
The Essex recording area (areas 18 & 19 in the Watsonian system) is co-terminus with the ceremonial county of the same name. Essex is a large county in the east of England, one of the so-called ‘home counties’. It is bordered by Cambridgeshire and Suffolk to the north, the North Sea to the east, Kent across the Thames Estuary to the south, Greater London to the southwest, and Hertfordshire to the west. The largest settlement is Southend-on-Sea, followed by Basildon, Colchester and Chelmsford, the county town. The county has an area of c.3,700 km2 (1,400 square miles) and a population approaching two million people. The south of the county, particularly as it gets closer to London, is very densely populated, and the remainder (besides Colchester and Chelmsford) is largely rural. The county historically included north-east Greater London, the River Lea forming its western border.
Essex is a low-lying county with a flat coastline. It contains pockets of ancient woodland, including Epping Forest in the south-west, and in the north-east shares Dedham Vale area of outstanding natural beauty with Suffolk. The coast is one of the longest of any English county, at 562 miles (905km). It is deeply indented by estuaries, the largest being those of the Stour, which forms the Suffolk border, the Colne, Blackwater, Crouch, and the Thames in the south. Parts of the coast are wetland and salt marsh, including a large expanse at Hamford Water, and it contains several large beaches
Birding Essex
Essex has a great variety of birding habitats, from the mud flats & sea-watching of the north Thames, many scattered woodlands, an area of chalk-land in the extreme northwest, large reservoirs, coastal salt-marsh to last, but not least, vast arable fields that, surprisingly in some areas, still support large numbers of Corn Buntings.
Being heavily populated means that a lot of public areas are intensively used by the public, which in turn means early mornings are often necessary for Essex birders days in the field.
There are many excellent local nature reserves (see below); which cater for a good range of birds & general wildlife.
Estuaries, Salt Marsh & Grazing Marshes Essex is a county with many good examples of this sort of habitat, having as it does an indented & eroded coastline. Places worth a visit are the Blackwater estuary and Stour estuary including: Tollesbury Wick, Old Hall Marshes RSPB, Copperas Bay RSPB Reserve, Hamford Water, Rainham Marsh, Aveley Bay, Havengore Creek, Reeveshall Marsh, and Fingringhoe Wick (the scrub areas of the latter is especially good for Nightingales in early May).
Brent Geese over Rolls Farm ©Mick Tracey
Farmland, Lakes & Woodland Farmland in Essex is very intense but some areas still hold good numbers of Corn Bunting, Yellowhammer etc. Good areas are the Dengie Peninsular, which runs north south from Bradwell in the north to Holliwell point in the south. It is short on both woodland and lakes but there are some good examples, such as: Amwell Lakes, Berwick Ponds, Connaught Water, Dagenham Chase, Danbury Lakes CP, Gunners Park, and Hainault Forest.
Reservoirs There are many good reservoirs to choose from each with their own character, including: Abberton (with breeding Spoonbills) and Hanningfield. The Lea Valley reservoirs are mostly permit access only & stretch from Walthamstow (Greater London) in the south to Hoddesdon (Hertfordshire) in the north. The best area is around Fishers Green.
Migration points The best-known migration area has to be the Naze, which is the point of land NE of Walton-on-the-Naze. Its huge area of bushes with a scattering of Sycamores provides ideal habitat for tired migrants, but it can be frustrating to try & find birds or re-find them. It has had many rarities in its time the most well attended twitch was the Red-throated Thrush the first for Britain, which stayed for some time around the outskirts of the town.
Sea-watching The place to sea-watch in Essex is the Thames estuary, Specifically: Southend Pier and Wakering Stairs.
Abberton Reservoir
WebpageSatellite ViewExcellent for wildfowl & occasional rarities, it also has the advantage of a visitor centre selling everything from food to optics. (August 2011 access restricted by construction work - check the Essex Wildlife Trust website for access details) -
Aveley Bay
Satellite ViewRiver Thames & marshy fields. -
Berwick Ponds
Satellite ViewReedy ponds. -
Bradwell Bird Observatory
Satellite ViewLies on the south shore of the Blackwater estuary by the river mouth, access from Bradwell-on-sea. -
Canvey Island
Satellite ViewSeafront shelters, this is just far enough up river to funnel the birds close in before they turn around & fly back to sea, Long-tailed Skua & Sabines are regular on Easterly winds in August/September. -
Connaught Water
InformationSatellite ViewGood for Mandarin & woodland species. -
Copperas Bay RSPB Reserve
Satellite Viewaccess east of Mannningtree. -
Copperas Wood
Satellite ViewThis is an Essex Wildlife Trust reserve. -
Dagenham Chase
Satellite ViewLake & surrounding fields. -
Danbury Lakes & Country Park
Satellite ViewHawfinch & woodland. -
Fingringhoe Wick Nature Reserve
WebpageSatellite ViewAn Essex Wildlife trust reserve & is excellent for a wide range of species. In spring it is probably the best place in the country to see Nightingales sitting in the open in full song. Up to 40 pairs in this reserve. The Fatbirder has sat in his car in the car park here hearing 10 nightingales and seeing three or four without even breaking sweat! The reserve has salt marsh, estuary, scrub and young woodland and there is a gravel pit close to the entrance road which is excellent for swifts and hirundines. -
Fishers Green
InformationSatellite ViewComplex, which is accessed off the B194 just north of Waltham Abbey. This area is famous for it's wintering Bitterns, which show extremely well from the Bittern hide. It is also very good for Smew in the winter. -
Gunners Park
WebpageSatellite ViewGood for migrants. -
Hainault Forest
WebsiteSatellite ViewTypical woodland species. -
Hamford Water
InformationSatellite ViewArea is excellent, especially in winter, but access & parking are difficult. Best access is from Walton-on-the-naze. The John Weston Nature Reserve on the Naze is a special protection area and the backwaters behind the Naze, called Hamford Water, is a National Nature Reserve and is recognised as being an internationally important wetland for birds (RAMSAR). -
Hanningfield Reservoir
WebpageSatellite ViewSmaller than Abberton but has a totally different character, it often gets sea birds for example, which Abberton does not , there are hides & a visitor centre. -
Havengore Creek
InformationSatellite View -
InformationSatellite ViewHolland Haven lies just south of Walton-on-the-Naze & is Excellent for migrants, gardens along the seafront held a Steppe Shrike for sometime in 1996. -
Old Hall Marshes
WebpageSatellite View…In winter, 4,000 brent geese feed on the pasture, with small flocks of ruffs and golden plovers. Thousands of wigeons, teals, shelducks, grey plovers, curlews, redshanks and dunlins frequent the marshes. Divers, grebes, goldeneyes and occasional seaducks are seen in the estuarine channels. Short-eared owls, hen harriers, barn owls and merlins regularly hunt the reserve… -
Rainham Marsh
WebpageSatellite ViewThames foreshore & rough grassland recently purchased from the Army by RSPB - a grazing marsh hardly changed in centuries. The Rubbish tip is renown for attracting unusual gulls. -
Reeveshall Marsh
Satellite View -
Southend Pier
InformationSatellite ViewSea Watching. -
Tollesbury Wick
WebpageSatellite ViewOpen access is from the village of Tollesbury. -
Wakering Stairs & The Broomway
InformationSatellite ViewSea watching & migrants. The Broomway is a Byway Open to All Traffic, which means that the public is entiled to drive any kind of vehicle over it, rather than traffic being restricted to certain kinds as would be the case with a public footpath or public bridleway.
Adrian Kettle
Abberton, Colchester, England | -
Roy Ledgerton
Michael Tracey
07500 866335
Number of bird species: 390
County Bird - Brent Goose Branta bernicla
Tetrad Atlas of the Breeding Birds of Essex
| By M K Dennis | Essex Birdwatching Society | 1996 | Paperback | 312 pages, Colour photos, line illustrations, distribution maps, figures | ISBN: 9780902131095 Buy this book from -
The Birds of Essex
| By Simon Wood | Christopher Helm | 2007 | Hardback | 656 pages, Line drawings, maps, tables, 32 colour plates | Out of Print | ISBN: 9780713669398 Buy this book from -
Where to Watch Birds in Southeast England
| Essex, London & Kent | By David Callahan | Helm | 2024 | Paperback | 352 pages, b/w illustrations, b/w maps | ISBN: 9781472962225 Buy this book from
Bradwell Bird Observatory
Observatory WebsiteSatellite ViewThe reserve is run jointly by Essex Wildlife Trust and the Essex Birdwatching Society. The latter also operates Bradwell Bird Observatory, situated in the grounds of Linnett's Cottage on the edge of the reserve…
Essex Birdwatching Society
WebsiteEstablished in 1949, the Essex Birdwatching Society has a growing membership of over 700 like-minded individuals with a passion for the natural world around us and a particular an interest in birds. We cover the whole of 'ancient' Essex, which includes the metropolitan area... -
Essex Wildlife Trust
WebsiteWe manage 93 nature reserves covering 7,700 acres of land. We give advice on wildlife problems and campaign on wildlife issues. We run five visitor centres that welcome 200,000 visitors per year. We have a membership of over 16,000 that is growing fast. Our members are the backbone of the Trust, funding its activities, providing volunteers that are vital to its operation, and spreading the word to others. Without them the Trust would not be able to function and wildlife would be under even greater threat. -
Greater Thames Marshes Nature Improvement Areas
InformationNature Improvement Areas (NIAs) were nationally launched in April 2012. The Greater Thames Marshes NIA has been awarded £571,875 funding over 3 years… -
Harlow Conservation Volunteers
WebsiteHarlow Conservation Volunteers (HCV) is a group of volunteers who work for nature conservation in and around Harlow - Essex. Their aim is to improve the environment for wildlife, nature conservation, and recreation, and to improve public access. All over the country conservation volunteers do practical work which makes a major contribution to our natural heritage. They manage trees, woodlands, and hedgerows; build bridges, hides, steps, and stiles; and clean out streams and ponds. They work on footpaths, clearing them of vegetation and making them easy to walk along; they work mostly on nature reserves and public open spaces, but occasionally on privately owned land. The work done depends on the time of year, but has included coppicing, tree planting, hedge-laying, scrub control, wild flower planting, constructing boardwalks, and even charcoal making. -
Holland Haven Birding
TwitterAll holland haven cp (in ne Essex) recent sightings, updates and info by the group of local birders. Run by @lonsdalebirding . Holland haven blog link below. -
RSPB Chelmsford & Central Essex Local Group
WebpageThe group's aim is to support actively the work of the RSPB in the local community and to involve RSPB members and the wider public in the Society's conservation, public affairs, education, fundraising and other activities. We have regular monthly indoor meetings locally throughout the year and have occasional day-trips to local nature reserves. -
RSPB Colchester Local Group
WebpageThe group's aim is to make people aware of the need for wildlife conservation, to introduce more members to the RSPB and to raise funds for our local nature reserves. We hold indoor meetings with slide presentations on the second Thursday of the month between September and April. -
RSPB South East Essex Local Group
WebpageThe South East Essex Local Group supports the RSPB in carrying out the Society's objectives in the Thames Estuary area. Those objectives include: promoting the conservation of wild birds and their habitats, informing and involving the RSPB's members in conservation issues, developing policies and practical actions to protect important wildlife habitats and working with central and local government to create and implement solutions to conservation problems. -
Southend Ornithological Group
WebsiteThe Southend Ornithological Group (SOG) is an informal group of birders who watch and record birds from sites in the Southend area of Essex, England. Some areas of this website, such as record submission and the chat forum, are restricted to known SOG birders. -
Wakering & District Natural History Society
Facebook PageEarly in 1980 John Threadgold was approached by Councillor Ernie Adcock to see if he would be willing to start up a Natural History group in the village. The answer being 'Yes', John then had to liaise with the Parish Clerk to fix up a meeting place and then get some helpers. The obvious choice for help was George Bailey who was a keen photographer and a fellow member of the South Essex Natural History Society…
*Essex Country Parks
InformationSatellite ViewThis is a list of the larger country parks in Essex. -
*Essex Wildlife Trust Nature Reserves
WebsiteSatellite ViewEssex Wildlife Trust is the county's leading conservation charity. We have 11 Nature Discovery Centres, 87 Nature Reserves, 2 Nature Parks and manage 8,400 acres of land. -
Accessible Essex Reserves
WebpagePDF ListEach of the following links lead to a BFA assessment of the reserve by BFA members and others, using the BFA form. ALL types of mobility problem are assumed so there are details of path surfaces, gradients and distances as well as benches and hide details. -
CP Cudmore Grove
InformationSatellite ViewAt the eastern end of Mersea Island, at Cudmore Grove you’ll find a sandy beach, impressive views, grassland, meadows for relaxation and walks that will take you past interesting historical sites and an abundance of wildlife. -
CP Weald Country Park
InformationSatellite ViewWeald Country Park is a 700-year-old, 500 acre country park in South Weald in the borough of Brentwood -
LNR Abberton Reservoir Nature Discovery Park
WebpageSatellite ViewA wetland site of international importance for wildfowl. Up to 40,000 ducks, swans and geese visit each year. Excellent bird watching opportunities and fabulous views over the reservoir. -
LNR Aubrey Buxton Nature Reserve
WebpageSatellite ViewThe reserve is a patchwork of high woodland where Nuthatch and all three species of Woodpecker can be seen flying through the trees, ponds and grasslands that thrive in the sandy and gravel soil. In the summer, a vast array of butterfly species flit through the grasses and among the Common Spotted Orchids, Wild Strawberry and Cowslip. -
LNR Blue House Farm Nature Reserve
WebpageSatellite ViewIn the winter, listen to the large shuffling flocks of up to 2,000 dark-bellied brent geese that have travelled all the way from Siberia to graze on these marshes. They are joined by huge numbers of other wildfowl and wading birds, including golden plover, dunlin, wigeon and teal. -
LNR Bradwell Shell Bank Nature Reserve
WebpageSatellite ViewBradwell Cockle Spit on the Dengie Peninsular consists of some 30 acres of shell bank together with extensive saltmarsh. The spit has been built up by tidal currents and is mainly cockle and oyster shells. -
LNR Chigborough Lakes Nature Reserve
WebpageSatellite ViewOver 120 species of bird have been recorded here and more than 40 of these have bred, including Little Egret, Great Crested and Little Grebes, Grey Heron and Kingfisher. During the summer months there is a good opportunity to see the impressive Little Egret roost! -
LNR Copperas Wood Nature Reserve
WebpageSatellite ViewWalk through this patch of ancient woodland to see how life has bounced back after the great storm of 1987, which devastated areas of this beautiful woodland. Allowed to regrow naturally for scientific study, the wildlife here has flourished, helped with coppicing by the Trust, which has allowed for carpets of Bluebell, Yellow Archangel and Red Campion to bloom. -
LNR Cranham Marsh Reserve
WebpageSatellite ViewThe reason is that Cranham Marsh is home to wildlife that is so rare or so threatened that it has been listed for national action: animals like the water vole - Ratty from Wind in the Willows - or the great crested newt, and birds like the song thrush, once common in suburban gardens but now worryingly scarce are cause for concern. -
LNR Fingringhoe Wick Nature Discovery Park
WebpageSatellite ViewEssex Wildlife Trust's first nature reserve and visitor centre, set in a spectacular position overlooking the Colne Estuary, even on the dullest of days the views are fantastic. It offers the visitor real peace and quiet and a chance to escape from it all. A wide range of habitats are on view here, including grassland, heathland and ponds. -
LNR Hanningfield Reservoir Nature Discovery Park
WebpageSatellite ViewProviding panoramic views over the 870 acre reservoir. The visitor centre is set in mature woodland and has proved a popular bat roost, with a beautiful carpet of Bluebells in the spring. -
LNR John Weston Nature Reserve
WebpageSatellite ViewThis 9 acre reserve lies within the Naze public open space. It consists of Blackthorn and bramble thickets, rough grassland and four ponds or 'scrapes', three of them excavated since the reserve was established. -
LNR Tollesbury Wick Nature Reserve
WebpageSatellite ViewThis 600 acre site is a rare example of an Essex fresh water grazing marsh, worked for decades by traditional methods sympathetic to wildlife. Tollesbury Wick is home to Essex Wildlife Trusts flying flock of sheep. You should be be able to see Marsh Harriers at most times of the year. -
NNR Blackwater Estuary
InformationSatellite ViewBlackwater is the largest estuary in Essex and a great place to get a real sense of coastal wilderness. The reserve is split into 3 main areas: Old Hall Marshes, Tollesbury Flats and Salcott Flats. Main habitats: mudflats, salt marsh, grazing marsh, reedbeds, fresh water, intertidal mud and sand... -
NNR Colne Estuary
InformationSatellite ViewEast Mersea Flats is an important area for waders and waterfowl, especially as a feeding ground in winter. There are significant populations of grey plover, black-tailed godwit, dunlin, sanderlin and turnstone and waterfowl such as Brent geese and widgeon. Pacific oysters, an invasive alien species, have unfortunately been introduced to the area and need managing so that they don’t out-compete native oysters and other native species. -
NNR Hamford Water
InformationSatellite ViewMain habitats: salt marsh, intertidal mud flats, coastal, grazing marsh, sands, shingle, small freshwater ponds and ditches. The bird life that this variety of habitats attracts is outstanding, especially the waders and waterfowl that can be seen in winter. -
NNR Hatfiel;d Forest
InformationSatellite ViewHatfield Forest is a small Royal Forest that has survived since medieval times. The area is a mosaic of open grassland, coppiced woodland, and marshland. -
NNR Leigh
InformationSatellite ViewLeigh NNR encompasses Leigh Sands (an intertidal area) as far south as a channel called Ray Gut, and also included the eastern half of Two Tree Island. The island is the only part of the reserve that is accessible. The flats at Leigh NNR support a wide variety of birds, particularly migratory species. -
RP Lee Valley Park
WebsiteSatellite ViewCovering a thousand acres on either side of the River Lee between Waltham Abbey (Essex) and Broxbourne (Herts) River Lee Country Park is a unique patchwork of lakes, waterways, green open spaces and countryside areas all linked together by paths, walkways and cycle tracks. The River Lee Country Park abounds with wildlife throughout the year and is the perfect venue for informal, outdoor recreation. -
RSPB Bowers Marsh
WebpageSatellite ViewExplore four miles of nature trails and discover our bustling lagoon, swaying reedbeds, dense hedgerows and insect-filled grasslands at Bower's Marsh. -
RSPB Canvey Wick
WebpageSatellite ViewDiscover the ex-oil refinery that's now thriving with life, home to rare bees, beetles, birds and more. -
RSPB Flatford Wildlife Garden
WebpageSatellite ViewCome for some gardening inspiration and stay for the wonderful array of wildlife that calls Flatford home. -
RSPB Old Hall Marshes
WebpageSatellite ViewIn winter, 4,000 Brent geese feed on the pasture, with small flocks of ruffs and golden plovers. Thousands of wigeons, teals, shelducks, grey plovers, curlews, redshanks and dunlins frequent the marshes. Divers, grebes, goldeneyes and occasional sea ducks are seen in the estuarine channels. Short-eared owls, hen harriers, barn owls and merlins regularly hunt the reserve. -
RSPB Rainham Marsh
WebpageSatellite ViewOne of very few ancient landscapes remaining in London, these medieval marshes right next to the River Thames were closed to the public for over 100 years and used as a military firing range. We managed to acquire the site in 2000 and set about transforming it into an important place for nature and a great place for people to visit. Now you can expect to see breeding wading birds in spring and summer, and large flocks of wild ducks in winter. -
RSPB Stanford Wharf
WebpageSatellite ViewExplore a patchwork of habitats, offering sanctuary for lots of wildlife, especially Avocet and Curlew. -
RSPB Stour Estuary
WebpageSatellite ViewThe Stour Estuary is a nature reserve in Essex, England, east of Colchester on the estuary of the River Stour. Enjoy trails up to five miles long as you stroll through the woods. To watch wading birds, ducks and geese on the estuary, visit during the autumn and winter. -
RSPB Vange Marsh
WebpageSatellite ViewPack your wellies and waterproofs to discover the patchwork of wetland habitats at Vange Marsh in South Essex. The mixture of fresh and saltwater lagoons can get a little muddy – which means it’s the perfect spot for breeding Avocets, Common Terns, little Ringed Plovers, Lapwings and Reed Buntings. -
RSPB Wallasea Island
WebpageSatellite ViewExplore the magical mixture of habitats at RSPB Wallasea Island: from marshland and lagoons to the sea beyond, you won’t get bored. Watch as terns dive and hundreds of waders and wildfowl flock. -
RSPB West Canvey Marsh
WebpageSatellite ViewExplore West Canvey Marshes and its tapestry of wet and dry grassland, reed beds, lagoons, saltmarsh... you’ll spot a huge variety of wildlife. Time to get muddy!
EBwS Bird News
Twitter PageThe EBwS's aim is to promote birdwatching & all bird conservation issues in Essex with news gleaned from local & national sources. -
East London Birders Forum
Facebook PageMike Dent started the ELBF in August 1997 as a forum for local birders to network more easily and to accumulate data on the local avifauna while promoting the importance and enjoyment of local patch birding. Things have changed over the last 18 years and we have moved with the times from initially meeting once a month in a pub in Chingford to the creation of our website and now inevitably embracing Facebook. -
Essex Birdwatching
Twitter PageThe EBwS's aim is to promote birdwatching & bird conservation issues in Essex. Established in 1949. We produce the Essex Bird Report and Essex Birding Magazine. -
Essex Birdwatching
Facebook PageThis is a group dedicated primarily to birding and photography of such subjects. Whilst photos of moths, butterflies and other nature is welcome... -
Southend Ornithological Group Bird News
Bird Watching Holidays Essex
AccommodationEssex is ideal for bird lovers and those looking for Birdwatching holidays, and near the Essex Coast there are some wonderful Bird Reserves, - the Stour Estuary near Harwich and also Old Hall Marshes near Maldon. Enjoy a Bird watching break in Essex and stay in one of our farmhouse B&B's or Holiday Cottages where you will find a haven of wildlife on the farm, throughout the countryside, and on the coast.
Brian Anderson - Brian’s Birding Blog
BLOGEssex Birder using the blog as a diary of my trips around the country chasing birds. Enjoying the places it takes me and the people I meet along the way. Great to spend time with my Dad and brother as we chase our year lists and grow our life list in the process. -
Dave Morrison - Dave Mo Birding
BLOGI Have been birding around the Hornchurch and Rainham area for 20 years now and enjoy local patch birding.I also enjoy birds of prey,and have travelled abroad to watch and photograph them. -
Essex Wildlife Trust
BLOGNo matter what your interest, whether it be farming, gardening or marine life, we have a blog for you! All our blogs are written by people with a passion... -
Jim Anderson - Jim's Birding Blog
BLOGA diary of birds and birding trips… -
Lee Brown - Lee's Local Birding
BLOGThe Learner Birder – Lee's Birding – Local Birding - I started birding a local patch known as Rainham Marshes back in October 2010 (so in birding terms i am still learning and have a long way to go). My skills as a birder have increased massively and i have found an interest in bird calls within birding… -
Mick Rodwell - Holland Haven Birding
Ross Gardner - Essex Naturalist
BLOGMy name is Ross Gardner. I was born and still live in Essex and work in environmental education. -
Steve Arlow - Birders Playground
BLOGI have been birding since the early eighties with my early visits being around the Two Tree Island and Benfleet Creek areas before branching out to other nearby locations within the Southend area. I have been a member of the Southend Ornithological Group since about 1985/1986 and made some good birding friends. -
Tick 'N' Go Birding
BLOGHi, I have been out & about with Jimmy & Brian & sometimes Robert, 3 of my sons to see as many birds as we can. The boys got me into bird watching 8 years ago when I retired. They have been bird watching from a very young age & I am glad to say that it is one of the best things that I have ever done.
Photographer - Ian Rose
GalleryPhotos of British Birds, mostly taken in Essex and Herts -
Photographer - Peter Mann - Manny's Wildlife
GalleryMainly common birds of the UK including the odd deer -
Photographer - Richard Chew
GalleryI am an amateur photographer and my principal interest is the wildlife and landscapes of the UK. My website includes a selection of photos that I have taken over the last 12 years or so in England, Wales and the Scottish Highlands and Islands. I have also included details of the equipment that I use and some of my own personal photography tips which I feel have contributed to my development as a photographer.