State of Georgia

Georgia is a state in the Southeastern region of the United States. It borders Tennessee to the northwest, North Carolina to the north, South Carolina to the northeast, Florida to the south, and Alabama to the west. Of the 50 United States, Georgia is the 24th-largest by area covering 95,000 km2 (59,000 square miles). It is the 8th most populous with a population of about 11 million people, over six million of whom live in Atlanta, which is both the state capital and its largest city. The Atlanta metropolitan area is the 6th most populous metropolitan area in the United States and contains about 57% of Georgia’s entire population. Other major metropolitan areas in the state include Augusta, Savannah, Columbus, and Macon. Georgia has 160 km (100 miles) of coastline along the Atlantic Ocean.
Georgia consists of five principal physiographic regions: The Cumberland Plateau, Ridge-and-Valley Appalachians, Blue Ridge Mountains, Piedmont, and the Atlantic coastal plain.
It has approximately 250 tree species and 58 protected plants. Georgia’s native trees include red cedar, a variety of pines, oaks, hollies, cypress, sweetgum, scaly-bark and white hickories, and sabal palmetto. East Georgia is in the subtropical coniferous forest biome and conifer species as other broadleaf evergreen flora make up the majority of the southern and coastal regions. Yellow jasmine and mountain laurel make up just a few of the flowering shrubs in the state.
White-tailed deer are found in nearly all counties of Georgia. The northern mockingbird and brown thrasher are among the 160 bird species that live in the state. Reptiles include the eastern diamondback, copperhead, and cottonmouth snakes as well as alligators; amphibians include salamanders, frogs and toads. There are about 79 species of reptile and 63 amphibians known to live in Georgia. The Argentine black and white tegu is currently an invasive species in Georgia. It poses a problem to local wildlife by chasing down and killing many native species and dominating habitats.
High Falls State Park – ©Yinan Chen Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons
The majority of the state is primarily a humid subtropical climate. Hot and humid summers are typical, except at the highest elevations. The entire state, including the North Georgia mountains, receives moderate to heavy precipitation, which varies from 45 inches in central Georgia to approximately 75 inches around the northeast part of the state. The degree to which the weather of a certain region of Georgia is subtropical depends on the latitude, its proximity to the Atlantic Ocean or Gulf of Mexico, and the elevation. The latter factor is felt chiefly in the mountainous areas of the northern part of the state, which are farther away from the ocean and can be 1,400 m above sea level. Georgia often is affected by hurricanes that strike the Florida Panhandle, weaken over land, and bring strong tropical storm winds and heavy rain to the interior. The highest temperature ever recorded was 44 °C in Louisville, and the lowest is -27 °C in northern Floyd County.
Birding Georgia
Historically under-populated in the rural areas, especially in the coastal plain, it is now the 6th fastest growing state in the country; that is a mixed blessing for birding, but no doubt a net negative for bird habitat. Physio-graphically, Georgia ranges from the highlands of the southern Appalachians, including Blue Ridge, Ridge-and-Valley, and Cumberland Plateau provinces, to the rolling red-clay terrain of the Piedmont, to the Coastal Plain: the flat, mostly sandy terrain below the Fall Line (aka gnat line aka Spanish moss line). Roughly half the state’s area lies in the latter province, a still sparsely populated area, much of which is devoted to industrial pine plantations, having replaced the vast open understory longleaf pine forests of centuries gone by. But cypress and black-gum swamps and bay-swamp forests still hold dominion over many Carolina bays and river bottoms.
Although Georgia’s Atlantic coastline, at about 100 miles, is a fraction the length of its southern neighbour, and smaller than most of its northern neighbours’, fully 9 of 13 major barrier islands are preserved in an undeveloped state, giving Georgia the highest percentage of deserted beachfront of any east-coast state. This is good news for nesting and wintering shorebirds, gulls and the like, and it means that the potential for rare coastal bird species is high; on the other hand, these locales are birded only a tiny fraction the amount that Florida’s coastline is birded. Georgia’s coast lies farther west and farther from the continental shelf and the Gulf Stream current than any other spot on the Atlantic Coast of the US. This means that pelagic species are harder to come by than in, say, North Carolina. It also gives Georgia fully one-third of the acreage of tidal salt marshes on the entire Atlantic Coast – lots of habitat for nesting Seaside Sparrows, Marsh Wrens and Clapper Rails and lots of wintering habitat for both species of Sharp-tailed Sparrows and other species of rails.
Although there are no Georgia specialty birds, the state is one of the top several states in which to see individuals or colonies of several south-eastern specialties, including Anhinga, Purple Gallinule, Roseate Spoonbill, Reddish Egret, Tri-coloured Heron, Wood Stork, Glossy Ibis, Swallow-tailed Kite, Red-cockaded Woodpecker, Brown-headed Nuthatch, Swainson’s Warbler, Bachman’s Sparrow, and Boat-tailed Grackle. Limpkins have been observed repeatedly on south-central Georgia’s Little River and at several other localities in the coastal plain. Small islands on the Georgia coast provide important nesting habitat for such rare species as Gull-billed Tern, Least Tern, Piping and Wilson’s Plovers, and American Oystercatchers, and also Black Skimmers and Brown Pelicans.
Georgia is just far north enough (and with elevations up to 4,700 feet) to have many breeding species of warblers (24 total) and also such boreal species as Ruffed Grouse, Red Crossbill and Northern Saw-Whet Owl. It is far south enough to have important wintering populations of such species as Black-crowned and Yellow-crowned Night-Herons, Tree Swallow, White-eyed Vireo, Henslow’s Sparrow and Baltimore Oriole. The Greater race of the Sandhill Crane has important wintering habitat at Grand Bay near Valdosta and in the Okefenokee Swamp; both of these sites also have small breeding populations of the non-migratory Florida Sandhill Crane. Winter birding is particularly exciting along the coast, where 2 or 3 Christmas Bird Count circles frequently record 140 species or more in a day.
Okefenokee Swamp – © Riis2602 CC BY 4.0 via Wikipedia Commons
Our knowledge of the occasional wintering range of several species of western hummingbirds has grown exponentially. Only the Rufous and Black-chinned Hummingbirds were known to winter in small numbers in Georgia before. But since many birders have been keeping their feeders filled throughout the winter, nine more species have been documented in the state — namely, Magnificent, Allen’s, Anna’s, Calliope, Broad-tailed, Broad-billed, Buff-bellied, Green Violet-ear and Green-breasted Mango. And increasingly, Georgians are finding wintering Ruby-throated Hummingbirds at their feeders as well. Other than hummingbirds, recent spectacular first state records have included Yellow-billed Loon, Ivory Gull, Red-faced Warbler, and Scott’s Oriole.
At least 180 species have been documented to breed in Georgia, according to the Georgia Breeding Bird Atlas project, and more than 100 additional species winter in the state or migrate through it or at least visit it on an annual basis. There is no 400 Club in Georgia – yet. That is, no one person has seen 400 species in our state, as is the case for several other states (three states even have a 500 Club); but the 413 species that have been documented in Georgia by the Georgia Ornithological Society’s Records Committee is a number that is likely to continue to climb; we are still an under-birded state compared to such states as Florida, Texas, Arizona, and California. There are many who have seen well over 300 species and several who have seen that many in a single year. On the subject of listing, Georgia ought to be some sort of mecca for county listers, because it has more counties (159) than any other eastern state!
Brasstown Bald
InformationSatellite ViewBest for high elevation nesting birds… -
Cochran Shoals
InformationSatellite ViewPart of the Chattahoochee River National Recreation Area that is good for migrants… -
Eufala NWR
WebpageSatellite ViewEufala National Wildlife Refuge is along the Chattahoochee River on the Alabama border… -
Harris Neck NWR
WebpageSatellite ViewHarris Neck National Wildlife Refuge is near the coast so is good for a variety of birds… -
Jekyll Island & St. Simons Island
InformationSatellite ViewJekyll and St. Simons islands are two of the more accessible islands to birders. They offer good all-year round birding but are most productive during migration… -
Kennesaw Mountain
WebpageSatellite View…for spring and fall migration… -
Okefenokee Swamp
InformationSatellite ViewThe Okefenokee Swamp is a true wildlife refuge. The wildlife seen in the great swamp are in their natural surroundings. Few places in America can offer as varied and extensive wildlife as this southeastern swamp. Over 200 species of birds have been identified. There are over 40 species of mammals, more than 50 species of reptiles, and 60 species of amphibians. The waters house an abundance of fish, 34 different kinds.
Number of bird species: 454
(As at June 2024)State Bird - Brown Thrasher Toxostoma rufum
PDF ChecklistThis checklist includes all bird species found in Georgia , based on the best information available at this time. It is based on a wide variety of sources that I collated over many years. I am pleased to offer these checklists as a service to birdwatchers. If you find any error, please do not hesitate to report them. -
ChecklistBirds of Georgia State coded for abundance, breeding, migration, wintering, endemic, rare; 2000 pages on birds, nature, birdwatching, where to go birding, birds and nature pictures, nature conservation, equipment, bird feeding, etc. Welcome to the bird list of Georgia. -
CEWC Birding
ChecklistGeorgia Department of Natural Resources' Wildlife Resources -
Annotated ListThis list of birds of Georgia includes species documented in the U.S. state of Georgia and accepted by the Checklist and Records Committee of the Georgia Ornithological Society (GOSRC). As of August 2020, there are 427 species definitively included in the official list.
A Guide to the Birds of the South-Eastern States
| (Florida, Georgia, Alabama, and Mississippi) | By John H Rappole | Florida University Presses | 2006 | Paperback | 336 pages, 420 colour photos, 379 distribution maps | ISBN: 9780813028613 Buy this book from -
Birding Georgia
| By Cliff Beaton | Falcon Press | 2000 | Paperback | 288 pages, b&w photos, maps | ISBN: 9781560447849 Buy this book from -
Birds of Georgia
| By John Parrish, Giff Beaton& Gregory Kennedy | Lone Pine Publishing | 2006 | Paperback | 384 pages, colour illustrations | ISBN: 9789768200051 Buy this book from -
Common Birds of Coastal Georgia
| By Jim Wilson | University of Georgia Press | 2011 | Paperback | 240 pages, colour photos | ISBN: 9780820338286 Buy this book from -
Common Birds of Greater Atlanta
| By Jim Wilson & Anselm Atkins | University of Georgia Press | 2011 | Paperback | ISBN: 9780820338255 Buy this book from -
Georgia Birds: An Introduction to Familiar Species
| Waterford Press | 2000 | Unbound | ISBN: 9781583551103 Buy this book from -
The Breeding Bird Atlas of Georgia
| Edited by Todd M Schneider, Giff Beaton, Timothy S Keyes & Nathan A Klaus | University of Georgia Press | 2010 | Hardback | 497 pages, 204 colour photos, 168 tables, 192 maps, 128 figures | ISBN: 9780820328935 Buy this book from
Fernbank Natural History Museum
WebsiteTake a walk on the wild side as you explore 75 acres of new outdoor nature adventures. WildWoods and Fernbank Forest combine to highlight the natural world through immersive trails, educational programming, hands-on exhibits and beautiful scenery. -
Georgia Natural History Museum
WebsiteThis is a multi-page series on southeastern birds. Each page in the series has several small in-line images (120 x 160 GIF). The image titles are linked to the original, larger images (480 x 640 JPEG). The images were predominantly taken by Dr. Dan Sudia. A similar set of pages is located on the Florida Museum of Natural History website.
Albany Audubon Society
Facebook PageThe mission of Albany Audubon Society is to promote conservation and restoration of local natural ecosystems, focusing on birds and other wildlife for the benefit of humanity and the earth’s biological diversity. -
Audubon Society in Georgia
WebsiteOffices & Chapters; Centers & Sanctuaries & Upcoming Events -
Birds Georgia
WebsiteIn November 2023, after a rigorous assessment process, the Georgia Audubon Board of Directors unanimously voted to officially change the name of Georgia Audubon to Birds Georgia to better represent the work that we do, to embody our organizational values, and to be welcoming and inclusive to all Georgians. -
Coastal Georgia Birding
Facebook PageRegular Membership Meetings this year are on the 3rd Tuesday of some month (November, January, February, March). June and September picnics will still take place. All meetings will be at: International Seafarer's Center, 307 Newcastle Street, Brunswick, GA -
Columbus Georgia Audubon Society
Facebook PageWe are an active community of birders, gardeners, and people who just love wildlife and the outdoors in general. Meetings are held September through May on the third Thursday of the month at 7 PM at the Oxbow Meadows Environmental Learning Center, 3535 South Lumpkin Road, Columbus, GA 31903 Also see their Facebook page. -
GOS Checklist and Records Committee (GCRC)
WebpageOne of the most important functions of the Georgia Ornithological Society is to encourage observers to document their sightings and then to serve as a clearinghouse for documenting the occurrence and status of all wild birds in the State. This function is the main duty of the Checklist and Records Committee. -
Georgia Bird Clubs
WebpageBesides the Georgia Ornithological Society, there are many National Audubon Society Chapters and bird clubs which concentrate on the local birdlife and associated conservation issues surrounding their respective areas. Links are provided in the table below for the organizations that have their own web sites. -
Georgia Department of Natural Resources Environmental Protection Division
WebsiteThe Environmental Protection Division (EPD) protects and restores Georgia’s environment. We take the lead in ensuring clean air, water and land. With our partners, we pursue a sustainable environment that provides a foundation for a vibrant economy and healthy communities. -
Georgia Ornithological Society
WebsiteThe Georgia Ornithological Society's (GOS) mission is to encourage the scientific study of birds by gathering and disseminating information on Georgia bird life. GOS actively promotes bird conservation by encouraging the preservation of habitats that are vital to the survival of resident and migratory birds. The GOS also gives scholarships, produces scientific publications, and provides fellowship among those interested in nature. General membership meetings are held two or three times per year in the spring, winter and fall. The meetings generally last from Friday evening through Sunday or Monday mid-day and feature evening presentations of interest to the birding community and field trips conducted by experienced birders familiar with the areas in which the meetings are held. -
Nature Conservancy in Georgia
WebpageThe Nature Conservancy is a big organization with a big vision. We work in the most critical places so that we can have a lasting impact. Nowhere is that more true than right here in Georgia. For decades, committed supporters like you have helped us protect more than 338,000 acres, safeguard the rivers that traverse our state, and care for our envied coast. -
Ocmulgee Audubon Society
WebsiteOcmulgee Audubon Society is a local chapter of the National Audubon Society. You can find out more about birds, conservation, education, and more at Audubon. Our local chapter was founded in 1972 and currently has over 300 members in 14 counties in Middle Georgia. We meet every second Monday of the month except in July. Our meetings are held at the Macon Museum of Arts and Science located at 4182 Forsyth Rd, Macon, GA. These meetings are open to the public. -
Oconee Rivers Audubon Society
WebsiteThe Oconee Rivers Audubon Society is a group of people brought together by a love of birds and nature. Our chapter consists of over 350 members representing a diversity of ages and birding skills. We strive to promote conservation and provide a voice for environmental issues. We also provide a forum for the exchange of information via monthly newsletters and meetings. Oconee Rivers Audubon organizes several local conservation projects each year, such as putting up nest boxes for various species. We also give monthly public presentations on subjects related to birds, nature, and conservation. Please check our news and events pages to learn about upcoming activities. -
Ogeechee Audubon Society
WebsiteWe enjoy and protect birds through education, conservation, and advocacy. Some of the Earth's greatest bird populations are threatened by development, competition for food, and environmental changes. Join Ogeechee Audubon's effort to protect birds and other wildlife while sharing the joy of Georgia's natural resources. -
Southern Wings Bird Club
Facebook Pageouthern Wings Bird Club Welcomes all those who enjoy birds from the beginner to the expert. Special invite for kids & youthful birders including groups. Join SWBC on the second Monday of each month. Our meetings are entertaining and educational! Members of all ages always have a great time. Visitors are welcome!
*Georgia's National Wildlife Refuges
InformationSatellite ViewBrief descriptions of a number of refuges with interactive map and active links -
IBA BR NP Cumberland Island National Seashore
WebpageSatellite ViewCumberland Island is Georgia's largest and southernmost barrier island. It is also one of the oldest barrier islands in Georgia, with rich soils capable of supporting a diversity of plants. It is bordered by the Cumberland River, Cumberland Sound, and the Atlantic Ocean. As a United Nations-sanctioned International Biosphere Reserve, the wilderness on Cumberland Island protects many threatened and endangered species, including six species of migratory and shore birds and four species of sea turtles. It is clearly a place of global significance. -
IBA Chattahoochee National Forest
WebpageSatellite ViewThis national forest occupies most of the central and eastern parts of North Georgia. Appalanchin forests are the predominant vegetation in this region with low to moderately high mountains and many ridges, valleys, lakes, and meadows. Within the CNF are the 9 Wildlife Management Areas and several wilderness areas, including the cohutta and Ellicott Rock. -
IBA Phinizy Swamp
WebpageSatellite ViewThe Phinizy Swamp Complex comprises an approx. 5500 acre tract in the Savannah River floodplain terrace. This site is comprised of three parts that are all in the Savannah River floodplain terrace. It is a diverse mosaic of clay pit lakes, freshwater marshes, bottomland hardwoods, old river scars, swamp, upland forest, farm land, and Savannah R. dike around Savannah. -
NC Birdsong Nature Center
WebsiteSatellite ViewOur mission is to foster awareness, understanding, and appreciation of nature and its interrelationships. Nestled among the pines and hardwoods that spill across the south Georgia hills, Birdsong Nature Center is a gentle harbor of warmth and natural wonder, a serene sanctuary where one can explore and enjoy verdant lands and learn about the workings of our natural world… Founded as a non-profit nature preserve and education center in 1986, Birdsong is dedicated to preserving and maintaining its lands in a manner that is most beneficial to wildlife, and to fostering in the public a greater understanding and appreciation of nature. -
NC Dauset Trails Nature Center
WebsiteSatellite ViewIn the early 1980's, Dauset Trails was primarily a rehabilitation center for injured and orphaned wildlife. The animals were mainly native to the area and could not be released due to the severity of injuries. These animals were given exhibits for protection and display and gradually grew to become the Animal Trail. The Trail winds about half a mile through the woods rounding a small lake. It is easily accessible by foot, strollers, and wheelchairs. These animals are used to teach students of all ages the importance of each species and its role in our ever-changing world. -
NRA Chattahoochee River
WebpageSatellite ViewThe Chattahoochee River National Recreation Area is home to over 190 species of birds, making it a popular site for birding. Whether following the river corridor as they migrate or nesting in the forest, birds of all shapes and sizes can be found within the park. -
NWR Eufaula
WebpageSatellite ViewThe main unit of the 11,184-acre refuge is located about 7 miles north of the city of Eufaula, Alabama, along both banks of the Chattahoochee River in southeast Alabama and southwest Georgia. Wetlands, croplands, woodlands, old fields, grasslands, and open water create a mosaic of wildlife-rich habitats that support almost 300 species of birds, 40 species of mammals, and many species of amphibians, reptiles and fishes. -
NWR Harris Neck
WebpageSatellite ViewHarris Neck serves as an important link in the chain of refuges along the eastern seaboard, and is the inland base for two neighboring barrier island refuges, Blackbeard Island and Wolf Island. Since its designation as a wildlife refuge in 1962, Harris Neck has served as a premier nesting, foraging, and wintering habitat for many species of wildlife. Signature species include wood storks, which nest in a large colony on Woody Pond, and the colorful and uncommon painted bunting, which favors nesting habitat in the refuge's maritime scrub areas. -
NWR Okefenokee
WebpageSatellite ViewThe Okefenokee National Wildlife Refuge was established in 1937 as a "refuge and breeding ground for migratory birds and other wildlife". The Okefenokee is like no other place on earth, where natural beauty and wilderness prevail. The vision for Okefenokee National Wildlife Refuge is to protect and enhance wildlife and its habitat, ensure integrity of the ecological system, and embrace the grandeur, mystery, and cultural heritage that lead to an enrichment of the human spirit. The vast open prairies within the Okefenokee Swamp are home to a variety of wading birds such as egrets, herons, ibises, wood storks, and the sandhill crane. The sandhill crane is a tall, gray bird with a characteristic red crown. They nest March-April in solitary pairs, hiding their nest among the tall grasses and shrubs. They eat frogs, insects, small rodents, as well as vegetation. Listen for the distinctive bugle-like call. -
NWR Piedmont
WebpageSatellite ViewThe Refuge is located primarily in Jones County in the Piedmont Physiographic Province of central Georgia. It is predominately forested (96%) with ~3/4 of the area in pine and pine-hardwood forest on the ridges, and ~1/4 hardwood forest along creeks and in scattered upland coves. Loblolly is the dominant pine species, with some shortleaf pine mixed in. Hardwood species include oaks and hickories in the overstory, and sweetgum and dogwood in the mid- and understories. Creeks and ponds are scattered across the Refuge. It contains a large area of mature loblolly pine forest inhabited by the endangered Red-cockaded Woodpecker (RCW) and the rare Bachman??s Sparrow. Currently, over half the Refuge??s acreage is managed for RCWs, and this also benefits Bachman??s Sparrow. -
NWR Wassaw
WebpageSatellite ViewWassaw National Wildlife Refuge (NWR) serves as an important link in the chain of barrier islands that lie along the Atlantic Flyway, providing excellent habitat for a variety of migratory birds. The island supports rookeries for egrets and herons, and several species of wading birds are abundant in the summer months. In summer, telltale tracks on Wassaw's beach attest to nocturnal visits by the threatened loggerhead sea turtles that come ashore for egg laying and then return to sea. -
WMA Altamaha
WebpageSatellite ViewThe site is composed of the Altamaha River estuary, river swamps, rice fields. This area is important for rare birds, including black and yellow rails, white pelicans, and black-bellied whistling ducks. -
WMA Altamaha
WebpageSatellite ViewThe site is composed of the Altamaha River estuary, river swamps, rice fields. This area is important for rare birds, including black and yellow rails, white pelicans, and black-bellied whistling ducks.
SightingsGeorgia Rare Bird Alert
Naturalist Journeys
Tour OperatorJoin Naturalist Journeys for a coastal Georgia birding and natural history tour on the Colonial Coast Birding Trail. The highlight of our journey is three nights booked at Little St. Simons Island, a private barrier island preserved for wildlife; we cap off the trip with time in the southern jewel of Savannah.
2016 [05 May] - Bruce Wedderburn - Southeast USA
ReportThis was a two-month trip to southeast USA for Yvonne and myself, from late March through to late May, with a focus on the Spring migration, in particular the highly varied and colourful warblers. -
2021 [10 October] - Pat Leuders
PDF ReportThe bald cypress and tupelo trees created a dense canopy above the wet forest floor. A Barred Owl vocalized at a distance, and Black-and-white Warblers, Downy Woodpeckers, and Blue-gray Gnatcatchers moved amongst the Spanish moss. This would be a fitting introduction to birding in the Southern woods. The pond and trees behind our airport hotel were discovered to be a haven for roosting herons and egrets. Anhinga and Common Gallinule were found along the shore. The group quickly became acquainted at dinner, and all were anxious to begin our week of Georgia coastal birding! -
2022 [04 April] - Jon Atwood
PDF ReportAt Woody Pond we found Anhingas, Little Blue Herons, Great and Snowy Egrets, Tricolored Herons, Green Herons, White Ibis, Wood Storks, Black-neced Stilt, Solitary Sandpiper and Roseate Spoonbills. Songbirds - many heard, and some seen! - included White-eyed Vireos, Yellow-throated Warblers (how can such a beautiful bird be so hard to see???), Northern Parulas, Eastern Wood-Pewee, Great Crested Flycatcher, and Barn Swallows. -
2023 [05 May] - Jon Atwood
PDF ReportAnnotated List
Bird Watcher Supply Company
WebsiteWelcome to our website! Bird Watcher Supply Company has been your best source for attracting and feeding wild birds in Georgia since 1988. Our five stores are staffed with friendly, knowledgeable folks that will be happy to help answer your questions, set you up with a feeding station, stop squirrels, pick the perfect gift for a loved one or just talk birds. -
Georgia Birding & Nature
WebsiteThis site is basically devoted to the birds discovered in Georgia by Eric Beohm & Michael Beohm. It's a pleasure to share the joy of birding with others who also have an appreciation for nature's wonders. Georgia offers quite a stage for this endeavor from mountains majesty to pristine barrier islands. -
Georgia's Important Bird Areas
InformationThe aim of the IBA Program is to identify and conserve key breeding and feeding sites for birds in Georgia. -
Southern Rivers Birding Trail
InformationCome take a trek of discovery along Georgia's Southern Rivers Birding Tail. The trail winds its way from the rolling hills of the Georgia Piedmont on the north southward across the broad expanse of the Coastal Plain before curling eastward and eventually terminating in the Okefenokee Swamp, the Land of Trembling Earth… -
The Birdhouse Chick
WebsiteBorn from Our Love of Birding - Through a curated collection of unusually fun products, our mission is to introduce more folks to the brilliant hobby of backyard birding. Whether you’re an avid birder or looking for a small way to brighten your backyard, we’re excited to share our expertise and enthusiasm with you. -
Yard Envy
WebsiteYard Envy offers an impressive selection of Bird Houses and Bird Feeders. We are based in the Atlanta suburb of Alpharetta, Ga, including the entire customer service team.
H J Ruiz - Avian 101
BLOGNon-profit all about birds, title "My Backyard Visitors" The whole world is my backyard! Lots of info and great photos shot by author…