds, passerines and, in particular, for hundreds of Brolga and virtually guarantied bustards.
  • Cairns Esplanade

    InformationSatellite View
    The miles of mud are, in the right seeason, one of the very best places to see waders anywhere in the world. Not only are many thousands of birds present but the diversity of species is astonishing. This really is a must-visit site.
  • Daintree

    InformationSatellite View
    The heart of the tropical north and a great place to centre your visit upon. The dense rainforest areas are not as alive with birds as one might suppose and hot spots need to be sussed out. Open areas and forest edge are often better birding with top species on hand such as Lesser Sooty Owl and Gould's Shining Cuckoo.
  • Lake Awoonga

    InformationSatellite View
    Feathered, furry or scaled, Lake Awoonga is home to a thriving array of native animals. Most noticeable at Lake Awoonga are the numerous species of birds (almost 200). This means that around 25% of Australia`s bird species can be found in the region. The Southern Squatter Pigeon is listed as vulnerable and of conservation significance and fifteen species are listed on International Migratory Conservation Agreement Lists. Lake Awoonga is arguably one of the most important near-coast bird refuges on the East Coast of Australia.
  • Mount Molloy & Mount Lewis

    WebpageSatellite View
    This area bridges the dry and wet areas of Northern Queensland and so are brilliantly diverse in the range of bird species… from Blue-faced Finches to Papuan Frogmouths, Buff-breasted Kingfishers to Golden-headed cisticolas it is one of Australia's very best birding areas.
  • Ian Clayton

    Townsville |

  • Ken Cross


  • Lloyd Nielsen

    Mt Molloy |

    Birding Australia
Number of Species
  • Number of bird species: 684

    (as at April 2024)

    State Bird - Brolga Grus rubicunda
  • Number of endemics: 26

    Australian Swiftlet Aerodramus terraereginae
    Buff-breasted Button-quail Turnix olivii
    Red Boobook Ninox lurida
    Golden-shouldered Parrot Psephotus chrysopterygius
    Tooth-billed Bowerbird Scenopoeetes dentirostris
    Golden Bowerbird Amblyornis newtoniana
    Lovely Fairywren Malurus amabilis
    Rusty Grasswren Amytornis rowleyi
    Kalkadoon Grasswren Amytornis ballarae
    Yellow-spotted Honeyeater Meliphaga notata
    Yellow Honeyeater Lichenostomus flavus
    Bridled Honeyeater Lichenostomus frenatus
    Eungella Honeyeater Bolemoreus hindwoodi
    Bar-breasted Honeyeater Ramsayornis fasciatus
    White-streaked Honeyeater Trichodere cockerelli
    Macleay's Honeyeater Xanthotis macleayanus
    Fernwren Oreoscopus gutturalis
    Atherton Scrubwren Sericornis keri
    Mountain Thornbill Acanthiza katherina
    Chowchilla Orthonyx spaldingii
    Bower's Shrikethrush Colluricincla boweri
    Frill-necked Monarch Arses lorealis
    Victoria's Riflebird Ptiloris victoriae
    Northern Scrub Robin Drymodes superciliaris
    White-browed Robin Poecilodryas superciliosa
    Grey-headed Robin Heteromyias cinereifrons
  • Avibase

    PDF Checklist
    This checklist includes all bird species found in Queensland , based on the best information available at this time. It is based on a wide variety of sources that I collated over many years. I am pleased to offer these checklists as a service to birdwatchers.
  • Wikipedia

    Annotated List
    Queensland is the second-largest state in Australia but has the greatest biodiversity, with 684 species of bird recorded (more than closest-rivals New South Wales or West Australia with both around 550).
Useful Reading

  • Birds of Brisbane

    | By Gregory Czechura | Queensland Museum | 2008 | Paperback | 68 pages, 138 colour photos, 1 b/w illustration, 1 colour map | ISBN: 9780977594375 Buy this book from
  • Birds of Moreton Bay

    | By Gregory Czechura | Queensland Museum | 2012 | Paperback | 140+ colour photos, 1 map | ISBN: 9780987268129 Buy this book from
  • Birds of Queensland's Birds of Lamington National Park and Environs

    | (A Guide's Guide) | By Lloyd Nielsen | 1991 | Paperback | 144 pages, b/w illustrations | Out of Print | ISBN: 9780646066097 Buy this book from
  • Birds of the Wet Tropics of Queensland & Great Barrier Reef & Where to Find Them

    | By Lloyd Nielsen | 2015 | Edition 2 | Paperback | 397 pages, colour illustrations, colour distribution maps | ISBN: 9780957988156 Buy this book from
  • Field Guide to Birds of North Queensland

    | By Phil Gregory & Jun Matsui | New Holland | 2023 | Edition 2 | paperback | 448 pages, colour photos | ISBN: 9781921073199 Buy this book from
  • Field Guide to the Birds of Cairns and Tablelands

    | (English/Japanese) By Jun Matsui | Roppon-Ashi Entomological Books | 2018 | 352 pages, plates with colour photos | ISBN: 9784829988114 Buy this book from
  • Pocket Field Guide to Birdlife of Queensland

    | By Michael Morcombe | Steve Parish Publishing | 2017 | Paperback | colour photos, colour illustrations, colour distribution maps, colour maps | ISBN: 9781925243321 Buy this book from
  • Raptors of Southern Queensland

    | By Gregory Czechura & Chris Field | Queensland Museum | 2007 |mPaperback | 68 pages, colour photos | ISBN: 9780977594344 Buy this book from
  • The Australian Bird Guide

    | By Peter Menkhorst, Danny Rogers & Rohan Clarke | Illustrated by Jeff Davies, Peter Marsack & Kim Franklin | Bloomsbury | 2017 | Paperback | 566 pages, ~250 plates with 4700+ colour illustrations; colour distribution maps | Out of Print | ISBN: 9781472912350 Buy this book from
  • Where to find Birds in North-East Queensland

    | By J Wieneke | J Wieneke | 2000 | Edition 3 | Spiralbound | 124 pages, Maps, illustrations | Out of Print | ISBN: 9780646397306 Buy this book from
Museums & Universities
  • Queensland Museum

    Throughout the history of Queensland, birds have been extensively studied. They are now well-known scientifically and our collection reflects that history. We do not actively collect birds any more but the collection is still used by scientists, artists, law-enforcement and conservation agencies, birdwatchers and the public
  • BirdLife Bundaberg Observers

    Facebook Page
    BirdLife Bundaberg covers a general area known as the Wide Bay in south east Queensland. Our district is an excellent place to see lots of birds. Our branch has outings at the end of every month except December and January.
  • BirdLife Capricornia

    BirdLife Capricornia has a membership from the Capricorn Coast, Rockhampton, Gladstone and out to the far west towns of Longreach and Winton. We focus on local bird activities such as field trips throughout the area, conservation actions to protect bird life, education activities to inform the local population and joint projects with local conservation groups to reach a wider audience. We also encourage family involvement with junior activities and family friendly day trips.
  • BirdLife Mackay

    BirdLife Mackay (previously MACBOCA) is based in the Central Queensland coastal city of Mackay, 1000km north of Brisbane. Club activities include monthly outings to destinations such as Eungella National Park, Conway National Park, Cape Hillsborough National Park and other sites throughout the area.
  • BirdLife Northern Queensland

    BirdLife Northern Queensland encompassing western and far northern Queensland, the Gulf, Cape York and the Torres Straits. The Branch pursuits include monitoring activities in the Important Bird Areas, education and recreational birding
  • BirdLife Southern Queensland

    We extend some 400 km down the east coast of southern Queensland from Maryborough to the NSW border and west 1700 km to the NT border past Birdsville
  • BirdLife Townsville

    Townsville is situated on the coast in tropical north Queensland, Australia roughly 400 kilometres south of Cairns and 1350 kilometres north of Brisbane. BirdLife Townsville has an active membership of about 60, some of who have received national recognition for their work in bird conservation. The members live mainly in the Townsville region and conduct regular bird counts and studies in the local area.
  • Birds Queensland

    (Formerly Queensland Ornithological Society) The objectives of the society are to promote the scientific study and conservation of birds by all means possible, with particular reference to the birds of Queensland..
  • Birdwatchers of Hervey Bay

    Facebook Page
    The Birdwatchers of Hervey Bay are a very friendly group and welcome anyone to join the weekly outings each Wednesday at 7 am (summer) 7.30 am (winter). Outings are advertised each week in the local free newspapers and the venues are varied and diverse. For further information, telephone John Knight (07) 4125 2372
  • C4 Community for Coastal & Cassowary Conservation

    The constant pressure of development on Crown Land at Mission Beach, all of which is now critical cassowary habitat, was the impetus for a group of twelve locals to get together to form Mission Beach's first incorporated conservation group, the Movement for Responsible Coastal Development.
  • NPAQ National Parks Association of Queensland

    NPAQ advocates for the protection, expansion and good management of the protected areas in Queensland; offers a bushwalking and outdoor recreation activity program; and provides opportunities to participate in community conservation and Citizen Science projects.
  • Queensland Conservation Council

    As the states peak non-government environment group since 1969 we coordinate within the conservation sector in Queensland to be a voice for the environment. Our mission is to protect, conserve and sustain Queensland’s unique natural environment, making sure that our wildlife, rivers and landscapes continue to thrive for future generations.
  • Queensland Wader Study Group

    The Queensland Wader Study Group (QWSG) was established in 1992 as a special interest group within Birds Queensland, to monitor wader populations in Queensland and to work towards their conservation.
  • The Queensland Naturalists' Club

    Meets at the Toowong Uniting Church Hall. 82 Sherwood Road, Toowong.
  • Toowoomba Bird Observers

    Facebook Page
    Toowoomba Bird Observers is a good active bird club in SE Queensland
  • Wildlife Preservation Society of Queensland

    Wildlife Preservation Society of Queensland is a community environmental organisation with a wonderfully diverse and postcard dedicated team of members, volunteers, supporters and staff united by a deep passion for wildlife and conservation. We have a proud history in standing up for what we believe in and campaigning for the survival of species and ecosystems. If you see Wildlife Queensland or WPSQ around the place – that’s us, for short!

Abbreviations Key

  • *Australian Wildlife Conservancy

    WebsiteSatellite View
    Links to all their sanctuaries
  • *Queensland Parks & Forests

    WebsiteSatellite View
    Links to all the national parks etc
  • FS Carrowong

    Facebook PageSatellite View
    Carrowong Fauna Sanctuary is privately funded, locally owned and dedicated to the rehabilitation and conservation of native rainforest wildlife. We know the rainforest, it's where we live, and our original wildlife tours continue to lead the way in rainforest ecotourism. All tours are led by local wildlife specialists. An educational and entertaining experience is guaranteed.
  • NP Boodjamulla (Lawn Hill)

    WebpageSatellite View
    The park is classiified by BirdLife International as an Important Bird Area. It is home to more than 140 bird species, including the Great Bowerbird, Red-collared Lorikeet, Crimson Finch, Zebra Finch, Kestrel, Spinifex Pigeon, Barking Owl, Brolga, Budgerigars, and the Wedge-tailed Eagle. It supports a large population of the Carpentarian Grasswren and small numbers of the Painted Honeyeater. The rare Purple-crowned Fairy-wren is the park emblem.
  • NP Crater Lakes

    WebpageSatellite View
    Crater Lakes National Park comprises of two separate sections—Lake Barrine and Lake Eacham. Both sections protect clear, blue crater lakes surrounded by cool rainforest.
  • NP Daintree

    WebpageSatellite View
    Daintree National Park is a vast area of tropical rainforest wilderness in Far North Queensland, Australia. This rainforest is of immense biological value to the wider scientific community due to its incredible biodiversity and high levels of endemism – that is its concentration of plant and animal species that are found nowhere else on the planet. Daintree National Park houses the oldest rainforest on the planet – the closest living counterpart to the forests that once covered the ancient supercontinent of Gondwanaland.
  • NP Danbulla NP & SF

    WebpageSatellite View
    The Tableland Yidinji and Dulguburra Yidinji Aboriginal people welcome you to Danbulla and ask that you respect their special place.
  • NP Gadgarra

    WebpageSatellite View
    Gadgarra National Park protects a variety of habitats that support species of conservation significance such as the southern cassowary and Herbert River ringtail possum, as well as migratory birds visiting from around the world. The park continues to provide visitor opportunities. The Dulabed and Malanbarra Yidinji people are involved in ongoing park management.
  • NP Great Sandy Dessert

    InformationSatellite View
    Great Sandy National Park is divided into two sections. The Cooloola section is situated on the coast between Noosa Heads in the south and Rainbow Beach in the north and covers 18,400 hectares (45,000 acres). The K'gari (Fraser Island) section encompasses almost all of the world's largest sand island, Fraser Island, situated north of Rainbow Beach, covering 56,000 hectares (140,000 acres).
  • NP Hinchinbrook Island

    WebpageSatellite View
    The cloud-covered mountain spine of the island is cloaked in fragile heath, and patches of lush rainforest and fragrant eucalypt woodlands descend to mangrove-fringed channels. The coastline is adorned with sweeping bays that meet golden beaches and rocky headlands. Rugged mountain streams and thunderous waterfalls dot the landscape and the waters surrounding the island are rich with colourful fringing reefs and lush seagrass beds.
  • NP Kirrama

    WebpageSatellite View
    Kirrama National Park is a national park in Minnamoolka, Tablelands Region of Far North Queensland, Australia. The park protects rugged mountain landscapes, lush tropical rainforest and open eucalypt forests. It forms part of the Wet Tropics World Heritage Area. The park lies with the water catchment area of the Burdekin River. There are a diverse range of plants and animals found in the area.
  • NP Koombooloomba

    WebpageSatellite View
    Endangered wet schlerophyll forest, dry forest and upland rainforest surrounding Koombooloomba Dam are protected in these parks and are part of the Wet Tropics World Heritage Area.
  • NP Kuranda

    WebpageSatellite View
    Kuranda National Park provides habitat for the endangered southern cassowary, the rare Lumholtz's tree-kangaroo and the Victoria's riflebird.
  • NP Lamington

    WebpageSatellite View
    Bird lists with illustrations etc…
  • NP Little Mulgrave

    WebpageSatellite View
    The park protects primary , tropical rainforest that thrives along the eastern edge of the plateau of the Atherton Tablelands . It extends from 50 meters above sea level, near the village of Little Mulgrave in the coastal lowlands, to over 1000 meters at the foot of Mount Haig . The tropical vegetation is home to a variety of animals, over 52 different species of birds have been observed.
  • NP Mount Lewis

    WebpageSatellite View
    Mount Lewis, one high rainforest-clad mountains of the Wet Tropics World Heritage Area, is a treasure trove of unique and endemic wildlife. The area between the Mount Lewis and Atherton Tableland is especially diverse. The beautiful upland rainforest dates back to the evolution of flowering plants on earth. Some flowers are indicative of Australia’s link with the ancient landmass of Gondwana.
  • NP Mount Windsor

    WebpageSatellite View
  • NP Mowbray

    WebpageSatellite View
    Mowbray is a national park in Queensland, Australia, 1441 km northwest of Brisbane. The park forms part of the Wooroonooran Important Bird Area, identified as such by BirdLife International because it supports populations of a range of bird species endemic to Queensland’s Wet Tropics.
  • NP Tully Gorge

    WebpageSatellite View
    The Aboriginal Traditional Owners of this area—the Jirrbal and Gulnay people—welcome you to Tully Gorge National Park. The Traditional Owners continue their cultural obligations and ask that visitors respect and care for the area.
  • NRf Bimblebox

    WebsiteSatellite View
    The membership fee is a one-off payment of $10 per person. The Bimblebox Alliance Inc. (TBA Inc) was formed in 2014 with the goal to protect the Bimblebox Nature Refuge and other Protected Areas through conservation and other activities. Bimblebox Nature Refuge is located in western Central Queensland and is one of the few remaining undisturbed ecosystems of this type in the Eastern Desert Uplands bioregion. For more information on the Nature Refuge please contact Paola on phone 07 49853459 or 07 49853474 or email
  • NRf Mareeba Tropical Savanna and Wetland

    WebsiteSatellite View
    The Reserve, which is a designated Nature Refuge recognised by the QP&WS, is known locally as the Mareeba Wetlands and lies within the traditional Country of the Muluridji people; protecting over 5000 acres of savannas and wetlands and providing a sanctuary for much of tropical Australia's savanna and wetland flora and fauna, as well as its cultural heritage.
  • SF Abergowrie

    WebpageSatellite View
    Plant-lovers will be spoilt for choice in the rainforest. On the wheelchair-accessible boardwalk on the Rainforest walk, wander amongst fan palms, black beans, strangler figs and bird's nest ferns. Listen and look for all your favourite rainforest birds, such as noisy pittas, wompoo pigeons, emerald doves, orange-footed scrubfowl and spotted catbirds.
  • SF Cardwell

    WebpageSatellite View
    Rugged mountain scenery, lush tropical rainforest, dry open forest, pine plantations, creeks and waterfalls are protected in Cardwell State Forest in the Wet Tropics World Heritage Area.
  • WR Tinchi Tamba

    WebpageSatellite View
    Tinchi Tamba Wetlands Reserve is over 380 hectares in size and is part of a network of coastal wetlands on the edge of Moreton Bay. The wetlands are located 19 kilometres north of the Brisbane CBD, between Pine River and Bald Hills Creek and includes tidal flats, mangroves, salt-marshes, melaleuca wetlands, grasslands and open forest.
  • WR Tyto

    E-BirdSatellite View
    Birding and wildlife in Tyto Wetlands Nature Reserve, Ingham, North Queensland. 230-plus bird species; 12 snakes…
  • WS Bowra

    WebpageSatellite View
    Bowra supports over 300 species of native vertebrate animals including a number of species near their eastern or western range limits, such as the Striated Grasswren, Blue-Winged Parrot, Desert Spadefoot Toad, Striped Skink, Pebble Dragon and Little Red Flying-Fox. The diversity of species is a consequence of the sanctuary’s location, straddling both the Warrego River Plains and the West Warrego ecological provinces, and the associated suite of habitats. The bird fauna at Bowra is prolific (more than 200 species) and includes nine threatened species. All four species of Australian babblers are present and the rare Grey Falcon breeds on the sanctuary.
  • WS Currumbin

    WebsiteSatellite View
    Sculptured from seventy acres of Australian bushland, Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary is home to hundreds of native birds and animals, many of them endangered. Every year hundreds of thousands of local and overseas visitors enjoy a memorable day with nature at Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary.
Sightings, News & Forums
  • Birding North Queensland

    News & Discussion
  • Birdline Central & Southern Queensland

    Birdline Central & Southern Queensland is a site for the reporting of rare or unusual birds outside their normal range, unusually high or low numbers, early or late arrivals or departures for migrant species and interesting behaviour or unusual habitat usage. The BSCQ region covers a large area from south of Ayr to the New South Wales Border and west to the Northern Territory border.
  • Birds Queensland

    News & Discussion
    To promote the scientific study and conservation of birds, in particular the birds of Queensland.
  • Queensland Rare Bird Alert

    The report below shows observations of rare birds in Queensland. Includes both unreviewed and reviewed/approved observations.
Guides & Tour Operators
  • Araucaria Ecotours

    We began running ecotours in May 1997, with just one product, the 3-day wildlife tour, in a 5-seater vehicle, advertised by photocopied fliers to backpacker hostels. Soon after, we purchased an 8-seater minibus, started our first website, and achieved eco-accreditation for our tour. Travelers who could not stay in Queensland long enough for our 3-day tour started asking about day-tour possibilities, so we added three of these (bird-watching, bush-walking and Coochiemudlo Island) and soon had advanced eco-accreditation for all four tours. Also see their Facebook page.
  • BirdQuest

    Tour Operator
    Australian specialities with a difference
  • Birding Ecotours

    Tour Operator
    Eastern Australia offers many varied birding options, with cities such as Cairns, Brisbane, Sydney, and Melbourne providing excellent entry points into the country. All are interesting cities with top birding and wildlife watching right on their doorsteps. It is also possible to form a nice route taking in some of these areas over an approximate 3-week period as shown here, which is a perfect introduction into Australian birding.
  • Birdwatching Tropical Australia

    Facebook Page
    Enjoy a full day bird watching Port Douglas local area, moving from the coast to the higher altitudes of Julatten and Mt Lewis. We search for some of the 430 species of birds found in the Wet Tropics and Cairns region, 12 of which are endemic to the area. Alternativley or as a second day we visit the dry savannah areas and wetlands between Lake Mitchell and Mt Carbine.
  • Daintree River tours

    Boat Trips
    Dawn And Early Morning Rainforest And Wetland Wildlife Tours. Daintree Valley alone is home to 225 species. Daily dawn river cruises average 50 bird species in winter, and 40 in summer, with regular reptile sightings and nocturnal mammals as an added bonus.
  • Eyes on Wildlife

    Tour Operator
    Eyes on Wildlife offers birding and wildlife tours in Far North Queensland, Australia. We have an exceptional biological diversity in which few other regions in the world can compete with. The Great Barrier Reef, Daintree National Park and the Atherton Tablelands are the best known destinations around Cairns, but Far North Queensland has so much to discover it can dazzle even the most experienced naturalist!
  • FNQ Nature Tours

    Tour Operator
    FNQ Nature Tours offers tours across the Daintree Rainforest National Park, Atherton Tablelands, Crater Lakes and Cape Tribulation regions, designed for nature minded travellers desiring a personal, educational and interactive guided experience.
  • Fine Feather Tours

    Tour Operator
    Fine Feather Tours is owned and operated by Dell Richards, and is based in Mossman, North Queensland, adjacent to the richest birding area in Australia.
  • Gondwana Guides

    Gondwana Guides is a Tour Guiding company owned and operated by Barry Davies specializing in Birdwatching, Wildlife, Bushwalking, Environmental Interpretation and Educational tours. Lamington National Park and the World Heritage Gondwana Reserves of Australia are our backyard but we take tours anywhere in Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific
  • Great Northern Birdwatching Tours

    Tour Operator
    Specialised birdwatching tours in Cairns, Atherton Tablelands, Cape York, Gulf of Carpentaria & Western Queensland. The Australian landscape offers a wide range of experiences, however, few are as unique or majestic as those found in ‘Far North Queensland’.
  • Naturalist Journeys

    Tour Operator
    Exploring North Queensland and the Daintree Region is legendary among birders, with so many species ranking off the charts for color, beauty, and song. This is a lush coastal area that combines mountain, rainforest, and ocean birding in Australia’s most fertile area. The driving routes are spectacular and not long, so you have plenty of field time to take it all in. Interspersed with forest and coastal walks are boat trips and an ocean cruise to experience the Great Barrier Reef.
  • Sicklebill Safaris

    We offer small group tours and customised trips for birding enthusiasts. Whether you are a keen lister, a bird-family specialist, a beginner birder, or just have a general interest in natural history we will have something for you. Join us on a ready made tour, work with us on deciding a guided itinerary especially for you and your group or let us help you plan your "self-drive" trip. We specialise in Australia, New Guinea and the Pacific Region with occasional forays into S. E Asia, Africa and the Middle East…
  • Tony's Tropical Tours

    Tour Operator
    4 Day - 3 Night Tour Starting In The Daintree Rainforest Roam through the heart of the DaintreeSwim in crystal clear rainforest waters Stay One Night In Historic Remote Cooktown Stay At Lotus Bird Lodge See Some Of Australia's Unique Wildlife and Birdlife Quinkan Aboriginal Rock Paintings Pickup And Return To Accommodation.
  • Wild Watch Australia

    Tour Operator
    WildWatch operates a birding and wildlife (and photography) guiding business out of Cairns. In addition to conducting excursions in the Cairns and Tablelands region, they also run tours to Cape York, Iron Range, Kakadu, Tasmania and most other notable birding spots around Australia.
Trip Reports
  • 2015 [07 July] - Philip Maher - Atherton Tablelands & Iron Range

    Cairns’ famous esplanade was our first port of call, just a stone’s throw from our accommodation, the Mercure Harbourside. While overwintering waders weren’t plentiful, we did pick up bar-tailed godwit, grey-tailed tattler, great knot and eastern curlew. The mangroves to the north end of the esplanade afforded us great views of at least three pairs of mangrove robins and a pair of collared kingfishers. An osprey flew over carrying a fish to its nest.
  • 2017 [07 July] - Aidan Powell

    ...The wildlife is amazing, Victoria's riflebirds, spotted catbirds, yellow spotted honeyeaters, hornbill frairbirds and black butcherbirds visited the feeders while Australian brush turkeys,emerald doves and musky rat kangaroos patrolled the forest floor. We saw southern cassowary both mornings we were there, once next to our room and once underneath the main house...
  • 2018 [10 October\ - Joshua Nergmark - Outback Queensland

    PDF Report
    With a plethora of newly split species available, and some high quantity rainfall earlier in the year preceding the tour, this year’s new-look itinerary was always going to be an exciting excursion into areas of Queensland much more remote than those usually covered on traditional birding routes.
  • 2019 [10 October] - Sam Woods

    PDF Report
    ... flying across to Cairns in the Wet Tropics of Northeast Queensland. This was followed by another flight, and short leg, in Southern Queensland, after a flight into Brisbane.
  • 2020 [01 January] - Matthew Kwan

    As Hoiling slept in from the long flight, I woke up early for some birding in the nearby Caterson Park. The sun was up early and it was already very bright at 6am. Just outside a flock of Crested Pigeons strolled along the lawn, this very common species is by no means boring-looking and have iridescent feathers on their wings. I spotted my first two Laughing Kookaburras of this trip, this very iconic Australian species is very common throughout.
  • 2021 [004 April] - Ian Reid

    PDF Report
    This report describes two weeks birding in tropical northern Queensland. The first week was family holiday, taken in Cairns, Lake Eacham and Mission Beach. I did a fair bit of birding, but the main priority was holiday and family time, though I made sure that we holidayed in places where I had targets
  • 2023 [04 April] - Andrew Walker - Queensland Custom Tour

    PDF Report
    We recorded 223 bird species (five heard only) during the eight days of birding on the tour. The tour highlights included a long list of endemic birds and families, with some clear stand-out species being seen, and seen well, such as Southern Cassowary, Australian Bustard, Square-tailed Kite, Grey Goshawk, Wedge-tailed Eagle, Wompoo Fruit Dove, Rose-crowned Fruit Dove, Wonga Pigeon, Topknot Pigeon, White-headed Pigeon, Pheasant Coucal, Channel-billed Cuckoo, Shining Bronze Cuckoo, Australian King Parrot, Double-eyed Fig Parrot, Crimson (Crimson) Rosella, Torresian Kingfisher, Blue-winged Kookaburra, Australian Hobby, Noisy Pitta, Variegated Fairywren, Red-backed Fairywren, Albert’s Lyrebird, Apostlebird, Green Catbird, Spotted Catbird, Bower’s Shrikethrush, Victoria’s Riflebird, Satin Bowerbird, Regent Bowerbird (incredibly just a female!), Tooth-billed Bowerbird, Great Bowerbird, Mangrove Gerygone, Macleay’s Honeyeater, Bridled Honeyeater, Cryptic Honeyeater, Mangrove Honeyeater, Chowchilla, Australian Logrunner, Grey-headed Robin, Pale Yellow Robin, Atherton Scrubwren, White-eared Monarch, Pied Monarch, and Bassian Thrush.
  • 2023 [10 October] - Geoff Upton

    PDF Report
    ...The hotel grounds contained a variety of trees and shrubs, mostly labelled, and here we saw our first desert specialist birds: Yellow-throated Miners, White-plumed Honeyeaters, Magpie-larks, Crested Pigeons and Little Corellas were abundant, and a bit of searching in the grounds and the nearby Pioneer Lookout also produced Common Bronzewing, Purple-backed Fairy-wren and Grey-headed Honeyeater...
  • 2023 [11 November] - Mike Watson

    PDF Report
    .... A host of fantastic specialities on the Cape York Peninsula included Spotted Whistling Duck, Australian Bustard, Squatter Pigeon, Wompoo, Superb and Rose-crowned Fruit Doves, Palm Cockatoo, Papuan Eclectus and Red-cheeked Parrots, the endangered Golden-shouldered Parrot, Pale-headed Rosella, Papuan and Marbled Frogmouths, Eastern Grass Owl, Yellow-billed Kingfisher, Noisy Pitta, Fawn-breasted Bowerbird, Black-eared Catbird, Tropical and Large-billed Scrubwrens, Lovely Fairywren, Bridled, White-cheeked, Lewin’s, MacLeay’s, Tawny-breasted, Graceful and Green-backed Honeyeaters, Hornbill Friarbird, Black-backed Butcherbird, Trumpet Manucode, Magnificent Riflebird, Yellow-legged Flyrobin, Black-faced and White-eared Monarchs, Yellow-breasted Boatbill, White-browed and White-faced Robins, Rufous Shrikethrush, Brown Treecreeper, Varied Sitella, Star, Masked and Black-throated Finches and, most notably, great views of the northern Cape York-only endemics...
Places to Stay
  • Adels Grove

    Adels Grove is near Boodjamulla (Lawn Hill) National Park in NW Qld
  • Chambers Wildlife Rainforest Lodge

    A great many rainforest native bird species are common sightings from your accommodation at Chambers Wildlife Rainforest Lodge.
  • Daintree Valley Haven

    For a peaceful interlude, our beautiful secluded 30-acre property, just a short scenic drive from Daintree Village, offers comfortable self-contained, A/C, bungalows overlooking a small dam which is home to platypus, saw-shelled tortoises and is visited by many water-birds such as the jabiru, buff-banded rail and nankeen night heron. Other birds abound in our tropical gardens and stands of rainforest - sunbirds, paradise kingfishers, wompoo fruit doves, and many, many more. Pick your own tropical fruits or go for a rainforest walk - your peace and privacy is assured!Fatbirder Recommended
  • Jabiru Safari Lodge - Mareeba Wetlands

    Luxury, African style safari tent cabins, walking trails, boat tours, wildlife safaris and privately guided nature experiences are just 1 &
  • Kewarra Beach Resort - Cairns

    This is a list of birds which have been sighted within our grounds and along the beachfront. We have compiled this list over the last 20 years with the help of sightings by our Resort guests. Some birds are common, some seasonal migrants and others are rare, one off visitors
  • Kingfisher Bay Resort - Fraser Island

    There`s nothing better than arriving at Kingfisher Bay Resort and Village and taking the opportunity to watch birds in their natural habitat
  • Kingfisher Park Birdwatcher's Lodge

    Kingfisher Park Birdwatchers Lodge is a haven for birdwatchers, photographers, artists and natural history enthusiasts. Tucked away in the cool mountains, in the quiet of the rainforest, our Park provides an ideal base for daily visits to other birdwatching areas in the region.Fatbirder Recommended
  • Licuala Lodge - Mission Beach

    Breakfast is served on the main upper verandah, from the award winning Queenslander pole home. Spot native wildlife, flora and fauna from this wonderful vantage point. Daily visits from Cassowary!
  • Lumholtz Lodge - Atherton Tablelands

    A naturalist's paradise near the Crater (Mt Hypipamee National Park) -A homestay overlooking 160 acres of lush private rainforest with walking trails. Lumholtz tree kangaroos etc. are residents as well as a great range of rainforest birds, including the Grey-headed Robin, Victoria's riflebird and Tooth-billed bowerbird, all endemic to the area. Cassowaries and platypus close by. Checklist on website. Fully catered meals, wildlife guiding and spotlight tours. Whether one or six people, the Lodge is for your use exclusively. Easy access to all the Tableland habitats [Mareeba wetlands, Hasties and Bromfield swamps, volcanic lakes Barrine, Eacham and Euramoo, and the famous Undara Lava Tubes]
  • Mt Barney Lodge - Barney View

    "Our market is as varied as our accommodation. We appeal to a wide range of people, from young agile bushwalkers; the nature seeker; school groups; and senior citizens sharing a rock-pool with their toddler grandchild. We are unique in that we can accommodate and provide meals for groups of up to 46 people, or you can self-cater in the fully self-contained facilities."
  • O'Reilly's Rainforest Guesthouse

    The O'Reilly family have been welcoming people into their mountain home for over 85 years. In all, they have introduced three generations of Australians to the rainforest, waterfalls and wildlife of famous World Heritage Lamington National Park near the Gold Coast in South East Queensland
  • Rose Gums Wilderness Retreat

    Rose Gums is on the high, rainforest-cloaked eastern edge of the Atherton Tablelands in Tropical North Queensland. Our cool, tropical haven is an ideal base from which you can easily discover the rest of the fascinating Tablelands area. Most attractions are within an easy hour`s drive in any direction. Bromfield Swamp: This extinct volcanic crater is a birdwatchers favourite due to its Brolgas and Sarus Cranes. Hasties Swamp: another popular birdwatching location. There are many more birdwatching sites on the Tablelands. We`ll be happy to direct you.
  • Sanctuary Retreat - Mission Beach

    Sanctuary at Mission Beach is an affordable accredited rainforest eco-lodge at Mission Beach, North Queensland, Australia, half way between Townsville and Cairns. Set on 18 hectares of lush tropical rainforest overlooking the Coral Sea, Sanctuary is as much a refuge for travellers as it is for wildlife
  • Silky Oaks Lodge

    Surrounded by the lush beauty of the Daintree National Park and overlooking the Mossman River, Silky Oaks Lodge and Healing Waters Spa blends the soothing qualities of the ancient rainforest with the stylish indulgences of a contemporary retreat…
Other Links
  • Cairns Skyrail

    By financing tropical rainforest research and educating people about rainforest ecology and its importance to our world, TropEco is working to promote the protection and better management of sensitive rainforest environments around the world
  • Cooktown Birdwatching

    Cooktown is an ideal place for bird watching, because there are four main geographical regions that meet here, each with its own set of special birds
  • Kuranda Scenic Railway

    There's not a postcard around that can capture the beauty you'll witness onboard the Kuranda Scenic Railway. For one and a half fabulous hours, you'll travel onboard historical carriages through some of the lushest rainforest, pass deep gorges, rugged mountains and the spectacular waterfalls.
  • Mission Beach Cassowaries

    Mission Beach supports the highest density of the endangered Cassowary in Australia. The Cassowary is important to the Djiru Traditional Owner culture and community identity. 40% of cassowary habitat at Mission Beach is not protected, much of it occurring on private land.
  • Barbara Maslen & Allen Sheathe - Wild Wings & Swampy Things

    Wild Wings & Swampy Things is the home of Barbara Maslen and Allen Sheather. This 40ha property is a Nature Refuge situated on Barratt Creek in Daintree, Queensland, Australia.
  • Greg Roberts - Sunshine Coast Birds

    Birding and other wildlife experiences from the Sunshine Coast and elsewhere in Australia - and from overseas - with scribblings about travel, environmental issues, kayaking, hiking and camping.
  • Peter Waanders - Bellbird Tour Blog

    Peter has been an avid birdwatcher since age 10. Born and raised in the Netherlands, Peter obtained a B Sc degree in Environmental Management and has worked in National Park management planning in the Czech Republic, ecological research in the Netherlands and Australia, and natural resource management planning and environmental project management in Australia.
  • Tom Tarrant - Aviceda's Blog

    My home town Dayboro is a magnet for frugivorous-birds, every Summer the various figs and ornamental trees become a vast restaurant for numerous species such as Figbird and Koels.
Photographers & Artists
  • Photographer - Del Richards

    Del is a keen photographer and facilitates the opportunity to take your own rewarding images of Australian Birds.
  • Photographer - Ian Montgomery - [Birdway]

    Ian Montgomery invites you to share the beauty and fascination of wild birds as seen through his eyes and camera
  • Photographer - Tom Tarrant

    Some lovely pictures of some lovely birds from around the world.

Fatbirder - linking birders worldwide...