State of Washington

Washington is the northernmost state in the Pacific Northwest region of the United States. It is often referred to as Washington state to distinguish it from the national capital, both named for George Washington (the first US president). Washington borders the Pacific Ocean to the west, Oregon to the south, Idaho to the east, and shares an international border with the Canadian province of British Columbia to the north. Olympia is the state capital, and the most populous city is Seattle with almost 800,000 people. It is the 18th-largest state, with an area of nearly 185,000 km2 (over 71,000 square miles), and the 13th-most populous state, with just over 8 million people. The majority (4.5 million) of Washington’s residents live in the Seattle metropolitan area, the centre of transportation, business, and industry on Puget Sound, an inlet of the Pacific Ocean consisting of numerous islands, deep fjords and bays carved out by glaciers. The remainder of the state consists of deep temperate rainforests in the west; mountain ranges in the west, centre, northeast, and far southeast; and a semi-arid basin region in the east, centre, and south, given over to intensive agriculture. Washington is the second most populous state on the West Coast and in the Western United States, after California. Mount Rainier, an active stratovolcano, is the state’s highest elevation at 14,411 feet and is the most topographically prominent mountain in the contiguous US.
The high mountains of the Cascade Range which has active volcanoes run north-south, bisecting the state. The west has a mostly Mediterranean climate, with mild temperatures and wet winters, autumns and springs, and relatively dry summers. Western Washington also is home of the Olympic Mountains, far west on the Olympic Peninsula, which support dense forests of conifers and areas of temperate rainforest. These deep forests, such as the Hoh Rainforest, are among the only rainforests in the continental United States. The east has a relatively dry climate, in distinct contrast to the west side. It includes large areas of semiarid steppe and a few truly arid deserts in the rain shadow of the Cascades.
Cascade Pass and Pelton Basin, Cascade Range – ©National Park Service/Deby Dixon, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons
The soil is highly productive and irrigation, aided by dams along the Columbia River, is fairly widespread. The spread of population in Eastern Washington is dominated by access to water, especially rivers. The main cities are all located alongside rivers or lakes; most of them are named after the river or lake they adjoin. The Okanogan Highlands and the rugged Kettle River Range and Selkirk Mountains cover much of the state’s northeastern quadrant. The Palouse southeast region of Washington was grassland that has been mostly converted into farmland, and extends to the Blue Mountains
Washington is a leading lumber producer, the largest producer of apples, hops, pears, blueberries, spearmint oil, and sweet cherries in the US, and ranks high in the production of apricots, asparagus, peas, grapes, lentils, peppermint oil, and potatoes. Livestock, livestock products, and commercial fishing, particularly of salmon, halibut, and flatfish, are also significant contributors to the state’s economy. Washington ranks second only to California in wine production. Manufacturing industries in Washington include aircraft, missiles, shipbuilding, and other transportation equipment, food processing, metals, and metal products, chemicals, and machinery.
Forests cover about half the state’s land area, mostly west of the northern Cascades. Approximately two-thirds of Washington’s forested area is publicly owned, including 64 percent of federal land. Common trees and plants in the region are camassia, Douglas fir, hemlock, penstemon, ponderosa pine, western red cedar, and many species of ferns. The state’s various areas of wilderness offer sanctuary, with substantially large populations of shorebirds and marine mammals. The Pacific shore surrounding the San Juan Islands is heavily inhabited by killer, grey, and humpback whales. In Eastern Washington, the flora is vastly different. Tumbleweeds and sagebrush dominate the landscape throughout large parts of the countryside. Russian olives and other trees are common alongside riverbanks; however, apart from the riversides, large swaths of Eastern Washington have no naturally existing trees at all (though many trees have been planted and are irrigated by people, of course). A wider variety of flora can be found in both the Blue Mountains and the eastern sides of the Cascades.
Washington has a variety of National Park Service units. Among these are the Alta Lake State Park, Lake Roosevelt National Recreation Area, San Juan Islands National Wildlife Refuge, as well as three national parks – the Olympic National Park, North Cascades National Park, and Mount Rainier National Park. Almost 95 percent (354,714 hectares) of Olympic National Park’s area has been designated as wilderness under the National Wilderness Preservation System. Additionally, there are 143 state parks and 9 national forests, run by the Washington State Park System and the United States Forest Service. The Okanogan National Forest is the largest national forest on the West Coast, encompassing 606,633 ha. It is managed together as the Okanogan–Wenatchee National Forest, encompassing a considerably larger area of around 1,310,940 ha.
Okanogan National Forest – ©Miguel Vieira, CC BY 2.0 via Wikimedia Commons
Because of the wide range of geography, the state of Washington is home to several different ecoregions, which allow for a varied range of bird species. This range includes raptors, shorebirds, woodland birds, grassland birds, ducks, and others
Birding Washington
The state is divided by the Cascade Mountains, with the western third (Western Washington) being the wet side and the eastern two-thirds (Eastern Washington) being the dry side.
Western Washington is dominated by wet coniferous forests, and by coastal areas and inland marine habitats. There are an abundance of wetlands as well. The, Olympic Mountains, separated from the rest of Western Washington by Puget Sound, reach to nearly eight thousand feet. The Cascade Range is even more impressive with a ridge running north to south across the state, ranging from about 3000 feet high to over 8000 feet (900 – 2400 meters); and with four huge volcanoes (Adams, Baker, St. Helens, and Rainier) towering above. Mt. Rainier, at 14,411 feet (4392 meters) is the fifth tallest peak in the 48 contiguous states.
Eastern Washington, while generally drier (and much less populated) than Western Washington, has perhaps even more habitat diversity. The eastern slopes of the Cascades feature dry coniferous forest, which fades into sagebrush hills. The mighty Columbia River cuts across the state, providing water to orchards and fields. In the northeast, higher elevation dry forest changes to wet forest again, as the Rocky Mountains just touch the northeast corner of the state. In the centre and southeast of Eastern Washington, huge wheat fields dominate.
Because of the wide range of elevations, habitats, and climatic zones, there is no simple list of best birding spots. Luckily, despite its large size, any point in Washington can be reached in a single day’s drive from Seattle, as long as you don’t stop to bird too much on the way!
Gray’s Harbor NWR – ©Harvey Barrison, CC BY-SA 2.0 via Wikimedia Commons
On the coast, the area around Grays Harbor is recommended, as is the less accessible Cape Flattery area. Some of the best birding is at Ocean Shores. Pelagic trips are periodically run out of Westport. Along the Strait of Juan de Fuca, which separates the Olympic Peninsula from Vancouver Island, there is an abundance of good birding, especially around Port Angeles and Sequim.
In the Puget Sound area, Whidbey Island is a good bet, but there are plenty of good locations in and around the cities as well, including Discovery Park (Seattle); Spencer Island (Everett) and the Nisqually National Wildlife Refuge (south of Tacoma).
Birding the Cascade crest is more difficult, but can yield White-tailed Ptarmigan and Gray-crowned Rosy Finch (both only at highest elevations).
In Eastern Washington, the dry coniferous forests can be outstanding, especially spring in the Wenas valley, between Ellensburg and Yakima. The Okanogan region, with its higher latitudes and higher elevations, is the best place for boreal species. To the south, the Walla Walla river delta is great, especially for fall shorebird migration. The potholes area and the Columbia NWR, in the centre of the state, has countless lakes and ponds in a desert environment, providing oases for birds.
Michael Hobbs
Number of bird species: 540
(As at Octrober 2024)State Bird: Willow Goldfinch Fringilla tristis
PDF ChecklistThis checklist includes all bird species found in Washington , based on the best information available at this time. It is based on a wide variety of sources that I collated over many years. I am pleased to offer these checklists as a service to birdwatchers. If you find any error, please do not hesitate to report them. -
Washington Bird Records Committee
PDF ChecklistCompiled by the WOS Bird Records Committee. Updated November 2023. -
Annotated ListThis list of birds of Washington includes species credibly documented in the U.S. state of Washington. Unless otherwise noted, the list is that of the Washington Bird Records Committee (WBRC) of the Washington Ornithological Society. As of November 2021, the list contained 522 species. -
PDF ChecklistThis checklist is generated with data from eBird (, a global database of bird sightings from birders like you. If you enjoy this checklist, please consider contributing your sightings to eBird. It is 100% free to take part, and your observations will help support birders, researchers, and conservationists worldwide.
A Birder's Guide to Washington
| Edited by Jane Hadley | Washington Ornithological Society | 2015 | Paperback | 613 pages, 220+ b/w maps | ISBN: 9781878788405 Buy this book from -
American Birding Association Field Guide to Birds of Washington
| by Dennis R Paulson | Scott & Nix, Inc | 2020 | Flexibound | 349 pages, 350+ colour photos | ISBN: 9781935622727 Buy this book from -
Backyard Birdwatching in Seattle
| (An Introduction to Birding and Common Backyard Birds of Western Washington) | by Cornell Lab of Ornithology | Waterford Press | 2019 | Unbound | 12 pages, colour illustrations | ISBN: 9781620053591 Buy this book from -
Birding Washington
| By Rob McNair-Huff & Natalie McNair-Huff | Falcon Press | 2004 | Paperback | 388 pages, 65 b/w photos, 50 maps | ISBN: 9780762725779 Buy this book from -
Birds of Washington State
| By Brian Bell, Gregory Kennedy, Chris Fisher & Andy Bezener | Lone Pine Publishing | 2017 | 384 pages, colour illustrations, colour distribution maps | ISBN: 9781772130232 Buy this book from -
Birds of the Inland Northwest and Northern Rockies:
| (Includes Idaho, Eastern Washington and Oregon, and Western Montana) | By Harry Nehls, Mike Denny & Dave Trochlell | R W Morse Company | 2008 | 422 pages, colour photos, maps | Out of Print | ISBN: 9780964081062 Buy this book from -
Birds of the Pacific Northwest
| By Todd Telander | Falcon Guides | 2020 | Edition 2 | Flexibound | 190 pages, colour illustrations | ISBN: 9781493051922 Buy this book from -
National Geographic Field Guide to Birds: Washington and Oregon
| By Jonathan Alderfer | National Geographic Society | 2006 | Paperback | 272 pages, maps, photos, drawings | Out of Print | ISBN: 9780792253136 Buy this book from -
Washington State Birds : A Folding Pocket Guide to Familiar Species
| By James Kavanagh & Raymond Leung | Waterford Press | 2001 | Unbound | 12 pages, colour illustrations, 1 colour map | ISBN: 9781583551196 Buy this book from
BirdFest & Bluegrass Festival
WebpageThe 2024 American Bald Eagle commemorative BirdFest & Bluegrass Buttons are available now for $5.00 at select businesses: -
Grays Harbor Shorebird and Nature Festival
WebsiteCelebrating the natural world and the spring shorebird migration! -
Leavenworth Spring Bird Fest
WebpageThe Leavenworth Spring Bird Fest, put on by the Wenatchee River Institute and North Central Washington Audubon Society, occurs every 3rd weekend in May. The dates for the 23rd annual Leavenworth Spring Bird Fest are: -
Olympic Birdfest
WebsiteThe North Olympic Peninsula, a strip of coastlines and forests between million-acre Olympic National Park and the Strait of Juan de Fuca, is widely known as a great place for bird watching. -
Othello Sandhill Crane Festival
Facebook PageThe Othello Sandhill Crane Festival is a three-day event generally held that end of March. Pricing ranges from $5/$7 general admission fee to tour fees ranging... -
Puget Sound Bird Fest
Webpagejoin us for the 22nd annual puget sound bird fest May 31 - June 1, 2025 -
Skagit Eagle Festival
WebpageIn the winter, large numbers migrate from as far away as Alaska to eat the dead salmon carcasses that abound in the Skagit River and its tributaries. The best eagle-watching season is from late November to late January, with eagle numbers peaking from Christmas through the second week of January – about two weeks after the peak of salmon spawning (and dying). -
Wings Over Water NW Birding Festival
WebsiteThe 17th Annual Wings Over Water Birding Festival March 15 – 17, 2019 in Blaine, Washington celebrates the incredible variety of migratory birds that flock to the coastal waters of Drayton Harbor, Birch Bay and Semiahmoo Bay at the northwest corner of Washington State. This major stopover on the Pacific Flyway between Seattle, Washington and Vancouver, BC is designated as an Important Birding Area (IBA) and is the anchor for the North Cascades Loop of the Great Washington State Birding Trail. -
Wings Over Whidbey Festival
WebpageThis year it will be a full one-day all ages community bird and nature festival with a well-rounded variety of fun to include educational and informational presentations. We have some exciting presenters lined up. Discovery Bay Wild Bird Rescue will be returning. Caitlyn Toroman, local master falconer, will be doing a presentation on falconry and raptor conservation and Sarah Schmidt will be doing a presentation on bats. -
Wings Over Willapa Festival
WebpageThe Wings Over Willapa festival has finished another successful run for 2024. Starting early Saturday morning September 20 at 7:30 for the ever popular Leadbetter Adventure to the concluding event, Bird Baths from Clay, Sunday afternoon September 22 at 1:00. -
Yakima River Canyon Bird Fest
WebpageThe Kittitas Environmental Education Network (KEEN) invites you to the 25th annual Get Intimate with the Shrub Steppe (GISS), a by-donation community event highlighting the endangered shrub-steppe habitat in Central Washington.
Methow Valley Bird Banding
Observatory WebsiteSatellite ViewThe year 2020 marked the fourth nesting season I have operated a MAPS (Monitoring Avian Productivity and Survivorship) bird banding station in the Methow Valley. -
Puget Sound Bird Observatory
Observatory WebsiteSatellite ViewPuget Sound Bird Observatory (PSBO) studies birds and their habitats in the Pacific Northwest to better understand changes in bird populations, to inform decision, and to engage the public with birds and their needs. PSBO is a 501(c)(3) organization of dedicated scientists, researchers, bird enthusiasts and volunteers who are working together to strengthen our knowledge of our region's avian residents. -
Western Bird Banding Association
WebsiteSatellite encourage and promote bird banding as a useful tool in the study of the biology and migration of western birds.
Burke Museum
MuseumThe Ornithology Collection at the Burke serves as a unique resource for formal scientific research. Specimens in the collection are the only mechanism for learning new things about historical populations and environments. The collection is like a library, allowing researchers to examine specimens collected well before research questions are asked. -
Slater Museum Ornithology Collection
MuseumThe Slater Museum of Natural History was founded as the Puget Sound Museum of Natural History in 1930. James R. Slater started the museum as a collection of reptiles and amphibians and was the director from 1930-1951. The Bird Division was established in 1934 by Gordon D. Alcorn.
Audubon Washington
WebsiteAudubon Washington conserves and restores natural ecosystems, focusing on birds, other wildlife, and their habitats for the benefit of humanity and the earth's biological diversity -
Birds Connect Seattle
WebsiteBirds Connect Seattle advocates and organizes for cities where people and birds thrive. -
Black Hills
WebsiteBlack Hills Audubon Society represents Lewis, Mason, and Thurston counties in Washington. We are affiliated with National Audubon. Our goals are to maintain and protect our ecosystems for future generations, and promote environmental education and recreation -
Blue Mountain Audubon Society
WebsiteBlue Mountain Audubon Society general membership meetings are held on the third Thursday of every month, 7:30 p.m. at the Fellowship Hall, First Congregational Church, corner of Palouse and Alder, Walla Walla… -
Central Basin Audubon Society
WebpageWe are a chapter of the National Audubon Society with national memberships of over 500,000. There are over 30,000 memberships in the state of Washington. Our chapter now has about 150 members and is growing. We received our charter in 1989. The purposes of the CBAS are education, conservation, and recreation, to encourage public appreciation of the values of wildlife and natural habitats and to stimulate action for their protection. -
Eastside Audubon
WebsiteEastside Audubon serves east King County through birding activities, conservation, and nature education. Our communities include Bellevue, Bothell, Carnation, Clyde Hill, Duvall, Fall City, Hunts Point, Issaquah, Kenmore, Kirkland, Medina, North Bend, Preston, Redmond, Sammamish, Snoqualmie, Woodinville, Yarrow Point, and unincorporated areas. -
Grays Harbor Audubon Society
WebsiteThe mission of the Grays Harbor Audubon Society is to seek a sustainable balance between human activity and the needs of the environment, and to promote enjoyment of birds and the natural world. -
Kitsap Audubon Society
Website -
Kittitas Audubon Society
Facebook PageThe mission of the Kittitas Audubon Society is to develop an appreciation of nature through education and conservation with a focus on birds. -
Lower Columbia Basin Audubon Society
WebsiteThe Lower Columbia Basin Audubon Society is the chapter of the National Audubon Society located in the Tri-Cities area (Richland, Kennewick, Pasco) of south-eastern Washington State. Our area is primarily a dry, sagebrush/chaparral type of environment, but we are located at the confluence of three major rivers, the Yakima, the Snake, and the Columbia, which, together with much agricultural irrigation, gives us a large amount of wetlands and riverine environments. This combination of factors, as well as our location under a major bird migratory pathway, gives us a much larger variety of species than might otherwise be expected -
Nature Conservancy of Washington
WebsiteOur vision is of thriving nature and thriving communities — a shared future that enables us to prosper while we care for the lands and waters that sustain us. Learn more about the places you are helping us protect in Washington state. -
North Cascades Audubon Society
WebsiteSince 1970, the North Cascades Audubon Society has represented the interests and importance of wildlife, habitat and the environment in Whatcom County. -
North Central Washington Audubon
WebsiteOur area includes four counties: Chelan, Douglas, Okanogan, and Ferry. The total area is just over 12,200 square miles (31,600 square kilometers), which is roughly the size of Belgium. This is one of the largest areas for a single Audubon chapter in the state. The area includes extensive shrub-steppe, aquatic and riparian areas, and upland forest communities. -
Olympic Peninsula Audubon Society
WebsiteBird Walk every Wednesday at 8:30 a.m. Meet at the Dungeness River Audubon Center -
Palouse Audubon Society
WebsiteThe mission of the Palouse Audubon Society is to promote education, conservation, and the restoration of natural ecosystems focusing on birds, other wildlife, and their habitats for the benefit of humanity and the earth’s biological diversity. -
Pilchuck Audubon Society
WebsitePilchuck Audubon Society is a grassroots environmental organization with approximately 1,500 members in Snohomish County and Camano Island, WA. Our mission is to conserve and restore natural ecosystems focusing on birds and other wildlife for the benefit of the earth`s biological diversity -
Rainier Audubon Society
WebsiteMission: To conserve and restore natural ecosystems and protect birds and other wildlife for the benefit of humanity and biological diversity in South King County and the world we live in -
Rainshadow Bird Alliance
WebsiteBirding around Port Townsend -
San Juan Islands Audubon Society
Facebook PageThis is the web site of the San Juan Islands Audubon Society. We are a group who meets for bird walks monthly on one of the four islands in the San Juan Islands serviced by the ferry system. Our basic philosophy is enjoy the wildlife and try to tread lightly. Our goal is to attain a better understanding and respect for the flora and fauna of our surroundings. We invite all to join us -
Skagit Audubon Society
WebsiteThe mission of the National Audubon Society is to conserve and restore natural ecosystems, focusing on birds, other wildlife, and their habitats for the benefit of humanity and the Earth`s biological diversity. This site is also a better than average one; well laid out and full of good stuff. -
Spokane Audubon
WebsiteTo provide services to the Spokane region that allow natural ecosystems to become more healthy, thriving and restorative, to nurture and protect birds and other wildlife and their habitats, and to encourage biological diversity for the benefit of people and nature in the Spokane region and the world we live in. Education Program services include Audubon Adventures, Nature Mapping projects and the Spokane Audubon Centre for nature projects. Conservation Program services include the Important Bird Areas program. An attractive site with nice bird photos too. -
Tahoma Bird Alliance
WebsiteThe Tahoma Audubon Societyconnects people to nature through education, recreation and conservation. Founded in 1969, Tahoma Audubon Society is a member-driven and volunteer-supported grassroots organization that is recognized as a conservation leader. Tahoma Audubon Society is the Pierce County Chapter of the National Audubon Society. Tahoma Audubon's members, volunteers, and staff partner together to make a positive difference in the lives of people, birds, and wildlife in Pierce County, Washington, while protecting habitats for future generations. -
Vancouver Audubon Society
WebsiteVancouver Audubon Meets at the: Clark County Genealogical Society, 717 Grand Boulevard (Grand & Evergreen) Vancouver, Washington (just south of Mill Plain on NE corner) -
Vashon Bird Alliance
WebsiteThe Vashon Bird Alliance is a nonprofit, all-volunteer organization that was founded in 1989. It encompasses two connected islands, Vashon and Maury. It was formerly called Vashon-Maury Island Audubon Society. -
Washington Bird Records Committee & Rare Bird Reports
WebsiteDetails of what to submit and where to send it etc. -
Washington Brant Foundation
Facebook PageThe Black Brant (Branta bernicla nigricans) is a small sea goose that is about the size of the common Mallard and stages one of the most spectacular migrations of all waterfowl… -
Washington Ornithological Society
WebsiteThe Washington Ornithological Society was chartered in 1988 to increase knowledge of the birds of Washington and to enhance communication among all persons interested in those birds... -
Whidbey Island Audubon Society
WebsiteWhidbey Audubon Society is dedicated to the protection of wildlife species and their habitat on Whidbey Island and surrounding waters -
Willapa Hills Audubon Society
WebsiteWillapa Hills Audubon Society (WHAS) is a local chapter of the National Audubon Society and is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt, non-profit organization. WHAS covers Cowlitz County, Wahkiakum County and all parts south of South Bend in Pacific County in Southwest Washington as well as parts of Columbia County in Northwest Oregon. -
Yakima Valley Audubon Society
WebsiteThe Yakima Valley Audubon Society (YVAS), in Yakima, Washington, is dedicated to the enjoyment and preservation of the natural world. Through birding, education and conservation activities in our community, we raise awareness and promote the cause of global environmental protection. YVAS is a chapter of the National Audubon Society and serves its members in the Yakima Valley.
*Protected areas of Washington
Observatory WebsiteSatellite ViewParks, Forests, Refuges etc -
NC Adriana Hess Wetland Park
Facebook PageSatellite ViewTahoma Audubon offers a wide range of activities at this small urban park. If you are looking to stay outdoors, you'll find an ADA-compliant trail that leads you through our demonstration backyard habitat area along the Donna Cooper Pepos Native Plant Trail. You will be surprised by the peaceful Morrison Pond - brimming with cattails, spirea and lily pads. You'll often see and hear Red-winged blackbirds, Violet green swallows, Buffleheads, and even the occasional Great blue heron perched high in a fir tree towering over the pond. -
NC Dungeness River Nature Center
WebsiteSatellite ViewThe Dungeness River Audubon Center is intended to enable residents, students and visitors to enjoy and understand the unique natural character of the Olympic Peninsula, with special focus on the Dungeness River and watershed… -
NC Seward Park Environmental & Audubon Center
WebsiteSatellite ViewThe Seward Park Environmental & Audubon Center is part of national Audubon’s vision to make conservation the path to a better future by building a constituency as diverse as nature to help protect nature…. -
NC Tacoma
WebpageSatellite ViewThe Tacoma Nature Center is a 71-acre nature preserve encompassing Snake Lake and the surrounding wetlands and forest. Stroll nature trails to experience native birds, animals and plants. Join in exciting nature programs and summer day camps. Visit our collection of small animals including an observation beehive! -
NRCA Woodard Bay
InformationSatellite ViewWoodard Bay Natural Resources Conservation Area is a natural reserve in Olympia, Washington protected under the Washington Natural Areas Program. Once an important processing facility for the logging industry, it has been designated as the Weyerhaeuser South Bay Log Dump Rural Historic Landscape. Today the area is a renowned sanctuary for a variety of birds, harbor seals, river otters, bald eagles, and a colony of bats, as well as serving as an important great blue heron rookery.[2] A recent conservation program in the area between the State of Washington and the Nature Conservancy is the first of its kind in the country. -
NWR Nisqually
WebpageSatellite ViewNisqually National Wildlife Refuge Complex includes Billy Frank Jr. Nisqually and Grays Harbor National Wildlife Refuges. -
NWR Ridgefield
WebsiteSatellite ViewRidgefield NWR has a total of 5,150 acres of marshes, grasslands, and woodlands. Preservation of the natural Columbia River floodplain is the management objective of the Carty (2-mile self guided hiking trail) Roth and Ridgeport Dairy units. The River 'S' (4.2 mile auto tour route and 1.2 mile seasonal hiking trail) and Bachelor Island units are managed to maximize habitat for waterfowl and other wetland wildlife. -
NWR San Juan Islands
InformationSatellite ViewThe habitats of the various islands range from small rocks to larger grassy or forested islands, some with high cliffs that provide nesting sites for a large variety of marine birds. -
NWR Willapa
WebpageSatellite ViewUnique among National Wildlife Refuges, Willapa encompasses a broad diversity of habitats. Hundreds of plant and animal species use habitat protected by this refuge, including a number of endangered species. Over 200 bird species...
Birding Washington State
InformationWashington offers tremendous birding opportunities; the state checklist includes approximately 500 species. Scenic landscapes and habitats vary from seacoast to rainforest to rugged mountains to a semi-arid inland sea of sagebrush. This website organizes information from a variety of sources to help the traveler plan trips throughout the state. -
Washington Dashboard
SightingsThe Birder's Dashboard displays recent eBird sightings in an easy to use format. This dashboard covers Washington. -
Washington Rare Bird Alert
Facebook PageThis group is for sharing sightings of rare birds seen in Washington State, on a state-wide level and more locally (counties, general regions, etc). I hope that this group will help the birders of Washington be better informed about local rarities! -
Western Washington Birders
Discussion GroupFor birders of all levels to share information and ask questions about wild birds in Western Washington and nearby birding hotspots. Please note that only local (Pacific Northwest) birders or people with a... -
eBird Washington Rare Bird Alert
SightingsThe report below shows observations of rare birds in Washington.
Experience Olympic
Local Tour OperatorOlympic National Park Guided Birding Tours -
Bird Treks
Tour OperatorBird Treks has been providing small group and custom birding tours for over 20 years. Visit their website to see the incredible tours available, including Mount Rainier and a full day pelagic with Westport Pelagics! -
Birding Ecotours
Tour Operator...On Mount Rainier, the highest point in Washington, we will look for White-tailed Ptarmigan, Sooty Grouse, Clark’s Nutcracker, and American Dipper. Lower habitats are good for MacGillivray’s Warbler, Olive-sided Flycatcher, and Varied Thrush... -
Kaiyote Tours
Local Tour OperatorWe organize birding and nature tours throughout Washington State. Scroll down to view Washington State Birding and Nature Tours. We offer a complete range of activities and tours in Olympic National Park. Please go to that page for more info on tours within Olympic National Park. -
Marriott Bonvoy Tours
Local Tour OperatorExperience Seattle's local birdlife with our birdwatching tours in the Washington Park Arboretum! Led by a professional ornithologist and instructor of the ornithology course at the University of Washington, our three-hour morning walks offer an opportunity to observe and learn about the diverse avian species in this urban oasis. -
Naturalist Journeys
Tour OperatorMay is a grand time to explore the Olympic Peninsula! Birds are active, flowers burst into bloom, and seabirds are beginning to nest. Our guides share their in-depth knowledge as they lead you through mountains, ocean, forests, meadows, glaciers, and coastal habitats within Washington’s Olympic National Park. Visit lands of the adjacent Makah Nation, two national wildlife refuges, and more. -
San Juan Safaris
Local Tour OperatorCharter one of our boats for a Birding Safari which is 3 - 4 hours in search of birds and wildlife in obscure coves and backwaters of the San Juan Islands. -
Sea Quest Expeditions
Local Tour OperatorWashington state is famous for its spectacular scenery and wonderful bird watching tour opportunities. The variety of bird habitats, from ocean coast and inland waterways to mountain peaks, and from rainforests to deserts, can be astounding. Washington birding trips can be very rewarding as many bird species are found here in greater numbers than any place else on the continent, including several that are rare and endangered. From Bald Eagles to Hutton’s Vireos, Laysan Albatross to Hermit Warblers, Spotted Owls to Marbled Murrelets: one can begin a love affair with bird-watching in Washington. -
Seattle Birding Eco Tours
Local Tour OperatorSeattle Birding Eco Tours take you around Skagit Valley’s farm fields and the Fir Island Farm Snow Goose Reserve in search of the thousands of snow geese & smaller flocks of tundra and trumpeter swans. They move from field to field throughout the day and from day to day. -
Tropical Birding Tours
Tour OperatorWashington, the “Evergreen state” is rightly famed for its dramatic scenery, but is often overlooked as a premier destination for bird photography. This photo tour combines the Olympic Peninsula, with its yawning miles of coastlines and forests bordering this, with a trip into the east of Washington, where forested highlands, mountain lakes, riparian patches and rolling hills will be on the agenda. -
Westport Seabirds Offshore Trips
Local Tour Operator - PelagicsJoin us in the 2018 Season for one of our all day pelagic birdwatching trips to one of several deep water submarine canyons that are 30 nautical miles from the mouth of Grays Harbor, on the edge of the North American continental shelf. The outer half of the shelf and the Canyons support a vast array of marine life. In addition to regular species like Black-footed Albatross and Fork-tailed Storm-Petrel, our trips feature seasonal species such as Laysan Albatross, Flesh-footed, Short-tailed, and Buller’s Shearwaters, and South Polar Skua among many other offshore species. You may wish to choose one of our mid-summer trips that leave at 5:30 am. when we will take you a little further offshore looking for Leach’s Storm-Petrel. -
Wildside Nature Tours
Tour OperatorThis 7-day tour of Washington’s Olympic Peninsula focuses on the Pacific Northwest’s most iconic avian specialties and visits some of the most scenic places in the Lower 48!
2016 [02 February] - Terry & Karen McEneaney - Pacific Northwest
Report...Bird sighting highlights for the tour included Eurasian Wigeon, Long-tailed Duck, Barrow’s Goldeneye, Red-throated and Pacific loons, Cackling Goose, Black Turnstone, Surfbird, Lesser Yellowlegs, Rhinoceros Auklet, Short-eared Owl, Anna’s Hummingbird, Thayer’s Gull, Mew Gull, Bonaparte’s Gull, Chestnut-backed Chickadee, Western Scrub Jay, Northwestern Crow, Pacific Wren, Varied Thrush, Hutton’s Vireo, Golden-crowned Sparrow, Red Crossbill, Purple Finch, and surprising female Common Yellowthroat... -
2017 [06 June] - Bob Sundstrom
PDF ReportThe morning of the fourth day of our 2017 Spring in the Washington Cascades tour found us at the foot of a canyon in the Entiat Mountains, just where the canyon opens to the massive Columbia River... -
2018 [06 June] - Woody Wheeler - Washington’s Olympic Peninsula
PDF ReportAnnotated species list... -
2019 [06 June] - Woody Wheeler
PDF ReportThe woods were full of song from Swainson’s Thrush, Song Sparrows, American Robins, Yellow Warblers, and Blackheaded Grosbeak. It was hard to get good looks through the dense tree canopy, but ultimately, we did see Swainson’s Thrush, Willow Flycatcher, Western Wood Pewee, Common Yellowthroat and Yellow Warbler. -
2019 [08 August] - Christian Hagenlocher
PDF Report...Recently fledged Bald Eagles were quite vocal as we sorted through swarms of swallows, finding Barn, Tree, Violet-green, American Cliff, and Northern Rough-winged Swallows and a handful of Purple Martins and Sand Martins (Bank Swallows)... -
2021 [05 May] - Steve Shunk
PDF ReportPacific Coast, temperate rainforest, inland waters, and the alpine zone; we covered it all in our circumnavigation of the Olympic Peninsula this spring. Throughout the trip, we enjoyed a plethora of western specialty birds along with the tail end of northern migrants on their way to Arctic breeding grounds. We also experienced nine days of stellar weather—quite a surprise in this region known for its drenching rainfall. From gigantic conifers to glaciercovered peaks, we tallied 149 bird species and 15 different mammals. Here are the highlights of our adventures -
2022 [02 February] - Steve Shunk
PDF ReportWe prepared for a rainy trip to the Pacific Northwest—and we got sunshine and lots of birds. This was my 10th winter tour to the Skagit Valley, and the region continues to support a great birding experience. We saw hundreds of Trumpeter Swans, Buffleheads, Bald Eagles, and Marbled Murrelets; plus thousands of American Wigeon and thousands of Snow Geese. We watched a Gray Whale at Rosario Head and Harbor Porpoises at Admiralty Inlet. And we tasted some of the best seafood on the planet. Here are the highlights—from Blaine to Sequim—of our winter adventure in northwestern Washington. -
2022 [08 August] - Steve Shunk
PDF Report“Smashing success” describes well our first fall trip to southwestern coastal Washington. This was a ‘Surf & Turf’, tour, with four-and-a-half days on land and two full days at sea exploring the waters over submarine Gray’s Canyon. We timed the trip for the peak of shorebird and seabird migrations, and we tallied over 130 bird species, more than 75 of which were water birds, including 21 shorebirds, nine ‘tubenoses’, and five Alcids. We scored on two major rarities: Bartailed Godwit (annual in the region) and an amazing Hawaiian Petrel (4th record for Washington!). -
2023 [05 May] - Carolyn Wilcox
PDF ReportWe enjoyed a good trip with 135 bird species observed, one of which was new for the tour route. Highlights included 25 different waterfowl and 10 shorebird species; almost daily Surf Scoter, Rufous Hummingbird, Black Oystercatcher, Pigeon Guillemot, Common Loon, Pelagic Cormorant, Bald Eagle, Steller’s Jay and Pacific Wren sightings; 12 different mammal species including a new trip mammal – a beaver; and many northwest wildflowers. Hurricane Ridge was closed, which impacted our total species count. -
2024 [05 May] - Greg Butcher
PDF Report...We had great looks at a California Quail in a tree and fleeting looks at a California Scrub-Jay even before the walk began. There were lots of heard-only birds on this walk, including Warbling Vireo and Western Tanager... -
2024 [09 September] - Stephen Grace
PDF ReportOur Olympic Peninsula Fall Explorer tour coincided with the peak of fall migration, offering us a front-row seat to the seasonal movement of birds. We saw Heermann’s Gull and Brown Pelican just before they departed for the south, while species like American Widgeon and Western Sandpiper arrived in great numbers, settling in for the winter. Thousands of migrating California Gulls carpeted the water with white as they rested. When flushed by raptors, they rose into the sky in a flurry of wings, a breathtaking spectacle of movement and light.
Bird Watching Hotspots in Walla Walla Vicinity
WebsiteThe delta is fast becoming one of the hottest birding spots in Eastern Washington. Spring and fall migrations bring thousands of shorebirds to this ever-increasing delta area. Some of the better state records are now being seen at the delta. The one drawback is the erratic decisions by the PUDs upriver on the Columbia and their drawdowns on water. You never know how exposed the mudflats will be. The best place to view the delta is difficult to find. Going north on Highway 12 from the junction, watch for a left turning (rough road) just past the bridge over the Walla Walla River -
Birding Washington State
WebsiteWashington offers tremendous birding opportunities; the state checklist includes approximately 500 species. Scenic landscapes and habitats vary from seacoast to rainforest to rugged mountains to a semi-arid inland sea of sagebrush. This website organizes information from a variety of sources to help the traveler plan trips throughout the state. -
The Great Washington State Birding Trail
WebpageAlong the Great Washington State Birding Trail, you’ll find the best places for the best bird watching in the Evergreen State. Described in full-color maps with original artwork by Ed Newbold, birds are identified along seven routes, plus descriptions of habitat, access, and when to go.
Brendan McGarry - Wingtrip
BLOGBrendan McGarry’s exploration of the natural world through photography & writing with a decidedly avian bent…
Artist - Don Wesley
GalleryStrange and intesting bird paintings