
This SOC recording area of Argyll, includes the islands of Coll, Tiree, Mull, Colonsay, Oronsay, Jura, Islay and Gigha (among others), but not Bute. It excludes the area formerly in West Dunbartonshire i.e. Helensburgh and the area between Loch Long and Loch Lomond. Note that Ardnamurchan and Morvern (formerly in Argyll, are now in Highland).
Birding Argyll
This is a sprawling county comprising a very irregular piece of western Scotland deeply cut by fjord-like sea-lochs, plus the many islands of the Inner Hebrides (the larger of which include Coll, Tiree, Mull, Colonsay, Jura, Islay and Gigha); together with the island of Bute and its satellites in the Clyde. It extends roughly 150 km from Lismore in the north to the Mull of Kintyre in the south and the same from Loch Lomond in the east to Tiree in the west, with a reputed coastline of well over 1500 km.Within this large area are ranges of hills, the lower ones especially in Cowal and Kintyre, blanketed with forestry, to the detriment of the few remaining mainland-nesting pairs of Golden Eagle, but to the overall benefit of, e.g., Hen Harrier and Short-eared Owl. Much of the extensive hill land is little visited by birdwatchers, but some of the many large and small inland lochs are not without interest, with increasing numbers of breeding Osprey as well as small numbers of Black-throated Diver.
The mainland coast and sea-lochs hold small numbers of wintering ducks and waders, while the many islets and skerries are important nesting places for Arctic and Common Tern, though much reduced in some areas by the depredations of Mink. Wintering Greenland White-fronted Geese, often with Greylags, can be found in several places, especially around Machrihanish and Tayinloan on the Mull of Kintyre, as well as Moine Mhor near Lochgilphead. Small numbers of Whitefronts, among much larger numbers of Greylags, also winter on Bute.
Sea-watchers make for Uisead Point, on the west side of the Mull of Kintyre, where the Machrihanish Seabird Observatory has a small hide from which a long list of passage seabirds and other species have been seen, especially between August and October.
Coll, Tiree, Colonsay, Jura & Islay – The Inner Hebrides are very varied in character, with the stony hills of Jura, the lush farmland of Islay, the much more mountainous Mull and the almost entirely flat Tiree. Islay is famous for its wintering geese, with up to 35,000 Barnacles and 13,000 Greenland Whitefronts in recent years, but is also home to over 100 other wintering species, including a flock of over 1000 Scaup, and over 100 breeding species, among which nearly 50 pairs of Chough are the most notable.
A few thousand geese also winter on both Coll and Tiree, which also have breeding Greylags. Tiree hosts over 100 calling Corncrakes every summer making it the most important site in the country.
Mull – ©Birding Ecotours
The island of Mull – Mull has a variety of habitats. Mountains, moorlands, sea lochs and hill lochans, damp boggy marshes and sandy beaches. It supports a good range of resident and migrant birds, many passage birds call in to re-fuel en-route. Raptors to be found on Mull include two eagles, Hen Harrier, Peregrine, Kestrel, Merlin, Sparrow Hawk and. Buzzard. Resident owls are, Barn Owl, Long-eared Owl and Tawny Owl and Short-eared Owls visit to breed. Mull is now famous for its nesting White-tailed Eagles – a viewing hide with a video-link to a nest proved very successful in 2000 and has been repeated when suitable nests were available. Mull is an excellent place to see Golden Eagles, too, and to be able to compare these two giants of the raptor world. Ravens and Hooded Crow are plentiful. The coastline of Mulls is 300 miles long and the tidal lochs are very attractive to breeding waders and birds of passage which feed whilst en-route to their summer and winter grounds. Whooper Swan, Bar-tailed Godwit, Greenshank, Redshank, Snipe and Whimbrel are just a few.Large flocks of Teal and Widgeon over winter with Shelduck, Goldeneye and Merganser. All three Divers can be seen at different times of the year. Slavonian Grebe can be seen on the sea lochs in the winter months. Corncrake have made a remarkable recovery due to sensitive and friendly farming on Iona, and whilst not easy to see, Iona in May is the best time to see this elusive bird. There are many good and safe vantage points from which to watch sea birds, including, Guillemot and Black Guillemot, Shag, Cormorant and occasional Gannet and Great Skua. Boat trips are available to take you to the Treshnish isles during the summer where you can get close to nesting birds, Puffin, Shag, Kittiwake, Fulmar, Guillemot and Razorbill.Mull has lots of red deer and a small herd of fallow deer, hedgehogs, polecats, mink, rabbits, and Mountain Hare. There is a good population of otters which can now be seen regularly around the coast and sea lochs. There are no badgers, foxes or squirrels on the island and we do not have any Magpies resident on Mull. Don’t forget that Mulls Rock Doves Columba Livia are pure birds – all with white rumps and uniform markings.
Griburn - Mull
Satellite ViewThe scrub areas hold Stonechat, Whinchat, Whitethroat, Willow and many other warblers in the summer months. Scanning the hills can regularly produce White tailed Sea Eagles and Golden Eagles plus Raven, Kestrel, Sparrow Hawk & Buzzard, Peregrine Falcon are occasionally seen near the cliffs at Griburn hunting Rock Dove and Feral Pigeon, and there is always the chance of picking up a Merlin as it flashing past. -
Iona and Ross of Mull
Satellite ViewThe best place to see Corncrake is on Iona in May, it's never an easy task, more often heard than seen but a trip to Iona can be rewarding for this bird. There are many other species on Iona and the journey from Craignure through Glen More can pick up Short-eared Owl, Hen Harrier, Raven and Eagles. At Fionnaphort turn left to Fidden, you may pick up a Corncrake here as they are beginning to spread out from Iona, also Greenshank, and breeding Redshank, Lapwing, Snipe, Sandpipers and other waders. In winter flocks of White-fronted & Greylag geese forage in the fields. Nearer Bunessan the road down to Uisken beach has an open habitat of scrub and heather and is ideal for Merlin, Hen Harrier and Short eared Owl and smaller birds such as Stonechat, Whinchat and warblers. Uisken Bay in winter can give good views of all three Divers. While the iris beds in spring can hold newly arrived Corncrake early in May. Carsaig has the most spectacular cliffs where, if you are lucky you can see Peregrine and Golden Eagles. Sea birds include Fulmar, Gannets, Black Guillemot and out in the bay all three Divers at different times of the year. -
Satellite ViewMany of the top sites from Islay have been taken from Malcolm Ogilvie's booklet, Birds of Islay - the copyright remains his and we are grateful for him allowing us to use them. -
Islay - Bunnahabhain
Satellite ViewPark on the hard standing by the distillery entrance and walk along the beach northwards. This brings one to the mouth of the Bunnahabhain river which has nice scrubby areas upstream. From here one can walk north along the coast to Rubha a'Mhail lighthouse and even, for those energetic enough and with transport at the far end, right round to Killinallan and Loch Gruinart. Typical species: Mute Swan, Eider, Red-breasted Merganser on the sea; Black Grouse, Dipper, woodland birds by river. Otters along the shore. -
Islay - Frenchman's Rocks
Satellite ViewFrenchman's Rocks - some stacks lying a little under half-a-mile offshore. This is the premier seawatching site on the island, with August to October probably the most productive months, though there is something to be seen throughout the year, and the early morning being the best time, before the sun moves round and gets in the way. Continuing past Claddach takes one by a small loch where Red- throated Divers are sometimes seen, as well as Whooper Swans in autumn. The lane then leads back to the Portnahaven road. Turn left to continue round the Rhinns. This road winds its way through moorland and some farmland, past the end of the track back to the east coast and eventually dropping down close to the sea at Kilchiaran, where there are cliffs, a small burn and a track leading up to a hill-top holding various telecommunications masts. The road climbs back up the hill and over the spine of the Rhinns, through forestry plantations, back to Port Charlotte. Typical species: Greenland Whitefront, Corncrake, Chough in fields; Hen Harrier, Short-eared Owl hunting over forestry; divers, Shag, Grey and Common Seals at Port Wemyss and Portnahaven; Fulmar, petrels, shearwaters, Gannet, Kittiwake, auks, all at Frenchman's Rocks, plus less frequently divers, wildfowl and waders; Peregrine, Golden Eagle, Chough on west side of Rhinns; Fulmar, Dipper, Chough at Kilchiaran; Hen Harrier, Kestrel, Short-eared Owl by road back to Port Charlotte. -
Islay - Loch Gruinart & RSPB Reserve
WebpageSatellite ViewIn spring and summer the fields are full of nesting waders. The best goose viewing is from a car. Resist the temptation to get out - it only flushes the nearer geese and sometimes all of them, which spoils it for you and any other birdwatchers there. At the western end of the road is the RSPBs main farm, Aoradh, with a visitor centre in the farmyard. The centre contains an exhibition explaining the importance of the reserve and a fine viewing gallery looking out over the fields. A fine and capacious hide is placed on a raised bank between some flooded fields to the north, reached from the lane opposite the farm entrance, signposted Ardnave. There is a small carpark opposite the path to the hide. There are regular events at the reserve, including a weekly guided walk. Call at the Reserve or check posters in hotels and the Tourist Office for details. Typical species: Barnacle and Greenland White-fronted Geese, plus occasional Brent, Canada, Pinkfoot; Lapwing, Snipe, Redshank, Skylark breeding; Hen Harrier, Buzzard, Peregrine, Golden Eagle hunting through area; Whooper Swans in autumn. Wigeon, Teal, Pintail, Shoveler, Lapwing, Redshank, Black-headed Gulls, Snipe in the flooded fields; Chough around the derelict buildings; Corncrake in ungrazed fields and nettlebeds. -
Islay - Loch Indaal - Bowmore
Satellite ViewBowmore Pier, the layby immediately after the last house on the left leaving the village, and the large pull-off opposite the electricity generating station. This last is especially good because it is elevated. Typical species: wintering flock of Scaup, with other seaducks (Common Scoter, Goldeneye, Long-tailed); divers and Slavonian Grebes; swans and Wigeon just offshore usually to the right of the Generating Station; Purple Sandpiper, Turnstone on rocks near the pier. -
Islay - Loch Indaal - Bruichladdich
Satellite ViewThere are pull-offs on the shore side opposite the village shop (the Mini-Market) and the distillery. It is also possible to walk out onto the pier. Typical species: Shag, Wigeon, Eider, Ringed Plover on rocks; Purple Sandpiper, Turnstone opposite shop and distillery; all three divers and Common Scoter from pier. -
Islay - Loch Indaal - Port Bhan War Memorial
This is on the shore side half a mile towards Port Charlotte. There is a pull-off on the right-hand side of the road opposite. A telescope is useful here either from the car or by standing beside the war memorial. Typical species: all three divers, Common Scoter all year; Manx Shearwater, Gannet, flocks of Guillemot and Razorbill in summer. -
Islay - Loch Indaal - Port Charlotte
InformationSatellite ViewPort Charlotte village houses the Natural History Visitor Centre, clearly marked on the left just over the narrow bridge as you enter the village. Information and displays relating to all aspects of wildlife are housed here and your own records are especially welcome as contributions to our knowledge of the island's birds and other wildlife and for inclusion in our online database at the web address above -
Islay - Machir Bay
Satellite ViewRenowned for its Choughs. Corncrakes can usually be heard calling in this area in the summer months. Unfortunately the beach is poor for birds, although seaducks and divers do occur offshore. Typical species: Chough, Corncrake, gulls, Sanderling, Ringed Plover, Goldeneye, divers. -
Islay - Port Ellen Bay
Satellite ViewPort Ellen lies at the eastern side of a large bay. This can be viewed from the road leading out of the village and, at the western side, from the pleasant sandy strand of Kilnaughton Bay. This is reached by taking the turning beside Port Ellen distillery and heading for The Oa. The bay holds divers and seaducks. -
Islay - The Oa
Satellite ViewOa is pronounced O as in road. The Monument stands above 400-foot cliffs with impressive views east to the Dun Athad promontory and Beinn Mhor. The southern half of The Oa is an RSPB reserve. There is a signed circular walk from their small carpark near Upper Killeyan. There is free access to the reserve. pical species: Greenland Whitefronts in fields; Buzzard, Peregrine, Golden Eagle, Rock Dove, Guillemot, Razorbill, Black Guillemot, Raven, Chough, Wheatear, Twite around cliffs. -
Machrihanish Seabird Observatory
WebsiteSatellite ViewMachrihanish Seabird Observatory has a small hide from which a long list of passage seabirds and other species have been seen, especially between August and October. This sparsely populated area has a diverse range of habitats that provide a wealth of possibilities throughout the year. Birdlife is abundant and varied and the range recorded in this well-watched area now stands at just over 200 species including regular rarities such as Leach's Petrel, Balearic Shearwater, Grey Phalarope and Sabine's Gull. -
Mull - Loch Ba
Satellite ViewIn summer, a very rewarding walk along the shore can produce Red-throated Diver, Common Sandpiper, Pied & Grey Wagtail, Dipper, Redstart, Wood & Willow Warbler, Spotted Flycatcher & Treecreeper. Scan the hills on both sides of the loch for both eagles and Buzzard. -
Mull - Loch na Keal
WikiSatellite ViewLoch na Keal is a very large sea loch and offers opportunities to see many of Mulls best birds. In winter through to early spring, Slavonian Grebe, in eclipse & in summer plumage, Great northern & Red-throated Diver, occasional Black-throated Diver, Winter ducks are Widgeon, Teal & Goldeneye, plus all year Red-breasted Mergansers, Mallard, Eider & Shelduck. There is always the chance, after winter storms, of picking up a vagrant or rare bird from North America. Well worth checking the loch with your scope for rarities or vagrants. Sea birds include Gannet, Fulmar, Kittiwake, GBB & LBB Gulls, Common Gull, Guillemot & Black Guillemot. Regular waders are Greenshank, Redshank, Dunlin, Turnstone, Common Sandpiper, Ringed Plover, and Oystercatcher, also, on the shore, Rock Pipit. In the open areas around the loch are Meadow Pipit, Tree Pipit & Sky Lark. -
Mull - Lochdon & Grasspoint
Satellite ViewLochdon is a tidal sea loch which provides a valuable source of food for many waders, holds a good variety of birds at all times of the year, and is a regular stopping off and feeding area for spring and autumn passage migrants. One of the best sites for viewing White-tailed Sea Eagle which can be seen all year round , also regularly seen are Buzzard, Kestrel, Sparrowhawk, Tawny Owl, Short-eared Owl and Hen Harrier and occasional Barn Owl, Merlin & Peregrine Falcon. Osprey are seen regularly on passage at Lochdon in autumn and spring. Good numbers of Teal & Widgeon over-winter on Lochdon, joined by lesser numbers of Goldeneye, Red-breasted Merganser, Shelduck and Mallard. Whooper Swan drop in and stay only to rest and refuel before flying off again. In winter, occasional Goosander fish in the pool by the bridge to Grasspoint. The mouth of the loch, from Grasspoint can be good for Great Northern Diver in winter & occasional Black throated Diver. Redshank, Greenshank, Whimbrel, Turnstone, and Bar-tailed Godwit on passage in spring and autumn, Occasional large flocks of Golden Plover & Lapwing in autumn plus Ringed Plover & Curlew, There are Snipe & Woodcock at most times of the year. On the shoreline Common Sandpiper breed in summer, Rock Pipit, Grey Wagtail also. The scrub around the shores are good for migrant warblers at the right time of year, Grasshopper Warbler, Whitethroat, Willow Warbler, Wood Warbler, Blackcap, Whinchat and Cuckoo. Other resident birds including, Meadow Pipit. Rock Pipit, Stonechat, Song Thrush, Blackbird, Dunnock, Treecreeper, Wren and Robin can be seen all year round. Great Spotted Woodpecker is common and is often seen feeding at bird tables and on nuts in local gardens. There is a Sand martin colony at nearby. Grasspoint will give good views of local sea birds, Guillemot, Black Guillemot, Fulmar, GBB & LBB Gulls & occasional Gannets, & Kittiwake. Porpoise are often seen in the Sound of Lorn from a Grasspoint vantage point. Otters can occasionally seen at Grasspoint and in the outer loch area.
Malcolm Ogilvie
Alan Spellman
Maridon Lochdon, Isle of Mull, PA64 6AP | -
Bernard ZonfrilloI - sle of Arran, Isle of Bute and the Cumbraes
28 Brobi Road, Glasgow G21 3SB |
Isle of Arran, Isle of Bute and the Cumbraes
Jim Dickson
11 Pipers Road, Cairnbaan, Lochgilphead, Argyll, PA31 8UF
01546 603967
Number of bird species: 325
County Bird - Common Eider Somateria mollissima
Birds of Argyll
| Edited by Tristan ap Rheinallt, Clive Craik, P Daw, B Furness, S Petty and D Wood | Argyll Bird Club | 2007 | Hardback | 424 pages, colour photos, illustrations, tables, maps | Out of Print | ISBN: 9780955777707 Buy this book from -
Birds of Colonsay and Oronsay
| By David C Jardine, Mike A Peacock & Ian A Fisher |David Jardine | 2017 | Hardback | 384 pages, 174 colour photos, 100 colour illustrations, 165 colour distribution maps | ISBN: 9780956112699 Buy this book from -
Birds of Islay: A Celebration in Photographs
| By Malcolm Ogilvie and Gordon Langsbury | Lochindaal Press | 2006 | Paperback | 160 pages, 180 colour photos | Out of Print | ISBN: 9780955114601 Buy this book from -
The Birds of Bute: A Bird Atlas and Local Avifauna
| By Ronald W Forrester, Ian Hopkins & Doug Menzies | Buteshire Natural History Society | Hardback | Jan 2012 | 360 pages, 171 colour & b/w photos, 200 colour distribution maps, colour tables | Out of Print | ISBN: 9780905812236 Buy this book from -
The Birds of Islay
| By R E Elliott | Helm | 1989 | Paperback | 216 pages, Line drawings, figs, maps | Out of Print | ISBN: 9780747008033 Buy this book from -
Where to Watch Birds in Scotland
| By Mike Madders | Helm | 2002 | Paperback | 297 pages, B/w illustrations, maps | Out of Print | ISBN: 9780713656930 Buy this book from
Where to Watch Birds in Scotland
Apple iOS | AndroidThis app will help beginners and experts alike to discover hundreds of the best places to see and enjoy birds around the country.
Where to Watch Birds in Scotland, the Scottish Ornithologists' Club's free mobile app for Apple and Android devices, now has over 580 sites. New sites will continue to be added and existing ones updated as far as possible. The app launched in April 2019 and since then has been downloaded by more than 15,000 users and amassed over 750,000 site views. It won 'Product of the Year' in Birdwatch and BirdGuides' 2019 Birders' Choice Awards, and the BTO/Marsh Award for Local Ornithology 2020.
Islay Wildlife & Birding Information
InformationThe reason for many people to visit Islay for the first time is most likely the presence of eight working whisky distilleries on the island, and even so many people discover that Islay has much more to offer. This is probably the reason why so many people choose to come back to this beautiful island and discover all the other things Islay has to offer with wildlife and birding being one of those many reasons…
Machrihanish Seabird Observatory
Observatory WebsiteSatellite ViewWelcome to the Machrihanish Seabird Observatory web-site! The Machrihanish Seabird Observatory in Kintyre, Argyll, provides an unrivalled shelter for weather-blasted sea watchers so that observation can take place during the worst weather, yet best sea watching conditions. At this exciting base visitors can obtain assistance and information about recent sightings & details of more long-term studies… -
Sanda Island Bird Observatory
Observatory WebsiteSatellite ViewStudies of the birds of the Sanda group of islands have been taking place over three decades, initially by a small band of enthusiasts from Clyde Ringing Group. Over the years this band has grown to include ringers from across the UK and even abroad. In 2002 the decision was taken to form a charitable trust, with the intention of increasing the ornithological work carried out…
Bute Museum
WebsiteBute is an island 16 miles (25km) long and up to about 5 miles (8km) broad, with a total area of about 120 square kilometres. At the north it is separated from the mainland of Argyll by a strip of water known as the Kyles of Bute, so narrow that Bute appears as a peninsula on many small scale maps. The north of the island resembles the adjacent Cowal mainland, but the remainder of Bute has a character all its own.
Argyll Bird Club
WebsiteThe Argyll Bird Club is a registered charity with membership open to all. The club aims to promote an interest in birds in Argyll. We are a friendly club for anybody interested in wild birds, living in, or visiting, Argyll, irrespective of their level of knowledge, experience or skill. Visitors are more than welcome to our two annual indoor meetings which are all-day events held on a Saturday in spring and autumn (see News for details of upcoming meetings and trips). We also arrange monthly field excursions and anyone interested is very welcome to join us on one of these. -
Bute Bird Group
WebpageBute Bird Group is a part of Buteshire Natural History Society and is for members of the society who have an interest in the varied bird life on the Isle of Bute. New members are always welcome… -
Isle of Mull Bird Club
FC Beinn Ghuilean
WebpageSatellite ViewThe moor land and woodland edge habitat provides a home for many bird species, gold crests and tree creepers are among Britains smallest birds so you need be observant to see them. On the higher sections of the walk golden eagle and black grouse can be seen occasionally. -
FC Kilmichael Forest & Glashan Reservoir
WebpageSatellite ViewThere are many bird species to be found here including Golden eagles, Hen harriers, Barn owls, Tawny owls, Merlins, Peregrine falcons, Ospreys, Tree creepers, Great spotted woodpeckers and many more… -
FC Knapdale Forest & Crinan Harbour
WebpageSatellite ViewMany birds typical of woodland, loch and shore habitat live in Knapdale. If you are really fortunate you may be rewarded with a sighting of black grouse, osprey, peregrine, golden eagle, redstart, golden eye, and red and black throated divers… -
FC Loch Awe
WebpageSatellite ViewA treat for everyone, sometimes you wont even need binoculars to see the incredible range of birds that live in and visit the Loch Awe area… -
FC Tarbert & Skipness Woods
WebpageSatellite ViewThere are many bird species to be seen in this forest, black grouse and hen harrier to name but two… -
FC Torinturk Woods
WebpageSatellite ViewThe Torinturk woods are still home to reasonably strong black grouse populations… -
WebpageSatellite ViewThe reserve is a stronghold for the rare corncrake. We are managing the reserve with local farmers to help corncrake numbers recover… -
RSPB Loch Gruinart
WebpageSatellite ViewLoch Gruinart is one of the top wildlife sites in Scotland, with a wide range of habitats and a dedicated in-house farming operation. This provides opportunities for an extraordinary range of key Hebridean birds and other wildlife, including Greenland barnacle and Greenland white-fronted geese, corncrake, hen harrier and otter. -
WebpageSatellite ViewThe Oa, on Islay, is a breathtaking reserve of dramatic sea cliffs, open moorland, freshwater lochs, coastal grassland and heath. It's home to many important breeding and wintering birds. Watch out for the golden eagles, which are present throughout the year, soaring above the cliffs and moors. -
Sanda Island
InformationSatellite ViewThe little island of Sanda sits at the convergence of the Irish sea and the Forth of Clyde, just to the east of the Mull of Kintyre. The island is only about 1/2 mile in diameter, there are two land falls, one on the north by the house and the other by the unmanned lighthouse at Prince Edward`s rock. Lots about breeding seabirds etc…
Wild About Mull
Website'Wild About Mull' operates wildlife tours on the Ross of Mull, which is the south west peninsular of the Isle of Mull. Our minibus tours are led by Bryan Rains, who has over 30 years experience in wildlife watching. Are you a birdwatcher or are you also interested in all forms of wildlife? Come to the wonderful Ross of Mull and discover the wildest part of the island with its rugged coastline, beautiful white beaches, wildflowers and its spectacular range of wildlife.
2014 [05 May] - David & Amanda Mason - Tiree
ReportHaving previously only heard a Corncrake fourteen years ago in Hungary, we decided it was about time we made an effort to see the species. After a brief trawl of the internet, we concluded Tiree would provide us with the best opportunity to fulfill our ambition…. -
2016 [02 February] - Oriole Birding - Islay
PDF ReportAfter meeting up last night in Carlisle, we rose early this morning to complete our journey northwards to the port of Kennacraig on Scotland’s west coast. It was a very cold and frosty morning, and once we cleared Glasgow and headed along the west side of Loch Lomond, we were surrounded by snow-capped mountains – dramatic scenery in the most beautiful of weather. -
2016 [06 June] - Martin Pitt
PDF Report
Islay - Kintra Farm
AccommodationKintra Farm is a 1000-acre working hill farm on the island of Islay, off the west coast of Scotland. The farm lies 4 miles from the village of Port Ellen, in a beautiful spot beside miles of sandy beach, rocky inlets and moorland -
Islay - Lochindaal Hotel
AccommodationThe Lochindaal Hotel in Port Charlotte is one of Islay's most traditional hotels. It is a family run establishment, having been in the MacLellan family for over 100 years… -
Mull - Argyll House
AccommodationWelcome to Argyll House! This former Inn, built in 1803, has recently been completely refurbished to provide accommodation of the highest standard, offering 4 properties to suit all budgets and catering for 2 to 4 people -
Mull - Glenaros Farm Cottages
AccommodationVisitors are welcome to walk anywhere on the estate to enjoy the magnificent scenery, observe the wildlife and watch the farm at work, but are asked to keep dogs on a lead to ensure that the sheep and cattle are not disturbed. -
Mull - Seaview B&B
AccommodationWelcome to the Seaview Bed & Breakfast web site. Here you can see our award winning accommodation and learn about the wonderful scenery, wildlife, history and geology of Mull and its associated islands that make a stay here so memorable… -
Mull - Treshnish
AccommodationTreshnish Farm is situated on the north-west coast of the Island of Mull. It takes about one hour to drive from the ferry terminals and from Tobermory. A coastal path wanders around this dramatic headland, revealing spectacular views out to the islands of Coll, Tiree, Rum, Skye, Canna, Muick, Eigg, Staffa and the Treshnish Isles. When it is very clear you can see as far as the Uists, 50+ miles away
Birding around Mull
WebsiteAlthough Mull is becoming famous as the 'Eagle Island', because of the good chance of seeing both golden and white-tailed eagles, it is the wide range of birdlife seen amongst such remarkable scenery that really makes Mull, along with the Treshnish Islands, Staffa and Iona so special for the birder. This page gives you information about what birds you can see here, where to see them and when they are here -
Mull Eagle Watch
WebsiteWhite-tailed eagles are magnificent birds of prey, with a wingspan of over 2 metres when adult. They became extinct in Britain in the early 1900s but were reintroduced in the 70s. -
WebsiteThe site is designed especially for bird watchers with an interest in the wildlife of Mull and the islands of Argyll. The aim of is to share with and help visitors and locals alike to enjoy the many birds we have on the island of Mull and to keep up to date information on where to see birds at different times of the year, especially any rare or unusual visitors to the island. Mull is highly regarded as a bird watchers paradise with a large list of regularly seen species including many breeding raptors as well as rare and endangered birds
Ian Brooke - Islay Birds
BLOGA collective BLOG from a number of Islay birders and visitors… -
Islay Natural History Trust
BLOGThis is a blog of natural history notes maintained and moderated by members of the management committee of the INHT: Fiona MacGillivray, Martin Armstrong, David Webster, Andrew Kent, Isobel Freeman, Bernard Hannett, Danielle Vessey and Alistair Hutchison, and our Centre Managers, Mandy and Fiona assisted by Beth and Jenny. -
John S Armitage - A Birding Odyssey
BLOGPersonal birding at home and abroad, plus other natural history and conservation involvements. John S. Armitage - Portnahaven, Isle of Islay, Scotland, United Kingdom. Retired early after 20 years with the RSPB working in conservation. Most of my time now spent doing voluntary bird survey work…
Photographer - James R MacDonald - Bird & Wildlife Photography
Facebook PageI am a 34 year old Lifeguard/Swimming teacher and (very!) amatuer photographer from Campbeltown in Argyll. I have had an absolute passion for birds and wildlife and photography in general for a long time now, but around eighteen months ago I decided to take up wildlife imaging seriously. I originally had a little 'point and shoot' job - which while fun to use didnt really satisfy me with its image quality, so eventually I decided to splash out on a mid range DSLR accompanied in time by a decent lens… -
Photographer - Philip Price - Loch Visions
GalleryPhilip Price runs one day wildlife and digital photography days out on the banks of Loch Awe, in Argyll. Uniquely we provide all equipment, including pro standard cameras, therefore it is suitable for any person who fancies a great day out, regardless of experience or whether they own a camera or not