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Wryneck Jynx torquilla ©Sue Tranter
Birding Alentejo

The Alentejo is huge; comprising fully one third of mainland Portugal, it is extremely sparsely populated and stretches from the River Tagus in the north down to the high, tangled hills bordering the Algarve in the south, and from the west coast all the way to Spain. The population is friendly and driving is easy, though as the distances are so large it pays to have a guide. For the wealth of top class birding it holds it is still surprisingly under-birded. Predominantly flat, gently undulating plains, covered in old Cork Oak forests and wheat fields there are however some surprisingly mountainous areas and the bird life, and nature in general, has a diversity that mirrors these changing habitats.

Though sometimes cold during the winter, during the summer the interior can become really quite warm with the temperatures reaching regularly into the 100’s; with rainfall rare for six months of the year, water is scarce everywhere and small dams abound in the constant attempt to keep livestock alive through the gruelling summers. If you want to go birding here between June and September it’s best to be an early riser, if only to beat the heat haze! However the Autumn and Winter are good birding periods and there are few places in the Western Palearctic to rival the Alentejo for the Spring Migration.From October through to February there are many species that over-winter here from northern latitudes and massive flocks of Lapwings, Wood Pigeons and Golden Plovers abound in the interior while on the salt pans and rice paddies near the coast there is a wealth of waders and waterbirds in general.

That jewel in the Alentejo’s crown, the Spring Migration, takes place during March, April and May and it’s at this time of the year that the place really shines. With such a small human population, and little pesticide or herbicide use, insects and wild flowers abound, and there are huge splashes of colour across the landscape, reds, blues, yellows and purples all set within a dazzling green; it’s this, just as much as the warm, sunny weather, total peace and quiet and wealth of species which makes the birding experience here during these months a particularly memorable one. Flagship species of the Alentejo include Great Bustard, Little Bustard, Stone Curlew, Montagu’s Harrier, Bonelli’s Eagle, Scops Owl, Purple Swamp Hen, Black-winged Kite, and Azure-winged Magpie amongst many others.

This page is sponsored by EVOA - Tagus Estuary Birdwatching and Conservation Area

Top Sites
  • Castro Verde plains

    Satellite View
    In the heart of the Alentejo province, this area of vast rolling plains is famous for its steppe birds.
Useful Reading

  • Birds of the Algarve and Southern Alentejo

    | (An Annotated Checklist) | By Gonçalo Elias | Gonçalo Elias | 2016 | Paperback | 98 pages, 1 b/w map | ISBN: 9781517497811 Buy this book from
  • Finding Birds in South Portugal - Booklet

    | By Dave Gosney | Easybirder | 2013 | Paperback | ISBN: 9781907316401 Buy this book from
  • Finding Birds in South Portugal - DVD

    | By Dave Gosney | Easybirder | 2013 | Easybirder | DVD | Runtime: 78 min | ISBN: 9781907316418 Buy this book from

Abbreviations Key

  • IBA The Sado Estuary

    InformationSatellite View
    The River Sado is born in the Serra da Vigia, near Beja, and winds its way across the plains of the Alentejo, travelling 180 km north until they flow into the sea near Setúbal. The river’s estuary commences close to Alcácer do Sal, a highly fertile humid zone, where the landscape is marked by rice fields, cultivated in platforms, and nests of white storks, perched on top of church towers or electricity pylons.
  • NR Parque Natural do Vale do Guadiana

    InformationSatellite View
Guides & Tour Operators
  • Birding in Portugal

    Tour Operator blends guided birdwatching throughout southern Portugal with a centralised location in a sparsely populated region of unique beauty. It's aim is to let you see the birds and countryside you wish to see and as much of them and it as possible, directing or taking you to places normally unfrequented by tourists. With its wealth of experience and flexibility of outlook it aims to satisfy any visitor to this wonderful region, whether they wish to have a guide or simply to birdwatch on their own…
  • Birdwatch in Alentejo

    Tour Operator
    All year round birdwatching guiding….
  • Birdwatching Alentejo Portugal

    Tour Operator
    Beside the Birdwatching holiday we also offer several birdwatching tours and trips to different parts of the Alentejo region in Portugal. Of course we can also plan tours according to your wishes…
  • Birdwatching-Algarve

    Tour Operator
    Living in Central Algarve, right next to the beautifull Ria Formosa Natural Park, we can guide you through all Southern Portugal.Tours can be tailored to your individual needs
Trip Reports
  • 2012 [05 May] - John Knight

    …Up fairly early, and while waiting for my friends to come and pick me up I found a Spotless Starling nest site in the roof of a house across the road. We took a short drive to a pull-in by the Castro Marim road just out of Villa Real de Santo Antonio which is a good vantage point over the southern part of the Sapal do Castro Marim IBA. The weather was overcast and cool, this kept the hirundines and swifts well down, and at scope range we picked up three or four Pratincoles hawking with them. I saw the only Great-Spotted Cuckoo of the trip, a stark contrast to previous years when they have been a noisy and obvious part of the scene here. We drove on to the main reserve just beyond Castro Marim (what is that enormous permanently closed visitor centre for I wonder?), stopping for Red-Rumped Swallow, Hoopoes and yet more of the wonderful Azure Winged Magpies…
  • 2013 [04 April] - Tony Small & Dave Hardaker

    Report PDF
    …A superb adult Caspian Tern appeared just above us followed later by an Osprey which flew low over head with a large fish. Further along this path, as we approached the Ludo Farm area, the big inland pool immediately beyond the obvious line of tall trees pool had breeding White Stork…
  • 2015 [11 November] – Rob Macklin

    Report PDF
    The majority of the group enjoyed our pelagic trip out of Sagres harbour, going out 10 miles to the edge of the continental shelf. We were treated to great views of storm petrels and a Leach's petrel but the star bird was a rare Wilson's petrel. At the raptor viewpoint at Sagres we found an Egyptian vulture, goshawk, plus great views of booted and short-toed eagles. Another highlight here was a super view of a yellow-browed warbler.
  • 2017 [08 August] - Derek Brennan - Alentejo & Algarve

    PDF Report
    ...While scanning the fields, I also found 2 Southern Grey Shrikes, several Lesser Kestrelsand a number of majestic Monty’s Harriers, which are unbelievably common. Little Owls were also perched out in the open. At the junction to the main road there is a small enclosed piece of farmland. This held yet more Partridge and I had my first glimpse of an Azure Winged Magpie. Bee-eaters were calling from all directions, occasionally resting on the wires...
  • 2018 [02 February] - Geoff Upton

    PDF Report
  • 2019 [06 June] - David Bradnum - Seville and the Alentejo

    PDF Report
    This was a short, low-cost birding break to Spain and Portugal. We had two aims: to see a handful of late-arriving spring migrants – White-rumped Swift, Western Olivaceous Warbler and Rufous-tailed Scrub-robin – and to enjoy as many as possible of the local specialities on the Castro Verde plains and the Rio Guadiana valley.
Places to Stay
  • Monte Horizonte Holiday Cottage - Santiago do Cac

    Monte Horizonte Holiday is located in the wonderful Alentejo region of Portugal at only 15 minutes from the beach and just five minutes of the historic city Santiago do Cac
  • Quinta do Barranco da Estrada

    Just north of the Algarve, in some of the most remote and unspoilt countryside in Europe, lies Quinta do Barranco da Estrada, a small oasis on the shores of a vast freshwater and mosquito-free lake. It nestles in the wild hills of the lower Alentejo
Other Links
  • Birdwatching Alentejo Portugal

    Alentejo Birdwatching is an informative site regarding birds in the Alentejo region of Portugal
  • Bert Snijder - Birdwatching Portugal

  • Focus

    Fotógrafo amador nascido em 1982. Vive em Portalegre de onde é natural. Faz a maioria dos seus trabalhos neste distrito, aproveitando a varidade de habitats que podemos encontrar no Parque Natural de São Mamede…
  • Frank McClintock - Birding in Portugal


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