
Victoria (abbreviation Vic) is a state in southeastern Australia. It is the second-smallest state, with a land area of around 227,000 km2 (87,000 square miles). It is the second-most-populated (after New South Wales), and most densely populated state with a population of over seven million. Victoria is bordered by New South Wales to the north and South Australia to the west and is bounded by the Bass Strait to the south (with the exception of a small land border with Tasmania located along Boundary Islet), the Great Australian Bight portion of the Southern Ocean to the southwest, and the Tasman Sea (a marginal sea of the South Pacific Ocean) to the southeast. The state encompasses a range of climates and geographical features from its temperate coastal and central regions to the Victorian Alps in the northeast and the semi-arid northwest.
The majority of the Victorian population is concentrated in the central-south area surrounding Port Phillip, and in particular within the metropolitan area of Greater Melbourne, Victoria’s state capital and largest city and also Australia’s second-largest city, where five million people, over three-quarters of the Victorian population, live. The state is home to four of Australia’s 20 largest cities: Melbourne, Geelong, Ballarat and Bendigo. Victoria’s economy is the second-largest among Australian states and is highly diversified, with service sectors predominating.
Murray River at Nyah – ©Mattinbgn CC BY 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons
Victoria’s northern border follows a straight line from Cape Howe to the start of the Murray River and then follows the Murray River as the remainder of the northern border. On the Murray River, the border is the southern bank of the river. The border also rests at the southern end of the Great Dividing Range, which stretches along the east coast and terminates west of Ballarat. Victoria contains many topographically, geologically and climatically diverse areas, ranging from the wet, temperate climate of Gippsland in the southeast to the snow-covered Victorian alpine areas which rise to almost 2,000 m (6,600 ft), with Mount Bogong the highest peak at 1,986 m (6,516 ft). There are extensive semi-arid plains to the west and northwest.
There are numerous river systems in Victoria. Most notable is the Murray River system. Among many others are Ovens River, Goulburn River, Patterson River, King River, Campaspe River, Loddon River, Wimmera River, Elgin River, Barwon River, Thomson River, Snowy River, Latrobe River, Yarra River, Maribyrnong River, Mitta River, Hopkins River, Merri River and Kiewa River. Ecological communities include Victorian Volcanic Plain grasslands, Northern Plains Grassland and Gippsland Plains Grassy Woodland, all of which are critically endangered.
Victoria has a varied climate that ranges from semi-arid temperate with hot summers in the north-west, to temperate and cool along the coast. Victoria’s main land feature, the Great Dividing Range, produces a cooler, mountain climate in the centre of the state. Winters along the coast of the state, particularly around Melbourne, are relatively mild. The coastal plain south of the Great Dividing Range has Victoria’s mildest climate. Air from the Southern Ocean helps reduce the heat of summer and the cold of winter. Melbourne and other large cities are located in this temperate region.
Mallee Landscape – ©Simpson81 CC BY-SA 4.0 via Wikimedia Commons
The Mallee and upper Wimmera are Victoria’s warmest regions with hot winds blowing from nearby semi-deserts. Average temperatures exceed 32 °C during summer and 15 °C in winter. The Victorian Alps in the northeast are the coldest part of Victoria. The Alps are part of the Great Dividing Range mountain system extending east-west through the centre of Victoria. Average temperatures are less than 9 °C (48 °F) in winter and below 0 °C (32 °F) in the highest parts of the ranges.
Rainfall in Victoria increases from south to the northeast, with higher averages in areas of high altitude. Mean annual rainfall exceeds 1,800 millimetres (over 70 inches) in some parts of the northeast but is less than 280 mm (11 in) in the Mallee. Rain is heaviest in the Otway Ranges and Gippsland in southern Victoria and in the mountainous northeast. Snow generally falls only in the mountains and hills in the centre of the state. Rain falls most frequently in winter, but summer precipitation is heavier. Rainfall is most reliable in Gippsland and the Western District, making them both leading farming areas.
Birding Victoria
Victoria is possibly Australia’s best-kept birding secret. This smallest mainland state boasts some terrific birds and a wide variety of habitats. From the eastern temperate rainforests to the mallee of the northwest well over 500 bird species have been recorded. This compares pretty well with Western Australia, for example, which is many times the size of Victoria yet has the same sized list. Victoria is a small state by Australian standards but the distances are still vast and it would be difficult to cover all the best birding sites in one visit. Here is a brief overview of the best spots.
Port Campbell National Park – ©Chris Lotz Birding Ecotours
If you’re visiting Victoria you’re most likely to enter via Melbourne, Australia’s second largest city. Those with limited time would be advised to visit Ferntree Gully National Park or Toolangi State Forest for Superb Lyrebird, Pink Robin, Pilotbird and other wet forest specialists. A visit to Werribee Treatment Plant is a must for any birder travelling to Victoria. This extensive area is one of Australia’s premier birding destinations – numerous lagoons and mudflats play host to many species of wader, wildfowl and water birds.
Travelling east from Melbourne to East Gippsland some of the best birding can be found around Mallacoota. The forests and heathlands here differ markedly to those in other parts of the state as they enjoy a slightly milder climate. Some of the birds to search for here include Glossy Black Cockatoo, Ground Parrot and Eastern Bristlebird. Further north, one crosses the Great Dividing Range in order to bird one of Australia’s most endangered habitats, the box-ironbark forests. Some of the better areas for birding include Rushworth State Forest, Whipstick and Kamarooka State Forests near Bendigo and the legendary Chiltern National Park. A suite of woodland birds specialises in these dry forests. Some of the more sought-after species here are Turquoise Parrot, Spotted Quail-Thrush, Regent Honeyeater – and Speckled Warbler amongst others.
Beauchamp Falls in Great Otway National Park – ©Dietmar Rabich via Wikipedia Commons
South west of Melbourne, a trip along the Great Ocean Road to the Otway Ranges will be rewarded with spectacular scenery and some great birding. This area is probably the best place in Australia for the enigmatic Rufous Bristlebird. If you go all the way to Port Fairy you may be able to join a pelagic trip on which many species of albatross, petrels, prions and other seabirds can be observed – arguably the best pelagic trip in the world. Up in the north west of the state, the mallee is the biggest draw with a number of spectacular or hard-to-find species restricted to this habitat. These include Malleefowl, Regent Parrot, Red-lored Whistler, Mallee Emu-Wren and Striated Grasswren. The best parks to visit are Little Desert, Wyperfeld, Hattah-Kulkyne and Murray-Sunset national Parks.
Number of bird species: 527
(As at April 2024)
State Bird - Helmeted Honeyeater Lichenostomus melanops
PDF ChecklistThis checklist includes all bird species found in Victoria , based on the best information available at this time. It is based on a wide variety of sources that I collated over many years. I am pleased to offer these checklists as a service to birdwatchers. -
Birdlist Worldwide
ChecklistVictoria is home to an impressive number of species of birds that vary from residents, that stay all year around, to breeding birds, that spend a good part of the growing season in Victoria to raise their young, migrants who pass through Victoria with the seasons, to wintering birds who like to spend a good part of the winter in Victoria to escape colder conditions up north. -
Land for Wildlife
PDF ChecklistThis list of mammals and birds includes all species recorded for Victoria, including those that are no longer present in the State and extinct species which formerly occurred in Victoria. Some birds that are rarely recorded visitors to Victoria are not listed. Alien species which have established feral populations are indicated by an asterisk (*). You may wish to use the list to compile a checklist of species observed on your property. -
Annotated ListThis list is based on the 1996 classification by Sibley and Monroe (though there has been a recent (2008) extensive revision of Australian birds by Christidis and Boles
Australian Good Birding Guide: Victoria
| By Ted & Alex Wnorowski | Port Campbell Press | 2017 | paperback | 524 pages, colour photos, colour maps | ISBN: 9780648010449 Buy this book from -
Regional Field Guide to Birds: South-East Coast and Ranges
| By Graham Pizzey & Frank Knight | Harper Collins Australia | 2013 | Paperback | 144 pages, colour photos, colour illustrations | Out of Print | ISBN: 9780732295356 Buy this book from -
The Early Career of Neville Henry Cayley in Victoria
| By Mark R Cabouret | Naturalistes et Chasseurs | 2015 | Paperback | 52 pages, b/w photos, colour illustrations | ISBN: 9780994222701 Buy this book from -
Where to See Birds in Victoria
| Edited by Tim Dolby, Penny Johns & Sally Symonds | Allen & Unwin | 2009 | Paperback | 192 pages, Colour photos, maps | Out of Print | ISBN: 9781741757361 Buy this book from
Melbourne Museum
WebsiteThe site contains some species accounts and photographs
BirdLife Ballarat
InformationBirdLife Ballarat hold meetings on the 2nd Tuesday of the month except January. The Branch meets at the Primary Industries Training Centre, Cnr. Gillies & Gregory Streets, Wendouree at 7.30 pm. There is usually a guest speaker at our meetings. Our AGM is held in April each year - April 10, 2012 -
BirdLife Bass Coast
InformationOur primary concern is for conservation of birds and bird habitat. Our region covers most of the Bass Coast Shire extending from the Western Port coastline of West Gippsland to Cape Liptrap and north to the Strezlecki Ranges and includes Phillip Island and French Island. A diversity of habitats is covered on our outings, enabling us to view a wide range of species -
BirdLife Bayside
InformationAlthough BirdLife Bayside is based in Beaumaris (Melbourne) as that is where our meetings are held, we range far and wide on our outings and our membership is not geographically based -
BirdLife Bellarine Peninsula
InformationBirdlife Bellarine is a small group of bird enthusiasts dedicated to bird observing. The group draws membership primarily from the Bellarine Peninsula, but also has members from as far afield as Melbourne -
BirdLife East Gippsland
InformationBirdLife East Gippsland is a regional branch of BirdLife Australia, promoting the appreciation, understanding and conservation of birds and their habitats -
BirdLife Echuca District
InformationBirdLife Echuca District is a cross-border Branch that aims to serve approximately 120 members who reside in southern New South Wales (including Shire of Murray, Deniliquin, Shire of Conargo, Barham and surrounding areas) or northern Victoria, (including Campaspe Shire, City of Greater Bendigo, Gunnawarra Shire, Loddon Shire and surrounding areas -
BirdLife Hamilton
InformationWe embrace central western Victoria with members and outings covering the following areas Merino, Carapook, Konongwootong, Caddens Flat, Casterton, Nareen, Harrow, the southern edge of Rocklands Reservoir, Victoria Valley & Southern Grampians, Glenthompson, Caramut, Hawkesdale, Willatook, Orford, Hotspur, and Digby -
BirdLife Horsham
InformationHorsham branch has outings in the local area on the first Sunday of each month except January -
BirdLife Melbourne
InformationBirdLife Melbourne, the Melbourne Branch of BirdLife Australia has resulted from the coming together of MELBOCA (Melbourne Branch of BOCA) and the Melbourne Members of BA Vic Group, following the merger of BA and BOCA -
BirdLife Mildura
InformationBirdlife Mildura is situated in the northwest corner of Victoria. We are fortunate to have a range of habitats to explore from riverine red gum and black box forests with billabongs to shallow, saline drainage lakes and vast areas of mallee including the Murray-Sunset National Park -
BirdLife Mornington Peninsula
InformationLocated on the Mornington Peninsula in Victoria, the Mornington Peninsula branch of BirdLife Australia was formed in 1983 as the -
BirdLife Murray Goulburn
WebpageThe Murray Goulburn Branch of BirdLife Australia is based in the Shepparton region in Victoria’s Goulburn Valley, 180 km north of Melbourne. -
BirdLife Ovens and Murray
InformationBirdLife Ovens and Murray is a branch providing local activities for BirdLife members in the Ovens and Murray region of south-eastern NSW and north-eastern Victoria -
BirdLife South East SA
InformationMembership consists of BirdLife Australia members in south-eastern South Australia and south-western Victoria. Close links on projects and activities are shared with Friends of Shorebirds South East for this same area -
BirdLife Warrnambool
InformationBirdLife Warrnambool (formerly Sou -
BirdLife Yarra Valley
InformationBirdLife Yarra Valley is a branch providing local activities for BirdLife members in Healesville and the Yarra Valley -
Field Naturalists Club of Victoria
WebsiteThe Field Naturalists Club of Victoria (FNCV) was founded in 1880, and continues as a vigorous and practical advocate of conservation and the study of natural history to this day. The Club has over 600 members and publishes the bimonthly magazine The Victorian Naturalist. This site describes the special interest groups within the FNCV, the clubs program of meetings and excursions, includes a report of recent meetings and an outline of ongoing research activities -
Friends of the Helmeted Honeyeater
WebsiteFriends of the Helmeted Honeyeater formed in May 1989 when the Helmeted Honeyeater population reached a critically low level of 50 birds -
Victorian Ornithological Research Group Inc
Facebook PageThe Victorian Ornithological Research Group (VORG) is a small project-focused ornithological group of amateurs and professionals based in Victoria, Australia. It was formed in 1962. It publishes a bulletin, VORG Notes. -
Victorian Wader Study Group
WebsiteThe Victorian Wader Study Group (VWSG) began its activities in 1975. The VWSG’s primary objective is to conduct a long-term comprehensive study of waders and terns throughout Victoria. This is achieved primarily through capture and release of birds at key high tide roosts.
* Toggle the table of contents Protected areas of Victoria
InformationSatellite ViewAs of 2022 it contained 5,081 separate protected areas with a total land area of 4,012,888 ha (9,916,060 acres) (17.64% of the state's area). There are 277 wildlife reserves in Victoria, totalling 88,396 ha (218,430 acres) (2.2% of the state's protected areas). -
*National Parks
WebsiteSatellite ViewParks Victoria is a statutory authority, created by the Parks Victoria Act 1998 and reporting to the Minister for Environment, Climate Change and Water,The Hon Lisa Neville MLA and Minister for Ports; Minister for Roads and Road Safety, The Hon Luke Donellan MLA. -
MNP Yaringa
InformationSatellite ViewYaringa Marine National Park covers 980 hectares between the mainland and Quail Island Nature Conservation Reserve, about 9 kilometres southwest of Tooradin. The area comprises saltmarsh, mangroves, sheltered intertidal mudflats, subtidal soft sediments and tidal channels. The mudflats within the Marine National Park are of national significance primarily as a feeding habitat for wader birds and other water birds. Many water birds and wader birds roost among the mangroves and nearby coastal woodlands… -
NCR Whipstick
InformationSatellite View -
NP Chiltern-Mt Pilot
WebpageSatellite ViewSituated in north-central Victoria almost on the New South Wales border, Chiltern National Park is one of the best known birding spots in the state. With good reason, too - this 4300ha park is absolutely superb… -
NP Dandenong Ranges
WebpageSatellite ViewIn 1987 Sherbrooke Forest, Doongalla Reserve and Ferntree Gully National Park were combined to form Dandenong Ranges National Park. Covering 3215 hectares, the park plays an important role in protecting a population of famous lyrebirds and other fauna, as well as protecting the forests and fern gullies of the Ranges. Since June 1997 Olinda State Forest and the Mt Evelyn Forest have also been included in Dandenong Ranges National Park… -
NP Ferntree Gully
WebpageSatellite ViewFerntree Gully – The south western section of the Dandenong Ranges National Park, located between the suburbs of Ferntree Gully and Boronia to the west, Upwey to the south, Tremont and Sassafras to the east and The Basin to the north. -
NP Greater Bendigo
WebpageSatellite ViewThe Greater Bendigo National Park is a national park located in the Loddon Mallee region of Victoria, Australia. The 17,020-hectare (42,100-acre) national park was created in 2002 from the former Whipstick State Park, Kamarooka State Park, One Tree Hill Regional Park, Mandurang State Forest and the Sandhurst State Forest... -
NP Hattah-Kulkyne
WebpageSatellite ViewThe freshwater Hattah Lakes is seasonally filled by creeks connected to the Murray, providing food and shelter for waterbirds and fish. These lakes can remain full for up to ten years without flooding, but flooding generally occurs once every two years. -
NP Little Dessert
WebpageSatellite ViewThe best time to visit the park is between late winter and early summer when the temperatures are comfortable and the park is full of blossoms and wildflowers. Camp beside the Barringgi Gadyin, and enjoy bushwalks, birdwatching or four-wheel driving. -
NP Murray-Sunset
WebpageSatellite ViewThe Murray-Sunset National Park is just about my favourite place in Victoria, especially as we have no tropical rainforest here (you cannot have everything). It is located in an area known as the mallee (for the dominant species of Eucalypt here) in northwest Victoria… -
NP Terrick Terrick
WebpageSatellite ViewTerrick Terrick is a small national park located in the North-central region of Victoria, about 100km north of Bendigo… -
NP The Lakes
WebpageSatellite ViewRotamah Island is in the Lakes National Park. Bird and other Wildlife is abundant near the Observatory and walking tracks lead from the Observatory to all parts of the island and the 90-mile beach. The homestead provides very comfortable accommodation and facilities, and is an excellent base for a wide range of activities to suit all ages and interests… -
NP Wyperfeld
WebpageSatellite ViewThe central feature of this huge park is a chain of lake beds connected by Outlet Creek, the northern extension of the Wimmera River. The lakes only fill when the Wimmera River over-supplies Lake Hindmarsh to the south of Lake Albacutya. When it rains the semi-arid landscape is transformed by tiny desert plants that sprout from long-dormant seeds, carpeting the ground with clusters of flowers. -
NR Mount Rothwell Biodiversity Interpretation Centre
InformationSatellite ViewMt Rothwell is Victoria's largest feral predator-free ecosystem. Foxes and cats were eradicated from the property more than a decade ago so that native mammal species could be reintroduced. Mt Rothwell currently holds approximately 80% of the mainland Eastern Barred Bandicoot (EBB) population which is currently recognised as the only stable self-sustaining population. It has the most successful captive breeding program for the Eastern Quoll, that is presumed extinct on mainland Australia, only persisting in the wild in the state of Tasmania. It also has the most successful breeding program for Brush-tailed Rock-wallabies in a semi-wild environment. Apex predators such as the Eastern Quoll and Spot-tailed (also known as Tiger) Quoll were reintroduced in an effort to balance the ecosystem. These species all historically coexisted across the landscape. Mt Rothwell participates in National Recovery Programs for the Eastern Barred Bandicoot, Brush-tailed Rock-wallaby, Eastern Quoll and Spiny Rice Flower. -
NR Werribee Treatment Plant
WebpageSatellite ViewRoughly the size of Phillip Island, the Western Treatment Plant provides a haven for tens of thousands of birds, thanks to ample water and a variety of landforms and plants. -
SF Rushworth
InformationSatellite ViewRushworth SF is about 1.5 hours by car from my home town of Melbourne and one of the largest areas of box-ironbark forest left in the state - a pretty woeful state of affairs… -
SP Toolangi State Forest
WebpageSatellite ViewTo fully immerse yourself into the beauty and diversity of the Toolangi State Park, pitch a tent at a base camp and walk through the bushes, smell the enticing aromas of wildflowers and look out for the colour bird life such as parrots, rosella, honeyeaters, whistlers and even lyrebirds. -
WP Moonlit Sanctuary
WebsiteSatellite ViewMoonlit Sanctuary is only 50 minutes south-east of central Melbourne, at the top of the Mornington Peninsula, and on the way to the Penguins on Phillip Island. Melbourne’s award winning wildlife park, Moonlit Sanctuary Wildlife Conservation Park invites you to explore 10 hectares of bushland, meeting endangered species, feeding kangaroos and wallabies, petting koalas and enjoying encounters with colourful birds, reptiles, dingoes and many other animals.
Birdline Victoria
Mailing ListBirdline Victoria is a service for birdwatchers to report and find out about rare or unusual bird sightings in Victoria, Australia. The information that we receive here will be used not only by interested birdwatchers but also in the preparation of such documents as the Victorian Bird Report. -
Birdline Victoria
Facebook PageDiscussion -
Capital District Rare Bird Alert
SightingsThe report below shows observations of rare birds in Capital District. Includes both unreviewed and reviewed/approved observations. -
Victoria Rare Bird Alert
SightingsThe report below shows observations of rare birds in Victoria. Includes both unreviewed and reviewed/approved observations.
Birding Ecotours
Tour OperatorThe incredible birds and wildlife of eastern Australia: a virtual birding tour by Andy Walker (who guides our Australian tours). -
Firetail Birdwatching Tours
Tour OperatorFiretail Birdwatching Tours, operated by Simon Starr, is Victoria’s longest running specialist bird guiding company. A wide range of itineraries are offered from half a day to over a week, specialising in birding and nature tours across the entire state of Victoria and adjacent New South Wales. … -
The Melbourne Birder
Tour OperatorGuided birding tours in the Greater Melbourne region - We offer a variety of bird watching tours encompassing the broad range of habitats found in south-central Victoria. Birdlife in this region is prolific, varied and exciting, and coupled with some of southern Australia's most magnificent scenery only a short distance away from the Melbourne CBD, a visually stimulating and satisfying nature-based experience can be expected
2016 [11 November] - Andy Walker
PDF Reporthis East Coast tour commenced on 28th October 2016 in Melbourne, Victoria, then continued through southern New South Wales and north through southern and then northern Queensland, and terminated in Cairns on 13th November 2016. -
2019 [07 July] - Christian Teltscher
ReportBirding day to the south-west of Melbourne to add some target species to my Australia list -
2019 [10 October] - Max Breckenridge
PDF ReportThe good conditions here meant that it was remarkably birdy, and we were bombarded by new species as we stepped out of the bus – Black, White-fronted, Spiny-cheeked, and New Holland honeyeaters fed in flowering trees, while hordes of White-winged Trillers fed on the grassy lawn and flocks of Masked and White-browed woodswallows chattered noisily overhead. A walk around the lodge was good for White-eared Honeyeater, the tiny Weebill, Eastern Rosellas, and a surprise pair of the scarce Black-eared Cuckoo showing closely. After some searching, a walk along the fox-proof fence proved very fortunate as we soon located a single Malleefowl! Working our way north to the town of Ouyen, we made several fortuitous stops. The first was at Lake Hindmarsh where a roadside ditch revealed a party of Black-tailed Nativehens, and some lakeside trees were being used by the beautiful Regent Parrot and Purple-crowned Lorikeet for nest hollows. Nearing Ouyen, we made a quick stop in a patch of mallee south of town and were soon enjoying remarkably close views of Shy Heathwren, Crimson Chats, a stunning male Splendid Fairywren, two new species of thornbill, and a lovely Redcapped Robin. -
2021 [12 December] - Yap Bao Shen
PDF Report...Most of the ponds contained some kind of shorebird, such as hundreds of Sharp-tailed Sandpiper and Curlew Sandpiper huddled on a single Fny dry patch. Other notable shorebirds seen were Marsh Sandpiper and Red-capped Plover... -
2022 [11 November] - Andy Walker
PDF ReportWe recorded 379 species (seven heard only) and enjoyed a long list of endemic species and families during the tour. The list of highlights is long, and there are way too many to list here, but you can’t go too far wrong with top-quality birds like Southern Cassowary, Malleefowl, Plainswanderer, Spotted Nightjar, Papuan Frogmouth, Great-billed Heron, Major Mitchell’s Cockatoo, Superb Parrot, Cockatiel, Budgerigar, Squatter Pigeon, Buff-breasted Paradise Kingfisher, Rufous Bristlebird, Superb Lyrebird, Albert’s Lyrebird, Pilotbird, Fernwren, Chowchilla, Australian Logrunner, Noisy Pitta, Paradise Riflebird, Victoria’s Riflebird, Regent Bowerbird, Great Bowerbird, Green Catbird, Spotted Catbird, Striated Grasswren, Splendid Fairywren, Mallee Emu-wren, Painted Honeyeater, and Diamond Firetail, to name just a few. As is usual for this tour, we found some remarkable endemic wildlife beyond all the birds, with major highlights including Koala (mother and joey), Red Kangaroo, Lumholtz’s Tree Kangaroo, Short-beaked Echidna, Platypus, and Saltwater Crocodile. We also enjoyed stunning butterflies and impressive wildflowers, particularly orchids. Trip lists follow the report. -
2022 [11 November] - Simon Starr
PDF ReportRunning every year in November, the Victoria Megatour showcases the state’s best birding regions from the wild rugged coastlines, heathlands and rainforests in the south to the inland plains and semi-arid woodlands further north. This tour targets rare, cryptic and iconic bird species whilst enjoying all the other flora and fauna that makes Australia so unique. Whilst aiming to see as many species as possible, this tour also allows time for extended observation and photography. Comfortable accommodation and the best affordable cafes and hotels selected for the best meal options. -
2023 [05 May] - Elize Ng
Report...Great Otway National Park at Kennett River, entering from Grey River Road, to see wild Koalas and picked up a few more species – Satin Bowerbird, White-throated Treecreeper, Eastern Yellow Robin, and Flame Robins. The Flame Robins seemed out of place in the forest, but maybe they were just moving through. Thereafter, we stopped at the Apollo Bay Fishermen’s Co-op for a late lunch while checking the pier for Crested Terns, Pacific Gulls, and Black-faced Cormorants, while also being stalked by Silver Gulls eagerly waiting for scraps...
Little Desert Nature Lodge
AccommodationExperience and learn of the natural beauty of this vast Australian wilderness while staying at the renowned Little Desert Lodge. Whimpey Reichart`s personalised desert tours and educational resources ensure a lifetime memory… -
AccommodationNestled in five acres of English gardens and surrounded by native bushland and state rainforest, Strathvea is only an hour from Melbourne. We are a place where guests are totally pampered and every day is relaxed and carefree. Bush walking, bird watching…
Ben Cruachan Natural History
WebsiteLinks to Gippsland natural history and more. -
Birding Victoria
WebsiteThe Birding Victoria website aims to assist visiting birders in finding south-eastern Australia’s special birds whilst also offering full details of potential tours. A huge amount of information is listed on birding sites and individual species, plus there are links to a wide range of relevant websites and resources….
Ben Cruachan
BLOGDuncan's blog about the nature of Gippsland, Australia. Birds, plants, insects, reptiles, and anything else that takes my fancy… -
Ian Smissen - A passion for birds…
BLOGI live on the Bellarine Peninsula--a great place for birds--so you'll see a lot of sites around the Bellarine and Geelong region (I've now started a Birds of the Bellarine Peninsula page on this blog as my bird list for the region) but I will include locations from wider afield and interstate if work, family and other commitments allow me to travel more widely… -
Natural Newstead
BLOGObservations of flora, fauna and landscape in central Victoria…