State of Vermont

Vermont is a state in the New England region of the Northeastern United States. It borders Massachusetts to the south, New Hampshire to the east, New York to the west, and the Canadian province of Quebec to the north. The state had a population of around 650,000 people, ranking it the second least populated US state. It is the nation’s sixth smallest state in area covering just under 25,000 km2 (c.9,600 square miles). The state’s capital of Montpelier is the least populous US state capital with c8,000 inhabitants. No other US state has a most populous city with fewer residents than Vermont’s; Burlington has less than 45,000 residents.
The geography of the state is marked by the Green Mountains, which run north–south up the middle of the state, separating Lake Champlain and other valley terrain on the west from the Connecticut River Valley that defines much of its eastern border. A majority of its terrain is forested with hardwoods and conifers. The state has warm, humid summers and cold, snowy winters. In the southwest portion of the state are located the Taconic Mountains. In the northwest, near Lake Champlain, is the fertile Champlain Valley. In the south of the valley is Lake Bomoseen.
Northern Green Mountains – ©From the nek CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons
Several mountains have timberlines with delicate year-round alpine ecosystems, including Mount Mansfield, the highest mountain in the state; Killington Peak, the second-highest; Camel’s Hump, the state’s third-highest; and Mount Abraham, the fifth-highest peak. Areas in Vermont administered by the National Park Service include the Marsh-Billings-Rockefeller National Historical Park (in Woodstock) and the Appalachian National Scenic Trail. The topography and climate make sections of Vermont subject to large-scale flooding.
The annual mean temperature for the state is 6 °C. Vermont has a humid continental climate, with muddy springs, in general a mild early summer, hot Augusts; it has colourful autumns: Vermont’s hills reveal red, orange, and (on sugar maples) gold foliage as cold weather approaches. Winters are colder at higher elevations. The rural northeastern section known as the Northeast Kingdom often averages 5.6 °C colder than the southern areas of the state during winter. The annual snowfall averages between 60 and 100 inches depending on elevation, making it the seventh coldest state in the country.
Vermont is in the temperate broadleaf and mixed forests biome. Much of the state, in particular the Green Mountains, is covered by the conifers and northern hardwoods of the New England-Acadian forests. The western border with New York and the area around Lake Champlain lies within the Eastern Great Lakes lowland forests. The southwest corner of the state and parts of the Connecticut River are covered by northeastern coastal forests of mixed oak.
Lake Champlain – ©Annacecchini CC BY-SA 4.0 via Wikimedia Commons
The state contains 41 species of reptiles and amphibians, 89 species of fish, 193 species of breeding birds and 58 species of mammals,including black bears, eastern chipmunks, coyotes, fishers, red and gray foxes, porcupines, and woodchucks.
Since 1970, reduction of farmland has resulted in reduced environment for, and resulted in a decline of, numbers of various shrubland birds, including the American Woodcock, Brown Thrasher, Eastern Towhee, Willow Flycatcher, Golden-winged Warbler, Blue-winged Warbler, Field Sparrow and Baltimore Oriole. Ospreys, whose eggs were previously damaged by DDT, began to reappear in 1998 and by 2010, were no longer endangered in the state.
Birding Vermont
Vermont, the Green Mountain State, is a small New England state with a wide range of birding habitats within a single day’s drive. In the extreme southeast of the state, several southern species reach the northern limit of their range, such as the Red-bellied Woodpecker that nested for the first time in Vermont in 2001 in Brattleboro. In the extreme north, the boreal forests host northern species like the Boreal Chickadee, Gray Jay and Black-backed Woodpecker. The Lake Champlain valley provides lake, river, and marsh habitats and is a stopover Spring and Fall for migrating waterfowl and shorebirds. Recently it has been discovered that this in-land waterway is also a Fall flyway for seabirds, including Jaegers (Skuas) and Gannets.
The Connecticut River Valley is a rich riparian area, highlighted by Herrick’s Cove Important Bird Area near Bellows Fall. Several hawk watches monitor migrating raptors in the Fall, notably on Mt. Philo south of Burlington, and Putney Mountain near Brattleboro; at the latter friendly volunteer hawk watchers readily trade bird gossip between hawk flights.
Dead Creek Wildlife Management Area in Addison provides year-round birding treats, but none better than the presence of thousands of Snow Geese during late October migration (with an occasional Ross’ Goose mixed in). At the right time of year, the endangered Bicknell’s Thrush can be lured out of hiding in the spruce forests on the mountain tops where research on this species also, and unexpectedly, turned up nesting Boreal Owls. The rich birding opportunities provided by Vermont is found in the most rural and environmentally progressive state in the union. Small villages hearken back to the early nineteenth century, long before sprawl took over, and small cities retain evidence of the early industrial age, a time before bigness became the norm.
Number of bird species: 398
(As at October 2024)State Bird: Hermit Thrush Catharus guttatus
PDF ChecklistThis checklist includes all bird species found in Vermont , based on the best information available at this time. It is based on a wide variety of sources that I collated over many years. I am pleased to offer these checklists as a service to birdwatchers. If you find any error, please do not hesitate to report them. -
Vermont Center for Ecostudies
PDF ChecklistThis checklist includes all species for which acceptable specimen, photographic, or written documentation exists for Vermont. The list has been approved by the Vermont Bird Records Committee and includes 388 species representing 22 orders and 63 families of birds. The names of the birds and their taxonomic arrangement follow the American Ornithological Society Checklist of North Am -
Annotated ListThis list of birds of Vermont is a comprehensive listing of all the bird species recorded in the U.S. state of Vermont. This list is based on the list published by the Vermont Bird Records Committee (VBRC). As of March 2024 there were 396 species on the list, representing 22 orders and 63 families of bird. -
PDFChecklistThis checklist is generated with data from eBird (, a global database of bird sightings from birders like you. If you enjoy this checklist, please consider contributing your sightings to eBird. It is 100% free to take part, and your observations will help support birders, researchers, and conservationists worldwide.
Birding New England
| A Field Guide to the Birds of Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, Maine, New Hampshire, and Vermont | By Randy & Nic Minetor | Falcon Guides | 2019 | Paperback | 352 pages, 395 colour photos, 1 colour illustration, 144 maps | ISBN: 9781493033881 Buy this book from -
Birds of New Hampshire & Vermont Field Guide
| By Stan Tekiela | Adventure Publications | 2016 | Paperback | 340 pages, colour photos, colour distribution maps | ISBN: 9781591936404 Buy this book from -
Birds of Vermont
| By Marc Parnell | Naturalist & Traveler Press | 2022 | Paperback | 264 pages, colour photos | ISBN: 9781954228313 Buy this book from -
Birdwatching in Vermont
| By Ted Murin & Bryan Pfeiffer | University Press of New England | 2002 | Paperback | 191 pages, B/w photos, maps | ISBN: 9781584651888 Buy this book from -
The Second Atlas of Breeding Birds of Vermont
| Edited by Rosalind B Renfrew | University Press of New England | 2013 | Hardback | ISBN: 9781611683486 Buy this book from
Audubon Bird and Barn Festival
WebpageA birding event for all abilities at the Audubon Bird and Barn Festival -
Dead Creek Wildlife Day
WebpageJoin us at Vermont Fish and Wildlife’s annual Dead Creek Wildlife Day — for all lovers of the outdoors. From walks and talks to bird banding and more: bring friends and family to Dead Creek Wildlife Day. -
Herricks Cove Wildlife Festival
WebpageThe Herricks Cove Wildlife Festival was held May 5, 2024. Over 1300 attendees and 160 volunteers, vendors, exhibitors, and service providers came out to enjoy and learn about nature despite the rain and cold. Next year’s festival will be the first Sunday in May - May 4, 2025. Hope to see you there.
Dead Creek Visitor Center
Observatory WebsiteSatellite ViewThe Dead Creek Visitor Center is an educational resource featuring displays highlighting the history of Dead Creek and conservation, fish and wildlife management, conservation partnerships, habitat, and more. -
Mount Mansfield Banding Station
Banding StationSatellite ViewIn June 1992, on the fog shrouded ridgeline of Vermont's highest peak, Chris Rimmer captured, banded, and released a small songbird. Over two decades later and nearly 11,000 birds banded, our data are helping to shed light on population changes, demographics, and avian health. -
North Branch Nature Center
Banding StationSatellite Viewird research is an integral part of our work at North Branch Nature Center. Each spring and summer, we operate a songbird banding station at which our skilled staff and volunteer researchers catch, band, measure, and safely release birds.
Birds of Vermont Museum
MuseumThe Birds of Vermont Museum is a unique resource for Vermont - a natural history museum based on wood carvings of the state`s birds. A private, non-profit educational organization, the Museum was created by the vision and dedication of founder Robert N. Spear, Jr. Bob, who is a talented naturalist and artist, and a native Vermonter, has spent 17 years creating the first 170 exhibits. They depict Vermont's nesting species in their natural habitats as well as North America's endangered and extinct species in a special exhibit hall of individual carvings. -
Southern Vermont Natural History Museum
MuseumThe Southern Vermont Natural History Museum fosters an interest in nature, the environment and the natural sciences through exhibition and educational activities. The museum displays one of New England's largest collections of native species along with live animal exhibits, ecology, geology and natural history exhibits. With nearby access to over 600 protected acres of hiking trails, the family fun and adventure can continue outside year-round.
Ascutney Mountain Audubon Society
WebsiteServing the communities of Andover, Bridgewater, Cavendish, Chester, Grafton, Hartland, Londonderry, Ludlow, Plymouth, Reading, Rockingham, Springfield, Weathersfield, Westminster, Weston, West Windsor, Windsor, and Woodstock in Vermont, and Acworth, Alstead, Charlestown, Claremont, Cornish, Langdon, Unity, and Walpole in New Hampshire. -
Audubon Vermont
WebsiteAudubon Vermont's Mission is to protect birds, wildlife and their habitat through engaging people of all ages in education, conservation, stewardship and action. -
Audubon in Vermont
WebsiteOffices & Chapters; Centers & Sanctuaries... -
Green Mountain Audubon
WebsiteThe Green Mountain Audubon Society was founded in 1962 as an independent Vermont corporation and became a chapter of the National Audubon Society to promote environmental education, wildlife protection and land conservation. -
Nature Conservancy in Vermont
WebsiteWhen you donate today, you will help ensure a thriving natural environment for future generations of Vermont. -
Otter Creek Audubon Society
WebsiteWe are the Addison County, Vermont chapter of the National Audubon Society. Our mission is to protect birds, other wildlife and their habitats by encouraging a culture of conservation within Addison County. We do this through a variety of educational and community outreach programs and all our efforts are volunteer run. You can support us by becoming a member, volunteering to help with events, telling us about your Wildlife Sightings in Addison County, and taking note of the important issues we advocate. -
Rutland County Audubon
WebsiteRutland County Audubon has developed a list of places to bird in our area – places that are special to us and are representative of the variety of habitats we are fortunate to have in our area. These are places that are publicly accessible; some are large, some small. A few will involve hiking and others can be canoed or kayaked. -
Southeastern Vermont Audubon Society
WebsiteSoutheastern Vermont Audubon Society serves the southeastern corner of Vermont. Activities include free monthly programs (third Tuesday); trips for the endangered Bicknell`s Thrush, co-sponsor (with Ascutney Mountain) of the autumn Putney Mountain Hawk Watch. Contact -
Taconic Tri-State Audubon Society
Po Box 926, Bennington, VT 05201-0926
*Protected areas of Vermont
InformationSatellite ViewPaths, parks, arboreta etc -
*Vermont's State Parks
InformationSatellite View -
IBA Lake Champlain Birding Trail
InformationSatellite ViewThis trail is a highway-based trail (approximately 300 miles) which unifies and connects 87 birding sites along the Lake Champlain shoreline and uplands in Vermont and New York… -
IBA Mansfield Worcester Forest Block
InformationSatellite ViewThis IBA contains the spine of the Green Mountains from Breadloaf north through the Smuggler's Notch area and the entire Worcester Range, a sub-range of the Green Mountains. This area contains a wide variety of forested habitats, including high-elevation spruce-fir forest, mixed hardwood-conifer forest, and northern hardwoods forest. This is some of the largest area of spruce-fir, a critical habitat type for Bicknell's Thrush and Blackpoll Warbler, in the State of Vermont. Lower elevations also support many other forest species, including Black-throated Blue Warblers and other species targeted as part of the Vermont Forest Bird Initiative. -
IBA The Connecticut River Birding Trail
InformationSatellite ViewConnecticut River Birding Trail, 104 Railroad Row, White River Junction, VT 05001 Tel:(802) 291-91- ext. 107 The mission of the Connecticut River Birding Trail (CRBT) is to encourage visitors and residents of the region to bird watch and enjoy natural history by unifying the outstanding natural resources of the Upper Valley region of the Connecticut River through a connection of 70+ birding sites via a highway-based trail. The trail extends from Woodsville, New Hampshire to Springfield, Vermont and includes sites east and west of the river.This watershed has many special and significant natural areas with excellent resources available to the public. It is blessed with a wonderful seasonal variety and diversity of plant and animal species… -
NC Eleanor Ellis Springweather Nature Area
WebpageSatellite ViewA Cooperative Project of the Ascutney Mountain Audubon Society and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Springweather Nature Area overlooks North Springfield Lake on the border of Springfield and Weathersfield, VT. Trails meander through 70 acres of fields and forests, and provide many opportunities to enjoy the natural world. -
NC Green Mountain Audubon Center
WebpageSatellite ViewThe Green Mountain Audubon Center is operated by Audubon Vermont, the state program of the National Audubon Society. Nestled in the foothills of the Green Mountains, the 250-acre Green Mountain Audubon Center offers outstanding opportunities for exploration and discovery of the natural world of Vermont. Five miles of trails wind their way through a variety of natural communities including, northern hardwood forest, hemlock swamp, and the Huntington River. -
NF Green Mountain National Forest
InformationSatellite ViewThe forest supports a variety of wildlife, including beaver, moose, coyote, black bear, and white tailed deer. It also supports an abundant variety of bird species, such as wild turkey and ruffed grouse. The forest, being situated in Vermont's Green Mountains, has been referred to as the 'granite backbone' of the state. -
NR Babcock Nature Preserve
InformationSatellite ViewThe preserve comprises a 1,000-acre (1.4 km²) tract of boreal forest land owned and maintained by Johnson State College and the Vermont State Colleges for scientific and educational study. -
NR Eshqua Nature Conservancy Fee Land
InformationSatellite ViewThe Eshqua Nature Conservancy Fee Land, known commonly as the Eshqua Bog, is a protected area in Hartland, Vermont. It is 41 acres containing a wet bog. It is near Woodstock, about 11 miles west of White River Junction. There is a boardwalk allowing access to the wetland and views of rare plants. -
NR Weathersfield Great Blue Heron Rookery
WebpageSatellite ViewIn 1985, a Great Blue Heron rookery was discovered in a beaver pond in Weathersfield, Vermont. At the time, the rookery was composed of four active nests. The rookery grew to a high of 12 nests and 38 fledglings in 1992. In order to protect this very sensitive site, AMAS, in cooperation with the landowner, successfully petitioned the Vermont Water Resources Board to expand the wetalnds buffer around the rookery… -
NWR Missisquoi
WebpageSatellite ViewHere, the Missisquoi River meanders through beds of wild rice and stands of wetland plants such as arrowhead, bulrush and wild celery. In addition to 500 acres of natural marsh, the refuge includes 1,800 acres of managed wetlands formed by three diked impoundments. These pools are a mix of open water and rich stands of emergent plants, shrubs, and wooded swamps that offer food and cover for waterfowl. Although refuge waters attract waterfowl most of the year, peak use is in the fall, when thousands of ring-necked ducks settle in to feed with hundreds of green-winged teal, black ducks, and mallards. -
NWR Silvio O. Conte National Fish and Wildlife Refuge
InformationSatellite ViewSilvio O. Conte National Fish and Wildlife Refuge was established in 1997 to conserve, protect and enhance the abundance and diversity of native plant, fish and wildlife species and the ecosystems on which they depend throughout the 7,200,000-acre (29,000 km2) Connecticut River watershed.
Mailing List & ForumThis is the official home page for VTBIRD, the Vermont Birding Discussion List. For the convenience of subscribers, information from the VTBIRD welcome message is included below. Guidelines were modeled after those used by BIRDCHAT and other, established, bird discussion lists. Also included are resources about viruses and other pertinent topics.on the Web at -
Vermont Bird Records Checker
Report SightingsThe Vermont Bird Records Committee depends upon birders in the field submitting rare bird reports in the state. Below are some tools to see whether or not your bird sighting warrants a rare bird report. If you're unsure or if you think that someone else may have also submitted a report of the same bird, contact your eBird reviewer. -
Vermont Rare Bird Alert
SightingsThe report below shows observations of rare birds in Vermont.
New England Bird Tours
Tour OperatorNew England Bird Tours offers guided tours exploring the diverse, unique and beautiful landscapes of northern New England, and indulging in the spectacular array of bird species, from the mountaintop Bicknell’s Thrush to the offshore Atlantic Puffin, and the myriad of warblers throughout. Our tours traverse the lovely scenic states of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Maine, through their quaint villages and towns, their majestic and pristine mountain and lake landscapes, and to the breathtaking coastline with its iconic lighthouses and fishing villages.
2016 [10 October] - James P Smith - New England
PDF Report -
2019 [10 October] - James P Smith
PDF Report...PDF Report... -
2022 [07 July] - Dave Hof –
PDF ReportFirst thing in the morning we headed south to Cram Road powerline to search for our first songbirds of the tour, and we found plenty, including eight warbler species (Prairie Warbler and Blue-winged Warbler among them). Many of these species were not new for the group but kicked off our trip list in fine fashion. Next up, Dave took us to a secret location near his home in Ripton where he had staked out a Northern Goshawk nest...
Inn at Buck Hollow Farm B&B
AccommodationWhether you decide to walk our wooded trails, cuddle a spring lamb, listen to a brook, or simply sit by the heated pool and watch the birds, we believe you will appreciate the special country atmosphere of spring and summer in this northern Vermont location. -
Ryegate House B&B
AccommodationRyegate House is a completely renovated 150+ year old farmhouse just three miles from I-91. Year round fun & relaxation. Birds, flowers, fresh air, & vegetables in the Spring and Summer. Foliage tours in the Fall. Skiing, etc or just sitting by the fire in the Winter. -
Trapp Family Lodge - Stowe
AccommodationAustrian-inspired touches enhance your warm and inviting lodging options. Whether it’s our 96-room historic Alpine Lodge, our 100 cozy Guest House Chalets or our luxurious 3 bedroom Villas, the options allow you to choose the ideal destination for you and your family. Relax and rejuvenate at our 2,400 acre mountain resort… -
Woodstock Inn & Resort
AccommodationThe Woodstock Inn & Resort faces the heart of town - the Village Green - with shops, restaurants, and area attractions just a short walk from the lobby. As quaint as our community feels, The Resort offers our guests a full range of modern services and luxuries. We balance the best of both worlds to make your vacation memorable, comfortable, and as convenient as possible…
Backyard Birding
WebsiteMy wife and I have been birding for a very short time. We mostly stay in the Champlain Valley -
Birds of New England
WebsiteSome excellent photographs -
Vermont Center for Ecostudies
WebsiteWhat lives here? Where is it? What’s common? What’s at risk? The answers lie scattered among books, reports, computers, museums and even the memories or journals of Vermonters now living or long passed. The average department store knows more about its inventory than we know about what lives in Vermont. In the information age, this is troubling...
Dick Mansfield - Vermont Birder
BLOGSharing observed birds and what I learn birding New England & the Southwest… -
Ken Cox - Northern Wings
BLOGLast updated December 2017 - Ken Cox - Reading, Vermont, United States - My fascination with birds and other wildlife formed during early childhood and became firmly rooted in my life during the early 1970s while attending the University of New Hampshire. Since then I have birded extensively throughout the Northeast, Southeast and Southwest.
Photographer - Ted Shiffman
GallerySome brilliant wildlife shots from this Vermont based photographer.