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Commonwealth of Pennsylvania

Hooded Warbler Setophaga citrina ©Dubi Shapiro Website

Pennsylvania is a state spanning the Mid-Atlantic, Northeastern, Appalachian, and Great Lakes regions of the United States. Pennsylvania borders Delaware to its southeast, Maryland to its south, West Virginia to its southwest, Ohio and the Ohio River to its west, Lake Erie and New York to its north, the Delaware River and New Jersey to its east, and the Canadian province of Ontario to its northwest. It has a population of about 13 million people. The state is 274 km (170 miles) north to south and 455 km (283 miles) east to west.  It covers an area of just under 120,000 km2 (46,000 square miles) and is the 33rd-largest state in the United States, with a coastline of 82 km (51 miles)  along Lake Erie and 92 km (57 miles)  along the Delaware Estuary. Of the original Thirteen Colonies, Pennsylvania is the only state that does not border the Atlantic Ocean. The largest city by far, with nearly six million inhabitants is Philadelphia, but the state capital is Harrisburg on the Susquehanna River in the east-central region of the state.

Susquehanna River – ©Beyond My Ken, CC BY-SA 4.0 via Wikimedia Commons

The state has five geographical regions: Allegheny Plateau, Ridge and Valley, Atlantic Coastal Plain, Piedmont, and Erie Plain.

Pennsylvania’s diverse topography produces a variety of climates, though the entire state experiences cold winters and humid summers. Straddling two major zones, the majority of the state, except for the southeastern corner, has a humid continental climate. The southern portion of the state, including the largest city, has a humid subtropical climate. Summers are generally hot and humid. Moving toward the mountainous interior of the state, the winter climate becomes colder, the number of cloudy days increases, and snowfall amounts are greater. Western areas of the state, particularly locations near Lake Erie, can receive over 100 inches (250 cm) of snowfall annually, and the entire state receives plentiful precipitation throughout the year. The state may be subject to severe weather from spring through summer into autumn. Tornadoes occur annually in the state.

Birding Pennsylvania

Stretching from the tidal Delaware River in the southeast to Lake Erie in the northwest, Pennsylvania offers a wide variety of habitat and of bird life. Many northern warblers nest in the mountains, yet many southern species range north into the river valleys. The low-lying Piedmont in the southeastern corner hosts the only tidal marshes in the state. These marshes and mud flats, mostly confined to the John Heinz National Wildlife Refuge at Tinicum, attract shorebirds, waders, and other wetland species.

John Heinz National Wildlife Refuge – US Fish and Wildlife Service, Public domain via Wikimedia Commons

The river valleys (Delaware, Schuylkill, Susquehanna, Allegheny) provide migration corridors as well as more southerly climates. The mountains provide forested habitat for many of the neo-tropical migrants. For instance, Pennsylvania has so much forest that it has been estimated that more Scarlet Tanagers nest here than anywhere else. Many man-made and a few natural lakes attract migrating waterfowl.

Pennsylvania is home to the first, and most famous raptor migration viewpoint – Hawk Mountain Sanctuary – where thousands of raptors can be observed on migration each fall. Bald Eagles, Ospreys, and Peregrine Falcons have all made a great comeback and now nest in many areas around the state, however, Peregrines are mostly limited to urban areas. Lake Erie and especially Presque Isle State Park, provides ocean habitat for migrants and is a haven for shorebirds and waterfowl, as well as a great passerine migrant trap in both spring and fall.

  • Frank and Barb Haas

    Narvon, Pennsylvania |

Number of Species
  • Number of bird species: 492

    (As at June 2024)

    State Bird - Ruffed Grouse Bonasa umbellus

  • Avibase

    PDF Checklist
    This checklist includes all bird species found in Pennsylvania , based on the best information available at this time. It is based on a wide variety of sources that I collated over many years. I am pleased to offer these checklists as a service to birdwatchers. If you find any error, please do not hesitate to report them.
  • Pennsylvania Game CXommission

    List of 414 Wild Birds in Pennsylvania
  • Pennsylvania Society for Ornithology

    PDF Checklist
    Download and print a one-page Field Checklist than can be folded into pocket size.
  • Wikipedia

    Annotated List
    As of May 2021, there were 439 species on the official list
  • eBird

    PDF Checklist
    492 species (+258 other taxa) - Year-round, All years
Useful Reading

  • ABA Field Guide to Birds of Pennsylvania

    | By George L Armistead & Brian E Small | Scott & Nix, Inc | 2016 | Paperback | 286 pages, colour photos | ISBN: 9781935622529 Buy this book from
  • Backyard Birdwatching in Philadelphia

    | (An Introduction to Birding and Common Backyard Birds of Eastern Pennsylvania) | by Cornell Lab of Ornithology | Waterford Press | 2019 | Unbound | 12 pages, colour illustrations | ISBN: 9781620053614 Buy this book from
  • Birder's Guide to Pennsylvania

    | By Paula Ford | Gulf Publishing Company | 1995 | Paperback | 268 pages, illustrations, maps | ISBN: 9780884150732 Buy this book from
  • Birding the Delaware Valley Region

    | (A Comprehensive Guide to Birdwatching in Southeastern Pennsylvania, Central and Southern New Jersey and North Central Delaware) By John J Harding & Justin J Harding | Temple University Press | 1980 | Paperback | 223 pages, site maps | Out of Print | ISBN: 9780877221821 Buy this book from
  • Birds of Pennsylvania

    | By Roger Burrows & Frank Haas | Lone Pine Publishing | 2005 | Paperback | 352 pages, Colour illustrations, map | ISBN: 9781551053714 Buy this book from
  • Birds of Pennsylvania

    | Field Guide | By Stan Tekiela | Adventure Publications | Edition 3 | 2021 | Paperback | 324 pages, colour photos, colour distribution maps | ISBN: 9781647550882 Buy this book from
  • National Geographic Field Guide to Birds: Pennsylvania

    | By Jonathan Alderfer | National Geographic Society | 2006 | Paperback | 272 pages, Maps, col photos, drawings | out of Print | ISBN: 9780792255628 Buy this book from
  • Pennsylvania Birds: A Folding Pocket Guide to Familiar Species

    | By James R Kavanagh & Raymond Leung | Waterford Press | 2000 | Unbound | 12 pages, colour illustrations | ISBN: 9781583550090 Buy this book from
  • Second Atlas of Breeding Birds in Pennsylvania

    | Edited by Andrew M Wilson, Daniel W Brauning & Robert S Mulvihill | Pennsylvania State University Press | 2013 | Hardback | 586 pages, colour photos, colour illustrations, colour distribution maps, tables | ISBN: 9780271056302 Buy this book from
  • The Birds of Pennsylvania

    | Gerald M. McWilliams, Daniel W. Brauning & Kenn Kaufman | Cornell University Press | 2000 | Hardback | 479 pages, 67 b/w photos, 44 maps | ISBN: 9780801436437 Buy this book from
  • The Birds of Western Pennsylvania and Adjacent Regions

    | By Robert C Leberman | Carnegie Museum of Natural History | 1988 | Paperback | 52 pages, tabs, maps | ISBN: 9780911239294 Buy this book from
Useful Information
  • Pennsylvania Birds

    The state birding journal is Pennsylvania Birds. Information can be found at the Pennsylvania Society for Ornithology.
  • Powdermill Avian Research Center

    Observatory WebsiteSatellite View
    Our Banding Summaries page presents up-to-date bird banding summaries utilizing a dynamic, database driven system which is the first of its kind in the field. Researchers interested in fuller access to banding data should Contact PARC for more information.
Museums & Universities
  • Academy of Natural Sciences - Department of Ornithology

    The Ornithology Collection at the Academy of Natural Sciences of Drexel University is one of the 10 largest and taxonomically most complete bird collections in the world. There are over 205,000 study skins, from over 7,000 species, and over 17,000 tissue samples.
  • Acopian Center for Ornithology

    The Acopian Center for Ornithology was established in 2006 with the generous support of local philanthropist Sarkis Acopian.
  • Carnegie Museum - Bird Section

    Nearly 195,000 specimens, including 555 holotypes and syntypes, are held by the Section of Birds. These are divided among six components, according to type of specimen or method of preservation; most components are among the largest in North America or the world: study skins (156,000); spread wings (5,500; probably largest in world); skeletons (15,700; 10th largest in world); fluid-preserved specimens (6,700); eggs (10,000 sets; 12th largest in North America); and nests (1,000).
  • Powdermill Avian Research Center

    Powdermill Avian Research Center (PARC) is part of Carnegie Museum of Natural History’s biological research station Powdermill Nature Reserve. PARC operates a bird banding station, conducts bioacoustical research, and evaluates avian perception of glass in an experimental flight tunnel to reduce bird window collisions. Visit our Bird Banding page to learn more about these and additional avian research efforts underway at PARC. Above all else, the well being of every bird is our top priority at all times!
  • Allegheny Plateau Audubon Society

    Welcome to the official site of the Allegheny Plateau Audubon Society. As you explore our site we welcome you to join our efforts to preserve the natural biodiversity of the Laurel Highlands and southern Allegheny mountains in Western Pennsylvania.
  • Appalachian Audubon Society

    Welcome to the official website of the Appalachian Audubon Society. Appalachian Audubon is a local chapter of the National Audubon Society serving the Harrisburg, Pennsylvania area. We serve Dauphin, Cumberland, Perry and part of York Counties
  • Audubon Pennsylvania

    Our mission is to conserve and restore natural ecosystems, focusing on birds, other wildlife, and their habitats for the benefit of humanity and the earth's biological diversity in Pennsylvania.
  • Audubon Society in Pennsylvania

    Audubon's local chapters can bring you bird walks, advocacy campaigns, nature outings, educational programs and other events. And with more than 20 chapters around the state, there's likely to be one nearby!
  • Audubon Society of Western Pennsylvania

    Welcome to the Audubon Society of Western Pennsylvania, one of the premier, non-profit, environmental education organizations in western Pennsylvania. Mission Statement: The mission of the Audubon Society of Western Pennsylvania is to inspire and educate the people of south-western Pennsylvania to be respectful and responsible stewards of the natural world. Discover our facilities!
  • Baird Ornithological Club

    The Baird Ornithological Club holds Meetings with Speaker Presentations and conducts birding field trips for birders in the area of Reading and Berks County, Pennsylvania
  • Bartramian Audubon Society

    The Bartramian Audubon Society (BAS) was established as a local chapter of the National Audubon Society in 1982 by three Slippery Rock University undergraduate students. As members of BAS, we understand that the Earth is a unique, whole, connecting, interacting, and interdependent system of systems. In the face of the current Earth-human crises, we declare our intention to rescue, recover, and heal Earth's integrity, to secure the future of all life and its support systems, and to teach ourselves, our children, and the public at large that whatever we humans do to the web of life, we do to ourselves.
  • Birding Club of Delaware County

    The Birding Club of Delaware County (BCDC) is a birding club in Delaware County, Pennsylvania with the purpose to expand the individual interest and study of wild birds. The Birding Club of Delaware County is open to birders and bird watchers of all skill levels
  • Bucks County Audubon Society

    Bucks County Audubon Society at Honey Hollow is a non-profit organization and steward of the Honey Hollow Watershed, a National Historic Landmark established in 1969. Our mission to educate the greater Bucks County region about our natural world.
  • Conococheague Audubon

    Conococheague Audubon is a chapter of the National Audubon Society based in Chambersburg in Franklin County, Pennsylvania. The group started in 1961 as the Conococheague Naturalists. Through programs, field trips, displays, and a newsletter, we promote conservation of wildlife and the natural environment with a focus on appreciating, studying, and observing birds…
  • Delaware Valley Ornithological Club

    The Delaware Valley is the name given to the region that lays on either side of the Delaware River, centered on Philadelphia. This consists of southeastern Pennsylvania, central and southern New Jersey and the state of Delaware.
  • Feminist Bird Club Philly

    Instagram Page
    The official Philadelphia chapter of Feminist Bird Club
  • Gifford Pinchot Audubon Society

    Facebook Page
    We are a chapter of the National Audubon Society consisting of members from northeast Pike County PA and northwest Sussex County NJ. Our chapter is proudly named for Gifford Pinchot, first Chief Forester of the United States and twice Governor of Pennsylvania. He is considered the predominate conservationist of his time. Many of our meetings and programs take place at his home, Grey Towers in Milford, PA. The mansion is now a National Historic Landmark administered by the US Forest Service.
  • Greater Wyoming Valley Audubon Society

    Facebook Page
    The Mission of the Greater Wyoming Valley Audubon Society is to promote, through its publications, activities, community outreach, and other means, an awareness of, an appreciation for, and a desire to preserve, the natural beauty and biodiversity that exists both within and outside its geographic boundaries. The GWVAS encourages member and community activism to draw attention to environmental issues, to promote the preservation of nature and the sustainable use of the earth's natural resources, and to protect and display areas that are significant for reasons pertaining to nature and/or natural history. The GWVAS endeavors to accomplish its Mission by supporting environmental education for students ranging in age from elementary school through adulthood.
  • In Color Birding Club

    Started in 2021, we strive to make the birding experience a positive one for BIPOC folks and their allies.
  • Juniata Valley Audubon Society

    Facebook Page
    A chapter of National Audubon Society dedicated to nature education and conservation in south-central Pennsylvania (Blair, Bedford, Huntingdon, Centre, and portions of adjacent counties)
  • Lakawanna Audubon Society (formerly Scranton Bird Club)

    The Lackawanna Audubon Society is an independent organization of nature loving folks cantered in Lackawanna County in north-eastern Pennsylvania. The society, originally called the Scranton Bird Club, has been in existence for 85 years. It has yearly series of field trips, both day trips and and overnights, and a series of speaker presentations in association with the Scranton Anthracite Museum…
  • Lancaster County Bird Club

    Welcome to the home page of the Lancaster County Bird Club. The club had its beginnings in December 1937 and has been active ever since in pursuit of its goals: to record the observation of bird life in the county, to disseminate in a popular manner the result of such observations, to provide education concerning the habits and identification of birds and to secure the cultivation of public sentiment in the preservation of our native bird life. Articles of Incorporation were filed and approved by the Department of State on December 12, 1983, under the Pennsylvania Nonprofit Corporation Law of 1972
  • Lehigh Valley Audubon Society

    Our mission is to help people gain an appreciation and understanding of nature, provide educational services on local wildlife to our community, and protect local habitats that are critical to local (and international) wildlife populations.
  • Liberty Bird Alliance

    The Wyncote Audubon Society recently changed its name, is a Chapter of the National Audubon Society serving the nearly 2000 Audubon members who reside in major portions of Montgomery County and Philadelphia including Chestnut Hill, East Falls, Manayunk, Mt. Airy, Roxborough, North Philadelphia and Northeast Philadelphia. Throughout its history, the Wyncote Audubon Society has had a long association with the Briar Bush Nature Center. It is our official “corporate” address of Wyncote Audubon Society and 1212 Edge Hill Road, Abington, PA 19001 and where our mailbox is maintained.
  • Lycoming Audubon Society

    The Lycoming Audubon Society (LAS) is a chapter of the National Audubon Society, with responsibility for members in Lycoming and Clinton Counties, Pennsylvania. We are a qualified 501(c)3 organization that works to preserve and enhance the natural environment, provides conservation education at all levels, and cooperates with other organizations and agencies that share the goals of Audubon. Our mission is “To conserve and restore natural ecosystem focusing on birds, other wildlife and habitats for the benefit of humanity and earth’s biological diversity”.
  • Nature Conservancy in Pennsylvania

    We are working in the Keystone State to protect the lands and waters on which all life depends. That includes engaging young and old in exploring and protecting Pennsylvania’s native forests, life-giving rivers, urban green spaces and productive farmlands for many generations to come.
  • Northeast Pennsylvania Audubon Society

    NEPAS is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization with about 650 members. The annual Audubon Art and Craft Festival is our major fund-raising event. Proceeds support scholarships to college students pursuing an environmentally-related major and to youths and adult leaders for camps in Maine, Vermont and other camps closer to home. NEPAS also funds environmentally-focused school programs and organizations.
  • Pennsylvania Society for Ornithology

    Welcome to the Pennsylvania Society for Ornithology – a group of birders from across the commonwealth devoted to birding and wild bird conservation. Our members range from neophyte birders to professional ornithologists. All are welcome!
  • Presque Isle Audubon Society

    Our mission is to conserve and restore natural ecosystems, focusing on birds, other wildlife, and their habitats for the enjoyment and benefit of humanity and the earth's biological diversity in northwestern Pennsylvania.
  • Quittapahilla Audubon Society

    Welcome to the official website of the Quittapahilla Audubon Society. Quittapahilla Audubon is a local chapter of the National Audubon Society serving Lebanon County and parts of the surrounding counties of Dauphin, Berks, and Lancaster in Pennsylvania. For more information about our activities please explore the links on this page. Our programs and field trips are open to the public and we hope to see you soon!
  • Seneca Rocks Audubon Society

    Seneca Rocks Audubon Society (SRAS) is a chapter of the National Audubon Society active in the Clarion, Forest, Jefferson and Venango County region of northwestern PA. If you are interested in enjoying the world of birds, protecting wildlife and its habitat or gaining an appreciation of the natural environment, join us! All of our events at SRAS are free and open to the public and families are welcome!
  • Seven Mountains Audubon

    We are a local chapter of the National Audubon Society surrounded by the beauty of the Central Susquehanna Valley. If you have an interest in the natural world, want to learn more about it, and want to help preserve it, join us!
  • South Mountain Audubon Society

    The South Mountain Audubon Society aims are to conserve and restore natural ecosystems, focusing on birds, other wildlife, and their habitats for the benefit of humanity and the earth's biological diversity focusing on Adams County, PA.
  • State College Bird Club

    Since its inception in 1941, the State College Bird Club has been a fixture in the local community of Pennsylvania's Happy Valley.
  • Three Rivers Birding Club

    To gather in friendship, to enjoy the wonders of nature and to share our passion for birds!
  • Tiadaghton Audubon Society

    Facebook Page
    Serving Tioga and Potter Counties in Pennsylvania. Meetings 3rd Wednesday each month at 227 Nichols St, Wellsboro, PA 16901 See events for programs.
  • Todd Bird Club

    The Todd Bird Club, named after the noted Western Pennsylvania ornithologist W. E. Clyde Todd, was organized in 1982 in Indiana to promote the appreciation and conservation of birds in Indiana, Armstrong, and Cambria counties. Todd has grown to a membership of more than 80. Members, including those of all ages from student to retiree, may participate in as few or as many events as they wish.
  • Valley Forge Audubon Society

    The Valley Forge Audubon Society is a chapter of the National Audubon Society serving members residing in regions of Bucks County, Montgomery County, and Chester County in Southeastern Pennsylvania. Our mission is to preserve birds, other wildlife, and their habitats by promoting appreciation and stewardship of the local natural environment through education and active participation.
  • West Chester Bird Club

    The West Chester Bird Club was founded in 1910, making it one of the oldest continually active bird clubs in the United States. We are based in West Chester, the county seat of Chester County, in south-east Pennsylvania. In addition to field trips and evening programs, the club participates in the National Audubon Society's Christmas Bird Count, winter feeder counts, the Pennsylvania Migration Count and local breeding bird counts. Membership is open to anyone with an interest in birds. No previous birding experience is necessary.
  • Westmoreland Bird & Nature Club

    The Westmoreland Bird & Nature Club is a natural history organization, serving Westmoreland County and the surrounding areas. The WBNC is primarily an outdoor club averaging about 30 field trips a year for birds, butterflies, flowering plants, dragonflies, damselflies, trees and general ecology.
  • York Audubon Society

    So you would like to get started birding in York County or you and your family are interested but are not sure how to start. Well, the first step would be to turn off the TV and take a look out a window of your own home and see what you can see. Depending on the season, what birds you may see can be different…

Abbreviations Key

  • * Pennsylvania National Parks

    WebsiteSatellite View
    Information on a variety of parks
  • *Natural Areas

    WebpageSatellite View
    Pennsylvania Department of Conservation & Natural Resources
  • *Pennsylvania State Parks

    WebsiteSatellite View
    Useful resource
  • *Protected areas of Pennsylvania

    InformationSatellite View
  • BS Hawk Mountain Sanctuary

    WebsiteSatellite View
    Hawk Mountain Sanctuary is a 2,400-acre natural area straddling the Kittatinny Ridge in eastern Pennsylvania. Established in 1934, it was the world's first refuge for raptors. During the last 64 years, the Sanctuary has become an international centre for conservation, education, and research about raptors…
  • BS IBA Kittatinny Ridge

    WebsiteSatellite View
    The Kittatinny Ridge is the premier raptor migration corridor in the northeastern U.S., one of the leading such sites in the world. The Sanctuary's annual counts of migrating raptors have helped assess long-term trends in raptor populations throughout eastern North America. This database has helped document subsequent rebounds in several raptor populations following decreases in the use of environmental contaminants such as DDT. Sixteen species of regular migrants include: Sharp-shinned Hawk, Cooper's Hawk, American Kestrel, Red-shouldered Hawk, and Merlin. In addition to the raptors, over 140 species of birds are recorded regularly during the fall migration. Of the top ten most abundant species nesting at the Sanctuary, eight are forest interior birds.
  • IBA Mount Zion (Piney Tract)

    WebpageSatellite View
    An area of reclaimed strip mines in central Clarion County, south of the Clarion River. The high, rolling hills, stripmined in the 1970s, have been revegetated with grasses and trees (locust and pine). Grassland habitat occupies the hilltops, transected by brushy or forested stream bottoms. Surface ponds provide some wetland habitat. At various places, small surface streams are diverted to acid mine drainage (AMD) treatment with chemicals and/or ponds and artificial wetlands. Some of the lower ponds are pollution-free and full of wildlife, including insects and amphibians. The large size of this area, particularly the contiguous fields, is a significant component to its importance to grassland birds. Bird surveys have documented notable diversity and remarkable numbers of grassland birds. At present, this is the only regular and reliable breeding site in Pennsylvania for Short-eared Owl (B- 2+ pairs). Piney Tract supports the largest Henslow's Sparrow breeding colony in Pennsylvania (approx. 100 pairs) and exceptionally high numbers of Grasshopper Sparrow (1000 pairs) and Savannah Sparrows (1,000 pairs).
  • IBA The Barrens at Scotia - SGL 176

    WebpageSatellite View
    One of the largest examples of a pitch pine - scrub oak barrens remaining in Pennsylvania. This area, adjacent to State College and PennState University, is characterized by gently rolloing terrain with Karst topography and sandy soils. The site is dominated by second-growth Chinkapin and Chestnut Oak and pitch Pine. The shrub layer is dominated by Scrub Oak, dwarf Chestnut Oak, and blueberry. There are numerous shrub/scrub areas along with old fields and ore pits. There are several wetland areas as well as the main pond (Toftrees Pond), which borders a gold course, forest, and cornfield. An unusual species of diving beetle inhabits some of the water-filled ore pits. This unique habitat is one of the largest barrens left in Pennsylvania. It harbors large numbers of Neotropical migrants during spring and fall migration. Thirty-three species of warblers have been observed including Blue-winged, Golden-winged, Tennessee, Orange-crowned, Nashville, Northern Parula, Chestnut-sided, Magnolia, Cape May, Black-throated Blue, Yellow-rumped, Black-throated Green, Blackburnian, Pine, Palm, Bay-breasted, Blackpoll, Cerulean, Black-and-white, American Redstart, and Worm-eating warblers. Other species include Ovenbird, Northern Waterthrush, Louisiana Waterthrush.
  • NC Honey Hollow Environmental Education Center

    WebsiteSatellite View
    Outstanding educational programs using 110-acre campus as a living breathing outdoor classroom. Over six miles of natural, unpaved trails that meander through fields, woods and streams, Open from dawn to dusk every day!
  • NC John James Audubon Center at Mill Grove

    WebpageSatellite View
    Mill Grove is the first home of John James Audubon in America and the only true Audubon home still standing in this country. The lovely estate, located in Lower Providence Township, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania was owned for 17 years by Audubon's father, Jean, a French sea captain. In 1803, Captain Audubon sent his youthful son John James to Mill Grove to supervise the estate that included a working lead mine.
  • NC Monocacy Nature Center

    Facebook PageSatellite View
    Welcome to the Monocacy Nature Center. This area has been set aside as a sanctuary by the city of Bethlehem. This is a place to enjoy the beauty and tranquillity of nature. Please do not litter or run your dogs here. Motorized vehicles are not permitted.
  • NR Gwynedd Wildlife Preserve

    WebpageSatellite View
    Gwynedd Preserve is an oasis of nature nestled among the highly developed suburbs of Blue Bell and North Wales. After more than a century in agriculture, the preserve’s fields are being carefully restored. A walk along the trails reveals a re-emerging ecosystem of native plants including warm-season grasses and wildflowers.
  • NR Powdermill Nature Reserve

    WebsiteSatellite View
    The reserve is used by scientists to monitor and study changes in the local ecology and wildlife populations. It has served as a refuge for many plants and animals which, as a result of habitat distruction, are now becoming increasingly rare in our region as their habitats are destroyed. Powdermill Run, the mountain spring stream that traverses the mixed deciduous forest property, was found to be one of the very few unpolluted streams available for ongoing studies of aquatic life…
  • NWR Cherry Valley National Wildlife Refuge

    InformationSatellite View
    The Cherry Valley National Wildlife Refuge is a National Wildlife Refuge in Monroe County, Pennsylvania. The Kittatinny Ridge, following the creek’s path, is a major avenue for migrating birds of prey, songbirds, waterfowl and bats.
  • NWR Erie National Wildlife Refuge

    InformationSatellite View
    The Erie National Wildlife Refuge is an 8,777-acre (3,552 ha) National Wildlife Refuge located in Crawford County, Pennsylvania. Named after the Erie tribe, it was established to provide waterfowl and other migratory birds with nesting, feeding, brooding, and resting habitat.
  • NWR IBA John Heinz

    WebpageSatellite View
    The John Heinz National Wildlife Refuge at Tinicum is one of the most popular birding spots in Pennsylvania for good reason: it is a premier spot to find migrant waterfowl, shorebirds, herons and songbirds. Located in both Philadelphia and Delaware Counties, in the shadow of Philadelphia International Airport, this urban oasis also provides vital nesting habitat for several wetland bird species that are rare in Pennsylvania, including Marsh Wren and Least Bittern. The refuge includes the only remaining freshwater tidal marsh in the Commonwealth. The John Heinz National Wildlife Refuge at Tinicum boasts a bird list of nearly 300 species. In the fall, thousands of shorebirds and waterfowl pass through the refuge. Some waterfowl linger over the winter depending upon the availability of open water. In the spring, waterfowl pass through again, along with smaller numbers of shorebirds. During the summer nesting season the refuge hosts several nesting wetland bird species of conservation concern, including Marsh Wren and Least Bittern. The refuge is also a key habitat for songbirds, especially during the spring and fall migrations.
  • NWR Ohio River Islands National Wildlife Refuge

    InformationSatellite View
    The Ohio River Islands National Wildlife Refuge (ORINWR) is a National Wildlife Refuge (NWR) in non-contiguous sites consisting of islands along 362 miles (583 km) of the Ohio River
  • SP Presque Isle

    WebpageSatellite View
    A National Natural Landmark, Presque Isle is a favorite spot for migrating birds. Because of the many unique habitats, Presque Isle contains a greater number of the state's endangered, threatened, and rare species than any other area of comparable size in Pennsylvania.
  • WMA Middle Creek

    WebpageSatellite View
    The Middle Creek Wildlife Management Area is a special tract set aside for the protection, propagation, management, preservation, and controlled harvest of wildlife. A 400-acre shallow lake and 70 acres of potholes, ponds, and dikes have been constructed as a marshy habitat for waterfowl. This area is important to migratory waterfowl and is a primary staging area for Tundra Swans and Snow Geese in early spring. A shallow area of water near a flooded stand of timber is ideally suited for waterfowl. During the winter, abundant rodent populations in the field attract hawks, owls, and eagles. Canada Geese are year-round residents. Other species at this site include Wood Duck, Mallard, Black Duck, Blue-winged Teal, Northern Shoveler, Hooded Merganser, Bufflehead, Ruddy Duck, Gadwall, Coot, and Wigeon. Surrounding agricultural fields support grassland birds, including Grasshopper Sparrows and Bobolinks.
  • WS Mariton Wildlife Sanctuary

    WebpageSatellite View
    A conservation project of the Natural Lands Trust, Inc., this beautiful sanctuary features 200 acres of woodlands, fields and trails, and is home to a wide variety of mammals, reptiles and birds.
Sightings, News & Forums
  • PABirds

    Sign up for listings archive
Trip Reports
  • 2017 [05 May] - Tom Johnson & Doug Gochfeld - Pennsylvania's Warblers & More

    I was fortunate to grow up in Pennsylvania, a bird-rich state that is frequently overlooked as a birding destination. When John Rowlett decided to retire and Field Guides stopped offering the "Virginia's Warblers" tour, I was excited to try a similar itinerary on my familiar home turf. May 2017 was the first running of our new tour, and I think that it went really well. We found 29 species of warblers and a wonderful suite of other species, even with a rainy day that posed some temporary meteorological challenges.
  • 2018 [05 May] - Tom Johnson

    I was fortunate enough to join Tom and all of you on this tour of the winding roads of backcountry Pennsylvania, as we patrolled meadows, gorges, brooks and bottomlands for the state's rich assortment of breeding warblers.
Places to Stay
  • A Place in the Woods B&B

    Our Bed & Breakfast is Mercer County's best kept secret. We are situated in the center of three and one-half acres of wooded property, surrounded by Goddard State Park on three sides. Lake Wilhelm is a five-minute walk from our front door. Enjoy Mother Nature at her finest. Our guests enjoy a generous full breakfast as they watch the many birds, squirrels and chipmunks feed in the copse of trees opposite our dining room. At nightfall, our guests are entertained by the critters that come to feed.
  • Line Limousin Farmhouse B&B

    The large lawn with giant sugar maple trees is great for a picnic in the shade. This spot is perfect for cookouts and barbecues in the summer. Guests are free to tour the beef farm, hike the woods and cross the stone fences to spot wildlife and many birds.
Other Links
  • Bird Bath & Beyond

    Save time and money shopping for a solar bird bath fountain, bluebird house, hummingbird feeder and many other wild bird accessories and back yard decor at Bird Bath & Beyond. Bird Bath and Beyond offers low prices and fast shipping so you don't have to run all over town to find what you need.
  • Pennsylvania Birding Trails

    Find the top rated birding trails in Pennsylvania, whether you're looking for an easy short birding trail or a long birding trail, you'll find what you're looking for. Click on a birding trail below to find trail descriptions, trail maps, photos, and reviews.
  • Perky-Pet Feeders & Bird Food

    Our site is an excellent resource for information on Hummingbirds, Wild Birds and Orioles as well as the greatest selection of gorgeous and affordable Hummingbird Feeders, Wild Bird Feeders, Oriole Feeders, Feeder Accessories, Bird Baths, and Birdhouses….
  • Shaver's Creek Environmental Centre

    The Center has just completed the largest expansion and renovation project in its 40-year history. Our Raptor Center enclosures are still under construction, so you may not be able to see any of the birds of prey until later this fall. Our regular Meet the Creek programming will continue in spring 2019. We’re currently developing exhibits and installations for the Discovery Rooms and bookstore, too!
  • Tussey Mountain Spring Hawkwatch

    Part-time spring counts made at Tussey Mountain during the late-1990s showed that it is an excellent spot to see GEs on their spring migration. The first year of full-time coverage (2001) produced 166 GEs (easily the highest ever spring count east of the Rockies); as well as thousands of other hawks…
  • Venango County Bird List

    The list shows all species on the Official State List with a Yes next to each species recorded in this county or a B for those species which breed in the county (Ie., species who coded Probable or Confirmed during the latest Breeding Bird Atlas).
  • Anne Higgins - Scattered Showers in a Clear Sky

    Poetry, birding, gardening and other reflections on Pennsylvania life…
  • Drew Weber - Nemesis Bird

    Articles from a wide range of contributors
  • Kate St John - Outside My Window

    Last update December 2016 - Though her job is in computer management at WQED, Kate St. John has been fascinated by birds nearly all her life.
  • Philly Bird Nerd

    Birding friends BLOG and pics…
  • Rob Feergus - Birdchaser

    My name is Rob Fergus. I'm an ornithologist. I am almost 50 years old, and I bird in a van, down by the river.
  • Tim Schreckengost - Words about Birds

    Last update 2011 - I am a student at Penn State University studying Wildlife Science. I am extremely interested in birds and have been actively birding since the fall of 2009. I have worked as a technician for both the University of Tennessee and Penn State University. With the University of Tennessee, I surveyed for grassland species throughout south-central Kentucky. I surveyed vegetation and banded songbirds for Penn State University throughout the northwestern portion of Pennsylvania.This year I am trying to see over 400 species of birds throughout the United States…
Photographers & Artists
  • Jim Flowers - Arts 'N Images

    Photography, including both the art and the science of, has become an integral part of my life over the past 42 years. The world of nature photography and photojournalism has opened an entire new chapter in my life. It has rekindled the “fun and intrigue” in what can sometimes become a repetitive craft. You seldom can anticipate what might be waiting around the next curve of the road or bend in the path. The subject matter is diverse but seldom restrictive and can create a test of ones patience, knowledge and photographic skills all while set within the wonder of our natural world. Mother Earth can throw you a few curves here and there, but at the same time provide limitless opportunities and endless adventure.
  • Library - Visual Resources for Ornithology

    VIREO, the world's most comprehensive collection of bird photographs, includes over 85,000 photographs of 5,832 species of birds. VIREO was established in 1979 to create a centralised, well curated collection of bird photographs accessible for scientific and public use. VIREO makes photographs available to a wide spectrum of users. Some of the world's best bird photographers are VIREO contributors. VIREO is constantly expanding its collection and looking for new talent.
  • Photographer - Andy Smith

    Some excellent portraits of birds among other wildlife subjects

Fatbirder - linking birders worldwide...