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United Mexican States

Red-breasted Chat Granatellus venustus ©Dubi Shapiro Website

Mexico is a country in the southern portion of North America. It covers over 1,970,000 km2 (760,000 square miles), making it the world’s 13th-largest country by area. It has a population of almost 130 million, the 10th-most-populous country and the most populous Spanish-speaking country in the world. Mexico is organized as a federal constitutional republic comprising 31 states and the capital Mexico City, a mega city of 22.5 million people. It shares land borders with the United States to the north, with Guatemala and Belize to the southeast; as well as maritime borders with the Pacific Ocean to the west, the Caribbean Sea to the southeast, and the Gulf of Mexico to the east. 54.9% of land is agricultural (11.8% is arable; 1.4% is in permanent crops; 41.7% is permanent pasture) and 33.3% is forest.

Mexico is crossed from north to south by two mountain ranges known as Sierra Madre Oriental and Sierra Madre Occidental, which are the extension of the Rocky Mountains from northern North America. From east to west at the center, the country is crossed by the Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt also known as the Sierra Nevada. A fourth mountain range, the Sierra Madre del Sur, runs from Michoacán to Oaxaca. As such, the majority of the Mexican central and northern territories are located at high altitudes, and the highest elevations are found at the Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt.

Sierra Madre Occidental ©Christian Frausto Bernal CA, CC BY 2.0 via Wikimedia Commons

Three major urban agglomerations are located in the valleys between these four elevations: Toluca, Greater Mexico City and Puebla. An important geologic feature of the Yucatán peninsula is the Chicxulub crater. The scientific consensus is that the Chicxulub impactor was responsible for the Cretaceous–Paleogene extinction event. Mexico is subject to a number of natural hazards, including hurricanes on both coasts, tsunamis on the Pacific coast, and volcanism.

The climate of Mexico is quite varied due to the country’s size and topography. Tropic of Cancer effectively divides the country into temperate and tropical zones. Land north of the Tropic of Cancer experiences cooler temperatures during the winter months. South of the Tropic of Cancer, temperatures are fairly constant year-round and vary solely as a function of elevation. This gives Mexico one of the world’s most diverse weather systems. Maritime air masses bring seasonal precipitation from May until August. Many parts of Mexico, particularly the north, have a dry climate with only sporadic rainfall, while parts of the tropical lowlands in the south average more than 2,000 mm (78.7 in) of annual precipitation. For example, many cities in the north like Monterrey, Hermosillo, and Mexicali experience temperatures of 40 °C or more in summer. In the Sonoran Desert temperatures reach 50 °C or more.

Saguaro National Park, Sonoran Desert ©Joe Parks CA, CC BY 2.0 < >, via Wikimedia Commons

Mexico ranks fourth in the world in biodiversity and is one of the 17 megadiverse countries. With over 200,000 different species, Itis home of more than 10% of the world’s biodiversity. Mexico ranks first in biodiversity in reptiles with 707 known species, second in mammals with 438 species and fourth in amphibians with 290 species. It is fourth in flora, with 26,000 different species. Mexico is also considered the second country in the world in ecosystems and fourth in overall species. About 2,500 species are protected by Mexican legislation.

170,000 square kilometres (c.65,000 square miles) of Mexico are considered ‘Protected Natural Areas’. These include 34 biosphere reserves (unaltered ecosystems), 67 national parks, 4 natural monuments (protected in perpetuity for their aesthetic, scientific or historical value), 26 areas of protected flora and fauna, 4 areas for natural resource protection (conservation of soil, hydrological basins and forests) and 17 sanctuaries (zones rich in diverse species).

Birding México

In birding terms México is a very rich country due to its geographical conditions and characteristics, including a wide variety of climates, habitats and ecosystems which are the home to unique and wide diversity of flora and fauna. There are coastal dunes, mangroves, savannas, low, medium and high jungle, cloud and rain forests, desert, high mountains, etc, It isn’t surprising therefore, that it boasts more than 1,100 different species of birds, of which 10% are endemic and about 400 cannot be found further north.

The range includes macaws and parrots, a wide variety of hawks, egrets, herons, warblers, vireos, hummingbirds, woodpeckers, owls, etc. Birds that live on the coast are also well represented; a big population of flamingos in the Yucatan peninsula, and cormorants, pelicans, spoonbills, frigate birds and many more. Birdwatching in Mexico has been long appreciated by visitors due to the rich diversity and the many protected areas Mexico has throughout the country.

For North American birders Mexico is easily accessible with good transport and familiar hotels and eateries etc. Many combine a birding trip with a beach holiday in the Yucatan peninsular of Baja California and numerous birding tour companies operate from north of the border. For birders further afield, Mexico in winter offers excellent numbers of overwintering birds from further north with wood warblers and others swelling resident species.

Top Sites
  • Calakmul Biosphere Reserve

    InformationSatellite View
    Calakmul Biosphere reserve is also an area accepted by UNESCO as a natural heritage site. It has more than 1.7 million acres and it is the second largest protected area of Mexico. It is composed basically of a jungle area connecting with the jungle of Guatemala representing the second largest jungle in America after the Amazon.Calakmul has just recently started to be studied. There is not a lot of information on the reserve and the number of species, nevertheless it is known by the abundance and diversity of species that can be seen in the area. There are several groups working in the area such as WWF and Pronatura. A trip to the reserve early in the morning can provide you with a quite diverse view of bird species as well as other animals of the area.
  • Siankaan Biosphere Reserve:

    WebpageSatellite View
    Siankaán was established as a Biosphere Reserve in 1986 and incorporated into UNESCO's list of natural world heritage sites in 1987. Covering more than 1.5 million acres along the central coast of the State of Quintana Roo, it is one of the largest protected areas of Mexico. The reserve is composed equally of semi evergreen tropical forest, wetlands & savannas and marine habitat.The Yucatan peninsula has at least 527 bird species in 62 families of which 12 are endemic with 4 subspecies, 2 morphs and 14 hipotetical registers. Siankaán itself is home to more than 345 bird species, including over 1 million wintering migratory songbirds from the US and Canada and the rare Jabiru stork.The challenge in the area is to promote rational and sustainable use of the natural resources that is compatible with the conservation of the reserve and at the same time beneficial to the local inhabitants; integrating environmental policy into regional development planning.
  • Zona del silencio

    WebsiteSatellite View
    Zona del silencio is located in Durango and Coahuila in the north of Mexico and is a dessert ecosystem.
Number of Species
  • Number of bird species: 1136

    (As at April 2024)

    National Bird - Crested Caracara Polyborus plancus

  • Number of endemics: 124

    Western Thicket Tinamou Crypturellus occidentalis
    Rufous-bellied Chachalaca Ortalis wagleri
    West Mexican Chachalaca Ortalis poliocephala
    Bearded Wood-Partridge Dendrortyx barbatus
    Long-tailed Wood-Partridge Dendrortyx macroura
    Banded Quail Philortyx fasciatus
    Elegant Quail Callipepla douglasii,
    Spot-breasted Quail Cyrtonyx sallei
    Tuxtla Quail-dove Zentrygon carrikeri
    Socorro Dove Zenaida graysoni
    Eared Poorwill Nyctiphrynus mcleodii
    Tawny-collared Nightjar Caprimulgus salvini
    White-fronted Swift Cypseloides storeri
    White-naped Swift Streptoprocne semicollaris
    Mexican Hermit Phaethornis mexicanus
    Short-crested Coquette Lophornis brachylopha
    Turquoise-crowned Hummingbird Cynanthus doubledayi
    Tres Marias Hummingbird Cynanthus lawrencei 
    Oaxaca Hummingbird Eupherusa cyanophrys
    White-tailed Hummingbird Eupherusa poliocerca 
    Mexican Woodnymph Thalurania ridgwayi 
    Green-fronted Hummingbird Amazilia viridifrons
    Cinnamon-sided Hummingbird Amazilia wagneri 
    Xantus's Hummingbird Basilinna xantusii
    Mexican Sheartail, Doricha eliza,
    Beautiful Hummingbird Calothorax pulcher
    Bumblebee Hummingbird Atthis heloisa
    Golden-crowned Emerald Chlorstilbon auriceps
    Cozumel Emerald Chlorstilbon forficatus
    Dusky Hummingbird Cynanthus sordidus
    Curve-winged Sabrewing Campylopterus curvipennis
    Long-tailed Sabrewing Campylopterus excellens
    Mexican Rail Rallus tenuirostris
    Balsas Screech-Owl Otus seductus
    Baja Pygmy-owl Glaucidium hoskinsii 
    Tamaulipas Pygmy-Owl Glaucidium sanchezi
    Colima Pygmy-Owl Glaucidium palmarum
    Cinereous Owl Strix sartorii
    Citreoline Trogon Trogon citreolus
    Blue-capped Motmot Motmotus coeruliceps,
    Wagler's Toucanet Aulacorhynchus wagleri
    Grey-crowned Woodpecker Colaptes auricularis  
    Bronze-winged Woodpecker Colaptes aeruginosus 
    Golden-cheeked Woodpecker Melanerpes chrysogenys
    Grey-breasted Woodpecker Melanerpes hypopolius,
    Strickland’s Woodpecker Leuconotopicus stricklandi
    Tres Marias Amazon Amazona tresmariae
    Socorro Parakeet Aratinga brevipes
    Thick-billed Parrot Rhynchopsitta pachyrhyncha
    Maroon-fronted Parrot Rhynchopsitta terrisi
    Mexican Parrotlet Forpus cyanopygius
    Red-crowned Parrot Amazona viridigenalis
    Lilac-crowned Parrot Amazona finschi

    Western Grey-collared Becard Pachyramphus uropygialis 
    White-striped Woodcreeper Lepidocolaptes leucogaster
    Flammulated Flycatcher Deltarhynchus flammulatus
    Pileated Flycatcher Xenotriccus mexicanus
    Golden Greenlet Pachysylvia hypochryseus
    Slaty Vireo Vireo brevipennis
    Dwarf Vireo Vireo nelsoni
    Cozumel Vireo Vireo bairdi
    White-throated Jay Cyanolyca mirabilis
    Dwarf Jay Cyanolyca nana
    Black-throated Magpie-Jay Calocitta colliei
    Tufted Jay Cyanocorax dickey
    San Blas Jay Cyanocorax sanblasianus
    Purplish-backed Jay Cyanocorax beecheii
    Ultramarine Jay Aphelocoma ultramarine,
    Sinaloa Crow Corvus sinaloae
    Sumichrast's Wren Hylorchilus sumichrasti
    Nava's Wren Hylorchilus navai
    Socorro Wren Thryomanes sissonii
    Cozumel Wren Troglodytes beani
    Clarion Wren Troglodytes tanneri
    Gray-barred Wren Campylorhynchus megalopterus,
    Spotted Wren Campylorhynchus gularis,
    Boucard's Wren Campylorhynchus jocosus
    Yucatan Wren Campylorhynchus yucatanicus,
    Sclater's Wren Campylorhynchus humilis 
    Happy Wren Thryothorus felix
    Sinaloa Wren Thryothorus Sinaloa
    Yucatan Gnatcatcher Polioptila albiventris
    Russet Nightingale-Thrush Catharus occidentalis
    San Lucas Robin Turdus confinis
    Rufous-backed Thrush Turdus rufopalliatus 
    Aztec Thrush Ridgwayia pinicola
    Blue Mockingbird Melanotis caerulescens,
    Ocellated Thrasher Toxostoma ocellatum,
    Cozumel Thrasher Toxostoma guttatum
    Grey Thrasher Toxostoma cinereum
    Socorro Mockingbird Mimodes graysoni
    Cinnamon-tailed Sparrow Aimophila sumichrasti
    Black-chested Sparrow Aimophila humeralis
    Bridled Sparrow Aimophila mystacalis,
    Worthen's Sparrow Spizella wortheni
    Green-striped Brush-Finch Buarremon virenticeps
    Guadalupe Junco Junco insularis,
    Baird's Junco Junco bairdi
    Striped Sparrow Oriturus superciliosus,
    Sierra Madre Sparrow Xenospiza baileyi
    San Benito Sparrpw Passerculus sanctorum
    Rusty-crowned Ground-Sparrow Melozone kieneri
    White-throated Towhee Pipilo albicollis
    Oaxaca Sparrow Aimophila notosticta
    Collared Towhee Pipilo ocai,
    Socorro Towhee Pipilo socorroensis
    Rufous-capped Brush-Finch Atlapetes pileatus,
    Black-backed Oriole Icterus abeillei
    Fuertes's Oriole Icterus fuertesi
    Black-polled Yellowthroat Geothlypis speciose
    Belding's Yellowthroat Geothlypis beldingi
    Altimira Yellowthroat Geothlypis flavovelata
    Hooded Yellowthroat Geothlypis nelson
    Socorro Parula Setophaga graysoni
    West Mexican Euphonia Euphonia godmani
    Red Warbler Ergaticus ruber
    Red-headed Tanager Piranga erythrocephala
    Crimson-collared Grosbeak Rhodothraupis celaeno
    Red-breasted Chat Granatellus venustus
    Tres Marias Chat Granatellus francescae
    Rose-bellied Bunting Passerina rositae
    Orange-breasted Bunting Passerina leclancherii,
    Cinnamon-rumped Seedeater Sporophila torqueola.
    Slate-blue Seedeater Amaurospiza relicta

  • Number of endemics: 14 Breeding Endemics

    In addition there are fourteen species that breed nowhere else:

    Yucatan Nightjar Antrostomus badius
    Least Storm-petrel Hydrobates microsoma  
    Ainley's Storm-petrel Hydrobates cheimomnestes
    Townsend’s Storm-petrel Hydrobates socorroensis
    Black-vented Shearwater Puffinus opisthomelas 
    Townsend's Shearwater Puffinus auricularis 
    Heermann's Gull Larus heermanni 
    Yellow-footed Gull Larus livens 
    Guadalupe Murrelet Synthliboramphus hypoleucus 
    Craveri's Murrelet Synthliboramphus craveri 
    Eared Quetzal Euptilotis neoxenus
    Tamaulipas Crow Corvus imparatus,
    Sinaloa Martin Progne sinaloae
    Large-billed Sparrow Passerculus rostratus 

  • Avibase

    PDF Checklist
    This checklist includes all bird species found in Mexico , based on the best information available at this time. It is based on a wide variety of sources that I collated over many years. I am pleased to offer these checklists as a service to birdwatchers.
  • Wikipedia

    Annotated List
    The avifauna of Mexico included a total of 1136 species as of April 2024, according to Bird Checklists of the World.
Useful Reading

  • A Field Guide to the Birds of Mexico and Adjacent Areas

    | (Belize, Guatemala, and El Salvador) | Ernest Preston Edwards & Edward Murrell Butler | University of Texas Press | 1998 | Edition 3 | Paperback | 209 pages, 51 col plates, 1 map | Out of Print | ISBN: 9780292720916 Buy this book from
  • A Guide to the Birds of Mexico and Northern Central America

    | By Steve NG Howell & Sophie Webb | Oxford University Press | 1995 | Paperback | 851 pages, 71 colour plates, 39 b.w line drawings, 1087 b/w distribution maps | Out of Print | ISBN: 9780198540137 Buy this book from
  • Birder's Mexico

    | By Roland H Wauer | Texas A & M University Press | 1999 | Paperback | 304 pages, 39 bw photos, 5 maps | ISBN: 9780890969182 Buy this book from
  • Birds of Mexico and Central America

    | By Ber Van Perlo | Princeton University Press | 2006 | Paperback | 336 pages, 98 col plates' b/w illustrations, b/w distribution maps, colour maps | ISBN: 9780691120706 Buy this book from
  • Birds of the US-Mexico Borderland

    | Edited By: J Ruth, T Brush & D Krueper | Cooper Ornithological Society | 2008 | Paperback | 165 pages, Figs, tabs | ISBN: 9780943610849 Buy this book from
  • Mexico Birds: An Introduction to Familiar Species

    | By James Kavanagh & Raymond Leung | Waterford Press | 2009 | Unbound | 12 pages, laminated fold-out pocket guide | ISBN: 9781583554807 Buy this book from
  • Mexico: Birds – Quintana Roo, Yucatan, Campeche

    | By Robert Dean & Mark Wainwright | Rainforest Publications | 2012 | Unbound | 13 pages, colour illustrations, 1 colour map | ISBN: 9780984010745 Buy this book from
  • Raptors of Mexico and Central America

    | By William S Clark | Princeton University Press | 2008 | Hardback | 304 pages, 32 plates with colour illustrations; 213 colour photos, 3 b/w illustrations, 64 colour distribution maps | ISBN: 9780691116495 Buy this book from
Useful Information
  • National Bird

    Crested Caracara Caracara plancus
  • Audubon Mexico

    We work locally to connect people with nature: to strengthen our relationship with the land, our water and all living beings that share our home and to foster commitment to protecting and revitalizing our natural heritage and the ecological health of San Miguel de Allende.
  • CIPAMEX - Secci

    CIPAMEX (Secci
  • CONABIO - Comisión Nacional para el Conocimiento y Uso de la Biodiversidad

    Conabio's mission is to co-ordinate conservation and research efforts designed to preserve biological resources. Conabio promotes and develops scientifically-based activities whose aim is to explore, study, protect or find a sustainable use for biological resources…
  • Fundacion Ecologica de Guanajuato

    The Fundacion Ecologica de Guanajuato A.C. is a non-governmental organization established in March 1988. It promotes and initiates projects, cooperative programs, and investigations, and provides information and education about the state`s biological resources. The Fundacion supports the concept of ecodevelopment and works to implement it. Our plan is to achieve sustainable developmentÑthe foundation of a new relationship between humankind and nature. We believe conserving biological diversity and achieving sustainable management of resources must involve local inhabitants, land owners, and both direct and indirect users of the ecosystems. Therefore, since the beginning we have worked alongside the ONG Desarrollo Rural de Guanajuato A.C. (Rural Development Agency); which provides social services to inhabitants of rural areas such as those encompassed by the Santa Rosa Forest of Guanajuato…
  • Mexican Birds

    This is the Home Page for the Bird Division of Mexican It became a stand alone in April 2022. It is set up as a .org (as it is most definitely a non-profit) and eventually will be one of six stand alone .org websites to cover the six basic areas (Birds, Crabs, Fish, Marine Life, Shells and Terrestrial Life), historically or currently found within
  • Pronatura Sur

    En Pronatura Sur trabajamos para que la conservación y restauración de la biodiversidad sea un esfuerzo permanente que promueva alternativas de uso y manejo de recursos naturales para el bienestar de los ecosistemas y las comunidades que los habitan.
Sightings, News & Forums
  • Aves de Mexico

    Birders forum, photos, observations, IDs & sites in Mexico
Guides & Tour Operators
  • Bird Mexico Travel

    Tour Operator
    To develop the definitive online resource and marketing tools for promoting bird watching in Mexico as an important tourism and conservation activity
  • Bird Watching Mexico

    Tour Operator
    With more than 300 species of birds, Puerto Vallarta is called El Paraiso or Paradise. The most compelling feature of the area is the huge bay, the Bahia de Banderas or Bay of Flags, cut like a semicircle out of the Pacific Coast of Mexico.
  • BirdQuest

    Tour Operator
    The ultimate itinerary in the region: Sierra Madre Occidental, San Blas, Colima, Jalisco & Baja California
  • Calidris Birding Tours

    Tour Operator
    Mexico Rare Endemics Birding Tour
  • Eagle-Eye Tours

    Tour Operator
    Several rare and seldom seen Mexican endemics
  • Ecocolors

    Tour Operator
    This unique eco-tour is specially design for bird watchers. We will be able to visit the main protected areas in the Yucatan peninsula such as Sianka'an, Holbox, Coba, and El Eden, as well as Guatemala and Belize rainforest. Mexico has around 1,040 different bird species, just in the Yucatan peninsula there are 509 different species in 62 families, from which 12 are endemic, with 4 subspecies, 2 morphos and 14 hipotetical registers. Belize and Guatemala have also more than 550 species of birds…
  • FieldGuides

    Tour Operator
    This tour offers excellent birding in an area of Mexico with a high concentration of endemic species...
  • Mexican Birding

    Local Guide
  • Mexico Birding

    Co-op of private birding guides
  • Open Air Expeditions

    Tour Operator
    Choose either the Coastal Bird Walk or the Mountain Bird Hike. We suggest the Coastal Birds if this is your first time birding in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. We will drive you to a local estuary down a road paralleling the river. This is great habitat for Seedeaters, Buntings, Oriols, Kestrels and more. At the estuary, we will use a Spyingscope to scan the Shores and Mangroves for Egrets, Herons, Avocets and Sandpipers. Next we will drive 15 minutes to a fresh water lagoon to view Rails, Coots, Jacanas and Ducks
  • Rockjumper

    Tour Operator
    Our comprehensive exploration of Oaxaca is jam-packed with specialties taking in the major birding sites of Teotitlan del Valle...
  • Travelian Tours

    Tour Operator
    From its inception, Travelian has operated under the belief that sustainable tourism can be beneficial to local communities, the environment, and our travelers as well. For this reason we run all our trips in a sustainable way, respecting both the culture and the environment; generating a richer and more authentic experience for our travellers
  • Travelling Naturalist

    Tour Operator
    Mexico is home to more plant and animal species than almost any other country on earth. In particular, the nutrient-rich waters of Baja’s Pacific entice an incredible variety of sea birds and marine life. Encounters with the famously curious grey whales are truly an experience of a lifetime.
  • Tropical Birding Tours

    Tour Operator
    Mexico offers a great combination of endemic birds, world-renowned archaeological sites, and unforgettable food. We currently offer three set-departure Birding tours to this fascinating country...
  • Yucatán Birding Tours

    Tour Operator
    Yucatan Birding Tours offers bird watching experiences in the Yucatan Peninsula with local english and spanish speaking guides with the experience and wide knowledge of birds and where to find them. Either in one of our pre-made tours or in a personalized tour, we assure you lots of fun and of course lots of birds!
Trip Reports
  • 2004 [11 November] - Bo Beolens

    PDF Report
    This is a report on a 7-day guided bird-watching tour of Mexico in November 2004 with a dba [disabled birders association] group The tour had 10 participants; Nigel Moorhouse of Sarus tours leading and driving the larger vehicle and Bo Beolens of the dba as second leader driving a saloon car. The other participants were Brian Anderson, Mike & Gill Brown, Maggie Beolens, Lawrence and Ann Robinson, Sue Sayers and Andy Senior. This was the first visit to Mexico by all the participants…
  • 2016 [01 January] - Gabor Orban - Yucatan & Quintana Roo

    PDF Report
    This tour was put together by Andrea & Gabor for the participants: David & Claire Farmiloe and Phil & Dorothy Blatcher. Andrea and Gabor live, organize and lead tours between generally November and April each year since 2006.
  • 2016 [03 March] - John Hornbuckle - West Mexico

    This is the report of a successful trip to Mexico by Richard Fairbank, Brian Foster, Rod Martins and Jon Hornbuckle, guided and driven by Eric Antonio Martinez for the best part of three weeks.
  • 2016 [04 April] - Thomas Kuppel - Puerto Escondido

    PDF Report
    ...and short visits to Oaxaca de Juárez and Puebla
  • 2019 [02 February] – Greg Smith – Sea of Cortes

    PDF Report
    As we walked out of the HI, we had Hooded Oriole and White-winged and Common Ground-Doves in the stable, and a myriad of water-related birds on the Estero San Jose banks and mudflats. As with any desert setting, water attracts birds, a pretty amazing diversity of birds. Raptors, waders, shorebirds and passerines. Probably the highlight of birding the estuary was that there were birds everywhere.
  • 2019 [03 March] - Dick Meijer

    PDF Report
    The scenic states of Sinaloa, Nayarit, Jalisco and Colima in Western Mexico offer great opportunities to observe plenty of fantastic and often colourful specialities. These include 52 (see table 1) of the 99 endemic species of Mexico and 55 (see table 2) of the 132 near–endemic (‘regionals’) species, as well as numerous wintering birds from North America
  • 2019 [03 March] - Nick Athanas

    PDF Report
    March in much of the Northern Hemisphere was rather dreary, but in southern Mexico we enjoyed day after day of warm, sunny days and cool, pleasant evenings – it was a wonderful and bird-filled reprieve from winter for the whole group including me. The tour visited the dry Oaxaca Valley (rich in culture as well as endemics), the high mountains surrounding it, lush cloudforest and rainforest on the Gulf slope, and dry forest along the Pacific.
  • 2019 [03 March] - Stephen & Sandra Brauning - Querétaro,

    PDF Report
    We are part of an international team and we had a retreat in Tequisquiapan in the state of Querétaro, central México, so we did a little birding around the retreat location and then took a few more days to bird.
  • 2019 [06 June] - Ann Duff

    PDF Report
    We each had a specific target list of birds, except for Sonia who had not been to Mexico previously. Our focus was on seeing all of the endemics and near-endemics available on our itinerary as well as other available birds on our target lists.
  • 2019 [10 October] - Kashmir Wolf & Dave Mehlman - Veracruz

    PDF Report
    Despite the built-up area, it was a great place to start birding and we saw our first of the “must-see” birds of Veracruz, including Great Kiskadee, Tropical Kingbird, and Greattailed Grackle. Along the beach were a variety of aquatic birds, including Yellow-crowned Night-Heron, Laughing Gull, Willet, and Spotted Sandpipers. Plus, we found our first migrants of the trip, including Baltimore Oriole and Blue Grosbeak.
  • 2020 [02 February] - Woody Wheeler

    PDF Report
    As sunlight cast its light and welcome warmth upon us, we found our first sparrow perched on large rocks on a shrubby hillside: a Striped Sparrow. This turned out to be the first of many sightings to come of this distinctive sparrow that often perched conspicuously on rocks or fence posts. Soon afterward, Carlos found our first Sierra Madre Sparrow, a Mexican endemic and endangered species. As the morning light moved overhead, we had better looks at this bird’s subtle plumage that was brilliantly illuminated. Another endemic, a Trans-volcanic Jay, flew into view just as we were headed to our field breakfast.
  • 2021 [06 June] - Zoothera Birding

    ...So we began with a whistle-stop tour of The Yucatan, kicking off in Cozumel Island where we cleaned up with Ruddy Crake, Yucatan Woodpecker, Cozumel Emerald, Cozumel Vireo and Western Spindalis. Following an overnight stop we frove right to the south and visited the fabulous Calakmul Mayan ruins, notching up an awesome nightbirding session with Yucatan Poorwill, Yucatan Nightjar, Middle American Screech-Owl, Northern Potoo and Common Pauraque, with aCentral American Tapir as a bonus. Daytime birding was much more relaxed with 50+ Ocellated Turkeys along the road...
  • 2022 [02 February] b- Peg Abbot

    PDF Report
    ...We had a nice visit by Mexican Chickadee and cracking views of another endemic, a pair of Olivestriped Brush Finch. This duo stayed low, close to the ground in the brush, so we got fine views. Our hikers added Gray-Silky Flycatcher and Cinnamon-breasted Flowerpiercer to our growing list...
  • 2022 [04 April] - Max Berlijn

    PDF Report
    Annotated diary and list...
  • 2022 [12 December] - Pritam Baruah

    PDF Report
    The endemic rich region of Western Mexico has been on my to do list for many years. I had finally booked a trip for Feb 2022 but because of a personal situation, I had to cancel it days before the trip. I hadn’t thought about planning a make-up until a last-minute travel opportunity suddenly opened in an inflexible window of time.
  • 2023 [02 Februart] - Dave Mehlman - Butterflies & Birds

    PDF Report
    This classic tour of Mexico started in Mexico City (the largest in the country), ended in Guadalajara (the second largest) and encompassed a wide swath of the Transvolcanic Belt and West Mexico. States visited included Mexico City, Morelos, State of Mexico, Michoacán and Jalisco, though most of the birding time was in Michoacán. The typical elevation was pretty high (over 8,000 feet, reaching almost 11,000 feet in the Sierra Chincua Monarch Reserve), except toward the end of the tour as we approached Guadalajara. In addition to birds, we enjoyed great food and some very intriguing cities and towns in Mexico, including the Pueblo Mágico of Patzcuaro. Bird species receiving the most votes for “top three” of the tour were: Red Warbler, Russetcrowned Motmot and Chestnut-sided Shrike-Vireo.
  • 2023 [02 February] - Yucatan Peninsular

    I've spent the last 12 days in south-east Mexico, birding the Yucatán peninsula in the states of Campeche, Quintana Roo and Yucatan. It was an awesome trip – I managed 265 species, including all 14 of the gettable Yucatan endemics, plus plenty of regional and Mexican endemics and stacks of wintering North American birds. My eBird trip report can be read here, though note I haven't uploaded any recordings yet (it might take a while!).
  • 2023 [04 April] - Pete Morris - Western Mexico

    This year, we once again recorded around 410 species of birds, and again we found a very high proportion of the special birds (or diamond birds) which is, of course, the main focus of the tour.
  • General 2015-2024

    ...Our trip begins on Isla Cozumel which most people know as a resort, cruise ship, and diving destination. Few are aware, however, that the tourist activities are limited to a fairly small area and that perhaps 90% of the island is covered in native forest....
Other Links
  • Aves de Mexico

    Birders forum, photos, observations, IDs & sites in Mexico

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