State of Connecticut

Connecticut is the southernmost state in the New England region of the Northeastern United States. It borders Rhode Island to the east, Massachusetts to the north, New York to the west, and Long Island Sound to the south. Its capital is Hartford, and its most populous city is Bridgeport. Connecticut lies between the major hubs of New York City and Boston along the Northeast Corridor. The New York metropolitan area, which includes six of Connecticut’s seven largest cities, extends well into the southwestern part of the state, while the northeastern corner reaches Greater Boston. Connecticut is the third-smallest state by area after Rhode Island and Delaware being just over 14,000 km2 (c.5,500 square miles) in extent, and the 29th most populous with more than 3.6 million residents, ranking it fourth among the most densely populated US states. The state is named after the Connecticut River, the longest in New England which roughly bisects the state and drains into the Long Island Sound between the towns of Old Saybrook and Old Lyme. The name of the river is in turn derived from anglicized spellings of Quinnetuket, a Mohegan-Pequot word meaning ‘long tidal river’.
Despite Connecticut’s relatively small size, it features wide regional variations in its landscape; for example, in the northwestern Litchfield Hills, it features rolling mountains and horse farms, whereas in areas to the east of New Haven along the coast, the landscape features coastal marshes, beaches, and large scale maritime activities.
Connecticut River – ©It’sOnlyMakeBelieve CC BY-SA 4.0 via Wikimedia Commons
Connecticut’s rural areas and small towns in the northeast and northwest corners of the state contrast sharply with its industrial cities such as Stamford, Bridgeport, and New Haven, located along the coastal highways from the New York border to New London, then northward up the Connecticut River to Hartford. Many towns in northeastern and northwestern Connecticut centre around a green. Near the green typically stand historical visual symbols of New England towns, such as a white church, a colonial meeting house, a colonial tavern or inn, several colonial houses, and so on, establishing a scenic historical appearance maintained for both historic preservation and tourism.
Village Green at Bloomfield – Daderot CC0 via Wikimedia Commons
Connecticut lies at the rough transition zone between the southern end of the humid continental climate, and the northern portion of the humid subtropical climate. Northern Connecticut generally experiences a climate with cold winters with moderate snowfall and hot, humid summers. Far southern and coastal Connecticut has a climate with cool winters with a mix of rain and infrequent snow, and the long hot and humid summers typical of the middle and lower East Coast.
Areas maintained by the National Park Service include Appalachian National Scenic Trail, Quinebaug and Shetucket Rivers Valley National Heritage Corridor, and Weir Farm National Historic Site.
Birding Connecticut
For the third smallest state in the US, Connecticut has a wide variety of habitat, and subsequently, birds. A really dedicated and lucky birder could find up to 290 species in one year in a state that lists more than 450 as the total number of species ever recorded there. Coastal lowlands border the Long Island Sound, a large salt water estuary that is fed fresh water from large rivers such as the Connecticut, Housatonic and Thames. These coastal areas are rest stops for a great number of shorebirds as they wend their way up to their breeding grounds and down their winter homes. There are well over 250 species of regularly occurring birds that can be seen along the coast. Nesters in this group include the endangered Piping Plover, Least Tern, and, on Falkner’s Island right off the coast, Roseate Terns.
Mount Hope River – John Phelan, CC BY 4.0 via Wikimedia Commons
In the spring, around mid-May, migration is in full swing and birds ascend upon this state with great fervour. Thirty-six species of warbler have been recorded, and 33 drop in typically, twenty-five of them staying to breed. The Northwest Hills of the state are home to a number of rarities at this time and are included in every birder’s big day. River Road in Kent, is one of the best places to catch the land birds, representing a good variety of flycatchers, thrushes, and warblers. The Northeast corner is also home to some of the more northern-driven birds.
Connecticut was largely an agricultural state up to the late 1880s. But as farming waned, many of the fields reverted to woodland. Evidence of this history is found in the countless stone walls running throughout the state’s wooded lands. Hardwood trees such as the black, red and white oaks dominate. The drumming of any one of 6 of the 7 woodpeckers that make these woods their home can be heard, occasionally joined by the ‘pee-a-weee’ call of the Eastern Wood Pewee, the nasal ‘anking’ of White-breasted Nuthatches, and the scolding of Tufted Titmice.
Winter is the ideal time for seeing waterfowl off the coast. As the inland waters in the surrounding areas freeze, scores of ducks, loons, grebes, and geese make their way to the open sound. One of the big winter shows occurs along the southern end of the Connecticut River, where Bald Eagles, also driven Southeast by frozen water, can be found all along the shores of the waterway.
Bluff Point State Park – Morrowlong, CC BY-SA 4.0 via Wikimedia Commons
Birding is a very popular pastime in Connecticut, with at least four local bird clubs (including New Haven Bird Club, Western Connecticut Bird Club, Nachaug Ornithological Society & Hartford Audubon Society – not a branch of National Society – which is one of the most active clubs in the state, having the most field trips); and the Connecticut Ornithological Association (COA). The COA publishes the quarterly The Connecticut Warbler, a journal of Connecticut ornithology. The New Haven Bird Club created and sponsors the BIG SIT!, a world-wide sedentary birding competition. There are also 14 local branches of the National Audubon society, a number of nature centres, and the Connecticut Audubon Society.
Number of bird species: 455
(As at October 2024)State Bird: American Robin Turdus migratorius
PDF ChecklistThis checklist includes all bird species found in Connecticut , based on the best information available at this time. It is based on a wide variety of sources that I collated over many years. I am pleased to offer these checklists as a service to birdwatchers. If you find any error, please do not hesitate to report them. -
Connecticut Audubon Society
PDF ChecklistChecklist of the birds of ctaudubon -
Annotated Listhis list of birds of Connecticut is a comprehensive account of all the bird species recorded from the U.S. state of Connecticut. Unless otherwise noted, this list is based on the checklist produced by the Avian Records Committee of Connecticut (ARCC) dated March 14, 2022, the list used by most birders to track species recorded in the state. -
PDF ChecklistThis checklist is generated with data from eBird (, a global database of bird sightings from birders like you. If you enjoy this checklist, please consider contributing your sightings to eBird. It is 100% free to take part, and your observations will help support birders, researchers, and conservationists worldwide.
Birding New England - A Field Guide to the Birds of Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, Maine, New Hampshire, and Vermont
| By Randi & Nic Minetor | Falcon Guides | 2019 | Paperback | 352 pages, 395 colour photos, 1 colour illustration, 144 maps | ISBN: 9781493033881 Buy this book from -
Birding in Connecticut
| By Frank Gallo | Wesleyan University Press | 2018 | Paperback | 532 pages, 50 colour photos, 56 colour maps | ISBN: 9780819576354 Buy this book from -
Birds of Connecticut
| By Marc Parnell | Naturalist & Traveler Press | 2022 | Paperback | 284 pages, colour photos | ISBN: 9781954228276 Buy this book from -
Birds of Connecticut & Rhode Island - Field Guide
| By Stan Tekiela | Adventure Publications | 2023 | Edition 2 | Paperback | 336 pages, colour photos, colour distribution Maps | ISBN: 9781647554057 Buy this book from -
Connecticut Birds: A Folding Pocket Guide to Familiar Species
| By James R Kavanagh & Raymond Leung | Waterford Press | 2002 | Unbound | colour illustrations | ISBN: 9781583551394 Buy this book from -
The Atlas of Breeding Birds of Connecticut
| Edited by LR Bevier & M DiGiorgio | Connecticut Dept of Environmental Protection | 1994 | Hardback | 461 pages, illustrations, maps | Out of Print | ISBN: 9780942081053 Buy this book from
Boston Bird Festival
WebsiteThe Festival is a Massachusetts-based nonprofit corporation organized for public benefit. Meet the team—maybe you'd like to join us? -
Connecticut Audubon’s Migration Magic bird festival
WebpageConnecticut Audubon invites you to Migration Magic, a month-long celebration of the beauty and importance of birds as they arrive back in Connecticut. -
Connecticut Bobolink and Wildlife Festival
WebpageDurham CT – Birding for Pleasure and the New Haven Bird Club has announced the first Connecticut Bobolink and Wildlife Festival.
Birdcraft Museum
WebpageSatellite ViewBird banding is one of the most useful research methods in ornithology. Banding is a universal technique to collect data on the movement, survival, and behavior of birds. -
Coastal Center at Milford Point
Observatory WebsiteSatellite View...We had conducted our last nest check on July 12. At that time, 46 active nests held 157 total chicks and 16 total eggs...
Birds of Connecticut Exhibition
WebpageOf the approximately 10,000 species of birds in the world, 957 have been recorded in North America north of Mexico, and 421 in Connecticut… -
Museum - Peabody Museum - Yale
WebpageThe Ornithology collection at the Peabody Museum is among the most comprehensive in North America, and has international significance in several areas including skeletal and pickled (wet preserves) specimens. Overall, the collection contains material for more than 6,500 species, over 70 percent of the birds of the world. The old Yale University collection of some 6,000 to 8,000 skins has grown to over 100,000 since 1950. There is excellent taxonomic coverage and good geographic coverage. The skeleton collection contains just over 9,000 specimens representing about 1,900 species. The collection of wet preserves contains approximately 13,000 specimens. Ornithology Library: the ornithology collection also has an extensive affiliated library containing books and journals… -
Trinity College
WebpageAs an environmental science major you will acquire a firm grasp of the basic science needed to describe and understand the behavior of natural systems. -
University of Connecticut Bird Collection
WebpageThe collection began with the donation of study skins, (dated between 1875 to 1925) from the private collections of J.H. Sage and W.E. Treat, and emphasizes the fauna of Connecticut and the northeastern U.S. There are also specimens from the Aleutian islands, Paraguay, and other areas. The study skin collection holds more Connecticut specimens than any other in the world… -
Yale University - Department of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology
WebpageAn overview of avian biology and evolution, including the structure, function, behavior, and diversity of birds. The evolutionary origin of birds, avian phylogeny, anatomy, physiology, neurobiology, breeding systems, and biogeography.
Audubon Connecticut
WebsiteAudubon Connecticut is a leader in bird conservation throughout the state. Along with our members, supporters, and partners, we work together for birds, nature, and people. -
Audubon Greenwich
WebsiteAudubon Greenwich encompasses seven nature sanctuaries and a vibrant education center and nature store in Greenwich, Connecticut. Part of Audubon Connecticut, a state office of the National Audubon Society, and the Atlantic Flyway, Audubon Greenwich serves as the hub for Audubon’s Bird-Friendly Communities work in Connecticut. -
Audubon Sharon
WebsiteAudubon Sharon encompasses four nature sanctuaries and 3,000 acres in Northwestern Connecticut, an education center, and a Wildlife Rehabilitation Clinic that is part of Audubon Connecticut, a state office of the National Audubon Society, and the Atlantic Flyway. Audubon Sharon serves as the hub for Audubon’s Forests conservation work in Connecticut. -
Audubon Society in Connecticut
WebpageOffices & Chapters; Centers & Sanctuaries etc. -
Avian Records Committee of Connecticut
WebpageThe ARCC (hereafter referred to as “the committee”) consists of twelve members who serve three year terms following nomination and election by the committee and approval of the COA Board of Directors. A member may serve multiple consecutive terms. The committee has a chairperson as well a secretary. All members vote -
Connecticut Ornithological Association
WebsiteThe Connecticut Ornithological Association is the only statewide organization devoted to birds and birding in Connecticut. Since its founding in 1981, its membership has grown to well over 500 people who range from beginning birders to professional ornithologists. -
Darien Nature Center
WebsiteThe Darien Nature Center is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing quality educational programs to the families in our community, for the purpose of fostering a better understanding and appreciation of the natural world. -
Greenwich Audubon Center
WebsiteCreating Bird-Friendly Communities Protecting birds and the places they need. -
Hartford Audubon Society
WebsiteThe Hartford Audubon Society was founded in 1909 as a non profit organization. The purpose of the Society is to foster and promote public interest in conservation of our wildlife and other natural resources, and the study and protection of birds. It may hold title to land for use as wildlife sanctuaries. -
Litchfield Hills Audubon Society
WebpageThe mission of the Litchfield Hills Audubon society is to conserve and restore natural ecosystem, focusing on birds, other wildlife and their habitat, for the benefit of the community, through conservation, education and research. -
Mattabeseck Audubon Society
WebsiteThe Mattabeseck Audubon Society, a chapter of the National Audubon Society, is committed to environmental leadership and education for the benefit of the community and the earth's biodiversity. -
Menunkatuck Audubon Society
WebsiteThe Chapter serves the towns of Madison, Guilford, Branford, East Haven, New Haven, and West Haven, Connecticut. Menunkatuck Audubon Society is committed to work locally to preserve our natural ecosystems for the benefit of people and the earth’s biodiversity. Through education and conservation activities within our communities, we raise public awareness of environmental issues and connections to the natural world. -
Natchaug Ornithological Society
WebsiteThe idea for a local bird club originated with a subgroup of the Storrs Women's Club. After a few years there was so much interest that a separate group, open to all, was formed. The first meeting was held June 26, 1956. Subsequent meetings resulted in the formation of the Natchaug Ornithological Society. Since its beginning, the Society has remained active in the local birding community, providing a venue for both novice and expert birders. In 1975 total membership was over 100. In recent years membership has held steady at about 80. The society has upheld throughout its existence a tradition of providing local birders with lively programs during its monthly meetings, numerous field trips to birding hot spots both local and distant, and opportunities to participate in censusing and research efforts through such activities as the May and Christmas counts and bird banding. -
Nature Conservancy in Connecticut
WebsiteOur promise to the world is to protect the lands and waters on which all life depends. With your help, it will be kept. -
Naugatuck Valley Audubon
WebsiteOur Mission: Promote the appreciation, conservation and restoration of ecosystems; focusing locally on birds, other wildlife, and their habitats through education, science, stewardship and advocacy.… -
New Canaan Nature Center
WebsiteThe New Canaan Nature Center is a not-for-profit environmental education organization dedicated to inspiring people of all ages to respect, protect, and enjoy the world of nature. Our vision is to be recognized as a leader in environmental education, stewardship of natural resources and service to the community. -
New Haven Bird Club
WebsiteWe hope to provide an up-to-date resource of what's happening at the New Haven Bird Club and in the woods, fields, sky and beaches around the New Haven area. If you have any questions or suggestions, please drop us a line at -
Potapaug Audubon
WebsitePotapaug serves the towns around the mouth of the Connecticut River. TShey include: (starting east) Niantic, East Lyme, Old Lyme, Lyme, East Haddam, Salem, Colchester, Old Saybrook, Essex, Deep River, Chester, Haddam, Westbrook, Clinton and Killingworth. -
Quinnipiac Valley Audubon Society
WebsiteOur mission is to motivate our community to engage in conservation, restoration and enjoyment of nature focusing on birds, other wildlife and their habitats. -
Western Connecticut Bird Club
WebsiteFounded in 1978, the Western Connecticut Bird Club welcomes those interested in birds and offers opportunities to learn more.
IBA Stratford Great Meadows
WebpageSatellite ViewThe Great Meadows estuarine system, located on Stratford's West Shore, East of Bridgeport Harbor, is comprised of barrier beach, ditched and unditched saltmarsh, filled wetland and upland. About sixty percent of the marsh is low marsh dominated by saltmarsh cordgrass, and forty percent is high marsh with saltmeadow cordgrass. The area also has several small fresh or brackish ponds, salt pannes and tidal mud and sand flats. The area contains the largest block of unditched saltmarsh (about 225 acres) left in Connecticut. Great Meadows Marsh is a significant over-wintering area for waterfowl, especially Black Ducks. The rare Snowy Owl, threatened Short-eared Owl, and special concern Ipswich Sparrow, can also be found wintering here. It is a critical nesting habitat for special concern species Saltmarsh Sharp-tailed and Seaside Sparrow, Willet, and the threatened Least Tern and Piping Plover. -
NR Devil's Den Preserve
WebpageSatellite ViewAt 1,756 acres, Devil's Den is the Conservancy's largest preserve in Connecticut. Here, with your help, the Conservancy has protected a valuable oasis for wildlife and a natural filter for thousands of people who need clean water. Its patchwork of woodlands, wetlands and rock ledges and a series of north-south ridges and valleys woven with streams and swamps make the Devil's Den ideal for low-impact outdoor activities such as hiking and bird watching. -
NR Long Wharf Nature Preserve
PDF InformationSatellite ViewJust off I-95 and fronting on New Haven Harbor, this preserve is the result of human disturbance and the resilience of nature. The upland, created by filling, evolved into a grassland and a small woodland dominated by tall cottonwood trees, almost all the result of natural seed dispersion. The tidal wetland and dune area accreted over the 50 years since I-95 was constructed. At low tide, the preserve encompasses approximately 15 acres, from mud flat to dune to salt marsh to upland. A loop trail connecting the shore and upland and leads to the historic Oyster Point neighborhood. -
NR Trout Brook Valley Preserve
InformationSatellite ViewTrout Brook Valley State Park Reserve is a 300-acre (120 ha) parcel owned by the state of Connecticut that is part of the larger Trout Brook Valley Preserve (also known as the Trout Brook Valley Conservation Area), located in Easton, Connecticut. -
NS Audubon Center Bent of the River
WebpageSatellite ViewAudubon Center Bent of the River is a 700-acre nature sanctuary and education center located in Southbury, Connecticut. It is part of Audubon Connecticut (a state office of the National Audubon Society) and the Atlantic Flyway, and is dedicated to Audubon's open space and working lands conservation efforts in Connecticut. -
NS Edith Leopold Wildlife Audubon Sanctuary
WebpageSatellite ViewThe lifelong dream of Edith Leopold lives on at this Audubon wildlife sanctuary in Hartland, Connecticut -
NS Fairchild Wildflower Audubon Sanctuary
WebpageSatellite ViewA 135-acre sanctuary that boasts 8 miles of trails that pass through formerly abandoned farmland and a variety of wetland habitats -
NS Gimbel Audubon Sanctuary
WebpageSatellite ViewAn 80-acre sanctuary that is part of the former Gimbel estate and features diverse forestland -
NS Guilford Salt Meadows Audubon Sanctuary
WebpageSatellite ViewGuilford Salt Meadows Audubon Sanctuary is located in Guilford, Connecticut along the East River, a tidal river that flows into Long Island Sound. The tidal wetlands that form the heart of the sanctuary are a remnant of the great salt and brackish water marshes that once extended nearly continuously along the Atlantic Coast from Maine to Georgia. -
NS Helen Carlson Wildlife Sanctuary
InformationSatellite ViewThe bog is owned and maintained by the Mattabeseck Audubon Society. Observe the natural diversity of this unique site and sign the register in the booth at the head of the trail. -
NS Hemlock Gorge Audubon Sanctuary
WebpageSatellite ViewAlso known as Audubon Lane, this 37-acre sanctuary is entirely forest and considered Greenwich Audubon Center's best-kept secret -
NS Mildred Caldwell Audubon Sanctuary of Walden Woods
WebpageSatellite ViewA 22-acre woodland oasis with remnants of farming activity from before 1900 -
NS Miles Wildlife Audubon Sanctuary
WebsiteSatellite ViewDiscover the beautiful views and wildlife of this Audubon sanctuary, open daily from sunrise to sunset -
NS Oneida Audubon Sanctuary
WebpageSatelliteThis small parcel preserves a vital part of a delicate coastal ecosystem, while offering visitors a peaceful retreat -
NS Pasquariello Audubon Sanctuary
WebpageSatelliteThe property encompasses two parcels, which are located in the heart of the Barkhamsted forest block—one of the largest blocks of unfragmented forest remaining in Connecticut. The property is nearly surrounded by large areas of protected forest lands owned by the Metropolitan District Commission and state parks and forests. The area is also a focus for New England cottontail conservation efforts. -
NS Sharon Audubon Center
WebpageSatelliteWorking together for birds, nature, and people of Connecticut & the Atlantic Flyway -
NS Wood Duck Swamp Audubon Sanctuary
WebpageSatelliteA 16-acre property with mixed hardwood forest and abundant bird life -
NWR IBA Stewart B McKinney
WebpageSatellite ViewSituated on Murdock Hill, near the mouth of the Menunketesuck River at the junction of Gatchen Creek, Salt Meadow Unit serves as the visitors center and headquarters of the Stewart B. McKinney NWR. This former estate is owned by the USFWS. It contains habitats ranging from Spartina patens-dominated high -salt meadow- marsh to mature deciduous forest with some areas of upland fields, scrub and young deciduous forest. Some of the habitat is managed to provide a variety of second growth stages for diversity of habitats. The area is one of the most important fall migratory stopover areas for Neotropical migrant landbirds in Connecticut providing important habitat for many species of migrant songbirds. At least 29 species of warblers have been recorded in fall migration. -
National Parks - Connecticut
WebpageSatellite ViewAppalachian National Scenic Trail. This 2,158-mile footpath runs from Mount Katahdin in Maine to Springer Mountain in Georgia, traversing 14 states… -
SP Hammonasset Beach
WebpageSatellite ViewHammonasset Beach State Park was created and the first land purchased in 1919. One of the last and most important additions was the purchase of 339 acres of Meigs' Point. The park borders Long Island Sound for about 10,000 feet and the Hammonasset River for about 5000 feet. The habitat consists of approx. 600 acres of salt marsh; 300 acres of grass parking and camping areas and about 100 acres of young forest upland. The unique location of several of the upland areas within the marsh and grassland peninsula creates an effective migrant trap. -
WMA Barn Island
WebpageSatellite ViewBarn Island Wildlife Management Area consists of approximately 1000 acres of land in the extreme southeast corner of the state, in a protected enclave sheltered by headlands. It is the largest coastal wildlife management area in the state. The habitat is dominated by 540 acres of deciduous forest and 290 acres of tidal marshes, but there are also significant areas of open salt water, four waterfowl impoundments, and coastal scrub woodlands and thickets. The Barn Island area is popular with birders. Barn Island and the recently acquired 144-acre addition provide nesting, and/or feeding habitats for several state-listed species of birds, including Seaside and Saltmarsh Sharp-tailed Sparrows, Willet, and King Rail. Barn Island also provides feeding habitats for Great and Snowy Egrets, Glossy Ibis, and Little Blue Heron, and Common and Least Terns, and supports wintering populations of Short-eared Owl and "Ipswich" Savannah Sparrows. Saltmarsh Sharp-tailed Sparrows are listed as "near-threatened" by BirdLife International, and as such, any site that supports 10 or more pairs or 30 or more individuals of any near-threatened species would meet the criteria of a globally significant site. -
WMA IBA Charles E Wheeler
WebpageSatellite ViewWheeler marsh is an ~615 acre Spartina alterniflora-dominated low salt marsh at the mouth of the Housatonic River, and is a wildlife management area managed by the State of Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection for waterfowl and marsh bird hunting and the benefit of other wildlife. -
WMA IBA Quinnipiac
WebpageSatellite View900 acres of the tidal marsh is owned by the State of Connecticut and managed by the Department of Environmental Protection as a Wildlife Management Area; 14 additional acres are owned by the Hamden Land Trust. The Quinnipiac River originates in the Deadwood Swamp on the New Britain/Farmington border, and flows 38 miles to New Haven Harbor. The tidal salt marsh is south of Sackett Point Road, North Haven, and is influenced by the daily rise and fall of the tide. The marsh serves as a significant population of nesting Osprey (10 pairs), significant wintering area for Northern Harrier (3-4 birds), and one of few known nesting locations for Common Moorhen and Least Bittern in Connecticut. The marsh is a nesting and wintering area for American Black Ducks, and a nesting area for Saltmarsh Sharp-tailed Sparrow (unknown size of population). The marsh has been a significant roosting area for mixed flocks of blackbirds in the spring and fall migrations, including Red-winged Blackbirds and Common Grackles.
CTAudubon Rare Bird Alert
Text Alertsf one of these birds shows up in Connecticut, we’ll send you a text, if you’ve signed up for the CT Audubon Rare Bird Alert. -
Connecticut Ornithological Association
NewsBringing Birders Together Statewide -
Connecticut Rare Bird Alert
SightingsThe report below shows observations of rare birds in Connecticut. -
New London County Rare Bird Alert
SightingsThe report below shows observations of rare birds in New London County. Includes both unreviewed and reviewed/approved observations.
Sunrise Bording
Local Touyr OperatorWe conduct guided bird walks and bird identification classes at Connecticut's best shoreline birding areas which include Sandy Point Sanctuary in West Haven, Hammonasset Beach State Park in Madison, Lighthouse Point Park in New Haven, the Coastal Center at Milford Point, Nehantic State Forest in Lyme, the lower Connecticut River in Old Saybrook and Old Lyme, and other natural areas in the Greater New Haven area.
2019 [11 November] - J P Smith - New England
PDF ReportNew England including Connecticut -
New Haven Bird Club
ReportsOn January 14, 2023, I led the annual “Milford Hotspots” field trip to several local birding sites. It was seasonably cold, overcast, with a chilly brisk north wind. A large group of 27 birders joined me at the meeting site for carpooling. While we gathered there,... -
artford Audubon Society Trips
Reports...At 7:30am on October 5th, 2024, eleven birders met at the Church Street parking of Raymond Brook Preserve in Hebron...
Birds of New England
WebsiteSome excellent photographs -
Connecticut Birds serves the backyard bird enthusiast of Connecticut. If you enjoy feeding and watching birds in your yard or local park then we hope to provide you with information to enhance the enjoyment of your hobby -
The Fat Robin - Wild Bird & Nature Shop
WebsiteThe Fat Robin is a family owned and operated business now in its 15th year! We specialize in providing quality products for bird feeding and birding as well as unique gifts for those who love nature
Bob M Pelkey - A New England Wildlife Blog
BLOGWelcome! It's good to have you here. I hope that you find your visits informative and entertaining. This blog is updated randomly, primarily on the subject of wildlife observation in the states of Connecticut and Florida. -
Connecticut Ornithological Association search this site...
BLOGVisit our blog frequently to keep up to date with everything happening at the Connecticut Ornithological Association as well as Connecticut birds and birding. You will find more information on events, publications, educational opportunities, conservation issues plus photos and videos of rare or memorable birds seen by our members. -
Larry - The Brownstone Birding BLOG
BLOGA Connecticut native with an interest in birding shares his outdoor adventures. -
Nick Bonomo - Shorebirder
BLOGOrthopaedic Surgery PA since 2010. When I'm not roaming the halls of a Connecticut hospital, I can be found birding the coast of New Haven County, traveling, catching up on sleep, fishing Long Island Sound, or watching the Mets blow a 5-run lead. -
Vincent Mistretta - Vincent Mistretta Photography
BLOGI enjoy traveling and constantly update the list of places I would like to visit. I have had the pleasure of visiting many locations and observing many cultures. No matter how many trips I take, I am always amazed by the wonders of our planet. There is nothing like the feelings associated with capturing light, an expression, a gesture or color in an image. An image does not just capture a moment in time, it should tell a visual story
Photographer - Jim Zipp
GalleryJim's award winning photography is published regularly and has been featured in hundreds of publications from National Geographic, Time Magazine, GEO and Audubon to Birder's World, Wildbird, Discovery, Nature Conservancy and ABA's Birding Magazine to name a few -
Photographer - T D Rodda
GallerySome very fine bird pictures from Connecticut and beyond…