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Lisboa Region

Long-eared owl Asio otus ©Malcolm Schuyl
Birding Lisboa

RegionLisboa Region is one of the seven designated regions of Portugal. The region covers an area of 3001.95 km2 (the smallest region on mainland Portugal) and includes a population of 2,815,851 inhabitants according to the 2011 census. Representing the Lisboa Metropolitan Region it is highly urbanised. Nevertheless, there is good birding to be had within the city and wel within reach for day trips.

This page is sponsored by EVOA - Tagus Estuary Birdwatching and Conservation Area

Top Sites
  • IBA Salinas do Samouco

    InformationSatellite View
    Managhed by Fundação para protecção e Gestão Ambiental the Salinas do Samouco complex is open to the public at the weekend.
  • NR Boquilobo Marsh

    InformationSatellite View
    the landscape is marked by a huge network of canals, covered by aquatic plants and the willows growing on the banks, where white herons (symbol of the Park) make their nests. This is the largest colony of herons in the Iberian peninsular, who visit the protected area from February/March in order to nidify and remain here until the summer. Impressive for its silence and tranquillity, Paul de Boquilobo is an excellent spot in order to observe various migratory birds that pass through the zone during various seasons of the year. But we don't only find herons here. There is a total of around 200 bird species, most of which are aquatic species, that find shelter in the Paul do Boquilobo zone, that has been justly declared as a biosphere reserve by UNESCO.

Abbreviations Key

  • NR Boquilobo Marsh

    InformationSatellite View
    The landscape is marked by a huge network of canals, covered by aquatic plants and the willows growing on the banks, where white herons (symbol of the Park) make their nests. This is the largest colony of herons in the Iberian peninsular, who visit the protected area from February/March in order to nidify and remain here until the summer. Impressive for its silence and tranquillity, Paul de Boquilobo is an excellent spot in order to observe various migratory birds that pass through the zone during various seasons of the year. But we don't only find herons here. There is a total of around 200 bird species, most of which are aquatic species, that find shelter in the Paul do Boquilobo zone, that has been justly declared as a biosphere reserve by UNESCO.
  • NR Tagus Estuary

    InformationSatellite View
    The estuary of the Tagus River is the largest wetland in the country and one of the most important in Europe, a sanctuary for fish, molluscs, crustaceans, and especially to birds that stop-over on their migration between northern Europe and Africa. It is the largest estuary in western Europe, with about 34,000 hectares (84,000 acres), and regularly hosts 50,000 wintering waterfowl
Guides & Tour Operators
  • Birdwatching Lisbon

    Tour Operator is specialised in organising and guiding birdwatching tours from Lisbon. Our tours are available all year round on request and include door to door transportation, guiding by experienced field ornithologists, use of optical equipment and field guides, and travel/accident insurances...

    River Trips
    Traditional boat guided tours through the Tagus river hidden beauties! n
Trip Reports
  • 2008 [March] - Mark Easterbrook

    With friends living near Cascais (35km west of Lisbon), the invitation to visit them and do some bird watching around the Lisbon area was irresistible. So leaving some hideous British weather behind we headed off from Luton airport on 7th Mar and retuned on the 16th having missed the biggest storm of the British winter
  • 2009 [February] - Honeyguide

    PDF Report
    These are some notes from a recce visit to Central Portugal by Rob Macklin and Chris Durdin. We were taken round by Domingos Leitão, who works for SPEA (the Portuguese BirdLife partner) and as an occasional guide for wildlife groups.
  • 2012 [November] - Colin & Alison Parnell

Photographers & Artists
  • Photographer - Modesto Viegas

    Modesto Viegas é essencialmente um fotógrafo de natureza, no entanto tem especial interesse em grafismos, reflexos, paisagem humanizada e em tudo onde a água contribua com a sua componente estética…

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