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County Sligo

Grey Plover Pluvialis squatarola ©Steve Blain Website
Birding County Sligo

County Sligo (meaning Shelly River) is a county in the province of Connacht in the west of Ireland. It is bordered to the west by Mayo, to the south by Roscommon, and the east by Leitrim. It is noted for Benbulben Mountain, one of Ireland’s most distinctive natural landmarks.

Its rivers include Ballisodare River, Duff River, River Garavogue, River Moy and Owenmore River and the lakes are loughs Arrow, Cloonacleigha, Easky, Gara, Gill, Glencar, Skean, Talt and Templehouse.

  • BirdWatch Ireland - Sligo Branch

    Facebook Page
    @birdwatch.sligo - BirdWatch Sligo is the Sligo branch of BirdWatch Ireland, dedicated to the conservation of Irish birds and the rich biodiversity that supports them. It holds a monthly talk and Outing. Both are free and non-members of BirdWatch Ireland are welcome. Here is the list of upcoming events scheduled for the next couple of months. This page is updated frequently, so check back often to stay up to date… Also see the Twitter Page.

Abbreviations Key

  • NR Ballygilgan (Lissadell)

    WebpageSatellite View
    A large grass field sloping south-westwards from the public road from Carney to Lissadell to the shore of Drumcliff Bay. About 3000 Barnacle Geese arrive in October to spend the winter in North Sligo. The Ballygilgan Nature Reserve is one of the best sites in Ireland for seeing these geese in winter. The geese breed in Greenland in the summer and spend the winter in Ireland. They graze in Lissadell – Maugherow area every winter until April, spending every night on the island of Inishmurray.
  • NR Easkey Bog

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    This is one of the few extensive areas of intermediate blanket bogs in the country. It stretches between lowland and mountain blanket bog; the area grades into mountain blanket bog to the south while an extensive area of lowland blanket bog occurs about 2 km to the west. It is one of the few places in the county where all three blanket bog types are more or less juxtaposed. Red Grouse and Curlew can be found and Golden Plover can be found here only during the winter when they visit from Iceland. The Irish Hare also makes its home here.
  • NR Union Wood

    WebpageSatellite View
    Part of Union Wood belongs to National Parks and Wildlife Service, and contains one of the largest remaining native Oak Woodlands in this area. Much of Union Wood is owned by Coillte and managed for timber, biodiversity and recreation. Mammals that live here include Pine Marten, Red Squirrel, Badger, Fos, Bats and Fallow Deer. Birds include Willow Warbler, Chiffchaff, Jay, Raven, Goldcrest, Treecreeper, Kestrel and Sparrowhawk. Buzzards are occasionally seen soaring over the trees. A good insect population live on the dead wood, native trees and nearby wetlands, lakes and river, including beautiful butterflies and dragonflies.
Photographers & Artists
  • Artist - Michael O'Clery

    Michael O'Clery is an Irish bird and wildlife artist, currently living and working in County Sligo in the west of Ireland. His main interest lies in the native birds of his home country, but also extends to all aspects of wildlife both in Ireland and abroad. While recording his wild subjects with both honesty and accuracy, Michael's paintings possess a style and individuality which makes them immediately recognisable. As well as being highly sought after as a wildlife illustrator, his work is now part of a growing number of prestigious private collections

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