
Romania is a country located at the crossroads of Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe. It borders Ukraine to the north and east, Hungary to the west, Serbia to the southwest, Bulgaria to the south, Moldova to the east, and the Black Sea to the southeast. It has a predominantly continental climate, and an area of just ovwer 238,000 km2 (92,000 square miles) with a population of just under 20 million people (2024). It is the twelfth-largest country in Europe and the sixth-most populous member state of the European Union. Its capital and largest city is Bucharest with around 1,750,000 inhabitants, followed by Cluj-Napoca, Iași, Timișoara, Constanța, Craiova, Brașov, and Galați.
Europe’s second-longest river, the Danube, rises in Germany’s Black Forest and flows southeast for 2,857 km (1,775 miles), and forms the border with Serbia and Bulgaria, before emptying into Romania’s Danube Delta, the largest continuous marshland in Europe.
Danube Delta – ©Diego Delso, CC BY-SA 4.0 via Wikimedia Commons
The Carpathian Mountains cross Romania from the north to the southwest and include Moldoveanu Peak, at an altitude of 2,544 m (8,346 ft). They are surrounded by the Moldavian and Transylvanian plateaus, the Pannonian Plain and the Wallachian plains.
Bucegi Mountains – ©Tiia Monto, CC BY-SA 4.0 via Wikimedia Commons
Romania is home to six terrestrial ecoregions: Balkan mixed forests, Central European mixed forests, East European forest steppe, Pannonian mixed forests, Carpathian montane conifer forests, and Pontic steppe. Natural and semi-natural ecosystems cover nearly half of the country’s land area. There are almost 10,000 km2 (3,900 square miles) (about 5% of the total area) of protected areas in Romania covering 13 national parks and three biosphere reserves. Romania has one of the largest areas of undisturbed forest in Europe, covering over a quarter of its territory. Consequently, it holds half of Europe’s Brown Bears and 20% of its Wolves.
Owing to its distance from open sea and its position on the southeastern portion of the European continent, Romania has a climate that is continental, with four distinct seasons. In summer, average maximum temperatures in Bucharest rise to 28 °C, and temperatures over 35 °C are fairly common in the lower-lying areas of the country. In winter, the average maximum temperature is below 2 °C. Precipitation is average, with over 750 mm (30 in) per year only on the highest western mountains, while around Bucharest it drops to approximately 570 mm (22 in).
Birding Romania
There is no doubt about it, the Danube delta is one of the best place in Europe for birds yet still most British birdwatchers haven’t been there – so begins Dave Gosney in his booklet about birding in Romania. Indeed, the Danube delta along with the lagoon system and plains south of it, host massive numbers of bird species and individuals that make this region a birding Eldorado for the visitors.
The 580,000 hectares of the Danube Delta Biospheres Reserve includes the largest reed surface in the world, interrupted by lakes and channels, where thousands of pelicans, herons, ibis, ducks, warblers and other birds breed. Birds like White-Tailed Eagle, Paddyfield Warbler, Pied Wheatear and Dalmatian Pelican are certain to be of interest to listers, but the main attraction here is the great show of nature, with huge wild areas reachable only by rowing boat, and everything seen at close range.
South of the delta Histria is a reserve where, stopping the car anywhere on a road near a lake, you can see thousands of water birds including 60 species of waders, terns, ducks, gulls, geese, cormorants, pelicans, herons, and egrets. And in the reeds a few meters from the road, Paddyfield Warblers and Bearded tits. In the steppes just one kilometre away, you can easily see Calandra Larks. In recent years things have changed, the wetlands of Histria often dry out most of the year. The area has water only in early spring when it is abundant in waterbirds, including a good number of waders. However, some years, by the end of May the area is already dry and birds dispersed.
The mountains are even less well-known to birders and we heartily recommend a visit to Piatra Craiului and Retezat mountains, or to the large Bicaz Gorges, and again not just for easy ticking of Wallcreeper and other alpine species, but also for the large areas that are still wild and untouched by human influence, they can offer spectacular birding.
In Romania, birding is a new and developing hobby.
Number of bird species: 408
(As at May 2024)National Bird - Great White Pelican Pelecanus onocrotalus
PDF ChecklistThis checklist includes all bird species found in Romania , based on the best information available at this time. It is based on a wide variety of sources that I collated over many years. I am pleased to offer these checklists as a service to birdwatchers. If you find any error, please do not hesitate to report them. -
Bunica Maria
PDF ChecklistGuesthouse checklist -
Annotated ListThis is a list of the bird species recorded in Romania. The avifauna of Romania included a total of 408 confirmed species as of October 2022. Of them, one has been introduced by humans, and one has been extirpated. None are endemic. Unless otherwise noted, the list is that of Avibase. -
PDF ChecklistThis checklist is generated with data from eBird (, a global database of bird sightings from birders like you. If you enjoy this checklist, please consider contributing your sightings to eBird. It is 100% free to take part, and your observations will help support birders, researchers, and conservationists worldwide.
Finding Birds in South-East Romania
| By Dave Gosney | Easybirder | 2019 | Paperback | 40 pages, b/w maps | ISBN: 9781907316586 Buy this book from -
Romania: A Birdwatching and Wildlife Guide
| By James Roberts | Burton Expeditions | 2000 | Paperback | 330 pages, col photos, maps | ISBN: 9780951351628 Buy this book from
Romania Bird Finder
Apple iOS | AndroidWould you like to know what bird you saw? You can find out in just a few steps! The first application in Romania for determining birds was translated and adapted to the conditions in the country by the Milvus Group Association
Would you like to know what bird you saw? You can find out in just a few steps! The first application in Romania for determining birds was translated and adapted to the conditions in the country by the Milvus Group Association
Banat Timisoara Museum of Natural History
InformationThe collection of birds (Ornithology) is made up of over 3,000 items. They are organised in a scientific collection, arranged in systemic order, as well as naturalised birds for exhibitions. Additional collections display birds' eggs and bones…
WebsiteWe carry out applied research and conservation work for endangered species, raise awareness and educate people, monitor compliance with nature conservation regulations and engage in influencing environmental policies. -
SOR BirdLife Romania - Romanian Ornithological Society
WebsiteRomanian Ornithological SocietyStr Gheorghe Dima 49/2, RO-3400 Cluj. +40 64 438086 It is the official page of BirdLife`s partner in Romania, it has some English pages too.
*Protected areas of Romania
InformationSatellite View -
BR NP Danube Delta
InformationSatellite ViewThe Danube Delta is the second largest river delta in Europe, after the Volga Delta, and is the best preserved on the continent. There are over 320 species of birds found in the delta during summer, of which 166 nest and 159 are migratory. Over one million individual birds (swans, wild ducks, coots, etc.) winter here. -
NP Domogled-Valea Cernei
InformationSatellite ViewThe National Park stretches across over Cerna Mountains and Godeanu Mountains on the right side, and over Vâlcan Mountains and Medinţi Mountains on left (in Retezat-Godeanu Mountains group, subgroup of mountains in the Southern Carpathians), in the Cerna River basin. -
NP Nera Gorge-Beușnița
InformationSatellite ViewThe Natural Park is located at the south-west limit of the country, in the south of the Anina Mountains (group mountain included in Banat Mountains), in Caraș-Severin County, on the middle course of Nera River and on the upper Beu River. It is rich in species of birds including: golden eagle (Aquila chrysaetos), lesser spotted eagle (Aquila pomarina), common kingfisher (Alcedo athis), hazel grouse (Bonasa bonasia), hen harrier (Circus cyaneus), Eurasian eagle-owl (Bubo bubo), short-toed snake eagle (Circaetus gallicus), red-breasted flycatcher (Ficedula parva), European honey buzzard (Pernis apivorus), European nightjar (Caprimulgus europaeus), grey-headed woodpecker (Picus canus), Ural owl (Strix uralensis), corn crake (Crex crex), barred warbler (Sylvia nisoria), red-backed shrike (Lanius collurio), ortolan bunting (Emberiza hortulana), European roller (Coracias garrulus), Montagu's harrier (Circus pygargus) or middle spotted woodpecker (Dendrocopos medius). -
NP Retezat
InformationSatellite ViewContaining more than 60 peaks over 2,300 metres (7,500 ft) and over 100 crystal clear deep glacier lakes, the Retezat Mountains are some of the most beautiful in the Carpathians. Wolves, brown bear, wild boar, Eurasian lynx, European wildcat, chamois, roe deer and red deer, as well as small carnivore species such as Eurasian badger and Eurasian otter populate the park. -
NP Rodna
InformationSatellite ViewThe National Park is located in Northern Romania, in the Rodna Mountains, a subdivision of the Eastern Carpathians. -
NP Semenic-Caraș Gorge
InformationSatellite ViewThe Natural Park is located in Anina Mountains and Semenic (groups mountain included in Banat Mountains), in the southwestern's part of the country, in the middle of Caraș-Severin county. A mixed mountainous area (canyons, caves, pit caves, sinkholes, ridges, valleys, pasture, forests) it shelters a wide variety of flora and fauna. -
WII IBA Dumbravita Fishpond Complex
InformationSatellite ViewThe birdwatching is one of the most important activities within Dumbravita protection area. This area is annually visited by various groups of tourists from different countries to see the birds, plants and the beautiful landscapes. -
WebpageSatellite ViewRomania currently has 19 sites designated as Wetlands of International Importance (Ramsar Sites), with a surface area of 1,156,448 hectares.
Absolute Carpathian
Tour OperatorBird watching in Romania can be done in two major areas: in the Carpathians and in the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve. -
Tour OperatorBirdquest’s Hungary birding tours, combined with Slovakia and Romania’s mysterious Transylvania, are a classic among East European birding tour itineraries. -
Tour OperatorRomania – The Danube Delta & Dobrogea Plain -
Birding Ecotours
Tour OperatorOur spring Romania birding tours explore the famous Danube Delta and neighboring Bulgaria where we hope to encounter a multitude of exciting spring migrants. The Black Sea country of Romania is yet another European birding and wildlife highlight, with our Romania birding tours providing further most-wanted European specials. -
Birding in Romania
Tour OperatorBirding in Romania tours proudly offers quality birding adventures, expertly guided by our passionate and experienced professional tour leaders. We seek to deliver birding experience by ensuring our tours are seamlessly arranged, fun, educational and support conservation initiatives. -
Bunica Maria
Local Tour OperatorWith more than 1200 species of plants and trees, 331 species of birds (it is estimated that 174 are breeding here), 100 species of fish, the Danube Delta is home to 98% of Europe’s aquatic fauna (3400 species). The not breeding species are guests in the winter and passing through, during spring and autumn. -
Chettusia Birdwatching Tours
Tour OperatorChettusia Tours is a small private tourism company established in 2001 by two PASSIONATES, Baciu Mihai and Sorin Cismaru, of nature that afther a long work experience at Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve Authority, have decided to demonstrate their own capabilities and acknowledges got both in Romania and abroad… -
Discover Danube Delta
Tour OperatorMore then 360 Birds Species — The perfect season for Red-Breasted & White Fronted Geese, Raptors and Passerines -
Tour OperatorRomania should be high on the list of destinations for every birdwatcher. The Danube Delta is for those who enjoy spectacular birdwatching: huge flocks of pelicans, waders, cormorants, the reedbeds full of warblers, lakes and marshes full of herons, egrets and ibises. Woodpeckers, Hoopoe, Roller, Bee-eater and Golden Oriole are plentiful -
Finesse Travel & Explore
Tour OperatorThe day-to-day itinerary should be considered a guide only, as to some extent we will plan our program as we go along, to allow for greater flexibility. The propram tends to be determined by prevailing local condition (e.g. weather, water depth in channels). The delta is incredebly rich in breeding birds. The Danube Delta comprises a vast complex of reed beds, willow forest, and wetland, crossed by an intricate network of channels. We shall explore as wide a variety as possible of these habitas, both on foot and using a combination of the Flotel and a small motor boat… -
Tour OperatorThe Danube Delta is the second biggest riverine delta in Europe. Birding areas such as the Camargue and the Coto Doñana are dwarfed in size, and could both fit inside the Delta such is its vast size. Pelicans, ibises, cormorants, egrets, herons and warblers breed here in very large numbers and many other birds use the delta when on passage. -
Tour OperatorWildlife Holidays in Romania -
Naturalist Journeys
Tour OperatorNaturalist Journeys is excited to offer Birding and Nature Tours to Romania and Bulgaria. Please click on a Romania and Bulgaria Birding and Nature Tour below for more information. -
Tour OperatorWith more species of birds than days in a year, Romania is definitely a top birdwatching destination. This means about half of all the birds that can be spotted in Europe. -
Oriole Birding
Tour OperatorOne of our most bird-filled European itineraries, Romania is a fabulous country for birding and there is no better way to see the amazing Danube Delta than by boat. -
Tour OperatorGerard Gorman is available to guide you in Romania -
Tour OperatorOne of the largest wetlands in the world! Its diverse habitats and very rich birdlife make it undoubtedly one of Europe`s finests birding destinations! The coastal Dobrudjean steppe, rocky valleys and woodlands provide a unique opportunity, especially in spring and autumn time, to see thousands of breeding and migrating birds, which are rare or missing in other parts of Europe! -
Travelling Naturalist
Tour OperatorFrom the forests of Transylvania to the rolling peaks of the Carpathian Mountains and the wetlands of the Danube Delta, Romania is a truly exciting bird and wildlife destination. Combine this with the friendly locals and rich history and this extraordinary country cannot fail to get under your skin. -
Tour OperatorThe remote province of Bucovina in the north of Moldavia is a land in a time warp. Far from the rush of the 21st century, White Storks follow black-clad nuns as they scythe hay while Black Redstarts sing from nearby monastery rooftops. -
Wild Danube Company
Tour OperatorBirds are created the delta fame, notorious, even from the beginning of the century as a bird paradise. The renown is due to the 327 species we can meet in the delta and which represent 81% of Romanian bird fauna…
2015 [04 April] - Zoltán Baczó
PDF ReportWe were especially proud to find all 10 of the European woodpecker species within this short time of birding. -
2017 [05 May] - János Oláh - Hungary & Transylvania
PDF ReportThe tour itinerary has been changed a few times over the years but nowadays the combination of Hungary and Transylvania seems to be a settled and well established one, and offers an amazing list of European birds. -
2017 [05 May] - Terry Stevenson & Lajos Nemeth-Boka - Hungary & Romania
ReportAs always, the birding included the specials of the region, with Pygmy Cormorant, Dalmatian Pelican, Imperial Eagle, Great Bustard, Black Woodpecker and Wallcreeper being just a few from an impressive list. However, this year we also did absolutely exceptional for mammals, with European Mink being the rarest, but we also had Common 'Golden' Jackal, Wildcat, and no less than 8 Brown Bears. -
2017 [May] - Simay Gábor - Hungary, Slovakia & Tansylvania
PDF Report...his tourcoversthree Central European countries and most of their birdhabitats from the Hungarian grasslands to the Slovakian and Romanian spruce forests. This is an extremely productive tour in Europe and can be easily combined with the Romanian Danube DeltaTour for overseas travellers... -
2018 [08 August] - Mark Hows - Danube Delta
PDF ReportThis was primarily a mammal recording trip with the Dutch Mammal Society (although other taxa were actively recorded). I had done some work with them a few years back and managed to get myself an invite on this trip to the Danube Delta. -
2019 [05 May] - Ed Stubbs - Dobregea
PDF ReportThis report details a five-day trip to the Dobrogea region of Romania – namely Constanța and Tulcea counties – chiefly along the Black Sea coast. The trip was enjoyable, with 145 species logged during a classic European birding break. -
2019 [06 June] - Martin Pitt
PDF ReportThis tour started in the high Carpathians with its limestone massifs and upland species, then headed down to the coastal steppe of Dobrogea and the channels of the Danube Delta. We recorded 175 species of bird, from the upland specialities of Wallcreeper and Nutcracker and a host of interesting mammals, herps, butterflies and odonata. None could forget the evening with the Brown Bears in the forests, but at the other end of the scale, we then found the endearing Sousliks on the steppes. -
2021 [04 April] -
PDF ReportOn arrival, the team – Iliuta, boss of BirdinginRomania and Marius arrive to get me and first stop is Ciuperca Lake a few minutes away... -
2023 [06 June] - Oriole Birding
Report...Out onto the grassy lower slopes, there were a couple of Isabelline Wheatears. We parked and set off up a track towards the hills. It was mid afternoon and hot now, but as we got to the mouth of the valley, a Redbacked Shrike was in the trees and an Ortolan Bunting was singing from up on the rocks above. We stopped and scanned the rocks and found our first Pied Wheatears – always high above us, but nice views in the scope of some of the closer ones. Continuing on, a Turtle Dove was purring from the bushes in the valley and a Common Nightingale was singing. Hearing the hirundines alarm calling, we looked up to see a smart male Levant Sparrowhawk circling up. Having shaken off its pursuers, it dropped back down to the bushes on the slopes and we saw it later flying round in and out of the rocks. Hopefully it wasn’t hunting the Pied Wheatears!... -
2023 [09 September] - Gerard Gorman
PDF ReportAnnotated list
Bunica Maria - Guesthouse for birders
Accommodation"Bunica Maria" Guesthouse for birders is a lovely place 200m from the Danube River bank-Sf. Gheorghe Branch, in the village of Mahmudia, entrance to the Danube Delta, a Natural Reserve and bird heaven. Built in classical style, with elements of traditional and rustic, our place keeps the charm of the past but with all modern facilities and a cozy atmosphere. -
Delta Nature Resort
AccommodationDelta Nature Resort offers a night club, an outdoor seasonal pool and a veranda, as well lake views in all rooms in the venue.