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State of North Carolina

Northern Cardinal Cardinalis cardinalis ©Dubi Shapiro Website

North Carolina is a state in the Southeastern region of the United States. It is bordered by Virginia to the north, the Atlantic Ocean to the east, South Carolina to the south, Georgia to the southwest, and Tennessee to the west. The state is the 28th-largest at almost 140,000 km2 (almost 54,000 square miles) and 9th-most populous of the United States with almost 11 million people. Along with South Carolina, it makes up the Carolinas region of the East Coast. Raleigh is the state’s capital but is less than half the size of Charlotte, its most populous city. The Charlotte metropolitan area, with an estimated population of over 2,800,000, is the most populous metropolitan area in North Carolina, the 22nd-most populous in the United States, and the largest banking centre in the nation after New York City.  The Research Triangle, with an estimated population of 2,370,000, is the second-most populous combined metropolitan area in the state and is home to the largest research park in the United States, Research Triangle Park.

North Carolina is defined by a wide range of elevations and landscapes. From west to east, North Carolina’s elevation descends from the Appalachian Mountains to the Piedmont and Atlantic coastal plain. North Carolina’s Mount Mitchell at nearly  6,700 feet is the highest point in North America east of the Mississippi River. Most of the state falls in the humid subtropical climate zone; however, the western, mountainous part of the state has a subtropical highland climate.

North Carolina consists of three main geographic regions: the Atlantic coastal plain, occupying the eastern portion of the state; the central Piedmont region, and the mountain region in the west, which is part of the Appalachian Mountains. The coastal plain consists of more specifically defined areas known as the Outer Banks, a string of sandy, narrow barrier islands separated from the mainland by sounds or inlets, including Albemarle Sound and Pamlico Sound. So many ships have been lost off Cape Hatteras that the area is known as the ‘Graveyard of the Atlantic’; more than a thousand ships have sunk in these waters since records began (1526}.

Albemarle Sound©Ingrid Lemme Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

The coastal plain transitions to the Piedmont region along the Atlantic Seaboard fall line, the elevation at which waterfalls first appear on streams and rivers. The Piedmont region of central North Carolina is the state’s most populous region, containing the six largest cities in the state by population. It consists of gently rolling countryside frequently broken by hills or low mountain ridges. Small, isolated, and deeply eroded mountain ranges and peaks are located in the Piedmont, including the Sauratown Mountains, Pilot Mountain, the Uwharrie Mountains, Crowder’s Mountain, King’s Pinnacle, the Brushy Mountains, and the South Mountains. The Piedmont ranges from about 300 feet in elevation in the east to about 1,500 feet in the west.

The western section of the state is part of the Blue Ridge Mountains of the larger Appalachian Mountain range. Among the subranges of the Blue Ridge Mountains located in the state are the Great Smoky Mountains and the Black Mountains. The Black Mountains are the highest in the eastern United States, and culminate in Mount Mitchell.

Blue Ridge Mountains – ©Lilbinz CC BY-SA 4.0 via Wikimedia Commons

North Carolina has 17 major river basins. The five basins west of the Blue Ridge Mountains flow to the Gulf of Mexico, while the remainder flow to the Atlantic Ocean. Of the 17 basins, 11 originate within the state of North Carolina, but only four are contained entirely within the state’s border—the Cape Fear, the Neuse, the White Oak, and the Tar–Pamlico basin.

34 state parks, and 14 national parks. National Park Service units include the Appalachian National Scenic Trail, the Blue Ridge Parkway, Cape Hatteras National Seashore, Cape Lookout National Seashore. National Forests include Uwharrie National Forest in central North Carolina, Croatan National Forest in Eastern North Carolina, Pisgah National Forest in the western mountains, and Nantahala National Forest in the southwestern part of the state.

Birding North Carolina

When birders discuss North Carolina, the first region that usually comes to mind is the Outer Banks. This chain of barrier islands, over 100 miles long, includes the Cape Hatteras National Seashore, Pea Island National Wildlife Refuge, and several other protected areas. Many more National Wildlife Refuge tracts such as Mattamuskeet, Alligator River, Pocosin, Cedar Island, and others protect large nearby areas. Due to all this protection, the banks have escaped the rampant development that has degraded much of the coastline further south. They host the annual Wings Over Water festival and attract birders from all over the US, and for good reason. The Outer Banks are a magnet for migrating birds, ranging from northern species such as Harlequin Duck to southern ones such as Roseate Spoonbill, and from western wanderers like Cinnamon Teal to Eurasian vagrants like Ruff.

Alligator River NWR© CC0 via Wikimedia Commons

The southern NC coast has less of a national reputation than the Outer Banks, but might actually have a greater variety. Areas like Cedar Island National Wildlife Refuge, Fort Fisher, and Fort Macon State Park attract many migrants and rarities. Christmas Bird Counts in Wilmington and Southport occasionally rank among the highest species totals in the US outside of Texas and Florida.

The banks and adjacent areas like Mattamuskeet are famous for their diversity and sheer numbers of waterfowl, shorebirds, gulls and other migrants that must be seen to be believed. The banks are also the staging area for year-round pelagic trips that combine tropical species (Masked Booby) with arctic (Dovekie) and even Antarctic (South Polar Skua). These trips are virtually the only proven method of observing certain species in North America, including Bermuda Petrel, Fea’s Petrel, Herald Petrel, Bulwer’s Petrel, and White-faced and Swinhoe’s Storm-Petrel, and so attract participants from all across the country. On the inland side of the coastal plain, the Sandhills region contains the northernmost breeding colonies of the federally endangered Red-cockaded Woodpecker. Mississippi Kites also reach their northernmost breeding limits in coastal North Carolina, while Henslow’s Sparrows reach their southernmost.

The other area of North Carolina most frequented by birders is the mountainous western end of the state. The Blue Ridge and Great Smoky mountains are best known for their scenery; however, they are also the location of some spectacular migrations of land-birds and raptors. Hawk-watchers are becoming increasingly common along the Blue Ridge Parkway in spring and fall. Many warblers and flycatchers that are rarely seen elsewhere in the state migrate regularly through the mountains. These mountains represent the southernmost extent of breeding range for many species east of the Mississippi, including Northern Saw-whet Owl, Yellow-bellied Sapsucker, Olive-sided Flycatcher, & Black-capped Chickadee.

Fall Colours at Graveyard Fields from Blue Ridge Parkway – ©Tsimmons CC BY 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons

Between these two famous ends lies the relatively unexciting and more heavily developed Piedmont, which has few resident species that cannot be found elsewhere. However, for both economic and strategic reasons, the Piedmont is home to the vast majority of North Carolina’s birders, and so gets a disproportionate amount of attention. Thanks to all this attention, the central part of the state has had more than its share of exciting rarities discovered. Recent vagrants to this area have included Green-breasted Mango, Pacific-Slope Flycatcher, Smith’s Longspur, Harris’ Sparrow, WhiteWagtail, Western Grebe, White Pelican and Long-billed Murrelet.

The abundance of feeders brings in a surprising number and variety of wintering hummingbirds, mostly Rufous, but Anna’s, Calliope, Broad-tailed and Black-chinned have also been recorded. The region is pocked with artificial lakes, originally created by damming rivers for recreation and drinking water, but now home to breeding Bald Eagles and many migrating shorebirds and wintering waterfowl, and even the occasional jaeger. Following the hurricanes that drift through North Carolina almost annually, these same lakes often host pelagic species such as Bridled and Sooty Terns and on rare occasions even tube-noses and tropicbirds.

Top Sites
  • Pelagics

    The Atlantic Ocean off Cape Hatteras is generally the best spot in the western North Atlantic for seeing a variety of pelagic seabirds, including a Gulf Stream specialty, the Black-capped Petrel. It is a striking member of the genus Pterodroma, which nests in the West Indies, but regularly disperses northward into the blue waters of the Gulf Stream to feed. It can be seen off Hatteras year-round, but it is most common from May to October. During that time period, birders on pelagic trips here can expect to see 8 to 12 species of pelagic seabirds, including birds which breed in the Southern Ocean, the Eastern Atlantic, the Bahamas & West Indies, and the Arctic tundra. Both the Gulf Stream and deep water are within 20 to 30 miles of Cape Hatteras, so a day offshore is mostly is mostly spent in productive waters. A number of species have been added to the North American list as a result of organized bird watching trips in recent years. These include Bermuda Petrel, Cape Verde Shearwater, and Black-bellied Storm-Petrel. During the spring and summer, trips are available almost weekly aboard Brian Patteson's boat, the Stormy Petrel, and trips are also available on several winter weekends as well.
  • Joshua S. Rose

    Department of Biology (Zoology)

  • Brian Patteson

Number of Species
  • Number of bird species: 501

    (As at November 2024)

    State Bird: Northern Cardinal Cardinalis cardinalis

  • Avibase

    PDF Checklist
    This checklist includes all bird species found in North Carolina , based on the best information available at this time. It is based on a wide variety of sources that I collated over many years. I am pleased to offer these checklists as a service to birdwatchers. If you find any error, please do not hesitate to report them.
  • NCBirds

    PDF Checklist
    This checklist provides a compendium of all of the bird species accepted by the NC Bird Records Committee to either the Definitive List or the Provisional List in North Carolina. Species not on the Definitive List or the Provisional List are not included; thus, species considered of Unaccepted Origin (such as several waterfowl and parrot species) are not a part of this checklist. As of the end of June 2021, there are 488 species on the Definitive List, and 11 species on the Provisional List, for a total of 499 species on the Accepted List (Definitive List + Provisional List) for North Carolina.
  • Wikipedia

    Annotated List
    This list of birds of North Carolina includes species documented in the U.S. state of North Carolina and accepted by the North Carolina Bird Records Committee (NCBRC) of the Carolina Bird Club. As of January 2020, there are 479 species and a species pair definitively included in the official list.
  • eBird

    PDF Checklist
    This checklist is generated with data from eBird (, a global database of bird sightings from birders like you. If you enjoy this checklist, please consider contributing your sightings to eBird. It is 100% free to take part, and your observations will help support birders, researchers, and conservationists worldwide.
Useful Reading

  • A Birder's Guide to Coastal North Carolina

    | By JO Fussell | University of North Carolina Press | 2001 | Paperback | 560 pages, 12 illustrations, 44 maps | Out of Print | ISBN: 9780807844533 Buy this book from
  • Birding North Carolina

    | (More than 40 Premier Birding Locations) | Edited by Marshall Brooks & Mark Johns | Falcon Guides | 2005 | Paperback | 209 pages, b/w photos, b/w maps | ISBN: 9780762731343 Buy this book from
  • Birds of North Carolina

    | By Todd Telander | Falcon Guides | 2012 | Paperback | 96 pages, colour illustrations | ISBN: 9780762778911 Buy this book from
  • Birds of the Carolinas

    | By Eloise F Potter, James F Parnell, Robert P Teulings & Ricky Davis | University of North Carolina Press | 2006 | Hardback | 399 pages, Colour photos | ISBN: 9780807856710 Buy this book from
  • Field Guide to Birds of the Carolinas

    | By Brian E Small & Nate Swick | ABA | 2016 | Paperback | 384 pages, 550 colour photos | ISBN: 9781935622635 Buy this book from
  • National Geographic Field Guide to Birds: Carolinas

    | Edited by Jonathan Alderfer | National Geographic Society | 2005 | Paperback | 272 pages, maps, photos, drawings | Out of Print | ISBN: 9780792241867 Buy this book from
  • The North Carolina Birding Trail

    | By North Carolina Birding Trail | University of North Carolina Press | 2008 | Spiralbound | 172 pages, 176 photographs, 2 tables, 121 maps | Out of Print | ISBN: 9780979446801 Buy this book from
Festivals & Bird Fairs
  • Carolina Bird Club Winter Birding Weekend

    The Winter Birding Weekend features field trips to see local resident and wintering birds along the Emerald Island and North Coast. Half- and all-day trips on the Outer Banks never fails to amaze with its variety of overwintering birds, shorebirds, ducks, and ever-present surprises.
  • Wings Over Water Wildlife Festival

    In 1997 Wings Over Water Wildlife Festival was begun under the direction of then refuge manager, Mike Bryant, as a way to encourage and offer the public wildlife and wildland interpretation and educational opportunities and experiences on regional national wildlife refuges. This annual national wildlife refuge fundraising event has grown from a few offered activities in 1997, to over 90 birding, paddling, photography, art & natural history programs. The festival takes place in 6 national wildlife refuges over 6 northeast North Carolina counties.
  • Cape Fear Bird Observatory

    Observatory WebsiteSatellite View
    At the CFBO we are working to connect people with nature. We aim to monitor birds in long-term studies, connect with other researchers and organizations, and bring our love of nature into local schools.
Museums & Universities
  • Duke University - Dr. Steve Nowicki

    Our lab studies animal communication and sexual selection from an integrative perspective using a wide range of behavioral ecological, neuroethological, developmental, genetic, and evolutionary modeling techniques—we cover the full range of Tinbergen's famous Four Questions. Birds are our most common study subject, but we've also worked with spiders, shrimp, lobsters, insects, lizards, and primates, including humans.
  • North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences

    Welcome to an extraordinary resource! North Carolina’s most visited museum with one of the State’s most iconic landmarks—the SECU Daily Planet. The NC Museum of Natural Sciences is the largest institution of its kind in the South East and one of the nation’s most amazing museums about the natural world.
  • Appalachian State University Audubon Club

  • Audubon North Carolina

    Established in 1997, the state office of Audubon North Carolina grew out of decades of volunteerism through chapters. Audubon North Carolina
  • Audubon in North Carolina

    Casual bird watchers. Lifelong birders. Impassioned advocates for our natural heritage. Members of Audubon North Carolina's ten local chapters are devoted to supporting birds and the places they need, from our mountains to our coast.
  • Blue Ridge Audubon

    Blue Ridge Audubon is a chapter of the National Audubon Society, serving Buncombe, Henderson, and surrounding counties in the mountains of western North Carolina.
  • Cape Fear Audubon Society

    Welcome to the Cape Fear Audubon Society, the local chapter of the National Audubon Society, serving Brunswick, Pender, New Hanover, and Onslow counties. We are proud to be serving such an exciting area of the North Carolina coast, rich in biodiversity and population.
  • Carolina Bird Club

    The Carolina Bird Club is a non-profit organization that represents and supports the birding community in the Carolinas through its website, publications, meetings, workshops, trips, and partnerships...
  • Carolina Raptor Center

    The Carolina Raptor Center fosters communities where raptors and people thrive thanks to our unique blend of innovation, research, and education.
  • Carolina Records Committee

    List of committee members and how to submit records…
  • Chapel Hill Bird Club

    The Chapel Hill Bird Club is for everyone who loves wild birds. Whether you watch birds in your yard or travel to ends of the earth for rarities, our club offers something for you: access to like-minded people including experts who can answer your questions, interesting programs, weekly field trips, Christmas and spring bird counts, and a Facebook group. We are a friendly group and welcome all. Our members mostly come from the Research Triangle area of North Carolina: Chapel Hill, Durham, Raleigh, Cary, Pittsboro, and surrounding towns.
  • Forsyth Audubon

    If you enjoy exploring the outdoors and wish to discover many natural areas of Forsyth County (as well as some interesting "unnatural" ones, then we're the organization for you. Our "Second Saturday" birdwalks (held on the second Saturday of each month) will acquaint you with the many favorite Birding Spots in Forsyth County such as Historic Bethabara Park, Reynolda and Tanglewood Park. Come visit newer birding hotspots such as Muddy Creek Greenway, Civitan Park and Bethania's Walnut Bottoms. And don't forget that bird mecca, the Archie Elledge Water Treatment Plant.
  • Great Smoky Mountains Association

    Our mission is to support the preservation of Great Smoky Mountains National Park. You can support Great Smoky Mountains National Park by becoming a member of GSMA, shopping in our stores, and participating in the many exciting programs we offer. In our nearly 65 years of operation, we have contributed $36 million to the park. By joining us, you can help us make it another great day in the Smokies.
  • High Country Audubon Society

    Join us for Bird Walks, Field Trips, learning how to help birds, native plants for birds and other education opportunities.
  • Highland Plateau Audubon Society

    The mission of the Highlands Plateau Audubon Society is to provide opportunities to enjoy and learn about birds and other wildlife and to promote conservation and restoration of the habitats that support them.
  • Mecklenburg Audubon Society

    Mecklenburg Audubon Society is dedicated to promoting the appreciation, protection, and preservation of birds and other wildlife through education and conservation activities that will ensure they will survive and thrive.
  • Nature Conservancy in North Carolina

    The mission of The Nature Conservancy is to conserve the lands and waters on which all life depends. For more than 41 years, we've been working in North Carolina to do just that.
  • New Hope Bird Alliance

    New Hope Audubon is an independent chapter of the National Audubon Society, serving Chatham, Durham, and Orange Counties in North Carolina. Our members live in Carrboro, Chapel Hill, Durham, Hillsborough, Pittsboro, and surrounding rural areas. New Hope Audubon strives to protect birds, wildlife, and their local habitats through conservation, education, advocacy, and outdoor enjoyment. Also see their Facebook page
  • North Carolina Bluebird Society

    The brilliant blue seven inch male Eastern Bluebird with his rusty throat, breast and sides and white belly sits high atop a dead tree or branch, TV antenna, or power line to hunt for the insects that make up two-thirds of his diet. He and his mate also eat wild berries, especially in cold weather when insects are not available. They rarely damage cultivated crops, and are very beneficial to farmers and gardeners.
  • North Carolinas Partners in Flight

    North Carolina Partners in Flight is a driving force in the field of neotropical migratory bird conservation…
  • Piedmont Bird Club

    The Piedmont Bird Club was established in 1938. Besides our focus on birds, Club members also take an interest in nature in general and in the conservation of our natural resources. Membership is open to anyone interested in the study and protection of birds. See the Membership tab for more information on how to join.
  • Sandhills Natural History Society

    The Sandhills Natural History Society was created as an outlet for those of us in the North Carolina Sandhills who appreciate and want to learn more about aspects of the Sandhills natural world and beyond. We share experiences and knowledge through field trips, presentations and special functions to foster stewardship within our Sandhills region.
  • Seahawk Audubon Society

    Facebook Page
    The Seahawk Audubon Society is the UNCW affiliate of Cape Fear Audubon. Our purpose is to educate the community about the importance of nature while promoting conservation. Regular meetings will begin in the fall semester of 2015. Let us know if you want to get involved!
  • T Gilbert Pearson Audubon Society

    Our mission is to foster appreciation, knowledge and enjoyment of birds and nature, and to preserve our natural heritage at local and global levels. The society publishes a monthly newsletter, “Nature Notes,” distributed via email, free of charge.
  • UNCA Audubon Chapter

    Facebook Page
  • UNCC Birding Club

    Instagram Page
  • UNCG Audubon

    Instagram Page
    The mission of the UNCG Audubon Chapter is to inform and unite students of all backgrounds in conservation action
  • Wake Audubon Society

    Advocating wildlife, nature and environmental conservation - Wake Audubon is a chapter of Audubon NC and of the National Audubon Society. Located in Wake County, North Carolina, we have a membership of about 1,500 and hold monthly meetings, field trips, bird walks and other activities.

Abbreviations Key

  • *Protected areas of North Carolina

    InformationSatellite View
    The protected areas of North Carolina cover roughly 3.8 million acres, making up 11% of the total land in the state. Interactive list
  • IBA Amphibolites

    InformationSatellite View
    his site supports significant populations of neotropical migrant songbirds, species of conservation concern and Watchlist species. The site supports the largest concentration of Vesper Sparrows in North Carolina, along with significant numbers of Yellow-bellied Sapsuckers, Canada Warblers, and Black-billed Cuckoo. A remnant stand of spruce-fir supports Northern Saw-whet Owl, Magnolia Warbler, Red-breasted Nuthatch, and Golden-crowned Kinglet. Golden-winged Warblers and their hybrids (and a recent second breeding season record of Blue-winged Warbler) occur here in the western drainages of Watauga and Ashe Counties.
  • IBA Bald Head Island

    InformationSatellite View
    The site includes one of the state's largest and best examples of maritime forest (Criteria 3). The site supports the state's largest population of breeding painted buntings. Thousands of shorebirds (19 species) stopover during migration and winter in the area, utilizing the extensive tidal flats, marshes, and beach. Thousands of wading birds from the nearby Battery Island colony (8-10,000+ prs.) forage in the marshes, freshwater ponds, and along tidal creeks. Waterfowl numbers have declined over the past decade, but at least 12 species of ducks are common in the river, tidal creeks, bays and ponds.
  • IBA Big Foot Island

    InformationSatellite View
    Big Foot Island is an artificial island located in Pamlico Sound, near Ocracoke Island. The island was constructed of dredged sand from a nearby navigation channel. Big Foot island is a nesting site for colonial seabirds and a winter resting area for Double-crested Cormorants.
  • IBA Bull Creek

    InformationSatellite View
    This site supports one of North Carolina?s most significant populations Cerulean Warblers. The species has been documented between Craven Gap and Lane Pinnacle Overlook along the Blue Ridge Parkway for at least 20 years.
  • IBA Cape Hatteras National Seashore

    InformationSatellite View
    Cape Hatteras National Seashore encompasses about 110 km (68 miles) of barrier islands, including much of the area known as the Outer Banks. The National Seashore represents approximately 20 percent of the coastline of North Carolina.
  • IBA Carrot Island - Bird Shoal

    InformationSatellite View
    Carrot Island and Bird Shoal are part of the Rachel Carson National Estuarine Research Reserve. The Rachel Carson reserve site contains a large number of habitats, particularly wetland types, that occur in close proximity. Among these habitats are extensive intertidal mud and sand flats, ideal foraging areas for waterbirds.
  • IBA Chowan River Bottomlands

    InformationSatellite View
    This site is located in northeastern North Carolina, near the town of Ahoskie. The Chowan River is a blackwater river that empties into Albemarle Sound near Edenton. The site is significant for breeding landbirds (Criteria 4g), wood ducks, barred owls, and woodpeckers. In addition, the site holds a significant diversity and abundance of species associated with cypress-tupelo swamp forest habitat...
  • IBA Gull Island

    InformationSatellite View
    Gull Island is a remote, natural island in Pamlico Sound. It was previously the site of the Gull Island hunting club. The clubhouse burned in the early 1990s and was not reconstructed. The island is primarily marsh with small areas of shrub thicket. For at least three decades, this island has been a haven for nesting colonial waterbirds of many species, including terns, gulls, wading birds, and pelicans.
  • IBA Sand Bag Island

    InformationSatellite View
    Sand Bag Island is a dredged-sand island is located near Cape Lookout. The island is managed for nesting waterbirds that require bare to sparse vegetation habitats, such as terns. Royal Terns and Sandwich Terns are the dominant species.
  • NC & BS Pine Island Audubon Center & Donal C O'Brien Sanctuary

    WebpageSatellite View
    The Pine Island Sanctuary also harbors a great diversity of plants and animals. More than 350 species of plants have been recorded, including at least three rare and threatened species. In addition, 202 species of vertebrates have been recorded, including 7 amphibian species, 17 reptile species, 19 mammal species, and 159 species of birds that inhabit the waters, marshes, and surrounding woodlands, from Brown Pelicans to Prairie Warblers, depending on the season…
  • NWR Alligator River

    WebpageSatellite View
    Established in 1984 and located on the mainland of eastern North Carolina, Alligator River contains over 152,000 acres. Many species of wildlife call Alligator River home. The refuge bird list suggests at least 200 species of birds spend at least a portion of their year here…
  • NWR Great Dismal Swamp

    WebpageSatellite View
    Located in southeastern Virginia and northeastern North Carolina, the Great Dismal Swamp National Wildlife Refuge was formed in 1974 when Union Camp Corporation donated 49,100 acres of forested wetlands to The Nature Conservancy. This land was then conveyed to the Department of the Interior, and the Refuge officially established. The Refuge consists of over 107,000 acres, with Lake Drummond, a 3,100 acre natural lake in the center of the Swamp…
  • NWR Mattamuskeet Lake

    InformationSatellite View
    Mattamuskeet Lake is the winter birding capital of the Pocosin. Tucked away in a sparsely populated corner of North Carolina roughly 170 miles due east of Raleigh, this is the favorite haunt of birders from the eastern part of the state as well as Virginia and South Carolina…
  • NWR Pea Island

    WebpageSatellite View
    Located on the north end of Hatteras Island, this refuge was established in 1938 for the protection of wildlife, especially migratory waterfowl. Stretching twelve miles from the Oregon Inlet to Rodanthe, it encompasses 6000 acres of land and 25,700 acres of boundary water of the Pamlico Sound, where hunting is off-limits. Pea Island is named for the wild pea vine which grows in there abundance.
  • NWR Pocosin Lakes

    WebpageSatellite View
    The refuge has been working on re-introducing red wolves Canis rufus to the wild in efforts to prevent extinction of the species and to restore the habitat in which red wolves once occurred. On the brink of extinction, the eastern North Carolina red wolf population had been eliminated from the wild and the total population was believed to be less than 100 individuals…
  • North Carolina Division of Parks and Recreation

    WebsiteSatellite View
    The North Carolina State Parks System exists for the enjoyment, education, health, and inspiration of all our citizens and visitors. The mission of the state parks system is to conserve and protect representative examples of the natural beauty, ecological features and recreational resources of statewide significance; to provide outdoor recreational opportunities in a safe and healthy environment; and to provide environmental education opportunities that promote stewardship of the state's natural heritage.
  • SP Chimney Rock Park

    WebsiteSatellite View
    Chimney Rock Park offers excellent opportunities for bird watching throughout the seasons due to its endless variety of habitats ranging from riverbank to high cliffs. Along the Rocky Broad River, floodplain trees and wet thickets attract Yellow and Yellow-throated Warblers. Belted Kingfishers may be seen sitting on a branch surveying the river…
Sightings, News & Forums
  • CarolinaBirds

    Mailing ListBirds and Birding in the Carolinas
    This e-mail list serves as a forum to discuss wild birds, birders, and birding in the Carolinas, including rare birds, bird finding, bird identification, bird behavior, backyard birding, trip reports, bird counts, and bird club information.wild birds, birders, and birding in the Carolinas, including rare birds, bird finding, bird identification, bird behavior, backyard birding, trip reports, bird counts, and bird club information.
  • eBird

    eBirding This Month
Guides & Tour Operators
  • Bald Head Island Conservancy

    Local Tour Operator
    Bald Head Island has been designated an “Important Bird Area” by the Audubon Society due to the wide variety of bird species that can be found here...
  • Best Life Birding- Birdwatching Tours

    Local Tour Operator
    e.g.Birdwatchers and photographers of all skill levels are encouraged to join me as we spot the interesting birds over the course of this 2-hour walking trip where we will explore the wooded trails and shorelines of Lake Lynn.
  • Bird Treks

    Tour Operator
    Bird Treks has been providing small group and custom birding tours for over 20 years. Visit their website to see the incredible tours available, including a Gulf Stream pelagic with Seabirding Pelagic Trips!
  • Blue Ridge Birding Tours

    Local Tour Operator
    Private Birding Tours of the best birding spots in the High Country of North Carolina.
  • Eagle-Eye Birding Tours

    Tour Operator
    An incredible opportunity to observe deep-sea pelagic birds and mammals not normally seen from shore like petrels, shearwaters, jaegers and pilot whales.
  • Masonboro Birding Tours

    Local Tour Operator
    Come join the staff at Wrightsville Beach Scenic Tours, on a discovery birding boat cruise of Masonboro Island and Bradley Creek. Guided eco-cruises are educational boat tours designed to increase conservation awareness about local wildlife and sensitive coastline habitats in New Hanover County.
  • Rockjumper

    Tour Operator
  • Seabirding Pelagic Trips

    Brian Patteson offers pelagic trips from Hatteras, North Carolina to explore our near shore, dynamic ecosystem formed by the combination of the Continental Shelf edge & the Gulf Stream Current.

    Tour Operator
    North Carolina Pelagics and Pineywoods
Trip Reports
  • 2016 [05 May] - Bruce Wedderburn - Southeast USA

    This was a two-month trip to southeast USA for Yvonne and myself, from late March through to late May, with a focus on the Spring migration, in particular the highly varied and colourful warblers. The trip commenced in Dallas in early Spring and involved touring through Texas along the Mexican border, following the Gulf of Mexico around to Florida as far south as Key West, then heading north up the east coast of the USA, then inland to the Appalachian Ranges in North Carolina, before heading west for our return trip to Dallas. Qantas has direct flights from Sydney to Dallas which avoids flying on any internal flights within the USA.
Places to Stay
  • Cape Pines Motel - Buxton

    Welcome to the Cape Pines Motel on Hatteras Island on the beautiful Outer Banks of North Carolina. We are located 1/2 mile south of the entrance to the Cape Hatteras Lighthouse and beautiful ocean beach in the midst of Cape Hatteras National Seashore...
  • Wray House B&B

    During the summer, tables tucked away under the grape arbor are a favorite place for breakfast or quiet conversation. Birds of every feather provide songs and entertainment as they feed and fuss.
Other Links
  • Birding Spots Guide

    The Seashore is famous for its great concentration of migratory birds on the Atlantic Flyway. Nearly 400 species of birds have been sighted within the Parks boundaries and adjacent waters. Bird watching is best during the spring and fall migrations. In Buxton Woods at Cape Point, visitors can explore the largest surviving maritime forest in North Carolina. Hawks are especially predominant here, and a variety of fresh-water reptiles such as yellow-bellied sliders can be found in the freshwater ponds.
  • Cape Lookout National Seashore

    The seashore is a 56 mile long section of the Outer Banks of North Carolina running from Ocracoke Inlet on the northeast to Beaufort Inlet on the southeast. The three undeveloped barrier islands which make up the seashore - North Core Banks, South Core Banks and Shackleford Banks - may seem barren and isolated but they offer many natural and historical features that can make a visit very rewarding…
  • International Center for Birds of Prey

    The International Center for Birds of Prey (ICBP) is a non-profit educational, scientific and conservation organization located near Charleston, South Carolina.
  • North Carolina Birding Trail

    "Birds are our last readily-available connection to the wildness around us."
  • North Carolina Outdoors

    Exploring, Enjoying, and Protecting the Natural and Cultural Heritage of North Carolina.
  • Will Cook's Web Site

    Lots of terrific information and links for Carolina birders!
  • Meg - Taking Flight

    Last updated 2015 - Wild birds in North Carolina…
Photographers & Artists
  • Photographer - Fred Hurteau

    Much of my photography for is done along North Carolina's coastline and inland coastal areas, where my favorite subjects are birds and wild horses. I also frequent many other locations along the eastern seaboard, with ducks, shorebirds and other waterfowl topping my list...

Fatbirder - linking birders worldwide...