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State of Arizona

Cactus Wren Campylorhynchus brunneicapillus ©Dubi Shapiro Website

Arizona is a state in the Southwestern region of the United States, sharing the Four Corners region of the western United States with Colorado, New Mexico, and Utah. Its other neighbouring states are Nevada to the northwest and California to the west. It also shares an international border with the Mexican states of Sonora and Baja California to the south and southwest. It is the 6th-largest covering over 295,000 km2 (112,000 square miles) and the 14th-most-populous of the 50 states with 7.5 million inhabitants. Its capital and largest city is Phoenix, which is the most populous state capital in the United States with nearly 1,700,000 people. Tucson, with a metro population of just over one million, is the state’s second-largest city. 85% of the state is public forest and parkland, state trust land and Native American reservations. There are 24 National Park Service maintained sites in Arizona, including the three national parks of Grand Canyon National Park, Saguaro National Park, and the Petrified Forest National Park. Saguaro National Park, just west of the city in the Tucson Mountains, is the site of the world’s largest collection of Saguaro cacti.

©Joe Parks from Berkeley CA, CC BY 2.0 via Wikimedia Commons

Saguaro National Park

©Saguaro Pictures CC BY 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons

Arizona is well known for its desert Basin and Range region in the state’s southern portions, which is rich in a landscape of xerophyte plants such as the cactus. This region’s topography was shaped by prehistoric volcanism, followed by the cooling-off and related subsidence. Its climate has exceptionally hot summers and mild winters. The state is less well known for its pine-covered north-central portion of the high country of the Colorado Plateau. Like other states of the Southwest United States, Arizona is marked by high mountains, the Colorado plateau, and mesas. Despite the state’s aridity, 27% of Arizona is forest,  a percentage comparable to modern-day Romania or Greece. The world’s largest stand of ponderosa pine trees is in Arizona. The Mogollon Rim, a 2000-foot escarpment, cuts across the state’s central section and marks the southwestern edge of the Colorado Plateau.

Grand Canyon – ©Luca Galuzzi CC BY-SA 2.5 via Wikimedia Commons

Located in northern Arizona, the Grand Canyon is a colourful, deep, steep-sided gorge, carved by the Colorado River. The canyon is one of the Seven Natural Wonders of the World and is largely contained in the Grand Canyon National Park – one of the first national parks in the United States. Arizona is home to one of the most well-preserved meteorite impact sites in the world. Created around 50,000 years ago, the Barringer Meteorite Crater is a gigantic hole in the middle of the high plains of the Colorado Plateau, about 25 miles (40 km) west of Winslow. Due to the primarily dry climate, large diurnal temperature variations occur in less-developed areas of the desert above 2,500 feet. The swings can be as large as 46 °C in the summer months. In the state’s urban centres, the effects of local warming result in much higher measured night-time lows than in the recent past.

Due to its large area and variations in elevation, the state has a wide variety of localised climate conditions. In the lower elevations the climate is primarily desert, with mild winters and extremely hot summers. Typically, from late autumn to early spring, the weather is mild, averaging a minimum of 16 °C. November through February are the coldest months, with temperatures typically ranging from 4 to 24 °C, with occasional frosts. About midway through February, the temperatures start to rise, with warm days, and cool, breezy nights. The summer months of June through September bring a dry heat from 32 to 49 °C, with occasional high temperatures exceeding 52 °C having been observed in the desert area.

Arizona has an average annual rainfall of 12.7 in (323 mm), which comes during two rainy seasons, with cold fronts coming from the Pacific Ocean during the winter and a monsoon in the summer. These downpours often cause flash floods, which can turn deadly. Arizona’s northern third is a plateau at significantly higher altitudes than the lower desert, and has an appreciably cooler climate, with cold winters and mild summers, though the climate remains semiarid to arid. Extremely low temperatures are not unknown; cold air systems from the northern states and Canada occasionally push into the state, bringing temperatures below −18 °C to the state’s northern parts.

Birding Arizona

For most birders, Arizona means just Southeast Arizona and much of what follows does indeed pertain to the southeast corner of the state. However, central Arizona is also an excellent birding area and visitors (especially those from the east) should definitely consider spending a few days in the White Mountains. Northern Arizona is also worth a look for some of its montane species and the spectacular scenery of the Grand Canyon.

Southeast Arizona – Given its size of some 18,000 square miles and lack of coastline, it is a surprise that Southeast Arizona has recorded more species of birds than any other area of its size in the country. Because of its proximity to Mexico and the diversity of habitats in such a small area, Southeast Arizona has earned a reputation as one of the best birding spots in North America. Moreover, there are many species here that are hard to find or simply cannot be seen elsewhere in the United States. Birds like Elegant Trogon, Buff-breasted and Sulphur-bellied Flycatchers, Thick-billed Kingbird, Rose-throated Becard and Mexican Chickadee to name just a few. The abundance and variety of birds is hardly surprising when you consider that the short trip from Tucson to the top of Mt. Lemmon, a scant 50 miles away, is the equivalent of traveling from Mexico to Canada in terms of habitat and associated birdlife. Each of the spectacular mountain ranges (Sky Islands) and the deserts, valleys, grasslands and riparian areas have their own special character and birds to offer. If you are only able to visit one area of the state, from a birding standpoint Southeast Arizona is without a doubt the best place to be.

East Central Arizona – Located on a high plateau known as the Mogollon (MOG-o-yon) Rim, the White Mountains of east central Arizona are one of birding’s best kept secrets. Although only a few hours from the distinctly Mexican birdlife of Southeast Arizona, the lakes, forests, and alpine meadows of this scenic area are home to many northern species. From the juniper-clad foothills near Springerville at 7,000 feet, the terrain on the rim quickly changes to an average elevation of 9,000 feet with pine and fir forests. Among the many species found here are Lewis’s Woodpecker, Williamson’s Sapsucker, Gray and Pinyon Jays, and in fast flowing streams, American Dipper. Even at this altitude there are peaks like Mt. Baldy near Greer, and Escudilla near Nutrioso. In this 11,000-foot spruce-fir and aspen environment, live birds like Blue Grouse, Three-toed Woodpecker and Clark’s Nutcracker. Yes folks, this is Arizona too! If you have the time, plan to spend a few days here after your trip to Southeast Arizona and experience the tremendous contrast in both birds and landscape. If you like solitude, spectacular scenery, and some great birds to boot, then this is the place.

Northern Arizona – Most visitors flock to the south rim of the Grand Canyon where the accessibility is good and the views are, admittedly, spectacular. However, for birds you would do well to take the road less travelled (and much further) to the north rim. Here, and particularly further north in the boreal-like forests of the Kaibab Plateau, there are more birds and far fewer people. The 8-9000 feet ponderosa pine, spruce-fir, and aspen forests support many montane species including Northern Goshawk, Williamson’s Sapsucker, Three-toed Woodpecker, Blue Grouse, Clark’s Nutcracker, Townsend’s Solitaire, Evening Grosbeak, Red Crossbill, Cassin’s Finch and occasionally, Pine Grosbeak. Further south near Flagstaff are the San Francisco Mountains and the almost 13,000 feet high Humphrey’s Peak, which is about as close to timberline as you can get in Arizona. The surrounding Coconino National Forest, several nearby lakes, and picturesque Oak Creek Canyon combine to offer an impressive variety of birds and beautiful scenery.

Coconino National Forest – Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

There are other areas of the state that you can visit, of course, but with the exception of a few water birds, the three mentioned above will produce almost every bird that can be seen in Arizona. If you’re into state birds, the Colorado River corridor from Yuma in the south to Bullhead City in the north is a productive area. There are some great birds to be found here all year, but summer is dangerously hot and winter and fall are the best times to visit the various National Wildlife Refuges and Lake Havasu for some good Arizona water birds.

Top Sites
  • South East Arizona

    Satellite View
    Ash Canyon has White-throated Sparrow, Golden-crowned Sparrow, and Scott's Oriole. There have been up to 13 species of hummingbirds seen here in a single day! Carr Canyon is home to whiskered Screech-Owl, Strickland's Woodpecker, Bridled Titmouse, and summering Black-throated Gray Warbler and Painted Redstart. Miller Canyon, just as close, boasts Flame-colored Tanager, a Spotted Owl pair, and is referred to locally as the Hummingbird Capital of the World with 15 species - Allen's, Anna's, Rufus, Beryline, Black-chinned, Blue-throated, Calliope, Costa's, Lucifer, Magnificent, Plain-capped Star-throat, Broad-billed, Broad-tailed, Violet-crowned and White-eared.
  • South East Arizona

    Satellite View
    San Pedro River has migratory species the year round - 335 species have been spotted, including Vermillion Flycatchers, nesting herons, green kingfishers, gray hawks and other raptors are an easy walk from the San Pedro House. Ramsey Canyon is a spectacular canyon where streams, trees, cliffs and wildlife delight nature lovers. It is home to big and small - fourteen species of hummingbirds and resident turkeys.
  • South East Arizona - Birders Vista B&B

    Facebook PageSatellite View
    The richness of bird habitat makes Birders Vista Bed and Breakfast southeastern Arizona location a birders paradise. From our own backyard, thanks to the enviable gift of flight, midway as we are between the San Pedro River Riparian area and the multiple bird inhabited canyons, we have seen Black-chinned, Broadtail and Rufus Hummingbirds, Scaled and Gamble Quail, White Winged, Mourning and Inca Doves, nesting Roadrunners, Cactus Wrens, Verdin, Curved-bill and Crissal Thrasher, Mockingbird, Canyon and Green-tailed Towhee, Great Horned Owl, Vermilion Flycatcher, Painted Bunting, Hooded Oriole, Bells Vireo, Lesser Goldfinch, Northern Cardinals, Pyrrhuloxia, Phainopepla, Northern Mockingbird, Lazuli Bunting, Bullocks Oriole, Chihuahuan Raven, White-crowned and Black-throated Sparrows, common goldfinches and the ubiquitous House Finches. Would you like to add a pair of nesting Elegant Trogons to your life count? An easy morning outing to Garden Canyon will allow you to see them. The Trogons have been there like clockwork in mid-April for several years. Sulphur-bellied Flycatcher, Bridled Titmouse, and Painted Redstart are among other regular residents in the summer.
  • Johnnie and Audrey Eskue

    Birders Vista B&B - Sierra Vista, Arizona |

  • Stuart Healy

    Sierra Vista, AZ |

Number of Species
  • Number of bird species: 574

    (As at November 2024)

    State Bird: Cactus Wren Campylorhynchus brunneicapillus

  • Avibase

    PDF Checklist
    This checklist includes all bird species found in Arizona , based on the best information available at this time. It is based on a wide variety of sources that I collated over many years. I am pleased to offer these checklists as a service to birdwatchers. If you find any error, please do not hesitate to report them.
  • Sonoran Audubon Society

    PDF Checklist
    Sonoran Audubon Society created the Arizona checklist for all of your birding needs. The checklist is printable as a PDF.
  • Wikipedia

    Annotated List
    This list of birds of Arizona includes every wild bird species seen in Arizona, as recorded by the Arizona Bird Committee (ABC) through January 2023.
  • eBird

    PDF Checklist
    This checklist is generated with data from eBird (, a global database of bird sightings from birders like you. If you enjoy this checklist, please consider contributing your sightings to eBird. It is 100% free to take part, and your observations will help support birders, researchers, and conservationists worldwide.
Useful Reading

  • A Guide to Southern Arizona Bird Nests & Eggs

    | By Pinau | Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum Press | 2001 | Paperback | Out of Print | ISBN: 9781886679177 Buy this book from
  • ABA Field Guide to Birds of Arizona

    | By Rick Wright & Brian E Small | Scott & Nix, Inc | 2016 | Paperback | 358 pages, colour photos | ISBN: 9781935622604 Buy this book from
  • Arizona & New Mexico Birds

    | By Kurt Radamaker, C Radamaker & Gregory Kennedy | Lone Pine Publishing | 2007 | Paperback | 176 pages, colour illustrations, maps | ISBN: 9789768200280 Buy this book from
  • Arizona Birds

    | (From the Backyard to the Backwoods) | by Jim Burns | University of Arizona Press | 2008 | paperback | 239 pages, Colour photos | ISBN: 9780816526444 Buy this book from
  • Arizona Birds

    | By James Kavanagh | Waterford Press | 2001 | Unbound | 12 pages | Out of Print | ISBN: 9781583551073 Buy this book from
  • Arizona Breeding Bird Atlas

    | Edited by Troy E Corman & Cathryn Wise-Gervais | University of New Mexico Press | 2005 | Hardback | 636 pages, maps, illustrations | ISBN: 9780826333797 Buy this book from
  • Birding Arizona - What to Know, Where to Go

    | By Charles J Babbitt | R.W. Morse Company | 2019 | Paperback | 232 pages, b/w maps | ISBN: 9780999073605 Buy this book from
  • Birds of Arizona

    | By Richard Cachor Taylor | R.W. Morse Company | 2022 | Paperback | 494 pages, 900+ colour photos, colour distribution maps | ISBN: 9780999073612 Buy this book from
  • Birds of Arizona

    | By Stan Tekiela | Adventure Publications | 2021 | Edition 2 | Paperback | 384 pages, colour photos, distribution maps | ISBN: 9781647551940 Buy this book from
  • Birds of Arizona

    | By Todd Telander | Falcon Guides | 2012 | Paperback | 96 pages, colour illustrations | ISBN: 9780762774166 Buy this book from
  • Birds of Phoenix and Maricopa County Arizona

    | By Janet Witzeman & Troy Corman | Maricopa Audubon Society | 2017 | Spiralbound | 228 pages, colour photos, b/w illustrations, b/w maps | ISBN: 9780965456616 Buy this book from
  • Birds of the Southwest

    | (Arizona, New Mexico, Southern California and Southern Nevada) | By John H Rappole | Texas A & M University Press | 2001 | Paperback | 329 pages, 456 colour, 44 b/w photos, 1 line drawing, 457 maps | ISBN: 9780890969588 Buy this book from
  • National Geographic Field Guide to Birds: Arizona and New Mexico

    | By Jonathan Alderfer | National Geographic Society | 2006 | Paperback | 272 pages, maps, photos, drawings | ISBN: 9780792253129 Buy this book from
  • The Birds of Arizona

    | By Russell Rogers | Russell Rogers | 1993 | Paperback | 10 pages | Out of Print | ISBN: 9789999003902 Buy this book from
Festivals & Bird Fairs
  • Southeast Arizona Birding Festival

    Thank you to all the participants, sponsors, vendors, volunteers, Bill Thompson III and the DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel Tucson – Reid Park for making this Southeast Arizona Birding Festival the best ever! Thank you for helping us celebrate the amazing biodiversity of the Sonoran Desert and its Sky Islands. We hope to see you next year! August 9–13, 2023
  • Southwest Wings

    Arizona's Longest Running Nature Festival Southwest Wings is an educational celebration of the diversity of birds, mammals, reptiles, and insects, in their unique environment; the sky islands in southern Arizona
  • Verde Valley Birding & Nature Festival

    The Verde Valley Birding & Nature Festival provides a unique recreational experience to anyone interested in the natural world and fosters awareness of the importance of habitat for the enrichment of all life in the Verde Valley.
  • Wings Over Willcox Birding and Nature Festival

    The Wings Over Willcox Birding and Nature Festival, held annually by the Willcox Chamber of Commerce & Agriculture, occurs during the Martin Luther King holiday weekend of January in Willcox, Arizona. The festival has many supporting affiliates, including government agencies, businesses, organizations and interested individuals..
  • Southeastern Arizona Bird Observatory

    Observatory WebsiteSatellite View
    The Southeastern Arizona Bird Observatory (SABO) is a non-profit organization dedicated to the conservation of the birds of southeastern Arizona, their habitats and the diversity of species that share those habitats through research, monitoring and public education. SABO offers a variety of resources for the birding and naturalist communities and opportunities for residents and visitors to connect with the birds and other wildlife of southeastern Arizona. We also serve as regional advocates for science-based management of birds and their habitats and responsible, low-impact economic development
Museums & Universities
  • Arizona - Sonora Desert Museum

    The mission of the Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum is to inspire people to live in harmony with the natural world by fostering love, appreciation, and understanding of the Sonoran Desert.
  • Phoenix Zoo

    The goal of the Phoenix Zoo’s conservation programs is to help preserve the diversity of life in nature. We work in both husbandry and research on behalf of both wildlife and their natural habitats. In addition, we collaborate with the Association of Zoos and Aquariums Species Survival Plan®, a cooperative population management program that aims to maintain a healthy and self-sustaining managed population of selected species.
  • University of Arizona

    University Bird Programs
    The University of Arizona's Bird Collection containing over 17,600 cataloged specimens is the largest bird collection in the state. Specimens include traditional study skins, taxidermy mounts, wings, tails, disarticulated skeletons, nests, eggs and the Arizona Bird Committee's photographs and records. The collection was begun in 1884 by Arizona resident Herbert Brown. The current geographic representation of the collection in decreasing order of importance is: Arizona, Sonora, Southwestern United States, Northwestern Mexico, North America and other continents. The Bird Collection is housed on the University of Arizona's main campus in room 117 of the Biological Sciences East Building. Dr. Carlos Martinez del Rio is Curator, Dr. Stephen M. Russell is Curator Emeritus, and Mr. Tom Huels is Collection Manager.
  • Arizona Bird Committee

    The Arizona Bird Committee (ABC) was organized in 1972 to improve the quality of state bird records and increase knowledge of bird distribution in Arizona. The ABC evaluates documentation of rare birds, publishes reports on those evaluations, archives the documentation and maintains a checklist of Arizona birds
  • Audubon Arizona

    We envision an Arizona with a rich and diverse natural heritage, where there is ample habitat for birds and other wildlife, where a majority of its people appreciate and participate in their natural environment, and whose children are educated and motivated to become the conservation leaders of tomorrow.
  • Audubon Society in Arizona

    Offices & Chapters; Centers & Sanctuaries & Upcoming Events
  • Desert Rivers Audubon

    Educating and inspiring our community to protect and preserve birds, wildlife, and their habitats…
  • Maricopa Audubon Society

    Welcome to Maricopa Audubon Society (MAS), a chapter of the National Audubon Society in the Phoenix metropolitan area with 2,500 members. Though southeast Arizona is the most well-known Arizona region for birds, many of the same species are found in the Phoenix area. In recent years, we have sighted the Roseate Spoonbill, Brown Thrasher and other unusual species.
  • Nature Conservancy of Arizona

    The Nature Conservancy has helped protect more than 1.5 million acres in Arizona—including six preserves that are open to the public. We are forging new alliances and developing innovative tools to help communities achieve both a healthy environment and a healthy economy.
  • Northern Arizona Audubon

    Our Mission To promote the understanding and appreciation of birds and other wildlife and the conservation and restoration of their natural habitats.
  • Prescott Audubon Society

    The mission of Prescott Audubon Society is to preserve and protect our environment for all who inhabit it. The society pursues these goals through education, field work, social activities, and activism…
  • Sierra Nevada Avian Monitoring Information Network

    In 2001, Point Blue began a project monitoring birds across meadows on the Almanor Ranger District of Lassen National Forest. In 2009, we expanded our work to the entire Feather River Watershed in Plumas County, including monitoring a number of sites that have been, or are being proposed for restoration by the Feather River Coordinated Resource Management Group. The objectives of this project are to collect information on bird distribution in meadows and their response to different restoration techniques and use this information, along with our local knowledge working with partners, to help guide future meadow restoration actions across the Sierra Nevada.
  • Sonoran Audubon Society

    The purpose of Sonoran Audubon Society is to educate its members and the community about birds, other wildlife, and their habitats, and about the beauty and importance of the complex interactions that make for a healthy environment for everyone. Sonoran Audubon encourages and supports community involvement in the conservation, preservation and restoration of natural ecosystems in support of biological diversity.
  • Tuscon Audubon Society

    Tucson Audubon inspires people to enjoy and protect birds through recreation, education, conservation, and restoration of the environment upon which we all depend.
  • White Mountain Audubon Society

    Welcome to the White Mountain Audubon Society - Enjoy Arizona's White Mountains and the tremendous variety of birds and wildlife you can see in our area! Birding is fun and fascinating. Why not join us today?
  • Yuma Audubon Society

    The Yuma Audubon Society is dedicated to conserving natural resources, educating members on conservation issues, and increasing awareness about the diversity of nature in the Yuma, AZ, area.

Abbreviations Key

  • *Protected areas of Arizona

    InformationSatellite View
    Interactive links to 5 Arboreta, 7 National Forests, 11 Wildlife Refuges, 3 Nature Reserves, etc etc
  • Boyce Thompson Arboretum

    WebsiteSatellite View
    Welcome to the American Southwest`s oldest and most spectacularly situated arboretum and botanical garden…
  • IBA NCA San Pedro Riparian National Conservation Area

    WebpageSatellite View
    San Pedro attracts thousands of birdwatchers from all over the world each year. Over 100 species of breeding birds, and another 250+ species of migrant and wintering birds occur in this area, representing roughly half the number of known breeding species in North America…
  • IBA NF Coronado National Forest

    InformationSatellite View
    This IBA encompasses the large "sky island" mountain range, the Chiricahua Mountains in southeastern Arizona, part of a chain of mountains spanning from central Mexico into southern Arizona, the Sierra Madre. The range is almost 40 miles long by 20 miles wide. The IBA extends from 5000 feet elevation, at the ecotone between grassland and oak, to the top of Chiricahua Peak at 9795 feet. Sierra Madrean species reach the northernmost extension of their ranges within this IBA. Of particular importance ornithologically, is the great number of Mexican species whose northern summer breeding range occurs only in the southern "sky island" mountains of Arizona, these species include: Elegant Trogon, Mexican Spotted Owl, Whiskered Screech-Owl, Violet-crowned Hummingbird, Sulphur-bellied Flycatcher, and Mexican Chickadee.
  • NC Appleton-Whittell Research Ranch

    WebsiteSatellite View
    The Research Ranch conservation philosophy is that the most effective way to maintain biological diversity is to begin to safeguard species before they become threatened or endangered. The Ranch's 15 square miles of semi-desert grassland, oak savannah, and oak woodlands ribboned with riparian habitats create a safe haven for native species, especially those not adapted to certain human activities. Conservation projects which benefit plants and wildlife are always being undertaken. Some of these projects include eradicating invasive exotics, creating wildlife watering areas, stringing wildlife friendly fence, and restoring a fire regime.
  • NC Empire-Cienega Resource Conservation Area

    Information PDFSatellite View
    Over 170 species of birds have been identified on the RCA by members of the Audubon Society and other volunteers. Three species of quail, Gambel's, scaled, and Montezuma (also called Mearn's or Harlequin) inhabit the area, as well as the gray hawk, Baird's sparrow, Sprague's pipit, green kingfisher, yellow-billed cuckoo, and northern beardless tyrannulet. Numerous common species also inhabit the ranches…
  • NC The Nina Mason Pulliam Rio Salado Audubon Center

    WebsiteSatellite View
    We make conservation action accessible to everyone by reaching out to audiences that are new to environmental stewardship and by providing useful information about sustainable living. We offer a full spectrum of hands-on experiences for every age including fun-filled family programming, weekend activities & festivals, STEM-supporting school field trips and on-the-ground conservation work focused on local species at risk. We have something for everyone!
  • NF Apache-Sitgreaves

    InformationSatellite View
    If seeing an osprey hover over a clear mountain lake or hearing a mountain chickadee's cheer song is your idea of a great outdoor experience, then this bird list is for you. The wide variety of birds found in the Apache-Sitgreaves National Forest can provide you many memorable moments…
  • NF Coronado

    WebpageSatellite View
    Wend your way up into those mountains, however, and you'll learn the astonishing truth: The environment of these ranges is a total departure from what you'll find on the flats. Temperatures are far lower, water is relatively abundant, and the wildlife and flora are largely what you'd expect to find high in the Rocky Mountains…
  • NM Chiricahua National Monument

    WebpageSatellite View
    The rugged fault-block range that makes up the Chiricahua Mountains in southeast Arizona is home to a wide variety of birds, partially because of the many different habitats that the mountains encompass…
  • NP IBA Grand Canyon

    InformationSatellite View
    Grand Canyon NP is a globally designated IBA for nesting California condor, Mexican spotted owl (Strix occidentalis lucida), and Pinyon Jay. The Grand Canyon also has an exceptional concentration of nesting peregrine falcons that is in excess of 10% of the nesting population in Arizona. The plateau above the canyon supports an excellent diversity of montane bird species, including numbers of Bendire’s Thrasher and Cassin’s Finch.
  • NWR Bill Williams River

    InformationSatellite View
    The federal wildlife refuge is managed by the United States Fish and Wildlife Service. Recreation activities include nature walks, bird watching, hiking, and kayaking on the Bill Williams River. The refuge is host to some endangered bird species, including the southwestern willow flycatcher (Empidonax traillii extimus), which nests on the refuge; and the Yuma rail (Rallus obsoletus yumanensis) which lives in the marsh's broadleaf cattail colonies, and is endemic to the Lower Colorado River Valley. Also good for vermillion flycatcher, yellow-billed cuckoo, western tanager, lazuli bunting.
  • NWR Buenos Aires

    InformationSatellite View
    Buenos Aires National Wildlife Refuge (Buenos Aires NWR) provides 117,107 acres (473.92 km2) of habitat for threatened and endangered plants and animals. here are also more than 325 different bird species and 53 species of reptiles and amphibians.
  • NWR Cabeza Prieta

    InformationSatellite View
    Located within the Yuma Desert, a lower-elevation section of the Sonoran Desert, the refuge was originally established in 1939 to protect desert bighorn sheep. Today, it is home to more than 275 different species of animals and nearly 400 species of plants.Many species of birds are permanent residents of CPNWR, while many others migrate through during the spring and fall.
  • NWR Cibola

    InformationSatellite View
    The Refuge is one of the last major stop overs of the Pacific Flyway for migratory birds. Over 250 species of birds have been identified at Cibola NWR, including Canada geese, golden eagles, great blue herons, sandhill cranes, snowy egrets, and the endangered southwestern willow flycatcher.
  • NWR Havasu

    InformationSatellite View
    Havasu National Wildlife Refuge is a U.S. National Wildlife Refuge on the lower Colorado River in Arizona and California. It preserves habitat for desert bighorn sheep to the endangered southwestern willow flycatcher, birds and other animals.
  • NWR Imperial

    WebpageSatellite View
    Imperial National Wildlife Refuge protects wildlife habitat along 30 miles of the lower Colorado River in Arizona and California, including the last unchannelized section before the river enters Mexico…
  • NWR Kofa

    InformationSatellite View
    The refuge, established in 1939 to protect desert bighorn sheep, encompasses over 665,400 acres (2,693 km2) of the Yuma Desert region of the Sonoran Desert. Broad, gently sloping foothills as well as the sharp, needlepoint peaks of the Kofa Mountains are found in the rugged refuge. The small, widely scattered waterholes attract a surprising number of water birds for a desert area. A wide variety of plant life is also found throughout the refuge.
  • NWR San Bernardino

    InformationSatellite View
    The San Bernardino National Wildlife Refuge is located on the U.S.-Mexican border in Cochise County, Arizona. Situated at 3,720 to 3,920 feet (1,190 m) elevation in the bottom of a wide valley, the refuge encompasses a portion of the headwaters of the Yaqui River, which drains primarily western Chihuahua and eastern Sonora, Mexico. The 2,309-acre (9.34 km2) ranch was acquired by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service in 1982 to protect the water resources and provide habitat for endangered native fishes.
  • SP Arizona State Parks

    WebsiteSatellite View
    Arizona State Parks protects and preserves 30 State Parks and Natural Areas. The agency also includes the State Trails Program, outdoor-related Grants Program, the State Historic Preservation Office, as well as the Off-Highway Vehicle Program, and more. Arizona State Parks provides over 1,400 camping and RV sites throughout the parks and manages 8 of the top 25 most visited natural attractions in Arizona.
  • SWA IBA Mittry Lake

    InformationSatellite View
    It consists of about 1100 acres of marsh and open water formed from Colorado River backwaters, old channels, and some dredging. The Wildlife Area includes Clapper Rail, Yuma Rail and Black Rail marsh habitat named Teal Alley, YPG Slough, and YPG West. Mittry Lake is downstream of Imperial Dam and is within the highest densities of California Black Rail populations on the lower Colorado River. Good marsh habitat for other birds such as Virginia Rail, Sora, Least Bittern, and American Bittern. A large wintering population of American Coots (>5000 individuals) uses the area. Provides habitat for migrating Southwestern Willow Flycatchers and other neotropical birds. The area provides foraging and nesting habitat for herons and egrets, and supports a population of Burrowing Owls.
  • SWA IBA Whitewater Draw

    InformationSatellite View
    This Important Bird Area, is dominated by a ephemeral lake, patchy marshlands, and semi-arid grasslands. Approximately 600 acres (1448 hectares) are the wetland. There are two small patches of riparian habitat. This Arizona Game and Fish Wildlife Area is of state and regional significance as the primary wintering area for Sandhill Cranes (Grus canadensis) in Arizona, and includes both the Lesser (most numerous) and Greater subspecies.
Sightings, News & Forums
Guides & Tour Operators
  • Adventure Birding Company

    Tour Operator
    The Adventure Birding Company offers bird watching and nature tours year-round in Southeastern Arizona and to select destinations worldwide. Our goal is to make each outing an exciting or remarkable experience in its own way - the very definition of "adventure!"
  • Arizona Birding

    Local Tour Operator
    A popular choice for birders seeking to discover Arizona's spectacularly diverse birdlife.
  • Bird Treks

    Tour Operator
    Bird Treks has been providing small group and custom birding tours for over 20 years. Visit their website to see the incredible tours available, including Southeast Arizona!
  • BirdQuest

    Tour Operator
    ARIZONA & CALIFORNIA SPECIALITIES – a quest for the key birds of a spectacular part of the world
  • Birding Ecotours

    Tour Operator
    Birding Ecotours, a leader in small group and custom-made birding adventures worldwide, offers an amazing tour to the Arizona desert and the Grand Canyon!
  • Birding Northern Arizona

    Local Tour Operator
    The ONLY tour company in Northern Arizona dedicated to birdwatching!
  • Borderland Tours

    Tour Operator
    Borderland Tours was founded in 1980 to provide well-organized tours to premier birding and natural history destinations. Dates are selected when each location is at its seasonal best. Mornings usually begin early to catch peak bird and wildlife activity. Our days are designed to allow ample time for identification, interpretation, education, and especially for your enjoyment. Small group sizes
  • Eagle-Eye Tours

    Tour Operator
    Winter birding in a North American hotspot for a diverse array of migrants, residents, and rarities.
  • FieldGuides

    Tour Operator
    One of the most exciting destinations in North America with a backdrop of spectacular mountain scenery.
  • Kolibri Expeditions

    Tour Operator
    Great Arizona Birding Trip 9 days
  • Limosa

    Tour Operator
    The beautiful deserts, mountains and forests of southeast Arizona are not only scenically spectacular but also full of amazing birds....
  • Melodys Birding Adventures

    Whether you are a birdwatcher or a bird-a-holic (like your guide); come and join Melody Kehl and her local expertise. With 21 years of poking around Arizona (particularly Southern Arizona) and 13 years running Outdoor Adventures, she knows where the birds are!! Add that to the fact that she is an amateur naturalist (meaning to say she knows a little bit about almost everything and not a whole lot about anything.) With Melody, you don't just see the birds, you experience them. Each adventure is designed with a schedule and pace tailored to give a unique and personalized birding adventure…
  • Naturalist Journeys

    Tour Operator
    Arizona offers the incredible combination of beautiful scenery, rich biological diversity, and exciting experiences. Naturalist Journeys offers Arizona birding tours to the Sky Island mountain ranges of Southeastern Arizona during spring migration and monsoon season in the late summer.
  • NatureTrek

    Tour Operator
    A 15-day holiday to the Santa Rita, Huachuca and Chiricahua Mountains, focusing on the best of southern Arizona's bird, butterfly, mammal and reptile-life.
  • Ravens Way

    Sky Islands Birding Tours WORLD BIRDING HOTSPOT! Are you an avid birdwatcher or would you like to learn more about birds? If so, consider visiting us for a day or more to explore the sublime natural wonders of southeast Arizona and their accompanying avian diversity.
  • Richard Fray - Fun Birding Tours

    Hire me as your guide for fun, customized birding days in Southeast Arizona, USA
  • Rockjumper

    Tour Operator
  • Sedona Bird Watching Tours

    Local Tour Operator
    We are happy to customize your Sedona bird watching tour to fit your birding and hiking experience level. We can take an easy, flat stroll in the riparian areas along the creek focusing on bird identification or your tour can include strenuous hiking
  • Tropical Birding

    Tour Operator
    Southeast Arizona: Birding the Sky Islands

    Tour Operator
    Arizona: A Winter Week in the Southeast
Trip Reports
  • 2016 [01 January] - Chris Benesh

    ...The last day of the year found us heading southeast to the natural grasslands of the Empire Ranch and the San Rafael Grasslands. We had a handsome family group of White-tailed Kites, and a beautiful male prairie Merlin. A Sora paraded in the open in front of us. In the afternoon, we visited Pena Blanca Canyon where our best sightings had to be a couple of coveys of Montezuma Quail....
  • 2016 [04 April] - Dave Stejskal

    Southeast Arizona in late spring can have fantastic weather, but it's usually the windiest season. I think we dodged a bullet on the first run of this short tour this year, as it was very windy right before the trip started and right after it ended -- but we hit it just right! Temperatures were pretty pleasant too, especially in the Huachuca and Chiricahua mountains.
  • 2016 [05 May] - Dave Stejskal - Arizona: Birding the Border II

    This tour started out pretty hot, but below the century mark. As the days went on, our temps cooled to the point where some folks actually had to break out light jackets and sweaters for the evenings and early mornings in the mountains. Nice! If you can get that in mid-May in southeastern Arizona, enjoy it! It was toasty enough during the daytime, especially away from the high mountains, but it certainly wasn't awful. Late spring in southeastern Arizona can be hot and windy; I'd say that we had it just right for this lovely tour!
  • 2016 [05 May] - John Coons - Arizona: Birding the Border I

    We had a great nine days of birding in a variety of habitats in southeastern Arizona. We were fortunate to have a cool spell at the start of the trip, after a 100º day in Tucson just before we started.
  • 2016 [05 May] - Tom Johnson - Arizona Nightbirds & More II

    Though the wind seemed like it might conspire against us, we had fantastic luck with nightbirds on this short loop through Southeastern Arizona, getting to see 9 species of owls and 4 species of nightjars in just four days! In addition to the nightbirds, we tracked down a hearty chunk of Southeastern Arizona's diurnal specialty birds, including some nice rarities.
  • 2016 [06 June] - John Coons & Cory Gregory - Northern Arizona's Canyons and Condor

    ...Upon arriving in Flagstaff, we wasted no time in seeing some sensational birds; the first bird of the trip was a Mountain Bluebird right on the grounds of the airport! A trip to a local wetland included such highlights as a bold Sora, Virginia Rails, nesting Yellow-headed Blackbirds, and a soaring Bald Eagle. This came just after a visit to a recent forest fire area, where we snagged an uncommon American Three-toed Woodpecker, and additional highlights like Olive, Red-faced and Grace's warblers....
  • 2016 [06 June] - John Coons & Cory Gregory - Northern Arizona's Canyons and Condor II

    ...Our first day of birding found us near Flagstaff, where we saw uncommon species such as American Three-toed Woodpecker, Olive-sided Flycatcher, Grace's, Red-faced, and Olive warblers. We closed the day out with a quick side trip, where we saw a locally rare Gray Catbird...
  • 2016 [08 August] - John Coons & Doug Gochfeld - Arizona's Second Spring II

    Arizona’s second spring was truly just that this year, as our tour coincided with a very active monsoon season that coated the southeast Arizona landscape in lush green as far as the eye could see...
  • 2017 [01 January] - Chris Benesh

    ...This area has become a premier winter destination for birders. We spent a fair bit of time at a stakeout spot hoping to see a pair of Rufous-backed Robins. While they were no-shows, we did see a nice a Ruddy Ground-Dove there. Elsewhere we had nice looks at some Mountain Plovers and a secretive Sprague’s Pipit, as well as some longspurs and Ferruginous Hawks. Fortunately, the weather held off long enough for us the enjoy the day....
  • 2017 [07 July] - Dave Sargeant - California and Arizona

    Central California: Campbell mud flats, Baylands Reserve, Pigeon Point, Lodi Water Treatment Area and Del Valle Park. Southeast Arizona: Nogales, California Gulch, Ruby, Mount Lemmon, Miller's Creek Trail, Greaterville Trail, Ash Canyon and Buckeye. Northern California: Sierra Nevada and Sierra Valley.
  • 2018 [01 January] - Barry Zimmer

    PDF Report
    Once again, our Winter Southern Arizona tour was a huge success. We scoured a variety of habitats from the oak-juniper woodlands of Madera Canyon to the riparian habitat along the Santa Cruz River, to the Sonoran desert around Green Valley, and to the agricultural fields and desert scrub of the Sulphur Springs Valley in search of southwestern residents, winter specialties, and Mexican rarities. On all counts our trip was wildly successful.
  • 2018 [01 January] - Bob Behrstock & Peg Abbott - Southeast Arizona Winter Sky Island Sampler |

    PDF Report
    Despite the light rain, we had nice looks at a variety of species including Inca Dove, Green-tailed Towhee, White-crowned and (locally scarce) White-throated sparrows, Gila Woodpecker, Pyrrhuloxia, and, happily, the trips only European Starlings. Folks who walked to the river added Loggerhead Shrike, some waterfowl, and several other species.
  • 2018 [05 May] - Barry Zimmer

    PDF Report
    Nowhere else in the United States is a better lesson in biogeography than southeastArizona. Whether appreciating how rainfall and elevation affect the habitat gradientswithin the “Sky Island” matrix of mountain ranges, the plethora of adaptations that theflora and fauna have evolved to cope with life in the Sonoran and Chihuahuan deserts, orthe dramatic influence of the Madrean line on species distributions, it is impossible toavoid thinking about the forces that make this region so unique.
  • 2018 [05 May] - Tom Johnson - Arizona Nightbirds & More

    This short and sweet tour runs during the overlap between spring migration and the peak of activity for many owls and nightjars of Arizona's sky islands. We did very well, seeing 9 species of owls and 4 nightjars including such gems as Elf Owl, Flammulated Owl, Spotted Owl, Buff-collared Nightjar, and Mexican Whip-poor-will. Some of the "night" birds put on all-star performances at night (Elf Owl, Flammulated Owl, Western Screech-Owl, Mexican Whip-poor-will, etc) while others gave us great views on day roosts (Whiskered Screech-Owl, Great Horned Owl, Spotted Owls).
  • 2018 [08 August] - Pat Lueders - Southeast Arizona

    PDF Report
    As the group gathered at the Tucson Airport, arriving from Montana to Connecticut, the magic of 12 total strangers bonding together into a group of comrades began. We traveled south to our hotel in Green Valley where we stayed the first two nights while we birded the Madera Canyon area...
  • 2019 [01 January] - Peg Abbott

    PDF Report
    Despite the light rain, we had nice looks at a variety of species including Inca Dove, Green-tailed Towhee, White-crowned and (locally scarce) White-throated sparrows, Gila Woodpecker, Pyrrhuloxia, and, happily, the trips only European Starlings. Folks who walked to the river added Loggerhead Shrike, some waterfowl, and several other species.
  • 2019 [04 April] - Sjoerd Radstaak

    PDF Report
    This trip report is the result of a two-week trip to Arizona and central & southern California. The first week was spent in SE-Arizona, Grand Canyon (one morning) and Las Vegas (one evening); the second week was spent in Central-California (3 days) and in and around Los Angeles
  • 2019 [05 May] - Kenny Musgrove

    PDF Report
    At the churchyard just outside of Paradise we were greeted by a single bird singing from the top of a tree. This turned out to be our target, a Juniper Titmouse which gave us great scope views. The only other bird we saw there was a Hermit Thrush so we headed for George Walker’s Yard.
  • 2019 [08 August] - Jacob Roalef - Southeast Arizona Custom Trip

    PDF Report
    Southeast Arizona is a land full of beauty with an incredible diversity of avian life, habitats, scenic views, and other wildlife. On this custom-made, 8-day tour we fully experienced this land’s diversity, ranging from the extreme heat of the desert and lowlands to the lush conifers on top of the canyons. The trip began and ended in Phoenix to include a few specialty birds, and from there we traveled through the canyons of southeast Arizona.
  • 2019 [08 August] - Pat Lueders

    PDF Report
    Our first birding stop was the Amado Water Treatment Pond that produced two sought-after species, Black-bellied Whistling Ducks, two adults with three chicks, and a surprise Greater Roadrunner! Our first Swainson’s Hawk circled above the pond –What a great start to the week!
  • 2019 [11 November] - Michael Marsden - Sky Islands

    PDF Report
    Our first birding stop was at the Benson Sewage Treatment Plant and its deep-water lagoon, which attracts a variety of diving ducks otherwise scarce in the area. On our visit. these included a small flock of Buffleheads, a couple of Redheads, and 10 Canvasbacks. There were also 4 Mexican Ducks on the water– our first regional specialty. Other birds there included Wilson’s Snipe, and Lark Bunting, but our most memorable sighting was of a Greater Roadrunner showing off its athletic prowess just by our van.
  • 2020 [01 January] - Bob Meinke

    PDF Report
    we ventured out for our first birding of the tour. Say’s Phoebe, a western species that stays year-round in southern Arizona, was calling, and we soon saw several of these attractive birds flycatching from fenceposts and nearby treetops. Additional species here included Bewick’s Wren, Chipping Sparrow, Northern Mockingbird, and Lesser Goldfinch. Peg soon detected a wren softly calling from a grouping of enormous boulders. Seeming more like Rock Wren habitat, we were a bit surprised when a Canyon Wren finally revealed itself after a bit of coaxing from playback. A pair of stunning Vermillion Flycatchers were then spotted in the low-growing mesquite trees as we made our way back to the vans...
  • 2021 [08 August] - Jacob Roalef - Birding Ecotour

    PDF Report
    2 | T R I P R E P O R T USA: SE Arizona August 2021 Overview This ten-day set departure tour of Southeast Arizona commenced in Tucson, Arizona on the 16th of August 2021 and concluded back there on the 25th of August 2021. Several of the tour participants arrived early for one day of pre-trip birding in the Phoenix, Arizona area. The tour visited many amazing birding locations including Mount Lemmon, Madera Canyon, Box Canyon, Paton Center for Hummingbirds, Patagonia Rest Area, Carr Canyon, Ramsey Canyon, Las Cienegas National Conservation Area, Ash Canyon Bird Sanctuary, Cave Creek South Fork, Rustler Park, and Lake Cochise
  • 2021 [11 November] - Peg Abbott - Sky Island

    PDF Report
    Peg and Hugh were smiling and ready to meet the second group of this fine fall season. Everyone seemed in good spirits and ready to explore. Conversation was already lively as we wound our way through the Cienaga Hills, tracing the watershed and naming mountains that framed the desert and grassland expanses...
  • 2022 [02 February] - Bryan Calk - Arizona Sweetheart Birding

    PDF Report
    We were able to get an early start to kick off our tour from Tucson on a warm and gorgeous winter day. Driving south, our first stop was lunch at the Gathering Grounds in Patagonia, and with a hearty meal in our bellies, we headed over to Tucson Audubon’s Paton Center for Hummingbirds.
  • 2022 [05 May] - Jon Atwood - Sky Island

    PDF Report
    On the first afternoon of our Sky Island Sampler tour, the group gathered in Tucson before setting off east. The first stop along the way was the Amerind Foundation Museum where we discovered the art, artifacts, and history of indigenous people from hundreds and thousands of years ago both local and abroad, and marveled at some more modern local artwork. The grounds treated us to a few of our first trip birds including Vermilion Flycatchers and Cassin’s Kingbirds...
  • 2022 [08 August] - David Mehlman

    PDF Report
    ...We then went to the freshwater pond near the golf course and found a lovely male, breedingplumaged Ruddy Duck, a few American Coots, and several Black-crowned Night-Herons. Diligent searching by the group also turned up a Double-crested Cormorant (rare for the area) and a Western Tanager, along with the requisite Great-tailed Grackles and House Sparrows...
  • 2022 [08 August] - Jacob Roalef - Southeast Arizona

    Avian highlights included Greater Roadrunner, Montezuma Quail, Lucifer and Violet-crowned Hummingbirds, Black Tern, Northern Goshawk, Zone-tailed Hawk, Western Screech-Owl, Arizona Woodpecker, Sulphur-bellied Flycatcher, Rock Wren, Five-striped, Botteri’s and Cassin’s Sparrows, Red-faced Warbler and Pyrrhuloxia. We were also able to see some rarities for Arizona including two Berylline Hummingbirds, White-eared Hummingbird and Ruddy Ground-Dove.
  • 2022 [11 November] - Peter Burke - Southeast Arizona

    PDF Report
    We arrived in Arizona just as a cold front was moving in, and we were anxious to learn how this would affect birding for the week. After loading the van, we set off for Patagonia, just an hour south of Tucson and home to Paton’s Center for Hummingbirds. There we were fortunate to find several Violet-crowned Hummingbirds along with many Anna’s and Broad-billed...
  • 2023 [01 January] - Mason Flint - Southeast Arizona

    PDF Report
    Our trip to southeast Arizona was indeed wintry, but the beautiful scenery, birding and nature didn’t disappoint. Naturalist Journeys tours aren’t focused solely on maximizing species counts, however, our guides Mason and Richard couldn’t help but be pleased to have found 141 species, 19 more than any recent mid-winter tour in the area! This included a few rare or uncommon wintering birds for the area such as Greater Scaup, Green Kingfisher, Harris’s Hawk and Crested Caracara, but the high count was mostly due to seeing so many of the expected or regular birds that nonetheless can be difficult to see. We saw 17 species of waterfowl, all of the expected hummingbirds, eight raptors and 18 sparrows
  • 2023 [02 February] - Dave Krueper - Southeast Arizona Sweetheart Birding

    PDF Report
    Our tour started just before 1:00 PM in Tucson where we met at the designated hotel. Ann Marie drove her own vehicle, and Debbie and Dave were on site ready to pack and go. Once Mary and Ellen joined us, we packed our gear in a spacious 15- person van, with enough room for some serious “siesta time” and leg stretching as needed! The weather cooperated, with mild temperatures, a calm breeze and high overcast clouds. Driving east out of Tucson and then south on Hwy 83 through the Empirita Mountains toward Sonoita, we gradually transitioned from Sonoran Desert to low elevation oak grasslands, and then into the high desert grasslands...
  • 2023 [02 February] - onathan Prochera

    PDF Report
    We picked up some snacks and our first Great-tailed grackles before heading to our first stop which was a Sod Farm in the Santa Cruz flats area. Our main target was a flock of wintering Mountain Plover and we eventually scoped a small group. We managed to drive around and gained fantastic views in the perfect evening light of 45 individuals feeding together and coming to about 50 feet of the car - great birds and a specie that is pretty hard to catch up with! Other birds started creeping into the list including: Say’s Phoebe, American kestrel, Loggerhead Shrike, Red-tailed hawk (5), White-crowned Sparrows (16), Red-winged blackbird (1000+), Horned Lark (3), Mourning Dove, Western Meadowlark, American Pipit (200+), Orange-crowned Warbler. Very tired but elated at the success of such a big target showing so well we headed to Tucson with a Subway for dinner.
  • 2023 [05 May] - Drew Haffenden

    PDF Report
    Some of our favorite moments involved seven species of owl, eleven hummingbird species, warblers, snakes, coatis, and some great food and local culture.
  • 2023 [08 August] - : James Petersen - Arizona’s Monsoon Madness

    PDF Report
    : The first Monsoon Madness tour of 2023 recorded 140 species of birds, 9 species of mammals, 3 species of reptiles and 7 species of butterflies. Birding this trip was tough with a weaker than average monsoon season and extremely high heat.
  • 2024 [01 January] - James Petersen

    PDF Report
    ...The following days were much better weather wise, which led to an uptick in bird activity. Some of the highlights were seeing a Green Kingfisher from above, all the Vermillion Flycatchers and the brilliant hummingbirds from small Costa’s to Rivoli’s Hummingbird...
  • 2024 [05 May] - Mason Flint a

    PDF Report
    In total we recorded 171 species of birds. We also saw 14 species of mammals including several Coyote, the charismatic White-nosed Coati, and a rarely seen Ringtail in Cave Creek. Relatively cool temperatures during most of the trip limited reptiles but we saw at least four species of lizard, two of which we identified when this report was published.
  • 2024 [05 May] - Vernie Aikins

    PDF Report
    The Elegant Trogon is the standout species of this region. We had a remarkable encounter with a male, listening at close range to his strange call, which sounded like a barking dog, and watching his metallic-green and rose-red body with a coppery tail as he moved among sycamores in search of a mate.
  • 2024 [08 August] - James Petersen

    PDF Report
    We started this tour by meeting in Tucson and working our way through 4 of the major Sky Islands (Chiricahuas, Huachucas, Patagonia and Santa Rita’s) of southeast Arizona. Some of the highlights for this trip included getting amazing views of Elegant Trogons and 2 Mexican Spotted Owls in the Chiricahuas
  • 2024 [09 September] - Bryan Calk

    PDF Report
    During our week exploring southeast Arizona, we visited a few of the regions iconic sky islands and from the Chiricahuas to the Santa Ritas, took time to visit some historical sites and eat some delicious foods, and best of all made some new friends along the way...
Places to Stay
  • Amado Territory Ranch B&B

    The Inn is situated on-site, at the Amado Territory Ranch, one of Arizona's historic landmarks. Visitors to the Inn experience the aura of the Southwest together with the sights and sounds of the wild. Surrounded by open vistas of multiple mountain ranges and cattle land, the inn offers a peaceful and relaxing place to sit back and enjoy!
  • Casa de San Pedro

    If you are arranging your Winter & Spring visit to Southeastern Arizona, plan to spend four to five days with us. Our central location gives you easy access to 16 popular birding hot spots such as Ramsey Canyon, Beatty`s Orchard, Patagonia Preserve, San Pedro Riparian Area, Kino Springs, White-water Draw and Cave Creek. See table below for more details. Let us arrange for local guides to make your birding experience more productive.
  • Cave Creek Ranch

    Unique Lodging for Naturalists - Blue-throated & Magnificent Hummingbirds continue to be seen at our feeders. Anna`s and Violet-crowned are still in the area and possible. A Townsend`s Warbler was in our feeding area on December 8, 2000…
  • Chuparosa Inn

    The Chuparosa Inn is located 40 miles Southeast of Tucson, Arizona, nestled in the heart of Madera Canyon. A stay in Madera Canyon is ideal for those seeking a peaceful retreat in the Santa Rita Mountains. The Inn offers a wonderful environment for couples with a romantic heart, nature lovers, hiking and biking enthusiasts, or anyone who enjoys meeting others in a relaxed atmosphere.
  • Mary & Piet's Chiricahua Cottages

    Piet & Mary's Chiricahua Cottages are located at 4800ft on 80 quiet and scenic acres at the base of 8500ft Portal Peak. See rugged beauty rise up oak-filled rhyolite canyons to sky islands of high elevation pine and fir forests. Grand vistas call you to take in awesome summer thunderstorms marching across the wide valley to light distant mountains with their flashing lightning. Winter is mild, with plenty of sunshine. Delight at the simple pleasures of the rising and setting of the sun and moon, and stars falling through the black sky
  • Miraval

    Miraval is a top-rated all-inclusive destination retreat - a resort, an award-winning spa, and a great getaway. Situated in the warm shade of Santa Catalina Mountains in northern Tucson, Arizona on 400 acres of idyllic land…
  • Ramsey Canyon Inn B&B

    A stay at Ramsey Canyon Inn is ideal for those seeking a peaceful retreat, close encounters with nature, and gracious hospitality from an attentive staff. Come be our guest and participate in a wide range of interpretive programs under the leadership of our staff naturalist - including walks, talks, and slide shows - or enjoy the preserve's majestic beauty on your own. The Inn is located adjacent to The Nature Conservancy's Ramsey Canyon Preserve and features six charming B&B guest rooms and two housekeeping apartments.
  • Santa Rita Lodge

    The Santa Rita Lodge is situated above a stream in the heart of Madera Canyon at an elevation of 4,800 feet. It is an ideal place to relax and enjoy the abundant wildlife of the Coronado National Forest. The Lodge offers morning bird walks every weekday in March, April and May, and every Monday, Wednesday and Friday during June, July and August. The fee is $12.00 per person and reservations must be made. In addition to the walks the lodge offers an extensive natural history program with classes on geology, astronomy, bats (eleven species found in Madera Canyon); mammals, hummingbirds, insects and botany.
  • Westward Look Resort

    Set high in the foothills overlooking Tucson and warmed by an abundance of desert sunshine, Westward Look Resort is a rejuvenating resort environment inspired by the beauty of its pristine natural surroundings. Home to an amazing variety of birds, plants and wildlife, this lush 80-acre oasis is an ideal choice for nature lovers
Other Links
  • Appreciating Lake Powell

    A campaigning site against the draining of this lake containing information of interest to birders.
  • Arizona Bird Field Data Resources

    This site contains collected images, sound recordings, and explanatory text about Arizona birds. Most of the material has been gathered during work on the Arizona Breeding Bird Atlas project (ABBA) administered by Arizona Game and Fish. A collection is usually a sound recording or photograph, and some text, that explains the significance of the material presented. Sometimes both photos and sound recordings are included in the same collection. This copyrighted material may be freely distributed for non-commercial purposes so long as, and all the authors of the material, are credited with its production. Commercial users must check with us to verify that the material can be used by them before it is redistributed.
  • Arizona Unofficial County Bird List

    Checklists by county
  • Birding Arizona and the Southwest

    Facebook Page
    A group site dedicated to birding education, information and enjoyment in Arizona and the Southwest...
  • Birds of the Zone-tailed Ranch, Mojave County, Arizona

    The Zone-tail Ranch is a 320 acre (half of a section; one mile long and half a mile wide) piece of beautiful desert near the crest of the Aquarius Mountains, Arizona, at an elevation of about 5000 feet. It is located east of Kingman (east of US-93) and south of I-40…
  • Tucson Bird Count

    The Tucson Bird Count (TBC) is a cooperative project begun by members of Tucson's science, conservation, and birding communities. Each year, TBC volunteers (each on a morning of their choosing) collect data on the abundances and distributions of bird species from hundreds of sites in and around the Tucson area. In addition to being a lot of fun, the TBC emphasizes a scientifically rigorous survey design to ensure quality data for a number of uses.
  • Wild Bird Store of Tucson

    Species-specific bird feeders and much more…
  • Babs Buck - Babs' Birding Experiences

  • Caleb Strand - Birding With Caleb

    Last update September 2016 - Hi, I am Caleb Strand, a 16 year old wildlife addict from Buckeye, AZ. My interest in birds and other wildlife started at around the age of 9, but I never started seriously birding until I was 12. In the last four years of my birding career I have ventured across the western United States like Arizona (my home state), California, New Mexico, Washington, and Idaho. Among the many amazing birds across the world I must say that my favorite family is the owls, which include my favorite bird, the Flammulated Owl (my blog's cover photo)! I am very blessed to live in such a birdy area and to have the encouragement of my family and friends!
  • Gordon Karre - Gordon's Birding Adventures

    Detailing the many birding expeditions and field trips with photos and information about birds and their distribution. Some trips can cover several days, while some may only consist of a short 2 hour hike. Don't be surprised to see more than just birds on this blog.
  • Jeremy Medina - AZ Birdbrain

    Last updated October 2015 - Jeremy Medina - A native of Tucson, AZ I have always loved exploring the outdoors. Over the years this has turned into a passion for birding. I'm lucky enough to live in one of the best places in the country to find birds. When I’m not watching sports or spending time with my three beautiful girls and lovely fiance, you can find me out birding somewhere in SE Arizona trying to snap a photo of one of our many breathtaking birds…
  • Kathie Brown - Sycamore Canyon

    Last update May 2013 - A blog about birds and birding in the Tucson area and beyond…
  • Las Adventuras

    LAS AVENTURAS is about the birding adventure around the world. It's also about nature and so much more....
  • Michael Hawk - Nature's Archive

    Nature's Archive is a natural history and backyard biology site focused on the animals, insects, and plants of the desert southwest. The initial incarnation of the site was to simply keep family and friends abreast of the interesting encounters we have here in Arizona. Over time, it has been refined to generally profile individual encounters with slightly more depth…
  • Steve Valasek - Bothering Birds

  • Tommy DeBardeleben - Tommy D's Birding Expeditions

    I'm Tommy and I've been birding since the age of 13. It's one of my favorite things to do and I try and explore different birding areas as often as I can. I especially like to bird in areas that are "underbirded" or rarely explored. Here on this Blog, I share my sightings, stories, photographs, and thoughts after I return home from the field. While I can't officially be out in the field while I write or can't exactly put a reader in my shoes, I do my best to try and replicate every birding outing. Birding is a wonderful hobby and a great thing to do, and I am very blessed to have it!
Photographers & Artists
  • Photographer - Jim Burns - Natural Impact

    Jim Burns is an outdoor writer/photographer based in Scottsdale, Arizona. He graduated from the University of Kansas with a degree in English Literature and became hooked on birding while backpacking with his wife, Deva, trying to place proper labels on the birds they were seeing along the trail
  • Photographer - Monte M Taylor

    Monte M. Taylor and Christopher H. Taylor - a gallery of birds from a trip to Arizona
  • Photographer - Richard Ditch

    Some really excellent photos

Fatbirder - linking birders worldwide...